Implementation of Bitrix24 CRM: setup, preparation of instructions, training. Implementation of CRM Bitrix24 CRM Bitrix: general information

Please note that posts can be liked and commented on. You can unsubscribe from notifications associated with a message, add to favorites. The message creator can add record recipients, edit, delete, or create a task.

All this is available by clicking on the More button.

Let's take advantage of the suggestion and create a task.

We receive a notification that the task has been created and we can proceed to manage it.

This is what a task looks like in the Bitrix24 system:

Please note that you can directly add the text of the task to the checklist line. That's what we did.

In addition, you can specify the group of employees for which the task is intended.

In the “Company” section you can add employees and edit the company structure.

This is what the Settings section looks like.

Conclusion: Well thought out functionality. I liked the tips in the system. Everything is intuitive and easy.

Description of functionality


Working with a deal

Add deals, manage, track statistics


SIP telephony

Chat and video


Task management

Deadline control, delegation, reports, time tracking by task, task templates, checklists, employee engagement




Photo galleries

Business processes

Setting up payment of bills, applications for vacation and business trips, accounting for outgoing documents, receiving estimated advances and other tasks.

Set a task, comment, like

E-mail client

Mail in the Bitrix24 domain, link another mail

Interface setup

Access rights

To work groups, departments, documents, contacts, CRM and almost all elements of the system


Invoices, advance reports

Sales funnel

Work with documents

Collaboration with documents, discussion of documents

Company structure, employee profiles, surveys, security


431 ready-made applications


Android, iOS, Windows, Mac

Set a company logo


Tariff/Tariff characteristics Project Project+ Team


not limited

not limited

not limited

Not limited

For free

904 rubles per month

4552 rubles per month

9112 rubles per month

Cloud location

Not limited

Business users

not limited

Not limited

Open lines

Not limited

Business processes

Time tracking

Working time reports

Work reports to the manager

Meetings and planning sessions


2 funnels

Not limited


Not limited

Not limited

Custom fields

Automation of business processes

Tariffs have been worked out. They differ both in functionality and in the number of users.

Comparison with other tariffs

Service name/
AmoCrm Bitrix24 Freshoffice Megaplan Mango Office Terrasoft Yoolla

Number of tariffs

Cost of the most expensive tariff

1499 rubles per month (number of users is not limited)

9112 rubles per month (number of users is not limited)

750 rubles per month for 1 user

629 rubles per month (number of users is not limited)

4500 rubles per month for 12 users

Over 82,000 rubles per month for 30 users

300 rubles per month for 1 user

Cost of the cheapest tariff

499 rubles per month (number of users unlimited)

Free (number of users unlimited)

750 rubles per month for one user

279 rubles per month (number of users is not limited)

2000 rubles per month for 6 users

980 rubles per month for 1 user

What you need to know to stay ahead of your competitors:

  • how to quickly implement CRM,
  • How to work with clients in CRM,

    What are the settings for deals and multi-funnels?

    How to work with online accounts,

    How to distribute access rights,

    What are business processes,

    How a mobile app improves your efficiency.

What is omnichannel CRM?

There are different ways to conduct sales and negotiate with clients: by phone or in instant messenger, on a social network or through a website form, by email or in person. While interacting, you accumulate data about the client, about meetings held, use some services, and as a result, the information is stored separately. But to all this you can connect a CRM, which will automatically collect and save all the information received for you.
CRM is an essential part , and it is closely interconnected with other portal services. Thanks to this, for example, when setting a task, you can immediately indicate which client it is associated with. In addition, you can attach documents or customer cards to CRM and set up business processes for processing incoming or outgoing leads. There is also a full connection with telephony, which allows you to record all telephone conversations with clients.

Connecting connectors and collecting data

For CRM to become your indispensable assistant, it must be connected and configured correctly. Where to begin? First, you need to select connectors - services through which you will receive contact information of your potential clients. The first one is email.

Email connection

On the left in the menu bar, select “CRM”, go to “Mail” and on the page that opens, select the last tab “Mail services”:

You will see a list of email services that can be connected to your CRM.
Select the service where the mail through which you correspond with clients is located, and on the open page:
  • enter your mailbox login and password,
  • Check the box next to the “Link to CRM” option

    Check the box next to the “Collect data for...” option: please note that here you choose the period for which data will be collected from your mailbox. (Note: You can get data for the entire time only if you have a top tariff; by default, “3 days” is selected),

    Enter a list of addresses that need to be excluded from processing and do not need to be entered into CRM,

    Click the "Connect" button.

After a short time (up to five minutes), all data received from your mailbox is loaded into the “Leads” section. Remember that a Lead is not a client card yet, but information that you can “catch on to” and get a client in the future. Simply put, a Lead is a cold contact that still needs to be worked on.

Connecting social networks and instant messengers

Another popular and modern way to communicate with potential clients: social networks and instant messengers. This is convenient for the client, but not always convenient for you, since all information is stored separately, and in order to access it, you need to enter into dialogues with clients on social networks or instant messengers again and again. Of course, you can manually transfer data to CRM, but this will be a waste of the manager’s time. It’s much easier to immediately connect CRM to your social network page or messenger.
To do this, in the “Company” section in the menu on the left, go to the “Open Lines” subsection. On the page that opens, select “Create a new line.” You will see a page that you need to fill out and configure:

Using fine-tuning of an open line, you can set automatic lead creation, assign responsible employees, configure the priority and distribution of messages between employees, select the necessary actions when processing unanswered messages, set up the working hours of an open line (for example, from 8.00 to 17.00), etc. d.
Enter the name of the open line so that in the future you can see where the client came from. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the required communication channel from those available in the list (online chat, Telegram, Vkontakte, Facebook, Network 2.0, Viber - the list will be gradually updated), for example, “Vkontakte”:

To connect to a social network, you need to be an authorized user. After you click the “Connect” button, you will see a list of groups where you are an administrator, and you will be able to choose: connect a personal page or a group (public page). In the dialog box that opens, allow the portal to access messages on the public page.
The main advantage of this integration is that you can instantly respond to client messages, since you receive them directly in the business chat, and your client sees the response on a social network or instant messenger.

Please note that in business chat you have several additional features. At the top, where the contact details are indicated, there are two hint indicators: CRM - means that this contact has already been entered as a lead, and an icon of the social network or messenger from which you are receiving the message.
You can:
  • invite another interlocutor into the dialogue - a company employee, who will be able to see all previous correspondence with the client, even if he joined in the middle or end of the conversation,
  • forward the current conversation to another employee,
  • pin the conversation so you don’t have to search in the chat contact list in the future,
  • go to CRM to view client data,
  • end the dialogue
  • view message history.
You can also enable hidden dialogue mode by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the chat dialog box. In this mode, you can discuss the question with an employee before giving an answer to the client, while the client himself will not see your correspondence. In addition, you can send documents and images, emoticons, etc.

