Network business via the Internet. Network marketing - how to make money? The essence of network marketing

Every day, thousands of people around the world are trying to discover ways for themselves that could provide them with the opportunity to obtain a basic or To do this, they have to look at the vacancies that have appeared on the labor market or study certain ways of earning money.

Network marketing allows every person to help solve the problems of generating income. Reviews from professionals in this business clearly indicate that success can only be achieved if the right steps are taken at the start of a career in MLM.

It is quite difficult to explain in a nutshell what network marketing is. Some people, having encountered such companies, call the earning schemes they created a real “scam”. But there is also an opinion opposite to this. According to him, network marketing receives reviews as the only opportunity to open your own business without initially investing large sums of money in its development. So which of these two opinions is correct? In order to understand this, you need to understand the question “Network marketing - what is it and how does it work?”

Only after collecting detailed information about the MLM system will each person be able to come to certain conclusions and decide for themselves whether it is worth working in this area, or leaving it for others.

What is MLM?

This abbreviation stands for: MultiLevel Marketing. And this means nothing more than “multi-level marketing”. This is also a direct sales system.

Network marketing (MLM) is a special way of promoting a particular product with the help of a whole network of people who receive a certain percentage of sales or a reward for attracting newcomers to the company. A person simply tells his acquaintances and friends about the product, and they, in turn, distribute similar information further. As a result, a kind of network is formed that facilitates the rapid sale of goods. This is the essence of network marketing.

Inviting people to the company is very profitable. After all, for each new customer a person receives a certain percentage of the profit received. However, expanding the network of buyers is far from simple. Often, for this purpose, network marketing uses a wide variety of psychological techniques. Not everyone likes this. That is why, before inviting a new person to the company, network marketing professionals must explain to him the essence of such a product distribution technology and explain the advantages that this work has.

A little history

The first company operating on the MLM principle appeared back in 1927. It was then that the creator of food additives, K. Rehnborg, began multi-level sales, in which he achieved good success.

Initially, K. Rehnborg was engaged in ordinary trade. However, a moment soon came when the demand for products became significantly higher than his capabilities. And then K. Rehnborg came up with a great idea. He began to attract acquaintances and friends to distribute the product he created, offering them an appropriate reward.

Somewhat later, people from this company, which was called Nutrilite Products, Lee S. Mitenger and William S. Casselbury, developed the basic principles of such sales. Soon MLM gained popularity all over the world. By the end of the 50s of the last century, on the basis of the company, which laid the foundation for a new type of product distribution, the now widely known Amway retail chain was founded.

But the MLM scheme and companies working in this field gained particular popularity in the 80-90s of the 20th century. And today they offer a very extensive range of products, which includes almost everything, from vitamin supplements to dishes, cosmetics and household appliances. Which companies have chosen network marketing for themselves? "Oriflame" and "Avon", "Faberlic" and "Zepter", as well as many others. According to experts, some of these companies have an annual turnover of products offered on the market reaching about 200 billion US dollars.

Learn to distinguish

Sometimes a network company is compared by those who first encountered MLM with a financial pyramid. Of course, at first glance, the scheme by which sales are carried out is not very simple. However, when it comes to network marketing, a person is not required to invest huge amounts of money and then just sit and wait for a miracle.

If this is real network marketing, how to make money in this area? It will take a lot of effort to grow your customer base. At first there may not be any profit. However, if you put in some effort, you can soon start receiving some income from sales. If the network is too large, the newcomer will be far from the top. In such cases, he should not expect a move to the Maldives or exorbitant fees. But a couple of tens of thousands as a salary increase is quite realistic.

However, before you become an agent and start attracting clients, there are certain things you need to pay attention to. They will allow you to avoid a financial pyramid. So:

  1. True network marketing offers to sell a specific product or service that is contained in the manufacturer’s catalog. Products are never purchased for future use. Only those products that have been ordered by customers are subject to sale. Payment for goods is made on the day it is received from the warehouse.
  2. A company operating on the principle of a financial pyramid will require payment of membership fees or the purchase of “securities,” which outside of this organization are nothing more than ordinary candy wrappers. In addition, in a financial pyramid, each person receives a profit not at all from the volume of products sold by him and his network, but from the number of people whom he brought to the company and who paid membership fees to it.
  3. Another type of online earnings that is questionable is the sale of various equipment or software. Before starting work in such a company, you will need to pay for a certain package of services that allows a person to take one or another place in the trade chain. These can be various tools for work in the form of a plastic card or a personal account, the use of which is impossible without paying a subscription fee. Where can you find this type of network marketing? Examples of running such a business are far from isolated. Thus, Talk Fusion attracts potential clients and agents with offers of income that can only be received after paying a certain amount in advance and attracting two or more new recruits. The chain created in this way will generate profit. Such a scheme is more similar to a financial pyramid, although the company still has a product that needs to be sold. But, in order to succeed in this company, a person must have the qualities of a psychologist, speaker and leader. And even in this case, he is unlikely to be able to rise from the initial level to the very last step.

From the above, we can conclude that successful earnings in an MLM company are possible only after a preliminary study of all the conditions of cooperation. Only by making the right choice can you achieve successful promotion.

Assessing prospects

How to start making money in direct sales? To conduct such a business, a reliable and promising network company must be selected that will allow you to achieve the desired result. The best starting option is a well-known brand. When choosing it, you will not need to make much effort to convince customers of the need to purchase. Cosmetics manufacturers such as Faberlic or Oriflame, as well as companies offering household goods (for example, Amway), are popular. Consumers have already appreciated these products, and they will buy them without any worries.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the niche of well-known brands has already been occupied by other distributors. And for those who have chosen network marketing for themselves, how to make money in this case? A high level of competition will require the use of a special strategy, without which it will be impossible to create a customer base and start receiving your own passive income. Of course, in this regard, it is easier to make money in a newly created network company that offers a product that inspires consumer confidence, but is also scarce on the market. These are new dietary supplements, training courses, devices for health and home, etc. The choice of one direction or another will largely depend on a person’s personal interest, as well as on his desire to make money from it.

Rating of MLM companies

There are a large number of manufacturers on the Russian market who sell their products through direct sales. What are these network marketing companies? Their rating contains those brands that occupy almost 70 percent of the MLM market. First on this list is Avon. It is followed by Oriflame. Third place belongs to the Amway company. On the fourth is the Mary Kay company, offering cosmetics. Faberlic occupies fifth place in the ranking.

The remaining companies are considered smaller and cover the remaining 30 percent of the market.


If network marketing is chosen as the direction of business, how to make money on it? You should pay attention to the assistance that company representatives provide to newcomers. It may include various manuals and video tutorials, trainings and meetings. All this, as a rule, is provided completely free of charge. Sometimes curators help in attracting first clients. Without training, it is impossible to work in MLM at any stage. The more detailed information a person has about a product and its benefits, the easier it will be for him to convince other people that they need it. That is, persuasiveness directly depends on the existing knowledge base. The experience of MLM professionals also helps, who will definitely tell you how you can make a profit faster, as well as attract new people to create passive income.

Receiving a profit

An important point when choosing a network company is to study the scheme for accruing funds and bonuses. After all, earning money is the main motivation for any person.

With a fairly transparent scheme for generating income, the absence of penalties, as well as unrealistic targets for the sales volume proposed by the company, working in a chosen network company is quite capable of bringing good results.

Action plan

After choosing a specific network company that provides an excellent opportunity to make money, it is recommended to draw up a business plan for yourself that will allow you to understand what attention should be paid to.

So, it’s worth choosing a way to get money. This could be through direct selling or using a passive option. Which one is more promising? Often product distributors seek to start with personal sales. At the same time, they get the opportunity to study demand and create a customer base.

Professionals who have thoroughly studied network marketing look at this issue somewhat differently. How to make money according to their advice? MLM gurus recommend that beginners start from two positions at the same time. After all, among potential clients there will always be people who want to receive additional income, as well as those who want to purchase products at the purchase price.

