Partnership offers. Dealership from the manufacturer Become a representative in your city without investment

The profession of a dealer is quite in demand and also allows you to make good money. Many people believe that dealers are full-time employees of manufacturing companies of certain products, but this opinion is erroneous.

A dealer is a business partner of a manufacturing company who promotes its products in a certain territory on a partnership basis.

A dealer can be called a businessman who makes money by selling partners’ products. Later in the article we will look in more detail at how to become a dealer, as well as what is required for this.

The essence of the dealer’s work is to promote the products of a certain manufacturing company, but it differs significantly from simple retail trade.

Unlike sellers, who can trade goods of a wide variety of brands, dealers have the right to act on behalf of the manufacturer. And also sell products under its brand.

Close cooperation with the manufacturer gives the dealer many advantages, including:

  • Large companies often invest in the business development of their partners.
  • Brand advertising is carried out at the expense of the manufacturer.
  • Employees of the manufacturing company assist dealers in developing their own business, which makes it possible to gain invaluable experience and support, as well as quickly make the business profitable.

In fact, any legal entity that wants to sell the manufacturer’s products under the name of its brand can become a dealer.

At the same time, cooperation with the manufacturer can be carried out in several ways:

  1. The dealer carries out wholesale purchases of manufacturer's products, after which he sells them at an inflated price.
  2. The dealer becomes the official partner of the manufacturer, and also receives compensation for the sale of its products.

It is worth noting that each company sets its own rules for working with partners. Many large companies work precisely according to the second scheme. Small producers, most often, simply sell their products to intermediaries in bulk.

Official dealer of the manufacturer

Many companies engaged in the production of certain products do not have their own sales networks, but use the services of intermediaries called dealers.

In such situations, both the manufacturing company and the person acting as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the buyer benefit.

The company saves money on creating its own retail network by entrusting the sales work to relevant specialists, and dealers get the opportunity to quickly open their own business selling products of a well-known brand.

Although any seller can sell brand products, it is official dealers who cooperate directly with the manufacturer who receive products at the lowest cost, as well as the right to sell products under the manufacturer’s brand.

You can become an official dealer after participating in tenders held by large companies to select the best representative.

Required documents

To participate in the tender, it is necessary to provide the manufacturing company with a whole package of documents that will confirm the seriousness of the candidate’s intentions.

Filling out an application.

To participate in the competition you must submit the following documents:

  • constituent agreement and statutory documents of a legal entity;
  • documents confirming state registration of a legal entity and tax registration;
  • a document confirming that the head of the organization has the appropriate powers, as well as the passport details of the head;
  • certificate of ownership or lease agreement for commercial premises in which the sale of products will take place;
  • bank details of a legal entity.

There is no point in selling cars if a person has a passion for cooking. In such a situation, you can start promoting brands of relevant products.

You need to work only with brands that are close and interesting to a person. In such a situation, sales will grow, and interest in the business will not disappear even in the event of temporary setbacks.

Nowadays, almost anyone can become a dealer. The main thing in this matter is to find a suitable manufacturing partner, as well as to have the desire and ability to invest in your own business.

Business– this is a fairly broad concept, which is why almost every person can realize himself in entrepreneurial activity.

If you don't have a lot of money to start your own business, it's worth exploring how to become a dealer to earn money by representing a large company on the market.

Entering this business is not so easy due to serious competition, but if you meet all the employer’s requirements, you will receive a good source of income for a long period.

How to become a dealer and what is it?

If you are interested in the profession of a dealer, then first it would be a good idea to understand what a dealership is, so as not to make serious mistakes at the work stage.

You must really assess your strengths and abilities before entering this business!

Who is a dealer and what does he do?

From English the word dealer (dealer) translated as trader.

This is a fairly broad concept, so dealers include traders in securities (currency pairs) on international markets, an official sales representative of a large company, an entrepreneur, and even a croupier who plays the game.

Most real chance to become a dealer– start collaborating with some large company (international or domestic), selling its products in your hometown.

As a dealer, you will perform a variety of responsibilities:

  1. Popularize the product in your home region.
  2. Provide customers with all information about the product and the manufacturing company.
  3. Build relationships with representatives of different industries for better market coverage.
  4. Convince customers to buy products from the company you represent.
  5. Fulfill sales plans and bring profit to the company you work for.
  6. Keep up with new products.
  7. Organize exhibitions and other events that will help sell more goods, etc.

We will talk, first of all, about the dealership, as the official representative office of a large company. This is actually the same business, only with a number of special advantages.

If you decide to become a dealer:

  • you will be able to save significantly on the advertising campaign, since it is taken over by the conglomerate that you represent;
  • you will not have to hire many employees with whom you will have to share part of the profit; you can handle this work yourself;
  • You will have the opportunity to organize your network in almost any region if you sell a quality product.

In general, we can safely say that this work is promising and profitable, if, of course, you have the necessary character traits to become a dealer.

What qualities must a dealer have to become a representative of a large company?

No matter how attractive this job may seem to you, you should remember that not everyone can become a dealer.

When looking for sales representatives, companies (especially if we are talking about international corporations with billions of dollars in turnover) put forward a number of requirements for applicants.

Conditions that must be met to become an official dealer:

  1. Be official to have more opportunities to promote the product.
  2. Financial stability and success of an entrepreneur - losers and almost bankrupts have very little chance of becoming a dealer.
  3. Have experience in business - cooperation agreements are concluded with young companies less often than with those that have their own history.
  4. Have a “clean” reputation - if you have been seen in a number of semi-legal transactions or are not distinguished by honesty in conducting business, a world-famous employer will not want to have such a representative.
  5. Know what the corporation you want to represent does.
  6. Offer several ideas about how exactly you are going to promote the product to the market.
  7. Have the necessary technical base and infrastructure facilities (not all companies require this).
  8. Be prepared to invest your money if necessary.
  9. Possess a number of necessary qualities, for example, the gift of persuasion, charm, punctuality, responsibility, initiative, etc.
  10. Constantly grow and develop, have the ability to learn - many large companies constantly conduct courses and trainings for their dealers, attendance at which is mandatory.

As you can see, there are a lot of requirements, but they cannot be called too complicated.

If you are an experienced entrepreneur with a stable financial situation, then you are unlikely to be denied the desire to become an official dealer.

How to become an official dealer and make good money from it?

Large companies became such because they constantly expanded and conquered more and more of the market.

One way to do this is to hire a number of sales representatives who would distribute the product in the regions.

If you like this type of activity, then you need to think about becoming an official dealer.

What documents are needed to become an official dealer?

Before you go for an interview in hopes of becoming a dealer, get all your documentation in order: the company’s constituent documents, existing contracts, etc.

If the interview goes well and you are hired as a representative, you will be required to present a number of documents.

Each company has its own requirements for documents, but in most cases the list looks like this:

Some of the papers will have to be notarized, but your future employer will tell you in more detail about which package of documents and in what form you need to present.

Serious companies issue certificates to all their official dealers.

You will present this certificate when offering a particular store/salon to take some product for sale or use.

This certificate does not have a single sample; it is issued by the company itself. The document may look different:

Where can a dealer look for employers?

The easiest way to become an official dealer is to look for vacancies on the Internet.

This can be done using the following resources:


Select those offers that interest you, make a good resume and send it to the specified addresses.

You can do it differently: for example, you have and would like to become an official dealer in this company in your region.

This means that you should send your resume to a specific address, and you will look for other options if you are rejected here.

You, as a dealer, will be offered two options for cooperation:

    By working capital.

    Roughly speaking, you will have to meet some minimum sales and profit plan.

    Dealers that do not cope with the task are usually terminated.

    According to legal content.

    You will become not just an official certified representative in a certain region.

    You will become a person who must form your own dealer network to promote the product.

If your resume is of interest to the future employer, you will be called for an interview (by the way, it can also be conducted via Skype if the main office is located far from you).

How well you do in the interview will determine whether you get the job or not.

Your chances of becoming a dealer will increase if at the interview you:

  1. Show awareness of the company’s affairs, its products, and turnover.
  2. Suggest specific steps for your dealership.
  3. Demonstrate confidence and ability to persuade your interlocutor.
  4. You will look representative, as befits a dealer of a serious corporation.
  5. Show exactly how you differ from other candidates for the better.

How to become a successful dealer?

If you do everything correctly, you can easily become an official representative of a corporation with which it is pleasant and profitable to work.

But it depends on your successful work how long you will last in this business and how much you can earn.

Here are some tips for those who want to become a successful dealer:

  1. Choose wisely who you want to work for - sometimes the problem is not the dealer himself, but his employer.
  2. The product you sell should not be too expensive, but at the same time be of good quality.
  3. Choose in-demand products for dealership; there won’t be much demand for too exotic goods, which means you won’t earn much.
  4. Build your client base and constantly strive to expand it.
  5. Appreciate your regular customers, who give you most of the profit, offer them small bonuses and benefits.
  6. A successful dealer looks good, smells good, speaks well, smiles radiantly, and people like him.
  7. Show moderate persistence when interviewing potential clients - without it, you can conclude profitable deals.

It is also very important to constantly learn and polish your skills, because without this you are unlikely to achieve great success in the dealership.

Is it possible to become a dealer without investment?

If you want to become a large regional dealer, then get ready for the fact that you will have to invest a fairly large amount of money, which will go towards:

  • purchase of goods;
  • payment for storage facilities;
  • staff salaries, etc.

In this case, investments will amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles, and no one will give you a guarantee that you will recoup these investments, and even in a short time.

But don’t get upset ahead of time, because you can become a dealer even without financial investments.

3 ways to become a dealer without financial investment:

    Sales of goods.

    In this case, the work is done according to the principle: first - products from the manufacturer, then their sale by the dealer, and only then - money for the manufacturer.

    Many dealers work exactly according to this scheme.

    Work to order.

    Let's say you offered a product to a buyer. He selected several items and gave advance payment.

    You place an order for the manufacturer, when he fulfills it, transfer the batch of products to your client, receive the rest of the money, and send it to the manufacturer with the deduction of your remuneration.

    That is, in fact, you work without your own investments.

    Official representative of the company.

    A large company hires you to work as a dealer, but, in essence, you are a sales representative who travels with price lists and product samples, offering all this to customers.

    For successful transactions you receive a salary.

Are you determined to become a successful dealer?

Video about the features of the profession and about choosing a niche for you:

If you love working with people, have the gift of persuasion and are good at business, then you are absolutely right in what you think, how to become a dealer.

In this type of activity you will surely achieve success.

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The goal of any manufacturing company is to sell at a profit! But this can only be done by expanding your market.

It is for this purpose that contracts are concluded with trading enterprises or entrepreneurs who undertake to sell the products of manufacturing companies outside the location of the manufacturer itself.

And such sellers are called dealers.

Dealer: who is this?

In the understanding of many, a dealer is a simple intermediary who acts on the basis of...

But this is not entirely true: a dealer is a company that, at its own expense and on its own behalf, makes wholesale purchases from the manufacturer of its products and sells them.

A dealer can be either an entrepreneur or a legal entity. In this case, all risks associated with sales are borne by the dealer. However, it has advantages, one of which is complete lack of competitors in a specific city or even region for a specific product. This advantage is given to the dealer by the official representation of the manufacturer.

At the same time, she herself dealer company can:

  • engage in both wholesale and retail sales;
  • present products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers;
  • engage in direct sales and accept applications for the supply of products, having only a showroom.

Despite the fact that the dealer company actually purchases products from the manufacturer, it cannot simply be called a “reseller”, since it works closely with the manufacturer itself, purchases goods directly and has a document from the manufacturer notifying consumers about the supply of the products offered to them from the factory. manufacturer.

By the way, what distinguishes a dealer from companies working on .

  • he is not obliged to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for advertising and promotion;
  • can replenish its assortment with products from another manufacturer;
  • and does not pay any commission to the manufacturer for the use of its name.

That is why many consider this format of work as an excellent way to start their own business.

A way to start your business from scratch

Yes, becoming a dealer is real profitable.

However, with this way of working there is its own nuances things to consider:

  • the dealer is responsible for his actions, decisions made and losses incurred;
  • to become a dealer, you will need not only to conclude an agreement with the manufacturer, but also state registration either as a legal entity (more often this is) or an entrepreneur (). Otherwise, no one will enter into an agreement, even if the proposed market is very promising. The fact is that cooperation with a simple individual is fraught with certain tax consequences and obligations that no one wants to shoulder;
  • In addition, it is very important to know the product that the dealer will be dealing with. For example, if you are going to sell tools, you need to have an understanding of all their capabilities and technical characteristics in order to be successful.

But there is more one group of nuances that need to be clarified at the stage of concluding an agreement with the manufacturer:

  1. payment procedure – prepayment, installments, payment after sale and other forms;
  2. availability of a deposit, i.e. advance payment;
  3. delivery - who is responsible for the delivery of products to the place of sale and the safety of the cargo for this period;
  4. return of products in case of damage or defects;
  5. presence or absence of a dealer in the same territory;
  6. the presence of restrictions on the trading platform, price, etc.

These are important points that need to be taken into account when starting your own business, which indeed has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

For an example of a dealer offer from the manufacturer of heating systems Daewoo Enertec, see the following video:

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Advantages and disadvantages of doing business this way

First of all, the dealer, as a rule, has no competitors for this type of product in a specific territory. And such exclusivity expands its sales opportunities and provides access to new products and the entire range of products of this manufacturer before others. In addition, the higher the dealer's turnover, the higher his discount from the manufacturer from the price. This difference provides a solid income for the dealer company.

Despite the fact that the dealer works on his own behalf and at his own expense, the main trump card of his sales is direct deliveries from the manufacturer.

And this for the consumer it means:

  • a real factory-made product, not a homemade one;
  • the price is recommended by the manufacturer itself (if provided for in the agreement with the dealer), which means it is low;
  • availability of warranty and post-warranty service;
  • repair using factory components;
  • the ability to return the product without problems.

But such closeness to the manufacturer is fraught with its own shortcomings:

  • the manufacturer can dictate the price tag, sales procedure, conditions of use;
  • the dealer is obliged to buy back a certain volume of products, even if he does not sell that much;
  • If the contract provides, the dealer may be limited in adding products from another manufacturer to the assortment.

However, as a rule, all these inconveniences are covered by large discounts, which the manufacturer is obliged to give when increasing the turnover of its products.

How do you become an official dealer?

Of course, to become a dealer, required not only state registration:

  1. knowledge and experience in sales;
  2. the ability to analyze demand and the market and know their condition in relation to one’s territory;
  3. developed by dealer;
  4. stable financial condition;
  5. professional accounting and absence. Very often, manufacturers require certified copies of declarations (, etc.);
  6. availability of those who have the necessary qualifications to work with the manufacturer’s product; or its availability from the entrepreneur himself;
  7. interest in the product and its knowledge.

In addition, you need to draw up a commercial proposal, attaching your business plan to it, and send it to the manufacturer. However, this proposal must be correct not only from a spelling position, but also from a marketing position. Then it will be able to convince the manufacturer of the competence of the future dealer.

Do you want to become a dealer?

Now there is a large selection of dealer offers made by the manufacturers themselves, and, in any areas. For example:

  1. auto products represented by such manufacturers as "PROMA wheels made of light alloys", "Expedition", "KAMSKY MOTOR PLANT", "Kurgan trailers", "Auto Technology Group", "Togliatti trailers", "Avtonota", "IRON MANUFACTURE URAL", " VMPAUTO", "Rossvik", "Volga Tire Company", "MOTORFIST", and others;
  2. interior and entrance doors – “Cardinal”, “Vivo-Porte”, “Pharaoh”, “League of Doors”, “Euro-Doors”, “PROFF”, “Wood Products Plant”, “RosDver”, “Art Deco”, “Dera”, “Kontur” ", "DOOR FACTORY", "Cabinet Doors", "Torex", "LineDor", and others;
  3. blinds - “Stroy-Life”, “RUPAN”, “Decor - CITY Ural”, “New Blinds”, and others;
  4. furniture, furniture materials and accessories – “Involux”, “Cozy House”, “Ivanovo Furniture Factory”, “Somovo-Furniture”, “Geniuspark”, “BELKUKHNYA”, “Kadici”, “L-furniture”, “NOVA”, “RONIKON”, “Ikhsan” ", "Furniture Factory 8 March", "Furniture Symphony", and others.

And this is only a small part of the current offers!

An example of dealer cooperation from a car oil manufacturer is given in this video:

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