Phone connection

In order for your CRM to be replenished with telephone numbers of potential clients, use the “Telephony” service. To do this, select the appropriate menu item on the left and go to the “Number Management” page, where you can choose the method convenient for you:

You can:
  • link your number - the corporate number you already have,
  • rent a number from an operator,
  • connect your own PBX.
Let's consider one of the most popular options - “Rent a room”. Click on the “Connect” button in the corresponding window. You will have the opportunity to select a number for the country, and if you are in Russia, then for each city. After the number appears, next to it you will have a “Set up number” button, where you can:
  • process the extension number,
  • check the number in the CRM database (if the number is found, automatically create a lead),
  • set up a queue
  • configure processing of unanswered calls,
  • enable recording of all calls,
  • include an assessment of service quality,
  • set the working hours of the number,
  • ringtones.
All your calls will be automatically recorded and the recordings themselves will be attached to the lead; later you will be able to listen to them by going to the appropriate menu.

Connecting a form to a website

One of the required elements of the site is a feedback or contact form with the company. It can also be connected to CRM and even created directly on the portal. Go to the “CRM” section and select “CRM forms”. On the page that appears, select “Create Forms.”
All the fields that you fill out in this form are already integrated into the CRM, that is, in the future you will see them in the client card, lead, etc.
Fill in the headings field: the first is your internal one, the second is the one that your potential client will see. Select the required fields in the menu on the side: first and last name, telephone, e-mail, etc.
You can also configure:
  • message color,
  • inscription on the button,
  • appoint a responsible employee who will process this data,
  • what to do with this data (create a lead, client, deal, offer, invoice),
  • required fields to fill in,
  • background and type of form,
  • license agreement or rules (for example, consent to the processing of personal data),
  • actions after filling out the form: if the form is successfully filled out (for example, say “thank you”), redirect to the previous page, if the form is filled out unsuccessfully (indicate what to do).
After saving the form, you need to make it active - on the form creation page, enable the mishker. When a form is filled out by a customer, a lead is created, or a customer is entered, the responsible employee is notified.
Also, when creating a form, you not only receive a link to its web version, which you can provide to your client, but also below in the “Links and Codes” section - a code for inserting the form into your existing website. All you need to do is copy the script and paste it into the code of your site.

Connection 1C

You also have the opportunity to transfer your clients from 1C. To do this, select “1C-Bitrix24” in the menu on the left and follow the prompts of the connection wizard that will appear on the page that opens. You will need:
  • download and install the “1C + Bitrix24” module,
  • connect 1C with as shown in the master picture,
  • enter the specified key,
  • fill in two fields.
This is a one-way connector: data is transferred only from 1C to , everything that you will fill out in the future in the opposite direction, that is, in 1C, will not be entered automatically. There is a separate integration of 1C and , which works both ways. This feature is available on upper tariffs.
These are the most common connectors, the list of which will gradually expand and be supplemented. You can also manually fill in actions that were performed in various services, for example, specify a meeting: date, time and result. In the future, you will be able to view this information in the client card and lead, if one has been created.

Working with contacts in CRM

After setting up the connectors, your CRM will gradually be filled with contacts, which, depending on the settings specified, can be leads, contacts, companies, deals, offers or invoices. Later, by going to the appropriate section, you can set up a contact card. Cards in CRM are completely customizable, that is, you choose the fields you need and give them names. To do this, go to edit the contact and click on the “Add field” button at the very bottom of the page.
CRM allows you to convert a lead into a contact (for working with individuals) or a company (for working with legal entities), a deal, proposals and invoices. To do this, open the lead and in the right corner click on the arrow next to the “Create based on” item. Select the required action from the drop-down menu.

After this, a client or company card will appear in the corresponding CRM tabs (depending on the action you chose). After which you can edit the card, add a deal or offer to a contact or company, and issue an invoice.
When conducting a transaction, you can set its status, which will indicate what stage it is at. You choose the stages of the transaction yourself in the settings. To do this, in the upper right corner, click on the “Add direction” button, select the required transaction, go to “More”, “Directories” and select those steps and transaction statuses. In the future, when you create a deal, you will already have the name of the deal in the menu at the top and by clicking on the plus sign, you will create exactly the deal that is required.

View statistics

A convenient way to analyze your transactions is multi-funnels. To clearly see what stage the transactions are at, go to the “Reports” tab.

Use filters and set the period for which you want to view statistics. Reports in the form of multi-funnels can be viewed for all sections of CRM (leads, contacts, companies, offers, deals, accounts).

Invoicing in CRM

Once you've processed the lead, converted it to a contact or company, and followed up on it, you reach a deal or offer. The logical conclusion of a transaction or the implementation of an offer is a sale, one of the stages of which is issuing an invoice. To issue invoices to your clients and companies, you need to complete basic settings: fill in the details.
Click the More button and select Settings and Payment Methods. On the page that appears, enter all the necessary data (if you have different accounts for legal entities and individuals, you can set up two different payment methods).
On the page that appears, you fill in your bank details, add a logo, facsimile and scanned print and save. Once your template is saved and all data is entered correctly, go to the invoices tab.

Go to the list of invoices and click on the “Invoice” button.
On the page that opens, fill in the fields:
  • topic (what is the payment for),
  • status,
  • payer (company or contact from the list),
  • payment method (for example, bank transfer),
  • select a product from the catalog.
And be sure to save your score.
You can print the finished invoice, save it as PDF, or send it by e-mail.
You can also get a link to the generated invoice and provide it to your client. The main convenience is that the client can not only save and print such an online invoice, but also pay through the payment service you have connected.
You can connect and configure a payment service for paying online bills in the CRM settings – “Payment methods”. In the same place where you entered bank details for payment (for bank transfer), you can select “Yandex.Money” and “PayPal”. On the page that opens, fill out all the fields yourself: you can receive information from payment systems.
You can also link invoicing to a CRM form. Go to create a CRM form and add fields from the “Account” category to the contact fields (first name, last name, phone number, email). After filling out this form, the client will immediately receive an invoice for payment through the selected payment system.

Distribution of access rights to different CRM elements

When company managers perform different functions and have different responsibilities, it is important to distribute access rights between them. Go to the CRM settings, select “Rights”, “Access Rights”. On the page that opens, you can configure the rights for each manager in accordance with his role: manager, head of department, director, general director. You can also add a role yourself.
By choosing a role, for example, “Manager,” you can flexibly and finely configure access rights for each manager who works with leads, deals, companies, offers, and contacts in a specially designed interface.

By choosing a value for CRM entities, you can allow a manager to see his own and other people's transactions, add, change, delete, export and import entities - both his and other managers. Thanks to the variety of settings options, you can combine managers, for example, if you have several employees working together. You can also restrict access to certain features.

