How a goat built a hut illustration. Lesson summary “How a goat built a hut”

Once upon a time there lived an old woman who spoke, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning people will get up and get to work, but the old woman will still lie on the stove. Only by lunchtime will he get up, eat, drink and let’s talk. She talks, talks, talks - both with neighbors, and with passers-by, and with herself!

And the goat and kids are locked in a barn - they can’t pluck grass, they can’t drink water, they can’t run around...

One day the goat said to her kids:

- Little goats, children, we shouldn’t live with an old woman who talks! Let's go into the forest, build ourselves a hut and live in it.

When the old talkative woman released the goat and her kids from the barn, they ran.

Only the old woman saw them!

They ran into the forest and began to look for a place to build a hut.

The goat came up to the forest apple tree and said:

- Apple tree, apple tree! Can I build a hut under your branches?

“Don’t build a hut under me,” the apple tree answers. “The apples will fall off me and your little goats will be hurt.” Find a better place!

She saw a tall oak tree and said to him:

- Oak, oak! Can I build a hut under you?

“Don’t build a hut under me,” answered the oak tree. “In the fall, the acorns will fall off me and your kids will be hurt.” You will grieve yourself.

The goat went to the aspen tree:

- Aspen, aspen! Can I build a hut under you?

The aspen tree shook its branches and all its leaves:

“My leaves make noise day and night—they won’t let your children sleep.” Find a better place!

There was nothing to do, the goat and her kids moved on. Came to the rosehip:

- Rosehip, rosehip! Can I build a hut under you?

The rosehip swayed:

- What are you, what are you, goat! Or don't you see? Look how sharp the thorns are on me. Your little goats will jump and jump and pull out all their fur. Go on, goat, look for a better place!

The goat went to the birch tree:

- Birch, birch! Can I build a hut under you?

The birch tree shook its branches and said:

“I’ll protect your little goats from the heat, hide them from the rain, and protect them from the wind.” Build a hut under me.

The goat was happy. She built a hut under a birch tree and began to live in it with her kids.

Script for the theatrical production “How a Goat Built a Hut”

Tue, 08/15/2017

MADO Borovsky kindergarten "Zhuravushka"

Educator: Valitova N.K.

Theater production script

“How a goat built a hut”
based on the Russian folk tale of the same name
for children of senior preschool age.


Educator: Goat.

Children: Hedgehog, Raven, Bear, Spruce, Oak, Birch, Barkers, Goats, Bunnies, Birds.

The music hall is decorated with decorations for the performance,
The chairs for the participants stand in a semicircle, with space left in the central part for the “Goat’s hut.” The recording of the song is playing
"Good Tales", music. A. Ermolova, lyrics. M. Zagota,
performed by actors of the Song Theater “Talisman” and A. Ermolov.

The barkers run out.

1st barker:
Hey, honest gentlemen!
Come join us here!
We invite you to the theater -
Let's start the show!

2nd barker:
We'll show you how a goat
I decided to build a house
Where I found shelter
Where will the table be set for us?

3rd barker:
The bear and the hedgehog will dance for us,
And baby goats...

4th barker:
Don’t spare your palms:
Clap for us from the heart!

(The melody of the song “Bird” sounds, music by D. Tukhmanov. The birds perform a dance.)

1st bird:
Chiki-riki, it’s good for us,
Live in the forest and meadow.
I'm flying over the nest
I can see everything from above!

2nd bird:
I flew to the village
I heard the news there:
From a lazy owner
All the little goats ran away,
And the goat itself left,
She came to our forest with her children.

3rd bird:
How will it be to live in the forest?
Meet a fox here
Or a wolf... Isn't she scared?
Living in our forest is dangerous!

4th bird:
She needs to build a house
It will be more fun in the house.

5th birdie:
It's warm, light, not scary -
He will live wonderfully with his family!

