Management and pedagogical management of education. The concept of management and pedagogical management

The concept of “pedagogical management” has a number of meanings that characterize different aspects of management activities:

– theory of management in an educational institution

– the management system of an educational institution, associated with the need to find ways to develop it and not make strategic and operational decisions;

– management of educational activities;

– a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological techniques for managing pedagogical systems, aimed at increasing the efficiency of their functioning and development

The management process is a set of sequential actions to achieve a certain result, for example, maximum satisfaction of the educational needs of the population, in which the management cycle is divided into a number of relatively independent activities that replace each other in a strictly defined sequence.

Pedagogical analysis is a relatively separate stage of cognitive management activity, the essence of which is the creative study, systematization, generalization and evaluation of various information about socio-economic conditions, the implementation of legal educational policies, the satisfaction of social needs, and the experience of existing management practices at all levels.

Functions: Goal setting - determining the desired result in a normative form - is expressed in establishing prospects for meeting educational needs, personal development, and its adaptation to modern conditions.

Planning as a stage of management occupies a central place in the systemic management of education; it determines the main content and development of the entire system and is inextricably linked with all other stages of management. Within the framework of the adopted strategy, a program is formed, which is a set of necessary activities and actions to achieve goals. Programs may indicate procedures (methods) and standards (quantitative and qualitative measures) for the implementation of actions, as well as expected results. Based on the programs, a plan is created to achieve the goals.

Organization is a stage of management aimed at ensuring the choice of the best ways to carry out planned and creative tasks, determining a set of actions leading to the formation of relationships between parts of the whole: instruction, coordination, unification of people jointly implementing a program or goal.

Control is one of the stages of management, consisting in identifying deviations in the actual parameters of the managed system from the standards that serve as evaluation criteria (goals, legislative norms), in measuring and evaluating the results of program implementation. Due to various restrictions that always exist in the external environment or in the system itself, the set goals are rarely achieved.

Types of control - state (a special role belongs to the court, prosecutor's office, state committees, inspections) and public control (through a system of public bodies created by organizations and institutions (committees, councils) and through trade union organizations).

The encyclopedic dictionary defines “management” as a function of organized systems (biological, technical, social), which ensures the preservation of their structure, maintenance of the activity regime, implementation of its program, and goals.

In modern management theory, the following scientific approaches to the management of social systems are distinguished: cybernetic (N. Wiener), functional (A. Fayol), administrative (F. Taylor, G. Ford), human-centric (E. Mayo, A. Maslow, K. Rogers), synergetic (based on synergetics: V.I. Arshinov, E.N. Knyazeva, S.P. Kurdyumov, I. Prigozhin, etc.) based on management (M.H. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Khedouri, O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov, etc.).

According to cybernetic approach , management is considered primarily as a process of information transformation: information about the control object is perceived by the control system, processed in accordance with one or another control goal and transmitted to the control object in the form of control actions. The processing of perceived information into signals that direct activity in an object is identified with the concept control. The control circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of control from the perspective of the cybernetic approach

In other words, management from the perspective of the cybernetic approach is considered as a process of circulation and transformation of information, ensuring optimal communications and communication channels in a functioning system in order to transfer the control object to a new quality.

Controlled or goal-directed systems are called cybernetic. These include technical, biological, organizational, social, economic systems, etc. The origins of the cybernetic approach were the outstanding American mathematician and philosopher, the founder of the theory of artificial intelligence, Norbert Wiener (1894 - 1964).

Synergetic approach approaches the understanding of management differently.

From the perspective synergetics management is considered as an open system, which is based on interaction with an object, and not on influence on it. The practical aspect of the synergetic approach to management is the theory of self-organizing and self-developing systems.

Synergetics primarily studies open-type systems (which include a person, a group, and the school as a whole as a group subject), the leading principle of whose existence is self-organization, self-development, carried out on the basis of constant and active interaction of these systems with the external environment.

The main principles of the synergetic approach are uneven changes in structure and behavior, openness, the presence of feedback and nonlinearity, characterized by the fact that a weak stimulus can cause a strong reaction and vice versa.

The synergetic approach considers any educational system as an open, self-developing system. The educational system is not only controlled from the outside, but is also capable of self-development, self-renewal, and self-organization. Based on the laws of synergetics, signs of self-organization and self-development of socio-pedagogical systems are formulated:

1) self-organization can begin only in systems that have a sufficient number of interacting elements that have certain critical dimensions;

2) the fundamental principle of self-organization is the emergence and strengthening of order through fluctuations (random deviations);

3) disequilibrium in the system is the source of the emergence of a new organization (order);

4) systems are always open and exchange energy with the external environment;

5) bifurcation mechanisms operate in systems - the presence of bifurcation points for the continuation of development;

6) a high level of self-analytical and predictive activity of all participants in the educational process;

7) goals and objectives are formulated from within on the basis of deep introspection and study of connections with the external environment;

Administrative and functional approach originated in the depths of the classical (scientific) school of management at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. The founder of management science is considered to be the American engineer and researcher Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856 -1915), who published the book “Principles and Methods of Scientific Management” in 2011.

While working at the factories of a steel company, Taylor began to introduce what would later become part of his system of “scientific management”; he introduced control over the rational use of labor costs, timing, division of labor, and the dependence of wages on the amount of labor. Based on established production standards, labor was stimulated: people who produced more were better rewarded.

Taylor and his contemporaries actually recognized that management work was a specialty. Taylor identified 4 groups of management functions: choosing a goal, choosing means, preparing means and monitoring results.

French engineer and entrepreneur Henri Fayol (1841-1925) created the so-called administrative theory of management. According to his statements: “to manage means to lead an enterprise towards a specific goal, extracting the maximum from the resources available.” Initially, he identified five management functions: foresight, planning, organization, coordination and control. The functions that Fayol identified are still considered fundamental in management. He started functional approach in management, which is called so because all functions are assigned to management levels - each with its own and in different volumes.

Let's consider control with human-centric approach (non-classical school of management). This approach has been developed since the mid-20th century by representatives of the behaviorist (behavioral sciences) and human relations schools. The school of human relations, in which the American psychologist and sociologist E. Mayo (1880 - 1948) is considered the founder of the movement, emphasized the humanization of production and management. In 1927-1932, he conducted the so-called Hawthorne experiments (Hawthorne is a place near Chicago), during which he proved that socio-psychological management methods provide effective results in increasing labor productivity:

Training managers at various levels in the democratic management style;

Creating a favorable climate of communication and informal groups in management;

Taking into account the personal interests of employees in resolving issues of the organization’s development;

Ensuring favorable working conditions for personnel.

E. Mayo concluded that employees began to react more strongly to comments from colleagues than to material incentives from the administration.

Later, the American psychologist A. Maslow (1908 – 1970), with his famous “pyramid of needs,” confirmed the conclusion that workers are motivated not only by economic incentives, but also by needs that are only partially satisfied with money.

In general, the doctrine of human relations is based on the following postulates: man is a social being, therefore it is necessary to use management methods and incentives that can regulate his behavior in the group; in managing a person, it is necessary to make fuller use of his psychological, emotional characteristics and intellectual potential, since his nature is incompatible with hierarchy and formalization of relationships; solving the problems of workers is the task of managers and entrepreneurs; they must solve the problems of humanization of labor, training and education of workers.

Representatives of the school of behavioral sciences focused primarily on studying methods for establishing human relationships. Prominent representatives of the behavioral (behaviorist) direction were A. Argyrs (born 1923), R. Likert (1903 - 1981), D. McGregor (1906 - 1964), F. Herzberg (1923 - 2000), etc. They studied various aspects of social interaction, the nature of power and authority, leadership, communication in the organization. The main tenet of their research was the following: the correct application of behavioral sciences improves management effectiveness through the efficient use of human resources. The main achievements of representatives of this school are considered to be: the use of technologies for managing interpersonal relationships to increase job satisfaction; Using the sciences of human behavior in managing an organization so that the employee can use his or her full potential. In domestic science, this approach was developed by the following researchers: A.G. Zdravomyslov, S.A. Kugel, N.F. Naumova, S.F. Frolov, V.A. Yadov et al.

In general, the school of human relations and the school of behavioral sciences emphasized the importance of the human factor in improving the effectiveness of management, thereby discovering the phenomena of self-organization and self-government. According to Doctor of Sociology A.V. Tikhonov (born 1939), the mistake of non-classical concepts was to diminish the role of formal relations and shift management emphasis from production management to people management. Proponents of these concepts believed that satisfying important social and psychological needs of people would necessarily lead to increased productivity. Subsequent research by scientists showed that this is not an absolute or the only factor.

Let's consider management from the position management.

The term “management” itself comes from the Old English word “manage” (Latin manus) - hand. Literally, the word manage meant “to break horses.” Being associated with the process of riding, with “controlling” a horse, the meaning of the word has been preserved in the concept of “control”. It determined the name of the entire science of management.

The Oxford Dictionary offers a broader definition of the word “management”: administrative skills and skills of a special kind; art of management; way of dealing with people; governing body and the people who make it up.

There are different approaches to understanding management. In the book “Fundamentals of Management” by M. H. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Khedouri, management is considered in several meanings:

As “the ability to achieve goals using labor, intelligence, and the motives of other people’s behavior”;

As “management, function, type of activity for managing people in a wide variety of organizations”;

As "an area of ​​human knowledge that helps to carry out this function."

Management can be considered as a sphere of human activity and a corresponding field of knowledge, which includes as a mandatory element the management of people, social organizations or structures.

Initially, the concept of “management” in its modern meaning was applied to the business system in the United States in the mid-30s of the 20th century. The founder of the American school of management, Peter Drucker (1909 – 2005), interpreted it “as managing a business through delicate work with people.” Later, his classic definition of management appeared.

Management(according to P. Drucker) is a specific type of management activity that revolves around a person with the goal of making people capable of joint action, making their efforts effective and smoothing out their inherent weaknesses.

As can be seen from the definition of a person and his ability to motivate people to work well in the focus of this special activity. Here are the essential foundations of management and its socio-psychological, human-centric management philosophy.

The outstanding manager of the 20th century, American Lee Iacocca (b. 1924), who managed to raise the Chrysler Corporation, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, defined the essence of management in the book of his life “Manager’s Career”: “Management is nothing more than setting other people up for labor."

It is true that many domestic and foreign researchers assert that management is necessary not only in the field of business and production processes, but also in the field of complex social systems, including pedagogical ones.

The management of educational systems based on management is being developed by domestic scientists: Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Tretyakov, V.P. Simonov, Shamova T.I. and etc.

Traditionally, in pedagogy and its section “school studies,” the management of an educational institution and the pedagogical process was considered as the purposeful influence of the subject (the head of the educational institution, the teacher) on the object of management (the teaching staff, students); the influence of the control subsystem on the controlled subsystem in order to transfer the latter to a new quality; introduction of elements of scientific organization of labor.

In modern education, the paradigm of external “influence” and total control is being replaced by the paradigm of “interaction”, “cooperation”, “reflexive management”, which led to the emergence of a new approach to management and a new theory - pedagogical management (Yu. A. Konarzhevsky (1926) – 2000), T. I. Shamova (1924 – 2010), etc.). The new management approach is distinguished primarily by the fact that the activities of a manager (manager) have a humane, personal orientation, built on genuine respect, trust, and the creation of a situation of success.

Newly conceptualized ideas of management as a philosophy of human-centric management are transferred to the sphere of pedagogical management and provide the basis for the development of an independent direction - pedagogical management.

Of course, pedagogical management is a special branch of management, which has its own specifics and patterns unique to it. Specificity lies in the characteristics of the subject, product, instrument and results of the work of the head of the educational institution. The subject of work of an education manager is the activities of management subjects (heads of educational institutions, methodological departments, teachers); product of labor - information about the educational process; the instrument of labor is a persuasive word or a demanding order. The result of work for top managers (managers and their deputies) is an effectively functioning and developing educational institution, where a high level of teaching, education and organization of the educational process is ensured. For teachers as managers managing the educational process during a training session, the result of work is the level of training, good manners, and personal development of students.

The concept of “pedagogical management” has different formulations:

· theory of management in an educational institution (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, L.E. Kapto, M.M. Potashnik, etc.);

· the management system of an educational institution, associated with the need to find ways of its development and make strategic and operational decisions (B.S. Gershunsky, S.V. Lazarev, E.V. Yakovlev, etc.);

· effective management of educational activities (A.M. Moiseev);

· a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological techniques for managing pedagogical systems, aimed at increasing the efficiency of their functioning and development (N.V. Kuzmina, E. Yu. Nikitina, etc.).

Simonov V.P. defines pedagogical management as the theory, methodology and technology of effective management of the educational process, based on a set of philosophical, pedagogical, social, psychological, economic and managerial concepts, laws and patterns. According to V.P. Simonov, pedagogical management– a system for effective management of educational systems at various levels.

A comparative analysis of the interpretations of the concepts of “management” and “management” contained in various sources reveals very contradictory, sometimes mutually exclusive approaches to determining the relationship of these concepts in modern social sciences.

These terms have a fairly broad interpretation, as a result of which any definition will be incomplete (see Table 3).

In general, it is a set of general approaches, processes, methods that ensure effective management of a specific system, regardless of the nature and type of management situation to achieve the goals and objectives.

Control Management
§ managing people; § decision-making process;

§ coordination of activities to achieve set goals in a humane, rational and economic way;

§ activities aimed at developing decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management;

§ a system for collecting, storing and processing information in order to transfer the managed subsystem to a new quality (cybernetic approach)

· an approach to management that ensures the efficiency of production, business, and high results in the social sphere;

· human-centric management philosophy;

· the process of interaction between people; · the art of people management, which consists in the most skillful and effective solution of management problems;· management theory;

· control system; · academic discipline; · scientific discipline;

Table 3. Different approaches to understanding “management” and “management”

Management of educational institutions is a type of social management and is essentially humanitarian, since the main content of the activities of all its subjects is the management of people.

According to N.M. Borytko, in the most general form, management in education can be considered as a special kind of activity that ensures the functioning and development of an educational institution, the implementation of its concept and program.

The word “efficiency” is often used in definitions of management. How should it be understood in relation to management activities?

Academician of RAO M.M. Potashnik in his works highlighted this concept in this way. Management in any field of activity is effective

, if it satisfies a number of requirements:

1) compliance of the control mechanism with the complexity of the object and the capabilities of the subject;

2) availability of reserves: time, options for management decisions;

3) availability of good feedback;

4) selection of diagnostic criteria for achieving results;

1.1.3. 5) taking into account the human factor.

Many researchers (N.P. Kapustin, M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova, etc.) consider the systems approach as a methodological basis for managing an educational institution. And this is especially convincing with modern approaches to analysis, assessment, and forecasting of the development of social systems. The need for a systematic approach is dictated by life itself, the high integration and dynamism of social processes, where, more than ever, “everything is connected to everything,” when “the solution to one problem depends on the solution to many others, when the problems themselves acquire a systemic, complex character” (V.G. Afanasyev).

Systematic approach to management requires considering processes, phenomena, organizations, institutions as an integral system. To consider socio-pedagogical systems, it is necessary to consider the following components in interconnection and interdependence. See Figure 2.

Figure 2. Scheme for considering socio-pedagogical systems from the perspective of a systems approach

An educational institution within the framework of this approach is considered as a set of interrelated elements (divisions, functions, processes, methods, strategies, resources). The main idea of ​​systems theory is that any decision (action) has consequences for the entire system. A systematic approach to management allows you to avoid a situation where a decision made in one area turns into a problem for another. So, for example, a decision to close a rural school justified only by economic benefits for the municipal budget can lead to social problems: migration of the rural population, a decrease in birth rates, impoverishment of cultural life in the countryside, etc.

A systemic vision of pedagogical reality by the manager and teachers is the key to prompt and high-quality problem solving, wise selection of innovations and technologies, identification of reference points and development strategies, effective use and attraction of resources (financial, personnel, technical).

In practice, systematic and integrated approaches are often equated. There are similarities here, but certain clarifications are still introduced into the understanding of the “complex”. A complex can be considered as a type of system, but it differs both in the way it arises and in the heterogeneity of its initial components.

1. A comprehensive analysis of the results of the educational institution in connection with the predicted goals and selected means (Goal - Means - Result).

2. Identification of system-forming factors of the system that increase its integrity and stability of functioning.

3. Determination of the components and mechanisms of the internal and external environment of the educational institution and justification of the role of society in solving the problems of education and training.

4. Identification of the most optimal organizational structure for managing an educational institution and mechanisms for achieving the goals of the educational institution (regulatory, legal, economic, public and professional self-government, etc.)

5. Justification of the interconnectedness in the work of state and public governing bodies of educational institutions (governing council, board of trustees, pedagogical council, parent committee, student government bodies, public organizations).

6. Positioning of the educational institution in the media, local authorities, ratings of educational authorities and customers of educational services.

Questions and tasks for self-control:

1. What is meant by “system”? What types of systems do you know? Give examples.

2. What is the purpose of socio-pedagogical systems?

3. Describe the components of the educational process as a system.

4. What kind of system (open or closed) is the educational institution? Prove it.

5. What is system integrity? Prove that the training session is a holistic system.

6. Characterize the objects, attributes and relationships of the activity system. How do they differ from summative systems?

7. How to apply a systematic approach to the management of an educational institution?

8. Highlight all components of the education system in the Russian Federation. Prove that such a system is complete?

10. How do the concepts of “management” and “management” relate? Show this graphically.

11. What is the difference between classical and non-classical schools of management?

12. What are the features of pedagogical management?

13. Describe approaches to management.

14. What does it mean to manage an educational institution from the perspective of synergetic and systemic approaches?

1. The concept of pedagogical management

2. Principles of pedagogical management

3. Functions of pedagogical management

1. The concept of “pedagogical management”

The English word “management” has three semantic aspects:

    a set of persons engaged in managerial work in the field of private and public business;

    a social and economic institution that influences business activity, lifestyle and the sphere of politics of modern society;

    a scientific discipline that studies technical, organizational, social aspects of production management and other areas of public life.

In management theory, a special place is occupied by pedagogical management, which includes, at first glance, polar groups - teaching and learning.

Although management originated in the business world, today there is a widespread belief in the West that management- this is not only the management of a company, corporation, etc. - many of its postulates and theoretical positions are suitable for management activities in any field, including education.

All in all, management - This social organization management. In many contexts, the concept " social management" And " management" are almost identical.

Management– this is management based on a person-centric approach, which does not involve direct influence, but the creation of conditions for comfortable cooperation between a manager and a subordinate in effectively achieving the goals of joint activities.

Manager-Manager in his activities he relies on his own respect for people and the respect of people for himself, builds his relationships with people in his work activity on the basis of trust and, focusing on success, creates conditions for everyone to achieve it.

In modern scientific literature management is revealed as:

The process of setting and achieving goals through the mobilization of people’s labor, their intelligence, motives of behavior, as well as financial and technical resources;

Business management through filigree work with people;

A special type of management activity that revolves around a person;

A manager’s ability to achieve set goals using labor, intelligence and motives of behavior of subordinates;

Function, type of activity for managing people in a wide variety of organizations;

An area of ​​human knowledge that helps to effectively carry out management functions.

From the above definitions we can conclude that in science management is also considered in the sense of “ type of activity", and in the meaning " fields of knowledge».

The most suitable and complete definition of management, which can be used in the non-profit sphere (for example, in education), was given by the famous American management theorist P. Drucker, who believed that modern management is a specific type of management activity revolving around a person, with the goal of making people capable of joint action, to make their efforts effective and to smooth out their inherent weaknesses, for human ability to make a contribution to society depends as much on the effectiveness of the management of the enterprise as on the own efforts and performance of people. Based on this, P. Drucker defines the tasks of management:

1) Rally people around the common goals of the enterprise, otherwise you will never create a team from the crowd).

2) Develop the needs of each employee of the enterprise and, if possible, satisfy them.

3) Do not stop the development of people for a minute.

4) Since the skills and professional training of people working in an enterprise are different, and employees perform various types of work, their production activities should be based on communication between employees and on their individual responsibility.

5) A company cannot be judged by its output and basic production lines alone. In this respect, an enterprise is similar to a person: just as it requires a variety of tools to assess its health and performance, the same different tools are required to assess the functioning of the enterprise.

Pedagogical management as an applied science arose on the basis of two disciplines - pedagogy and management. Term "pedagogy" originated in Ancient Greece. Translated into Russian, it means childbearing. Teachers were the teachers who raised the children of aristocrats. Pedagogy is a science that studies the essence, patterns, principles, methods and forms of organizing the pedagogical process as a factor and means of human development throughout his life.

The subject of pedagogy as a science is the pedagogical process, i.e. the process of teaching and upbringing a person as a special function of society, implemented in the conditions of certain pedagogical systems. The pedagogical process is a specially organized interaction between teachers and students in order to convey to them the social experience necessary for life and work in society. Pedagogy as a humanities science is a body of knowledge that underlies the description, analysis, forecasting, design and organization of the pedagogical process, as well as the search for effective pedagogical systems for the development, education and preparation of a person for life in society.

Management is understood as a scientific and practical direction aimed at ensuring the effective functioning (functioning) of organizations in market conditions of economic relations.

In modern scientific literature management is considered as:

The process of setting and achieving goals through the mobilization of people’s labor, their intelligence, motives of behavior, as well as financial and technical resources;

Business management through the effective organization of work of members of the enterprise;

A special type of human-oriented management activity;

A manager’s ability to achieve set goals using labor, intelligence and motives of behavior of subordinates;

Function, type of activity for managing people in a variety of organizations;

An area of ​​knowledge that helps to effectively carry out management functions.

Thus, in science, management is considered both in the sense of “type of activity” and in the sense of “field of knowledge”. In world practice, management acts as a science, art and activity for the mobilization of intellectual, material and financial resources for the purpose of effective and efficient functioning of the organization. It combines, as it were, two directions: commercial-economic, or organizational-technical, and psychological-pedagogical, associated with managing people, organizing a team to achieve the final goal. The manager is the organizer of the professional activities of the organization's employees.

The subject of management is management processes in organizations. Control – a function of organized systems of various natures (biological, social, technical), ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the mode of activity, implementation of their programs and goals. Social management is a purposeful influence on any social system for its ordering, preservation, improvement and development. Management is one of the most important functions of any organized system, without which this system cannot exist - it will inevitably perish. Social management includes the processes of collecting and analyzing data on the functioning, organization and activities of the team, developing and implementing decisions, processes of monitoring the implementation of decisions made and assessing the results and motivation of the work of the organization's employees. All these processes are based on the knowledge and practical experience of managers and are implemented with the help of thinking, memory, perception, attention, communication, speech, volitional efforts, etc. In other words, management is a mental process of interaction between a manager and subordinates in the preparation and implementation of organizational decisions. The ultimate goal of management is to optimize the functioning of the system, obtaining the greatest possible beneficial effect with the least effort and cost.

Main stages of the management process: collection and processing of information; its analysis, diagnosis of the state of the control object, forecast of its further change (development); goal setting; developing a solution aimed at achieving the goal; consistent specification of the general solution in the form of planning, design, programming; development of specific (private) management decisions; organizing activities to implement decisions; control over these activities; collection and processing of information on performance results (then the cycle is repeated).

Pedagogical management – a set of principles, methods and organizational forms of managing the education system and educational and cognitive process aimed at increasing their effectiveness. The subject of pedagogical management is the processes, phenomena and problems associated with the characteristics of the management activities of managers and teachers in educational institutions. The most complete definition of management that can be used in education was given by the famous American management theorist P. Drucker (119). He believed that modern management is a specific type of human-oriented management activity, with the goal of making people capable of joint action, making their efforts effective and smoothing out their inherent weaknesses, because human ability to contribute to society is equally dependent on the effectiveness of enterprise management , as well as from people’s own efforts and dedication. Based on this, P. Drucker defines the tasks of management:

Rally people around the common goals of the enterprise to create a team;

Develop the needs of each employee of the enterprise and, if possible, satisfy them;

Do not stop the development of people for a minute;

Build production activities based on communication between employees and on their individual responsibility, since the skills and professional training of people working at the enterprise are different, and employees perform a variety of types of work;

Develop comprehensive methods and means for assessing the efficiency of the enterprise.

The Russian education system is an area in which various innovative concepts are actively being introduced. Among these is pedagogical management. This phenomenon may seem to be compatible primarily with business or politics. However, it can also be introduced into teaching practice. How? What are the most notable characteristics of this concept?

The concept of pedagogical management

What is pedagogical management in education? This term obviously denotes certain processes related to management. Traditionally, management is understood as activity carried out in business or, for example, in politics. But recently, management in education has begun to gain popularity in Russia.

The management process presupposes the presence of a subject and an object. This characteristic is also relevant for such a phenomenon as management in education. The subject of management in this case will be the employees of the institution in which the educational programs are implemented. The object is the educational organization itself, as well as the processes taking place in it. The task of management of the corresponding type is to improve the educational process, increase its efficiency, optimize, in terms of labor and financial costs, the activities of an educational institution in correlation with the required results.

National specifics

Management in education can be characterized by national specifics. For example, in US educational institutions it is associated with the vesting of school teachers with a significant amount of authority, allowing them to plan and optimize the learning process. In Russia, in turn, employees of educational organizations - if we talk about state and municipal institutions - are generally obliged to adhere to programs approved at the regional or even federal level. As a result, Russian management in education becomes the prerogative of predominantly private educational institutions. Although, of course, in some aspects of organizing the educational process in public schools, it can also be used - for example, in terms of extracurricular activities or, as an option, optimizing budget expenses.

System-forming factors of pedagogical management

Modern researchers believe that pedagogical management in education is characterized by a number of factors that influence the mechanisms of its implementation. Among them:

Specificity of system-forming elements of management as an independent environment of social activity;

Management objectives;

Methods used by management subjects;

The challenges facing a manager in the education system;

Key principles on which the teacher relies when building appropriate management communications;

Functions characterizing pedagogical management;

Criteria for the quality of management activity.

Some researchers believe that it is also permissible to include among the factors of pedagogical management the results of the activities of school employees aimed at implementing relevant management activities. Let us now examine the identified factors characterizing management in the field of education in more detail.

System-forming elements

The status of system-forming elements in pedagogical management, of course, will be its subjects and objects. The first will include employees of educational organizations in various positions. These could be school principals, their deputies, and teachers. The objects of activity within the framework of pedagogical management are, in turn, students. In some cases, subordination may be observed within these categories, as a result of which subjects may temporarily acquire the status of objects - for example, if we are talking about the relationship between the director and school employees subordinate to him.

The next system-forming element that includes management in education is the educational process and communications directly related to it, characteristic of the school - for example, teacher councils. All subjects and objects of pedagogical management, one way or another, take part in relevant events. The educational process is the most important system-forming element that consolidates the interests and priorities of individuals who are involved in social communications within the framework of the implementation of educational programs.

Management Goals

The next factor we noted is management goals. What may determine the introduction of pedagogical management mechanisms in a particular educational institution? Much depends on the specific level of training programs. Thus, management in vocational education, implemented in universities and colleges, can be aimed at increasing the efficiency of students’ mastery of various applied skills. If we are talking about the educational process in a secondary school, then the introduction of appropriate management practices may be due to the need for more efficient spending of budget funds - for example, in terms of purchasing materials, distributing working hours.

The purpose of using certain management approaches may be determined by the need to introduce any innovations in the education system. This initiative is most often accompanied by some expected positive results. Most often, the use of innovative methods of pedagogical management is associated with solving a particular problem that is characteristic of the education system as a whole, a specific curriculum, or reflects the specifics of an individual educational institution.

It is quite possible that the goals of introducing pedagogical management concepts will be localized, that is, aimed at achieving results within a specific lesson, a series of lessons, or a curriculum in a particular subject. For example, if a school teacher is tasked with preparing children for an annual test, he or she can plan the content of the preceding lessons accordingly so that students gradually learn the necessary skills to solve problems that are likely to appear on the test.

The purpose of introducing pedagogical management methods may be the implementation of educational programs. For example, those related to preparing high school children for service in the armed forces. Methods of pedagogical management in this case can be aimed at optimizing the schedule of relevant classes relative to the main ones provided for by the school curriculum, or drawing up a schedule of necessary extracurricular activities, for example, drill training in army units.


Another significant factor in pedagogical management is the methods used by its subjects. There are many approaches to their classification. Among the most common:

Economic (involving optimization of budget expenditures in correlation with educational programs);

Administrative and administrative (through these, subjects of pedagogical management can give orders to objects);

Social-psychological (imply the use of effective communication algorithms between subjects and objects).

As a rule, the noted methods are used in various combinations or all at the same time.


The next system-forming element is the tasks of a manager in education. Most often they are presented in the following list:

Create the tools necessary to achieve goals;

Prepare the necessary personnel;

Obtain the necessary resources for use - financial, organizational;

Implement selected management concepts in practice;

Analyze work efficiency.

Of course, the specified range of tasks can be expanded, supplemented, and specified.

Principles of pedagogical management

The fundamentals of management in education include algorithms on the basis of which the principles of relevant management activities are formed. In many ways, they are subjective in nature, that is, each participant in the educational process can determine them based on personal priorities. But we can also identify general principles that are widespread and practiced in Russian pedagogical management. Let's study them in more detail.


Firstly, this is the principle of rationalism. The actions of a manager in the education system should be aimed, first of all, at improvements that can be observed in the form of specific indicators - for example, in terms of real budget savings due to more efficient organization of the educational process. The teacher must formulate educational programs based on specific indicators and identify those that need to be improved as a priority.

Social orientation

Secondly, this is the principle of social orientation. It doesn’t matter whether management is implemented in preschool education, at the level of secondary educational institutions or in universities - the activity of the teacher should be aimed at achieving socially significant goals. Those that are important both for local societies, such as a particular class, group, course, and for society as a whole.


Thirdly, this is the principle of stability. In the course of introducing the concepts of pedagogical management, those methods should be selected that are capable of providing sustainable results when used repeatedly under the same conditions. Of course, if we are talking about some completely new approaches that have not been tested by anyone before, then some kind of experiment is possible, but it should not violate the functionality of social communications that had been established by that time and the structure of existing educational programs.

Consistent approach to innovation

In this sense, innovative management in education should not be revolutionary. If we are talking about, say, the introduction of distance learning methods, then their one-time use in all school curricula may not be the most rational step. It should be adapted only to those disciplines for which the corresponding communication mechanism is best suited - for example, this may concern computer science classes.


The next most important element of pedagogical management is functions. Modern researchers identify several of them.

First of all, this is a planning function. It is important in terms of consistently solving the goals and objectives set by the leadership of a school or other educational institution. For example, if the goal of introducing relevant management concepts is professional retraining, management in education can be used as a tool for drawing up an algorithm for its implementation, adapted to current curricula. That is, teachers working at school can attend the necessary retraining classes, while someone can always replace them at their main workplace.

The motivating function of pedagogical management is extremely important. It consists in creating an increased interest in learning among students. In practice, this can be expressed, for example, in the introduction of innovative concepts. Among those that require the use of a wide range of tools that management in education contains is distance learning. As we noted above, the appropriate format for implementing curriculum should be introduced into school practice gradually, so that the effectiveness of its application is sustainable. Pedagogical management in distance learning can also be useful for the purpose of adapting students to innovations in the educational process from the point of view of their discipline. The considered format for completing educational programs may involve students not being in the classroom, but at home or, for example, on the territory of another educational institution, as a result of which children’s perception of the educational process may be somewhat different than in the case when they master the material in the classroom.

Another significant function of pedagogical management is control. Its essence is in the subject’s implementation of control and monitoring of the activity of objects, both in the process of implementing certain decisions, and in order to verify their implementation upon the fact of the corresponding modernization of the educational process.

Management quality criteria

The next element of pedagogical management is the quality criteria for relevant activities. The researchers provide the following list of them:

Practical effectiveness, traceable through specific figures (budget savings, improvement in grade point average);

The level of positive social perception of the concepts being introduced (among the subjects and objects of pedagogical management);

The presence of indirect indicators of improving the quality of the educational process (for example, a larger percentage of school graduates who entered prestigious universities).

As we noted above, among the possible tasks in solving which management in education can be involved is the retraining of specialists. In this case, the criterion for the effectiveness of the corresponding concepts may be the growth of interest in teachers working at the school from other educational institutions in the city.

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