CRM Automation

One of the main advantages of CRM is that its work can be automated. For example, set up the automatic creation of tasks when a lead appears or set up the distribution of transactions between your managers (for example, up to a certain amount of clients is served by one employee, and above that by another). To do this, go to the CRM settings, select “Automation” – “Business Processes”. You can set up business processes for leads, contacts, company and deal. In the designer, you create a business process template, according to which, when a new lead appears, your employee is automatically assigned a task
Business processes are available only on the upper cloud tariffs .

Mobile app

As a rule, not all employees have the opportunity to constantly be near a computer during the working day: field trips, meetings with clients, etc. A mobile application will help you always stay in touch, communicate with clients and fully manage your CRM. .
The mobile version allows you to perform the same actions in CRM as the full PC version: create and process leads, conduct transactions, issue invoices, view statistics and analyze employee performance.

Thus, the CRM system will become your reliable assistant in running your business. Everything will be collected and conveniently structured in it: the history of correspondence with the client, important information (contact information, notes on negotiations, etc.), transaction statuses, conversation records. You will be able to issue invoices and monitor their payment, analyze transactions for a selected period and distribute roles between managers, and even automate work using business processes. A mobile application will help you constantly monitor the work of your team. significantly saves your time, unites customers and counterparties into a large database, allows you to quickly respond to customer requests and analyze the entire company.

Now Bitrix 24 rightfully deserves the status of the core of our business. It houses our sales department and production department. This article will be useful to those who have not yet implemented, but are planning to implement Bitrix 24 in their company.

To begin with, I will tell you how we realized that we needed to implement Bitrix 24. At that time there were no such terms in our heads as “corporate portal” and “CRM system”; there was awareness that we needed to work differently. And this awareness came in two waves.

First level of understanding - production. He came when we had many projects and it was a complete mess, without any consistency or logic. Many tasks were forgotten, others were not completed completely. It was necessary to establish order and control over the execution of tasks.

Second level of awareness - sales. There was complete chaos in sales, even though we kept our entire client base in Google Dox (an alternative to an Excel file, available for online editing). Up to a certain stage, this file fully fulfilled its function, but when the client base expands and the sales department grows, then it is impossible to do without a CRM system.

More than half a year passed between these two waves.

Bitrix 24 has a lot of different features (from corporate chat to a mobile application), but the most important thing and what actually creates the core of our company is:

  • CRM system Bitrix 24 implemented in the sales department
  • Project management, which is entirely managed by our company's production department.


First, we optimized the work of the production department through “Task Management” in Bitrix 24. Almost a year after implementation, this is what I can say:

Using this function, we were able to fully calculate the efficiency of each employee and department as a whole. We were able to see many disadvantages in our work. One of the main conclusions was that for ¼ of a month we make edits, changes, and improvements in website development. And the most important thing is that this is not paid for by anyone. This means that we work for ¼ of the month for free.

To avoid this, we realized that it is important to charge money for each edit, to sell our services correctly (by writing down all the details in the technical specifications and outlining the project in detail). This allowed us to increase the company’s profit by 25%, reduce unpaid work to 0, and reduce the risks of project evaluation by almost 3 times.

Purely for this reason, without dozens of other such discoveries in production, we are grateful to Bitrix 24.

There are also disadvantages:

These are the two most important points, and when Bitrix solves them, it will be a quantum leap for us in project management.


I left this to the very last point because I want to focus your attention on this.

The core of the sales department is its CRM system. The entire sales department may change, but your clients will remain with you (provided you do a good job).

CRM system from English. translated as system customer relationship management. And this is not only sales, but also marketing (I’ll tell you a secret, but in Bitrix 24 you can implement this too).

I can immediately say that when you start implementing Bitrix 24 in your company, you will spend the most time on implementing CRM.

The fact is that the basic Bitrix CRM system is templated and each company has its own business processes, sales stages and specifics. Based on this, we have been implementing a CRM system for 5 months and are constantly improving it, and I now understand that in order to achieve the ideal, we need to spend the same amount of time (most likely, when we implement this, this idea will repeat itself). This does not mean that after at least a year it will be possible to start working in it, just that each new change will optimize the work and help you work even more efficiently.

Conclusion from all of the above: get ready for a big project that you will need to delve into and get inspired by.

Where to begin?

Actually, this is the whole process of implementing Bitrix 24.

Finally, I’ll add a couple of “TOPs”, using which you can halve the time frame for implementing CRM:

TOP 3 mistakes during implementation

  1. Non-participation in the implementation of key persons of the company
  2. Unstable business processes in the sales department
  3. Errors in estimating implementation timelines and budgets

TOP 1 difficulties that you will encounter during implementation

Based on the experience of our clients, we can say the following: there is often resistance from the team to the new system.

TOP 1 advice for implementation

We are currently implementing Bitrix 24 on a turnkey basis.

To order, leave a request or call right now!

Tasks and projects in Bitrix 24

With Bitrix24 you can completely automate your company's work. Checklists and task templates, a document and filter designer - a huge number of convenient tools will help you make your company's work even more efficient. Assign tasks to your subordinates, evaluate work, take into account the time spent, plan deadlines in the Gantt chart. Develop a motivation system based on reports. Schedule meetings with clients and planning meetings on calendars. You will always know what your employees are doing and where your team is going.

Collaboration with documents in Bitrix24

Documents are created to be worked with—changes made, supplemented, corrected. Therefore, organizing work with documents is very important for the overall efficiency of the company. Discuss, make edits, view the history of changes, use smart search, coordinate and approve documents directly in your Bitrix24.
With Bitrix 24 you can save a lot because you no longer need to purchase office software! Cloud file storage Bitrix24.Disk is integrated with GoogleDocs and OfficeOnline and allows several employees to simultaneously work with documents directly in the browser.

Planning in Bitrix24

Do you want your company's time planning process to become simple and effective? Combine personal calendars of employees and work groups - and tasks - on one calendar grid. Turn on reminders about upcoming events - the system will remind you of them.
The absence schedule will help you plan vacations in the company so that the absence of employees does not affect the overall work.
Hold meetings and planning sessions, invite participants, set a time and place for the meeting. Participants see the planning meeting agenda and add reports independently. The results of the discussion are recorded in the minutes, and following the meeting, tasks are immediately assigned to employees.

Bitrix 24 business processes

Bitrix 24 provides simple and convenient creation and management of business processes in any organization. You can work with standard operations or customize your own. Payment of invoices, accounting of internal and outgoing documentation, processing of applications, invoices - now these operations will not take extra time. Using the settings, you can adjust the operation of the system according to the internal routine and operating mode. Never before has business automation been so accessible; Bitrix24 business processes significantly increase the efficiency of company employees.

CRM in Bitrix 24

CRM Bitrix24 is a convenient system for managing relationships with clients, partners and suppliers, the key to excellent sales and increased business efficiency. Store contacts, write letters and make calls, conduct transactions, issue invoices and analyze the “sales funnel” in the Bitrix24 CRM, while the CRM system records the entire history of your interaction. The Bitrix24 CRM system provides endless opportunities for building long-term relationships and satisfying any requests of your clients.

For 12 employees you can use the Bitrix24 CRM system for free. If this is not enough, use our Bitrix24 promo code

Bitrix24 CRM is easily configured to work in any company, has an intuitive interface and convenient presentation modes in the form of lists and kanban.

CRM marketing in Bitrix24

Create websites and landing pages in a simple and convenient website builder Bitrix24 to promote goods, services, events, for your company or for customers.
The Bitrix24 website does not need to be specially integrated with CRM; it has already been created within the CRM. All contacts of clients who write to you from the site or call you are immediately entered into the CRM and are used by managers.
Choose a theme, easily change texts, backgrounds, images, add the ready-made blocks you need from the catalog. You will immediately see how the site will look on a computer, tablet, or smartphone; the site is adapted for all resolutions and devices. It is SEO-adapted and ready for indexing by search engines.
Bitrix24 websites are hosted free of charge in the domain. You can also link any of your domains to the site!

Mobile app

With the help of a CRM system, a manager and a potential client make a “journey” from a Lead to a completed Transaction. CRM includes all features for customer relationship management: contact management, customer interaction management, management of concluded and potential transactions.
CRM contains tools for creating reports, importing/exporting contacts, analyzing and segmenting the target audience. Based on the data obtained from CRM, you can distribute lists of potential clients between sales department managers, plan promotions and subsequently analyze their effectiveness.


Lead(interest) - potential deal, demonstrated interest, “lead”. This is an implicit, still “ghost” contact, received in any way - for example, someone called the company, gave their business card, filled out a form when downloading product distributions, etc. Leads can be entered by company employees (processing forms, questionnaires, etc.) or through web services on the website - automatically loaded from forms into CRM for further processing. A lead may contain information about a potential Contact (phone number, address, e-mail). A lead can be assigned a responsibility and a status that determines how this lead will be further promoted in CRM. The lead must eventually convert to Contact, Company, Deal.

The lead is promoted in CRM according to some defining rules, the main one of which is “You have received a lead - you need to process it.” How to process? Call, send a price list, go to the office for a meeting, hold a webinar for him, invite him to a seminar. If a lead converts to a contact, you should assume that they are ready to make a deal.


Any transaction begins with establishing contact with an individual or a person representing a company. Contact in CRM this is customer data or “personified lead”. The system allows you to view the list of existing contacts and add new contacts to the database. You can import ready-made contacts from a CSV file and, conversely, upload your list, not only to a CSV file, but also to Excel and Outlook files.

configurable: You can select only the required columns for display, sort by some field, and set the sorting direction. Frequently used presets can be saved as ready-made views and then selected from a list. Available for any contact directly from the list actions: Each element can be viewed or edited, an event or deal can be attached to it, or deleted.

For search contacts there is a special panel where you can select first name, last name, e-mail or phone as search parameters, set the company and type of contact, and also specify the date and time the contact was changed accurate to seconds. Any given set of search parameters can be saved and then selected from the list of available filters.

View profile contact directly from your contact list or search results. The profile contains complete information about each entry - contact information, information about the company the contact represents, and events associated with it.


Typically, each contact is associated with one or more companies that it represents. You can view the entire list of companies available in CRM and, just like with contacts, perform any available actions on them.

Company- a more capacious entity in CRM, since it contains contacts, transactions, and all events related to them. In the company profile you can find not only information about the organization, such as its name, addresses, telephone numbers, annual turnover, number of employees, etc., but also, for example, find out which lead “generated” this company (from which lead this record was converted), or which manager created this record manually. That is, the company card displays all the information necessary to work with it.

To search for the desired company, use a special panel that works the same way as in contacts. Like contacts, companies can import from the finished CSV file. A unload From CRM the list of companies can be converted into CSV and Excel files.


Transactions- this is the ultimate goal and desired result of the entire customer relationship management system. Transaction - a possible relationship with a client, a potential sale, a completed contract, etc. In CRM, transactions can be viewed, edited, and exported. The deal can be added manually by the manager, through the service (API) or when converting a lead. When a transaction is processed, it goes through sequentially configured stages.

To work with transactions, you can set up processing rules. Filtering the list, searching and exporting deals - everything works in the same way as in companies.


Events are the various actions your marketing and sales teams perform on CRM entities. All these actions can be reflected in CRM by adding events. You can add an event to a contact, a company, or a deal. Moreover, you can do this directly from the lists of these entities by selecting “Add event” from the context menu of the entry. The same can be done on the detailed view page (in the profile) of a contact, company or deal.

You can only view the list of events, including details, and delete unnecessary entries from there. Like other CRM lists, there is a built-in search with an advanced filter.

Reports - sales funnel

Reports- one of the most important parts of the CRM system, since it is the reports that allow you to analyze the effectiveness of all work with clients and adjust it at certain stages. CRM has a wizard for creating reports on all entities with grouping and intersections. Graphs are built for all reports.

A sales funnel is a report that visually displays the quantitative ratio of all transactions at different stages. At your disposal for analysis are tables-reports of two types of transactions.

Deals that have been completed or are potentially being pursued:

Trades that failed:

Failed trades

Looking at the sales funnel, you will immediately see how many deals are being processed, and how many of them are at the stages of clarifying information and commercial proposals, and how many are in the process of negotiations, and, finally, how many deals have already been concluded. Each stage is displayed visually in the form of colored bars, the length of which corresponds to the quantity and percentage of transactions at these stages. For each stage, the amount of transactions in rubles is also displayed.

Group sending of letters

You can use a filter to select a group of CRM elements and immediately send a message to everyone. You can select one element directly from the list of elements and send it a message using the “Send letter” command from the element menu. Sent messages will be linked to Events of the selected elements. Mail notifications in CRM possible
at different stages of processing.

Linking to information block elements

CRM supports integration with custom fields and “Binding to information block sections”. You can link one of the CRM elements to some element or section of the information block. As a result, some video, document or extended description of a case will become tied to, say, a certain company.

Advanced Permissions

With expanded access rights on the portal, you can very flexibly distribute access to CRM elements among company employees. Access is assigned not just to CRM elements, but to elements in one of the statuses.

Importing contacts from vCard

Contacts in CRM are now possible import from vCard. You send to a special CRM address on the vCard portal - and contacts are created automatically. In this case, all available information from vCard is imported into CRM - all possible fields that can be taken from vCard are filled in.

Contacts' emails are now included in CRM cards, and you can automatically keep yours correspondence with him by email as Event. To do this, forward the received letter to: [email protected] and the system will automatically add the text and attached files as an Event to this contact.