Networkers who are at the highest or middle level in the hierarchy of the distribution scheme note that they owe most of their earnings to the work of their subordinates, and not at all to direct sales. Thus, after some time, having built up a client base, you can completely abandon direct sales of products, having properly motivated the entire multi-level structure of agents.

Sales methods

How to earn a good income in a network company? To do this, you will need to find the most effective methods of attracting customers. There are several of them:

  1. Direct contacts with people. This method is used if a person working in a network company has free time to visit public places or has a very large circle of relatives and acquaintances who are not yet involved in the MLM business. However, judging by reviews from professionals, this method is very time-consuming and often ineffective. This option is relevant if you already have a list of clients who only require delivery of catalogs and products.
  2. Creating a consumer base using social networks, your own website or online store. In this case, you will need to devote less time to work, and the coverage of the audience of potential clients will be much wider. In this case, only those users who are interested in the company’s products or want to receive additional income will respond to the offer.
  3. Creation of contextual advertising and landing pages, sending offers to advertising sites and by email.

Anyone who wants to make money in network marketing can increase their profits several times if at the initial stage 2-3 MLM companies are selected at once. Thus, customers can be offered simultaneously several brands of cosmetics, as well as products intended for face and body care. This option is also beneficial because the cost of the product among competing companies differs. This allows you to select products from the desired segment for people of different income levels.

Knowing your own character

Not everyone can achieve success in network marketing. In order to earn a high income, you must have the following qualities:

  • patience and stress resistance;
  • sociability, which presupposes the ability to speak and then maintain a conversation with any person;
  • perseverance, which will allow you to achieve your goal, sometimes returning even to places where you have already received a refusal;
  • psychological skills that allow you to convince a person of the need to purchase a product;
  • leadership qualities that will provide an opportunity to develop a chain of passive income;
  • oratorical qualities to speak confidently, correctly and beautifully;
  • the ability to plan your own time, which will allow you to avoid fuss, eliminate inconsistencies in scheduled meetings and leave yourself time for rest and self-education;
  • trading skills.

A person who has the qualities listed above, applying all the rules recommended by professionals in this field, will definitely achieve success in network marketing.

Network business is popular on the Internet. Many claim that such a business allows you to earn millions.

Network" or "MLM business" got its name from MLM - Multi-Level-Marketing (translated from English - multi-level marketing). This direction is also called network marketing and network marketing.

All these definitions are used to designate one of the ways of organizing marketing. Namely, when distributing products according to the “pyramid” principle. A classic business is a store that people visit to purchase goods. Working in a network business means many people buying a product, and they distribute it among their friends.

Thus, in a network business there is no need to hire people, pay them wages and rent stores. Success in online business is guaranteed if the following conditions are met:

  1. The main task in a network business is to recruit the largest number of volunteers who will subsequently distribute the company’s products for a percentage of sales.
  2. In addition, volunteers themselves will begin to “hire” people to also distribute products. In this case, they receive interest not only for their own sales, but also for the merits of the people they connect to the network.

This type of business was invented in the USA, and it began to actively spread throughout the world. The impetus for development was one important factor: people more often buy products that are recommended to them by friends and acquaintances.

The most common products on the MLM business market are shampoos, washes, cosmetics, nutrition and vitamins. Network business via the Internet deserves special attention.

Getting started online - benefits

You can start an online business for the following reasons:

  1. Schedule. There is no need to get up in the morning and run to the other end of the city. This point is especially pleasing to people who previously worked 10-12 hours.
  2. Combination with other activities. To start your career in the network business, you don’t have to quit your previous job. Given the free schedule, it is possible to combine tasks. Before MLM becomes the main source of income, it is better not to rush to quit.
  3. Creating your team. Were there any “difficult” people at work? This job is a great option! After all, all agents are allowed to gather their own team. Besides, you can decide for yourself whether to accept a person or not.
  4. Support. Often people in this business are invited by friends or acquaintances. They will be happy to provide free advice on all issues. In addition, large companies hold meetings in many cities.
  5. New acquaintances. One of the main features of MLM is the constant growth of people you know. Everyone comes with their own “baggage”. And in meetings of more than 50-70 people, you can find the “needed” people - lawyers, bankers, doctors, etc.

At meetings and online conferences, seminars are held, training in the nuances of product distribution, and all necessary instructions are provided.

Important! Many agents find clients online. You can run an online business without leaving your home.

What will you need to give to people to make them interested and want to join? How to invite people to an online business?

To attract a large number of people, it is imperative to have a ready-made mechanism for “recruiting” new participants. A step-by-step algorithm is needed to attract a newcomer to conclude an agreement with him.

There is no need to try to sell him a contract in the first minutes of communication. Pressure, especially on newbies, never produces positive results. Future partners should be encouraged to enter into an agreement step by step:

  1. The first step is to get to know each other more. It is advisable to meet in a cafe over a cup of coffee and find out what exactly the person wants. You can find out by asking the appropriate questions. The main thing you should ask about is his job, what he does, whether he is satisfied with his earnings, whether he wants to increase it, whether he has thought about working for himself, etc. Thanks to the questions, it is necessary to determine whether a person is suitable for a pyramid business. You should pay attention to his ambitions, potential and desire to work for himself. It is necessary to pay attention to the place of network business in Russia.
  2. At the second stage, you need to start talking about network business. It will be necessary to bring the person up to date, tell about all the pitfalls, what to expect in the near future and what prospects await. He may need time to think about the proposal. In this case, after a day or two, you can call and find out whether the person has decided to participate.

Important! If you receive an ambiguous answer, you should invite him to another meeting and try to put more emphasis on his ambitions and tell more about the advantages of network business. If possible, introduce the person to the team.

If the candidate has no desire, he should not be persuaded. It's a waste of time! If he doesn't want to hear about it, he won't do it. You need to be ready to accept rejection. Posts about online business prove that residents of the Russian Federation are still distrustful of such a source of income.

Pros and cons of work

The advantages of network business are:

  • the ability to choose your own schedule;
  • there is no maximum earnings limit;
  • the opportunity to quickly master a new profession;
  • the opportunity to learn a new profession almost free of charge;
  • lack of “tough” management;
  • a large number of connections.

The disadvantages include:

  • a large number of failures;
  • the need to constantly communicate with new people;
  • unstable income.

What is network business NL - reviews

Network business NL International is a company that conducts extensive trading activities in various products around the world. The NL company has been on the market for 16 years.

Main product lines:

  • household goods;
  • healthy eating and nutritional supplements;
  • everything for business.

Partner NL can:

  • use company products and receive cash back;
  • give recommendations to NL Store for a fee;
  • create a personal network;
  • become a team teacher.

NL International supplies its agents with everything they need. Declared business income:

  • 20−30 thousand at first;
  • from 100 thousand per month in a year;
  • over 300 thousand with active and continuous development.

The best partners are given a Mercedes-Benz. To start earning money, you need to enter into a contract with the company.

Igor Pavlinov. Description. The next volume of the popular encyclopedia “I Explore the World” is dedicated to mammals, or animals. Readers will become acquainted with both the general features of the highest class of vertebrates and its specific representatives, familiar and not so familiar.

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The next volume of the popular encyclopedia “I Explore the World” is dedicated to mammals, or animals. Readers will become acquainted with both the general features of the highest class of vertebrate animals and with its con. Download Animals “I experience the world.” The next volume of the popular encyclopedia “I Explore the World” is dedicated to mammals, or animals.

Readers will become acquainted with both the general features of the highest class of vertebrates and its specific representatives, familiar and not so familiar. The book examines all the main orders of animals, the amazing adaptations of mammals, their “societies”, “language” and many other interesting issues. Electronic library of books" I. Pavlinov" I am exploring the world. Wildlife from A to Z” Text of the book (page 1). I'm exploring the world. Wildlife from A to Z. Text added: October 9, Melanists are not uncommon - almost black animals with slightly visible spotting, they are called “black panthers”.

The leopard's range is very large: it covers almost all of Africa and southern Asia, extending east to the Ussuri region and the Malay Archipelago. This animal can be found in dense tropical, subtropical and coniferous-deciduous forests, mountain and riverine bush thickets, in savannas, from where it penetrates quite far through dry watercourses into rocky semi-deserts, and in some places into deserts. Title: I explore the world.

Animals Author: Pavlinov I. Reviews and Comments. Search. Home. > I explore the world. Animals. Catalog sections. Author: Pavlinov Igor Yakovlevich. Title: I explore the world. Animals. ISBN: Weight: Binding: Hard (7BC). Series: I explore the world. Pages: Width (mm): The next volume of the popular encyclopedia “I Explore the World” is dedicated to mammals, or animals.

Readers will become acquainted with both the general features of the highest class of vertebrates and its specific representatives, familiar and not so familiar. The book examines all the main orders of animals, the amazing adaptations of mammals, their “societies”, “language” and many other interesting issues. About all this and more in the book I Explore the World: Beasts (I.

Ya. Pavlinov). Reviews Feedback Quotes Where to buy. These books may be of interest to you. Animals Author: I. Ya. Pavlinov Publisher: AST, Astrel Volume: ISBN: Series: I explore the world Year: Description: The next volume of the popular encyclopedia “I explore the world” is dedicated to mammals, or animals. Readers will become acquainted with both the general features of the highest class of vertebrates and its specific representatives, familiar and not so familiar. The book examines all the main orders of animals, the amazing adaptations of mammals, their “societies”, “language” and many other interesting issues.

The publication is equipped with a subject and name index. For preschoolers, I. Ya. Pavlinov “I explore the world: Animals” buy good quality at an excellent price. I. Ya. Pavlinov “I explore the world: Animals.”



Osip Naumovich Abdulov (November 3 (16) - June 14) - Soviet theater and film actor, director, People's Artist of the RSFSR (). Laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (). 1. Biography. Osip Abdulov was born on November 3 (16) in the city of Lodz (now Poland) into a Jewish family. This year he entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow University. 4.

Abdulov O. N. Articles and memories. - M.: Art, 5. Geyser M. Moscow is empty without him.

Network marketing via the Internet has much in common with traditional MLM, but it has additional advantages. Many actions that sellers carry out independently are automated thanks to the capabilities of the global network. In addition, the sales market is expanding significantly: it becomes possible to penetrate into any corner of the Earth.

Advantages of running a network business via the Internet

Traditional MLM itself has many attractive features: there are no financial risks, participants do not experience pressure from external circumstances, they can quickly master this business and combine it with other activities. Networkers are free, they are not bound by labor relations, and at the same time they have great prospects for development. To enter MLM you only need the ability and desire to sell, everything else is not essential. In addition, MLM operators get access to a wide range of high quality products and the opportunity to communicate with people like themselves.

In combination with the Internet, network business acquires new features:

1. Now a merchant, having signed an agreement with the company he likes, receives a set of tools for working on the network, thereby getting rid of many tedious, mechanical tasks.

2. On the Internet you can make sales at any time and make your presence known to a much larger number of people.

3. Online tools include a summary of sales volumes, tools for placing and paying for orders, as well as information about upcoming events in the company. The educational process is also built through the Internet. Thus, access to the necessary information is greatly simplified.

Almost everyone knows what network marketing is today. There are probably no people who have not at least once bought something from their friend, relative, acquaintance or complete stranger who is collaborating or building their own business in some company operating under the MLM system.

Network Marketing: Today everyone knows about network marketing

There are probably no people today who have not been invited at least once to get acquainted with the products and capabilities of some network company: Herbalife, Vision, Amway, Avon... It would take a long time to list them, because they number, even in Russia, in the hundreds.

Gone are the days when job advertisements included the following words: “network marketing and sex – do not offer.” Vice versa. More and more often today you can see: “I’m looking for a good MLM company, looking for a job in network marketing.” For many networkers today, the launching pad for success in the MLM business has become.

And yet, not everyone understands what kind of phenomenon this is - MLM industry, MLM business, network marketing.

And they continue to hate the alarm clock, go to a job they don’t like, take rest once a year when their boss allows, and remain in a state of anticipation: they will make you redundant or they won’t make you redundant...

What is network marketing? MLM business yesterday, today, tomorrow

If you look back at the origins of the MLM business, you can see that initially it was simply a system of promoting goods from person to person.

But over time, the rewards for consumers of network companies who did not skimp on praise and stories about “fabulous results” became quite substantial. And they understood that if they started telling strangers about these products and the opportunities to have additional income, they would be able to build their own in a network company and receive good passive income.

You probably remember how in 94-95 of the last century, when network marketing represented by the Herbalife company rapidly burst into Russia, advertisements with invitations were plastered over almost all pillars, fences, bus stops, and entrances of houses.

People walked around the city with large signs saying “Do you want to make money? Ask me how? In this way they recruited their own kind, becoming information sponsors for them.

Working online has become the main occupation for many Russians who remained unemployed during perestroika. And quite a lot of people got rich from building an mlm business.

Unfortunately, there were many who, succumbing to emotions, sold cars, apartments, took out loans from banks, and purchased large quantities of goods (the more you buy, the cheaper!) The homes of many turned into warehouses.

But selling the product turned out to be much more difficult than they said at the presentations. There was no knowledge in this area, no sales experience, the mentality was somewhat different. After all, we lived in a socialist state, where in Soviet times we could be subject to criminal liability for such cases.

As a result of rash actions, misunderstandings, and sometimes simply deception, a large number of people have suffered. Which in general formed a negative image of network marketing.

And many years passed before Russians fully realized what it was or the mechanism for promoting goods through the network marketing system.

Today, more than ever, people want to use only the best products, goods, and services! Many people strive to find sources of additional income.

MLM business - an opportunity to start your own business without investment

Network marketing is a type of activity that allows you to create a source of passive (more precisely, residual - constantly increasing) income with virtually no investment and over time. When day after day you can work less and less, but you will have more and more money.

However, today it is quite difficult to attract people to engage in MLM business. And not only because people, having once had a negative experience, do not want to go back and try again. And not because not everyone strives to learn, develop new qualities and skills, and improve themselves.

The main reason for the reluctance to engage in MLM business lies in the fact that Russians are poor. And not relatively rich people. They are absolutely poor! Poverty is embedded in the subconscious of Russians. And any business, especially MLM, is very difficult to do in such conditions, in a state with an insolvent population. After all, as a rule, people with income are not eager to get into the MLM business. They are able to correctly assess the situation. There are, of course, exceptions.

However, network marketing allows anyone to build their life according to completely new principles, which until recently they did not even dare to dream about. Why is that?

What can I say about this? Today there are quite a lot of reviews and films on the Internet that clearly and clearly reproduce the picture of reality: not only the advantages, but also the pitfalls!

And the main thing for a seeking person is to decide what he still wants in this life? And, if desired, see real ways to freedom, prosperity, and wealth. And for the most persistent and purposeful, a network business can help with this.

If you dream of starting a business and are constantly thinking because you have absolutely no money, you should start collaborating with some MLM company. Serious company. And not by fly-by-night companies on the Internet.

How to distinguish a decent network marketing company from scammers?

  • A good product or service that you would use without making money.
  • A wide range of products, where everyone will find what they need. And this will be able to constantly ensure trade turnover. A wide range means stability, a chair with many legs. Leftist companies, pyramid companies do not have a wide range of products.
  • Availability of a catalogue. To create a catalog and release it regularly with a certain frequency, enormous intellectual forces are required: designers, artists, people from the planning department, logistics are needed. This is all very serious. And scammers cannot afford this.
  • There is no paid entry. If you come to a company where there is no entrance ticket, it means people want to be partners and do business. If they ask you to pay, it's a trap.

MLM business on the Internet - modern methods of work

Business statistics for the development of network marketing show that MLM is the best business in the world, which provides every opportunity for a person to realize himself as an individual; there is always a need to look for new methods of working with people.

The traditional way of doing network marketing is to tell everyone that you have great products, a great business, and freedom. This means that you do not always and, mostly, communicate with your target audience, with people who today are not ready to have what you can offer them. And waste a lot of your precious time.

And at the same time, there are always people who are already looking on the Internet today for what you have. And what can you offer them right now? One has only to look at the statistics of search engine requests and doubts will be dispelled.

This, by the way, is the core of the answer to the question concerning not only network marketing, but also any other business: large, medium, small.

Today it is becoming more and more popular. And as for MLM, you need to master the MLM business via the Internet as soon as possible. And the territorial coverage will be much wider. And, to top it all off, the target audience is guaranteed. And your income will undoubtedly increase.

The time has come to transfer your mlm business to the Internet, automate it as much as possible and take it to a new level of development!

Today, to promote an MLM business via the Internet, it is quite possible to create your own inexpensively, which will allow you to work even more efficiently.

It is the Internet with a variety of information resources in the form of websites, blogs, forums, search engines, social networks, conference rooms, webinars, contextual advertising that allows you to unobtrusively convey the necessary information to an interested target audience around the clock.

And as a result of working only with your target audience, with people who are looking for what you can offer them, after reading about your offer in a relaxed home environment, they find you, ask you to tell them more about your products, about your business, and help them register with Your team.

The Tale of the Distributor: Earn Recognition with Your Deeds!

The father had three sons... The Tale of the Distributor

The father had three sons:

The eldest father and mother
They gave me a tractor to plow,
The average one was bought an abacus
For a prestigious job,
Well, the youngest - eyebrows in a bunch
He said: “I would like a fountain pen
Given, and also a notebook,
A success plan to write."
The elder sows, the elder plows,
On Saturdays he dances in the club,
The average one beats up the money,
Debit with credit considers
Well, the younger one began to become impudent:
It was the idea to create a network.
And by spring, leaving the farm,
I went to the Distributor city.
... So five years passed.
The older brother began to give in:
From hard work
The bones ache until they ache,
And my back still hurts,
Apparently radiculitis.
The middle brother also wilted -
I went bald and bought a wig.
He looked quite old.
And under the eye there is a nervous tic.
Well, and the youngest, finally,
Coming to visit, the bastard:
"Hello, Vater,
Hello, muter!
I am still a distributor!”
Father became blacker than a cloud,
He said: “Son, you’d better
I didn’t suffer from this stupidity,
And I would take my brothers as an example.
The eldest is a famous tractor driver,
The middle brother is an economist.
What a prestigious job!
There are honors hanging on the board!
Well, you are a disgrace to your family,
You are building some kind of network there.
Stop suffering from stupidity,
, your mother!”
And the youngest son answered:
“I’m the only one in the family,
And there is a black mark in the family.
But the people need me!
Dad, you should take it and delve into it -
I'm cool!
Not a fool, not a phenomenon,
I am a Russian businessman.
I have a network like this -
Lovely to watch:
There are miners and doctors,
Agronomists and weavers,
Kindergarten teachers
And an actor from Leningrad,
There are seamstresses and sellers,
Red Army soldiers.
It’s impossible to count them all at once,
Eight or six thousand.
All with care and love
They bring health to every home.
His father interrupted:
“And you, junior, are great!
How many people he lured!
Did you pay them money?
It's great to know:
Did you earn something yourself?”
The younger son smiled:
“I’ll give you this answer:
I remember a year ago
I received fifty.
Last month but
I received one hundred thousand.
Well, in the very first year
It was the other way around.
There was a lot to do
But I was sitting without money.
And then... took off!..."

Then the old man fell silent,
The gray-haired man hung his head,
And, after thinking, he said:
"I'm proud of you, son."

The father had three sons:
The eldest was a strong fellow,
Average - smart as a computer
Well, the youngest is a Distributor.

Many networkers today work exclusively via the Internet. And they achieve stunning success.

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency