Materials for the OGE stand. Russian language

List of symbols

and abbreviations

State final certification of educational programs of basic general education


State final certification for educational programs of secondary general education

Unified State Exam

Unified State Exam


State final exam


Main state exam


Educational organization



Participants of GIA-11

Students of 11 grades who do not have academic debt, including for the final essay (presentation), and who have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (having annual grades in all academic subjects of the curriculum for each year of study in the general education program of secondary general education not less than satisfactory).

GIA-9 participants

Students of 9 grades who do not have academic debt and have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (having annual grades in all academic subjects of the curriculum for each year of study in the general education program of basic general education are not lower than satisfactory).


State Examination Commission


Control measuring material


Exam location


Oryol Regional Center for Education Quality Assessment

Internet resources for GIA-9 participants

    Official information portal GIA-9

    ORTSOKO . Regional Center Ratings Qualities Education Orlovskaya region

( This page contains useful information that will help you prepare for successful exams in 2017:innovations during state final certification;; ; ; . It is on this site that the GIA results are published)

    Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ( this site contains testing and measuring materials of GIA-9 for 2004-2016 in all subjects, as well as demo versions of CMMs in all subjects)

    Website "Solve OGE" (Educational portal for exam preparation)

s Damgia. ru (the site allows you to take the test online and check your result)

    Website “Traps of the Unified State Exam and State Examination”

traps-USE. RF (the site provides practical advice on preparing for the State Examination, essay samples, assignment options and much more)

    Website "Up to your ears in the GIA"

uchimcauchitca . blogspot . ru

Ensuring order at the examination point (PPE)


Everything that is not included in the OGE KIM specification for the subject must be available and used in the exam.forbidden, including:

    mobile phones or other means of communication; any electronic computing devices;

    photo, audio and video equipment;

    reference materials and written notes;

    other means of storing and transmitting information.

In case of violation of these rules and refusal to comply with them, the organizers, together with an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee, have the right to remove the OGE participant from the exam by making an entry in the examination protocol in the classroom indicating the reason for the removal.

During the Russian language exam, you are allowed to use spelling dictionaries (without reference material)

Characteristics of the structure and content of CIM in the Russian language

The examination paper consists of three parts, including 15 tasks.

Allotted for completing the examination work in the Russian language are:3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times.

This task is performed onanswer form No. 2.

Part 2 consists of 13 tasks (2–14). Part 2 tasks are performed based onread text.

Write down the answer to tasks 2 and 3 in answer form No. 1 in the form of one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

The answers to tasks 4–14 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers.

Write the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it toanswer form No. 1 .

Exerciseparts 3 performedbased on the same text , which you read while working on the tasks of part 2.

Starting part 3 of the work, selectone from the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer.

This task is performed onanswer form No. 2 .

You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft.

Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up.

Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

Total time to complete the work –3 hours 55 minutes ( 235 minutes).

Preparing for GIA-9 in Russian

Memo for 9th grade students when passing the State Examination Test

    Listen carefully so as not to be distracted in the future and not to ask unnecessary questions about the testing procedure. They will explain everything to you: how to fill out the form, what letters to write, how to code the school number, etc.

    Try to concentrate and forget about those around you. For you, there are only clocks that regulate the time for completing the test and a form with the task.

    Glancing over the entire test to see what type of tasks it contains will help you get in the mood for the job.

    Take your time slowly. Read the assignments to the end. Haste should not lead to the fact that you understand the task from the first words, and come up with the ending yourself.

    Look through all the questions and start with those whose answers you are sure of. Then you will calm down and get into a working rhythm. In any test there are questions to which you know the answers very well, just gather your thoughts.

    When you start a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one - as a rule, tasks in tests are not related to each other.

    If you don't know the answer to a question or aren't sure, skip it and mark it so you can come back to it later.

    Use the method of elimination! Consistently eliminate answers that are clearly inappropriate.

    If you doubt the correct answer, it is difficult for you to make a choice. Trust your intuition!

    Leave time to check your work, at least to have time to skim and notice obvious errors.

    Strive to complete all tasks, but remember that in practice this is unrealistic. After all, test tasks are designed for the maximum level of difficulty, and for a good grade it is enough to complete 70% of the tasks.

Forms of conducting GIA-9

Main State Exam (OGE) – this is a form of state final certification (FCA) for educational programs of basic general education, i.e. final exam for 9th grade graduates in Russian secondary schools.

With the entry into legal force of the new Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” on September 1, 2013, the GIA for graduates of 9th grade in Russian secondary schools began to be carried out in two forms:

OGE – taken by persons who do not have health restrictions or are not studying in special closed institutions according to standard tests – KIMs

GVE (State final exam) - taken by persons with health limitations or studying in closed special institutions, in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, assignments, tickets.

By passing the final exams, the student confirms that he has mastered the basic general education program.

Graduates of 9 classes take at least 4 final exams:

4 compulsory (Russian language and mathematics + 2 subjects of the student’s choice)

From the 2016/17 academic year, the basis for issuing a certificate of basic general education will be positive results of 4 exams: in Russian language and mathematics (compulsory subjects), as well as in 2 subjects of the student’s choice. They will be taken into account in the State Examination results.

About the exam

The examination paper consists of three parts, including 15 tasks.

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work in the Russian language.

Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times. This task is completed on a separate sheet.

Part 2 consists of 13 tasks (2–14). Part 2 tasks are performed based on read text. Answers to tasks 2–14 are written as a word (phrase), number, or sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work. If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in Part 2, cross it out

and write down the new one next to it.

Part 3 task completedbased on the same text, which you read while working on the tasks of part 2. When starting part 3 of the work, select one out of three proposed

tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a detailed written

reasoned answer. This task is completed on a separate sheet.

You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up.

Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

How is the examination paper assessed?

For completing the examination work, a mark is given on a five-point scale.

The mark “2” is given if the student scored no more than 14 points (from 0 to 14) for completing all parts of the examination work.

Mark "3" is awarded if the student scores no less than 15 and no more than 24 points (from 15 to 24) for completing all parts of the examination work.

Mark "4" is awarded if the student scores no less than 25 and no more than 33 points (from 25 to 33) for completing all parts of the examination work. In this case, the student must score at least 4 points for literacy (criteria GK1–GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1–GK4, a student scores less than 4 points, a mark of “3” is given.

Mark "5" is awarded if the student scores no less than 34 and no more than 39 points (from 34 to 39) for completing all parts of the examination work. In this case, the student must score at least 6 points for literacy (criteria GK1–GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1–GK4, a student scores less than 6 points, a mark of “4” is given.

Instructions for students
about the rules of behavior during the exam

  • During the exam you must not:
  • use any technical means, including mobile phones.
  • communicate with each other;
  • get up from your seat without the permission of the organizer;
  • pass something on to each other.
  • If you need to go to the toilet, raise your hand. The organizer will allow you to leave. You leave your work on the table.
  • You can only leave the office one at a time.
  • If you have any problems completing the forms, raise your hand and the organizer will come to you.
  • If you finished work early, you can leave office, having handed over all the materials.

Hurry up to learn


1st position: after the defined word are isolated



additional conditions for separation


agreed upon



and applications


It was a July night full of clear stars.

Seagulls, harbingers of a storm, were on the shore.

matched singles

when there are 2 or more

The wind, cold and sharp, hit my face.

The Far Eastern nature, sometimes harsh, sometimes lush, sometimes wild, sometimes fertile, has captivated us


Definitions indicate a feature that distinguishes an object at a given moment

  • the word being defined is a proper name, a name based on degree of relationship, position;
  • included in a number of homogeneous members with agreed upon definitions
  • expressed by infinitive- dash!

Vera, in a white dress, looked especially elegant.

Summer has come, hot, with thunderstorms.

I came to you with only one desire - to do good!

2nd position: before and after the defined word are isolated

all types


  • defined word - personal pronoun
  • definitions are separated from the word being defined by other members of the sentence

* Tired of the long wait, they were silent. They didn’t take me, Alenky, into the field. You, with your intelligence and kindness, could not help but sympathize with us. An experienced economist, he quickly understood the documents.

*Driven by the wind, clouds rushed south

3rd position : before the word being defined are isolated

all types


there is an additional adverbial meaning

(questions: why? Despite what?)

* Strengthened with supports, the branches bend to the ground.

* A dashing rider, Grigory easily overtook other Cossacks. * As a resinous tree, pine is difficult to rot.


