How much do streamers get. How to make money on the stream: description, recommendations and reviews

Hello! In this article, we will discuss how to make money on Streams.

Streams- a relatively new phenomenon in the modern Internet. People make interesting broadcasts to entertain, tell useful things or share new information online. But only a small part of people think that you can really make money on streams. In this article, I will tell you what streaming is, whether it is possible to earn money by streaming and how to start your first broadcast.

What is Streams

Stream - live broadcast of actions that take place on a computer or PC.

Streams began their development from the appearance, when many people played games with a huge prize pool. In those moments, it was necessary to somehow show the whole world that eSports existed, and soon they would have to be reckoned with.

Now streams are no longer just about games. This is any live broadcast of a certain action. Talking on camera, traveling, certain actions on camera. Even live guitar playing recorded on a phone or webcam is a stream.

Stream Types

Classifying streams is difficult. Simply because some new directions appear every few years. I'll tell you about the most popular.

Cooking streams

The culinary theme is very popular on the net. Hundreds of sites, tens of thousands of recipes and more and more are constantly being added. Only articles have one drawback: it is very difficult to show the cooking process step by step. It was even difficult for me to boil pasta for the first time, not to mention something more complicated.

Cooking streams are almost the same format, with recipes and cooking. Only instead of articles and videos, people cook complex dishes live. You can really see how to cook this or that dish, whether it turns out delicious in the end. A great way for people far from cooking to avoid most mistakes.

In addition to cooking, there are other streams. I saw a broadcast where a man was making handicraft weapons and testing them. This is a lot of streams with life hacks and professional activities from those who know how to work with their hands.

A very promising direction, which is still underdeveloped. But in the future, I think it will take its toll and displace game streams from the first place.

Conversational streams

Very interesting direction of streams. On such broadcasts, the creator raises one interesting question, expresses his opinion and talks about this with subscribers.

About 2 years ago, philosophical streams were very popular, where experts talked about various life issues. Almost a science-pop channel.

Conversational streams are a good way to make money for famous people with their own audience. You can talk about plans, about life goals, about your vision of some issues. Streams and videos on Youtube “Someone's reaction to something” is still very popular. Such streams can also be classified as conversational.

Without an average audience (at least 500 viewers), it makes no sense to conduct such streams. They are difficult to monetize.

Everyday life

Broadcasts of ordinary life of interesting people. This does not mean that people will sit at home all day eating pizza and playing video games. These are just broadcasts of interesting days, travels, in all the little things.

The secret to the success of these streams: creating fun out of nothing. People just do what they usually do, only much more interesting than most of the people around them.

Everyday streams are suitable for charismatic people with a busy life. For whom even a trip to a cafe can end with an interesting story. For boring people who don't leave the house and don't encounter something funny, this format will not work.

Game streams

This is the most popular streaming destination. The broadcasts show how people play in real time.

Esports broadcasts can be considered as gaming streams. These are online broadcasts of championships in major games.

As strange as it may sound, many people spend much more time playing game streams than playing their own game. This is due to two factors:

  • Streamer plays better.
  • The streamer has charisma.

A game streamer is practically no different from a TV show. It's just that instead of some events on the screen, you see the player himself with his real comments.

Game streams are very popular with schoolchildren and teenagers. They watch real people play and win and feel like they're part of it. Very reminiscent of sporting events and fans. Only taking into account that you can communicate with the person behind the screen in real time.

Also, people who watch game streams are very fond of chatting on Twitch. For many, chat is the only reason to visit the stream.

In this article, we will mainly talk about game streams. This category is the most popular, brings in a lot of money and subscribers, and is the easiest to monetize.

Minimum investment for earning on streams

In order to make money on streams, you need good hardware. A laptop for 20,000 rubles is not even suitable for running the game at maximum settings, not to mention streaming it. That is why, if you have not already done so, you will have to spend about 60,000 rubles on hardware.

Popular games are not particularly demanding on hardware, so 8 gigabytes of RAM, a video card similar to the GTX 1060ti, a process from i3 will be enough for streaming.

Such a computer can be assembled for 40 - 50 thousand rubles, if you try hard. But ideally, in order not to change the hardware every time, you need to invest 70,000 rubles and buy normal hardware.

You need to buy another webcam and microphone. A good microphone costs from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. I do not recommend buying ordinary headphones for 1,000 rubles and thinking that you can stream anyway.

At first, you can do without a webcam, but you can’t do without a microphone.

As a result, the total investment in the stream: from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. Payback depends on your efforts, but usually it is 3 - 6 months.

Stream games

Dota 2. The most popular game in the CIS. Very good for beginner streamers. Just because it has a very large concentration of people from the CIS, a novice player can easily get 20-30-50 regular viewers. Monetization is pretty simple.

CS:GO. The most popular shooter, continuation of the legendary game CS 1.6. Medium is suitable for streamers, because game content is practically not valued in the CIS. In Europe, in particular, in the Scandinavian countries, it looks very good.

League Of Legends. The worst idea for a Russian-speaking streamer. Due to the strong anti-advertising from the doters, the League is watched by a very small number of people in the CIS. Streams of ordinary players rarely reach more than 1,000 people. Most often - 350-400. Very difficult to monetize.

Fortnite. The most popular game today. More than 100,000 people watch it every day, but in Russia it does not enjoy such wild popularity. An interesting, dynamic game, but it seems to me that in a year and a half they will safely forget about it.

PUBG. Similar to Fornite, only more realistic. Huge interest from the Russian community, perfectly monetized. Many famous streamers play PUBG to earn money and build an audience.

overwatch. A popular esports game, but medium for streaming. The situation is the same as with CS:GO. Europeans and Americans love the game very much, but in the Russian community it is difficult to get even 1,000 views.

Other games. These are less popular projects such as Fifa, Rainbow Six Siege, Hots, Warcraft and single games. It is very good to gain an audience on them, because there is no high competition. But such games are not suitable for further growth and development.

Trends are constantly changing. Esports disciplines remain in the TOP, interest in which is heated up every day. Cool new items that are just coming out are getting great popularity. A prime example is GTA 5.

A streamer should always be guided by the interest of the entire community. Play new games after the release, play popular projects and always be in trend.

Pros and cons of making money on streams

Before we get into something more serious, let's look at the pros and cons of making money on streams. Let's start with the positives.


  • Simple income.
  • Free schedule.
  • High income.
  • You can play and earn.


  • It's hard to break through.
  • A flurry of criticism.
  • initial investment.

Streaming venues

There are several streaming sites. Each of them has its own features of broadcasts, its own audience and ways of monetization.

It is the most popular streaming platform in the world. Allows you to broadcast games and specific, everyday things (handmade or playing musical instruments).

Due to the fact that all important esports events are covered on this site, it has gathered a huge audience: more than 1 million users on a typical day. On tournament days - more than 4 - 5 million.

A very simple platform for registration and broadcasting. The design is minimalistic, there is a chat window where you can chat.

Twitch Pros:

  • Huge audience.
  • Convenient functionality. You can start streaming on Twitch in just a few clicks.
  • Simple registration.
  • Transparent monetization.


  • It is difficult for a beginner to break through due to the large number of streamers.

Twitch is by far the most popular streaming platform. If you want to stream games, grow, develop and get huge money, I recommend starting with it. At first it will be difficult, but gradually it will become easier and easier.


Everyone has heard of YouTube. Even people who are extremely far from social networks, the Internet, watching videos and surfing have heard at least something about it. A few years ago, YouTube added the ability to stream live.

You can stream anything on YouTube. Starting from regular game streams and ending with the launch of satellites.

Youtube Pros:

  • A huge number of categories.
  • Usual service.
  • Simple monetization.

Youtube cons:

  • Unsuitability for streaming (no paid subscriptions, difficult to implement donations).

YouTube is primarily a video hosting service. Live broadcasts are not so popular there. You can't make much money streaming games on YouTube. But the service is actively developing in this direction, so it will soon occupy its niche.


This is a simple, minimalist game streaming site. The main page has games sections and a white background. Simple registration procedure, low and transparent monetization. Ideal "greenhouse" for beginners.

Site advantages:

  • Low competition.
  • Simple monetization.



  • Not adapted for full-fledged streaming (donations, subscriptions, audience).
  • Small audience for live broadcasts.

Bottom line: If you want to grow and be a professional streamer, start streaming on Twitch. If you want to stream games but are afraid of the competition, try Goodgame. If you want to stream everything and be content with little, consider Youtube. If you own a public and just want to attract more people - social networks to help.

Ways to make money streaming

There are several ways to make money on streams: something works in the CIS, something doesn’t. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Venue Partner Program

On Twitch includes showing to users. A streamer can go on pause, turn on a few commercials and earn a good amount from it.

Monetization is the same as on Youtube video - per 1,000 views. Only streamers have the ability to run 5-6 commercials in a row between games or even during them.

The more people watch the broadcast, the higher the income.

In the West, this is one of the most effective ways to monetize. But lately, more and more people are connecting Adblock, which blocks commercials so that they do not interfere with the broadcast. Therefore, income from this item is falling.

Direct Advertising

  • Stream on a specific game.
  • Overview of a specific project.
  • Playing on a certain site (before it was roulettes and cases).
  • Mentioning the project on the broadcast.

Previously, many YouTubers and streamers were paid 50-100 thousand rubles for playing on roulette sites and online CS:GO cases. And game journalists are still paid from 50 to 500 thousand rubles for positive streams of new projects and positive reviews of new games.

At the same time, each advertisement is a loss of a loyal audience. People see that a certain stream is paid for, and the attitude towards the “sold out” is changing for the worse. Therefore, if you are offered an advertisement, be prepared to face negativity and comments in the spirit of “I sold out, I unsubscribe.”


This is the most popular way to make money in the Russian segment of streams. Donations - direct transfers of money from viewers and subscribers.

For you to understand the importance of donations: the famous CS:GO player Jarosław PashaBiceps Jarzabowski was presented with $30,000 live. This was done by one Polish businessman, who thus supported his idol.

For beginners, donations are the only source of income. To get more money from subscribers do 3 things.

Make a strip at the top with goals and amount. This is done so that the audience can see where their money will go. It is not necessary to strictly follow this goal, but the idea is useful. At the end of the period, good subscribers who are interested in the streamer try to finish this amount as quickly as possible.

Well-known gaming journalist and streamer Andrey Thedrjz Khestanov sets the bar with a goal of 90-100 thousand rubles and signs “For life in the N month and useful content”. And almost always fulfills and exceeds the goal.

Arrange something for the N-th amount. In quiet broadcasts, most often they put music for 100-200-300 rubles. On inadequate streams, they most often scream, beat and arrange similar “shows”;

Russian streamer of the HeartStone card game Roman Gnumme Oleinik puts subscribers' music on the stream when they donate 300 rubles on weekdays and 100 rubles on weekends.

They put voice-over messages from donations so that everyone can send a message to all viewers. The amount of such donations for voice acting in the ru-segment is from 10 rubles. Popular streamers set the minimum wage for a voice at 30-50 rubles.

To receive donations, you need to competently work with the audience. Unobtrusively push that donations help the streamer develop, live and make quality content.

Partnership programs

In addition to the main affiliate program, you can connect additional ones from third-party sites.

A few years ago, the most popular affiliate program was the G2A game value store. They sold games, skins for games, cases and other game values. Streamers entered into a partnership agreement with the site. Subscribers who came using the streamer's promotional code received a discount on goods, and the streamer himself received a percentage of their spending.

Such a symbiosis is always beneficial for the streamer, viewers and site. Most projects provide bonuses for registering with a promotional code, which is interesting to the user.

If you plan to receive money from an affiliate site, you should carefully choose offers. As in the case of direct advertising, if the project is of poor quality, and you are clearly advertising it, this will lead to an outflow of the audience, and you will be considered "corrupt".

Paid subscriptions

Paid subscriptions are an opportunity that provides for streamers and viewers. There is a regular subscription that simply notifies you when a certain streamer starts streaming.

Paid analogue gives bonuses that vary depending on the channel. It can be:

  • Thematic emoticons.
  • Closed chat.
  • The ability to become friends with the streamer.
  • Additional bonuses depending on the duration of the subscription (allow you to moderate a chat, administer a group on a social network, communicate in a closed conference, play together on a stream, etc.).

Some streamers artificially incentivize their viewers to buy subscriptions. Let's take Roman Gnumme Oleinik as an example. It blocks the chat and leaves the opportunity to write only to those who have paid for the subscription.

Many streamers with large audiences do the same. They close the chat from everyone who has not bought a subscription. So the chat becomes cleaner, you can talk to people calmly. And it's also an additional incentive to buy a subscription.

Subscriptions are an additional way to monetize. It is inferior to all the previous ones, at least in the Russian segment. Most streamers ask you to send them money directly, as Twitch takes a commission for subscriptions, and less money comes to the streamer.

In the Western segment, on the contrary, subscriptions are the main method of monetization, in addition to direct advertising and additional affiliate programs. There is less donation culture, so people support their idols and interesting personalities with money through subscriptions.

Summarize. Of all the monetization methods, direct donations remain the most profitable in the CIS. The most idle - affiliate programs and advertising. For well-known streamers with a large audience, direct advertising is fine.

How to prepare for the first stream: step by step instructions

The first stream is a responsible matter. Reputation must be built from the very beginning. That is why it is so important to prepare well for your first stream.

Step 1: Choosing a Playstyle

There are different categories of streamers, with different personalities. You need to pick your style. At first, you can copy someone, but it is better to attract the audience with your own style. You can be angry, aggressive, kind, patient. Anything, as long as your audience likes it.

This does not mean that you need to invent some kind of image for yourself. It is enough to be yourself, but not to go beyond and show a little more emotions.

Step 2. Selecting games

It is advisable to choose games in which you are well versed. Ideally, you play better than the average player. In this case, you will be interesting to watch, and you will not face criticism in the style of "Here he is a noob, I would play better."

But in general, it's better to choose games that you like. And if they are quite popular, then it will be much easier to gather your audience. If you play Dota2, don't miss this opportunity. Collect the first subscribers in this game.

Step 3. Stream Setup

It is best to watch a good video on this topic, for example:

Step 4. You can start playing

After you have everything set up, you can start playing. Choose a game, launch it and have fun without forgetting about your subscribers.

Keep track of whether you have viewers or not. Always keep your phone next to you so that you can answer something in time.

These are the basic things that should be thought through and done at the highest level. The first broadcast is very important psychologically. If you can, then call a few of your friends to evaluate your playing skills, your conversation, how you look in the frame. If everything goes well, you will receive good psychological support for further development.

Biggest Streamer Difficulty

Most average streamers talk about one challenge that all beginners will have to face - getting out of the streamer's bottom. Getting the first regular viewers, promoting the channel higher, getting the first monetization - all this is very difficult for a beginner who has just started streaming.

The biggest problem in modern streaming is channel display. The most popular people with the highest number of viewers are shown above. And if you just started and no one knows about you, then you will be displayed at the very bottom of the list, and you will get random users who, without knowing how they came to you.

There are several ways to get the first viewers.

Redirect from more famous streamers.

This is the coolest, but most difficult to implement way to attract viewers to streams. A more famous streamer, finishing work, starts restreaming your channel. In fact, he just throws his viewers to you.

Most users will leave, but some will remain. Someone because of a good attitude towards the streamer, someone because they will like the broadcast. If you have more experienced friends, it will not take much time to promote a streaming channel. Especially if you are charismatic.

You can even buy viewers this way. But if you are a beginner, you should not do this. Simply because after the purchase you need to keep the viewer, and without experience it is very difficult to do this.

Many novice streamers start their own public, invite friends, start promoting it and actively collect subscribers, and then advertise their own streams.

This way of getting viewers is not easy. Just because most people don't understand that their streams are not interesting for their friends, and to get someone else, you need to try. Development with its own public will go a little faster, but it will still be difficult.


This is the easiest but riskiest way to get viewers. Its scheme is extremely simple:

The stream starts -> A huge number of bots are wound up on the channel -> The channel goes to the TOP -> Real viewers come.

Since you are not getting direct viewers, it is impossible to get monetization with bots. You just push your channel to the TOP. But working with bots, you refuse 3 out of 5 ways to monetize. There will be no direct advertising, affiliate programs from the site, and it will be unprofitable to use other affiliate programs. For a beginner, this method will be the fastest, but its effectiveness is doubtful. Better not to use.

If you manage to overcome the difficulty, then over time your audience will expand. You will be shown to your friends, acquaintances, the audience will grow, and hence the earnings too. The hardest part will be at the beginning.

How much do you earn from streaming

Earnings on streams is very similar to earnings from Youtube channels. It is very difficult to give an exact figure of income because it consists of many factors:

  • Stream type.
  • Popularity of a person.
  • Advertising frequency.
  • Etc.

But streamers with 1-2 thousand people who regularly come in and watch someone play receive from 20 to 70 thousand rubles a month, depending on the ability to work with the audience.

When I myself was still playing CS:GO, there was one guy in our team who was involved in streaming. I just played at night, talked with the audience, explained something. He streamed popular games like GTA 5, Dota 2, etc. After a month of streaming every day, he earned 4,000 rubles for a new webcam with donations alone.

The most popular Fortnite streamer “Ninja” earns about $500k a month. Less popular Western colleagues - 10-15 thousand dollars a month of active streams. In Russia, the interest of advertisers is less, but reaching an income of 100,000 rubles is not a problem for many charismatic people.

I would like to give some tips on gaming streams. Firstly, this is the most profitable niche, and secondly, absolutely anyone can start. It is important not to make mistakes.

Tip 1. Follow the trends.

In order to have a stable income, you need to follow the trends. In the gaming community, trends are constantly changing. A new, interesting project will come out, and new users will immediately be drawn to it. So, the streamer of this game will receive money.

The simplest fact. Six months ago, the most popular game for streamers was the 3rd person shooter PUBG. Tens of thousands of viewers, a lot of donations, unceasing interest. But now in the top is an analogue of PUBG - Fortnite. And those who stream this particular game get a lot more money.

Trends in games change with the wave of a hand. Therefore, in order to earn money, you need to carefully monitor game updates. An interesting project has appeared that everyone is watching - to make several streams. The “week of old games” has come, you can stream some old toys. This is a very flexible and competent path to success.

Tip 2. Come up with your own style.

There are different categories of streamers. Ordinary calm professionals, speedrunners who try to make everything faster, toxic people who blame teammates for everything, etc. But successful people always have a certain style. Someone combines aggression, the desire to win and the support of teammates, someone reacts violently to failures.

But all successful streamers have their own style of broadcasting. You need to come up with your own. After all, you are the most interesting thing on the stream. Not how you play, but how you present yourself.

Tip 3: Don't try to be a professional.

This and the previous advice are interrelated. People come to watch you, not your game. So, you don't have to be a professional to attract an audience. There are a huge number of streamers who play mediocre, but they know how to make a show out of this.

In the TOP 3 in CS:GO, there was a guy who played very weakly. It was pulled by subscribers and friends who played in the same group. But he knew how to create a lamp and interesting atmosphere. People didn't watch him play. It was interesting to watch the person.

Many professionals collect much less views and excitement than well-known streamers who play much worse.

Tip 4: Talk to your audience.

There is a very narrow circle of people who can afford not to speak to the audience on game streams and gather a huge number of people on broadcasts. These are very charismatic people, and newcomers are not included in this list.

At first, until you are popular, you will not be able to keep the audience if you do not talk to them. You can chat on any topic. From ordinary chatter to politics. The main thing is that you are talking, which means that you show that you value the audience. And these people will appreciate you.

To communicate with the audience, keep a phone / tablet near you or install an additional monitor. It will be much easier than constantly minimizing the game and looking at the chat.

Tip 5. Emotions are cool.

It is interesting to watch not mechanical robots that just click the keys. The coolest thing about streams is the emotions of the player himself. How he reacts to game moments, to teammates and what is happening in the chat.

Don't be afraid to look stupid. Your emotions are the key to being liked by other people. Stone face is not an option. But do not go to extremes, like the streamer Karina, who received an audience and donations exclusively with screams and squeals.

These are basic tips, but many beginners forget about them. Keep all this information in mind and you will have a chance to become a successful streamer. And don't try to stream lol. It's useless.


Streaming is a pretty interesting way to make money. You do what you love and get paid a lot of money for it. If you approach this wisely, then you can earn only at the expense of your charisma. And everyone can try!

Not every one of us has even heard of such a profession as a streamer. Nevertheless, it exists, and is gaining more and more popularity. It is connected with reporting, mainly through the Internet. Let's find out what the streamer's activity is and how much he earns.

The essence of the profession

Streamers are people who report without using the services of an operator. They do all the shooting procedures themselves. This type of professional activity has found especially wide application in commenting on computer games, or even simply in recording the process of the game itself. That is, in fact, you can earn money by streaming just by playing computer games.

Many people who want to earn money through this type of activity are attracted by the following aspects of streaming:

  • no age restrictions;
  • no need for education;
  • the ability to work without leaving home;
  • free work schedule.

Of course, there are also disadvantages of this profession. For example, almost all professional streamers are deprived of social guarantees, since only a few of them formalize their type of activity.

Service Twitch

One of the biggest streaming services is Twitch. The beginning of its activity is considered to be the middle of 2011. It was then that the service website was launched, at the origins of which was the well-known gaming resource

The main goal of Twitch is the presentation of video games, as well as a demonstration of some of the nuances of their passage. This is exactly what streamers who work through this service do.

At the moment, more than 600,000 streamers broadcast on the Twitch service, and the audience has more than 45 million users per month.

What does income depend on?

Let's find out how much money streamers receive by working on the Twitch service, and what the amount of earnings depends on.

Of course, the main criterion on which income in this area depends is the popularity of the streamer's channel. The more followers he has, the more he earns. After all, a subscription to Twitch is paid, and costs $4.99. Of these, half falls directly into the streamer's pocket, and the other half remains for the service.

Another type of income is deductions from advertising. But in order to be able to earn in this way, you must have a well-promoted channel. Only in this case, Twitch provides the ability to run an ad unit. For 1000 unique ad views, you can get $ 3.5.

Naturally, in order for a video to be popular, it must be of high quality. To do this, you need to have a fairly powerful computer that will not freeze even on the most "gluttonous" games. And, besides, the streamer needs to be creative in the process of creating a video, to know how to attract the maximum number of users.

The streamer's popularity is also facilitated if he is a participant in some well-known computer game competitions, and even better - a winner. An additional factor that attracts the audience can be competent and interesting commenting on what is happening on the screen.

But, the financial capabilities of its target audience also play a significant role in the streamer's income. For example, if a streamer targets an audience under the age of 18, it is unlikely that even with the greatest popularity, he will be able to gain many subscribers, since they simply will not have the money to pay for a subscription.

Streamer earnings

Now, let's still determine how much a person who is engaged in streaming earns. Find out the maximum and minimum limits of his earnings for a certain amount of time.

The minimum amount of earnings for a streamer can even be zero income. Yes, a novice commentator may not earn anything at all until he chooses the best reporting style for himself, and thereby picks up the keys to his target audience. Many beginners, having not earned anything, at the very beginning of their streamer activities, are disappointed in this type of income, and leave it.

But in vain, because nothing comes immediately, and perseverance and the desire to achieve the goal sooner or later will give their results.

A streamer who still manages to overcome this barrier can have an income of 100 to 1000 dollars a month. Well, an advanced professional is quite capable of earning from $ 1,000. The upper limit of his income is practically unlimited, and may even include several thousand units of American currency. It all depends on the size of the attracted audience.

There is a known case when a fan transferred 69,000 euros to one popular streamer in a one-time payment. However, this is still a one-time payment, and not a permanent income.

Is it profitable to be a streamer?

So, we found out how much streaming people earn. It is definitely impossible to answer the question of whether this activity is profitable. To earn really big money on this, you need a lot of talent. At the same time, almost any user, if he shows due perseverance, patience and willingness to learn, and does not quit his job at the first failure, will be able to earn no less than with official employment.

Stream (from the English word stream) - in fact, is the broadcast of your own video online. At the moment, such a service is in great demand among numerous gamers and lovers of real-time communication. Users with the highest rating and number of views have the right to monetize their own broadcasts, thereby turning the game process not only into a hobby, but also a completely successful commercial enterprise.

About how much money you can earn by broadcasting your own video content, and about other nuances of such a modern business, you will learn directly from this article.

What do you need to start streaming?

So, through the stream, you can make sure that the entire gameplay that takes place on your computer screen will be broadcast in real time and available for viewing by a virtually unlimited number of users from all over the globe. And each of them will be able to evaluate the quality of your content or leave a comment.

You can also answer questions of interest to various users and accept donations from viewers to various e-wallets. A similar thing is currently extremely common and has its own name - "Donat".

  • First of all, you will need a fair amount of free time. To begin with, you need to devote at least three hours daily to your own gaming broadcasts.
  • You will need a computer with a fairly powerful configuration. Its power is the most important factor in the success of any streamer, since the hardware must allow not only to play, but also simultaneously broadcast the game in real time to Internet users. In addition to a modern processor and video card, the computer must have at least six gigabytes of RAM and a hard drive with a high spindle speed.
  • Stable high speed internet. There are no speed limits, of course. The higher the speed, the better, but it should be at least 30 megabits per second. The most suitable is the speed of 70 megabits and above.
  • For your own stream, you should choose not just a popular game that is in the TOP in terms of the number of subscribers, but also one that you personally know well and in which you have a certain skill. In addition, you need the ability to interestingly and picturesquely comment on the ongoing gameplay.
  • A microphone with which you will comment on your game and answer questions. You can use the built-in recording device in your laptop, or purchase a higher-quality microphone separately, which in turn will affect the quality of your broadcast and, accordingly, the number of viewers.
  • Webcam. In fact, it is quite possible to conduct your own streams without this device, but the presence of a camera also affects the rating and popularity.
  • In order to conduct your own broadcasts, you need to install additional software on your computer, with which you will stream online. One of the most popular programs that allows you to broadcast a video stream is XSplit.

What are the best games to stream?

As mentioned above, you need to stream those games that you personally like, and knowledge of the gameplay of which may be of interest to viewers who watch the progress of your game in real time.

To date, the most popular games broadcast on the stream are WOT, Dota2, WoW, Minecraft and many others. Various sports games are of no less interest, such as the series FIFA and first person shooters like Counter strike.

All content that you are going to broadcast must not contain threats against any persons, scenes of an erotic and pornographic nature, alcohol propaganda and other bad habits.

Profanity can also result in your ability to broadcast your own video being blocked by the moderators of a certain resource due to a violation of one of these rules. It is worth remembering about copyright, non-observance of which is strictly suppressed by the administration of the vast majority of resources. Otherwise, there are no restrictions, and you can broadcast any content that does not contradict the above rules.

Most popular sites


Twitch is currently the largest service with which you can conduct your own full-fledged broadcasts. The capabilities of this site allow you to simultaneously broadcast the gameplay taking place directly on your computer screen and comment on it using a microphone, while armed with a webcam.

You can display your own image in parallel so that the audience can observe your emotions during the game, which can greatly increase the audience of your fans.

All viewers of your stream can chat with each other and ask questions directly to you.

In order to start streaming using Twitch, you need to register on the site's official website. Next, you need to fill in all the required fields with information about yourself, after which you will have access to the capabilities of the service.

On this platform today, there are the following main ways of earning.


Only those users who are connected to the affiliate program of the service can place advertising offers during their own broadcast. In order to join such a program, the average number of viewers of your channel must be at least 500, you must broadcast at least three times a week, and all your content must comply with all copyright laws.

After connecting to the affiliate network, you will have the opportunity to launch ad units at virtually any time intervals. At your own discretion, you can spin commercials from one to several times per hour. Direct income for every thousand views is up to four US dollars.

There is one significant drawback - those viewers who have AdBlock software installed will not be able to see the commercial offer, and you will not be able to earn money.

However, if the audience of your channel becomes quite large, you can ask users to turn off such applications, thereby giving you the opportunity to improve your financial well-being. The higher your popularity, the more potential advertisers would like to place their offers during your broadcasts. There are no uniform prices for such banners, however, many popular streamers charge up to one hundred US dollars for the information about a product or service to last for several hours of a live broadcast.

Paid subscriptions

Providing a paid subscription is possible only for users officially connected to the affiliate program of the Twitch platform. Subscribing to your channel gives other users the right to view your broadcasts in real time with some bonuses and privileges not available to ordinary viewers.

The cost of such a subscription for one month usually varies within 2 to 5 dollars, however, it should be borne in mind that about half of this amount goes to the affiliate program.


Donat is a payment for the work of the streamer directly during the broadcast to one of the virtual wallets. Viewers pay both simply out of disinterested motives in order to thank the author for a high-quality broadcast, and in order to gain some fame, since for most streamers the donator's nickname with a short text appears on the screen during the live broadcast.

Of course, viewers can use your broadcast to advertise their goods or services, however, in order to prevent the influx of "spammers" and freeloaders, you can manually set the minimum donation size, which will stop fans of cheap advertising.

At the current time, a similar way to make money is more relevant for European countries and the English-speaking space. Gamers who enjoy a certain amount of success and popularity with viewers earn on average about $500 for a stream of several hours. On the territory of the CIS countries, donation is also gradually becoming fashionable, and today in the Russian-speaking space there are enough streamers who earn several tens of thousands of rubles per broadcast.

You can visually see the process of earning on this platform in the following video:

Youtube (Youtube)

In order to conduct your own broadcasts on the Youtube service, you must have an up-to-date account, for which no violations and warnings were noticed. The platform allows you to organize broadcasts in real time in high definition, and other viewers can review replays of your broadcast immediately from the moment it ends.

Users can leave comments and discuss your streams with each other, as well as rate the quality of your content. In order to be able to host your own broadcasts, you need to install additional software, such as OBS.

How much can you earn?

Theoretically, there are no restrictions on the possible earnings through your own broadcasts, it all depends solely on your content, the charisma and generosity of your viewers. Streamers in the English-speaking space earn amounts that other quite successful businessmen can only dream of. Although we are not all that bad.

For example, a well-known streamer from the Russian-speaking segment, especially popular on the Twitch platform, nicknamed Vzhlink, earns an average about 50,000 rubles per month. The maximum size of a one-time donation during one of his broadcasts was more than 70,000 rubles.

How to get a large number of views?

The amount of your earnings on online broadcasts directly depends on the number of viewers and the popularity of your channel. Spread the word about your upcoming broadcasts on various social networks and in general wherever possible.

Streamers go through new levels of computer games in front of a video camera and tell viewers about their successes and how to achieve them. For this they receive quite decent income. Who would have thought that you can make money on this?

Should we try?

Ways to make a profit

Streamers broadcast on YouTube and channels. The most popular of them earn millions on paid views and voluntary donations (donations) from viewers. Placement brings tangible profit advertising.

Let's analyze the income of streamers by points:

  • The easiest way to make money showing promotional videos. Advertisers negotiate with a popular streamer, and he shows videos at a certain interval, in the middle of the air. Most often this happens 1 - 3 times / hour. There are certain rules for advertising on different sites:
  • Twitch - during the broadcast there must be at least 500 viewer views, the streamer must upload at least 3 streams in 7 days;
  • YouTube - 1000 fans of talent and over 4050 hours of broadcasts.

They earn from $1.1 to $5.1 per 1000 subscriber visits.

  1. If you managed to set up advertising, then the function opens paid subscription. Viewers purchase it for electronic money and receive privileges in the form of a set of new emoticons for chatting or the ability to view broadcasts without ads. Subscription prices range from $5 to $25. Of these, the streamer gets only half of this amount. If there are 100 people willing to pay the minimum amount, the streamer's revenue reaches $250. 1000 new subscribers generate income up to $2550. Sales champions earn up to $510,000/month on this.
  2. Another way to earn money is native advertising. At the same time, goods are mentioned, at first glance, by accident. For example, a streamer drinks branded drinks, uses any products with logos or emblems. Popular streamers with a large number of subscribers who are ready to imitate their idol make money on this. The cost of the service is discussed individually and depends on the ability to negotiate.
  3. Voluntary contributions and gifts from fans are called donations. On his channel, the streamer gives the details of a personal account or an electronic wallet, where those who wish to transfer money to support him. Thus, they collect money for the promotion of the channel, the purchase of special equipment or the strengthening of their hero in games.

For this money, viewers are sometimes asked to perform some action on the air - to draw something, convey a greeting, sing, etc.

The amount of donations depends on the generosity of the viewers and the personal charisma of the streamer. On different days it brings from 100 to 1000 rubles. ($1.5 - 15) or more. The most generous donation $70000 , the only one in the history of this movement.

  1. Get a good income from provision of services for pumping a game hero or passing any level in the game. Subscribers turn to the streamer as an expert in their game.

Online earnings

On YouTube channel 10% donations are collected by the Donation Alerts service. This is the main part of the income. It changes depending on the number of views, and can jump from 30 to 300 thousand rubles. ($457 - 4578) per month. Donations outside of streams cover commissions from Donation Alerts.

The table shows the approximate earnings of some streamers:


from advertising

For 1 stream Per month
Chudo8585 300 6000 92 110000 1679
Perfect_rii 210 3000 46 66000 1007
Alan 20 500 8 13000 198

Russian streamers earn from $100 to $1000 per month. Salary of top craftsmen:

  • gamer VeRsut - up to 200,000 rubles. ($3052) per month;
  • streamer World of tanks jove - $8000.

The average monthly salary is 150 - 170 thousand ($ 2289 - 2598).

To make money on Twitch, you need to become a channel partner, and this is not an easy task. From 2.5 million streamers, partners of the channel became only 25,000 people. Now they can set the cost of the monthly subscription themselves.

A novice specialist on this channel earns:

  • Hanes130 - 170 spectators - 30,000 rubles. ($458) per month;
  • PROMOTIVE - 150 spectators - up to $150;
  • MakcoH - 100 spectators - up to $

This is earnings from paid subscribers, donations are not taken into account here.

Where are the funds going?

To receive tangible income, you need serious investments:

  • powerful computer - 300,000 rubles. ($4578);
  • special equipment (professional microphone, headphones, additional monitor, etc.) - 30,000 ($458);
  • development of the original logo - 40,000 ($610);
  • own channel costs - 10,000 ($153);
  • Internet with high speed -1500 ($23) per month;
  • purchase of games - 10,000;
  • paid subscriptions - 10,000.

And that's not all the costs, just some of them are needed monthly, while others - only once.

The average streamer has to survive on the crumbs or ask for help from their parents.

Salary of the fair half

Streamers do not like to talk about their income. Girls are no exception in this regard. Preparing for the next stream, they come up with new tricks to attract viewers and subscribers. Some include a bit of erotica and seduction in their broadcasts.

It acts like a magnet for a certain audience.

Achieved great popularity Karina Sychova. Now she has 530 thousand subscribers. It goes on the air for 3-4 hours, once a week. Her aggressive manner of commenting on games attracts new viewers and subscribers. On streams alone, she earns from 440000 rub. per month ($6714).

It is not possible to know the exact income, but presumably, her earnings can reach up to $850 thousand. in year.

Other streamers earn:

  • Marie Takahaniya, California - 4 million views, monetization revenue excluding commercials is $14,000 per month.
  • Leah Wolf - 11.5 million subscribers, $15.5 thousand
  • Sonya Reed - 790 thousand subscribers, 9 million views, approximate revenue is $ 30,000 per month.

salaries for men

Despite the fact that this type of activity appeared about 10 years ago, many players have already learned how to earn millions from this:

  1. T. Blevins ( Ninja) is one of the first who was able to get millions of dollars in streaming revenues. 16.1 million people subscribed to his channel, and the salary reaches 53.8 million per month. He invests in stocks of large companies and donates large sums to the maintenance of nurseries for homeless animals.
  2. M. Grzheshek ( Shroud) - previously engaged in e-sports, but moved to streamers. He has 2 million subscribers, and the monthly income reaches $86.7 thousand.
  3. G. Baym ( Dr.DisRespect) - he is known as a person with expressive manners. On the monitors of subscribers, he appears in a black wig, dark glasses and with a small mustache. Goes on the air in unusual conditions, for example, being on board a boat, in the middle of the ocean. At one time, up to 420 thousand people view his streams. From donations alone, he earns up to $31 million.
  4. F. Chemberg ( PenDiePie) - on YouTube, he collected 14.6 billion views, 66 million people subscribed to his channel. He specializes in action and horror games, which brought him $11.6 million in profits.
  5. E. Wong ( VanossGaming) - for the sake of making money on streaming, he abandoned his studies at the university. On his channel, he does not comment on the passage of the stages of the game, and posts interesting collections of game moments. He has 21 million subscribers, and the average annual income reaches $13.7 million.

Back at the end of the last century, the word “work” meant exclusively an office or a factory, and with them the corresponding joys in the form of a five-day working day from 9 to 6. At the present time, this concept has been greatly distorted, because many different options have appeared, such as freelancing or remote Job. These alternatives are becoming more and more part of our lives, and for sure in 10 years no one will roll their eyes when they hear from someone that he is a freelancer.
However, there is another profession that people will not soon get used to. For many adults and children, such work is more a dream than a reality. It's about streamers and their earnings.

Who is a "streamer"?

If we omit the technical component of the process, a streamer is a person who plays computer games and broadcasts the entire process for others. There are many platforms for creating broadcasts, such as, and many others. There, viewers can choose which streamer or which game they want to watch.

There are legends that these selfless people who play games for the audience, earn big money on streams, and are themselves the embodiment of mythical demigods. Someone may treat this article with irony, they say, how can you make money with this, and even if you can, how much? Let's take an abstract example, some image of a popular streamer, and calculate.

Can you make money streaming games?

A streamer's earnings consist of several components: advertising, paid subscriptions, support from viewers (donations), constant advertising banners. For the purity of the experiment, we will not take into account the last two, since this income is unstable and it is very problematic to calculate it.

Suppose a streamer is watched by 6000 viewers at the same time, this is quite a lot. Our imaginary streamer streams for 6 hours a day, seven days a week. Once every 15 minutes (optional) a two-minute block of ads is scrolled, the price for 1000 views of which fluctuates around 2-3 dollars. You need to understand that this ad block will not get 6000 views, for correct calculations you need to subtract at least half, because these are people with Adblock installed, which blocks all ads. We get that for a stream, according to favorable calculations, 30-40 dollars will fall into our piggy bank. At the current rate, that's pretty good.

A streamer is not only great by ad units, and the next component of his income, which can be counted, is paid subscribers. A few technical details: the subscription costs $5 per month, of which $2.5 goes straight into the streamer's pocket. And here is already where to roam.

The number of paid subscribers for a streamer depends not so much on the number of viewers, but on the streamer himself. If we take the average figure for calculations, then there will be about 200-300 paid subscribers for 6000 viewers. We will assume that about 100-150 of them will renew their subscription every month. By simple calculations, we get an amount of 250-300 dollars a month, and this already sounds much better!


In total, for these two points, we receive about $ 1,200 per month of stable earnings, excluding viewer support and other advertising. This is certainly good, but not everything is so rosy.

The main catch is to collect these notorious 6000 people on your stream, and here we are met by the first pitfall - popularity. When entering the streaming platform, people first of all go to popular and well-known streamers, and it is very difficult for other people to break through “from the bottom”. Of course, this is possible, but it takes a year or even two to work for the audience. Stream regularly and a lot for free, organize various kinds of contests, order advertising and much more. Of course, no one can guarantee that your work will pay off in the future.

The percentage of streamers who can collect 6,000 viewers or more is 2-5% at most. These are those who really live by it, for whom it is bread and butter.
A small summary. Yes, running your own stream is a completely working way to earn money, but it is not much different from a regular office job. There is no easy money here, just like anywhere else, you need to work hard to get results. But, as the classic said, it is in labor, and only in labor, that a man is great!

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency