Reselling goods with aliexpress as a business. What to sell or resell to make money What product can be quickly resold

It all started when I grew up. Well, how did you grow up? I was 19 years old, and I didn’t have a job, as such. And the money was needed more than ever. Where can I get money when you don’t want to work, I thought and turned to the Internet.

I can’t say that I found something useful for myself, but at first, the work I found on the net suited me completely. Of the most useful activities that brought me money, I can single out the following:, (), (I studied and created templates for various sites), (I was an ardent participant in all kinds of fashionable night parties and did reviews on my blog) and, in fact, the most attractive option - . But more on the latter later.

Once, when I was typing another article, there was an American program on TV (I always had the TV turned on so that it would ring in the background), where guys bought junk in containers for several hundred or thousand dollars, and then resold what they had in these containers. containers of goods worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. After this transfer, I dropped everything and began to think. I thought for two days, and then I decided that it was possible for me to do the same thing?

In fact, the resale of goods is a very profitable business. The main feature of this line of business is that knowledge as such is not required, and investments are likely to be minimal. Now we will consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity in this article.

Earnings on the resale of goods. How to start?

Many successful entrepreneurs started off reselling goods. What exactly can be done with the product in order to get a large amount for its resale?

There are two (I know of only two) options by which you can make a profit on resale:

  1. Buying a product in one place and selling it in another (this is speculation).
  2. Buying a product, upgrading it (improving it) and selling it at a higher price.

It is clear that you can sell goods both retail and wholesale. Usually, entrepreneurs who want to survive as much as possible try to establish contacts with various trading enterprises that provide the sale of goods to citizens.

Real estate

The most profitable of this type of activity is likely to be the sale of real estate. But the sale should be carried out only in the primary market. For example, there is a house that is being built. Prices for apartments in a building under construction are ridiculous. But when it is put into operation, the price may rise several times. Therefore, your task will be to buy an apartment in a house that is under construction. But to implement this idea, you need to have a solid start-up capital. Pay attention to the firms of developers and it is better to work with trusted ones so that you are not “thrown”.

Modified property

The difference between this business and the first is that a businessman must buy an existing apartment, which is in a terrible state. Then he invests in its repair and redevelopment, if required. In the end, he must sell it at a much higher price than he bought. To do this, it is important for a businessman to have his own team that will not fool him and will work with him in good faith.


The resale of cars in our country is very popular, right? Buying cars at a low cost, people invest in their repair, and then resell them for a high amount. For a more confident result, you need to understand the prices in the car market, take into account the region where the car will be sold.

This business also needs good start-up capital, as an owner who wants to sell his car will want to get the full amount for it right away.

I also want to draw your attention to the competition, which is extremely high in this business. In order to resell a car profitably, it is necessary to prepare it for presentation, take into account the prices of potential competitors and put your own one that could compete with the rest.

How to make money on the resale of goods on the Internet?

Chinese goods market

First of all, let's talk about the resale of goods from foreign online stores, mainly Chinese ones.

AliExpress - online store of Chinese goods

Business on goods from China is a very profitable business. As you know, in China, the prices for goods are very low (as well as the quality =)), but not all people have access to the Chinese goods market. Therefore, it is possible to buy some goods that people cannot find in our country and sell them at a higher price. It is noteworthy that people who buy goods in such Chinese online stores are given good discounts on bulk purchases. Accordingly, the profit will directly depend on this factor. You can sell such goods not only to your friends and acquaintances, but also open your own online store.

Children's clothing

Children's clothing is in great demand. That is why young mothers use this factor to their advantage when they are. This is a very good idea to replenish your family budget in your free time.

Inexpensive little things for kids, as well as toys, can be purchased in online stores. Having bought such a product, it can be resold to other mothers, but with a small margin. Alternatively, you can sell things on your social network page or create an appropriate community or group. If everything is well organized, then you will have a good business, and your baby will always be dressed in beautiful clothes.

DIY goods

This is a very easy way to earn extra income. To do this, you need to decide what you can do with your own hands and how beneficial it will be for others. Embroidery, drawing, interior items, and whatever your heart desires, you can sell and get extra income for it.

Internet auctions

This method is a great option for making money online from scratch. Online auctions are a great way to make money without any investment. All that is needed is to buy a product at a low price and resell it at a higher price. Such online auctions operate around the clock. You can sell both your things and buy, and then resell already with a wound price.

Sales market

To sell goods, it is necessary to determine the nature of the sales market. Who will we sell products to? This scheme looks like a seller - a buyer. A seller needs a buyer to sell his product. This factor will depend directly on which scheme for the sale of goods you choose. For example, you can purchase goods online under the order of a specific customer. Such a scheme will work one hundred percent. To do this, you need to advertise on the Internet and wait for a potential buyer to contact you. If you want to create a wide network of goods on your online store, then you just need to invest additional funds in advertising, announcements, catalogs. Today, there are several options for reselling goods on the Internet. Some of them require additional investments, but with the right approach and organization, they quickly pay off.

Reselling goods through an affiliate program

This is the easiest and most reliable option for reselling goods online. Using affiliate programs from existing online stores to sell goods is not only an opportunity to earn money personally, but also helps in the development of companies that provide such services.

What does it look like? The user goes through the registration procedure at one of these stores as a partner, and then receives links to products that he must place anywhere, for example, in the form of advertising, on social networks, on his own resources or bulletin boards. When a user follows such an ad or link and makes a purchase, the partner receives bonuses from the online store.

"Contractual" reselling

This method is suitable for those who have their own Internet resource with good traffic. The scheme looks like this: you look for a product in online stores that interests you, get in touch with its owner and agree that he will reduce the price of this product. You, in turn, provide advertising and information about this product on your website. This method, as you can see, does not require investments, but it does not allow you to earn a lot of money.

Internet shop

Selling goods through your own online store is the best way to make money by reselling goods on the Internet. But, be careful! This method, as a rule, is costly, and the opportunity to recoup the costs may not even appear. Only the right product, a well-chosen client base, as well as a well-functioning system for organizing purchases and working with clients can save you from failure.

Today, opening your own online store is not difficult. Fortunately, there are quite a few services on the network that provide ready-made templates for this type of site. If you want a unique resource, but there is no desire to learn all sorts of codes, manuals and instructions, then feel free to contact freelancers and webmasters who will be able to create a resource for a fee, fill it and configure it so that it is adequately accepted by search engines. When all this is done, you can fill your store with the most popular products. In the case when your funds allow you to spend money without fear, you can buy a batch (wholesale) of goods, since buying in bulk, the goods have a lower price than in the case of retail. The next task is to sell the product through your online store.

What if there are no funds for bulk purchases? Then we do the following: you need to find the product in another online store, place it on your website, with all the information and photos, and indicate the price with a small margin. If you are lucky, and the buyer orders the product from you, then you will only have to order this product where you originally found it. Then just send it to the specified address and you're done! Thus, you act as an intermediary (speculator).

Thus, it is mono to conclude: it does not matter which method of resale you choose, but it is only important that there is always a buyer for your product.

Crisis and sales. How and what to sell?

It so happened that our country is always in crisis. Even when we get out of the crisis, we are assured that something happens that makes us return to the crisis again. As always. Therefore, the question of what to sell during a crisis will always be relevant.

Many experts argue that during a crisis it is better to sell those goods that can really be sold quickly. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the needs of people, in such a difficult time, can always change.

As practice shows, during a crisis, those businessmen who rent places or premises for trade often become bankrupt. Therefore, in our opinion, it would be better to sell goods on the Internet. It's both cheaper and more convenient. Also keep in mind that if necessary, you need to change the direction of activity, so as not to be left with nothing. Therefore, the best option for selling or reselling during a crisis is sales on order. It is better to create a small website or page where some products will be cataloged, and when a person places an order, this product can be ordered on a Chinese online store in the right quantity. Somehow like this.

Disadvantages and advantages of the resale business


  • No need to create your own brand as you are reselling existing products.
  • No need to hire staff or purchase equipment
  • Opportunity to avoid taxation or pay under a simplified scheme
  • You provide no warranties to buyers. Their choice is theirs
  • No big investment required
  • The ability to independently set prices for goods


  • Impact of the economic situation on prices
  • There may be problems with the sale of unnecessary goods and the cost of its purchase
  • As the range expands, prices may drop.


After reading this article, most likely you already have an idea of ​​how and where you can invest money. But to become a successful businessman, you need to think and work a lot so as not to make fatal mistakes. If everything is properly organized, then you will easily increase your income.


If you want to earn a large amount of money, you can try to do it with the help of modern technology and thanks to the eternal thirst of our citizens to buy. At your service are several options for modern business management based on the “buy-” principle. Here you must remember the main rule - look for places where things and products are sold cheap, so that later you can sell them at a higher price.

If the first negotiations were successful, you agreed on everything and started, then this is not the time to relax. Now the main task is to control the final sales in the region. After a few months, sales of your products will become stable, and then you will need to think about their further development.

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At present, China is a country that is developing at a rapid pace. And the hour is not far off when China will capture the entire economic space of the world. So why not join this developing country and start an independent business V China?

You will need

  • - international passport,
  • - visa,
  • - business idea,
  • - acquaintances in China.


China is a country with great opportunities to start your own business. After all, it is the world's largest supplier of raw materials and finished products to all countries of the world. That is why it is now becoming profitable to own business and in China. However, how to do it? Let's try to figure it out.1. Business idea. This is the very first step you need to take when starting your business V China. What would you like? Will your business be profitable? Undoubtedly, one of the most developed and constantly growing industries in China is. That is why this type of entrepreneurial activity should be emphasized. You can trade anything, the main thing is that you find what you like.

2. Search business-partners in China. This is a very important step in opening business but for . Without acquaintances and connections in the country, it will be very difficult for you to establish your business. But where to look for a partner or assistant? Today there are two ways: word of mouth or acquaintances of acquaintances who will tell you where to go, goods and how to rent or buy an office space. The second way is the Internet. This is the best and at the same time the most dangerous way to find a partner, as there is a high probability of deception. It is best to look for a Chinese partner or assistant on the Chinese Internet (www. There are also a lot of proposals for cooperation in Runet. Here, an important condition will be the presence of a website in Chinese at the partner company, since fraud on the Internet in China is regulated by law and the likelihood of fraud is halved.

3. Registration of documentation. In order to register activities in China, you will need, firstly, a passport and a multiple-entry visa for a year or more. You can register an enterprise for your Chinese friend. So you will avoid problems with Chinese laws and red tape with documents. If you still decide to business on yourself, then here you need to contact the Russian Consulate in China. They will help you with the documents.

4. Learn Chinese, because even if your business and your assistants will speak Russian, knowledge of Chinese will help you avoid unpleasant situations with the same deception. IN China translators and development assistants business and quite often in negotiations they agree with suppliers on one amount, and the client (i.e. you) is told an overestimated amount. Here you should be very careful.

5. Search for potential customers. If you still decide to trade something from China, then you should take care of your customers. Today, the search for clients also occurs through the Internet, or through account managers. It is best to hire a manager in Russia. So you will save on communication.

There are times when you need to resell product and do it in the shortest possible time and with the least loss. What to do in this case, especially if you do not specialize in wholesale deliveries product A?


Check the integrity of all tags and labels on product e, as well as the integrity of the packaging. Check if you have product and all the necessary certificates confirming its quality and safety.

Never advertise the fact that you are a reseller product a (especially if you buy it at the nearest one). However, always make sure that neighboring stores or outlets do not have the same product but, like yours, and at lower prices or in an expanded range.

Expose the one product, which needs to be sold first of all in the center of the main showcase or place it in the maximum accessibility of a potential buyer on the central counter.

If you do not work in a store with fixed prices or are its owner, then at the slightest interest of the buyer in product e, which urgently needs to be resold, reduce the price or promise a decent discount or some inexpensive related product. But do not lower the price by more than 25%, otherwise the buyer will suspect something is wrong.

In the event that you decide to resell product, bypassing the store (or if you are not related to), first contact your friends, relatives or colleagues with an offer to buy a good one from you product at a bargain price. If your loved ones are product is not needed, submit an ad in one of the most popular newspapers with a short but concise description of it. Avoid emotionally charged words when compiling an ad.

Negotiate with the owners of outlets in the market about product and, having previously learned the average prices for it from other merchants. Please note that often resale product and retail can be engaged, at best, by novice entrepreneurs, at worst, by random people who are not always in harmony with or drugs. So before offering product one or another merchant, pay attention to the assortment product a, the location of the outlet, chat with the neighbors of the seller.

When demand exceeds supply, lone sellers and small firms become vulnerable and risk exiting the market due to lack of working capital. In order to prevent the need to pay suppliers for goods that have not yet been sold, it is necessary to come up with a special sales scheme.


Create a network of clients. It can be a client base with contact details. You must be able to quickly contact all potential buyers. They should know you and be sympathetic to the offers. For communication, sales agents, managers working for or electronic mailing lists can be used. To collect the base, use free events where customers fill out a questionnaire to get important information. Warn that you will contact periodically, but do it only on a topic that the person is interested in.

Take the goods for sale. Arrange with the supplier that you will return the unsold item. You cannot guarantee that all people on the pre-order list will pay for the purchase. Therefore, an agreement with the supplier is necessary. At the negotiations, let us know that you are working with regular customers, and the goods will not be stale somewhere in the warehouse: everything will be decided within the next few days.

Make a specific offer to your customers. Inform that the quantity of goods is limited and payment terms are possible only in the specified period of time. You can add nice small things to the purchase to encourage customers to make an immediate decision. Think about the profit margin and give your customers a delivery, a special package or a gift.

Return unsold copies to the supplier. Do everything quickly. Do not hold goods in stock.

Helpful advice

More and more people are choosing a healthy diet. Fresh fish is one of the most valuable foods in a healthy diet. However, finding quality products today is not always possible. Well organized trade fish will be in demand and bring a stable income.

You will need

  • - start-up capital;
  • - equipment;
  • - room


Conduct market research aimed at identifying your target clientele. If there are student hostels and houses with young families nearby, it is advisable to open a department with smoked, dried fish and beer snacks. And in the area of ​​fashionable houses and elite new buildings, a store with chilled seafood and live fish valuable breeds.

Purchase special equipment: for your business, this cost will be the most significant. To trade fresh chilled fish you will need metal-coated counters on which you will lay out the crushed ice. Selling live fish and premium seafood requires an aquarium setup that maintains a dedicated microenvironment. You should talk about such equipment if you have a well-established logistics system with suppliers who can supply you with fresh goods on time. For frozen fish, refrigeration units are needed that will maintain a certain temperature and provide sufficient food for buyers.

Proper display can increase fish sales by 30%. Expensive varieties of fish must be immediately cut into steaks and fillets. Chilled seafood is best cleaned of unpleasant for the consumer's eyes. You can lay out decorative leaves and lemon slices around: this way the products will look more. Try to place frozen goods so that the variety and condition of the fish are clearly visible. From the bellies, fins and other scraps, make sets for the fish soup, laying them out in beautiful containers.

For trade in smoked and salted fish closed counters with a cooling system and lighting are required. As a rule, such products look quite appetizing, however, a specific smell may annoy some buyers. Take care of the availability of dense packaging in which you will wrap the selected product.


According to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the mass of ice glaze on frozen fish should not exceed 5% of the net weight. Control this indicator.

Helpful advice

Buyers do not always know how to cook this or that kind of fish. Make free recipe booklets and post them near the counters.

Many today are planning to open a small retail business. Setting up your own store to sell cool stuff looks like the perfect plan indeed. How can you successfully open this enterprise?

Economic activity aimed at the implementation of the sale is a stable source of profit for many businessmen. The principles of trading are quite transparent (buy low - sell high), however, as in any kind of business, there are many pitfalls in successful sales.

Organization of own business in trade

“In order to sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary,” said the household cat Matroskin in a famous cartoon. The simple truth applies to entrepreneurship as well. The real gold mine is that this very “something unnecessary” can be extremely necessary for someone else, who will turn out to be a satisfied client in the end. So, a primitive business scheme in the field of trade is as follows:

    Determination of a product that will be in demand. What to sell to earn? A well-built strategy will allow you to sell almost any product, but there are still certain trends that make it easier to sell. That is why a preliminary market research will be useful.

    Purchase of a trial batch of goods or search for a supplier who is ready to work according to the dropshipping model (direct delivery from the supplier to the final consumer, bypassing an intermediary who is looking for customers).

    Direct sale of goods (already with an extra charge) to the final consumer. The organization of trade can be different: through the Internet or a real outlet, in a circle of friends (many network marketing structures were originally built on this principle).

There is another option for organizing a business in the field of trade: the production of goods with subsequent distribution by wholesale or retail. What can be sold this way? Handicrafts are in demand, you can organize a small home cafe with delivery, sell kvass or home-made beer, agricultural products and everything that can be “produced” without the need to rent production facilities.

Resale of goods from bulletin boards via the Internet

What can be sold online? The once very popular way to make money without investing on the World Wide Web involves searching for goods that the owners sell at a low price, followed by resale at an adequate or even slightly overpriced price. A distributor who seeks to earn in this way must be not only good, but also a universal “salesman”. On countless bulletin boards you can find a wide variety of “lots”, and limiting yourself to only one type of product is obviously losing some of the profit.

Another option for such a business, which over time can be developed into a full-fledged online store, involves just the same concentration on only one category of goods, which, as a rule, becomes clothing. In many secondhand, confiscated or stock stores you can find decent items at a very low price. Minor repairs, additional washing, perhaps the addition of some decorative details - and the thing can be sold already at a premium. High-quality photos and your own group on a social network or even an entire online store with single copies of dresses, t-shirts or jeans will help organize the turnover.

Sale of goods from abroad in Russia

The ubiquity of the Internet and e-commerce, globalization and the “blurring of boundaries” have made it possible to trade not only between large corporations from different countries, but also wholesalers or retailers and end customers. Sites where a variety of goods can be purchased at a very low price from the manufacturer (Chinese online stores) are known to many today, but even in the twenty-first century, users are often afraid to buy through the World Wide Web, and even literally on the other side of the Earth.

By ordering a small batch, for example, on "AliExpress" orTinydeal, you can make a good margin and sell the goods already in Russia with a good profit.But what is now profitable to sell in Russia? Wholesale in such a business pays off only for trendy items or equipment. Other products are best purchased in small lots.

Selling Information Products: Money Out of Nothing

You can make money in e-commerce without financial investments. Infobusinessmen today make a lot of money on e-books, manuals, coaching (consulting and training), lesson books and similar educational materials. You can sell both your own information products and others (through affiliate programs). In the latter case, the distributor receives a percentage of the author's profit.

How to sell a product that “cannot be held in your hands”? The implementation of information products involves the promotion of a personal brand, the creation of your own web resource, active work in social networks and cooperation with popular sites of the same subject. All that is required from a novice businessman is to select and correctly place promotional materials, as well as to respond to questions from potential customers in a timely manner.

Organization and launch of your own online store

A more serious project is the launch of an online store. In this case, you will need to draw up a business plan, find suppliers, organize a warehouse, perhaps even an office and a call center, develop a website, hire a specialist who will administer, fill the online store with goods, promote in search engines, as well as social networks and many many others. Such projects pay off for a different period - it all depends on the right niche and the implementation of the idea. You can earn large amounts even in a month if the idea is of interest to the Internet community.

What to sell to earn? According to statistics, residents of Russia on the Internet most often buy computer equipment and electronics. By the way, the profile of purchases on foreign sites is significantly different, which is represented by the data below in the form of summary graphs.

Hobby that can bring good income

Handmade products deserve special attention, the margin for which can even reach 500% of the cost price - it all depends on the skill of the manufacturer and the originality of the goods. What can be sold? Embroidered paintings, amulets, knitwear (comfortable children's clothing or costumes for photo shoots of babies are used in a special way), bags, toys and accessories are just a small part of the possible options. Hygiene products (decorative or “advertising” soap, natural shampoos, scrubs), cosmetics, notepads and diaries, restored furniture, wedding paraphernalia are in demand. On the eve of May 9, craftswomen sell kanzashi in the colors of the St. George ribbon, and before the Day of Knowledge - bouquets of sweets.

Opening your own store or outlet

Much more nuances involves opening a retail outlet. The entrepreneur will have to register, purchase or rent suitable premises (not forgetting that the location of the store also has a direct impact on profit), organize supplies, communicate with many authorities, obtain all necessary permits, hire staff, and so on. Trade enterprises require constant monitoring by the manager (owner), but with the right approach, you can get much more profit.

Choosing the right product for sale

The right choice of goods affects future earnings. What can be sold? It is necessary to conduct a market research to find out what demand is not being met by the existing supply. It is often profitable to sell convenience stores (we are talking about convenience stores), used items, medicines or children's products. In big cities, branded clothing stores or healthy food stores are popular. It is profitable to sell goods for animals, cosmetics, alcohol.

Features of trade in consumer goods

Consumer goods include personal care products and items, light bulbs, batteries, household chemicals and other items that are often purchased. This also includes some food (packaged), pet products, plastic or paper/cardboard products. Such products are used daily (or very often), presented in a wide range and at an affordable price. Features are an extremely wide audience of buyers and fast implementation. Purchases of this category of products are divided into everyday, in reserve and for home reception.

Consumer goods in most cases do not require a carefully thought-out marketing strategy. Success factors in this segment of trade are:

    convenient location of the outlet (in crowded places: near public transport stops or in residential areas);

    a wide range of consumer goods, the availability of analogues for sale;

    affordable pricing policy and development of a package of additional options for regular customers (introduction of discount cards, gifts).

The most profitable options for goods for sale

What can be sold profitably? The highest margin is made on those categories of goods that are in high demand. Large amounts are earned by those who manage to find a supplier and organize the sale of any product with a low cost in the face of increased demand. What to sell to earn high margins:

    Flowers. The profit of flower shops in the pre-holiday and public holidays can reach astronomical amounts. Given that roses, for example, somewhere in Ecuador cost about 30 kopecks apiece, and in Russia they are sold for at least 100 rubles, you can “win” a significant amount. A significant drawback of such a product, however, is its fragility.

    Bijouterie. Jewelry and accessories are quite cost-effective, the margin on which can reach about three hundred percent. The margin can be several hundred or even thousands of rubles, and demand remains consistently high.

    Beverages. The extra charge for loose tea or coffee, bottled water or drinks in street cafes can reach one hundred, two hundred or even five hundred percent. A good margin is made on milkshakes or refreshing drinks. Business does not lose prospects with a cold snap: in winter you can sell hot tea or coffee.

    Popcorn, gummies, cotton candy, ice cream and other sweets. The cost of raw materials for products that are sold in shopping centers, parks and other places of mass congestion and recreation of people is ten times lower than the cost of ready-made popcorn or cotton candy. During the season, you can get significant benefits by selling sweets.

    Handmade. In a society that promotes the ideals of otherness and individuality, exclusive goods are in very high demand. Estimating the cost of such things is quite difficult (especially for those who are far from creativity), so the seller can wind up the price quite strongly. Demand is both handmade jewelry, accessories, cosmetics and hygiene products or clothing, as well as renovated furniture or interior items.

    Cosmetics (including handmade hygiene products). The cost of cosmetic products sold in stores, as a rule, does not exceed 20% of the market value. The rest of the final price is made up of advertising and transportation costs, as well as beautiful packaging.

    Greeting cards and holiday paraphernalia in general. Products that are sold at unreasonably high prices, such as helium balloons or cardboard postcards, actually cost only about ten to thirty rubles, while the minimum price tag is already one hundred to two hundred rubles.

    trendy things. You can expect really high profits if you manage to catch the trend. Talking hamsters were once popular, later - transparent bottles for drinks My bottle, the demand for things is more stable, for example, with comic book characters. You can also make custom t-shirts and sell them. Printing on linen bags is in demand. True, wholesale sales here will not bring results.

    Accompanying services. Related services include furniture assembly services (for furniture stores), household appliance repair (for small household appliances distributors), cartridge refilling (for stationery stores or copy / print points), and the like.

Of course, not all products with high margins allow you to earn large amounts in a fairly stable way. But the right approach and innate instinct solve many problems associated with organizing your own successful business.

Resale of goods is one of the oldest ways of making money that mankind has come up with. It arose exactly at that moment, as soon as production appeared and natural exchange ended.

This is a fairly simple way to earn money, requiring you only a certain initial capital for the purchase of goods and some commercial vein, which will help you correctly and on time navigate the current market conditions, as well as determine the product that is worth working with at this time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of the positive aspects of the business idea for resale, the following can be noted:

  • High business mobility. You can at any moment both start your work and stop it with virtually no loss of funds.
  • To organize such a business, you will need minimal organizational measures: registration as an individual entrepreneur and the will to act.
  • Start-up capital for the purchase of goods is the only thing you need in order to get started. Neither an office nor a warehouse is a prerequisite. Those. they can be, but if you wish, you can immediately give the goods to the buyer, without storing it at intermediate points.
  • Such a business can quickly reorient itself. If the product you started working with is no longer in demand, you can choose another direction for yourself and continue to earn.

The only disadvantages in such a business can be high competition in certain product groups. Or a situation where you could not navigate the market, for example, did not guess with the demand for the product that you are selling or did not foresee a change in its price.

But a thoughtful position and constant analysis of the market environment can protect against such cases.

How to make money on the resale of goods?

Everyone still remembers the times of the "dashing 90s", when the resale of goods was the only source of income for the vast majority of the vast country - the Soviet Union.

Indeed, many families then managed to survive only thanks to simple commercial trips on shopping tours to nearby countries.

You can make money on resale today. A correctly chosen segment of activity will help you more easily navigate the opportunities that open up for a novice businessman.

Real estate

Resale of apartments as a business can bring good income.

The real estate resale business has its ups and downs from time to time, but in general, you can always make money on it.

Only the specifics change. When working in real estate, you need to constantly monitor changes in buying trends - they change or adjust about 1-2 times a year, depending on the general economic situation in the country.

However, no matter how difficult times are, those who want to improve their living conditions always remain, only the financial capabilities of the buyer change. The same applies to the sale of real estate: migration processes and the human factor constantly give the market new objects to work with.

Having your own base and a good level of communication skills will help you succeed faster in this area.

Reselling cars as a business

Commercial activity in this segment will require you to have a certain baggage of special knowledge.

Determining the reality of the price for each offered car needs confirmation: the technical condition of the car is not always the same as the seller describes it.

And if you cannot independently determine the reliability of the information provided to you by the car, then you should additionally consult with an experienced auto mechanic.

Otherwise, it may turn out that, having paid a certain amount for a car, you will receive it in a worse condition than expected, and accordingly, you will not be able to make money on its sale.

In general, this is a fairly stable business. The demand for cars sometimes sags and has certain seasonal fluctuations, but there are chances for successful work at all times.

Goods from foreign online stores

Ordering and delivering goods from foreign online stores, as a business, began to work with us just a few years ago.

However, this type of commerce can be called one of the most dynamically developing today.

And even despite the fact that the level of profitability here is small, intermediaries often earn no more than 10% of the order amount.

Due to its mass demand, you can earn good money here.

This activity is great as an alternative way to earn money. Often young mothers who are on maternity leave or sitting with a child resort to it, or people who have enough free time and spend it at the computer.

This business can also be called a youth way of earning. All that is needed here is the ability to quickly navigate. You cannot do without a payment bank card in order to make payments promptly, and knowledge of English (at least) the language.

Knowledge of the Chinese language also helps a lot in such work, since it is China that is by far the largest leader in the e-commerce system.

Baby clothes

Reselling clothes as a business has good potential. Children's clothing is always in demand and popular.

Regardless of the cost and quality, you will find a buyer for any product.

This business has no ups or downs (except for a sharp change in the demographic situation in the country). It can definitely be attributed to fairly stable types of making money.

Goods of own production

Selling goods of own production is a fairly traditional business. Here you can independently adjust the cost of goods and quickly respond to changing consumer sentiment.

Sell ​​your products at retail, working at a higher level of profitability, but for a longer time, or give them in bulk to one buyer, losing at the level of the trade margin, only you decide. In any case, both models have their strengths and weaknesses.

A service business is attractive because the initial investment is small, and you can earn a lot. In this article, we will consider some options for making money on services: a cleaning company, foreign language courses, a forwarding company.

Internet auctions

This type of commercial activity is akin to mediation in Internet commerce.

It is worth noting that experienced auctioneers quite often earn good money here, finding real “treasures” among countless updated lots.

Very often there are situations when at an auction you can buy a real rare item at a very low price.

A person who is well acquainted with the specifics of the goods with which he works is able to quickly respond to such offers, subsequently selling unique items for much more than their original cost.

Where to get start-up capital?

It is best, of course, to start with at least a small supply of your own funds. So you will have greater freedom of action and independence from the wishes of investors or partners. But if you do not have such an opportunity, then you can attract funds from outside.

Available for you:

  • bank lending;
  • it is possible to attract funds from private investors;
  • partnership investments (you finance the project together with a partner and participate in the distribution of profits in the agreed shares).

What to sell during a crisis?

The crisis in no way stops the opportunity to earn money on resales. On the contrary, by correctly focusing on the urgent needs of the buyer, you can raise your level of earnings. In difficult times, essential goods and the simplest products, of course, from the cheapest segment, second-hand clothes, sell well.

But oddly enough, alcohol, real estate and even cars also sell well during a crisis. The main thing is to find your target audience.

Owning a business is not only a way to earn good money, but also a chance to do what you love. But not everyone has the opportunity to invest large amounts at the initial stage. One of the profitable activities that does not require huge investments and any specific knowledge is the resale of goods. Basically, anything can be resold.

What can be profitably resold and how to make money on it?

Many successful businessmen started with the resale of goods, on which they created their initial capital. Resale business can be done in two ways:

  • speculation (bought in one place cheaper, sold in another place more expensive);
  • buying a product, modifying and improving it, and then selling it for a higher price.

You can sell at retail or wholesale. Most resale entrepreneurs distribute the product to retailers, who then sell it to the end consumer.

Resale of real estate

Apartments that are located in unfinished houses are an order of magnitude lower than housing on the real estate market. So, money can be invested in unfinished real estate at a low price. When the developer puts the house into operation, you can sell the apartment already at a high price. True, the resale of apartments is suitable only for those who have a large initial capital.

The business of reselling apartments brings a lot of profit. But in order not to lose the initial investment, you need to cooperate with reliable and trusted developers.

Sale of renovated apartments

Another option is to buy cheap apartments. The condition of such housing, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. So businessmen remodel, renovate, improve the apartment and sell it to customers for a higher price. In order to save on repairs and not miscalculate with workers, entrepreneurs gather their own repair team.

Resale of cars

Another popular type of business is the resale of vehicles. The bottom line is that an entrepreneur buys a used but fully serviceable car, repairs and sells the vehicle at a new price, which is several times higher than the purchase price.

To make good money on such a business, you need to understand cars and analyze the vehicle market in all regions (at least in neighboring ones). Of course, this type of activity will require a decent initial capital.

Resale of cars brings a stable high income, but there is a lot of competition in such a market. Therefore, before selling a used car, it is necessary to really repair it with high quality, and set the price a little lower than that of competitors.

Resale of Chinese goods

Reselling goods from China is a fairly profitable business without investment. The cost of goods directly from a Chinese manufacturer is much lower than in retail sales in Russia. A big plus of working with Chinese wholesale online stores is the fact that sellers almost always provide good discounts to wholesale buyers. A significant markup on goods well increases profits.

You can sell purchased products through your own online store or social networks. What can be profitably resold from Chinese goods? Chinese electronics, clothing and footwear, children's toys are very popular.

Children's clothing and toys

Clothes for children and toys are in good demand. This business can bring good profits, as many parents are ready to purchase all the best and new for their child.

Reselling toys and children's clothing at a premium is always relevant. Purchasing children's things through online stores or wholesale warehouses at low prices, you can easily resell them through social networks, message boards or just friends.

Such activities are convenient for mothers on maternity leave. You can not only buy things for your own child at good prices, but also make money on sales.

Sale of men's and women's clothing

Any clothing tends to wear out, so things will always be in demand. What can be profitably resold by selling clothes? There are two ways to implement this type of business:

  • sale of second-hand (it is very popular in times of crisis and in difficult economic conditions);
  • sale of new clothes purchased at low prices in wholesale warehouses, factories or via the Internet.

Selling handmade products

Today, the business of selling handmade products is in demand. Activity allows you to earn money on your favorite business, usually creative.

First you need to decide on the direction (niche) in handmade, study the competition, the market, analyze prices. You can engage in tailoring designer clothes, pillows, making photo albums, notebooks, wedding paraphernalia, jewelry, candles or soap making. There are a lot of directions, the main thing is to find your buyer.

Resale of personal care products

Personal care products are included in the list of essential goods. Even in a crisis, people do not save on detergents and personal care products. What can be profitably resold:

  • washing powders;
  • soap;
  • toothpastes and brushes;
  • shampoos;
  • detergents and cleaning products;
  • inexpensive toilet waters and deodorants.

For further sale, you can buy goods of domestic brands. Such personal hygiene products are cheaper, but are not inferior to foreign counterparts in quality.

auto parts

Auto parts resale is a profitable business as it is easier and cheaper to fix breakdowns (buy auto parts) than to buy a new vehicle. An auto parts store is a great option for making a profit.

You can not limit yourself to a store, but open a car repair shop, where you can also actively sell auto parts. You can also open a car wash in parallel - this is a simple business that does not require much knowledge. Investing in auto parts is profitable and always profitable. The profitability of such retail trade exceeds 90-110% (this is a fairly high ratio).

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