Application is a special type of agreed definition that is expressed by a noun. Application stands for

  • quality of the item* sorceress winter
  • nationality * gypsy Aza
  • age * old man artist
  • occupation * artist Perov.

Inconsistent applications are the names of printed publications, enterprises, literary works * the novel “War and Peace”


selection methods




1. after a proper name

2. if there is an agreed definition before the word being defined.

3. a proper name can act as a clarifying application, it can be attached with the words “by name”, “by nickname”, “by nickname”

*Antipova, a nurse, was finishing her rounds.

* At the crossing I met my friend, a hunter.(BUT! I met a fellow hunter.)

* The Zakharovs' son, Pavel, came to visit. (which one exactly? what was his name?)

* Mishkin's squad captured a neighbor's red cat named Gorynych.


1. two common nouns, the first of which is a defined word, the second is a single application.

2. a single application can merge in meaning with a proper name, being a complete name

!! No hyphenafter words that are generally accepted addresses:citizen, lord, comrade

* cliff - giant, cook - literate (BUT! literate cook = literate cook)

* Arkhip is a blacksmith, Volga is a river.

* Gentlemen officers! Attention please.


1. if the application needs to be separated from homogeneous members

2. a common application with the meaning of clarification is at the end of the sentence

*On a visit Pavel, Masha, Ivan Nikitich, a neighbor in the dacha, came.

* At the end of the corridor is another room - a storage room for books.


Circumstances are isolated regardless of their place in the sentence






(meaning additional action)

After making noise, the river calmed down

The gerunds are not isolated (they have lost the meaning of an additional action)

  • turned into adverbs*walked leisurely = slowly
  • turned into prepositions *Thanks to the rain, the crops rose.

Participial turnover

Welcoming the morning, the birds called to each other.

Not isolated

A) phraseological units *ran headlong

B) participial phrase as part of a predicate *sat cross-legged

B) in a series of homogeneous members with non-separated *spoke in a whisper and without looking at me.


1. In subordinate clauses the conjunction is not separated from DO* These are the books that made me fall in love with the sea.

2. The particle is part of the sediment.* stopped only when they heard voices.


with prepositions

despite..., despite

contrary to

Despite the fog, we moved along the planned course.

With other derived prepositions, nouns stand apart if they stand between the subject and the predicate.

*My brother, thanks to good preparation, successfully passed the exams.

Comparative turnover

with unions

How; as if; as if, exactly what, rather than, than, as if

The darkness, like a stern cloud, covered the coming day




A comma is placed

Not installed

Complex sentences.

Let friendship betray us, just as love betrayed us.

I listen to the silence speak.

Simple sentences

The conjunction is part of the predicate.

* Our yard is like a garden.

She sat as if lifeless

Comparative turns (meaning of assimilation)

Kazbek shines like the face of a diamond.

Museums such as the Tretyakov Gallery are familiar to everyone.

a) there is a negation of NOT

*He did not act like a friend

b) the words “almost”, “quite”, “kind of”, etc.

* I was just as happy as a child.

c) the circumstance is expressed by a noun with the meaning of a course of action

* The path winds like a snake


meaning of reason (= being)

* As a peasant poet, Koltsov poeticized the work of the farmer

meaning "as"

Few people know Lermontov as an artist.

Steady speed

none other than..

nothing more than..


As always

as usual

as if on purpose.


as if nothing had happened

do it anyhow

learn it properly

appear out of the blue

Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.


Immutable prefixes

from -, in -, to -, co-, for -, about -, from -, on -, on-, above -, under-, etc.*do, pushed.

Don't be confused! h here, building, health, no way.

Special cases.

1. Prefixes - z, -s

  • ...s + voiceless consonant (s,t,p,k,x,ch,sh,sch,ts,f) *dawn, sleepless
  • ...z + voiced consonant* clue, boundless.
  • race (h)- ⬄ grew (h)- * paint - painting

Remember ! calculation, count, ruin, break up, quarrel.

2. Prefixes pre-, pre-




1. high degree of quality

(= very)

*funny, elderly

2. differently (re-...) *criminal, convert, transform

1. being near something

* seaside, coastal

2. accession, approximation, addition

* stick, come, buy

3. incomplete action

* sit down, lie down

4. bringing the action to completion *covered, muffled

5. performing an action in someone’s interests

* hide, pocket.


1. stay in the city(be)

2. bow to talent(admire)

Unyielding (unbending)

!! kneeling.

