Forbes (Forbes) is. Forbes (Forbes) is a rating of the most expensive cars

Forbes magazine is a world-famous print publication specializing in the global economy. It was named after Bertie Charles Forbes, who founded it in 1917. Since 2004, a Russian version of the magazine, Forbes Russia, has been published in Russia. Probably the most anticipated news that Forbes announces every year is the ranking of billionaires around the world. What changes have occurred over the year? Who topped and generally entered the list of Russian billionaires? We will talk about this and much more in the article.

History of the Russian version of Forbes

Russia was the fifth country in the world to begin publishing a magazine on its territory. The first issue, as already mentioned, was published in 2004. JSC Axel Springer Russia took on the implementation of the project. Within 5 years, an electronic version of the Russian Forbes magazine was created.

The printed publication has seen many editors over the course of a decade. And less than a year ago, Axel Springer Russia CJSC sold publishing rights to ACMG, headed by businessman Alexander Fedotov. It must be said that this decision was forced due to changes in Russian legislation on the share of foreign managers of local media. In fact, this was a direct clash between the owners of Vedomosti and Forbes, because these publications touch upon serious political and economic topics and, moreover, have significant contributions from foreign owners. It is worth noting that Forbes magazine, from the date of its founding, adhered to its own views and was independent of other people’s opinions and influence.

Russia's first billionaires in Forbes

In 1997, the magazine for the first time included in its list of Russians who had good wealth at that time. These were the leaders:

  • Lukoil company - Vagit Alekperov;
  • ONEXIM Bank - Vladimir Potanin;
  • YUKOS - Mikhail Khodorkovsky;
  • Gazprom - Vyakhirev Rem;
  • group "Most" - Gusinsky Vladimir;
  • Berezovsky Boris (Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation).

The list has since been updated. However, one of the managers of the enterprise is still among the richest people on the planet. This is Vladimir Potanin, who topped the list of Russian billionaires in 2015.

Forbes magazine rating results in 2016

On March 1 of this year, the newest ranking of billionaires in Russia and around the world was published. The list included 77 citizens of the Russian Federation. The size of each of them has remained virtually unchanged over the past year. But it is known for certain that 20 oligarchs have become even richer. Newcomers have also appeared, which we will talk about a little later.

The economic situation in the world has not been stable recently. This has certainly affected the fortunes of billionaires. The total amount of funds available to Russian oligarchs in 2016 decreased by almost 54 billion conventional units compared to last year. The financial situation of most wealthy individuals has changed, and therefore the list has been updated. Forbes information on the status of the world's richest people for 2016 is reflected in the table:

Top ten billionaires on the planet
Information about the oligarch Place in the Forbes ranking Wealth, billion US dollars Country of Residence Source of funds
Bill Gates, 60 years old 1 75 USA Microsoft
Ortega Amancio, 79 years old 2 67 Spain Zara
Buffett Warren, 85 3 60.8 USA Berkshire Hathaway
Carlos Slim Helu, 76 years old 4 50 Mexico telecommunications
Bezos Jeff, 52 years old 5 45.2 USA Amazon
Mark Zuckerberg, 31 years old 6 44.6 Facebook
Allison Larry, 71 7 43.6 Oracle
Bloomberg Michael, 74 years old 8 40 Bloomberg L.P.
Charles Koch, 80 9 39.6 Koch Industries
David Koch, 75 10

As you can see, mostly men of retirement age can boast of big money; there are, of course, young lucky ones. The largest number of billionaires, as in other years, are in the United States. The leader of the list during this period is Bill Gates, the world-famous creator of the Windows OS.

Where are ours?

As you can see, the oligarchs of Russia are still not rich enough to get into the top ten of Forbes. The country's richest man is only 60th on the overall list. His fortune is estimated at $14.4 billion. And this person, completely unexpected for many readers, is Leonid Mikhelson. “Why unexpected?” - you ask. Last year, the head of Novatek was not even among the top five billionaires according to the Russian version of Forbes magazine. In just a year, he was able to break through from 7th place to the leader.

The top ten people with enormous wealth by Russian standards also included:

List of Russian billionaires: top 10
Full name, age Place on the Forbes Russia list Place on the Forbes list Net worth, billion dollars Source of funds
Mikhelson Leonid, 60 years old 1 60 14.4 OJSC Novatek
Fridman Mikhail, 52 years old 2 63 13.3 "Alfa Group"
Alisher Usmanov, 62 years old 3 73 12.5 USM Holdings
Potanin Vladimir, 55 years old 4 78 12.1 "Interros"
Timchenko Gennady, 63 years old 5 85 11.4 Rossiya Bank, Transoil, Sibur
Mordashov Alexey, 50 years old 6 93 10.9 Severstal, Power Machines
Vekselberg Viktor, 59 years old 7 98 10.5 "Rusal", Sulzer
Vladimir Lisin, 60 years old 8 116 9.3 UCL Holding, NLMK
Alekperov Vagit, 65 years old 9 124 8.9 "Lukoil"
Khan German, 54 years old 10 128 8.7 Alfa-Bank, Retail Group

In total, 77 Russians were included in the Forbes world list in 2016, which is 11 people less than last year.

The main “rises” of the capital of the year

This year the leader of the list of Russian billionaires has changed. It was Leonid Mikhelson, a “gas” and “oil” tycoon, a shareholder of the Novatek company. He was able to increase his fortune by 23%, which allowed him to make an unimaginable breakthrough: from 105th place in the world ranking to 60th! It is also worth noting that before this Mikhelson had never been included in the list of Russian billionaires.

But this successful businessman was surpassed in terms of capital growth in one year by Mikhail Gutseriev, the head of the board of directors of RussNeft. He was able to climb 577 steps higher and took 205th place in the world ranking. His fortune almost doubled. At the end of 2015, he was ranked 16th in the Forbes Russia rating. It would not be surprising if next year he becomes Russia's leader in net worth. With such rapid growth, we can expect great achievements from the billionaire.

From heaven to earth?

The ups were followed by downs. How many billionaires in Russia have lost their positions during an economically and politically difficult year? Despite the fact that Fridman and Usmanov retained their position in the ranking (2nd and 3rd place, respectively), their capital decreased slightly. M. Friedman lost almost 9% of his funds, and Usmanov - about 13%. Vladimir Potanin, an entrepreneur and politician who became the leader of the Forbes Russia ranking of the richest people in Russia in 2015, felt the changes more noticeably. Its losses amounted to about 22%, which in monetary terms equates to $3.3 billion. Due to the decrease in his capital, he lost ground in the 2016 list, moving to 4th place.

But Oleg Deripaska, the owner of the Basic Element holding, was most unlucky. The entrepreneur dropped 624 positions down in the Forbes world ranking of billionaires. More than four billion were irretrievably lost.

More about the leaders: Leonid Mikhelson

The sixty-year-old Russian entrepreneur increased his capital by $2.7 billion in 2015, which led him to leadership in the ranking of Russian billionaires. By the way, he is not far behind the 50 richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine, where he ranks 60th. The total amount of his fortune is equal to 14.4 billion dollars.

This is one of the main shareholders of OJSC Novatek and Sibur Holding, which specialize in the production of gas and petrochemical products. Part of the funds comes from a share in Promsvyazbank. Mikhelson is passionate about art, which he expresses by sponsoring exhibitions in Russia and the USA.

"Silver" oligarch Mikhail Fridman

Compared to 2015, Friedman maintained his position on the Forbes Russia list, although he lost some of his wealth ($1.3 billion). As of this year, he owns $13.3 billion. He is the head of the financial and industrial investment group Alfa Group.

Has been in stable condition since 2010. Owner of such brands as Pyaterochka, Beeline, Perekrestok. Mikhail Fridman, through Alfa-Bank, is involved in charity work, helping children with severe cardiac diseases. Has dual citizenship (Russia, Israel).

Usmanov Alisher

Owner of a fortune estimated at $12.5 billion. Over the past year, he lost almost 2 billion, but retained his position on the Russian Forbes list. He has several business empires, which bring him good income. Among them: Metalloinvest, Megafon, Kommersant.

Invested in Facebook at the nascent stage of the social network. Three years ago, Usmanov invested in Chinese assets: the online retailer Alibaba, the production of Xiaomi smartphones. In addition, the billionaire is a co-owner of the Arsenal football club (London).

Newly minted Russian oligarchs

Russian dollar billionaires join the Forbes list every year. In 2016, the magazine published four new names previously unknown to the public. Of course, in the overall ranking they are still significantly behind the leaders. But who knows, maybe next year one of them will become one of the 20 oligarchs of Russia.

Mikhail Shishkhanov took 1126th place. Quite a young entrepreneur, head of PJSC B&N Bank. At 43 years old, he already has a fortune estimated at $1.6 billion. Gutseriev Sait-Salam, one of the members of the directors of the RussNeft company, goes on an equal footing with him. Leonid Boguslavsky is a little behind his comrades. He ranks 1476th in the Forbes ranking and has a capital of $1.2 billion. Together with him, the public was introduced to Kirill Shamalov, very young by oligarch standards (33 years old), he has 1.2 billion dollars and shares 1476th place in the world ranking with Boguslavsky.

In addition to new faces, Forbes welcomed entrepreneurs temporarily absent from the 2015 list: Viktor Kharitonin (Pharmstandard), Dmitry Pumpyansky (Sinara), Boris Rotenberg (SMP Bank) and private investor Megdet Rakhimkulov. Each of them freely owns one billion dollars. Together, the “new” oligarchs took 1649th place in 2016.

Those who left the rating

The consequences of the economic crisis have affected everyone, and billionaires are no exception. Of course, few of them became impoverished to zero. But the losses were significant. For many entrepreneurs, this resulted in their removal from the list of the richest people in the world. In 2016, 19 Russians left the rating, including: Nikolay Tsvetkov (Uralsib), Mikhail Balakin (head of SU-155), Rustam Tariko (Russian Standard Bank). Their fortune is estimated at between 1.1 and 1.7 billion dollars. At the moment, they are back at the finish line and will now compete for the title of “more successful entrepreneur” with the “young” generation of Forbes.

Young billionaires of Russia

Business develops, despite any obstacles. The most dexterous, brainy and far-sighted quickly soar upward, flying over millions of their fortune. At some point, a new stage begins in their life and career: the first billion dollars. Of course, it is difficult to achieve such heights on your own without the help of an inheritance. The process of conquering the pinnacle of oligarch fame can take a long time.

According to Forbes standards, the average age of nominees is 45 years old. This is the period of a person’s maturity, when he already has significant life experience and a stable financial situation behind him. All those who have not yet turned forty are considered young. Are there many of these in the world? How many of them are Russians?

Forbes Russia celebrates 7 lucky people who, despite their young years, already have financial achievements:

  1. Shamalov Kirill (33 years old) - takes a seat on the board of directors of Sibur. In 2016, he took 64th position on the Forbes Russia list of rich people. His fortune is estimated at $1.2 billion.
  2. Vyacheslav Mirilashvili (32 years old) is almost a billionaire, in his hands funds amounting to $0.95 billion. He is the manager of the Vaizra fund. He ranks 85th in the ranking of Russian oligarchs.
  3. Pavel Durov (31 years old) is the founder of the social network VKontakte and the Telegram program, well-known among young people. As of 2016, he has a fortune of $600 million and occupies 136th position in the Forbes Russia ranking.
  4. Elena Rybolovleva (27 years old), the ex-wife of Dmitry Rybolovlev, received her fortune of $600 million thanks to a divorce settlement. Engaged in investments. In the Russian Forbes list it is in 142nd place.
  5. Denis Bazhaev (20 years old) is a young co-owner of the Alliance Group, owner of $500 million and 155th place in the ranking of Russian oligarchs.
  6. Ivan Tavrin (39 years old) – owner of $400 million, head of PJSC Megafon. He founded his own business on his own. At the end of 2015, it ranks 194th in the Forbes Russia ranking.
  7. Vitaly Yusufov (36 years old) – engaged in investments, owner of $400 million. It is located at position 196 on the Russian Forbes list.

Young oligarchs have every chance to conquer the first positions of Forbes. Many of them achieved results on their own, without the help of relatives and other people's finances.

Russian billionaires are famous figures, founders of large industrial and financial enterprises. Each of them has their own story of the path to success. Over the past year, there have been many victories and failures that have brought changes to the Forbes list. But troubles, like victories, build morale. Already next year it will be seen how they defended their cause with success and dignity and once again became one of the richest people in Russia.

Matvienko proposed not to discriminate against rich people in Russia ... unless they are members of parliament,” she added. Early July Forbes Russia compiled a rating of the 100 richest civil servants and deputies of Russia. On the... A member of the Forbes list demanded 7.6 million rubles from the former publisher of the magazine. ... of the Absolut investment group Alexander Svetakov, who ranks in the latest Russian Forbes 43rd place with a fortune of $2.5 billion, asked the Arbitration... Svetakov filed as part of Fedotov’s bankruptcy. In May, former publisher Forbes was declared bankrupt, Fedotov's total debt to creditors exceeded 648 ... most of his media assets. In particular, the flagship project - the Russian version of the magazine Forbes, which was owned by the president of the Global fund in August last year... Taylor Swift becomes the highest paid celebrity in the world ... the top ten richest superstars are four musicians and four athletes. American magazine Forbes published a ranking of the highest paid celebrities of 2019. The rating was topped by the American... Jenner with an income of $170 million. Previously, based on the results of 2018 Forbes Named 21-year-old Jenner the youngest billionaire in history, on her own... Forbes has compiled a ranking of the richest Russian deputies and civil servants ... earned about 9.97 billion rubles in the year. Russian version of the magazine Forbes compiled a rating “Power and Money”, in which she collected the 100 richest... regions. He declared income of 4.46 billion rubles. Magazine Forbes, in turn, estimates his fortune at $1.9 billion... billion rubles), founder of the largest potato producer in the region, Bogomaz. Rating Forbes partially repeats the list of the richest regional deputies compiled in May... The head of Forbes gave advice to Zuckerberg on launching the Facebook cryptocurrency President and Editor-in-Chief Forbes Steve Forbes wrote an open letter to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg... Forbes has compiled a ranking of the best universities in Russia ... with entrepreneurial potential who could join the list in the future Forbes. The rating was based on data from monitoring the performance of more than a thousand universities..., grouped into three large groups: quality of education; quality of graduates; factor Forbes(eliteness of the educational institution and the share of entrepreneurs in the total number of graduates... Forbes has compiled a ranking of the most expensive land holdings in Russia ... land for real estate, now they are used “for their intended purpose,” writes Forbes about its new ranking of the 20 most expensive land holdings in Russia. Calculation... Amazon tops the ranking of the world's most valuable brands ...), as well as AT&T ($108.3 billion). According to the magazine Forbes, the most expensive brand in the world is Apple. Its value was estimated... Forbes has identified the richest woman in the world of music ... . Thus, the performer’s condition is noted in Forbes, exceeded the capital of Madonna, Celine Dion and Beyoncé. Forbes named the richest woman in the world of music... the fame of Rihanna and her 71 million followers on Instagram, notes Forbes. Now Fenty Beauty sales continue to grow. Last year,... 15% of the company. In addition, in May LVMH and Rihanna, notes Forbes, announced the imminent creation of a new fashion house called Fenty... Forbes named the richest and self-made women in the United States ... its capital is $81.3 billion in 2019, reports Forbes. A year earlier, they had $71 billion at their disposal, but the main... in the top 80 was $225 million. That’s exactly how much, according to estimates Forbes, managed to earn money from prize payments, advertising contracts and due to... place), model Kylie Jenner ($1 billion, 23rd place, previously Forbes called her the youngest self-made billionaire... Jay-Z became the first billionaire rapper ... the world's rap artist, whose fortune is estimated at $1 billion, reports Forbes. When assessing Jay-Z's condition, the publication took into account earnings, the share of... the journalists checked their calculations with experts. The rapper's assets, according to Forbes, look like this: Armand de Brignac champagne production ($310 million... art objects ($70 million); real estate ($50 million). In 2018 Forbes named Jay-Z one of the highest paid musicians: in a year... The court declared the former owner of the Russian Forbes bankrupt ... Fedotov, who owned the Russian version of the magazine until August 2018 Forbes, declared bankrupt. Fedotov owes his creditors over 600 million rubles... that we are talking about the former owner of the Russian version Forbes. As an individual entrepreneur, Alexander Fedotov was registered in Moscow in... the debtor “has no income to approve the restructuring plan.” Fedotov sold Forbes in August 2018, the President of the Global Venture Alliance fund, Magomed... The richest heirs of Russian businessmen in 2019: Forbes list Forbes compiled a list of the rich heirs of Russian billionaires, calculating what share of the businessmen’s wealth falls on each of their children. The richest heir turned out to be Yusuf Alekperov, the son of LUKOIL co-owner Vagit Alekperov. Who else made it into the top ten rankings is in the RBC photo gallery. Anastasia Antipova Apple tops Forbes ranking of world's most valuable brands Magazine Forbes presented its annual list of the world's most valuable brands. The Apple brand ... has been leading the ranking of the most expensive brands for the ninth time in a row Forbes. In 2018, second and third places in the same... Forbes has compiled a ranking of the heirs of Russian billionaires ... the only son of the president of LUKOIL still occupies a position in it. Forbes compiled a rating of the heirs of Russian billionaires. It included 48 children... part of the fortune for children, and to send it to charity. According to Forbes, as of April 19, there were more than a hundred billionaires in Russia with... Monetochka and Golovin were included in the Forbes list of promising young Russians ... data from Yandex, Facebook Russia and Scan-Interfax were used, indicated in Forbes, emphasizing that the indicated rating is not a demonstration of income. The personal condition of the participants was not taken into account when compiling the list. Businessmen In the category "Entrepreneurs" Forbes noted the 30-year-old co-founder of the educational project Devar Anna Belova (engaged in... Forbes compared the bonuses of Russian top managers ... bonuses to management personnel are higher than other large companies in Russia, the Russian found out Forbes. The publication analyzed the annual reports of 100 companies with the largest... billion rubles, data on the number of managers who received payments was not provided. Forbes notes that according to Mostotrest’s quarterly reports, payments to the board of directors... Aeroflot and Uralkali dropped out of the Forbes global ranking ... among them, Gazprom ranks for the fourth year in a row. Company asset value Forbes valued at $305.9 billion, capitalization at $59.9 billion... Japan (223 companies). The magazine notes that when in 2003 Forbes published its global ranking for the first time, the USA represented 776... companies. First place in the ranking of global companies in the world according to Forbes Chinese bank ICBC ranks for the seventh year in a row. This government financial... Forbes found 8 yachts of Russian oligarchs off the coast of Cannes during the festival ... owned by Russian billionaires. These are yachts that, according to Forbes, belong to Roman Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov, Andrey Skoch, Dmitry Rybolovlev, Sergei... Three Russians included in the top 10 richest owners of sports teams ... the richest businessmen in the world with assets in the form of sports teams. Magazine Forbes compiled a ranking of the richest owners of sports teams in the world. Among the top owners of sports teams, the businessman took third place. His condition Forbes estimates it at $20.5 billion. Mordashov owns the Cherepovets hockey club... . Ratcliffe, who owns the Team Sky cycling team, was also included in the new ranking Forbes, finishing in seventh place. The top 10 is completed by Mikhail Prokhorov, whose fortune... Forbes named the largest buyers of Russian oil ... the leader of the list of previous years - LUKOIL trader Litasco. Russian edition of the magazine Forbes compiled a rating of the largest buyers of Russian oil, and for the first time in it... Bill Gates's fortune exceeded $100 billion ...Amazon to Jeff Bezos. Microsoft founder Bill Gates' estimated net worth Forbes, exceeded $100 billion. As the magazine notes, this happened against the background... only the head of the online retailer Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is ahead. His condition Forbes estimates it at $153 billion. It may soon lose... Forbes for the first time compiled a rating of Russian philanthropists ...financed by people on the list of the richest businessmen, which is traditionally compiled Forbes. The publication placed on the first line the foundation of Elena and Gennady Timchenko... Andrey Melnichenko, “Noosphere” (Elena Baturina). Commenting on the new rating, Editorial Director Forbes Nikolai Uskov notes that the magazine took into account when compiling the rating... Forbes published a ranking of the richest Russians ...also has American citizenship. In the global ranking of the American version of the magazine Forbes(in it Gapontsev occupies 1281st place) he appears as... coincides with the list of the ten richest Russians included in the global ranking Forbes, published in March of this year. Last year the leader of the rating of the Russian version Forbes was Vladimir Lisin, whose fortune Forbes valued at $19.1 billion. Behind him... Forbes named the ten most promising young managers in Russia ... . The magazine also noted employees of the administration of the Tula region and MGIMO. Magazine Forbes published a rating of the ten most promising managers in Russia under 30... under the supervision of the manager, the takeover of Uber’s local division by a Russian company took place,” writes Forbes. Next comes: First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region, 29-year-old Vyacheslav... Forbes excluded Milner from the list of the most successful venture investors ...Milner was not included in the ranking of the most successful investors according to Forbes in 2019. The first position in the ranking was taken by the Chinese Neil... partner of the Sequoia Capital fund. To The Midas List Forbes includes the 100 most successful venture investors in the world. In 2017... out of the top 50, taking 52nd place. According to the Russian Forbes, Yuri Milner's fortune is $3.7 billion. He ranks 31st...

Society, March 25, 16:41

Forbes reported an increase in the fortune of the main owner of Winter Cherry ... " Denis Shtengelov increased by $50 million over the past year, reports Forbes. According to the calculations of the publication's experts, in the year after the fire, the victims of which... for the first time in his life entered the top 200 richest Russians in the ranking Forbes, in which he took 175th place with a result of $600...

Business, March 22, 11:31

Forbes named 15 businessmen who changed the world's perception of Russia ... Bakalchuk and the owner of Siberia and Globus airlines Natalya Fileva. Magazine Forbes prepared a rating of 15 Russian businessmen who built a successful business with... in the ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia in 2018 according to Forbes with a fortune of $3.7 billion). The magazine calls him the most influential...

Business, March 21, 12:18

Top 10 Russian billionaires with the highest income: Forbes ranking Forbes presented a ranking of Russian billionaires with the highest incomes in 2018. The magazine calculated the value of assets sold by businessmen and the amount of dividends excluding taxes. The leader of the list was the founder of the Magnit network, Sergei Galitsky, over the past year he earned $2.44 billion. Who else made it into the top 10 - in the RBC review.

Business, March 21, 09:15

The leader has changed in the ranking of Russian billionaires with the highest incomes ... Shamalov, who took first place last year, is included in the new ranking Forbes missed. In total, four new names appeared on the new list compared to 2018. Magazine Forbes updated its ranking of Russian billionaires with the highest incomes. When compiling... the year), the businessman received income of $2.44 billion. To last year's list Forbes Galitsky didn’t make it: the magazine explained that the deal was closed...

Finance, March 20, 09:56

Forbes named the most reliable banks in Russia ...the place was taken by Unicredit. Rosbank, last year's leader, dropped to third position. Forbes published a new version of the annual bank reliability rating. The list is based on..., Fora Bank, JSCB International Financial Club and Aresbank. As noted Forbes, a bank’s refusal to work with rating agencies is often a symptom... Deripaska estimated the decline in his fortune to be twice as bad as Forbes ...Bloomberg The numbers presented in the lawsuit don't match the estimate. Forbes, nor with the calculations of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, two of the most respected providers of billionaire wealth estimates. Forbes as of March 16, he estimated Deripaska’s net assets at $3.6 ... the Kuban agricultural holding and Trekhgornaya Manufactory,” the magazine’s editor-in-chief told RBC Forbes Nikolai Mazurin. His debts were deducted from the value of these assets, he added...

Business, March 13, 18:44

Forbes named the richest Russian bachelors ... Oleg Deripaska, whose divorce became known in 2018. Forbes published a ranking of unmarried businessmen from the list of the richest Russians. On the list...were not married. The richest bachelor in Russia, according to the magazine Forbes, in 2018 became the main owner of the LetterOne and Alpha holding... Officially, the businessman was never married. Ranking of single billionaires Forbes also included: 52-year-old Dmitry Rybolovlev with a fortune of $6.8...

Business, March 12, 11:25

Friedman became London's richest resident ... . The co-owner of Alfa Group is the richest resident of the capital of Great Britain, he found out Forbes, after analyzing the updated ranking of the world's richest people. The publication found out in which cities the most billionaires live. According to Forbes Forbes estimated his fortune at $1.5 billion, now at $2... not listed on the Russian list. In Andreev’s profile on the website Forbes Great Britain is indicated in the “citizenship” column. RBC sent a request to the press...

Society, 04 Mar, 20:39

Forbes named the richest woman in the world ... -Myers. According to the magazine, her fortune exceeded $49 billion. Magazine Forbes named the heiress of the L’Oréal cosmetics empire, Francoise Bettencourt-Meyers...%, or $7.1 billion. Previously, the richest woman in the world Forbes called the mother of Françoise and the daughter of the founder of L’Oréal ... she first became the richest people in the world in 1987, when Forbes began publishing its ratings. Lillian died in September 2017...

Forbes is a financial and economic magazine

Forbes magazine - Forbes list, richest people, Forbes ratings

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Forbes(Forbes) - this is the definition

Forbes (Forbes) is a monthly financial and economic magazine that covers the financial side of the activities of the richest and most successful people of our time, talks about the events of their lives, publishes their opinions on various situations and ideas for future development. Forbes is the first to report on innovations in business and investing.

Forbes magazine - This business magazine. Stories of successful projects and their products, stories of project failures and their causes, causes and consequences of high-profile events, the largest fees of show business stars and athletes, income and expenses, business tricks and PR tricks.

Forbes is the world's leading business magazine. The mission of the magazine is to provide readers with information that guarantees their success. The publication differs from many competitors in that it conducts bold investigations and is not afraid to call a spade a spade.

Forbes provides its readers with important information before others, when the information has the greatest economic value. Fresh perspectives for independent thinkers. Forbes helps its readers capitalize on their business and financial opportunities—before anyone else does.

Forbes magazine is a team of professional journalists and editors with excellent knowledge of various areas of the economy: from financial markets to the production of consumer goods, from the fuel and energy complex to high-tech business. Forbes has access to top company officials and receives information from the most knowledgeable sources.

The Russian edition of Forbes is leader in investments in brand promotion in the Russian press market. Every year, the Russian edition of Forbes confirms its status as the most cited and influential publication.

Forbes is a magazine that in recent years has become one of the most influential and cited publications in the world, as well as a world leader in the media industry in terms of the volume of advertising. There are currently no exact data regarding the turnover of Forbes Inc. Stephen Forbes does not disclose his income information. A few years ago, the corporation's president's fortune totaled $400 million (not taking into account the $1.4 billion inherited from his father). It is only known that the annual salary that Forbes pays himself is about $1.2 million.

The magazine's motto: "The Capitalist's Tool" - English. The Capitalist Tool.

All rights to carry out this activity belong to Forbes Incorporated (USA) since 1917. In addition to Forbes, the corporation owns Newsweek, Wall Paper, etc. The headquarters of Forbes Inc. located in New York, on Fifth Avenue.

History of Forbes magazine

Forbes Bertie Charles(English Bertie Charles Forbes; May 14, 1880, New Deer, Aberdeenshire - May 6, 1954) - founder of Forbes magazine, journalist.

Born into a large family of a Scottish tailor. He was the sixth among ten children. Bertie started working quite early: at the age of 14 he left school and got a job as a typesetter for 75 cents a week. And I got the job by mistake. I thought that he would immediately be entrusted with composing lyrics, which is what he always wanted. After 7 years, he trained as a stenographer (which was a prerequisite for reporters of that time) and became a journalist in one of the local newspapers. In 1904 Forbes left Scotland. First he headed to South Africa in an attempt to forget his ex-girlfriend, who had married someone else, and then went to the USA.

At first, he worked for various financial columnists until the famous media tycoon William Hearst offered him a position in his magazine. Forbes soon made the public talk about himself, becoming famous as a powerful financial analyst who is not afraid to criticize famous and successful people.

In 1917, having saved some money, Forbes opened his own magazine. It is noteworthy that Bertie himself wanted to call it Doers and Doings (“Deeds and their Doers”), but on the advice of friends he named it by his own name.

Over the course of several years, Forbes has become one of the most read business publications in the United States. The truthfulness of the articles, harsh criticism and caustic attacks - this is what has always distinguished the magazine from other publications. The publication found itself in a difficult position only after the stock market crash of 1929, but even then Bertie refused to sell his brainchild, sometimes paying his journalists from his own fees for articles in other magazines.

After the death of Bertie Forbes, the magazine passed to his son, Malcolm Forbes, who sought to increase his father's fortune.

Under him, in the 1960s, Jim Michaels became the magazine's editor-in-chief. According to experts, modern business journalism was formed largely thanks to the editorial policy of Forbes during this period. Unlike rival publications that published flattering materials about business structures, Forbes sought to conduct journalistic investigations of the activities of entrepreneurs. By the end of the 1970s, Forbes was ranked number one among US business publications.

And in the 1990s, already under the founder’s grandson, Stephen Forbes

The magazine began to not only cover a wider range of topics, but also began to be published in Portuguese and Japanese. Russia became the fifth country in the world where Forbes began publishing its magazine. In 2004, a licensing agreement was concluded with Axel Springer Russia, and the first Russian issue of the magazine was published in the same year.

Every month Forbes writes about the activities of the largest entrepreneurs, innovations in the field of business and investment, publishes lists of the wealthiest people in Russia and other ratings. During its eight years on the Russian market, Forbes has become a leader in the business press segment, and the number of its readers has crossed the million mark.

Forbes magazine provides readers with stories of successful projects and their products, stories of project failures and their causes, the lives and activities of famous entrepreneurs, the causes and consequences of high-profile events, ratings of the richest people in the world, the largest fees of show business stars and athletes, income and expenses, business tricks and PR tricks.

Forbes is the world's leading business magazine. The magazine received recognition thanks to its bold investigations in the business world and objective assessments of events, as well as various lists and ratings published by it. Among them, the most famous is the list of the world's billionaires.

In the United States, Forbes is the second largest business magazine by audience, with a circulation of more than 900 thousand copies.

Each issue of the magazine contains more than 60 analytical articles about companies, their creators and managers. The total audience of Forbes and its international English-language edition is about 5 million people around the world. In addition, the magazine is published in local languages ​​in Georgia, Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Japan, Brazil, Korea and China. In Ukraine, the magazine is published in Russian.

Forbes first attempted to assess the wealth of leading businessmen in 1918, publishing a list of the 30 richest Americans. The leader of the first rating was John Rockefeller with a huge fortune of $1.2 billion at that time.

200 richest businessmen in Russia

Forbes ratings

At the beginning of the 20th century, various rankings of the wealthiest people in the United States often appeared in the American media; Forbes magazine began to practice this, which later received the laurels of being the first inventor of the method of constantly ranking the richest Americans. The first list, published by Forbes on March 2, 1918, included 30 names. The ranking was headed by John Rockefeller, whose fortune at that time was estimated at $1.2 billion (this amount is the equivalent of the current $14 billion).

10 Best Cities for Business - 2013

Billionaires ranking

Since 1986, the magazine began publishing a list of the world's billionaires, The World's Billionaires.

The first Russian millionaires (Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Vladimir Potanin, Vladimir Gusinsky, Rem Vyakhirev, Vagit Alekperov) appeared on this list in 1997. In 1998, only Vladimir Potanin, who owned a fortune of $1.6 billion, remained in the Forbes ranking. Over the next two years, not a single Russian entrepreneur managed to get into this ranking, but already in 2001, eight Russians were on the Forbes list, including In 2002 - 7, in 2003 - 17, and in 2004 - 25. In 2005, billionaires from other CIS countries were included in the Forbes list for the first time.

In 2010, the world's top three billionaires included the family of 70-year-old Carlos Slim Helu ($53.5 billion, telecommunications, Mexico), 54-year-old Bill Gates ($53 billion, high-tech, USA) and 79-year-old Warren Buffett ($47 billion, investments and insurance, USA). Among the billionaires in 2010 there were 62 Russians, almost twice as many as in 2009. An event in 2010 was the absence of Boris Berezovsky from the ranking for the first time. Among the world's billionaires in 2011 there were already 99 Russians, about the same in 2012 - 96.

Ranking of the richest Americans

Forbes 400

Since September 13, 1982, Forbes magazine has published a list of the four hundred richest Americans - Forbes 400, a ranking of the wealthiest US citizens in the modern sense.

It is no coincidence that the number “400” is included in the name of the list: the idea was borrowed from “Mrs. Astor’s List of 400” (Mrs. William Blackhouse Astor Jr. is known for hosting balls for the richest people in American society in her mansion on Fifth Avenue in the 1890s - her mansion accommodated no more than 400 people, hence the name).

Forbes 400 list of clubs

Since 1993, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has been recognized as the richest American: in 2009, his fortune was estimated at $50 billion, in 2010 at $54 billion, in 2011 at $59 billion, in 2012 at $66 billion. The ranking is updated in September of each year. .

10 richest sports club owners from Forbes ranking

The wealthiest investors in the sports industry included two Russians, as well as the former prime minister of Italy, the richest man in Ukraine and an opponent of Alisher Usmanov.

Buying sports clubs has long been considered a whim of billionaires. In recent years, the situation has changed: investments in the industry are increasingly based on clear business calculations. Sponsorship contracts, the sale of rights to television broadcasts, the construction of stadiums - all these articles attract more and more money into sports, and therefore owners of large fortunes.

This list includes only members of the Forbes rating who invest significant funds in projects valued at at least $100 million. The richest man on the planet, Carlos Slim, for example, has three football clubs in his portfolio of assets, but none of them generates revenue, tangible on the scale of the Mexican tycoon’s business empire.

Billionaires' favorite sport remains American football. 19 participants in the rating are investing in NFL teams. Next comes basketball, with 15 wealthy fans, football, baseball and hockey. The top five included:

Club: Mumbai Indians (cricket, Indian Premier League)

Net worth: $21.5 billion

Nationality: India

The 55-year-old founder and CEO of India's largest industrial conglomerate is deeply involved in one of Mumbai's most popular sports clubs. In 2011, the team won one of the most prestigious cricket tournaments - the Twenty20 Champions League.

Club: Shakhtar (football, Ukrainian Premier League)

Net worth: $15.4 billion

Citizenship: Ukraine

The richest man in Ukraine, ranked 47th in the Forbes world rankings, has been developing football infrastructure in his native Donetsk since the mid-1990s. Over the years, Shakhtar acquired its own modern stadium for 50,000 spectators (in 2012, the arena hosted the semi-finals of the European Football Championship), was the first Ukrainian club to win the UEFA Cup and took away the title of the most popular team in the country from Dynamo Kyiv.

Paul Allen

Clubs: Seattle Seahawks (American football, NFL); Portland Trail Blazers (basketball, NBA)

Net worth: $15 billion

Citizenship: USA

Microsoft co-founder and renowned philanthropist Paul Allen is both an avid sports fan and a major investor in the industry. In addition to direct ownership of clubs in the NFL and NBA, the billionaire has a stake in the Seattle Sounders football team.

Club: Brooklyn Nets (basketball, NBA)

Net worth: $13 billion

Citizenship: Russia

The hero of the cover of the latest issue of American Forbes, thanks to generous investments in the NBA club, has become a recognizable public figure in the United States. Under Prokhorov, the Nets moved from New Jersey to New York to the state-of-the-art Barclays Center arena (Prokhorov also owns a stake in the sports facility), assembled a star-studded roster and became one of the most talked about projects in the league. The Russian billionaire promises to increase the capitalization of the club, for which he paid $200 million for control, to $1 billion by 2015.

Club: Chelsea (football, English Premier League)

Net worth: $10.2 billion

Citizenship: Russia

The former governor of Chukotka consistently won all possible trophies with the London club, first on the domestic stage, and last year on the European arena: Chelsea added to the collection of awards with the title of winner of the UEFA Champions League. Forbes calculated last year that the Russian owner spent about $1.3 billion on the team over 8 years, and ahead is the costly construction of a new stadium and the ongoing budget race, spurred on by generous football fans from the oil dynasties of the Middle East.

And also, less popular, but also contributed to the development of clubs:

Phil Anschutz

Clubs: Los Angeles Galaxy (soccer, MLS); Los Angeles Kings (hockey, NHL)

Net worth: $10 billion

Citizenship: USA

Silvio Berlusconi

Club: AC Milan (football, Italian Serie A)

Net worth: $6.2 billion

Citizenship: Italy

Marguerite Louis-Dreyfus

Club: Olympique Marseille (football, French Ligue 1)

Net worth: $6 billion

Citizenship: Switzerland

Charles Johnson

Club: San Francisco Giants (baseball, MLB)

Net worth: $5.7 billion

Citizenship: USA

Miki Arison

Club: Miami Heat (basketball, NBA)

Net worth: $5.7 billion

Sergey Brin (net worth $15.3 billion, 11th place), and in 2012 ($20.3 billion, 13th place)

Leonid Blavatnik ($5 billion, 44th place), in 2010 - 31st place, in 2012 - 25th place ($12.5 billion)

Igor Oleynikov ($1.5 billion, 236th place), in 2010 - 144th place, in 2012 - 190th place ($2.4 billion)

Evgeny Shvidler ($1 billion, 371st place), in 2012 - $1.25 billion, 359th place

And also Alexander Rovt (238th), in 2012 - $1.15 billion, 388th place and Alexander Knaster (356th), in 2012 - $1.4 billion, 328th place.

How the top ten of the Forbes rankings changed over ten years

Forbes magazine annually calculates the size of businessmen's fortunes. This year they additionally showed how the top ten of their ranking has changed recently.

From 2004 to 2013, 295 businessmen were included in the lists of the richest, 37 of whom were participants in all 10 ratings. Since 2004, the wealth of these 37 entrepreneurs has increased more than 3 times (86 billion - 273 billion). Over the same period, the RTS index (the main indicator of the Russian stock market) doubled. As we can see, the wealth of the rating participants grew on average 1.5 times faster than the market.

The first ranking of the richest Russians was called the “Golden Hundred” and was published in May 2004. Billionaires took 36 positions on the list, with Khodorkovsky at the top ($15.2 billion). The last of the 36 billionaires was Alisher Usmanov, whose wealth was exactly 1 billion. After 8 years, the owner of Metalloinvest and shareholder of Megafon is already in 1st position on the list, with a significant gap from the other participants in the rating. In 2013, Usmanov’s fortune was 17.6 billion.

The maximum wealth for all years of the rating was recorded in 2008 - Rusal shareholder Oleg Deripaska with $28.6 billion. The same year 2008 is notable for another record - the total wealth of all participants in the rating was $522 billion.

In 2011, the number of billionaire businessmen in Russia was already more than a hundred. Then, for the first time, a list of not 100, but 200 of the richest was compiled, but the overall wealth of the ranking participants never exceeded the 2008 threshold. In 2013, the total wealth of the rich was 488 billion, 417 billion accounted for by the top hundred participants. Since 2004, the number of billionaires has risen from 36 to 110 people.

Power and money - 2013. Income rating of federal officials

The list for monitoring income information did not include territorial divisions of federal authorities; a number of federal services that have not published declarations of their employees.

In our opinion, this indicator is more representative than the individual income of an official. Civil servants who do not have the right to conduct business, but remain businessmen, “transfer” their assets to their spouses, fulfilling the formal requirements of current legislation. But at any time these assets can be returned to their real owner.

Rating of the most expensive top managers

The leaders of the new Forbes rating are the heads of state-owned companies. We limited the study to the 70 largest enterprises by revenue for 2011, excluding state corporations and companies managed by owners (Lukoil, Severstal, Rusal). The top five are exclusively heads of state-owned companies.

The rating is headed by the President - Chairman of the Board of VTB Group Andrey Kostin. According to experts, he earns a total of about $30 million per year. The total remuneration of VTB's key managers in 2011 also amounted to a record $194 million. According to Forbes interlocutors, Kostin, as well as most other CEOs on the list, receive the majority of his remuneration. most likely, it receives money abroad, in particular in Cyprus, where VTB has a subsidiary bank, Russian Commercial Bank (RCB). In 2011, the group’s managers received an additional $40 million from the Cypriot bank in the form of dividends alone.

Head of Gazprom Alexey Miller took second place in the ranking with an estimate of $25 million.

But the compensation of the head of Sberbank German Gref- $15 million - two times lower than Kostin. In 2011, Sberbank's net profit amounted to $10.75 billion. Consequently, Gref could additionally earn almost $8 million.

Head of Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov($8 million) and CEO of Aeroflot Vitaly Savelyev($2.5 million).

Four places in the top ten went to CEOs of private companies. Sixth - Dmitry Razumov($12 million, Onexim), eighth - Ivan Streshinsky($10 million, USM Holding), ninth - Vladimir Strzhalkovsky($10 million, Norilsk Nickel), tenth - Mikhail Shamolin($10 million, AFK Sistema). All these enterprises, by the way, belong to businessmen from the Forbes list. In the ranking of the highest paid CEOs, the only woman is the head of Basic Element. Gulzhan Moldazhanova($4 million, 23rd place).

Rating of the largest non-public companies in Russia for 2012

As the publication notes, the total turnover of 200 private companies increased by 27.5% and reached a record 10.2 trillion rubles. Growth was noted not only by large companies, but also by agricultural holdings, car dealers and many others.

Companies in the ranking are ranked based on revenue data for 2011. The list includes companies whose shares are not listed on the stock market. As the publication notes, the rating does not include banks, insurance, leasing, investment and other financial companies.

Thus, according to Forbes, the leader is the Kazan oil refining group TAIF - a diversified holding company based on petrochemicals and oil refining (39 companies, including Nizhnekamskneftekhim and Kazanorgsintez).

Moscow's largest construction contractor in Russia, Stroygazconsulting, took second place in the ranking. The company’s main customers are the structures of Gazprom, Transneft, Lukoil, and Rosavtodor, the publication notes.

Megapolis, a wholesaler of tobacco products in Russia, which has exclusive contracts with Japan Tobacco International, Philip Morris, and Imperial Tobacco, is ranked third in the ranking. Megapolis' sales network covers 150 thousand Russian retail outlets and 50 thousand Ukrainian ones.

The revenue of the company “Integrated Energy Systems” increased by 10%, which allowed IES to become fourth in the Forbes ranking.

Next are the largest producer of iron ore raw materials, Metalloinvest, the petrochemical company Sibur Holding, the construction company Stroygazmontazh, which gets Gazprom's main projects, as well as Russneft and Megafon.

5 main Russian celebrities - 2013

Forbes calculated the income of Russian celebrities

This year Forbes compiled the star rating for the tenth time. And even before all the calculations began - the creative income of celebrities for the year, the number of mentions in the media and queries in Yandex - it was possible to say with confidence who would be at the top of the list.

At the top of the list of fifty “most” in Russia was tennis player Maria Sharapova. According to Forbes, for the year (from June 2012 to May 2013) her income amounted to $29 million.

Singer Grigory Leps took second place, earning $15 million and great love from fans who often searched for him on Yandex.

Third place with an income of $16.5 million was taken by the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev.

The fourth and fifth places remained unchanged from last year - Philip Kirkorov ($9.7 million) and hockey player Alexander Ovechkin ($16.8 million).

In places six to ten are singer Stas Mikhailov (he topped the rating for two years in a row), TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, singer Nikolai Baskov, model Natalya Vodianova and Zenit St. Petersburg player Andrei Arshavin.

Forbes magazine also annually publishes other well-known lists, including:

Rating of the most influential women

The list is divided into seven categories: billionaires, business, lifestyle (entertainment and fashion), media, non-profit organizations, politics and technology. The methodology takes into account three main factors, the weight of which varies depending on the category: money, media presence and influence on the industry.

The 2013 list included nine heads of state, including the leader, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The total GDP of the countries ruled by the ranking participants is $11.8 trillion. The 24 companies led by women on the Forbes list are approaching $900 billion in revenue.

10 participants have not left the list for all 10 years of its existence, among them TV personality Oprah Winfrey and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Rating of the most expensive cars

Forbes looked at the models that will be available in the US market next year. For one reason or another, journalists “weeded out” McLaren and Spyker, but included Porsche, which will appear only in 2013. The leading positions in this list are occupied by:

Russian edition of Forbes magazine

Russia became the fifth country in the world where Forbes began publishing its magazine. The first Russian issue of the magazine was published in April 2004. The publisher of the magazine was Axel Springer Russia, a subsidiary of the German media holding Axel Springer AG. The owner of the trademark is Forbes Inc.

The monthly Russian Forbes writes about the activities of the largest entrepreneurs, innovations in the field of business and investment, publishes lists of the wealthiest people in Russia and other ratings.

Forbes informants are top managers of large companies, politicians, newsmakers, etc.

The audience of one issue of the publication, according to the data provided on the publisher’s website, is 769,600 people. The circulation of the magazine on Russian territory, according to TNS Russia, was 140 thousand copies from September 2008 to February 2009; The basic circulation of the main magazine in 2012, according to the publisher’s own data, is 100 thousand copies.

In 2004, Paul Klebnikov was appointed editor-in-chief of the magazine.

In May of the same year, Russian Forbes published a list of the 100 richest citizens of Russia. Khlebnikov was killed on July 9, 2004, not far from the Forbes editorial office in Moscow. From August 30, 2004 to March 2011, the editor-in-chief was Maxim Kashulinsky, from May 16, 2011 - Elizaveta Osetinskaya.

In the summer of 2007, the Rodionov Publishing House tried to acquire the publication. On November 9, 2009, the website of the Russian magazine Forbes was opened.

The Russian publication Forbes looked into the pockets of officials today and found out that, for example, the normal salary for the head of a department is now 300 thousand rubles. The same amount is now paid in the White House, because government employees were outraged when they learned about the salary increase in the Kremlin, which occurred immediately after Putin returned to the presidency. “The increase in salaries for administration employees produced the effect of a bomb exploding in the government. Since the summer, nothing else has been talked about in the White House except this injustice.” These words were spoken by Forbes' anonymous interlocutor...

Sources - free encyclopedia Wikipedia - information portal - official website of Forbes magazine - Russian Forbes magazine - video hosting - photo bank - video portal

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