(The birds “fly away.” The recording of “Song of the Goat” plays,
music A. Ermolova, performed by actors
Children's chamber musical theater S. Oreshkina,
from the musical “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way.” The Goat and the kids come out dancing.)

My dear children,
There is a bear's den
The squirrel lives in a hollow,
And the sparrows are in the nest,
The beaver lives in a hut on the river,
The cricket has a house - a stove!
We need to build a house
To live in it for four people.

1st kid: So that the wolf doesn’t come?

Goat: Didn't come.

2nd kid: To keep the rain from getting wet?

Goat: I didn’t wet it.

3rd kid: So that the frost is not terrible?

Goat: And frost...

1st kid (jokingly):
To poke your nose into everything?

Goat (laughs and shakes his finger):
Oh, your nose!
We need to build a house
To live in it for four people.

2nd kid: What’s the new house like?
Maybe in the forest like this?

3rd kid: You need to ask the animals,

How can we build a house in the forest?

(The recording of “Songs about Hares” plays, music by A. Zatsepin, lyrics by L. Derbenev,
performed by actors of the Talisman Song Theater.
Bunnies run out and invite everyone to lose.)

Dance-game of bunnies

The dance is staged on jumps. In front are the bunnies - the “soloists”, behind them are all the children. The game consists of repeating movements after the soloists. Jumps alternate in accordance with the musical rhythm. After the game, the children return to their places. The bunnies remain in the foreground.

1st bunny:
Guess quickly who I am:
In a white fur coat in winter,
In the summer - my gray caftan,
And my name is simply...
(Answer: bunny.)

2nd bunny:
We are funny bunnies.
We love to jump and gallop.
Only the fox and the wolf
We don't want to meet!

Tell us, little bunnies,
Where to build a house in the forest?

3rd bunny:
Why do you need a house, guys?
Better hide under a bush.

(The phonogram “Rustling of Leaves” plays. The Hedgehog runs out. The bunnies get scared and crouch down.)

4th bunny:
Shhh! I hear rustling in the bushes,
Oh! Let's run at full speed!

(The bunnies quickly jump back to their places and sit on the chairs.)
A recording of the song “Hedgehog” is playing, music. N. Maslennikova, lyrics. V. Moskvina.
A hedgehog and goats perform a dance.

I take the leaves home
And I go to bed,
In a warm hole under a pine tree
I will sleep sweetly.

(The Goat approaches the Hedgehog.)

Hello, Hedgehog - prickly side,
Could you help us?
Where to build a house in the forest,
So that we can live together in it?

A mink under the roots of a swarm -
This will be your house.

1st kid:
No...This one is not good for us:
Only you can sleep sweetly there.

(The hedgehog snorts offendedly and, mincing his legs, runs away.
The 2nd kid notices the Raven, gets scared and runs to the Goat.)

2nd kid:
Mommy! Who's sitting there?
Is he looking at me sternly?

It's a raven, don't be scared
Ask for advice.
(Addresses Raven.)
May I disturb you:
Where can we build a big house?

Carrrr! Take, Goat, branches,
Yes, hurry upstairs quickly.
Build your house in the trees,
Call it a nest.

This house is not for us!
Who else will give us advice?

(The recording of “Songs of the Bear and the Bear” from the film “Mama” is played,
music J. Bourgeois and T. Popa, lyrics. Yu. Entina. The Bear enters.)

Dance game “Don’t tease the bear”

The bear performs simple movements: it runs, squats, alternately placing its legs on its heels, and spins. The children stand behind him and imitate him. When the Bear raises his “paws”, rests them on his knees and looks around, the players stop imitating him and applaud in unison. At the end of the dance, the Bear tries to scare the children. The players run away.

(After the game, the children return to their seats.)

Take me as an example,
And sleep sweetly in the den.
From autumn to spring
Have sweet dreams.
You'll have to work a little
And build a den.

We won't be able to live in a den,
Who should we look to for help?

(The bear waddles away.)

3rd kid:
There is no need to be sad:
Let's build a hut!

(The recording of “Song of the Goat” sounds, music by A. Ermolov,
performed by actors of the Children's Chamber Musical Theater S. Oreshkina
from the musical “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way.”)

Round dance “In the woods”

Children stand in three round dances, lead them to the music: raise their hands, converge, disperse. In the center of each round dance there remains one child, playing the role of a tree: spruce, oak or birch.

Early, early at dawn,
When there is dew on the grass,
We'll all walk through the forest,
We'll find a tree for ourselves.

(The goat and her kids approach Eli and bow.)

How will you live in it?
Dress by the Christmas tree with prickly needles,
Cones hang on the branches.
Just look out the window in the morning...
The Christmas tree will prick the kids.

Goat with kids (they walk like a snake and sing):
Early, early at dawn,
When there is dew on the grass,
We'll all walk through the forest,
We'll find a tree for ourselves.

(The goat and the kids approach Oak and bow.)

Goat: Can we build a house here?

You won't be able to sleep in it at night.
I am Oak. From my branches
A lot of acorns will jump,
And they will fall on the roof,
And the little goats will be beaten.

Goat with kids (they walk like a snake and sing):
Early, early at dawn,
When there is dew on the grass,
We'll all walk through the forest,
We'll find a tree for ourselves.

(The goat and her kids approach Birch and bow.)

Goat: Can we build a house here?

Dressing up for spring:
I have a hundred earrings on.
There is a simple scarf on the shoulders,
And it's called foliage.
Striped sundress.
It's me - Berezka.
My dear friends,
You can't live without a home.
Build a beautiful house here,
There is enough room for all of you in it.
I will save you from the heat,
I'll protect you from the rain,
I will enchant you with beauty,
And I will protect you from the wind.
Call all your friends:
It's more fun to build together!

(The recording of the song “If we are friends” sounds, music and lyrics by A. Ermolov,
performed by the children of the Children's Song Theater Studio "Ladushki".
Everyone, while dancing, sets up a hut-like decoration made using the planar technique.

1st barker: Our fairy tale has come to an end.

2nd barker: You will learn a lot of different fairy tales.

3rd barker:
The most important thing do not forget:
Always help the younger and weaker,
Listen to your elder, value your friend.

All actors (in unison): And come to our theater.

  • Telling the Russian folk tale “How a goat built a hut.”
  • Consolidating knowledge about domestic animals.
  • Drawing using an unconventional method

Program content: encourage emotional perception of the content of the tale.

To develop the ability to convey the characteristic features of domestic animals (goats) using a structural and logical diagram.

Clarify and consolidate knowledge about domestic animals, their characteristic features and body structure. Develop auditory attention and memory.

To form phonemic hearing in children. Strengthen the skills and ability to draw using an unconventional method. Cultivate perseverance and the ability to listen to answers to the end.

Material: Planar figures of trees: apple trees, spruce trees, birch trees; goats with kids, mnemonic table, outline images of dogs and cats, blue and brown markers.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:Children, I want to invite you to the Skazkino village.

Take our magical train and it will take you to a fairy tale.

All the children sat comfortably in the carriages ,

Our train is leaving.

Trailer~ trailers

They're rattling along the rails,

They are taking us to the village of Skazkino.

A group of guys.

Children: (moving like a train) chug-chug-chug

Here we are! Come on, come on,

We are very glad to see you

WITH an interesting new fairy tale

I'll introduce you now

Sit down more and more comfortably ,

Show me your eyes

Listen to the story, children.

I'll tell you a Russian folk tale. It's called "How a Goat Built a Hut."

Educator:(tells a fairy tale)

Children, what people composed this fairy tale?

So this is a Russian folk tale.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Why do you think the goat and her kids ran away from the old woman?

Do you remember what trees the goat and her kids encountered along the way?

Which tree agreed to shelter a goat and her kids? (interview 2-3 children)

Educator:Well done, listened to the story carefully. Now, everyone stand in a circle and let’s warm up a little ( musical physical education)

Educator: sit down

Children, what do you think, is a goat domestic or a wild animal?

Prove that she is a pet.

The correct answer is given in the table that needs to be solved.

TO.- goat (first letter of the word) House.- Domestic AND.- animals (first letter of the word)

And now, using this table, you need to make up a story about a goat, ( story for 2-3 children).

Well done, children! Based on our table, you have compiled a complete story about the goat.

Can you name any other domestic animals that start with the sound “k”? (cat, rabbit, cow, horse)

Now listen to the poem and try to remember which pets I will list?

People domesticated animals

And they became home.

A man builds a house for them,

Cooks food every day

Cleans, washes, if necessary, treats

Kitty, rabbit and calf

Chicken, goose and rooster:

Their life is certainly not bad

And for this people get

Milk to drink with tea

And also love and kindness.

What pets do you know?

How do you think pets thank their


Cow gives milk

The dog guards the house

Sheep and goat provide wool

The horse carries a load

Cat catches mice

The rabbit gives fluff

Let us also express our love and kindness to pets and put fur coats on cats and dogs. Go to the tables, make yourself comfortable. Here are drawings and markers. What color coats will cats have? What about dogs?

We will draw fur coats with a loop (remember the technique of drawing with a loop)

Take markers and show in the air how to draw loops

Get started.

Children draw, the teacher helps if necessary .

Take your drawings, bring them to me, stand in a circle.

Well done, everyone did it, these are the fur coats we dressed for the cats and

dogs. I think they really liked it and thank you.

What did you remember from the lesson?

I really liked the way you studied, you were attentive and active. I was especially pleased with Yaroslava, Snezhena, Emil, and Nastya.

Now get into the magic carriages and let’s go back to the group:

Carriages, trailers

They're rattling along the rails,

They take you back to the group

A group of guys.

Integrated lesson based on the Russian fairy tale of the same name “How a goat built a hut” (Younger group)

Prepared by the teacher

MBDOU No. 2 art. Leningradskaya

Piunova A.V.

Target: Introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to listen and understand a fairy tale, accompanied by a display on a flannelgraph, familiarize themselves with nature.

Tasks: Continue to form in children ideas about birch, fir, aspen (highlight the trunk, branches, leaves, needles) and the concepts of “one”, “many”; consolidate the ability to create a completed structure from building material and play with it; activate the dictionary, enter into it the words “goat”, “kids”, “tree”, “trunk”, “branches”, “leaves”, “needles”, “small”, “big”, “thick”, “thin” , “one”, “many”.

Material: Toys: goat, kids, cat, small animal figures for playing with buildings; a set of necessary building materials (for each child); pictures depicting a Christmas tree, birch, aspen.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher brings a toy - a cat - into the group.

Educator: Guys, look who came to us? Who is this? That's right, cat. What is it like? (big, fluffy, gray, etc.)

Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazingly beautiful

White teeth

Bold eyes.

The cat will come out of the gate -

The whole people will be alarmed.

They will invite the cat to visit,

They will give the cat a treat.

Educator: Shall we invite the cat to visit? Of course, we’ll call: “Kitten, come to us!” What are we going to treat the cat with? Yes, with milk (children imitate feeding a cat milk from their palm - a plate). The cat says thank you for the treat and wants to tell you a fairy tale. Sit back and listen.

Once upon a time there was a goat. Here it is: white, long horns, sharp hooves. And she had who?(Shows the kids toys).That's right, kids. How many kids were there? That's right, a lot. What about goats? Of course, alone. The goat decided to build a house for her kids and went into the forest to look for a place. She walked and walked and saw a Christmas tree. (Show picture). What is this? (Herringbone). What's on the branches of the Christmas tree? Yes, the needles are prickly. The goat says to the Christmas tree: “Can I build a house near you for my kids? And the Christmas tree answers: “What are you talking about! There are prickly needles growing on my branches. They can prick your little goats. There’s no need to build a house near me.”

The goat moved on. Looks, there is an aspen tree standing.(Show picture).Does the aspen tree have needles? (No). So the goat says: “Aspen, can I build a house near you for my kids?” Osinka replies: “What are you talking about! My leaves make noise day and night and will disturb your little goats’ sleep.”

The goat moved on. He sees a white birch tree standing.(Show picture) What kind of trunk does a birch tree have?(White). The branches are long, but are there needles?(No). The goat asks: “Birch, can I build a house near you for my kids?” Berezka replies: “Of course, you can. Build a house near me. And I’ll shelter your kids from the sun, hide them from the rain, and save them from the cold.”

The goat began to build a house for her kids. First, I took thick bars and made walls.(The teacher shows how a wall is made from thick bars).Then I took thin blocks and made a ceiling, a window and a door. I placed a roof and a pipe on top of the ceiling. What a house it turned out to be!

The forest animals looked at this house and also wanted to build similar houses for themselves. Only they don't know how. Let's help. Let's build houses for all the animals. First, what do we do? That's right, walls. Then the ceiling, window, door, roof, chimney.

Children build houses. Then they play up the building, populating it with small animal figures.

The lesson can be completed by reading to the children an excerpt from their poem by G. Sapgir “Forests are miracles”:

...Every animal has its own house there,

With a warm stove and a tall chimney.

They receive guests there,

Life is more fun with friends in the world.

The animals won't let you get bored,

You can play tag with them

And if you want, then play hide and seek -

This is such an amazing region!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group based on the Russian folk tale "How a goat built a hut"

This activity can be used as entertainment, but in such an unusual way we introduced children to a new piece of oral folk art - the fairy tale “How a Goat Built a Hut.”...

Lesson “How a goat built a hut”

An integrated lesson in the second junior group based on the fairy tale of the same name - familiarization with nature, speech development, construction from...

Once upon a time there lived an old woman who spoke, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning people will get up and get to work, but the old woman still lies on the stove. Only by lunchtime will he get up, eat, drink - and let’s talk. She talks, talks, talks - both with neighbors, and with passers-by, and with herself!

And the goat and kids are locked in a barn - they can’t pluck grass, they can’t drink water, they can’t run around...

One day the goat said to her kids:

Little goats, kids, we can’t live with an old woman who talks! Let's go into the forest, build ourselves a hut and live in it.

When the old woman-talker released the goat and her kids from the barn, they ran. Only the old woman saw them!

They ran into the forest and began to look for a place to build a hut.

The goat came up to the forest apple tree and said:

Apple tree, apple tree! Can I build a hut under your branches?

“Don’t build a hut under me,” the apple tree answers. - The apples will fall off me and your little goats will be hurt. Go somewhere else.

The goat went to the tree:

- Christmas tree, Christmas tree! Can I build a hut under you?

“Don’t build a hut under me,” the tree answers. - The cones will fall off me and your little goats will be hurt. Find a better place!

Oak, oak! Can I build a hut under you?

“Don’t build a hut under me,” the oak tree answers. - In the fall, the acorns will fall off me and your kids will be hurt. You will grieve yourself.

The goat went to the aspen tree:

Aspen, aspen! Can I build a hut under you?

The aspen tree shook all its branches, all its leaves:

My leaves make noise day and night - they won’t let your little goats sleep. Find a better place!

There was nothing to do, the goat and her kids moved on.

Came to the rosehip:

Rosehip, rosehip! Can I build a hut under you?

The rosehip swayed:

What are you, what are you, goat! Or don't you see?

Look how sharp the thorns are on me! Your little goats will jump and jump and pull out all their fur. Go on, goat, look for a better place!

The goat went to the birch tree:

Birch, birch! Can I build a hut under you?

The birch tree shook its branches and said:

I will protect your little goats from the heat, hide them from the rain, and protect them from the wind. Build your hut under me!

The goat was happy. She built a hut under a birch tree and began to live in it with her kids.

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