3. betray a friend (change)

make public (give away)

4. break the law(violate)

5. implement(bring)

6. despise danger(hate)

7. endure (to survive) the changes

8. temporary success(transitions)

9. successor (continuator)

10. misleading meaning(wrong)

11. limit of possibilities(border)

1. arrive in the city(come)

2. bow the branches, head(zoom in)

3. give meaning, appearance(add)

4. get down to business(begin)

5. close the door(cover)!! feigned (deceitful)

6. look after the orphan(shelter)

7. be patient (get used to) the inconvenience

8. incoming train(comes)

9. receiver (device)

10.gatekeeper (guard at the gate)

11. aisle (extension)

Vocabulary words




















stumbling block




get used to it



to reconcile

a priority






OGE in social studies 2019:

date, preparation, assessment

Features of the social studies exam

We decided to take the OGE in social studies in 2019 based on the fact that this is the easiest subject - get ready to update your knowledge in key areas such as philosophy, sociology, economics, culture, politics and law.

Of course, in KIMs for the 9th grade they will encounter only those concepts that they should have become familiar with in the lessons as part of the study of the relevant disciplines. But, to successfully pass the OGE you must:

    Possess a sufficiently large amount of information.

    Be able to describe social objects, evaluate and compare them.

    Give examples of social relationships.

    Solve assigned problems based on studied material and experience.

    Be able to express your thoughts, justifying your choice with examples.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated, but many ninth-graders are faced with problems such as a lack of life experience and a lack of understanding of the processes taking place in the political and social spheres of life, which is the main difficulty when passing the OGE.

the date of the

In 2019, the OGE in “society” will be taken on the following days:

Early period

Main day

In the last days of April 2019*

Reserve day

End of 1st or beginning of 2nd week of May 2019*

Main period

Main day

Second week of June 2019*

Reserve days

On the 20th of June 2019*

Autumn retake

1 retake

Throughout September 2019*

2 retake

Throughout September 2019*

*the 2019 OGE schedule has not yet been approved

How to prepare properly?

It is definitely important to decide on good literature; representatives of FIPI on the official portal give some recommendations. During the exam, one should show only knowledge, and arguing and debating could only be done in class. Sometimes questions provide a chance to reflect and express a personal opinion. There is a similar opportunity in an essay; the main thing is to choose a topic based on how you could reveal it, this allows you to count on the highest score.

Teachers often said that it is important not only to know the terminology, but also to understand it. Often a child cannot give the correct answer, because he does not see the connection with a specific scientific field, and uses the wrong analytical method. The discipline described covers several areas, but the main difficulty is the blurred understanding of adolescents on many topics.

Changes in social studies planned for 2019

There will be quite a lot of changes in the rules for taking the OGE in 9th grade. This is explained by the fact that the leadership of our country is puzzled by the gradual weakening of the younger generation’s interest in the history of their country and the structure of the society in which young people will live and work. Simply put, applicants leaving their home school do not know enough about the history of Russia and do not understand the basic structure of society in our country. This trend could not go unnoticed and caused concern in government circles due to the fact that young people in Russia are becoming easy prey for various international organizations, criminal structures and religious sects who want to reformat the public consciousness of the citizens of our country.

It is not surprising that the emphasis in such attempts is placed on young people, who, having little knowledge of history and social studies, are easily suggestible, believe the words of their ideological inspirers, without even realizing that their consciousness is being manipulated and outright lies are being instilled in them. Understanding the danger of gaps in the education of students in our schools, the Russian Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor are preparing an entire program to change the approach to testing knowledge in humanities subjects. The changes will especially affect social studies and history, which directly shape the completeness of our children’s worldview.

The essence of the changes will be that examinees will have to speak more and write less. Previously, the OGE in social studies boiled down to the fact that the student received an option form, where it was necessary to mark the correct answers, choose the correct one from several options and silently submit the completed option to the examination committee. Now everything will change and, along with the written part of the exam, the student will have to talk with the examiner and explain to him why the student answered this way and not otherwise. Oral arguments and justification for the answer marked on the examination sheet will be required.

In other words, the OGE in social studies in 2019 will become more like a classic school exam, which was introduced in the Soviet education system. This decision of the Ministry of Education and Science caused a positive reaction in society, because everyone still remembers that Soviet education was, indeed, one of the best in the world.


The social studies exam card consists of 31 tests, among which questions from 5 main sections are evenly distributed:

    Human and society. Spiritual culture.

    Sphere of politics and social management.

    Social sphere.



There are different options for forming the OGE in social studies, but as in the last season, in 2019 KIMs will consist of 2 parts and include:

    16 basic tasks;

    13 tasks of increased difficulty level;

    2 high level tasks.

Ninth-graders are given 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete the work.

Brief answers to the tasks of the 1st part must be transferred to a special form, taking into account the established formatting rules. It is very important to adhere to the requirements for filling out the form, because this part of the work will later be checked electronically, and the system simply will not accept an incorrectly filled out form.

It is worth allotting more time to complete the second part of the OGE in social studies, because it will require:

    work with the text, highlighting the main semantic fragments;

    organize information by making a plan;

    express your own opinion, giving reasons for it and logically justifying your choice;

Work evaluation

As in other subjects, when testing the OGE in social studies in 2019, 2 main methods will be used: electronic and manual.

It is quite difficult to challenge a machine check, and if a graduate has completed the answer form incorrectly, he will have to try his luck again by retaking the exam in an additional period.

Part 2 is checked by members of the expert commission. Simply put, by teachers who assign points based on tables of uniform assessment criteria developed for each of the 6 tasks of the block. Although each task has its own assessment criteria, in 2019 it is worth considering the following basic requirements for detailed answers to the OGE in social studies:


    reliance on theory;

    ability to use terms;

    the presence of real examples when discussing the topic.

In total, when completing the work, the student can score 39 test points, of which:

Starting from 2017, the result of the OGE has a direct impact on the certificate score, therefore the test points awarded when checking the work are transferred to the traditional five-point system according to the following correspondence table:



Yes, for To overcome the minimum threshold for those taking natural science, it is enough to score 15 primary points, which is more than realistic for a child who listened carefully in class and has a good memory. It is much more difficult to get a high score, which gives the right to enter a specialized class or study at a college.

For social studies, the minimum threshold for the profile level is 30 points, for which, obviously, it will not be enough to simply answer all the test questions correctly.

What issues should you pay more attention to?

When taking the tests presented in the tickets, there are questions distributed across blocks, in particular:

    section where it is important to demonstrate an understanding of interaction, communication, and complexities in social groups. Also take into account the understanding of the algorithm for the development of society, rationally demonstrate how well the teenager understands conflict aspects;

    then we will talk about a person in society, the questions of the section return to the history of the biosocial development of citizens, in the end it will be possible to understand their place in the modern world. The student must show that he knows a lot about the details of society, has understood the most important principles of the functioning of society, and must determine his personal place in it;

    of course, one cannot do without politics, the structure of the country in the dynamics of prosperity, its current state, various kinds of regimes, administrative institutions, the essence of statehood and other nuances of the topic that are not enough to know, but should also be understood;

    legal aspects will be touched upon, answers to this section provide specific data, knowledge from the scope of the country’s legislation, plus it is important to be able to operate in legal terms;

    Finally, you should answer questions on economics; here, not only knowledge of theory in the field of market economics is demonstrated, but also the ability to analyze, read graphs, and predetermine the main economic indicators.

Summing up, it becomes clear that each ticket is designed for 29 questions, they are divided into blocks. For 20 tasks from 1 block you should give simple answers, sometimes these are words, numbers or phrases. Some of the questions are designed for a minimum level of knowledge, but some assume excellent preparation of teenagers. For the first part of the exam, it is most realistic to score 35 points.

The next block includes 9 questions, and detailed answers will also be presented there. You definitely need to pay attention to tasks 21-22, they are of a basic type, then there are questions of increased complexity, in particular the essay. Themes to choose from, 5 options in total. The designated part of the exam is worth 29 points.

  1. The subject of personal data decides to provide his personal data and consents to their processing freely, of his own free will and in his own interest. Consent to the processing of personal data must be specific, informed and conscious. Consent to the processing of personal data can be given by the subject of personal data or his representative in any form that allows confirmation of the fact of its receipt, unless otherwise provided by federal law. If consent to the processing of personal data is received from a representative of the subject of personal data, the powers of this representative to give consent on behalf of the subject of personal data are verified by the operator.
  2. Consent to the processing of personal data may be withdrawn by the subject of personal data. If the subject of personal data withdraws consent to the processing of personal data, the operator has the right to continue processing personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data if there are grounds specified in paragraphs 2 - 11 of part 1 of Article 6, part 2 of Article 10 and part 2 of Article 11 of this Federal Law.
  3. The obligation to provide evidence of obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data or proof of the existence of the grounds specified in paragraphs 2 - 11 of part 1 of Article 6, part 2 of Article 10 and part 2 of Article 11 of this Federal Law rests with the operator.
  4. In cases provided for by federal law, the processing of personal data is carried out only with the written consent of the subject of personal data. Consent in the form of an electronic document signed in accordance with federal law with an electronic signature is recognized as equivalent to consent containing the personal data subject’s handwritten signature in writing on paper. The written consent of the personal data subject to the processing of his personal data must include, in particular:
    1. last name, first name, patronymic, address of the subject of personal data, number of the main document proving his identity, information about the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
    2. last name, first name, patronymic, address of the representative of the personal data subject, number of the main document proving his identity, information about the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority, details of the power of attorney or other document confirming the powers of this representative (upon obtaining consent from the representative of the personal data subject );
    3. name or surname, first name, patronymic and address of the operator receiving the consent of the subject of personal data;
    4. purpose of processing personal data;
    5. list of personal data for the processing of which the consent of the subject of personal data is given;
    6. name or surname, first name, patronymic and address of the person processing personal data on behalf of the operator, if the processing will be entrusted to such a person;
    7. a list of actions with personal data for which consent is given, a general description of the methods used by the operator for processing personal data;
    8. the period during which the consent of the subject of personal data is valid, as well as the method of its withdrawal, unless otherwise established by federal law;
    9. signature of the subject of personal data.
  5. The procedure for obtaining, in the form of an electronic document, the consent of the subject of personal data for the processing of his personal data for the purpose of providing state and municipal services, as well as services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of state and municipal services, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  6. In case of incapacity of the subject of personal data, consent to the processing of his personal data is given by the legal representative of the subject of personal data.
  7. In the event of the death of the subject of personal data, consent to the processing of his personal data is given by the heirs of the subject of personal data, if such consent was not given by the subject of personal data during his lifetime.
  8. Personal data may be obtained by the operator from a person who is not the subject of personal data, provided that the operator is provided with confirmation of the existence of the grounds specified in paragraphs 2 - 11 of part 1 of Article 6, part 2 of Article 10 and part 2 of Article 11 of this Federal Law.

Structure of KIMs in the Russian language

Each version of CMM consists of three parts and includes 15 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 – summary (task 1).

Part 2 (tasks 2–14) – tasks with short answers.

The examination paper offers the following types of short-answer tasks:

– open-type tasks to write a self-formulated short answer;

– tasks for choosing and recording one correct answer from the proposed list of answers.

Part 3 (alternative task 15) is an open-type task with a detailed answer (essay), testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text read.

Parts of the work

Number of tasks

Maximum Primary Score

Type of tasks

With a detailed answer

With a short answer

With a detailed answer

Parts 1 and 3

10 points for


literacy and


speech accuracy



235 minutes are allotted to complete the examination work.

Parts of the work

Changes in CMM 2016 compared to 2015

ABOUT There are no changes in the structure and content of the CMM.

During the Russian language exam, you are allowed to use spelling dictionaries.

Structure of CIMs according to literature

The examination paper on literature for the OGE in literature consists of two parts. Part 1 of the work involves analyzing the text of a work of art located in the examination paper itself, and part 2 gives the topics of the essays. When assessing the performance of all types of tasks, the verbal format of the answers is taken into account.

Part 1 consists of two alternative options (the examinee must choose one of them). The first option offers an analysis of a fragment of an epic (or dramatic, or lyric epic) work; the second is the analysis of a lyric poem (or fable).

part 2
The examination paper contains four essay topics that require extensive written argumentation.

Part of work

Number of tasks

Maximum primary score

Types of tasks

Part 1 (the examinee is offered a choice of two options)

Assignment with a detailed answer of 3–5 sentences

A comparative task with a detailed answer of 5–8 sentences

Part 2 (the examinee is offered a choice of four tasks)

Assignment with a detailed answer (essay of at least 200 words)

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency