Unified register of procurement participants and registration in the unified information system. Electronic government procurement: new rules for admission of participants Registration of procurement participants in a unified information system

One of the innovations in government procurement is ERUZ. What it is? Who is it for? How to get there and is it even worth registering in the unified register of procurement participants? Let's look at these questions in this article.

What it is

ERUZ or unified register of procurement participants is a list of suppliers, contractors and performers, which is located in the UIS. Accreditation in this register began in 2019. This accreditation gives participants the right to participate in procurement under 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

In the same year, accreditation of participants on certain electronic platforms is still in effect. Starting next year, only those participants who have ERUZ accreditation will be able to take part in public procurement.

Tender participants were given a whole year to prepare for the new period in public procurement and obtain accreditation in the ERUZ EIS. And most importantly, after registering in the unified register of procurement participants, the participant is automatically accredited on all electronic platforms.

Is it worth registering with ERUZ EIS at all or can you wait?

Currently, it is still possible for suppliers to participate without accreditation in the ERUZ, although not in all procurement procedures. In those procurements in which additional requirements are established, only those who have been registered with the ERUZ can now participate.

Since now participants in such tenders must, before submitting an application, upload to their personal account all documents confirming additional procurement requirements. And depending on the purchase itself, the ETP operator himself will select the necessary documents from the participants.

In all other procurements where no additional requirements are required, participants can take part with accreditation to the ETP. But if participants want to continue their career in public procurement, they must register with the ERUZ by the end of the year. There is no point in delaying accreditation, as it takes several working days.

How to register in ERUZ

In order to register in the unified register of procurement participants, you need to complete several steps. First you need to get an electronic digital signature. It can only be obtained from a certification center, a list of which is on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Then you need to set up your work computer or computers from which you will work on purchases. Check the internal browser settings (the procurement site only works in a browser - internet explorer) and install the CryptoPro program.

Next, register on the State Services portal. First, you need to register your organization and the head of the organization through State Services. Then the manager must grant rights to those employees who will subsequently work on procurement in the Unified Information System and on the ETP. After all employees have been added to the organization on the State Services website, you must go to the EIS website and continue registration there.

When the head of the organization goes to the procurement site, he needs to give authority to all his employees. After this, any employee can log into the UIS for further registration in the ERUZ. After logging into the Unified Information System, the employee fills out all the organization’s data in the unified register of procurement participants, some of which are downloaded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (this, by the way, can take up to 5 working days), in addition the employee must attach the necessary documents for registration (copies of constituent documents, approval decisions large transactions).

Important: If necessary, the constituent documents can be replaced, but it is important to take into account the fact that the replacement will also take about 5 working days.

As soon as the employee fills out all the information, he must sign it all with an electronic signature. And upon successful registration, all information enters the unified register of procurement participants. And during the day, this information from ERUZ reaches all electronic trading platforms. After which, operators of electronic platforms accredit such participants to the sites. And only after this will it be possible to enter electronic trading platforms using an electronic digital signature through State Services and submit procurement applications.

ERUZ: registration algorithm for procurement participant

Last year, everyone was scared by the new register in the EIS, which is called ERUZ. It was not entirely clear who needed it, what documents, where to carry it, and what would happen if the innovations were ignored altogether. The editors of the magazine "Supplier. Everything for Tenders" have found answers to these questions and are publishing them along with a step-by-step algorithm for registration in the new register. We’ll also look at bugs that you really don’t need to be afraid of. Also see in the checklist what documents you need to select and check their relevance if you are a legal entity and if you are an individual or individual entrepreneur.

How long is accreditation in ERUZ valid?

Accreditation in the unified register of procurement participants is valid for 3 years; after this time, you must confirm that you plan to continue to participate in all tenders and update your statutory documents. But it is necessary to remember that any participant can and will be excluded from the ERUZ EIS.

Excluded from the unified register of procurement participants in cases where:

  • accreditation will end and the participant will not have time to confirm it;
  • the participant will write a statement of exclusion;
  • the country of registration of the participant is recognized as offshore;
  • any judicial act will be applied to the participant, which will prohibit registration in the ERUZ;
  • the UIS will receive a notification from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs that the participant is no longer carrying out its activities.

In any case, the participant has 3 working days to correct the current situation if it arises.

Registration nuances

  • Offshore companies are not registered in the EIS;
  • Participants with accreditation at the sites, but without registration with the ERUZ, will be able to submit applications until December 31, 2019;
  • To register with ERUZ you need KEF.

What is good about registering in the registry?

Registration in the unified register of procurement participants is good because the participant is registered immediately both in the Unified Information System and on all electronic trading platforms. And you no longer have to think about which ETP to spend money on for accreditation and which is not worth it. And most importantly, the participant registers once and forgets about it for 3 years. Works smoothly on all electronic devices.

Reasons for refusal of registration

  • you have not provided the required documents;
  • the documents were signed by a person without authority;
  • documents contradict each other;
  • the court or bailiffs prohibited registration in the EIS.

When will they be removed from the register?

  • according to your application;
  • if the FC receives information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs about the termination of the activities of a participant from the register;
  • The registration period has expired and you have not renewed it.

Attached files

  • The main thing about ERUZ.pdf
  • Registration procedure in ERUZ.pdf

In order to provide information support for the organization of public procurement, a special Unified Information System (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) was created, posted on the official website of public procurement (clauses 1, 5, article 4 of the law “On the contract system in the field of procurement...” dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ , hereinafter referred to as Law No. 44-FZ).

The composition of the UIS information is defined in clause 3 of Art. 4 of the mentioned law. In addition to other information, the UIS contains registers that are publicly available to all users:

  • procurement participants;
  • executed government contracts;
  • unscrupulous suppliers;
  • the only suppliers of products, the production of which is organized or modernized and/or developed on the territory of the Russian Federation.

From 01/01/2019, new participants in public procurement must register in the Unified Information System. Persons who are accredited on electronic platforms are required to register by the end of 2019. Platform operators are required to make it impossible to submit applications for participation in tenders if there are less than 3 months left until the end of the supplier’s accreditation. The rules for registering participants in public procurement in the Unified Information System were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2018 No. 1752.
The register is maintained by the Federal Treasury in electronic form.

Register of concluded contracts for public procurement under Law No. 44-FZ

Concluded government contracts must be registered in the Unified Information System (Article 4.1 of Law No. 223-FZ, Subclause 6, Clause 3, Article 4 of Law No. 44-FZ).

You can view the list of government contracts already concluded on the official government procurement website. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • select on the resource under which law, No. 44-FZ or 223-FZ, information about concluded contracts will be checked;
  • go to the “Procurement Information” block;
  • select the “Register of contracts” link.

On the page that opens there will be a search form. The set of information about the contract contains the following information (clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for maintaining a register of contracts...” dated November 28, 2013 No. 1084, hereinafter Procedure No. 1084):

  • name of the customer organization;
  • source of finance;
  • supplier selection method;
  • date of completion of the purchase or summing up its results;
  • details of the documentation confirming the grounds for signing the government contract;
  • date of signing the contract;
  • volume, price, period of government procurement, unit cost of goods, name of the state from which the goods originate;
  • information about the selected supplier (including company name, tax identification number, location, etc.);
  • information about changes in the terms of the government contract with a list of such changes;
  • an electronic copy of the contract signed with the customer’s electronic signature;
  • a copy of the document on approval by the control body of the execution of a government contract with a single supplier;
  • information about the execution of the contract;
  • information about termination of the government contract indicating the reasons;
  • government procurement identification code;
  • acceptance document (if a corresponding decision is made);
  • decision of the medical commission in cases established by law;
  • other information.

Register of concluded government contracts within the framework of Law No. 223-FZ

The algorithm for searching information about government contracts concluded within the framework of Law No. 223-FZ is similar to that described in the previous section of our article (reference to Law No. 223-FZ is selected, respectively).