Work scenario:
  • From Microsoft Outlook you select the necessary contacts and send them with a vCard to an address like [email protected].
  • On the corporate portal, a contact is automatically created from each vCard within the CRM.
  • Further, all correspondence with these contacts is collected in the events of CRM elements, if you put in the “To” field and in the copies of letters [email protected].
  • As a result, the CRM stores a history of communication with a given client or partner, even if the discussion took place only by email.

Importing lists from CSV

You can easily and conveniently import into CRM large ready-made contact lists in, companies, leads and deals. To do this, you set the file format in the import settings settings (column separator, for example, semicolon, whether the first line contains headers, whether to skip empty lines) and load CSV file. To successfully import from this file, just select the required fields: First Name and Last Name. All other fields, in order of priority, need to be matched (what is it: home or work phone, fax, e-mail, website, etc.). The data from the CSV will be loaded into the CRM and “decomposed” according to your selection. It should be noted that now in this way you can import into the database large CSV files.


Integration of CRM with portal functionality and website

Integrate your CRM with your online store and web forms to receive leads from your website and process them in your CRM. Integrate CRM with mail, and data from company correspondence will be entered into CRM. Assign transaction processing tasks to your colleagues directly from CRM. Connect business processes to the processing of leads and deals. Use the search by CRM elements to select the necessary data. Create new reports to analyze transactions using the report designer.

Integration with an online store

Integrate your CRM system with your online store on the 1C-Bitrix platform, and process orders directly in CRM. The product delivery includes CRM work with the online store. For the scripts to work, it is enough to “establish” the connection online store ->

You just need to establish a connection between the online store and CRM, and your sales managers will be able to work with orders in the online store directly from the CRM. For example, process and “press” transactions until they are successfully completed and even generate orders for the client - upon call. Managers do everything they need to successfully complete a deal directly in the CRM: record calls, set tasks, schedule meetings, send messages.

Reasons to use CRM

Why do you need to integrate an online store with Bitrix CRM?
  • It is convenient to collect and process in CRM customer base. Your sales managers always have at hand the most complete and up-to-date information on contacts and companies (telephones, addresses, details, email, Skype).
  • Directly from CRM you can manage and “press” deals. With the help of CRM, it's easier for your salespeople to bring a higher percentage of deals to successful completion. This is greatly facilitated by a system for recording all interactions with the client, as well as tools that allow the manager to plan (and remember to carry out) his actions on the transaction.
  • All transaction history and customer interactions are saved in CRM. You can conduct a thorough analysis of clients, managers, and services sold in various sections. For such analysis, CRM has a powerful built-in reporting system.
  • Access rights and privileges in CRM are flexibly configured. Transactions, depending on their properties and amount, will be seen only by those managers who have the right to work with them. In CRM it is very easy to manage both visibility and rights to change transactions - depending on user roles in CRM, subordination, responsibility and other parameters.

What do you need to do to set up the integration?

To integrate, it is enough to establish a connection between the online store and CRM. Your online store has a special "settings" page, which will help you quickly integrate your store with CRM. And if you already have a CRM from 1C-Bitrix, then you can do all this right away.

To set up integration in the administrative part of your online store, just enter data for authorization on the site/portal with your CRM (address, name and password). After this, the system will check the synchronization parameters, perform the initial import of data from the online store and proceed to setting up integration on the CRM side.

Master of Integration of CRM with Online Stores

Connection setup wizard in CRM

  • will configure the connection parameters, automatically taking all the basic data;
  • will configure the parameters of the primary import and perform it within the specified interval;
  • will request regular synchronization parameters: synchronization frequency and default parameters for transactions: probability, responsible, availability, group for notifications;
  • integration complete!

After completing the Wizard, on the CRM integration page in the administrative part of your online store, you will see all currently existing integrations - list. The main one is always available here statistics synchronizations for all integrations. You can integrate your online store with other CRM systems at any time - the “Set up integration with CRM” button is always active. And if you don’t have your own CRM yet, create a free account in , integrate an online store with it and try it all out.

Integration of web forms and CRM

I love it web form on the site you can connect with CRM, and data from this web form will be automatically sent to the CRM “linked” to the site. Website visitors fill out forms on your website, and new leads immediately appear in your CRM.

Linking web forms with CRM

Integration with CRM is installed on a special tab of the “Web Forms” module - “Connection with CRM”. Essentially, here you “link” your corporate portal or account to the site. And you can check the connection at any time.

Setting up module integration

In the integration settings enter:

  • the name of the “linked” portal (there may be several such “links”);
  • CRM server - URL of your portal or Bitrix24;
  • path: address of the page on the server with a special component for integration located on it;
  • activity;
  • authorization: name and password of an employee who has the right to work with CRM on your portal.

Setting up a web form on CRM

Any web form can be configured to transfer data from it to CRM. To do this, in the form parameters use new CRM tab:

  • Choose one of those integrated with the site CRM, if there are several of them. If necessary, we can immediately, in a web form, create a new “link” of the portal with CRM.
  • Choose sending method:
    • automatically- data is transferred to CRM immediately after filling out the form on the website;
    • manually- data is transferred to CRM manually - after viewing all registration results and removing “garbage”.
  • Installed field matching CRM and forms. If the form does not have a field that matches one of the CRM fields, the “Create a new question” option is selected, and such a field is created in the form automatically.

Example. Exporting data to CRM from the “Resume” form

Let's say you set up a form for filling out resumes and vacancies in the above way. The applicant goes to the website and fills out this form.

If the form settings are set to manual submission, the manager responsible for receiving resumes reviews the results of filling out web forms, deletes spam and manually sends them to the necessary records in CRM.

If automatic transmission is set in the form settings, the corresponding leads immediately appear in the CRM.

Default leads from the web form are processed by the manager whose authorization data is specified in the web form and CRM integration settings. The manager can perform initial processing of the lead (remove obvious spam, sort by importance) and transfer it to more experienced colleagues. By default, the lead is available for viewing and modification by all CRM managers. Further work with the lead to convert it into a deal is carried out in accordance with the use of CRM.

Integration with Universal Report Designer

CRM integrated with Universal report designer. Using the designer, you can independently create various reports for analyzing transactions in CRM. In addition, CRM contains 8 standard reports. You can immediately use these ready-made reports in your work or use them as a basis - as templates when designing your own reports.
Universal report designer- a fundamental development that allows employees to construct reports themselves for different objects and subsequently run them repeatedly. With the help of this constructor, your company's employees collect, filter, sort data and present it to managers in the required form. The report designer contains the necessary tools for developers (API), which allows you to integrate it with the functionality of the product, as is now done with CRM.

Integration with mail

Now you can enter data into CRM using email. You put to copy special letters address for CRM on your portal (for example, [email protected]) - and all correspondence is “filed” to certain CRM elements. All elements in CRM are created automatically according to the type of email messages - the system determines who the messages came from, who they were forwarded to, who they were intended for, and what their subject was. All correspondence is stored in CRM element events - letters are linked to those CRM elements that contain the e-mail from the correspondence.

Thanks to integration with mail, all employee correspondence is not lost, it is organized, and your event managers and marketing no longer have to manually enter data into CRM from their mail and spend a lot of time on it. Your managers manually enter into CRM only the results of some meetings, seminars and other events.

Integration of email messages with CRM is based on technology Send&Save. Employee correspondence by email duplicated on the corporate portal and is indexed by an internal search system. This allows you not only to save important contacts, data, discussions, but also to protect the company from loss of information.

Integration with tasks

You can now create directly from CRM tasks involving CRM elements. You select the necessary elements from the list, using a filter, if necessary, and set the “Add task” action for the selection. Set the task as usual - indicate the person responsible and the deadlines, appoint observers, etc. The assigned task is “linked” to the Actions of the selected CRM elements.

For example, you need to call certain companies and contacts and invite them to your seminar, send offers to some of them, etc. You assign appropriate tasks to employees directly from CRM, selecting the necessary contacts and companies for this.

All tasks that involve, say, some kind of contact, will group on his card on the Actions tab. You can sort the list of these tasks by fields, view the tasks themselves, edit and delete them.

Also, the task from CRM will appear in the task list of those responsible and observers will see it. The only difference between such a task and ordinary tasks is the presence block "CRM Elements". This block displays all CRM elements that are involved in the task. At the same time, detailed data on this element can be viewed right there in the task if you hover over this element with the mouse. For example, when completing the “Call contacts” task, the person in charge does not even have to open the cards of these contacts in CRM - they are available in the assigned task. The task will show that it relates to, say, such and such a deal - you go to this deal to view its history, perform some actions, etc.

Integration of CRM with business processes

Now in CRM for processing Leads and Deals you can use business processes. Business processes are connected directly from the lists of elements - you can choose one of the ready-made and configured business processes. And with the help of the Business Process Designer, you can create a new business process and include in it all possible actions on a CRM element: perform some action, send letters, assign responsible people, set a task, etc.

During execution, a business process can automatically change the statuses of CRM elements, fill in some fields, and create new elements, for example, transactions.

The product delivery includes 2 standard business processes for CRM:
  • Execution by stages (transactions)
  • Processing leads (leads)
Standard business processes for CRM are included in all editions of the product. In senior editions - Business processes And Holding you can modify standard business processes and create new ones using the Business Process Designer.

Search integration

The corporate portal now supports search by CRM elements. You enter contacts, leads, deals, etc. into the search bar. - and the search displays “hints” - where exactly what you are looking for is contained in the CRM. In CRM list filters, many elements are now specified, rather than just one, as before. To search terms you can add elements such as phone, website, e-mail, company and others. Additionally, searches for these items now use Boolean operations.

Internal CRM directory

CRM has built-in directory goods and services. This catalog is in no way connected with the online store and allows you to create transactions in the CRM itself without being tied to the online store. Work with CRM proceeds according to scenario 2. This catalog is convenient to use, for example, when a web studio needs to issue an invoice for a service.

“Products” is a separate item in the CRM menu, and, unlike directories, they represent a full-fledged catalog. Products in the catalog are organized by category; you can create any structure, since the nesting of sections is unlimited.

Product lists in the catalog is flexibly configured: the required columns are selected, sorting is set, and presentation is selected. Once configured, settings can be saved to one of these views. To select the necessary products, you can sort the list by one of the columns and, in addition, set search conditions. Catalog search also uses ready-made (saved) filters. Each manager can create his own filters and then quickly use them when working with products.

To add products to the CRM catalog, use a simple form containing a small number of fields. In the form, tabs and fields on these tabs are configured, and a color scheme is selected. In the product properties you can set: name, description, activity, currency, price, section and sorting. When you cancel the activity, the product is not displayed in the catalog.

Products in the catalog can be in different currencies, and the currency is selected from the list available in the CRM. A manager can sell a product from a catalog in a different currency than the one specified in its properties. In this case, the price of the product is automatically recalculated in the required currency.

If your CRM is linked to one or more online stores, then when creating a deal you can choose whether to link it to the online store or not.


Using reports in CRM, you can evaluate the effectiveness of sales managers, calculate the volume of transactions for contacts or companies, find out at what stages the transactions are, and whether they need to be “nudged.” For example, you can find out how many transactions each of the managers made, how many of them were won, and how many were lost. Or how much a group of managers concluded deals for the selected period.

CRM contains 8 standard reports. You can immediately use these ready-made reports in your work or use them as a basis - as templates when designing your own reports. CRM is integrated with . Using the designer, you can independently create various reports for analyzing transactions in CRM.

8 standard reports:
  • Transaction volume by manager. The report shows the total volume of deals that managers worked on during the reporting period, the share of won and failed deals, as well as the income received by managers from won deals. The report allows you to compare the work of managers in terms of overall profitability and transaction efficiency. The report is intended for department heads.
  • Volume of transactions by contacts. The report shows the total volume of transactions carried out by contacts during the reporting period, the share of won and failed transactions, as well as the income received from won transactions. The report allows you to highlight the most valuable contacts for work and is intended for managers (analysis of their contacts) and their supervisors (analysis of all contacts with whom their department works).
  • Profitability by company. The report shows the total income that was received from transactions with companies for the specified reporting period. The report allows you to highlight the most valuable companies for subsequent work and is intended for managers to analyze their companies and their leaders to analyze all the companies with which their departments work.
  • Volume of transactions by company. The report shows the total volume of transactions carried out by company during the reporting period, the share of won and failed deals, as well as the income received from won deals. The report highlights the most valuable companies to work with and is designed for managers to analyze their companies and their executives to analyze all the companies their departments work with.
  • Won deals. The report shows a list of successfully completed transactions for the reporting period.
  • Overdue transactions. The report shows a list of transactions whose processing should have been completed according to plan, but was not completed for some reason. The report allows you to track overdue transactions to stimulate the efforts of the managers responsible for them. The report is intended for managers (to track their overdue transactions) and for their supervisors (to monitor the overall picture of overdue transactions by department and the ability to take action).
  • Expected sales. The report shows a list of transactions that are currently in an unfinished stage and which should be completed in the near future. The report allows you to estimate the expected income in the context of transactions of different types, different probabilities of successful completion, different clients and responsible persons. This report is intended to provide management with an estimate of probable income.
  • Distribution of unfinished transactions by stages. The report shows the distribution of open transactions by stage and allows you to assess the current state of the portfolio based on this indicator. The report is intended for managers to assess the number and shares of transactions at different stages.
  • Product profitability. The report shows how much, for what amount and what goods were sold during the reporting period. The report allows you to highlight the best-selling products and is intended for managers.

Report« Won deals"

The reports work filters, with the help of which the data in the report is specified and clarified. For example, in the “Won Transactions” report, in the filter, you specify the period for the report, the transaction amount and its type, and select the responsible persons and the company. As a result, on this report you can see what exactly the manager sold, or what exactly the clients bought - what deals they concluded.

You can create a new report for CRM from scratch using the designer. Or copy one of the ready-made reports, using it as a basis for your own.

Employees can see the reports, edit them and add them with the appropriate roles in CRM, endowed with certain access rights. An ordinary manager builds a report only on his transactions, contacts, etc. Heads of departments - reports on all managers who are under their supervision. The director sees everything, from any perspective, from the employee and departments to the entire company. All work in CRM is now “in full view” of management.

Reports - “feedback”

The manager needs to know what is happening in the company, and in the same way, it is important for employees to know that their work was appreciated and noticed how well it was done. Analysis of reports will help the manager evaluate bottlenecks in CRM, for example, determine where transaction tasks are performed with low quality and establish the reasons for this. Thus, reports allow not only to monitor the performance and achievements of managers, but also to identify those aspects of work that need development.

Reports change in real time, depending on the progress of transaction processing. So, each manager sees how many transactions he has, how many of them are in progress, in progress or overdue. And everyone can evaluate for themselves how effectively they cope with their work. The main thing is that the manager, looking at the reports he has built, sees his indicators, strives to improve them, and understands how to become more effective and useful for the company.


CRM use cases

The delivery of the product “1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal” includes typical scenarios for CRM working with an online store. Typical scenarios will help your managers quickly master working with orders in an online store directly from CRM. To use the scripts, just go to the online store -> CRM and set the necessary rules in the CRM itself.

Download all scripts (ZIP, 5 MB)

Processing online store orders in CRM

Scenario 1: “Working with a transaction from an online store”

This is a scenario for using CRM in connection with an online store. The client himself went to the online store website and made an order. A new deal appears in CRM. The manager receives a notification about this and “pushes” the online order - performs all possible actions to transfer the transaction to the “Closed with success” status. For example, if an order in an online store “lies” unpaid for a very long time, the manager calls the client, clarifies his intentions, edits the order if necessary, assigns a delivery task to the courier and completes the transaction.

1. The client places an order in an online store running 1C-Bitrix: Site Management

The buyer performs typical actions for an online store: adds goods to his cart, selects delivery and payment methods, adds wishes for delivery time and places an order.

2. Data about the order and client are sent to the CRM of the corporate portal

The transfer is carried out according to the protocol CommerceML. The forwarding interval is set in the CRM settings.

At the same time in CRM:

3. Linking a deal to a manager

Link to manager can be performed randomly or according to CRM rules. For example, deals can be “scattered” among managers depending on the characteristics of the order or client. And if you disable the option of linking to managers in setting up the connection between CRM and the online store, then they themselves will “sort out” transactions from the general list.

Rules for appointing a manager:

  • transactions are distributed randomly among CRM managers, taking into account the manager’s presence in the office;
  • transactions are distributed among managers based on transaction parameters (transaction amount, availability of goods of a certain category, etc.) or based on client parameters (client type, VIP, etc.)
  • transactions may initially be without a person responsible.

4. Manager notification

The manager can do other things not related to CRM, but he will definitely find out that a new deal has arrived from the online store. Immediately after creating a deal, the manager responsible for it will receive a notification. The portal's notification center flashes unread notifications and its notifications not only display information about the new transaction (date of creation and which online store), but also allow you to immediately proceed to processing the transaction.

5. Transaction processing, familiarization

Having received a new deal, the manager first checks the contact information, reads the client’s comments, looks through the list of goods and clarifies the client’s intentions. Having made sure during this initial inspection of the transaction that everything is in order with the order and it is not “garbage,” the manager calls the client to clarify the details. All manager actions performed during transaction processing are recorded in magazine: delivered tasks, completed calls, appointed meetings, sent letters.

6. Transaction processing, first call

At call registration a window pops up in which the current date is automatically entered, data on the client is filled in (taken from the contact) - who he is calling. The manager makes notes - writes down the subject and description of the call. For example, the topic is to check the client's intentions, in the description - to check whether the client is real.

7. Processing the deal, scheduling a new call

In the same call dialog, the manager configures the frequency of repeated calls if the client does not answer or an agreement has not been reached. A “reminder” about new calls is set up, and they will be made on time. The manager can work on other tasks.

8. Transaction processing. Notification of action

From the pop-up reminder about the call, the manager goes back to the deal, sees the entire history of it and immediately understands what he should do next. All information on the transaction and the journal are at his fingertips, there is no need to remember or write anything down. This is very convenient for managers who are busy processing a large number of transactions.

9. Transaction processing. Making a redial call

The manager can assign repeat calls as much as he wants until the result is achieved (the “Add call” button). The call dialog opens automatically when you switch from a reminder notification. The manager calls and clarifies the buyer’s intentions. Let's say a customer refuses one of the goods. The manager immediately, without disconnecting from the client, minimizes the call window and edits the order.

10. Transaction processing. Editing an order

Editing an order occurs in its own pop-up window. And it should be especially noted that the manager works with real “live” data from the online store. At the same time, it works from CRM, without going to the online store itself. The manager can repack the order directly from the CRM, and changes immediately occur both in the online store and in the CRM.

All the functionality of working with an online store order is available, including discounts, coupons, and delivery cost calculations. After saving the order, the composition of the transaction and the total amounts in CRM are automatically updated taking into account the changes made. All order data is synchronized in both directions. For example, a client paid for his order - and the status of this order immediately changed in CRM.

11. Transaction processing. Setting a task for a courier

Having clarified all the information on the order and making sure that the client is ready to pay, the manager assigns a task to the courier. The task is set directly from the CRM. In the task, you can enter the client’s wishes for delivery time as a description, set a deadline, add some document and include a reminder for the courier. Here, in the call dialogue, the manager writes a short report (he called the client, clarified his intentions, passed it on to the courier for delivery of the order).

12. Transaction processing. Notification of the manager about the delivery of goods

The courier delivers the order and completes the task. The manager is notified of this and moves on to the deal again, this time to close it.

13. Transaction processing. Closing the deal

The manager edits the order again - changes the order status to “Transaction completed”. The changes are saved in the online store, and the deal status is automatically changed to “Transaction closed successfully” in CRM.

Scenario 2: “Creating a deal based on a customer call”

A CRM manager can create a deal based on a customer call by placing an order for him in an online store or selecting products from the internal CRM catalog. Companies that have one or several online stores and have CRM integration configured can use two options for creating a deal based on a customer call:

  • option without connection to the online store
  • option linked to an online store

Option without connection to an online store

This script is used if:

  • the company does not have its own online store, and it is necessary to keep records of sales of a small number of goods and services in CRM
  • The company has an online store, but in addition to online sales, the CRM needs to take into account the provision of some additional services

1. Creating a transaction, selecting goods

The manager receives a phone call call from a client, who may have an initial idea about the service provided or product offered. The manager gives the client detailed information and, if he wants to buy something, goes to the deal creation page in the CRM. The manager himself creates an order, selecting products from the catalog built into the CRM. Instant catalog search allows you to select products and services by the first letters of their names. The manager can immediately enter the quantity for each item in the order, edit the prices of any product, giving, for example, a discount to the client. And the transaction amount is automatically recalculated.

2. Create a deal, link a contact to the deal

The manager asks the client to introduce himself and links the deal to the contact. First, it checks the presence of such a client in the CRM database. If it is not there, creates a new contact without leaving the transaction window - fills out a form with personal data.

3. Creating a deal, adding a comment

In the deal window, the manager adds comments, for example, that the customer asked for delivery at a certain time. The deal remains intact. The client is waiting for an order. The manager can assign delivery tasks to the courier.

4. Create a deal, fill in the deal properties

When creating a deal, the manager fills in the main fields of the deal: name, stage, amount, responsible person, type, probability of its successful completion. If the deal should be viewed by all CRM managers, the “Available to everyone” checkbox is checked. The deal has been created. Further work with the transaction is performed in exactly the same way as in scenario 1, starting from .

Scenario 2: “Creating a deal based on a customer call”

Option linked to an online store

How can a customer find out about your products? See them among friends or in a program like “Shop on the Couch”, read about them in the media, etc. For some clients, it is sometimes easier to call the company’s sales department than to find the desired product in the online store and place an order. This option for using integration with CRM allows you to “pick up” and not miss a client by quickly placing an order for him.

A script linked to an online store has advantages and it works if the company has an online store integrated with CRM. This option for creating a deal is much more convenient for the manager, since most of the data on products and customers is automatically filled in from the online store. The manager processes the call faster and places an order for the client; much less time is spent on this than when working with the internal CRM catalogue.

The form for creating a new transaction in this option contains a “Transaction from an online store” checkbox. The manager has a choice: whether to link a new deal created by a client’s call to the online store or not. When you activate a link to an online store in the deal creation form, some fields are blocked. The manager should not fill out or change such fields, since they are transferred and filled in from the online store.

The manager no longer selects a product from the internal catalog, but creates an order for the client from the online store. Instead of the “Add product” button, the “Create an order in the online store” button appears in its form. By clicking this button, a window for creating and editing a “live” order in the online store pops up. In this case, the manager works with the online store data: selects products from the online store catalog, applies all currently available discounts, creates a new customer profile or links an order to an existing one, sets payment and delivery methods.

After saving the order in the online store, the data on it is transferred to the CRM and the manager sees the transaction page with the completed order data. A contact is automatically created in CRM using the data that the manager entered when creating an account in the online store.

After the manager forms an order in the online store, the client receives an invoice - everything happens in the same way as if the client himself placed the order. The client can pay for the order through payment systems if such a payment method has been chosen. The client can log into his profile in the online store, track the status of the order and use all convenient services for online trading.

And a new transaction is added to CRM, and all its processing proceeds, except that there is no need to “call” the client - after all, he himself asked to place an order and agrees to pay for it.

Scenario 3: Creating and processing a lead from a web form

This script is not explicitly tied to an online store and uses data from web forms on sites. Based on the data from such web forms, a lead appears in CRM, which, upon further processing, is converted into a contact, company and deal.

1. Create a lead from a web form

The client goes to a website running on “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” and fills out some form, saves and sends his data with the form. The company receives a lead.

2. Sending lead data from your website via API to CRM

Leads are loaded into CRM from web forms on company websites. Where do these leads come from? In the product "1C-Bitrix: Site Management" version 11.5, you can configure a connection with CRM in web forms. When the integration is activated, the data from the web form is automatically transferred to the CRM. On a special tab of the form, settings for communication with CRM are specified: URL of the project with CRM, authorization data. Here you select the web form fields that will be exported to CRM.

4. Linking a lead to a manager

The lead is automatically linked to the CRM manager. The manager is assigned in accordance with the authorization data specified when setting up the web form. That is, by default leads from the web form are processed by the manager whose authorization data is specified in the web form and CRM integration settings.

5. Manager notification

Let's say in the settings of the web form you specified a manager who will perform the primary data processing. The manager checks this data for reality and deletes obviously “junk” records. If the data from the web form shows what the client was interested in, then the corresponding products are added to the lead. After this, the manager changes the lead’s status to “Processing” and transfers it to more experienced colleagues.

Subsequent processing of the lead is carried out in the same way as in scenario 1, starting with . The manager clarifies the client’s intentions, calls him, sets tasks for colleagues, and plans various actions. The lead is converted into a contact, company and deal.

CRM system

Customer Relationship Management System— customer relationship management system. The purpose of the system: to increase the level of sales and improve the quality of customer service. The CRM system report builds a sales funnel with the configuration of an unlimited number of levels. The CRM system can be integrated with the company website to save received leads (for example, completed web forms) directly into the CRM on the corporate portal.

A CRM system is necessary for those departments of your company that directly interact with clients in their daily work. These are the sales departments of goods and services, support, and marketing - it is these departments that, based on the data entered into the CRM, analyze the marketing operations and market trends.

The purpose of CRM as an information system is to automate the company's business processes and ensure the interaction of all its departments with clients. CRM solves problems aimed at satisfying and retaining customers. CRM optimizes a company's activities because it reduces costs associated with searching and processing information, data analysis, and sales management.
  • A single repository of primary information on clients and work with them (contact database)
  • Report creation, performance analysis, sales funnel
  • Working with clients directly from the CRM itself:
    • event accounting
    • setting goals
    • reminders, calendar
    • planning

How does CRM work?

With the help of CRM, a manager and a potential client make a journey from a Lead to a completed Transaction. CRM can be used in two versions:

  1. How database by contacts and companies,
  2. like a classic CRM

1. CRM as a database

Using CRM as a database of contacts and companies allows you to maintain a history of relationships with them. The main entity in this case is Contact and Company, in which the history of relationships is maintained using Events. Using CRM as a database does not exclude the creation of individual Leads as a result of certain Events and their conversion into a Deal.

Operation of the CRM system

2. Classic CRM

In classic CRM, the main entity is the Lead, which is added to the system manually by the manager, automatically from 1C-Bitrix: Site Management, or by other means. A lead, after being added and processed, can be converted into Contacts, Companies or a Deal. In the first two cases, the Lead becomes a regular element of the database. In the second case, when passing through the Sales Funnel, it becomes a real sale.

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