Profession trouble-shooter: a person who solves problems. A person who solves problems A person who solves problems

There is such a profession - trouble-shooter. The essence of their work is that they fly around the world and solve people's problems. Any problems, any people. Usually - large corporations, less often private individuals.

There are no more than 100 people in this profession in the world. Some salaries reach up to $100,000 per hour, and the schedule is planned months in advance.

The most important thing for trouble shooters is their business reputation. Customers literally pass them from hand to hand, hiding them from their competitors. They have only one advertisement - one hundred percent results. The error has been eliminated.

In order to understand the essence of their work better, I will give a couple of examples of how trouble shooters work:

There were two large companies in America that published monthly directories “yellow pages”. The market was cramped for them; they resorted to black PR, dumping, and poaching each other’s workers. Nothing helped, we were neck and neck.

Usually, all office workers bought two reference books for a dollar at once, without really thinking about which was better or which was worse. By the way, both directories contained the same information. So one of these companies invited a trouble-shooter

He took in the situation, thought and said:
-Next month, release a guide in a smaller format, and in order to have the same amount of information, it should be small, but plump.
He received his fee and left, and the competing company went bankrupt two months later...
-What's the joke?

But the fact is that when the directories were of the same format, they hung out on office tables like maps, but when one directory is large and flat, and the second is small but plump, then in any case you put the small one on top of the large one...
And at the end of the month you will realize that you only used the top one, and never opened the big one during the month. So why would you spend a dollar on it if the small one has everything?

Second example.

At Nike headquarters, 1,000 people were scratching their heads over an impossible task.

They invite a trouble-shooter and outline the problem:

We started making sneakers in some of the poorest countries in Africa. We calculated everything in advance, built factories, trained personnel, production costs should be low, but then we were faced with an unexpected problem: local workers of our factories mercilessly steal finished products. Entire villages, young and old, wear sneakers at a price comparable to their annual income...

We tried hiring more local security, but it only made things worse - security guards and their families love sneakers too...

If you get security from the States, the cost will go through the roof.

Trouble-shooter: -What do you want from me?

Nike: Figure out how to reduce theft to zero without spending money on protecting factories.

Trouble-shooter, of course, did not understand anything about shoe production technology, but unlike 1000 top managers who understood, he knew how to look at any problem from a completely different angle. He sat alone for a while in the cool, dark room and gave the answer:

You need to produce separate left and right sneakers in different countries.


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Today's interview is with TRIZ-CHANCE System consultant Sergei Alekseevich Faer, who specializes in large advertising campaigns, including political elections. He had the opportunity to “promote” both candidates at the district level and candidates for President of one of the republics... Corr.:What's the hardest thing about your job?

Not always, but often - the candidate himself or advertisers. Examples? Some city. A thriving factory, permanent delegations. The candidate for deputy is its director. It seemed that the main task was to get the go-ahead for elections from the directors of giant factories: to allow agitators into their enterprises, to allow them to work in factory dormitories... They have achieved this - it seems that everyone - there are no worthy competitors... But! Our candidate, only after receiving the next delegation and the corresponding libation, drives a car in the cold. Arrives at the television studio. Open broadcast. It's hot in the studio because of the spotlights. The candidate is sweating and his tongue is a little slurred. Everything would be fine, our people are generous, they would forgive. But here’s the candidate’s last “convincing” phrase... And he said the following live, putting his hand on the presenter’s knee: “Ninochka, we don’t care about the elections! The main thing is that we sat with a good woman. It’s true, huh?” All! Failure - he lost the elections. (By the way, I note that insuring against such incidents, the fee of a PUBLIC RELATIONS specialist does not depend on the success or otherwise of the elections. Here they pay for professionalism.)

I named particulars. And the general thing that is truly amazing is that often advertising, including elections, begins to be done literally when everything is already on fire, i.e. at the last moment. And some make the discovery for themselves that you can have money, power, connections, but if you do not know how to solve many problems, often even small and medium-sized ones, then the effectiveness of the action inexorably declines...

Corr.: And then come you, a problem solver?

Yes, and not only me. The TRIZ-CHANCE System employs specialists in solving non-standard problems in various fields of activity, in particular in advertising and PR. Each of us uses the experience of our colleagues: I.L. Vikentyev. S.V. Sycheva, V.I. Timokhova, V.G. Sibiryakova and others.

It's better if we come as early as possible. For example, how many times have you listened to how candidates, speaking to voters, talked at length about where they were born, where their mother took them to kindergarten - i.e. stories from the family album. THEY THINK - I KNOW MY BIOGRAPHY EXACTLY. AND THEY EAT THE LION'S SHARE OF THEIR PERFORMANCE. THEN THEY ARE CONFUSED, IN A HURRY AND DO NOT PRESENT THEIR PROGRAM CLEARLY... And not a word about what they are going to do for this city, region... And if I didn’t work with them BEFORE the elections, then it’s already hard to correct...

Corr.: If you had a fantasy of becoming a deputy, you would start this work for...

That's right, six months before the elections, and not instantly and a month. I note that foreign PR pros have taught politicians to contact them at least four months before the elections... In principle, with a large amount of money, a voter can be deceived. But is it worth deceiving yourself? Ultimately, this will lead to greater waste: health, nerves...

Corr.: What exactly are you doing with a candidate for deputy?

In short: I solve problems. Often this is: staging of speech, gestures, training in answers to “failure” questions, writing our own script, making a “black forecast” - planning the most effective advertising campaign for competitors and trying to neutralize their moves... At the same time, we are reasonable and calm about this that the candidate may lose the election. But he will not lose internally! He has such a big Business that all that is called “problems, costs” is not the main thing for him, he will not waste his time on a quarrel... Here is a real case: a businessman candidate has the right to risk his money (in this case, money for election campaign), because elections are fifty-fifty?

Corr.: The risk is great.

OUR FORMULATION: Under no circumstances should a businessman spend his money at such risk. It has to be this way - victory in any case, even if you don’t become a deputy. Yes, imagine - this is so when a businessman’s political campaign is just a part of the image advertising campaign of his... company. It is important to do everything correctly, without mistakes.

Corr.: Are you a psychologist?

Not at all. By education - no. I have been and am involved in TRIZ, and I conduct and conduct consultations. I am constantly learning, but I learn from practical problems, like all my successful colleagues at TRIZ-CHANCE.

Corr.: What is the difference between political elections and simply non-standard advertising campaigns?

You know, I risk losing clients, but... none. People are afraid or don't know how to solve problems. And I know how to solve them. Moreover, often the task is posed as an advertising one, but is solved NOT by advertising means (and vice versa). Let's say one of the largest companies ordered me and my constant companion S.V. Sychev... technology for refusing charity applicants. (I can tell you about this problem, because the company solved it.) At the beginning, psychologists dealt with the problem of “refusal” and successfully failed, because they set the task incorrectly. So, the problem: there is literally a queue at the company with requests: “I want to go to the volcano - here is a certificate - I need it for scientific work,” “help with medications!”, “our folk ensemble is going to Germany in a week - pay for the tickets,” etc. .P. What to do? "Gently exhortation?"

Here is the failure technology:

Level-1: answer questions in writing - why money is needed, for what, for what reasons, full name of the applicant, etc. These are the company rules. I don’t agree to answer - it’s my own fault - goodbye! There is a line of petitioners in the corridor.

Level-2: here are 30 completed sheets and, please, the 31st visitor, based on your morality - choose for yourself - who you give preference to in financing; Normal honest people should naturally give preference to medicine

Level-3: If you insist, please tag 5 people, including you, who are worthy of money. (Naturally, we will interview everyone this way.)

Bottom line: visitors deny themselves (!) in favor of those most in need. In this case - in favor of the applicant for medicine. Of course, there are different variations of this idea...

Corr.: What can you wish to all fellow advertisers?

In terms of technological capabilities, domestic advertising is reaching the Western level. A series of exhibitions in Riga, Moscow, and St. Petersburg proved this. The next level, which only a few will be able to break through: the level of stable creativity.

So, I wish my colleagues creativity and... beautiful solutions!

There are no more than 100 people in this profession in the world. Some salaries reach up to $100,000 per hour, and the schedule is planned months in advance. You ask: “What do they pay THAT kind of money for?”

Did you even know about the existence of this profession and what is its essence? Read more in this article!

Did you know that there is such a profession - trouble-shooter (trouble shooter). The essence of their work is that they fly around the world and solve people's problems. Any problems, any people. Usually - large corporations, less often private individuals.

There are no more than 100 people in this profession in the world. Some salaries reach $100,000 per hour, and the schedule is planned months in advance.

The most important thing for trouble shooters is their business reputation. Customers literally pass them from hand to hand, hiding them from their competitors. They have only one advertisement - one hundred percent results. The error has been eliminated.

In order to understand the essence of their work better, I will give a couple of examples of how trouble shooters work.

There were two large companies in America that published monthly directories “yellow pages”. The market was cramped for them; they resorted to black PR, dumping, and poaching each other’s workers.

Nothing helped, we were neck and neck.
Usually, all office workers bought two reference books for a dollar at once, without really thinking about which was better or which was worse. By the way, both directories contained the same information. So one of these companies invited a trouble-shooter

He took in the situation, thought and said:
-Next month, release a guide in a smaller format, and in order to have the same amount of information, it should be small, but plump.
He received his fee and left, and the competing company went bankrupt two months later...
-What's the joke?

But the fact is that when the directories were of the same format, they hung out on office tables like maps, but when one directory is large and flat, and the second is small but plump, then in any case you put the small one on top of the large one...
And at the end of the month you will realize that you only used the top one, and never opened the big one during the month. So why would you spend a dollar on it if the small one has everything?
Second example.

At Nike headquarters, 1,000 people were scratching their heads over an impossible task.

They invite a trouble-shooter and outline the problem:

We started making sneakers in some of the poorest countries in Africa. We calculated everything in advance, built factories, trained personnel, production costs should be low, but then we were faced with an unexpected problem: local workers of our factories mercilessly steal finished products. Entire villages, young and old, wear sneakers at a price comparable to their annual income...

We tried hiring more local security, but it only made things worse - security guards and their families love sneakers too...

If you get security from the States, the cost will go through the roof.

Trouble-shooter: -What do you want from me?

Nike: - Figure out how to reduce theft to zero without spending money on protecting factories.

Trouble-shooter, of course, did not understand anything about shoe production technology, but unlike 1000 top managers who understood, he knew how to look at any problem from a completely different angle. He sat alone for a while in the cool, dark room and gave the answer.

There is a beautiful legend on the Internet about magic trouble-shooters who masterfully solve business problems. There is even information that there are only about 100 such specialists in the world. Their average hour of work is $100,000. Solid.

Let's look at the most popular problems and methods for solving them that are floating around the Internet. At the beginning I will identify the problem and ask for a solution. If you are interested, think about how you would solve this problem. Honestly, I solved 2 problems out of 3. After three questions there will be answers. Go. No, they flew.

How to avoid theft in sneaker production?

Story number one is the situation in the production of Nike sneakers. Like all great cost optimizers, Nike at one time moved part of its production to third world countries. According to one legend, to Africa, according to another, to India. Both countries have a problem with good shoes. According to legend, what will a poor man without shoes do, making shoes? Right. He'll take her home. I'm not sure if that was exactly the case, but that's the legend.

Nobody could solve this problem. All the first-class Nike specialists and visiting trainers-advisers were powerless. Until he came. Trouble-shooter is a problem solving specialist. The following dialogue follows:

Nike Guide:

We launched sneaker production in some of the poorest countries. Everything was calculated and predicted in advance, factories were built, personnel were trained, production costs should be very low, but then we were faced with an unexpected problem: local workers from our Nike factories stole finished Nike products regularly and in large volumes. Entire villages, from young children to old people, walk around in Nike sneakers, the price of which is comparable to their annual income. We tried to hire more security from the local population, but it only got worse - the security guards and their families also like Nike sneakers. We considered hiring security from the States, but then the cost would go through the roof.

- What is required of me?

Nike Guide:
- Figure out how to reduce theft to zero, without spending money on protecting our factories and warehouses.

Trouble-shooter, of course, did not delve deeply into the intricacies of Nike shoe production technology, but unlike the company’s team of Top Managers and other highly qualified specialists, he was able to look at any problem from a completely different angle.

Africans still wear Nike sneakers

What did he come up with?

How can a store survive among stores?

According to legend, it happened in America. There were three identical shops on the same street. All stores have approximately the same assortment, display design and sales area. Naturally, stores fight for every customer. What is important for the store? Of course, external advertising is a sign. The first store decided to attract visitors with its prices and wrote “Always low prices.” The third store decided to attract visitors with a range of products and wrote “Always a large selection of products.”

What did the cunning second store do?

What should the second store do?

How did the directory beat the directory?

In one city there were two monthly directories. Both are the same format, approximately the same thickness, and the information in them was 97-99% the same. Most people, without hesitation, bought two of these monthly journals at once and used them from time to time. Organizations already had a tradition of buying 2 at once.

The directories themselves constantly competed with each other, stole ideas, staged advertising games, and dumped each other. But if one of them managed to get ahead a little, the other quickly caught up with the competitor. This continued until one of the companies decided to fork out and pay for the services of a trouble shooter.

Six months after consultations, one reference book confidently won. What did the problem solving consultant advise?

How can a directory beat a directory?

Have you thought about it? Please don't jump straight to the answers. The stories are really interesting. Think and move on to the answers.

According to legend, the answers are as follows:

Nike sneakers:

Sneakers should be released in different towns or even countries. Separate right and left sneakers. They did so, and the theft stopped. There were few one-legged people.

The shops:

Here I think many have guessed. The second store put up an advertising sign that said, “Entrance here.”


The most insidious and cunning situation. Trouble-shooter suggested that the company release a smaller, but thicker directory next month. Naturally, some of the company’s employees decided that the money had been paid in vain and that the consultant was a swindler, but the management decided in its own way and still did as the “problem solver” advised. Six months later, the competing company went bankrupt.

The solution turned out to be brilliantly simple. People will always put a thicker but smaller reference book on top of another. This means they will use it much more often. As a result, after a while, the majority noticed that they constantly use only one directory, and do not even open the second. Therefore, there was no point in buying it.

What do I think about this?

The situations are really beautiful. However, I am skeptical about the permanence of such beautiful solutions. What I mean? Such a beautiful 1 in a million solution. There is not always a “magic pill” that will turn a company into a powerful structure. This requires a lot of effort. Of course, sometimes such solutions exist and you need to use them for your development. But most often it is not an elegant, beautiful solution that is important, but rather eliminating the “weak points” of the business and improving the “strengths”. If it is beautiful and simple, then this will be another beautiful story in the collection of trouble-shooter legends. It is important and necessary to be able to look at your business from different angles - from the client’s side, from the partner’s side, from the competitor’s side, from the side of a random passerby. It is the pure look that gives elegant ideas for further development.

We can and love to look at business from the outside. An outside perspective and fresh ideas can save not only millions of money, but also the most important human resource - time. In a short time, a fresh look can see problems and their solutions that people will come to in n number of years, and most often they will not come to them at all. If you are interested in developing your business, then we are happy to help you. And perhaps your problem and its solution will become a legend. Write, call. All .

Have time. While our services cost less than a golden hundred trouble-shooters This can be very useful for your business. Go ahead, the choice is yours.

A man flies around the world and solves problems for business people. Any problems. Usually - large corporations, less often private individuals. There are no more than 100 people in this profession in the world. Some pay up to $100,000 an hour, with schedules planned months in advance. The most important thing for trouble shooters is their business reputation. Customers literally pass them from hand to hand, hiding them from their competitors. They have only one advertisement - one hundred percent results. The error has been eliminated.

In order to understand the essence of their work better, I will give a couple of examples.
There were two large companies in America that published monthly yellow pages directories. The market was crowded for them; they resorted to black PR, dumping, and poaching workers from each other. Nothing helped, we were neck and neck. Usually, all office workers bought two reference books for a dollar at once, without really thinking about which one was better and which one was worse. So, one of these companies invited a trouble-shooter.

He delved into the situation, thought and said: “Next month, release a reference book in a smaller format, and in order to have the same amount of information, it should be small, but plump.” He received his fee and left, and the competing company went bankrupt two months later...

The fact is that when directories were of the same format, they hung out on office tables like maps, but when one directory is large and flat, and the second is small but plump, then in any case you put the small one on top of the large one... And in the end month, you will realize that you only used the top one, and never opened the big one in a month. So why would you spend a dollar on it if the small one has everything?

Second example: at the Nike headquarters, 1000 people were scratching their heads over an impossible task. They invite a trouble-shooter and outline the problem: “We started producing sneakers in some of the poorest countries in Africa. We calculated everything in advance, built factories, trained personnel, production costs should be low, but then we were faced with an unexpected problem: local workers in our factories mercilessly steal finished products. Entire villages, young and old, wear sneakers at a price comparable to their annual income. We tried hiring more local security, but it only made things worse - security guards and their families love sneakers too...

If you get security from the States, the cost will go through the roof. Figure out how to reduce theft to zero without spending money on factory security.”

Trouble-shooter, of course, did not understand anything about shoe production technology, but unlike 1000 top managers who understood, he knew how to look at any problem from a completely different angle. He sat alone in a cool room for a while and gave the answer: “You need to produce separate left and right sneakers in different countries...”

When people need to resolve conflicts at home and work, achieve professional success, and live life to the fullest, a coach can help. In the field of individual assistance, the development of a personal direction - lifecoaching - has begun. A specialist in the field of “therapy for the healthy” helps to see relationships at the level of cause and effect.The results of cooperation are as follows: understanding oneself and one’s problems, effective systematization of relationships, a new quality of life, saving time and money, realizing one’s potential, health and happiness.

An efficient coach can give others only what he has discovered in himself and what does not contradict human nature. Moreover, the “tool” - HIMSELF - must be pre-configured, which is achieved by solving one’s personal problems. Cooperation is effective if a person gains confidence and sees the future, bound energy is released in him, like a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor. Inept use will destroy a person and his affairs, and mature use will allow him to realize his maximum potential.

Who are you having lunch with today? With those who you usually go with? Or with someone new?

Tom Peters is one of the leading specialists in the field of management, a world-renowned business consultant:

«… Fred Smith, Founder and CEO F e d Eh, a few years ago he took part in a meeting on economic forecasting with me. Before the meeting began, we exchanged a few phrases, and at one point he asked me with determination in his eyes: “Who was the most interesting person you met in the last 90 days? How can I contact him? This is literally what he said. Fred was a collector of oddballs. He strived to keep his business several years ahead of his energetic competitors. To do this, he needed to be in constant contact with people who would be ahead of their time!”

Good luck to all of us in the art of living beautifully!

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