How to open a family cafe. Opening a cafe

What is needed to open a cafe in Russia: choosing a cafe format + advice on selecting premises + equipment costs + staff in the cafe + monthly costs + approximate calculation of payback.

Where in the summer can you quickly take a break from the heat and the smell of hot asphalt? Where can you warm up in winter and hide from the rain in spring and autumn?

Of course, in a cozy cafe, where you can not only warm/cool your body, but also eat and drink while talking with friends. You can also celebrate the end of the work week or a child’s birthday there.

It turns out that a cafe is a universal thing that is in demand at any time of the year. Therefore, if there is demand, then there will be a business that can make good money in this niche.

What do you need to open a cafe or small restaurant?– in our article.

Where to start launching your cafe or mini-restaurant?

To open a cafe you need to remember a simple step-by-step plan:

  1. Analysis of the location (the area where the cafe will be located).
  2. Analysis of the target audience (who will be your main client).
  3. Selection of a cafe format (to suit the needs of this very audience).
  4. Registration.
  5. Personnel selection.
  6. Purchase of equipment.
  7. Advertising campaign.

1) The place you need to open a cafe.

The first three points of our plan can be briefly called “market analysis”. The first thing you need to open a cafe or restaurant is demand analysis.

Since this business is stationary, you need to pay special attention to choosing a place for your establishment. Just like the room.

The first and most important indicator for traditional cafes is organic traffic: how many people will pass by the establishment.

Depending on the average level of income in your region, there may be from 5,000 to 20,000 people per establishment.

For this reason, where traffic is high, cafes and restaurants literally stand on top of each other and do not go under, generating a good income.

If this is the city center, around which there are metro stations, business centers, various shopping centers, etc., then this is an extremely advantageous location. But the competition there is extremely high - most likely, the best places have already been rented by someone.

In a residential area of ​​Moscow, 5-6 thousand residents may be enough to pay for one cafe, but outside the European part of Russia, even 20,000 people may not justify the investment.

But here a lot still depends on the format of the cafe/mini-restaurant and on what audience you are counting on.

2) The format of the establishment.

Here are 3 examples of a variety of cafe formats, designed for different audiences:

  1. Summer cafe.
  2. Youth cafe.
  3. The cafe is a full-fledged restaurant.

Summer micro cafe for a couple of tables near a small retail outlet it can pay for itself in a week - expenses there are minimal, no special permits are needed (you won’t cook there), staff is also not particularly needed (only a salesperson).

They don't cook anything there, they only serve bottled soft drinks and cold snacks like chips or dried fish. Well, maybe some simple sandwiches. This is the simplest and cheapest option for your business.

However, the summer cafe also has its serious disadvantages.

Firstly, at its core, this is temporary income. If you have a stall with chips, ice cream and beer, then setting up tables with tents will not be difficult. But it’s not worth starting it as an independent business.

Yes, in warm countries this is one of the most popular options for simple income, but our winters are not conducive to comfortable outdoor recreation.

A summer cafe can cost 20,000 - 40,000 rubles. per month, and its profitability will be very different. For example, in crowded places (on the highway or in the same market) - the same amount, but per week. However, on the periphery, where there is no human traffic, it is unlikely to be extremely profitable.

In addition, you need to get approval from local residents, because cheap alcohol attracts not the most presentable crowd.

Youth cafe with self-service or “anti-cafe” is often an order of magnitude cheaper than a classic one with waiters, a bartender, etc.

Since this option is very flexible, it is impossible to indicate the exact amount of expenses.

Classic cafe/mini restaurant To open, it will require three to four tables, a couple of waiters, an average menu and no additional entertainment: only food and nothing more. This can be quite beneficial if there are other places nearby where people work or play.

However, with a favorable location, a youth cafe-restaurant can be a very profitable business. However, not only the place determines his success, but also something else.

What is needed to open a cafe - a standard one, without any special innovations? That's right - delicious food at reasonable prices.

3) Average check: the way to the client’s heart is through the stomach.

For example, there are two cafes/restaurants, in one the average bill is 200 rubles, and in the other - 900: where is the service better? Obviously more expensive.

Here is an example of an average check for middle Russia:

But you need to understand that the “average bill” is like the “average temperature in the room.”

At a traditional cafe/restaurant, the day is divided into peculiar periods of activity and downtime. So, if in the morning, immediately after opening, the average check can be around 200 rubles. (coffee, a bun and a salad, for example), then by lunch the amount can run up to 300 - 350 rubles. per person.

You need to prepare more thoroughly for the night, since then the average check reaches 1000 or more. Especially if it's Friday night.

If you cannot decide which cafe/restaurant to open and what prices to set, then hire an agent for economic intelligence. This is not a permanent job and is paid accordingly - approximately 10,000 rubles.

The scout’s task is to go through all the establishments in your chosen area, look at their arrangement, read the menu, try the “signature” dishes and tell you how to make it better, cheaper, etc.

Registration and preparation of premises

If you know where and for whom you will open a cafe/restaurant, then it’s time to officially register.

To simplify the calculations, let’s take the most popular cafe/restaurant format in Russia:

  1. The average bill is 400 rubles.
  2. Seats – 50.
  3. Location - near the business center, the area is central, but not historical (no tourist traffic).
  4. Target audience: office workers.

This establishment belongs to the middle category, therefore its registration will require status.

The fact is that an individual entrepreneur simply cannot obtain some licenses; there will be particular difficulties when registering the sale of alcohol.

However, there is nothing overwhelming here. Here's what you need to open a cafe/restaurant as an LLC:

In parallel with registration, you need to deal with the design of the premises. The fact is that some permits must be obtained before you rent premises to open a cafe/restaurant, while others must be obtained after, when the premises are ready to receive visitors.

So, when everything is ready, inspections from the Sanitation Station or the fire inspectorate may come to you, but the Federal Tax Service checks your documents at the stage of business registration.

1. Premises for opening a cafe.

So, the premises for our classic cafe/mini-restaurant format with 50 seats need to be rented with an area of ​​150 -160 sq.m.

If we assume that the cost per square meter will be 500 rubles, then in total you will need to pay about 80,000 rubles. per month .

As you understand, rent in the very center of the city will cost an order of magnitude higher, especially in Moscow, but you can find it cheaper in a residential area.

Finding a premise that has already been prepared for a cafe/restaurant is a great success, so you need to be prepared for large-scale renovations. Don’t forget about the prices for building materials, the cost of finishing the premises, paying workers, etc.

It is believed that a fairly high-quality finish will cost about 300 rubles/sq.m, and the same amount for the services of craftsmen.

That is, 160 sq.m. meters * for 600 rubles. = 96,000 rub.

However, not everything is so simple... 160 sq.m. is the basic area, but it is not the floor (or rather, not only the floor) that needs to be finished, but also the ceiling and walls. It turns out 96,000 rubles. you need to multiply by three to get 288,000.

Taking into account inflation, you can safely round up to 300,000 rubles. initial investment in refurbishing the premises.

Of course, you can get by with cosmetic repairs, then it will be much cheaper, but you don’t need this for a closed workshop that no one outside will see, you need it to open a cafe, which means the interior should be cozy and attractive to customers.

2. Preparing the hall and kitchen for opening a cafe.

But renovation is not all the work that needs to be done to open a cafe. You need to connect all communications, exhaust hood, purchase equipment, etc.

It's worth starting with power supply, without which you cannot work.

You can calculate your costs quite simply: one socket with wiring and connection to the network costs approximately 600 rubles. How many sockets you need - such are the costs. If they are already in the premises, then the expense item is removed from the agenda.

Next come water supply and sewerage. Since you have a cafe in the form of a mini-restaurant, both of these points are extremely important for both staff and customers. It is worth considering in the same vein ventilation and exhaust system in the kitchen.

For convenience, it is better to summarize all this communication data in one table:

CategoryDetailsCost, rub.
Total85,500 rubles.
Electricity20 sockets for the kitchen, living room, and storage areas.18 000 (600 * 20)
Water supply17,500 (50 m * 350 rubles per 1 linear meter)
SewerageLaying pipes of different diameters - up to 50 m35,000 (50 m * 700 rubles per 1 linear meter)
ConsumablesFasteners, connectors, etc.10 000
VentilationVentilation ducts, exhaust hood, etc. – up to 50 m25,000 (50 m * 500 rubles per 1 linear meter)

Equipment you need to open a cafe

Let's start this section where we left off earlier - with ventilation. Yes, we made ventilation passages, but for all this to work, we need built-in fans. Especially for the kitchen, where it will be impossible to work in the summer without ventilation.

For a hall, kitchen, warehouse and bathroom, you may need 4–7 fans, the cost of which can reach 40–45,000 rubles.

Please note that without good ventilation and exhaust hood in the kitchen, the regulatory authorities will not issue you a permit, so you need to pay very close attention to this section to open a cafe.

Next, you need to consider equipment separately for the hall and kitchen, as well as for storage areas. In the first case, the task is to beautifully serve food and drinks to the guests of the establishment, as well as to entertain them, and in the second case, to prepare food, preserve food so that it does not spoil, etc.

With the hall everything is relatively simple. Here you will need tables and chairs for 50 people (plus spare ones), as well as auxiliary equipment and entertainment equipment.

Here is an approximate estimate of what is needed to open a cafe in relation to the arrangement of the hall:

Furniture and equipment for the hallQuantityCost, rub.
Total422,500 rubles
13 pcs.19 500
55 pcs.33 000
Bar counter
1 PC.150 000
Customer self-service line
1 PC.100 000
1 PC.20 000
Special effects system (“color music”, spotlights)
1 PC.10 000
Speakers and microphones (audio system)
30 000
Showcase with cooling function
1 PC.30 000
Refrigerator for drinks in the living room (with transparent door).
1 PC30 000

Furniture and equipment for warehouse and industrial premises that are needed to open a cafe are as follows:

Furniture and equipment for work areasQuantityCost, rub.
Total269,000 rubles
Production table
4 things.16 000
2 pcs.6 000
Racks for vegetables and fruits
2 pcs.8 000
Electric stove
1 PC.50 000
2 pcs.100 000
2 pcs.40 000
4 things.28 000
Deep frying equipment
1 PC.15 000
Grocery scales
2 pcs.6 000

In addition to all this, you need to purchase dishes to open a cafe.

Since we are talking about an average establishment for 50 people, this list will be huge:

  • digesters,
  • plates for first and second courses,
  • cups with and without saucers,
  • glasses (separately for dry and red wine, for champagne and cocktails),
  • salad bowls,
  • pots,
  • frying pans of different diameters,
  • glasses,
  • cutlery for customers and kitchen staff.

The total cost of this will be from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer, size, material from which they are made, etc.

Thus, the cost of registration, decoration of the premises and the purchase of all necessary equipment will cost you approximately RUB 1,275,000 – 2,000,000.

Is this too much? Of course, this is not a small amount, but if the location is chosen correctly, then the initial investment will be able to pay for itself in six months to a year.

However, that's not all: we have expenses for daily activities, such as purchasing products, consumables, and paying employees.

What will be the costs after opening the cafe?

The hall for the cafe was prepared, equipment for the establishment was purchased. It's time to worry about staff and supplies.

We will need the following staff: 2 cooks, 2 bartenders and 2 or 4 waitresses. Plus, two service employees are needed: a cleaner and a loader/plumber (“a narrow specialist with a wide profile”).

Since this is not a full-fledged large restaurant, you do not need highly experienced chefs, and accordingly, their salary will be more modest. On average they receive 20 - 25,000 rubles.

The rest of the employees will have a salary in the range of 15,000 - 18,000 rubles. (average for the Russian Federation according to Rosstat).

Cleaning and maintaining the restaurant premises can be done by one person: if the equipment is new, then there won’t be much hassle with it.

Job titleQuantityApproximate salary of 1 employee, rub.
1 Director (owner)1 Profit percentage
2 Accountant1 Part-time 8,000 or outsource – 3 - 4,000
3 Cook2 25 000
4 Bartender2 18 000
5 Waiter2-4 12-18,000 + tip
6 Cleaner (cleaner)1 12-15 000
7 Helper (loader, plumber)1 12-15 000

At a minimum, you will have to hire 7 people for the establishment, and the cost of their salaries will be approximately 125,000 rubles.

Why so much? Is that really all it takes to open a cafe?

Yes, exactly that much because The cafe operates in two shifts - morning and evening. Therefore, the entire staff of one shift must be multiplied by two. Hence two cooks, two bartenders, etc.

Let’s not forget about the administrative staff of your establishment – ​​the accountant and the director. If you are a director, you will take your share from the profit, so we will not take you into account, but we will, but you can take it part-time or outsource.

Total personnel costs will be approximately 150,000 rubles. per month .

a) Products and consumables.

To open a cafe and its subsequent uninterrupted operation, it is necessary to establish logistics connections with suppliers of products in your category (acceptable in price and quality).

Average costs for the purchase of meat, vegetables/fruits, drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), etc. are approximately 85,000 - 100,000 rubles. per month.

Much depends on whether the product is produced locally or imported from abroad, so this process needs to be controlled.

In addition to groceries, you need to allocate money in advance for such seemingly unobvious expenses as stationery, garbage bags, all kinds of rags and washcloths.
This usually costs about 3,000 rubles per month if the cafe has high customer traffic.

In the future, it will also be necessary to pay attention to the depreciation of equipment - plates and cups tend to break, chairs break (especially cheap ones), and clothes get dirty.

However, this is not included in the initial cost plan, which in the business plan covers the first 6 months of operation. Everything that happens in the second half of the year and later should be covered directly from the cafe’s revenue.

b) Other regular payments.

Regular payments, in addition to salaries and costs of purchasing products, include utility bills, rent of premises and taxes.

All of them are also best presented in table form:

In general, I’m ready – we’ve sorted out the consumable part. It's time to take stock and determine profitability.

The best way to learn is from other people's experiences, don't you agree?

Roman Nikitin will tell you about starting his business in this video:

Results of a business plan for opening a cafe

First, let's determine the starting capital that is needed to open a cafe.

As we have already said, it includes both one-time expenses (repairs, purchase of equipment, etc.) and regular ones (salary salary, utilities).

In reality, to open an establishment in a cafe format, you need to have about 2,000,000 rubles. , since there are always unforeseen expenses, plus we must not forget about inflation.

We took the average check for our establishment, which is the most crisis-like - 400 rubles. per client (for comparison, Moscow establishments charge 900 rubles).

You will have about 80 clients per day if you really opened near a business center.

Approximate restaurant calculations:

80 people * 400 rub. = 32,000 rub. There are 20 working days in a month: 32,000 * 20 = 640,000 rubles.

Add to this corporate parties and other holidays - this establishment is adapted to them.

There the average check will be approximately 800 rubles. per person, and a week usually holds no more than two events for 4 - 8 people.

That is, on average per establishment:

(4 people * 800 rub.) * 6 events per month = 19,200 rub.

If we round up, then our establishment will generate monthly income of approximately 660,000 rubles. :

660,000 * 3 = 1,980,000 rub. - this means that, in theory, your business will pay for itself in three months.

However, in practice everything will not be quite the same. The fact is that initially your establishment will be unknown to anyone, and you should not count on peak attendance figures for the first three to four months.

The real payback will come after about 6 months of operation of the cafe.

So we've covered everything, what is needed to open a cafe. The business plan came out quite detailed, so now it’s up to the entrepreneurs...

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There are many catering establishments, but not all of them are suitable for visiting with children. Today, those in which a child can not only have a tasty and safe meal, but also celebrate his birthday, play with animators, take part in a themed children’s party, etc. are especially in demand. In order to successfully compete with fast food chains, you need to take into account their advantages and disadvantages, as well as analyze the positive experience of entrepreneurs who have implemented children's cafe projects from scratch.

The legislation does not divide catering establishments into “children’s” and “adult” ones, however, there are nuances that need to be understood by those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to open a children’s cafe from scratch.

Forecasts and prospects

How promising is the idea of ​​​​creating a cafe for children, which is quite expensive in terms of investment, but does not immediately begin to make a profit?

The market capacity can be represented by fertility statistics (see Fig. 1). As can be seen from the graph, the measures taken by the government to level out the demographic situation are bringing a positive effect, despite the economic crisis. By 2025, the birth rate is expected to approach the levels of the mid-80s, when there was a surge. This means that in the near future all areas of business related to motherhood and childhood will be in demand by society.

Thus, the market for goods for children from 2009 to 2012. grew by $32 billion, which means that in difficult times, parents prefer to save on their own needs, but not on their children. By the way, the majority of visitors to catering establishments, according to marketing research, are also people with children (see Fig. 2)

In large populated areas, family confectionery shops, canteens, and fast food establishments equipped with high chairs and offering special menus for young visitors, as well as those aimed only at children, are becoming increasingly popular. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, 83 such enterprises are actively promoting their services. Most of them are open as franchises: sushi bars “Yakitoria” and “Sushimin”, cafe “New York”, etc.

Fast food or “healthy eating”?

According to sociological research, the catering market in Russia in 2015 was dominated by demand for the services of fast food restaurants (see Fig. 3).

Knowing this, many investors avoid investing in children's cafes as a business, fearing competition with such “monsters” as McDonald’s, Shokoladnitsa, Rostiks, Baskin Robbins and others offering a branded range of dishes and services.

In 2012, the largest research holding Romir identified the TOP 10 factors of attractiveness of fast food establishments, popular among parents with children, and market leaders according to these indicators (see Table 1)

Table 1. Factors of attractiveness of catering in Russia*

Value for money

"Little Potato"

Food quality

"Il Patio"

Polite and friendly staff

"Planet Sushi"

Availability of prices

"Little Potato"

Drink quality

“Il Patio”, “Chocolate Girl”, “Coffee House”

Assortment of dishes

“Chocolate Girl”, “Il Patio”, “Planet Sushi”

Service speed

"Little Potato" and "Baskin Robbins"

General atmosphere

"Planet Sushi"

Waiters' knowledge of menu items

"Planet Sushi", "Chocolate Girl"

Comfortable interior

"Planet Sushi"

*the study was conducted in cities of 8 federal districts with a population of 100 thousand people or more. Sample - 1,000 people. aged from 16 to 50 years.

It is noteworthy that the factor of having a menu for children was not included in the top ten most significant, although McDonald's, which tops the attendance rating, relies specifically on young visitors and successfully engages not only in food, but also in the sale of toys in Happy Meal sets.

The success factors of fast food chains should be taken into account by those planning to open their own family cafe. However, recently society is increasingly leaning towards healthy natural foods:

“The principle of less is more has recently been found in catering organizations - eat simply and quickly. This is a shorter menu, smaller portions, the ability to vary their size, change the menu taking into account personal preferences, which allows you to focus on the uniqueness of the dishes.”
(Akhmadeeva O. A., Idrisova A. I. Development trends of the public catering market in Russia // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 8)

Thus, you can start a business using ready-made models (franchise), or establish your own brand based on the principles of natural baby food.

Requirements for a cafe for children

Not all entrepreneurs know exactly what is needed to open a children's cafe; most doubts are related to the requirements of regulatory authorities: is there any special specificity in this?

No, the lawyers answer. Regardless of the age audience of the catering establishment, the requirements are clearly regulated, since in any case your clients will be adults - parents who are responsible for their children. You, in turn, are responsible to them for the quality of food and provision of services.

Here are the regulations that will guide you:

  1. Law on Consumer Protection
  2. Government Decree No. 1036 “On approval of the rules for the provision of public catering services” (dated 08/15/1997)
  3. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 31 “On the implementation of sanitary rules” (dated November 8, 2001)
  4. Government Decree No. 584 “On the notification procedure for the start of certain types of business activities” (dated July 16, 2009)

Important! This list of documents reflects the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities for a cafe that does not offer an “adult” assortment, including alcohol-containing drinks and alcohol. This type of activity does not require licensing.

You can collect permits for opening a children's cafe yourself or entrust this to a law firm. Its content and speed of execution will depend on the choice of premises.

There are two options: rent a room adapted for catering or equip it yourself. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages (see Table 2)

Table 2. Rent a ready-made premises or create it from scratch?

Premises adapted for cafe

Premises from scratch

  • cost savings, since the entire “infrastructure” is prepared: a kitchen, toilets, emergency exits, ventilation, etc.
  • saving time on coordination with regulatory authorities: you can take documentation from the owner, go through the authorities (Rospotrebnadzor, fire departments, energy sales, water utilities, etc.) with the lease agreement and re-register it in your name
  • freedom in choosing a concept: you are not limited in design and technological solutions
  • restrictions in the choice of concept. For example, in a former restaurant (canteen) for adults there may not be room for a games room
  • expenses for repairs in accordance with the chosen concept and for obtaining permits
  • payment for connection to utility systems, etc.

Practitioners advise: if you decide to open an enterprise in a premises that is not suitable for catering, agree in advance with the owner on a long-term lease and inclusion of the costs of repairs, re-equipment and re-registration in the rent.

Family Club

The most risk-free project is a franchise project, but before a franchise appears, someone must be the first to implement the concept. Today, more and more entrepreneurs are implementing original ideas. For example, two successful businesswomen figured out how to open a children's cafe with a playroom in the Ribambelle club they created (the portal told readers about it).

The concept was invented by young mothers Yu. Fedorishina and O. Musakhanova and implemented in 2013. A room that was not adapted for catering was chosen for the club, so more money was spent on its equipment than originally planned: for example, it was necessary to lay communications under the kitchen.

The girls advise those who open such a business to check all the calculations of the hired “specialists” from the very beginning, since they have repeatedly had to deal with inflated estimates. For example, firefighters set an estimate of 2 million, but in the end the costs amounted to 1 million rubles.

The total cost of opening a family club with a dining room and a play area of ​​800 m2 in a large shopping center costs, according to startup estimates, approximately 700 thousand euros.

Ribambelle immediately introduced a number of innovations that allowed it to successfully compete with other enterprises:

  • ban on fast food
  • strict requirements for preserving the beneficial properties of products on the menu for children
  • adaptation of popular dishes for a children's audience (kids want to be like adults!)
  • emphasis on holding holidays and culinary master classes for children and their parents
  • the presence of a playroom in the form of a children's town with animators
  • catering

In 2014, the girls achieved a monthly profit of 11 million rubles, but in the first 2 years, as they admitted, they were unable to return their initial investment. Today, for those who are close to the idea of ​​Ribambelle, they offer a franchise: this allows the franchisee to avoid financial losses when starting a business.

Children's cafe at the zoo

A cafe for children can be a successful addition to your existing business. In Nizhny Novgorod, this was organized on the territory of the private zoo “Limpopo”. Its owner V. Gerasichkin has several “adult” projects under his belt.

In an interview with a correspondent of “Arsenal of the Entrepreneur” (No. 10, 2010), when asked about the profitability of the enterprise, he answered:

“...It’s really impossible to make big money at a children’s cafe, so business sharks are not interested in this topic. But if you have a thriving business and have the opportunity to run a project without charging large percentages, then you can create conditions for children to celebrate birthdays in a cafe and meet with classmates.”

A distinctive feature of catering at the zoo is its seasonality: the hottest time is summer and early autumn. Hence the format - a small pastry shop or street restaurant with a children's menu. Entertainment is nearby: these are animals that you can feed, and some of them you can interact with, and attractions. During the summer peak of attendance, it is possible to earn funds that allow you to support the business during the autumn-winter lull.

These examples show that with the right organization, a business that is not very profitable at first glance can actually bring not only income, but also pleasure to its owner.

The restaurant business is rightfully considered one of the most promising areas. Each case has its own subtleties and features that must be taken into account.

This is necessary for a well-organized cafe to actively develop and generate stable income.

Visitors can get real pleasure from seeing a cozy hall with comfortable tables, polite waiters and cheerful children!

But initially it is necessary to develop a business plan; the children's cafe must be properly equipped and meet the necessary sanitary requirements. Of course, this will require serious financial investments.

Financial expenses

The catering industry generates significant income. However, significant cash injections will be required at first. It is necessary to purchase a premises or arrange its lease, purchase the necessary equipment for cooking and decorating a common room for visitors.

Investments will be required to carry out current and major repairs of the premises and purchase furniture. You should definitely invite a designer who will help you think through the design of the cafe in detail so that it attracts children. But before you seriously start developing a business idea, think: how do you feel about the younger generation? If you really love children and cannot remain indifferent to the matter with a long-term perspective, then this is the activity for you.

To find out how much it costs to open a children's cafe, you need to add up all the necessary and the costs listed above. So, for renting a premises you will have to pay from three hundred fifty to four hundred thousand rubles. The purchase of products will cost eighteen thousand rubles. We must not forget about advertising - it will require from sixty-five to seventy thousand rubles.

In general, starting a business can cost from one million two hundred to one and a half million rubles. Pricing of the dishes offered in the cafe will be based on all fixed costs: rent of premises, employee salaries and utility bills. Variable costs are also added here - for the purchase of raw materials.

Successful business in a small town

Before you open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to think about its location, especially if you intend to develop your business in a small town. It is important that there are no competing establishments nearby. The most advantageous location is close to children's institutions: schools, kindergartens, gymnasiums. It is very convenient if there is a recreation park nearby with attractions, where there are families with children, children's art centers, and playgrounds.

Required documents

To open a children's cafe in a small town (and in a big one too), you will need to complete the necessary documents. To rent a premises, a contract is concluded and technological and architectural designs are drawn up.

Then the establishment is registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, registered with the tax authorities, in Rospotrebnadzor, and obtaining permission to operate in the field of public catering from the SES and fire department. It is also necessary to obtain a work permit from the district administration. In total, completing all the necessary paperwork will take about three months.


Since every business has its own subtleties, before opening a children's cafe, it is necessary to research the market and study the state of affairs of competitors. When choosing a room, you need to take into account its location so that it is easy for visitors to get to it. For a cafe, you need to choose a spacious room with large windows (it can be rented or purchased).

It will need to include a kitchen where food will be prepared, a room with tables and chairs where visitors can try all the most delicious dishes from your menu. If your cafe is intended for young children, then it is necessary to provide a play area. You can place a trampoline, a wall bars in it, and attach a flat TV screen to the wall, which will show animated and feature films for children.

This corner will be decorated with images of popular movie characters. Board games and karaoke will be an addition. The total area of ​​the room can be from seventy to one hundred and fifty square meters. To calculate its exact dimensions, it is necessary to follow SES standards: five square meters are required for one person in the hall. A cafe may include not one, but two halls for visitors, a games area, a cinema hall and a stage.

Cafe equipment

When thinking about how to open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to understand that it is necessary not only to select and decorate the premises correctly, but also to purchase equipment.

It should not only be beautiful, but also ergonomic. To order furniture, you can contact the specialized websites of manufacturers. The premises must have air conditioning.

The cafe must be well ventilated. The design should always take into account the psychology of young visitors. Tables and chairs for children and adults are used as equipment for the common room. In addition, bright soft sofas will come in handy. The kitchen needs to be equipped with the most modern equipment so that the food turns out delicious, and not too much electricity is consumed: these are glass-ceramic stoves, ovens, microwave ovens.

Recruitment of personnel and organization of cafe work

One of the important points that an establishment’s business plan must take into account is personnel selection. People need to be recruited not only with experience, but also with special education. We will need cooks, waitresses, room cleaners, an administrator, an animator and an accountant. The service staff must be polite and love children. An important point is the operating hours of the establishment; it is also included in the business plan. The children's cafe should operate from 9.00 to 21.00.

Becoming an entrepreneur in the restaurant business is the key to success in our time, despite the fact that it is a crisis. The main thing in this matter is to find a good idea to implement your plan. In this article we will tell you in detail how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch and what documents you need to prepare for this. We will describe all the nuances that it is advisable to consider before trying to build your business in this field of activity.

Business Features

There are several basic points that you should definitely understand before getting into something like the restaurant business, namely:

  • You need to decide on the range of products and services of your future enterprise. This will definitely help you figure out which cafe can be opened specifically in your city with the amount of start-up capital that you have. In addition, you need to analyze the modern service sector in order to understand which cafe is better to open so that people will visit it. Thematic establishments are in particular demand today: Japanese, Chinese and Italian restaurants and mini-cafes;
  • You should also figure out what place in the city you need to open a mini cafe from scratch or any other catering establishment. It is advisable to choose places where a large number of people always concentrate - near hotels, sports and entertainment centers;
  • Based on the amount of starting capital, you will need to decide on the form of service in it. At the initial stages, after opening a cafe-bar from scratch, a form such as self-service will suit you. In the future, it will be possible to hire waiters;
  • There is one more thing you need to open a cafe from scratch. You need to decide whether your catering will operate seasonally or permanently;
  • You also need to know, if you want to open a cafe, where to start your business - from a mobile enterprise or a stationary one.

In light of the above, one conclusion arises - in order to open your own cafe, you need to know that this is a rather complex and painstaking process that requires special endurance, patience and, accordingly, knowledge in the economic field from a beginning entrepreneur.

Registration of activities

What does it take to open a cafe from scratch, first of all? An enterprise such as a cafe must be officially registered in the state register of small businesses. But in order to open a cafe-bar, you need to be issued the following permits:
  • To locate the enterprise you have chosen as an object;
  • From the fire safety service. This is especially true if the premises you have chosen as a place to open a cafe have only recently been put into operation;
  • The same permission will have to be obtained from the sanitary and epidemiological station. This document is issued within 10 days by the chief doctor of the SES, if you take into account a number of other nuances that are needed to open a cafe.

You will have to additionally collect the following list of documents:

  • Lease agreement for the premises where your catering will be located;
  • Licenses for products that you will use in your work;
  • Certificate of registration of a private enterprise;
  • Documents confirming that you and your staff have undergone a full medical examination;
  • You also need to obtain a patent from local governments for trading activities.

You should know if you want to open a cafe, that for this you need to determine the legal form of the future establishment. You can register it like:

  1. IP (individual entrepreneur);
  2. OJSC (open joint stock company);
  3. LLC (limited liability company).

Institution format and concept

Are you still undecided? Try opening your own cafe. For this, as we mentioned above, it is very important to decide on the concept and format of the future establishment. In order for you to understand more clearly in this area, we invite you to pay attention to the following classification of catering establishments.

By type of cafe there are:

  • General;
  • Specialized;
  • Bars.

Each of these catering establishments has its own category:

  • Luxury - such establishments have unique buildings, premises and furniture (it is made to order). They are provided with all the necessary equipment to have the maximum level of comfort;
  • Higher - which have a very high level of service, a complex menu, the premises are decorated at the best level, and the technical equipment is of the highest class;
  • First, this category is assigned to kebab, wine and beer bars;
  • The second is assigned to canteens;
  • The third is assigned to buffets that are located in public facilities.

Let's take a closer look at what type of cafe you can open:

How to open a fast food cafe from scratch?

This is the most affordable public catering establishment, which people go to with great pleasure, because they can eat quickly and inexpensively (about 100 rubles per person). The menu of such a cafe includes dishes that are prepared based on semi-finished products. The only alcoholic drinks sold in such establishments are beer. This format of a catering establishment is the best way to open a roadside cafe from scratch.

How to open a small cafe from scratch using the “Free-flo” type?

In such establishments, the menu is dominated by home-cooked dishes, which are prepared after the client orders. In such cafes nothing is heated. On average, a visitor can eat at the Free-Flo cafe for 150–300 rubles. In addition to beer, you can sell stronger alcoholic drinks here.

In fact, this catering establishment is no different from fast food. Only in them can you get higher profits. People can spend 300-400 rubles per visit on delicious and fresh pizza, as well as some types of snacks and side dishes. This option is suitable for those who are looking for a way to open a family cafe from scratch.

How to open a small cafe from scratch like a “Bar”?

These establishments sell mainly alcoholic beverages and simple hot and cold snacks. They are usually equipped in a high-tech style, there is low lighting, and there are quiet and soft areas. It should be noted that such establishments are in quite high demand, so opening them is very profitable. There are several types of bars:

  • Cocktail bars where fruits, sweets, and some types of snacks are served with alcoholic drinks. The staff consists of bartenders and waiters;
  • Disco bars, which function like regular cafes during the day, and like a club in the evening, where you don’t have to order food, but only have fun. By the way, the menu of such establishments usually includes sandwiches and sweets. They are equipped very modernly with lighting, musical equipment, video recorders, light music;
  • Minibars, which are located at entertainment centers such as cinemas and hotels. They sell mainly sandwiches, ice cream and other similar products;
  • Grill bars are establishments that differ from fast food cafes only in the way they prepare food. Everything here is grilled;
  • Cafe-bars are elegant establishments that can accommodate a maximum of 50 visitors. The menu here is very extensive - there are first courses, second courses, and alcoholic drinks. As for the cost of dishes, the check for one visitor can be equal to 500 rubles.

How to open a children's cafe from scratch?

This may be a “free-flo” type catering establishment, but they should not have alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is always equipped with various children's entertainment, and the menu includes sweets, dairy desserts and home-cooked dishes that can be as healthy as possible for children.

How to open an anti-cafe?

It should be noted that this format of establishments is very popular today. People don't have to pay for food there. They pay for the time they spend in the cafe. You can offer people coffee, tea and light snacks free of charge.

How to open a coffee shop?

This type of cafe has taken root quite well in Russia. In such establishments, the menu includes different types of coffee, liqueurs and dessert wines. The list of products also includes confectionery products.

Selecting a location

Another question that is included in the step-by-step instructions on how to open a cafe from scratch is the choice of premises and location of the future cafe. Here you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. The area of ​​the city in which your cafe will be located should be crowded (this could be residential areas, recreation areas);
  2. The area of ​​the premises for a catering establishment must be no less than 70 and no more than 200 m²;
  3. If your cafe is aimed at people with average incomes, you can choose residential areas;
  4. Do not rent premises for your cafe if before yours there was an establishment of a similar type in it, but it received a bad reputation (your cafe will have the same reputation on a subconscious level among visitors);
  5. The premises must be equipped with all necessary utilities - electricity, running water, heating and sewerage;
  6. Carefully study all the documentation for the premises you want to rent. What is meant here is whether it has been redeveloped, whether it is registered correctly, whether advertising signs can be placed on its façade.


When planning where to start opening your cafe, you need to calculate how much money you need to open a cafe. After all, you will have to purchase expensive equipment to furnish the hall of your establishment and kitchen. There is a basic set of what you need to buy:

  • Oven (a convection oven will also work instead). This equipment must definitely be included in the business plan for opening a cafe from scratch, since it is used to prepare most of the main dishes;
  • Electric multi-burner stove with oven;
  • Refrigerated spacious display cases for ready-made dishes;
  • Dispensing stand;
  • Coffee machine;
  • Frying surfaces;
  • Microwave;
  • Food processor (preferably several);
  • Washing.

All of the above-mentioned household appliances can be purchased new, or you can save money and purchase it all second-hand in order to save money. In the first stages of business development, it is quite possible to get by with used equipment, and after achieving results, you can already buy a new one.

Financial investments

The most important thing a novice entrepreneur needs to do is calculate the cost of opening a small cafe from scratch. According to our calculations, how much money is needed to open a cafe, you will have to make the following expenses:

  • 50,000 rubles – rent of premises for a cafe;
  • 100,000 rubles – purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • 60,000 rubles – for products and advertising (this amount will have to be spent monthly).

Note that the cost of opening a cafe from scratch will largely depend on the form of catering establishment that you choose.


Knowing how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch, logical questions arise - how much can you earn and how quickly. It’s impossible to answer unequivocally here, because profit will directly depend on the attendance of your cafe and the amount of money invested.

If you can organize your business quickly and correctly, then you will receive 100,000 rubles in net profit per month.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's figure out what the positive aspects of the restaurant business are:

  • This is an exit niche in entrepreneurial activity because it is in demand among people;
  • Having your own cafe is not only profitable, but also very interesting. Business in the future can become a lifelong endeavor and generate high income.

However, as in any business, there are pitfalls in the restaurant business:

  • If people work in your cafe, then it cannot be ruled out that they will steal food. To avoid this, you can install surveillance cameras in the cafe, but this is an additional cost;
  • You will definitely need to monitor the cleanliness and sanitation of your cafe at all times;
  • You may be bothered by constant checks from different authorities;
  • It is very difficult to find decent suppliers who will become reliable business partners;
  • High level of competition.

Advertising campaign

An advertising campaign is of decisive importance in business development, because the profitability of an establishment always depends on it. You will have to think and choose the appropriate tactics in organizing advertising for your cafe. It shouldn't be similar to your competitors' campaigns. What you can use:

    1. Outdoor advertising (in public transport, for example, or on street billboards), which will constantly flash before the eyes of your potential customers and thereby arouse interest in your establishment;
    2. Internet advertising on social networks, online bulletin boards, and websites (including a personal website). You will have to pay a lot for such services. But if you don’t take advantage of them, you may increase the risk of losing everything and achieving nothing by investing a lot of money;
  1. Media and radio advertising that will help inform people about entertainment programs and promotions of your cafe. With their help, the image of a public institution is formed. Visitors are interested in the difficulty of sitting in comfortable conditions; the mood and atmosphere that reigns in the establishment where they decide to dine, for example, is also important for them;

The most important rule in business is to find your niche. Some entrepreneurs are seriously thinking about opening a children's cafe, but many competitors and high demands discourage them from this venture. Yes, you will have to invest a lot of money and effort, but with proper business management, the payback of the project will not take long to arrive.

Is it profitable to open a children's cafe?

Opinions about the profitability of a children's cafe vary greatly:

  • such an establishment is not a catering establishment, so the likelihood of receiving high income from sales of cakes, sweets and other food is very doubtful;
  • entertainment programs for children will bring much more than other activities;
  • The demand for children's cafes is extremely low: no one will visit the establishment.

However, it is simply impossible to give an accurate estimate for all possible cases in advance. Everything depends on every single detail of the business, so the structure of all points should be clearly defined. And it’s better to do this even before:

1. Food.

Parents bring their children to the children's cafe, obviously not with the goal of feeding the child (the prices are too high), but to organize a party or pamper the kids. However, everything is in the hands of the entrepreneur: if the treats are prepared in the best possible way, made from high-quality products, and the margins are higher than competitors, then income can be significantly increased.

But there is also a downside: when opening a children’s cafe, it is important to seriously study the market and analyze demand among the population. It is possible that the consumer segment will not be able to afford expensive treats, which means the business will suffer significant losses.

2. Entertainment.

Competitions, songs and other programs and events will indeed generate the most income. But this does not make sense if all other components of the establishment are at a minimum level.

3. Attendance.

It directly depends on the region, the chosen location, prices and other indicators. It is for this reason that it is so important to draw up in advance, fully think through a business strategy and qualitatively analyze the market.

All mentioned features are a preliminary assessment of the profitability of the business. More accurate amounts and a general idea of ​​the effectiveness of activities can only be learned after a thorough study of demand.

Business plan for a children's cafe

In any business, it is important to draw up a clear plan that the entrepreneur will follow in the course of his activities.

Its presence will seriously affect the success of the business, because thanks to it you can foresee possible difficulties in advance, accurately determine the main goals and thoroughly study future income and expenses.

The business plan should consist of the main points that directly affect the profitability of the children's cafe:

1. Market analysis and placement.

The first step is to check this area of ​​business, namely:

  • analyze demand;
  • study all competitors, find their strengths and weaknesses;
  • understand your own advantages and disadvantages, and then decide whether they are enough to attract potential clients;
  • find a suitable place to open, etc.

It is important to note that there is no point in opening an establishment near competitors. They already have a regular audience, therefore, they will have the main flow of visitors, while a certain skepticism will remain towards the new children's cafe.

It also makes no sense to open an establishment in a shopping center, next to the game rooms, for the same reason. It is best, in principle, to discard places where there is a certain number of regular customers:

  • next to a pizzeria/catering/other entertainment establishments;
  • shopping centers;
  • development centers, etc.

The most advantageous location for a children's cafe will be the area most distant from competitors where there is demand. This is where the information collected about potential clients will help - the presence of young families, small children and places of family leisure in the selected location (you should remember about competitors).

Sleeping areas are the main part of the target audience. Such places will have a good impact on the establishment’s attendance and its profitability/recoupment.

2. Premises and design.

Having found various options for opening a children's cafe, it is imperative to focus on the GOST 30389-95 standard. This document clearly indicates the required dimensions:

  • 1.6 sq. m per seat (for 50 people you will need an area of ​​about 170 sq. m);
  • mandatory availability of warehouse and work premises;
  • the play area for children should be 75-100 sq. m.

Opening a children's cafe without a play area is not profitable, since it is the games and entertainment in this establishment that will bring maximum income to the entrepreneur. If there is no gaming hall, it may be better to open a regular cafe (this will be much more profitable in economic terms).

If a building for a children's cafe is built separately and not rented, then during construction it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the document GSN (DBN) 360-92.

According to the requirements, the premises must have:

  • heating;
  • ventilation system;
  • electricity;
  • water pipes;
  • full compliance with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service.

Although the play area for children occupies most of the room, you should also allocate space for a cafe area, bathrooms, kitchen, dressing room, vestibule, warehouse. Taking all this into account, 120 sq. m - the minimum acceptable size for a children's cafe.

The decoration and design of the establishment should be handled by a professional designer. A “cartoon” style with appropriate decorations is perfect. The cost of designing a children's cafe averages from $1,500 to $3,000. However, you can find cheaper options, but in such establishments the interior is of great importance, so the quality of the design must be at its best.

3. Equipment.

An important point of the business plan, in which you should take into account all the necessary equipment, furniture and take care of their compliance with the sanitary rules of public catering (in particular, SanPiN 42-123-5777-91):

  • furniture: tables, chairs, bar counter, benches;
  • household appliances: refrigerator, stove, meat grinder, etc. (coffee machine, cocktail maker, display case with treats are also possible);
  • tableware safe for children;
  • lighting and music equipment, for example, for various events, birthday celebrations;
  • costumes for staff and animators;
  • specific paraphernalia: various decorations with cartoon characters, inflatable structures, dry pool, swings, inflatable balls, etc.;
  • alarm system for security of the establishment;
  • additional plumbing (for example, washbasins).

Also, for a full-fledged business, it is necessary not only to buy cash registers, but also to legally formalize them in accordance with all the rules. They will be discussed in more detail below.

4. Suppliers.

Any person understands that all products intended for children must be of the highest quality. Therefore, suppliers should be chosen accordingly, otherwise the establishment’s reputation will suffer catastrophically without bringing any profit. And perhaps even serious losses.

If a child is poisoned by food/drinks and the entrepreneur’s guilt is proven, he will have to pay very serious sums. First, a fine for negligence and neglect of GOST requirements, and then compensation for the victims. The judicial system in the Russian Federation takes cases in which children have been injured extremely seriously, so an entrepreneur should take care that this never happens.

5. Menu.

People come to a children's cafe for the purpose of a holiday, and not to eat a hearty meal. The best option would be to add pizza, french fries, various sweets, etc. to the menu card. The menu should not be large. It is enough to focus on the most famous and popular dishes so that they are often purchased.

Photos are required for the menu. They can be ordered from the designer, but it is better that the photos match the prepared dish as closely as possible, so as not to disappoint visitors. It would also be a good idea for a children’s cafe to have creative names: regular pancakes can be called “Pancakes from Masha and the Bear.”

But you need to avoid stupid puns. It is unlikely that parents will appreciate, for example, the name of the hot dog “Cat in Dough.” Everything should be approached with a twist, but within acceptable limits. The main goal of the establishment is a feeling of celebration and a kind, happy atmosphere. With this approach, profits will not be long in coming.

The menu doesn't always have to be static. In the hot season, you can supplement the menu with ice cream and soft drinks, and in winter, hot chocolate, etc. will work great.

It is important to remember that you cannot give up healthy food. On the contrary, it should be promoted first, but designed creatively. Many children do not like porridge, but, for example, beautifully decorated wheat porridge with the addition of fresh fruit will play its role perfectly. Parents will also appreciate such efforts, which will have a positive impact on the reputation of the institution.

6. Staff.

Working with children requires certain skills, abilities and psychological balance. All this should be taken into account. And even the cleaners who don’t really have contact with the kids. After all, the abundance of children's laughter can infuriate any unprepared person, and nervous breakdowns and the tense state of the staff are completely unnecessary.

For a children's cafe you will need:

  • waiters;
  • nannies (female staff who work directly with children and do everything to please or amuse them);
  • administrator;
  • accountant;
  • cleaners;
  • security guards;
  • animators;
  • cooks and pastry chefs.

It is quite logical that each employee must masterly perform his or her job. You shouldn’t hire untested people even for the position of cleaners; everything should be of the highest quality, because this is being done for the sake of the children, and all these steps will directly affect the reputation of the establishment, and therefore potential income and profit.

7. Marketing.

A well-drafted business plan, in which all of the above points will be mentioned and studied in detail, will be the basis of the business. It will give a complete picture of all expenses, profits, possible risks and benefits.

Registration and documents

A children's cafe is a business like any other. Therefore, it must be registered. To do this, it is enough to complete a list of all necessary documents:

  • register a legal entity depending on the desired form;
  • indicate (55.30 for the Russian Federation);
  • obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station, gas and fire services, strictly comply with their requirements (the amount of fines can be significant, especially since this is for the safety of children);
  • advertising permit (required if a sign is installed, which is legally considered outdoor advertising);
  • registration of personnel in accordance with the Labor Code;
  • lease/ownership agreement for the premises;
  • register the cash register with the tax service;
  • organize a “visitor’s corner” in accordance with legal requirements;
  • possess certificates for the quality of products and equipment used.

If you have difficulties in preparing documents, you can contact an experienced lawyer who will help in this matter. On average, it will take from 3 to 5 months to prepare all the documentation (a lawyer can do it faster, but you will have to pay extra for urgency).

Costs and profitability

When opening a children's cafe initial capital will be spent on:

  • repair work on the premises - $170 per 1 sq. m. m;
  • purchase of furniture, equipment, etc. - about 20-25 thousand dollars;
  • preparation of documentation – $250 + legal services, if needed;
  • creation of a corporate identity – $500;
  • purchases from suppliers (initial) – $2,000;
  • designer decoration of the gaming room - $3,000.

Costs are indicated in dollars due to the constantly changing exchange rate of the ruble. Moreover, many procedures will be paid in foreign currency.

All prices are approximate and may vary depending on many factors.

Fixed (monthly) expenses will be:

  • rent – ​​8-10 dollars per 1 sq. m;
  • utility bills – $350 or more depending on the size of the establishment;
  • wages to employees - $200 each + employee services in the form of piecework payment;
  • taxes - individually, but you will have to spend approximately $150;
  • replenishment of goods from suppliers - about 1 thousand dollars, if there are regular visitors.

The total cost of opening a children's cafe will be about 40 thousand dollars.

In general, a children's cafe will pay for itself in 3-4 years, but this period may vary depending on the success of the business, its popularity and the rental amount. Custom events (birthday celebrations, etc.) are paid on an individual basis depending on the resources spent by the establishment.

How to open a children's cafe (video)?

A children's cafe is a fairly successful type of business. Its profitability depends on the correct level of service, quality of products and equipment. However, starting such a business is very difficult, so novice entrepreneurs may face serious difficulties.

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