The list of information displayed in the electronic register is regulated by clause 2 of the Rules for maintaining the register..., approved. by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2-14 No. 1132 (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 1132), and includes the following data:

  • customer name;
  • method of public procurement;
  • information on the implementation of government procurement in electronic format;
  • information about the procurement, in which only small and medium-sized business segments can participate;
  • date of determination of procurement results;
  • details of the documentation confirming the grounds for signing the contract;
  • details of the contract;
  • subject and price of the contract, terms of its execution;
  • supplier information;
  • information about changes in the terms of the contract, listing such changes and attaching documents confirming them;
  • documentation containing information about the execution of the contract;
  • information about subcontractors (about the inclusion in the contract of a condition on the involvement of subcontractors and agreements concluded with them);
  • information on procurement from small businesses;
  • information about termination of the contract indicating its reasons and supporting documents;
  • a copy of the contract signed with the customer’s electronic digital signature (see also the article “Procedure for obtaining an electronic signature for public procurement (nuances)";
  • details of the purchase notice (if necessary).

Who enters information into the register of concluded government contracts

Registers of contracts concluded by customers within the framework of both Law No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ are maintained by the Federal Treasury (Clause 1, Article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ, Clause 5.24.1 of the Regulations “On the Federal Treasury”, approved . Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2004 No. 703, clause 5 of rules No. 1132).

After receiving the necessary information from the customer, the Federal Treasury checks the submitted data, if the results are positive, it creates the corresponding register entry in the UIS and places information and documents in accordance with the regulations (clause 4 of article 103 of law No. 44-FZ, clauses 12-13 rules No. 1132). The period allotted for checking the data and posting it is 3 business days.

The list of information and the timing of its sending by the customer to the Federal Treasury are indicated in clause 10 of rules No. 1132 and clause 3 of Art. 103 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Register of unscrupulous suppliers

Such a register is another set of data available free of charge to all users of the UIS (Clause 5, Article 5 of Law No. 223-FZ, Clause 8, Article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ).

To gain access to this database, the UIS user must:

  • open the official government procurement page on the Internet;
  • choose on the resource under which law the information will be checked;
  • go to the “Registers” section;
  • select the link “Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers”.

The body authorized to maintain such a register is the Federal Antimonopoly Service (clause 5.3.4 of the regulations “On FAS”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 331, clause 4 “Rules for maintaining the register...", approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 2013 No. 1062).

Information about unscrupulous suppliers is sent to the government agency empowered to maintain the register by customers.

Such suppliers include government procurement participants (clause 2 of article 104 of law No. 44-FZ, clause 2 of article 5 of law No. 223-FZ):

  • those who evaded concluding a government contract;
  • the government contract with which was terminated by decision of a judicial authority.

Law No. 44-FZ provides another basis for recognizing a supplier as dishonest: the customer unilaterally refused to work with this supplier due to a significant violation by the latter of the terms of the contract.

So, a unified register of procurement participants is a new term in the legislation of the Russian Federation. This register began to be formed on 01/01/2019. It includes potential suppliers of works, goods, and services registered in the Unified Information System. This system also contains databases about already concluded government contracts and unscrupulous suppliers. All these databases are publicly available and are provided for informational purposes free of charge.

Hello, dear readers of the ABC of Tenders online school! In this article we want to consider the issue related to the registration of procurement participants (suppliers) in a unified information system (abbreviated as UIS). Until recently, only organizations placing orders (Customers) were registered on the official website zakupki.gov.ru. However, in December 2017, Federal Law No. 504-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Contract System in the Sphere of Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services to Meet State and Municipal Needs” was adopted. According to this law, from January 1, 2019, procurement participants will also have to undergo mandatory registration on the EIS website. But let's talk about everything in order.

Why will participants need to register on the unified information system website?

Until July 1, 2018, within the framework of 44-FZ, only one single procedure was carried out electronically - an auction in electronic form. Electronic auctions were held on 6 specially selected electronic trading platforms (abbreviated ETP). And in order to be able to take part in these auctions, the participant had to be accredited on electronic platforms. And since Customers are in no way limited in their choice of platforms for holding electronic auctions, suppliers had to undergo accreditation at all 6 sites in order not to miss the opportunity to take part in the procurement they needed.

From July 1, 2018, Customers received the right to conduct electronically not only auctions, but also tenders, requests for proposals, and requests for quotes. All these purchases are also carried out at previously approved ETPs, plus 3 new ETPs have been added to these sites.

But starting from January 1, 2019, Customers are required to make all purchases exclusively electronically. In this regard, a Unified Register of Procurement Participants has appeared on the EIS website, which will include information about each supplier. The maintenance of this register is assigned to the Federal Treasury. Until 2019, such registers of accredited procurement participants were maintained by ETP operators separately at each site.

From January 1, 2019, registration of procurement participants in the unified information system has become a mandatory condition for obtaining the opportunity to participate in all electronic procurements carried out within the framework of 44-FZ.

Thus, the supplier must first register in the Unified Information System, and then operators of electronic platforms, no later than the business day following the day the supplier is registered in the unified information system, accredit such a participant on the electronic platform. This accreditation is carried out through information interaction between the electronic platform and the Unified Information System.

By registering on the website zakupki.gov.ru, you will automatically be accredited on all electronic platforms. For suppliers, this is a definite plus, since there is no need to waste time on accreditation at each site. However, the accreditation period remained the same - 3 years. And no earlier than 6 months before the end of registration of a participant in the UIS, he has the right to register for a new term.

It is worth noting that when 4 months remain before the end of the supplier’s registration in the UIS, he will receive a corresponding notification from the site about the need to renew the registration for a new period. If a participant does not take care in advance about extending his registration period, then 3 months before the end of the registration period he will no longer have the opportunity to submit applications for participation in electronic procedures. Therefore, it is very important to re-register on the EIS website on time.

Procedure and deadlines for registering a procurement participant on the EIS website + list of required documents

According to Part 1 of Art. 24.2 44-FZ registration of procurement participants in the unified information system is carried out in electronic form on the basis of information and documents in the manner and within the time frame determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 No. 1752 “On the procedure for registering procurement participants in the unified information system in the field of procurement goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs and maintain a unified register of procurement participants and amend the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2018 N 656.”

Nuances of registering suppliers in the EIS

Below we have provided a list of important nuances regarding the registration of procurement participants on the website zakupki.gov.ru:

  1. Registration is carried out electronically;
  2. There is no registration fee;
  3. Information about the participant and his documents are entered into the unified register of procurement participants (abbreviated as ERUZ);
  4. Registration is carried out for a period of 3 years, this procedure can be repeated no earlier than 6 months before the end of registration;
  5. If there are less than 3 months left until the end of registration on the EIS website, the participant cannot submit applications to participate in electronic procedures;
  6. During registration, it is not allowed to require from the participant information and documents that are not provided by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  7. The EIS does not allow registration of offshore companies;
  8. When accrediting to an ETP, the site operator does not have the right to demand additional information and documents from the participant;
  9. A procurement participant who has registered on the EIS website has the right to participate in all procurements conducted on electronic platforms within the framework of 44-FZ;
  10. Procurement participants accredited at the sites, but not registered in the Unified Information System, will be able to submit applications only until December 31, 2019.
  11. To register in the EIS, a qualified electronic signature is required.

Transition period

At the end of today’s article, we propose to consider how accreditation at sites and registration in the Unified Information System is carried out during the transition period. So…

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, the procedure for accreditation of procurement participants on electronic platforms to participate in electronic procedures remains the same (Part 49 of Article 112 of 44-FZ).

From January 1, 2019, accreditation of procurement participants on electronic platforms is carried out after registration of such participants in the Unified Information System in accordance with Art. 24.2 44-FZ (Part 48, Article 112 44-FZ).

From January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 inclusive, procurement participants previously accredited on electronic platforms to participate in electronic procedures are required to register in the Unified Information System (Part 47 of Article 112 of 44-FZ).

Until December 31, 2019 inclusive, filing applications for participation in electronic procedures and participation in such procedures are carried out, including by persons who were accredited before January 1, 2019 on the electronic platform, whose information and documents are included in the register of participants in the electronic auction who have received accreditation on the electronic site. At the same time, they will not need to register in the Unified Information System (Part 50, Article 112 of 44-FZ).

The old procedure for accreditation of participants on electronic platforms ceased to apply on January 1, 2019.

That's all for today. If you still have questions, you can ask them below in the comments to this article. We will be happy to answer them.

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User registration in the UIS is carried out in strict accordance with a certain procedure approved by Order of the Treasury of Russia No. 27n dated December 30, 2015. The order itself consists of basic provisions that approve the regulations for registration procedures and responsible persons, and directly the procedure for registration in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. The document establishes the registration procedure for the following categories of users:

  • Information Systems;
  • organizations whose information is included in the Consolidated Register;
  • authorized persons of these institutions;
  • legal entities and their representatives.

Order 27n also presents judicial practice aimed at resolving controversial issues related to the process of user authorization in the UIS.

If the customer was registered in the Unified Information System before Order No. 27n came into force, then he will have to re-register.

Step-by-step instructions for registering customers in the UIS

Step 3. To start the customer registration process under 44-FZ, you need to, and from there go to the “Personal Account” section.

The system will automatically redirect the new customer to the registration section of the organization or user in the UIS through the Consolidated List of Customers.

If the customer has already undergone re-registration through the public services system - ESIA, then the UIS will show such a notification.

Step 4. In order for the initial registration procedure of the customer to be successful, information about such an organization must be entered into the Consolidated Register indicating the roles of the institution in the Federal Contract System. As soon as a specialist starts registration, data from the Consolidated Register is automatically sent to the Unified Information System, after which an ICO is generated - the organization’s identification code.

A letter confirming the institution’s registration in the system is sent to the customer’s email address specified in the information card of the Consolidated Register.

In the case of initial registration under 44-FZ for customer organizations from the Consolidated Register, the Unified Information System automatically registers the manager with the appropriate powers. The registered manager's card will look like this:

Step 5. After successful registration, you must log in to the customer’s personal account in accordance with 44-FZ.

After the transition to the LC according to 44-FZ, the system will send a notification.

Step 6. The specialist must perform the “Login” action in Section III of Procedure 27n, after which he will be redirected to the registered manager’s personal account. A message about initial authorization will appear on the screen.

The registration procedure for the customer is now complete.

How can a customer register a user under 44-FZ

Authorized persons who must be registered in the Unified Information System to work with the Federal Contract System must also obtain and install electronic signature certificates on their PCs.

User registration under 44-FZ is available only to an authorized person with the “Organization Administrator” functionality.

Step 1. A specialist with such permissions in his personal account on the “Registered users of the organization” page must select the “Register user” action.

Step 3. Then fill out the registration form. You must fill in all required fields marked with a red asterisk.

Step 4. After entering the data, the specialist clicks “Register user”. The system checks for completeness and correctness of the entered data and, if there are no errors, sends a message about signing the registration form.

Step 5: Once the administrator selects Continue, the new user will be registered.

How to register a customer under 223-FZ

Step 1. The first actions of a specialist of the customer organization included in the Consolidated Register are similar to working with the registration form under 44-FZ - you need to go to the main page of the UIS, and then to your personal account under 223-FZ.

Step 2: The user then selects Section III of Order 27n and performs the “Login” action.

Step 4. The specialist clicks “Continue” and is redirected to the identification and primary authorization section. The procedure for further actions is identical to the registration procedure under 44-FZ.

How to register a user under 223-FZ

Now we register a user who will work under 223-FZ.

Step 1. Registration is automatically performed for new customers under 223-FZ. If the institution's user is not found during initial authorization, the registration form opens.

Step 2. You need to check whether all information is filled out correctly. If the registration request is generated without errors, then the “Register” action is selected.

User rights and updating of data on Unified Identification and Logistics registers are established automatically.

Step 3. After completing the procedure, the user receives a message about successful registration under 223-FZ.

How the register of legal entities works under 223-FZ

From March 1, 2019, the standards of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1711 of December 28, 2018 “On the procedure for maintaining a register of legal entities” came into force. The document regulates the rules for maintaining the register of legal entities registered in the UIS within the framework of 223-FZ (Part 2 of Article 1 of 223-FZ).

The register itself is a collection of data on registered legal entities indicating the following information about customers:

  • full or short name;
  • organizational and legal form;
  • address;
  • other information specified during registration.

To find the desired customer in the list, enter its name or registration codes - TIN, KPP, OGRN - into the search bar.

The list is maintained electronically in the Unified Information System by specialists from the Russian Treasury. If the customer organization's access is terminated under 223-FZ, information about it is excluded from the register within three working days.

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