What can mom really do and earn money on maternity leave to earn money. What you can do on maternity leave to earn money: options for earning money at home How to earn extra money on maternity leave

A decree is not necessarily a refusal to fulfill one's obligations at one's usual job. Lawyers, psychologists, accountants can take work home and work remotely. Of course, the load can be reduced, but it will still generate income. It will be possible to agree on such a form of cooperation with the director, and if he refuses, offer his services to competitors.

Earnings in social networks

Today likes, reposts and subscriptions are bought. Of course, they are not expensive, for example, like - 1 ruble. But if you put a lot of them at once, you get a good additional income. You can find paid tasks on special sites, you can immediately register on several.

Filling groups in social networks is also an occupation for which money is paid. Professional societies only hire people with experience, but start-up groups sometimes need low-cost employees. You can find customers on freelance exchanges or on job sites. And when the experience of conducting appears, you can increase the rates and look for a better offer.

Learning a New Skill

Very convenient to study. Courses in manicure, nail extensions, eyelashes, massage, hair or makeup will allow you to get an additional profession. To whom do you offer your services? Young mothers who are very common on maternity leave. For 2-3 years, it is possible to collect a large clientele, but it is only important not to overcharge and do everything at the highest level.

Mini kindergarten

Why not look after several children on maternity leave? After all, friends also have children, and sometimes they need to go somewhere, leave the baby with someone. This can be done on an economic basis. Children together, three of us will not be bored, and this will bring income. It is only important to tell your friends that there is such a service, and customers will quickly appear.

Article writing

Every day, hundreds of new sites appear on the Internet, and all of them need texts. And they get paid to write articles. Creating texts does not seem to be, and if there were no problems with Russian at school, it's worth a try. You can find customers on article exchanges or on freelance sites. There, people voice the requirements and the price in advance. To learn, it is worth taking not expensive orders, but with simple professionalism, earnings will also increase.

Articles can not only be written to order, but also sold. Such an opportunity is also available on the exchanges of articles. But in order for people to buy, it is important to choose the right topics. It is not difficult to learn this, there is a lot of information on the Internet, you just need to make a little effort.

Help with studies

To make money on maternity leave, you can write not only articles, but also help people study. People will always need term papers, theses or abstracts and tests. Of course, you need to write on topics that you know well. And as a result, profits will gradually increase. Within months, a database of finished works will be formed, as well as blanks that speed up the process.


Beautifully knitted things have always been popular. You can also sell embroidery, decorative crafts. They are put up for sale on special sites where hundreds of people buy unique creations every day. You can also display them in souvenir shops. You can negotiate with the owner and receive money after the sale. Handmade soft toys can be displayed in flower shops, where people often buy gifts.

Animal care

Overexposure of animals is an additional income that is suitable only for those who have a large house or apartment. The bottom line is that dogs or cats found on the street need to be kept somewhere. The curators take them to the veterinarian, carry out all the vaccinations, wash the animals, and then, for a fee, place them at someone's house. They do not pay too much for healthy inhabitants, but they bring them food, all the necessary items. Maximum payment for animals that need medical care. When there is a child in the house, you can take only healthy pets. The payment is daily.

How to make money on maternity leave so that you have enough for pleasant little things? You just need to show imagination and start doing something. A stable income is possible only if efforts are applied daily.

Looking for information on how to make money for a young mother on maternity leave? We propose to study the list and analysis of the most worthy vacancies to date.

Many mothers feel uncomfortable about the lack of enough money in the family. There is no one to leave the baby to go to the main job. The idea of ​​working from home comes up. How to do it? What can really bring additional income on maternity leave?

Reasons for looking for earnings on maternity leave

  • If you need a job in order not to be just a housewife and a mother, but to feel your importance in general, then you can realize yourself in simple projects. This category may include professions or activities that bring emotional pleasure. Often, young mothers, wanting to develop with their baby, open a children's studio for various interests or sell hand-made goods. This allows you to combine caring for the baby and work.
  • Things are quite different when the mother's income is a vital necessity. Every family's circumstances are different. Sometimes a spouse is not able to provide the house with everything necessary, not to mention entertainment and additional expenses. Then the mother decides to find a job that brings at least some income.

The scope of career choice for young mothers is constantly expanding. But the result depends on the applicant's abilities or the desire to explore new horizons.

Let's consider each situation separately, making a list of suitable ways to earn money for a mother on maternity leave.

Work for pleasure

If the baby does not take much time, then you can earn on what you know how to do without additional training:

Hobbies are at the top of the list of additional income. Every mother has a favorite pastime: knitting, embroidery, sewing, decoupage, drawing, weaving with beads, etc.

It all depends on the skills, speed of execution and the ability to find customers to implement their services.

Work from home in the previous organization where you worked before the decree: accountant, translator or teacher of foreign languages, designer of various directions (furniture, interior, landscape, web, leaflets, booklets), lawyer (drawing up contracts, consultations), psychologist, massage therapist, proofreader, tutor.

Realize your dreams and earn income

On maternity leave, many mothers learn new professions that they thought about before, but did not have enough time to learn:

  • visagiste;
  • beautician;
  • hairdresser;
  • photographer;
  • stylist;
  • culinary specialist (custom-made cakes are especially in demand);
  • florist.

Organizer of children's leisure

The specialty has a wide range of opportunities: from group classes with children on their development to organizing holidays with theatrical performances or shows. Find like-minded people and come up with a business that will be interesting for mothers and their babies.

A creative, sociable person without complexes has a large field for self-realization.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

The list of vacancies that can bring pleasure and benefit can be long. Next, we will look at areas of activity that can bring, perhaps, more income, but not always personal satisfaction.

If you do not have organizational skills, do not have a hobby that will bring income, do not have the opportunity to fulfill part of the obligations of your previous job, we recommend that you consider the following positions:


The Internet is a great platform for finding earnings for mom with a baby. Many doubt the real opportunity to get a good income through the virtual world. Having heard about various deceptions, a young mother does not risk wasting time, and sometimes money, in vain. But you can make money if you know what:

  • Copywriting or rewriting - this is a common activity if you have a literary mindset and literacy. There are special platforms (exchanges) where you can choose the appropriate direction and write texts to order. At first, the money can be small - experience, rating, and the ability to quickly type text are required. More about
  • Website or blog development. This type of activity is suitable for those who can offer interesting information to the visitor. Topics are selected individually. But you can't expect a quick return. The development of any business requires time and the trust of users. Here is information on how to create a blog http://aimblog.ru/kak-sozdat-blog
  • Online store can become one of the types of earnings, if you have something to offer.
  • Moderator of thematic forums or social groups. Work is done from home, sitting at the computer. It is necessary to monitor the work of the site / forum / group and remove information that violates the terms of use. You can choose certain hours when there will be free time and take several directions under your care.
  • Text proofreader - elimination of errors, typos, incorrect phrases, information from the finished text. The work is painstaking, requiring good knowledge of the Russian language and text formatting standards.

READ MORE: Ways to earn money through the Internet for moms on maternity leave. (Without pyramids and MLM)

Advice! Do not try to make money on the Internet on empty promises or tempting offers that require investment. We want to earn, not spend. Money can only be invested in training that is required for retraining. Take the time to read people's reviews of online jobs that interest you.

Other earning opportunities

If the computer and the World Wide Web are not for you, you can find work outside the home. But then you have to look for a nanny for the child during your absence. ()

  • Social work

Take patronage over people in need of social assistance (buying food, medicine, walking pets, or just a heart-to-heart conversation). You can allocate a couple of hours a day for this and take control of the people living nearby.

Broad or narrow profile agent. There are different areas here when you can be a representative of an insurance, trading company, engage in a survey, some kind of agitation or a population census. Income can be inconsistent, as agents receive a percentage of the final result.

  • Marketing

Distributor of goods for various purposes. Suitable only for those who can convince people well of the need to purchase the proposed product or service. Endurance, resistance to stress - this is also not the last requirement.

  • Educational sphere

Often the organizers of children's clubs, circles, schools are the same young mothers who were looking for additional income on maternity leave. It became their main job, bringing pleasure and income.

You can start small:

  1. Recruit a few children who need care for a short time. Become a nanny for an hour (). You can take care of your baby and get money for babysitting services.
  2. If the house allows you to organize a home kindergarten, then go for it. The state can support such undertakings.
  3. If you have the talent of an artist, musician or something else, open a children's hobby group.

How to earn money on maternity leave? This question is asked by a huge number of mothers. The child needs a huge amount of attention. But money will never be superfluous, because there will be a huge amount of purchases for the baby. There are a lot of ads on the Internet with a proposal to earn money for young mothers. Let's try to figure out if they are real or not.

Pros and cons of earning on maternity leave

Before looking for earnings for mothers on maternity leave, it is worthwhile to figure out what advantages and disadvantages of such a pastime will have to face.

Among the advantages are:

  1. Naturally, additional injections into the family budget. For those who have children, money is never superfluous.
  2. There is no need to go anywhere, look for someone to leave the child with. The baby will always be with his mother.
  3. Flexible mode of operation. The schedule can be completely adjusted to the baby’s regimen, no one will be indignant about being late. Moreover, if suddenly the child gets sick, the mother can always be there.
  4. There is no employer who will be outraged by frequent absences to the clinic, swimming pool and other activities with the baby.

Despite the large number of advantages, earnings on maternity leave also have a number of undeniable disadvantages:

  1. You will have to be distracted from the child and household chores.
  2. It is often difficult to convince household members not to interfere with a working mother. They are sure that since she is at home, she can be distracted by trifles.
  3. You will have to build the work completely yourself. It is difficult for some when no one pushes them, there is no fear of angering the evil boss.
  4. At the initial stage, the income is likely to be very small. This is disappointing for many. However, with due diligence, in a few months you can reach quite decent amounts.

What to do on maternity leave to earn money

Those who are not afraid of the above disadvantages begin to look for the best ways to make money on the Internet. The main thing here is not to become a victim of scammers. There are a huge number of offers on the Internet that promise a good income. To find a real part-time job, you should follow simple rules:

Below are real ways to make money on maternity leave while sitting at home.

Tinkoff Bank - Official work at home

Those mothers who are looking for an official way to make money without leaving home can be advised to become a sales manager or call center operator at Tinkoff Bank. To work, you only need a stable Internet connection, a headset, headphones with a microphone. The only condition that must be ensured without fail is complete silence in the process of work. This is the only thing that is difficult for the mother of a small child to observe.

This type of online earnings is good, first of all, because it is official. An employment contract is concluded with the employee. In addition, Tinkoff deducts all necessary contributions. At the same time, to work in a bank, only sociability is required, special knowledge is not required from employees.

Earnings on copywriting and rewriting

Another option that allows moms to make money on the Internet is writing articles. There are two main options for this work:

  • Rewriting - retelling the text in your own words in order to achieve uniqueness;
  • Copywriting is writing articles based on your own knowledge or a large number of sources.

To work in this area, you need to be able to express your thoughts competently and without errors. Knowledge in certain areas will be useful - texts about Forex, loans, exchange trading are especially popular. However, it is quite possible to find customers on the subject of housekeeping, raising children.

The advantage of such earnings on the Internet for mothers is the opportunity to gain additional knowledge. The disadvantage is that at first, in order to earn decent money, you will have to work quite a lot.

Register on the Etxt copywriting exchange and start earning

Writing essays, term papers and theses

This option of earning is suitable for sufficiently educated mothers. It is best if the university is completed recently, and the knowledge is still fresh.

In large cities, such services are provided by various companies. It is quite possible to ask there if they need workers. Another option is to write independently of any firms. But you will need to look for clients yourself. This will help free bulletin boards, social networks, with good work, rumors will quickly spread among students. The main rule in such work is to meet deadlines, if you are not sure that you will be able to complete the work on time, it is better not to take it on.

There is a special site for working on the Internet on writing essays and term papers.

Freelance services

For those who have the education of an accountant or a programmer, the question of how to make money on maternity leave should not be. It is quite possible to offer your services for filling out declarations, keeping records of small firms, creating and promoting websites.

In direct contact with the client, there is a risk that the work will not be paid. Therefore, it is better to work through freelance exchanges available on the Internet. You can also meet with clients in person, passing work from hand to hand and receiving payment at the same time.

Most Popular Freelance Sites, where you can earn good money are considered Kwork and FL.RU.

Making money from network marketing

Network marketing is the sale of unique products through catalogs. In this way, dishes, cosmetics, clothes and many other goods are distributed.

If, in search of an option where to make money while on maternity leave, you decide to do network marketing, you should consider that you will have to go to the office or go to the post office for goods. True, sometimes it is delivered by courier to the house. In any case, you will have to meet with buyers in person, organize various presentations and consultations.

Master of manicure / pedicure at home

Masters from this area do not have to give up their clients when they go on maternity leave. Some of them, quite possibly, will agree to go to their home. For such activities, you will need to organize a workplace, away from the child. The smell of materials and dust can cause allergies in a child.

Nanny at home

If mothers who decide to go to work live nearby, you can offer them babysitting services. There is not much difference with one child or two, so this work will not cause any special problems. It is important to know in advance the regimen of the day, sleep and feeding of the ward, the presence of allergies. This will help avoid problems during operation.

hairdresser at home

Another option for making money on maternity leave that is not connected to the Internet is haircuts at home. This option is similar to a pedicure and manicure master at home. It is important to have sufficient experience and a client base.

How much can you earn on maternity leave

Young mothers are concerned not only where, but also how much they can earn without leaving their child. As noted earlier, do not trust too tempting offers. Most often they point to fraudulent schemes. Sitting at home it is impossible (especially at the very beginning) to get more than the average salary in the region of residence.

The level of income in the case of working from home is usually determined by the amount of effort and time invested. The explanation is simple: most of the options for earning involve piecework wages.

Thus, earning even with a baby in your arms is quite realistic. The main thing is to choose the appropriate method that allows you to earn money while sitting on maternity leave. And here it is already worth focusing on personal knowledge and skills.

Hello dear readers! Many people need additional income, especially mothers who are on maternity leave. Therefore, to help with this issue, we have prepared for you a detailed and detailed article on the topic: work for mothers on maternity leave at home.

If there is no time and opportunity for standard work, then you should not despair, you can always find work at home or temporary part-time job ! At the same time, you will be able to give full care and attention to your baby😀, and work in your free time.

In reality, there are a lot of well-paid vacancies and part-time job options for mothers on maternity leave.

Even if you do not have experience or any special knowledge, finding a job is not as difficult as you might imagine. Trust me, there are plenty of job opportunities. no cheating and no investment !

What kind of earnings can mothers expect on maternity leave?
It is quite possible to earn from 10 - 25 thousand rubles a month, allocating about 4-6 hours a day for work!

By the way, we also described effective ways to make money and work on the Internet!👈 Be sure to read it!🙂

From the current article, you will learn which specific professions can bring good earnings to mothers on maternity leave and how to use useful and creative ideas to start your small home business.

  • Where and how to find a job or part-time job for mothers on maternity leave?
  • What can you earn at home?
  • What sites can you find jobs for young mothers?
  • How do scammers operate and how not to fall for their bait?

You will definitely learn about this and many more important and interesting points from this article!

1. Earnings on maternity leave at home - which direction of work to choose?

There is a wide variety of ways to earn money for mothers on maternity leave. In general, we will consider the most popular and proven ones!

For simplicity, we have identified 5 main options for earning money:

  1. Earnings on the Internet , or the so-called online work. There are even special sites for finding jobs for moms on the Internet. . By the way, here is one of those resources for you. http://www.mamalancer.ru/vakansii. It has a lot of orders for female freelancers and a good forum for newbies. ;
  2. Offline work , i.e. offline work at home. For example, this can include official work as a call center operator;
  3. Earning at home associated with certain skills, talents and hobbies;
  4. small business ideas , which will allow mothers to earn money at home without any investment or with minimal investment;
  5. Internet services and sites where you can earn without experience and special skills. For example, one of the options is paid online surveys.

You will learn about all these directions and ways of earning from this article and you will only have to choose the most suitable one.

I would like to separately note that a woman can find her dream job on the Internet. Perhaps you have a talent for writing, then why not use it and become a commercial writer?

You can even create articles for websites, where materials on pregnancy, childbirth, parenting are laid out and receive money for this, simply by sharing their knowledge and experience.

For example, my friend on maternity leave made money writing articles (copywriting) for about 30-40 thousand rubles per month, while there was plenty of time for the child, and even left for cooking, cleaning ... and doing personal business!

The list of the most popular professions for women on maternity leave includes:

  • copywriting;
  • babysitting, hairdressing or makeup services;
  • site administrator;
  • call center operator;
  • account manager in social networks;
  • manicure masters
  • transcriber (translating audio or video into a text version).

And this is not a complete list of what a woman with a child can do. There are just a huge number of offers on the Internet. But our task is to select and select the best and most useful of them.

Remember that any occupation requires diligence, and at the beginning of your journey, troubles may arise, sometimes disappointment and self-doubt may visit. But this is no reason to give up. Everyone has gone through this at some point.

Be sure to believe in yourself and you will succeed!🙂

2. Cons ( - ) and pluses (+ ) work for mothers on maternity leave

Working on maternity leave has its own positive And negative sides, so that it would be more convenient for you to familiarize yourself with them, we presented them in the form of a small table:

Pros (+) Minuses (-)
Free work schedule! The opportunity not to break away from the child and plan your own working time. The organization of working time requires special self-discipline which is sometimes simply not enough.
Lack of leadership. You are definitely not in danger of being fired - you are your own boss! You can't always count on high pay for your work.
The opportunity to find a job that will bring you not only money, but also pleasure! You can even start a business doing what you love to do! woman experiencing double load . A small child constantly requires increased attention, and the workflow can turn into real chaos. Therefore, it is not worth talking about special productivity.
No need to spend extra money on travel and food at work! These things can actually save you a decent amount of money. There is also the possibility of encountering scammers , so you should not trust everyone in a row, and it is best to check the information that you receive. In such cases, you can protect yourself from negligent employers.

You can organize your time, but for this you need to try. You can work in those moments when the child is sleeping and does not distract you from business. As you can see, remote maternity leave work at home has its own specifics and characteristics.

2. Where and how to find a job / part-time job for mothers on maternity leave: the best sites and places to find work + a list of vacancies

We will tell you about the most popular places where young mothers can find work for themselves. These are not only sites on the Internet with remote part-time work, but also useful ideas that can bring you money.

After all, even a simple hobby (for example, in the form of cooking or knitting) will help you earn money while you are on maternity leave. Do not rush to take on everything. You can make a plan in a notebook and highlight the most suitable jobs and part-time options for you.

Jobs for young mothers- a good opportunity to spend the time of the decree with benefit, doing your own self-development and at the same time earning money.

Site #1: Kwork

Website kwork.ru quite an interesting resource, suitable for making money. It's a non-dust job for moms on the internet . You can get money on it simply by completing certain tasks.

The payment for the work is fixed and is 500 rubles. There you can place your ads and wait for customers to respond to it.

What can be offered to clients? First of all, it is:

  • writing articles, notes, reviews for online stores,
  • posting ads,
  • administration of groups in Vkontakte,
  • and many more simple things!😀

The site is not a freelance exchange, but, nevertheless, hundreds of new orders appear on it every day.

There are certain disadvantages, which is that you will not receive supposedly fixed 500 rubles for your services. You will have to pay 100 rubles in favor of the service for using its services.

But in principle, this resource can be called ideal for mothers on maternity leave, because without much effort you can earn from 400 rubles a day.

Site number 2: ETHT copywriting exchange

Without any investment or deception, you can write articles on the site. This is one of the oldest text exchanges on the Internet. Thousands of tasks are posted on it every day.

At the same time, you can engage in rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting, write reviews, poems, congratulations, sell your photos or author's texts. This is a great place to work while on maternity leave. .

The site has 16 service categories that you can provide to customers. Below are just a few:

  • cleaning and housekeeping,
  • writing articles,
  • various virtual assistance,
  • promotions and events,
  • WEB design,
  • legal aid,
  • health and beauty services,
  • tutoring.

Customers can independently determine the cost of the task and orient their price list. The contractor can always agree to the specified amount, or ask for more. The task is paid through a special service available on the site.

Site #5: Kadroff

Website " Kadroff» (www.kadrof.ru) is the best type of freelancing exchange, where a variety of tasks are posted daily for people working remotely.

On this resource you can find orders for copywriting, SEO copywriting, rewriting, video transcription (transcription), offer your services for writing poems, congratulations, reviews and announcements.

There are also a variety of remote vacancies for working at home: a designer, an operator-manager, proofreaders ... You can often find other easy-to-perform tasks that can be performed without a special job. skills and experience.

Personnel - remote work vacancies for mothers on maternity leave - examples

Customers post their assignments, indicating the postal address to which they need to send their resume or job offer.

The only negative of the site is that scammers sometimes appear there. How to check if a conscientious customer is in front of you?

Just copy their email address and paste the Google search bar. Freelancers have their own databases where you can track negligent performers and blacklisted customers.

Part 1. Work from home via the Internet

This part of the article will be devoted to remote work at home via the Internet, where we will present the 7 most popular vacancies for mothers on maternity leave.

Remote work on the Internet provides a lot of advantages. First of all, it doesn’t matter to the employer whether you are on maternity leave or not. It is important for him to get a certain result at a specific time.

If you work remotely, you should always plan your time in case of unforeseen circumstances. After all, a small child can get sick, then you definitely won’t think about your work.

Job #1: Copywriter

copywriter is a commercial writer who creates unique texts. You can work as a copywriter both with direct customers and with the help of exchanges, such as:

You can take a job for rewriting, copywriting, SEO copywriting. You can write articles on topics that you are familiar with, for example birth, care and upbringing of a child .

Copywriting is the compilation of unique and competent commercial texts for the site, and rewriting is the writing of texts based on existing sources. Well, SEO copywriting is the creation of author's content with the inclusion of keywords.

There are different prices on the exchanges, but on average they start from $0.5 per thousand characters . And for a mother on maternity leave, this is a great part-time job that does not require costs or effort. The main thing is your desire to work, learn something new, and be a literate person.

Job #2: Typist

There is another fairly popular type of work for moms on the Internet. . And this typing .

But is such work a reality or is it a myth, is it possible to type texts and get paid for it?

Can! For example, typing the texts of term papers, theses, or reprinting texts from handwritten or book materials. Such a part-time job is well suited for young mothers. But it is desirable to know at least the general rules of the Russian language and not make mistakes.

How much do typists get paid?
Typing prices vary from 15 to 100 rubles for the reprinted article. Of course, you won't earn much money this way. But a good typist can receive 8-15 thousand rubles per month .

You can find typing orders on copywriting exchanges or on job portals, such as rabota.yandex.ru or avito.ru. Useful tools for you will be the following programs: Office Word and Adobe FineReader.

Job #3: Translator

Can you translate texts? For example, if you know English or German well, then you can earn quite a good amount of money from translations.

Translators are always in demand, their services are worth from 120 rubles and more per thousand characters.

As a rule, translations are required for technical texts, legal documents, commercial articles. Where to look for customers?

You can register on the copywriting exchange. For example, on the ETXT exchange, you can always find good transfer orders.

The cost of translation varies depending on the level of qualification. from 30 to 250 rubles for 1000 characters. Over time, a professional translator with a good portfolio can earn up to 50-80 thousand rubles per month.

Vacancy number 4: Performer of student work

On maternity leave, you can earn extra money by writing diplomas, term papers, and solving problems. This will help you register on a pretty good resource " Student24". The interface of the site "Student24" is simple and clear.

What about payment?
Different prices. For example, the standard exchange rate is from 1.5 to 4.5 thousand rubles depending on complexity and source material.

Also, assignments for student work can be found on the exchanges, or, if you wish, place your ad on helping students on the Avito website.

And do not forget about tutoring, because you can improve the knowledge of schoolchildren in the Russian language or mathematics, because your experience, Skype and clients are enough for this, which can be easily found by ads.

Job #5: Call Center Operator

Job #6: Video blogger

Why not try the profession vlogger?🎥 This does not even require special knowledge and experience.

All you need is a good camera, an interesting plot for the audience and the ability to use the service. YouTube. Such work for young mothers can be not only profitable, but also very interesting.

Of course, you can list a huge number of famous mothers on YouTube, but as an example, channel Tatyana Starikova (www.youtube.com/user/Tatiana12011991), where a young mother shares the secrets of childcare, her daily life, shopping and leisure.

Popular blogs on YouTube earn pretty decent amounts through advertising and affiliate programs.

By the way, here you can add affiliate programs that will bring additional money.

The only negative is that there is a lot of such content and it takes time to promote your channel. And you need to come up with something that will really hook the audience and make them subscribe to your channel.

However, do not be afraid of competition. Competition is quite normal and it shows that the niche is in high demand! But trying is not torture, try it, and maybe you will be able to become a famous and popular blogger.😀

Vacancy number 7: Moderator in public or in a group

💡 Surveys - how much do they pay?
Payment for one survey by and large depends on the number of questions in the questionnaire. For an "average" survey you can earn 40-50 rubles, at a time cost of 10-20 minutes.

Everything is simple here:

  1. you register on the survey site (preferably 4 or more) and fill out your profile,
  2. then letters with current surveys will be sent to your mail,
  3. the letter will contain a link to the survey - you click on it,
  4. answer questions carefully and get paid.

An uncomplicated way of earning, nevertheless, quite a significant amount can run up in a month up to 4-6 thousand rubles . For moms on maternity leave, surveys can be a good additional source of income!

Here are some great questionnaires:

Method 2: Comments and reviews

A slightly different option for making money on the Internet is comments and reviews. In this case, there are also no difficulties - you only need to write small reviews on websites and reviews about various companies, online stores ...

For each such review or comment, you will receive somewhere10-50 rubles !

Method 3: Social networks

Almost each of us is registered in at least one social network in which we constantly communicate with our friends.

There are special online services (for example, my favorite is ) where advertisers order and pay for various actions on the social network.

For example, join a certain community on Vkontakte. For you, this is a “second” matter, requiring only one click on the button. So by devoting a little time, you can earn some money without straining at all, which is at least enough for your small expenses.

Method 4: Surfing, clicks and views

The final way to simply make money on the Internet, which I would like to briefly talk about, is viewing promotional materials and clicks.

Usually, only sites and platforms that host ad blocks make money on advertising. But now anyone can install in their browser ( website viewer software) special plugin , which will not only show you ads, but also charge you money for viewing them.

There are also special active advertising sites that will also allow you to earn a little!

The essence of such earnings with a step-by-step guide is described in detail in 2 articles: how to earn money without investments and.

So, we have considered the most relevant vacancies for mothers on maternity leave, and now we can give useful tips that will allow you to earn more and enjoy your favorite business, while always being with your baby next to you.

Often, scammers catch naive applicants by offering to pay for employment or materials for work. In no case do not agree to this, labor law directly indicates that this is a violation of your rights.

Tip #2: Be careful with network marketing

Do not cooperate with dubious MLM. Some network companies are even considered destructive sects that officially sell the same cosmetics.

Working in such a pyramid, you run the risk of falling under a negative influence, and such work will certainly not bring money.

It makes sense to work only with proven and large network marketing companies!

Tip #3: Don't rush to the first job offer you see

Always think over your every step and do not rush to plunge headlong into any job offered, because scammers are on the alert. Be sure to search for information about the organization on the network by entering its name or postal address into the search bar of the browser.

If you decide to make money with handmade products, then carefully study the preferences of customers. It's one thing to sell single-color handmade soap bars, but it's another to include coffee beans, flower petals, and creative packaging.

Always turn on your imagination. Thinking of selling knitwear? Then why not make a fancy wool coat or baby carrier instead of a standard sweater? You must surprise the client, attract with your offers.

Be careful, because under the guise of a regular high-paying job (both online and offline) deception!

Such unfortunate scammers offer very high pay for simple work on the Internet in order to lure more "victims". As it turns out later, in order to start work, you must definitely pay a certain amount, for example, the so-called insurance fee (about 300-800 rubles).

Such scammers will do their best to convince you to pay this “small” fee, which, as they will claim, you will easily and completely “pay back” on the first day of work.

As you understand, after payment from such "employers" there is neither a rumor nor a spirit!

Also, do not believe in various "super profitable" schemes, strategies and programs that allow you to quickly earn money (for example, beating online casinos or guessing the lottery).

I want to tell you about a real case of fraud, which was told to us by one of the readers of our magazine.

The real scam story!
Olga came across the site freeworkl.ru, where they offer remote work on sorting and correcting documents. It would seem nothing unusual - work like work!

For example, for a simple sorting of documents, the site promises to pay about 850 rubles. Not bad!🙂

And for the usual filling of price lists from a ready-made source - they promise 600 rubles ! In addition, they promise instant payouts at your first request. Not a job, just a dream!

As a result, Olga thought that she had found exactly the job that she had been looking for for so long, and even with a very high pay.

After registering on the site, it turned out that in order to access tasks, you need to buy a subscription for a month for a "symbolic" fee in 240 rubles💰 .

Deciding that the completion of even one task would more than pay off all the investments, Olga paid for a subscription, but the tasks were still unavailable for some reason.

She wrote to technical support, where she was kindly explained that at the moment a monthly subscription is not available and you need to pay for a subscription. for 3 months for 610 rubles !

Olga did not agree and decided to return her 240 rubles, but as it turned out, it was easy to return them impossible- the system does not process the refund, and technical support “suddenly” disappeared and does not answer any questions!

Therefore, be suspicious of sites and people who promise you unique and "incredibly" profitable and tempting terms of cooperation!

Be vigilant and attentive, and do not take the word of people you do not know (and don't send money❗️).

5. Conclusion

Maternity leave time can be spent wisely raising your child, earning extra money in your spare time and engaging in personal self-development. You can always find occupation to your liking, without breaking away from its main duty - be a good mom .

It is very important for a woman to realize herself in life as a mother, a good wife and an experienced specialist. Engaging in new, exciting and income-generating activities opens up tempting prospects for new earnings.

The answer to the question "What kind of work is suitable for mothers on maternity leave?" you can also find from the following video:

Also watch a very interesting video on the topic “What should mom do on maternity leave?”, In which Maria Chudnaya shares her personal experience:

Part-time work on maternity leave will help not only improve your financial condition, but also take your mind off household chores, and perhaps even enjoy work.

We sincerely wish you success in finding your favorite job!

In our article, we tried to tell you as much as possible in detail and in an accessible way about working for mothers on maternity leave, so if the article turned out to be at least a little useful for you, share it on social networks with your friends and acquaintances!

Also don't forget to comment and ask questions!

How to make money while on maternity leave: 3 ways to make money on the Internet + 5 tips on how to recognize scammers + 3 suitable ways to work from home while on maternity leave.

Some time after giving birth, when a woman got used to the new rhythm of life, she even begins to have free time.

And since having a child requires not only attention, but also significant expenses, in addition to free time, there is often a need for additional income.

Guided by the desire to bring money to the family, the girls leave household chores to the governess in order to quickly return to the workplace, left before the birth of the baby.

But in case there is no desire or opportunity to leave the comfort of home, there are many ways to do it.

Why do women need to work on maternity leave?

What goals motivate women to look for a way to earn money from home when they are on maternity leave?

    Obviously, extra income will never be superfluous.

    Even if there is no great need for it.

    This will provide an opportunity to earn and save for pleasant little things for yourself and loved ones.

    Any woman needs care, especially if she is a young mother on maternity leave.

    Despite the fact that being at home and caring for a child is also a job, and its importance exceeds many others, any person has a desire to be useful in some other way.

    An additional occupation, especially a profitable one, can satisfy him.

Dose of motivation: It often happens that after graduation there is an opportunity to return to the previous place of work.

But the need to do this is no longer necessary, because a woman on maternity leave has taken up another business that brings much more pleasure and profit. If you do the right thing, it can grow into something more meaningful than just a temporary job.

Although such cases are indeed not uncommon, and there is even such a term as “business mom”, earning money at home on maternity leave does not always bring a lot of money.

Therefore, you should not put on rose-colored glasses and implement ideas that require large start-up costs.

And where to look for a way to make money without injecting large sums to start? Of course, on the Internet!

How to make money while on maternity leave using the Internet?

Let's be honest: sometimes you may need start-up capital to make money on the Internet in order to move forward and start earning.

However, it cannot be called a significant contribution. Usually these are small expenses for consumables or some small equipment. For such investments, you do not have to take a loan or look for investors.

It is enough to set aside a small amount every month, and you can easily raise enough money to start on maternity leave.

Earnings on the Internet are based on three "pillars": intellectual work + mediation + production.

We will analyze several options for how you can make money on the Internet on maternity leave + lists of specific sites where to look for work.

How to make money while on maternity leave if you know how to write interestingly?

One of the ways to make money while on maternity leave is copywriting.

If you decipher this word in a simple way - this is writing articles on various topics. There are a lot of speculations around this income. Some make a significant profit, others give up the business, disappointed with a meager income.

The fact is that copywriting is far from being such a simple task as many people think. Before writing an article, you need to delve into the topic and understand all its main nuances.

Writing a good text takes a lot of time, especially if the topic has not been so well studied before the time of writing.

Of course, you must write correctly. In addition, a copywriter is also a bit of a psychologist, a bit of a marketer.

To achieve a good income on maternity leave, you must constantly improve your ability to write “strong” texts.

However, this option does not require any investments and is one of the most reliable.

You can earn money on maternity leave on text exchanges or job searches on bulletin boards:

  • https://advego.com
  • https://www.etxt.ru
  • https://www.weblancer.net
  • https://hh.ru

How to make money while on maternity leave, trading?

Selling goods on the Internet is also gaining interest. Trading on the World Wide Web on maternity leave is basically mediation.

You can even choose not to invest at all by using a dropshipping scheme or working on a prepaid basis.

Although marketplaces such as AliExpress have become quite popular, many are still afraid or do not know how to place orders themselves.

When choosing what you can trade to earn on maternity leave, evaluate the statistics:

How to make money while sitting at home on maternity leave, on social networks?

Try to make money on advertising in social networks. Oddly enough, but today it’s really possible to earn money simply by recommending some product to friends and subscribers.

Have you noticed: everyone who has more than 1000-2000 subscribers on the Instagram social network has repeatedly posted a photo where he holds some kind of product, and in the comments to it, writes about its advantages and gives a link to the seller?

Such posts are paid quite well, because the word of mouth method is the most valuable and effective way of advertising.

When it comes to a young mother on maternity leave, the choice of the page topic is very simple: she can give advice and advertise products that are directly related to motherhood.

It should be understood: gaining more than 1000 subscribers is already a problem. There are many "buy" services that allow their users to increase the page's popularity in the early stages.

But cheating sooner or later will lead to negative consequences. The page can be banned, and advertisers evaluate the “quality” of subscribers according to their own criteria. So bots are not an option.

To promote a page, you will need to invest a lot of effort, time and even money.

What should be the account to earn money on maternity leave?

This method of making money on maternity leave is far from the fastest, it takes a lot of time and patience. Therefore, for those who urgently need money, it is unlikely to suit.

How to avoid scammers if you want to make money on the Internet: TOP 5 tips

Those who want to benefit from someone else's business are always there. And most often, it is precisely those who want to make money on the Internet or just that fall under their influence.

Consider 5 important Internet security tips if you want to earn, not lose:

    One of the main tips on how not to be deceived is to check those with whom you are dealing.

    Let it seem to you that this is a manifestation of distrust.

    But, in fact, there is no reason to trust a stranger.

  1. Since we are talking about ways to make money on the Internet, you can ask for a link to reviews or look for forums discussing this employer on your own.
  2. It is very important how payments will be made.

    Usually, many services use the WebMoney payment method.

    It is convenient because it was originally created for money transactions on the Internet.

    The golden rule of making money on the Internet: when it comes to what you need to pay in order to earn money, this is a scam.

    You should pay, not YOU.

  3. Another sign of a "divorce" is a painfully simple scheme by which you can earn.

For example: “all you have to do is to throw money away, and then they will work on their own”

One of the most striking examples of fraud, if it is not about a deposit or PAMM accounts.

How you can earn money while sitting at home on maternity leave: 3 suitable ways

The Internet is not the only way to make money on maternity leave without leaving the child at home. You can choose one of the appropriate options for how to transfer work to your home.

1) Eyelash extensions on maternity leave at home.

This occupation requires certain skills and a small contribution.

The main thing that is required from the materials is:

  • eyelash extensions themselves;
  • glue from biomaterials (this is very important, since the quality of the extension depends on what they are glued to);
  • tools (tweezers, combing brushes, etc.);
  • cosmetic lamp (since it requires additional light).

Profit in this business depends directly on the search for customers. You can look for them among the same acquaintances, and they will already advise you to friends.

2) Make money on gel nail polish.

To do this, in addition to the coating itself, you need to be able to do a manicure.

In the field, you will need to constantly develop, take courses, because. at the moment, the niche is overflowing with beginners, but there are not so many pro-masters.

This activity will require additional materials:

  • the base is standard nail care kits;
  • you will also need a lamp for curing varnish and a set of varnishes themselves;
  • since we are also talking about manicure, you need to purchase special containers with ultraviolet lamps that will disinfect tools for work.

3) Work in a call center remotely on maternity leave.

One of the most interesting options. In fact, this is the same work in a call center, but you can do it from home. Finding an employer who offers this is difficult, but possible.

The only negative is that there are likely problems with receiving a call. A young mother at this very moment can be busy with a child. Some employers allow you to redirect calls or simply call back at a more convenient time.

Even though all these options are not so new, they are the most suitable. They are the most used among young mothers, which indicates their maximum convenience and profitability.

As young mothers on maternity leave are looking for an opportunity to make money without investing, the chance of being deceived when looking for a way to make money is small. However, you should be wary of various organizations that require investments without offering any guarantees.

What is the best job for new moms?

The answer is in the video below:

Often under the pretext of how to make money while on maternity leave, the girls found a business that brings more profit than their previous job, especially if they worked for government agencies.

Therefore, sometimes it is worth taking it more seriously than a simple temporary part-time job and start your own business. In this case, it is no longer necessary to build on more convenient methods of earning money on maternity leave, but on real skills and opportunities.

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