Assessment of the performance of the organization's personnel. Methods and purposes of personnel assessment: how to turn employees from a tool into the brain center of the company. An assessment of the effectiveness of which personnel actions can be carried out by a secret patient.

The level of professionalism of the employees of any company, their attitude towards work and clients play a significant role in the success of the enterprise's development. Quality of service is one of the most important points that a client pays attention to when choosing a beauty salon. Competent managers have determined the company's development strategy in advance and regularly evaluate the performance of staff to identify and prevent possible shortcomings. It is important to know and understand the evaluation criteria and technologies for their application, anticipate possible results and organize activities aimed at improving them.


You will learn:

  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of new employees.
  • What criteria are used to evaluate the performance of staff?
  • What are KPI indicators of personnel efficiency?
  • What methods exist for assessing personnel effectiveness.
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel costs.

How is staff performance assessed when recruiting new employees?

Any enterprise can be imagined as a large mosaic, where each piece is an employee. It is quite difficult for a newcomer to join a new team, accepting all its rules, observing corporate ethics and at the same time adhering to personal principles. A competent leader and successful manager will always help a new employee become part of the team, thereby striving to increase the productivity of the staff.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of beauty salon staff using special tools - a system of reviews from clients and reports on their return. You will get a clear picture of the performance of each employee. All this can be done in the convenient Arnica program.

Assess employee performance in the Arnica program

The entire process of assessing the performance of staff, including newly arrived employees, is easier to consider in terms of KPI indicators. Using this methodology, the manager will be able to easily calculate the contribution of each employee to the common cause and determine the methodology for stimulating staff to achieve a certain result. It is optimal to apply KPI indicators to those employees who bring income to the company. If we take beauty salons, then all the staff, including foremen and administrative workers, belong to this group of employees, so calculating the necessary steps to obtain maximum results will be much easier than in a team consisting of different groups of employees.

Let's consider a KPI performance assessment using the example of a newcomer who came to the salon as an administrator.

The professional and psychological immaturity of a new employee complicates his painless entry into the team. He needs time to understand corporate ethics, the nuances of salon work, and relationships in the team in order to feel like a full part of it.

The responsibility matrix of a beauty studio administrator is as follows:


Results in KPI indicators

The method of action to achieve them (solve them)

Satisfied client

1. Degree of customer satisfaction or level of service offered

1. Identifying customer needs, addressing them correctly and mastering the situation

2. Preventing any negative situations related to clients

Salon profit

2. Achieving the revenue plan.

3. Effectiveness of outgoing and incoming calls

3. Carrying out cash transactions, compliance with the rules of settlements with clients

4. Informing regular customers by phone about the introduction of new services, accepting incoming calls, consulting

Cleanliness and comfortable environment in the salon

4. Degree of order and cleanliness

5. Monitoring the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the salon, assessing the quality of cleaning

Carrying out instructions from the manager

5. Assessing the implementation of instructions

6. Quantity and quality of completed tasks

6. Conscientious fulfillment of instructions from the manager

The most common mistake made by management is to instruct new employees to comply with quantitative KPIs. In this case it is revenue. It should be understood that the new administrator does not have the ability to guarantee and control the stability of the beauty salon’s income. It is too early to assign such powers to him. Beginners are advised to give clear instructions, specific tasks, the quality of which can be easily assessed. This could be checking the level of cleanliness, service, etc. The KPI matrix indicators for these parameters should reach 80%.

Expert opinion

Assessing the effectiveness of a new employee using this assignment as an example

Irina Sufiyarova,

director and trainer-consultant of the CG "SELF-MOST"

In order to increase financial KPI indicators and revenue, the head of a beauty salon introduces a new product to the range of services - a beauty lunch. The administrator is responsible for notifying nearby offices about the appearance of this new product, telling about its convenience and uniqueness. The best way to quickly achieve your goal is through phone calls. But how will the manager understand that the administrator did an excellent job with the assignment or did not complete it at all? In this case, we recommend asking the administrator to monitor the work performed, which will give an understanding of the number of calls made over a certain period of time, as well as their effectiveness - how many people were interested in the service and how many used it.

Having received an assignment, the new employee carries it out and reports the results to the manager, who evaluates the effectiveness of achieving the goal. After time has passed, having realized that the employee can be trusted to independently choose the best method of execution, the manager only gives instructions, knowing that the employee will successfully cope with them. This increases the quantitative indicators of the responsibility matrix.

When the indicator reaches 80% or more, the employee reaches maturity status and can be assigned new, more serious tasks, the plan for achieving which he will develop independently. Upon completion of the task, you must receive a report on the result. The responsibility matrix of a long-term employee mainly consists of quantitative KPI indicators.

With the right approach to bringing the employee up to speed, the manager, having invested time and effort, gets the opportunity to completely assign responsibilities to the employee, freeing up time for long-term planning.

Useful file

What criteria exist for assessing the effectiveness of personnel performance?

Regular assessment of staff performance helps to see the real situation in the company, namely, how productive the staff is and whether the actual results coincide with the required ones. Assessing the effectiveness of personnel activities reveals the individual problems of individual employees, as well as general shortcomings characteristic of all employees.

The criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of personnel activities are determined by the standards. Special standards have been created for individual positions.

All criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of personnel activities can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Specific. This group includes all the characteristics of a person, his personal qualities, health, etc.
  2. Business. This group includes such human qualities as responsibility, initiative, organization, etc.
  3. Professional. This group includes the skills and abilities of employees, their professional qualities.
  4. Psychological. This group covers the moral stability of staff, honesty, and the ability to make real assessments.

The criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of personnel activities should be:

  • achievable;
  • justified and objective;
  • are specific and understandable;
  • dynamic;
  • focused on achieving the overall goal of the company;
  • similar to the main characteristics of work ethics and work results;
  • commensurate with the work being performed;
  • stimulants for employees.

A personnel performance assessment system is developed by the head of the beauty salon or an employee whose job responsibilities include this item. When developing criteria, the most productive cooperation will be between the manager and the owner of the salon (if they are different people). It is the owner who is globally involved in developing the company’s development strategy. This combined approach to the selection of criteria has a number of advantages:

  • the selected parameters are clear to everyone: both management and employees;
  • the specifics of each specific job are taken into account;
  • working conditions are taken into account;
  • parameters that take into account the opinions of employees increase staff loyalty.

Discussing with employees the assessment according to the planned criteria is an extremely important step in strengthening management’s positions, uniting the team and maintaining corporate spirit. Any employee of a beauty salon should understand everything related to the requirements and criteria of the salon. The importance of determining employee performance criteria should be emphasized, considering each individual indicator as a tool for increasing the profitability of a beauty salon.

5 simple steps to determine criteria for assessing staff performance

Step 1. Divide the employee positions for which performance criteria are being created into groups. For example, a generalist, a manicurist and pedicurist, a hairdresser, a stylist, etc.

Step 2. Determine the most important aspects of the activity for each group. It is necessary to take into account the volume of work performed, its quality, professional knowledge and skills, discipline, loyalty, correctness in communication, the presence of creative abilities, management skills, the ability to listen, prevent the development of conflicts, find a way out of difficult situations, etc.

Step 3. Evaluate the criteria on the following aspects:

  • how important the selected parameters are;
  • Do you have enough information to fully evaluate employees’ work according to the selected criteria?

The manager must understand that the quality of assessment does not depend on the number of criteria, but on their accuracy. Evaluating a large number of factors will significantly delay the analysis, blurring its results. This situation can be avoided by determining the importance of each criterion. Compiling a table like this will help with this.


High importance

Average importance

Low importance

Maintaining discipline

Loyalty level

Level of quality of work performed

Scope of work performed

Level of professionalism

Management skills


Ability to set priorities correctly

Listening skills

Having correctly filled out the table, you need to analyze the data obtained and draw conclusions. For example, criteria classified as low importance (management skills) do not need to be included in the list of criteria. From the table it is immediately clear that the important criteria for work are discipline, loyalty, the ability to listen and maintain a conversation, as well as the volume and quality of work performed.

Step 4. Each criterion must be described. Make a short and detailed description of it in accordance with the points that you plan to assign to employees. Creating a table will also help here:


Brief description of the criterion

3 points (meets requirements)

2 points (does not always correspond

1 point (does not meet requirements)

Maintaining discipline

The employee is not distracted by extraneous matters during working hours and does not allow absences or tardiness.

No comments on lateness, absent only for good reasons

Rarely, but late. Sometimes absent from work without warning to superiors

Frequent lateness, absence without notice

Loyalty level

Respect for the company as a whole

The employee likes his place of work and the staff of the beauty salon

Not sure if he's part of the team. Does not allow public negative statements, but sometimes speaks negatively about the salon and colleagues

The employee does not like the place of work, nor the team, nor the manager of the beauty salon

Work quality level

The work was completed without errors, in accordance with standards, carefully and accurately

The work was completed according to the requirements, with minor deviations, which are corrected by the employee independently

The work was generally completed with high quality, with minor errors, the work has to be double-checked

The work was done disgustingly, many mistakes were made that need to be corrected

Scope of work

The work has been completed in full

The work is completed quickly, in full, the plan is fulfilled or exceeded

Work is slow, plan is not always followed

The work is extremely slow, the plan is not being followed

Level of professionalism

The level of professional knowledge corresponds to the position held

The employee understands his responsibilities very well. Has the necessary knowledge, practically does not need explanations

Average level of professional knowledge, employee needs clarification

There is no necessary knowledge to perform job duties, poor understanding of them

Control of emotional state

Level of ability to restrain emotions in a stressful situation

The employee copes well with stressful situations, perceiving clients positively

An even attitude towards all work aspects, restrained behavior in stressful situations

Unfriendly attitude towards everything related to work

Finding a solution quickly in a difficult situation

Ability to make the right decision and find a solution under any circumstances

The employee easily copes with complex problems, independently finding the right way out

The employee has difficulty making decisions, which are not always correct, and needs advice

Inability to make an independent decision and get out of a situation without making it worse

Listening skills

Ability to listen and correctly perceive data and information

The employee is able to listen carefully and ask clarifying questions.

The employee is able to listen and understand information

The employee is completely unable to listen and conduct a dialogue

Correctness of communication, level of sociability

Ability to express ideas clearly and clearly

The employee clearly expresses his opinion, giving compelling reasons

The employee expresses his opinion without valid justification

The employee expresses his opinion illiterately, taking offense at clarifying questions or amendments

Step 5. Indicators for assessing personnel effectiveness must be grouped and analyzed, determining the importance of each factor. Based on the two tables, you need to divide the criteria into main and additional groups. Let's look at our example:

  • The level of professionalism, quality and volume of work performed can be classified as the main job responsibilities.
  • The level of loyalty and adherence to discipline show a real attitude towards work.
  • Control of the emotional state, the ability to listen, and correct communication show the employee’s level of communication skills.

In developing a personnel performance assessment program, it is necessary to act in accordance with:

  • with a strategic plan;
  • with the general purpose of the company;
  • with job descriptions;
  • with specifically defined business processes;
  • with standards and regulations.

KPI indicators for assessing personnel performance

KPIs are key performance indicators established by management in accordance with the characteristics of the enterprise. These indicators are a guideline for the optimal work of the entire team, uniting it in the successful achievement of the goal.

The owner of any company, including a beauty salon, is extremely interested in profit growth and development of his business. These indicators are also considered as a personal indicator of the manager’s performance. This indicator can be improved by attracting more customers and stimulating them to purchase several services. Such goals are quite achievable with a high level of service and quality of services provided, which largely depends on the employees of the beauty salon. Here we are talking about assessing the performance of staff.

Reflecting work performance, performance criteria enable an individual approach to payroll. A master with high performance ratings should earn more. The use of such motivators will be an excellent incentive for other employees and will instill in them a desire to improve the quality of their work.

The work of assessing labor efficiency is directly related to the communication of the manager with his subordinates. Implementing continuous compliance monitoring forces employees to look differently at their usual activities, forces them to set goals, plan, etc.

What to do if staff rebel against a new performance appraisal system? Use the reminder.

Positive dynamics of growth in efficiency indicators indicates the prosperity of the company; its decrease or complete absence indicates a gradual decrease in the financial indicator, and therefore the profitability of the enterprise as a whole.

1. KPI matrix.

Let's take the position of an administrator and consider the KPI matrix. The parameters correspond to the job responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator. Among them:

  • achieving the planned sales volume;
  • making the planned number of outgoing calls;
  • Conducting customer consultations and receiving incoming calls;
  • administration of the beauty salon;
  • carrying out management tasks.

By combining all the indicators together, the KPI matrix helps to calculate the administrator’s salary, depending on the degree to which the actual facts correspond to the planned data.

2. Risks when implementing KPIs.

When introducing KPI assessment, the manager of a beauty salon should not forget about possible risks. Negative consequences are guaranteed if assessments are introduced carelessly or gross mistakes are made when working with personnel. The main reasons for the occurrence of risk situations include:

  • the reluctance of the beauty salon owner to participate in this project;
  • the use of indicators that do not correspond to statistical data to issue incentives;
  • failure to enter data into a unified system due to the absence of a responsible person;
  • lack of training, poor time management;
  • no test period.

Expert opinion

On the implementation of KPI indicators for assessing personnel performance

Irina Sufiyarova,

Head of the consulting group "SELF-MOST", works as a trainer-consultant

Failure to follow the rules and rash actions at the beginning of KPI implementation can lead to negative consequences, which will affect the team, profit and development of the beauty salon. The consequences may be unpredictable. Let's list the most common ones:

  • staff rejection of the KPI system and criteria for assessing staff performance;
  • staff rejection of the proposed system;
  • attempts by staff to “blackmail” management with dismissal;
  • overexpenditure of the wage fund or its unreasonable reduction;
  • a waste of time and money;
  • deterioration of the atmosphere in the team.

Following the simplest principles will help avoid negative consequences:

1. The principle of hierarchy.

From the very beginning, pay attention to creating targets so that you can then distribute them across all positions, from management to maintenance personnel.

2. The principle of effectiveness.

Make sure that the salary level always depends on the completeness of team and individual tasks.

3. The principle of responsibility.

Instill in employees that each of them contributes and influences the achievement of the team goal.

4. The principle of openness.

Try to convey to each employee the meaning and principle of evaluation for each planned and actual indicator. An employee must understand what his salary depends on and by what criteria his work is evaluated.

5. The principle of honesty.

Do not allow performance criteria or planned indicators to change over the past period.

6. The principle of involvement.

Involve each employee in the development and implementation of KPI criteria, encourage them to train and pass test stages.

What methods exist for assessing personnel performance?

Initially, it is necessary to determine by what parameters management will evaluate the performance of employees. The criteria must be quantitative and qualitative in nature. Quantitative indicators reflect the level of sales volume, the number of newly arrived clients, etc. Qualitative indicators will assess the ability to maintain a conversation, competently and correctly offer services, etc.

The next step is to write down a rating scale for each criterion. This division will give a more accurate assessment of the situation, applying an individual approach to each member of the team. Otherwise, management will be forced to evaluate everyone equally, regardless of whether employees meet or exceed established standards. This will negatively affect the results of the personnel performance audit.

Having chosen any criterion, you should clearly define the quantitative value corresponding to each assessment - excellent, good, satisfactory. In this case, the rating “excellent” will be given to employees who have fully fulfilled or exceeded the plan and demonstrated a high speed of work, “good” will correspond to a fully implemented plan, but a low speed of work, and “satisfactory” will correspond to a plan that has not been fully implemented with a low speed of work. The situation is the same with quality parameters. “Excellent” - high-quality work and complete absence of errors. “Good” - high-quality work with minor flaws. “Satisfactory” - poor-quality work with a large number of errors.

Having decided on the criteria and their quantitative and qualitative values, it is necessary to choose the optimal assessment method. For a more competent approach to this issue, you should clearly understand the purpose of the study:

  • evaluate the professionalism of employees, their skills and knowledge;
  • evaluate the level of service, quality and correctness of service;
  • increase sales of certain products or brands;
  • compare data with a competing salon;
  • eliminate possible fraud with money.

The following methods are used to evaluate personnel performance:

  1. Conducting a customer survey.

The simplest method based on obtaining the client’s opinion through a survey. Prepare questionnaires with various questions covering the entire activity of the beauty salon, including quality of service, interior, cosmetic lines used, etc. After analyzing the received questionnaires, try to immediately correct the shortcomings of the salon indicated in them. This will increase customer loyalty and help grow your business.

2.Comparing employees with each other according to some criterion.

A fairly simple method based on comparing the results obtained from employees performing the same type of work. For example, the number of clients served, sales plan, etc. Analysis of indicators can become the basis for bonuses for especially effective employees.

  1. Employee testing.

Any professional working in a beauty salon must know the cosmetics with which he works, its characteristics, all the services that the salon provides, and the rules of working with visitors. Based on successful completion of professional testing, an employee may be promoted to his position. However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough for high-quality work, so this method is best used in conjunction with another.

  1. Another evaluation method- observation.

In this case, the employee’s performance is assessed by the manager, observing his work for quite a long time. The method is well suited for determining the nature of an employee’s work and the structure of the operations he performs. You should not tell the employee about the test being carried out, otherwise the results may turn out to be unreliable.

5. Role-playing games, typing and cases.

A method aimed at large clinics and beauty salons. It is based on artificial modeling of the situation and subsequent diagnosis of employee behavior. Requires financial and time investments for preliminary preparation.

6."Mystery shopper".

The method can be used either independently or in combination with others. A pre-hired person appears at your beauty salon as a regular visitor.

This method allows you to collect as much information as possible about the work of the salon, including the level of professionalism of the master, service, the condition of the hall, the attractiveness of the windows, the speed of service, as well as track the correction of detected shortcomings and the presence of positive dynamics. It is acceptable to conduct research on your own, but it is preferable to seek professional help from a third-party organization, marketing or consulting company. If you nevertheless decide to conduct your own research using this method, then do not forget to make sure that the buyer is really a secret buyer, and not an employee of a neighboring salon, a relative of the administrator, etc.

How does the “mystery patient” method of assessing staff performance work?

Western businessmen have been successfully using the unusual “mystery patient” marketing service for half a century, calling dummy clients “mystery shoppers”, “mystery visitors”, etc. This service came to the Russian market relatively recently, only since the beginning of the century and is not so in demand like in the West. If the secret shopper is also mastered, then the secret patient remains unnecessary. However, this method shows the real situation of service in clinics, beauty salons, etc. as objectively as possible.

Expert opinion

4 conditions under which a “secret patient” will work for you

Klouda Julia,

Head, resource

The “secret patient” service will become your assistant if four mandatory conditions are met:

  1. The owner of a beauty salon must absolutely understand the meaning, necessity and process of conducting an assessment using this method.
  2. To conduct an assessment using the “mystery patient” method, it is better to contact professionals, companies that specialize in such services, have experience, a good reputation, and know the intricacies of marketing, in order to ultimately get a real picture, and not fictitious results.
  3. The “secret patient” must be a professional who can give a qualified assessment of the work of the staff.
  4. The “mystery patient” service involves teamwork. This is not just an ordinary person who entered the salon under the guise of a potential client. Without preliminary preparation and the joint work of several professionals, nothing objective will be achieved. Initially, data must be collected, and then an analytical report must be compiled reflecting the results obtained and a real assessment of the effectiveness of the staff.

Many owners of cosmetology clinics and beauty salons do not understand and do not correctly evaluate the essence of the “secret patient” method. The situation is aggravated by unscrupulous companies who, after taking a lot of money, provide fictitious results that do not provide any information for further action. All marketing research comes down to issuing the subjective opinion of a non-professional secret patient about what he liked and what he didn’t.

In fact, this marketing assessment of personnel performance is a whole set of activities aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of teamwork, checking the effectiveness of personnel, and identifying errors for their timely elimination. This method can be used to evaluate the work of the clinic as a whole and each area or specialist individually.

A competent approach to conducting a mystery patient assessment involves several stages:

1. Preparatory. This is the stage of determining the purpose of the study and collecting preliminary information:

  • the purpose of the assessment is determined and its criteria are developed;
  • a research questionnaire is drawn up, the number of secret patients is determined;
  • a schedule is drawn up, secret patients are invited and brought up to date.

2. Direct visit.

3. The final one. This is the stage of conducting analysis and drawing up an analytical report.

The most reliable results are obtained when the professional secret patient is an experienced auditor, able to notice all the nuances, analyze them correctly, using psychological techniques and high communication skills, and the entire team offering this service consists of professional and experienced marketers and analysts. When portraying an ordinary client, the secret patient must eliminate subjective assessments and conduct only professional analysis.

Successful managers advise ordering the services of a secret visitor annually. A report on the real state of affairs in a beauty salon is useful at any stage of its development, including the period of developing an initial strategy, marketing work to attract clients, an advertising campaign, etc. It is also useful for preventive purposes. Preventative measures are always much cheaper than the need to quickly solve serious problems that have arisen. Timely assessment of staff performance helps to avoid such situations.


The owner of a beauty salon is introducing a very profitable new product into the range of services provided, for example, hair screening with aesthetic treatment, and plans to focus on it in his work. He invests money in purchasing equipment, training specialists and conducting an advertising campaign. Everything has been working for a long time, but there are no clients. A lot of people visit the beauty salon website, visitors are interested in the service, calls come in, but no one makes an appointment with a specialist. The owner is at a loss. An analysis of prices shows that the offers of other clinics are no different, except that the service is extremely popular among their clients. Scrolling through all the options in his head, the manager invites the administrator to his place and makes sure that he is correct, polite, smiling, knows how to carry on a conversation, etc. Then the owner hires a secret visitor, who reveals many problems with his one visit. One of them is the same administrator who, as it turns out, is absolutely unaware of the introduction of the new service, knows nothing about it and does not recommend it to anyone. The example is simple, but quite illustrative.

A secret patient can assess the effectiveness of what staff actions


The most important criterion for evaluation using the secret patient method is the level of awareness and communication skills of the beauty salon staff. These concepts should not be understood only as polite treatment. Correctness in communication with clients and visitors to a beauty salon is mandatory for staff. But the secret visitor also evaluates the ability of the administrator and other employees to suggest a servant, to talk about her in such a way that she is interested.


The secret visitor effectively evaluates the salon’s advertising campaign, including the operation of the website, the creation of accounts and groups on social networks, updating information, the possibility of feedback, online promotion, etc. The opportunity to quickly and efficiently obtain information, the desire to linger on the website page, etc. are considered. discovering interesting news, the intensity of the created group, the effectiveness of communication on the forum, etc.


The competence of a competent secret patient covers many aspects of the activity of a beauty salon, including the level of service, cleanliness of the premises, transport accessibility, compliance with cash flow procedures, professionalism of the craftsmen, the desire to attract clients, etc. The maximum effect can be expected from assessing the performance of staff using the secret visitor method only if mandatory conditions are met, namely, there is a clear purpose of the research, professional performers and a timely response to the results obtained.

What is the essence of the method of assessing personnel effectiveness in the form of certification

Modern enterprises in the beauty industry have increasingly begun to resort to a method of assessing staff performance such as certification. Ordinary employees associate it with reductions, layoffs and other negative consequences. In fact, everything is not so scary and the goals of certification are completely different.

The main objective of certification is to assess the professional suitability of employees in terms of their skills and abilities. Assessing the effectiveness of teamwork helps outline a plan for the current tasks of the company as a whole. Based on its results, an optimal strategy for working with personnel is built, methods of training and stimulating employees are determined.

Certification is carried out regularly, depending on the decision of the company management. Systematic checks allow you to track the positive dynamics of development of an individual employee or the entire beauty salon, make timely adjustments within the team, change current goals, etc.

Certification should apply to all beauty salon technicians. This is done for the purpose of:

  • periodic assessment of staff performance;
  • summing up the work of an employee on probation;
  • identifying the reasons for the negative dynamics of the salon’s activities, violations of corporate ethics, etc.;
  • assessing the situation after changes in the business structure, work schedule, payroll procedures, etc.

Certifications related to a specific event are carried out once.

Preliminary preparation for personnel certification consists of drawing up a special document setting out general requirements for all employees of a beauty salon. You can also use existing documents, for example, job descriptions, an employment contract, rules of corporate ethics, regulations and standards, etc. It is unacceptable to certify an employee in the absence of a list of requirements corresponding to his position and specific provisions regulating work in the position held.

The expert commission must consist of at least three people. None of the commission members can be certified by the same composition.

Personnel performance assessment can be carried out in several ways, in particular:

  • by assessing the quality of services provided by the beauty salon staff;
  • by conducting a survey among clients;
  • through the personal presence of a commission member during staff work;
  • through an interview;
  • through testing.

Useful file

The certification ends with the drawing up of a protocol reflecting the vote for each candidate separately, with a detailed statement of the votes “for”, “against”, “abstained” and the signature of each member of the commission.

How to assess the effectiveness of personnel costs

The effectiveness of investments in beauty salon personnel can be measured using two approaches: cost and evaluation. In the first case, all investments in personnel are reduced to a certain financial equivalent, which clearly shows the financial costs and the profit received from these investments.

In the second case, an approximate estimate of the cost of employees is compiled, in which the annual amount of investment for a specific employee is identified and multiplied by the theoretically possible number of years of his work in the salon. This calculation specifies the costs of relocating personnel.

In the development of a beauty salon, the human factor is always decisive. A lot depends on the salon staff. There is no doubt that a highly qualified craftsman must also be highly paid. However, it is beneficial for management to maintain efficient personnel costs, emphasizing the impossibility of translating professional achievements into a corresponding financial equivalent.

The practical establishment of any standards for assessing the effectiveness of investments in personnel is quite problematic. It is considered more effective in working with personnel to compare investments and results obtained.

Regulating beauty salon staff costs

Experienced beauty salon owners advise immediately recruiting employees for all possible positions and specializations and trying not to replace them, because any changes in the team are always associated with additional costs and various inconsistencies.

To make the calculation of personnel costs more accurate, it is necessary to clearly analyze all employee costs, constantly looking for opportunities to reduce them.

Don't underestimate the importance of employee incentives. Staff performance ratings will be much higher if bonuses or salary increases are awarded in proportion to the level of professionalism. Providing bonuses to a working craftsman as an alternative to hiring a new employee helps reduce costs.

Try to structure your work schedule so that beauty salon employees do not become overworked. Consider reducing your work hours with minimal visiting periods to keep technicians energized during peak hours to serve more clients.

Another important aspect in reducing overall costs is tracking bonus programs, promotions, and lucrative offers from beauty salon suppliers. All this helps reduce financial losses, increase the profitability of services and personnel, thereby increasing the profitability of your business.

TO Complex personnel assessment, including both diagnostics of the personal qualities of candidates when selecting for the “growth reserve”, and analysis of labor results, characteristics of the labor behavior of employees, is used today by few structures: only at some enterprises certain types of assessment are used (most often when selecting applicants for vacant positions). workplaces).

In our opinion, this is explained by the incompetence of some managers who classify personnel management issues as secondary issues that do not affect the competitiveness of the enterprise; a small number of managers and specialists possessing modern knowledge and assessment techniques; discreditation in the eyes of managers of comprehensive personnel assessment as a result of unsystematic use of its fragments; relatively large expenditures of time and money on the assessment procedure in comparison with other methods of personnel management.

Comprehensive personnel assessment is aimed at obtaining economic (achieving high economic indicators) and social (coordination and implementation of the interests of the subjects and objects of assessment) effect. Before proceeding directly to the analysis of its effectiveness, it is necessary to highlight the essential features of the object of study, namely, the assessment of the organization’s personnel. In general terms, such an assessment is a multi-stage, sequential process of studying the individual qualities, abilities, behavior and performance of an employee. Only a systematic assessment can satisfy the requirements of high efficiency.

The personnel assessment system combines two groups of components, determined by the internal structure (the set of interrelated elements created or attracted by the system itself and ensuring the achievement of its goals) and the external environment (the set of elements through which the scheme interacts with the external environment).

The first group includes the actual involved subjects and objects of assessment, a set of reference and actual indicators, assessment criteria, selected methods and means, etc.

To the second group:

  • input of the assessment system - personnel, potential subjects of assessment, modern technologies and methods, equipment and machinery for assessment, incoming documents, etc.;
  • output of the assessment system - the results of the assessment; documents containing information about the assessment and areas of its use; oral and written information, etc.;
  • communication with the external environment - information and documentary flows between the assessment system and the external environment to coordinate actions (communication can be direct and reverse: direct - transfer of assessment results to the employee; reverse - information about his reaction, proposals for conducting the assessment, its improvement, etc.) d.).

The external environment should be distinguished from the external environment of the assessment system, i.e. factors or elements in which it is located and with which it has direct or indirect connections. The external assessment environment, in our opinion, must be considered depending on the systems of which it is an element or subsystem.

Accordingly, we can distinguish:

  • the immediate external environment or microenvironment - that part of the environment with which the assessment system is in direct interaction and on which the content and effectiveness of the assessment depend (the immediate environment is the personnel management system);
  • macroenvironment - part of the environment that indirectly or indirectly, through the personnel management system, affects the specifics of the assessment system.

The macroenvironment, in turn, is divided into intraorganizational and external, consisting of elements of the “target environment of the organization.” The main factors of the intra-organizational environment include the enterprise development strategy, the stage of its life cycle, intra-company culture, leading management methods and styles, etc. Factors in the target environment that have the greatest impact on personnel assessment are the state of the labor market, the sectoral and professional structure of labor supply and demand, personnel policies in the field of hiring, attracting and evaluating competing enterprises, social and labor values ​​and norms existing in society, etc. .d.

Assessment as a system has its own structure, including many components that are in certain relationships, and its content (a set of objects and subjects of assessment as carriers of individual specific qualities, interests, needs), as well as technologies and methods, a description of a set of specific competencies, etc. . In other words, the content of the assessment system shows what components are included in it, what quality they are and what their essence is.

An analysis of the activities of organizations allows us to conclude that the principles of systematically constructing personnel assessment are often ignored: when choosing types and methods of assessment, only individual factors are taken into account; the assessment being implemented is not combined with other elements of the personnel management system, as well as with the enterprise development strategy. There is also a contradiction in the goals, methods, and assessment indicators, and their inconsistency with the specifics of the object and subject.

Therefore, it is so important to master the methodology and methodology for determining the effectiveness of personnel assessment. Currently, the effectiveness of any socio-economic system is assessed using either cost-based models (and is calculated as the ratio of results to costs) or non-cost models (defined as the ratio of results to needs, goals, etc.).

Adhering to the principle of economic efficiency in relation to the personnel assessment system is only partially possible (not all results and costs are quantifiable; there is no strict correlation between costs and effects, etc.), and the use of the term "efficiency" assumes that , in addition to the traditional proportion in value form, there are others. Therefore, it seems advisable to move on to combining complementary forms of expressing efficiency and carry out analysis from target, need and economic positions.

Need efficiency expresses the degree to which needs are reflected in a goal and (or) as a result. That is, if the targets of the personnel assessment system take into account the needs of the subjects and objects of assessment, and also the needs of all its elements are realized in the results of the system’s operation, then it can be considered effective.

The need form is associated with the concept of social efficiency, which is ensured by the implementation of systemic measures aimed at meeting socio-economic expectations, and involves an analysis of the degree to which staff needs are met.

The assessment system is a multi-element formation, therefore, when analyzing its effectiveness, it is necessary to take into account the needs and interests of structural components: subjects (for example, managers) and objects (in particular, individuals), personnel management systems, organizations, and the external environment.

The effectiveness of the system can be assessed, firstly, from the standpoint of the needs of the enterprise financing it. In this case, the assessment of the result, correlated with the costs incurred, comes to the fore. Secondly, from the perspective of the personnel management service, when quantitative and qualitative indicators are important, characterizing the scale of the work performed, the impact of the assessment results on the development and functioning of the entire personnel management system. Thirdly, from the perspective of individual workers and managers. From the employee's point of view, performance evaluation will be based on the degree to which personally significant goals, objectives and needs are achieved. For managers, the effect of improving labor results and methods of managing subordinates is important. Fourthly, from the position of indirect consumers of services (for example, a region). In this case, the effectiveness of the assessment is determined from the perspective of the implementation of regional social and economic tasks (reducing tension in the labor market, regulating demand and supply for professions, etc.).

Based on an analysis of the degree to which the interests of the four named groups are realized, the effectiveness of the assessment system is determined, but the problem of choosing the priority of needs and their optimal combination may arise.

Need efficiency is closely related to goal efficiency: all other things being equal, a system whose goal reflects the needs of the objects and subjects of assessment will be more effective.

The final goal of the assessment may be the construction of a system that would promptly respond to the dynamics of personnel and enterprise management tasks and contribute to obtaining a socio-economic effect in managing the human potential of the organization. The benchmark for the system's output state, for example, may be obtaining the most complete and reliable characteristics of the subjects being assessed or increasing the validity of management decisions regarding the subject on the basis of an adequate and detailed assessment of it. Goals can be very different, and their formulation depends on the role that the enterprise management assigns to the personnel management system and its assessment.

The economic efficiency of the system (characteristic of the degree of actual implementation of objective opportunities to achieve the most useful result at given or minimum costs) is assessed using the traditional comparison of all the effects obtained (economic, social, psychological, etc.) with the costs incurred for the construction and development of the system.

The general principles of the functioning of assessment systems at various enterprises are the gradualness of capital investments in assessment, the "deferred\\" nature of obtaining its results. Economic efficiency can only be determined locally. For example, in a department, a current assessment of employee performance is introduced, linked to their incentives, and after a short period of time, changes in labor productivity indicators are assessed, correlated with the costs incurred to carry out the assessment.

An obstacle to determining the cost-effectiveness of personnel assessment is also the difficulty of measuring effect indicators, ensuring their representativeness and quantitative certainty. Despite the relative ease of subjective judgments about effectiveness, objective assessments based on quantitative data are more preferable. Identifying effectiveness with that part of it that can be directly measured can lead to the identification of high or low effectiveness, without saying anything about the actual effectiveness of the personnel assessment system. Descriptive indicators will reflect the qualitative side of the results.

For a complete and comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of personnel assessment, one should simultaneously refer to its three forms. The integral expression of the system efficiency category can be presented in the following form:

If the goal of the personnel assessment system reflects the needs of all its subjects and objects, then the first ratio (need efficiency) turns out to be equal to one. Similarly, if the result fully realizes the goal, then the second ratio (target effectiveness) is equal to one. Under these conditions, we obtain the traditional expression of economic efficiency - a comparison of results and costs. That is, from the point of view of a comprehensive understanding of the essence of efficiency, the most productive system is the one that best satisfies needs at minimal (or given) costs.

The main idea of ​​the described approach is that if there is efficiency that cannot be quantified in monetary terms and compared with costs, it is necessary to turn to the target and need forms of expressing efficiency.

The three-component efficiency model can be supplemented with another variety - commercial. This type meets the interests of the enterprise in a competitive environment, since it shows a payback period equal to the period of time from the start of financial investments in the personnel assessment system until the moment when the volume of investments is equal to the total volume of depreciation of net profit. The commercial effectiveness of personnel assessment is often difficult to quantify in precise terms. Both the costs of assessment and the profit from it are a non-isolated element of the total costs of personnel and the total profit from the functioning of the personnel management system. However, it is necessary to make an approximate analysis of how long it takes to pay off investments in personnel assessment.

E = C/P · R/C · R/Z,

where E is the effectiveness of the personnel assessment system;
T - purpose of assessment;

Methods for assessing the effectiveness of activities are a complex concept applicable to different areas of human activity. Investors, marketers, sociologists and teachers have certain approaches. The personnel service uses methods for assessing the effectiveness of personnel, managers analyze the effectiveness of the management mechanisms they use. Such control allows you to successfully solve any task. Maximum effectiveness is achieved by those who use the most effective methods for assessing the effectiveness of the system. Let us consider the current scope of applicability of such techniques.

Money - analysis

Perhaps, methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects are the most interesting for a wide range of people in our time. An investor is interested in investing his funds in a profitable, promising business, subject to minimizing risks. Success is achieved only by those who are able to calculate in advance the amount of dividends and the duration of the period for making a profit. To obtain correct, accurate information, you need to use reliable methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects. Based on the result obtained from such an analysis, it is possible to make a management decision regarding the prospects for using money.

There are quite transparent projects for which analytics can be compiled in just a couple of minutes, but there are complex situations when obtaining the correct result turns into a long, labor-intensive process. Much in the methods for assessing the effectiveness of a project depends on the complexity of the object being studied. For simple situations, easy-to-use economic and technical calculation methods have been developed, and the cost of services for such an analysis when contacting third-party experts can be equal to the amount invested in the idea, so it is preferable to do it on your own. But when considering a large project, methods for assessing economic efficiency become an important aspect, since many needs seem to be overestimated, which affects the positive result. Many project authors request additional funds from investors to gain financial freedom, and it is a qualitative analysis that allows us to determine how justified the requirements are in a particular case.

Assessment: first decide, then do

Correct methods for assessing the efficiency of an enterprise allow you to understand whether it is worth investing in a project. The decision always falls entirely on the investor, so it is important to take into account as many parameters as possible. Investing involves clarification of certain indicators, including the additional amount of invested funds.

When analyzing a project, it is assumed that work will be stable for a certain period of time. For this period, methods for assessing the effectiveness of investments suggest calculating the amount of cash flows. Based on the information received, you can conclude how large the dividends will be and what profits to expect. By the end of the life cycle, methods for assessing the effectiveness of investments make it possible to clearly calculate project performance indicators. Analysts draw up a comparative analysis, taking into account the results of each stage of the calculations.

Before and after

Methods for assessing efficiency involve making calculations at the stage of deciding whether it is worth investing in the project of interest. In this case, the profitability is compared with bank deposit rates. Cooperation makes sense only if the indicator proposed by the financial structure is exceeded. If efficiency assessment methods show comparable parameters or an investment project provides a lower level of profitability, working with it is unreasonable and ineffective.

The investor’s task is to calculate how much the project depends on inflation, what percentage of profitability will be “eaten up” by it. If profitability shows indicators comparable to inflation, investing in this option is ineffective and unwise. If there are several project options, efficiency assessment methods are applied to all possible ones in order to compare and collect correct analytics. The estimated volume of invested funds, the duration of each project and performance indicators from an economic point of view are taken into account.

Result: how to evaluate?

Methods for assessing efficiency based on calculation results provide a set of interrelated indicators. The more complex the project, the more quantities need to be calculated. First of all, they analyze how much the investment can affect the social sphere, the environment, and the technology potential of the company in particular, and the country as a whole. Methods for assessing effectiveness involve calculating the commercial component, which reflects the impact on the financial position of the company, and the economic component, within which they calculate how strong the impact will be on the legal entity and the country as a whole. Finally, they calculate budget efficiency, within the framework of which they analyze what the impact will be when putting the plan into practice in relation to the state, region, and locality.

Some projects need to be assessed by considering their impact on the level of independence of the state. Certain investment ideas can help strengthen a nation's defense capabilities, making them more valuable than others.

What's most important?

For each individual investor, methods for assessing management efficiency are most relevant as a tool for providing information on the economic component of the project. With the correct calculation of indicators, it becomes clear how logical and justified the investment of money in the project of interest is. To make an intelligent decision, you need to have data on several interrelated indicators.

What to look for?

Modern methods for assessing efficiency provide two options for indicators that allow you to evaluate a project: dynamic, static. The first show how the effectiveness of the plan changes over time. It is taken into account that for calculations specific dates are selected, to which the parameters are given. Static ones provide information about the cut in relation to a given moment. In some cases, the calculation is made without taking into account the time factor at all.

Each group has its own methods for assessing effectiveness; they are divided into static and dynamic. The first involves calculating the payback period, which gives access to the duration of the time period during which the investment will be returned back to the owner. An equally relevant method involves calculating the efficiency coefficient as the ratio of what is received from a project to what is invested in it over the life of the company. Another important parameter is net income, calculated over the entire life of the investment. Expenses under the taxation program, supplies of raw materials, materials, and other costs are subtracted from the total amount.

We evaluate correctly

Using static indicators, you can use fairly simple calculations to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular project. The results obtained by using this technique are used as preliminary, but it is taken into account that the information is not always sufficient to assess the effectiveness of what is planned in reality. When comparing different investment projects, examining only static indicators, you need to remember that with equal values, risk parameters can differ greatly. There may also be differences in the project lifespan, which directly affects efficiency, but is not taken into account in the static calculation method.

Dynamics to help the investor

This category of indicators usually includes the net present value, which reflects the value of the income component for a given time period, as well as the profitability index, calculated as the ratio of the net present value and the initial investment in the idea.

Another important parameter is the internal profitability standard, which gives an idea of ​​the maximum profitability expected from the project.

Calculate according to the rules

The dynamic methodology for assessing efficiency involves taking into account the time factor against the background of assessing the value of financial investments. The discount rate must be taken into account. Typically, this indicator is taken as the average deposit percentage across banking structures. Another important parameter used in the calculations is the weighted average price of capital investments.

Thanks to the use of a discount rate, it is possible to immediately abandon projects whose internal profitability standard does not reach the depository offers of financial institutions.

Investment attractiveness

Assessing this parameter involves analyzing all objects from the point of view of the prospects for cooperation with the project. When assessing using this approach, it is necessary to take into account the specific characteristics of the enterprise. Analysts not only study the project itself, but the investment object as a whole, as well as the economic environment in which it operates.

A foreign investor is obliged to analyze how convenient government services and conditions for investment will be. The method involves assessing taxation, refinancing rates, and the ability to freely transfer dividends. A comprehensive analysis of these factors allows us to draw a conclusion about how attractive the state where the potential investment object is registered is. It is necessary to analyze whether all the resources required for daily activities are available, how heavy the tax burden is, and whether there is access to qualified labor resources.

Investment attractiveness of the company

This method of assessing the effectiveness of investment activities involves the simultaneous use of tools developed to assess the financial condition, activities, profitability, and possible dangers associated with the organization’s activity. An investor with a high level of qualifications can often formulate a correct conclusion only based on analytical information about the financial ratios of a legal entity’s activity. This is enough to evaluate the property, the stability of the position, the liquidity of cash reserves, as well as business activity and profitability.

Economic analysis usually involves the preparation of financial analytics, while at the same time collecting as much information as possible about the current state of the company. To do this, assess fixed assets and the level of deterioration and workload. Analysts inspect production areas to determine how well the processes are organized. Before investing in a project, a responsible investor also evaluates how effective the management structure within the company is. Profitability will come from investing your resources only in a company that is well-designed, structured, and within which there is a well-thought-out hierarchical ladder.

Risks and returns

The methodology for assessing these factors involves a comprehensive analysis of the activities of a legal entity. The study examines how great the investor’s risks are when collaborating with the project. An investment risk is considered to be the possible loss of a certain amount by an investor if he decides to invest in a project. Assessing hazards is a complex multi-step task in which a number of significant factors must be taken into account.

Assessing the dangers associated with investing is a stage before which you must first assess the attractiveness of the country as an investment destination, region, or industry of the enterprise. Only after receiving information that is sufficiently correct and applicable for further analysis can one work on possible dangers.

Why do I need this?

Modern methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects make it possible to analyze to what extent the risk of investing money in an enterprise is justified by the potential profitability associated with the object. At the same time, the risk premium is calculated. A responsible approach allows you to effectively implement the most profitable projects, knowing what you can get from them and which points cannot be neglected, which is important in the first place.

A qualitative performance assessment for a financial expert provides a correct, up-to-date list of investment objects, distributed by rank, where the highest is inherent in the most promising project. By choosing the direction of investing money using this logic, you can calculate further steps to increase capital.

Methods for assessing employee performance are developed taking into account the goals that the work performed will help achieve. Based on the evaluation criteria, remuneration is assigned, and a decision is made on promotion or the need to improve qualifications.

From the article you will learn:

What is the most effective system for assessing personnel performance?

Methods for assessing employee performance are used by HR managers for administrative, motivational, and informational purposes. The work carried out makes it possible to obtain the necessary information that will help to further improve the management system and resolve a number of issues related to movement, training, and remuneration.

WITHsystems for assessing personnel performance, main goals:

  • assessment used for administrative purposes, allows you to make decisions about promotion, demotion, transfer to another position, dismissal or employee training. Based on the assessment obtained, a methodology for further actions is developed;
  • assessment for informational purposes allows you to obtain reliable information about a specialist. In order for the HR manager to make the right decision about the feasibility and effectiveness of further activities, it is necessary to initially assess the quality of the work performed by the employee;
  • motivational purpose of assessment aimed at developing a system of incentives and incentive payments. If an employee works with maximum efficiency, successfully copes with assigned tasks, and has the appropriate level of qualifications, further management decisions are aimed at increasing wages and making additional motivating payments.

Assessing the performance of the organization's personnel, main goals:

assess the potential capabilities of employees in order to promote them to higher positions;

reduce the risk of promotion of incompetent specialists;

increase the work motivation of the best employees;

organize a feedback system by discussing the quality of work performed;

develop effective methods and training programs.

The main assessment work is assigned to line managers and management service specialists. When using special methods, workers and independent experts from specialized centers are involved in assessment activities. At the same time, managers and employees of personnel management services remain the formal subjects of assessment, who are entrusted with the right to make management decisions.

Methods for assessing employee performance are based on determining indicators such as:

  • labor intensity;
  • quality;
  • quantity.

Assessing the quality and efficiency of personnel work

The professionalism, diligence of employees, and the ability to use modern technologies and production process methods are taken into account. They study the level of potential capabilities for the purpose of rotation. An analysis is carried out of the effectiveness of not only work activity, but also business and personal qualities that influence the quality of the final result.

Methods and systems that help determine efficiency should be rationally developed taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities. It is rational to use standard techniques only when adapting them to your company. All systems have their advantages and disadvantages, but an integrated approach to staff performance assessment will help you get reliable results.

  • Qualitative methods. When used, quantitative indicators are not taken into account.
  • Quantitative methods. All results are recorded in numbers that help to conduct a comparative analysis of the activities of employees performing the same job functions.
  • Combined. Quantity, quality, and other performance indicators are taken into account.

The article describes how staff performance is assessed and explains important nuances.

Personnel performance assessments are needed to understand how well employees are performing and whether they are achieving their goals. A company employee may show up for work on time, comply with the requirements listed in the job description, but still fail to complete the task.

Let's look at an example. Petrova A.S. works as a sales manager at the Pechatny Dvor company. The girl arrives to work on time, regularly makes calls to the company's clients, is constantly looking for new clients, but sales are falling. The company does not receive the profit that it could have earned if the sales manager had worked more efficiently.

Therefore, an analysis of personnel effectiveness is required. You need to understand whether it makes sense to keep such a manager at the company and continue to pay wages.

So, assessing staff performance is a set of measures that will help you understand how effectively an employee performs his duties. The assessment can be carried out at any stage.

An employee can be assessed at an interview, during a probationary period, and throughout his or her employment.

  • analysis of personal qualities;
  • assessment of professional abilities;
  • Finding out whether the specialist is capable of working towards results.

Before promoting a working employee, it doesn't hurt to find out whether he's actually doing a good job.

Purposes of application

The work analysis is carried out in order to find out:

  • whether responsibilities are correctly distributed among employees;
  • whether employees achieve their goals;
  • Are production costs recouped?
  • what contribution does each employee make to the work of the company;
  • what costs are spent on each subordinate;
  • how to make staff work more efficiently;
  • how much profit each employee can bring to the company;
  • Is it worth investing in training and advanced training of specialists?

A competent check of the organization’s personnel will help the company work more efficiently. The director will know what his employees are capable of and whether it makes sense to keep or change the team.

Who is being assessed?

The indicators are different for all employees. You cannot evaluate the work of an administrator and a sales manager in the same way. Each employee is responsible for his own area, and the department head is responsible for the effectiveness of the unit.

Heads of departments

The work of an enterprise depends on whether the heads of departments can competently organize their work. A person who occupies a leading position in a company must have a good understanding of people. The manager also requires communication skills and the ability to communicate with different people.

The boss must know the specifics of production activities well, otherwise he will not be able to competently manage the staff. Without knowing the laws, you won't be able to run a business. If you break the law, the controlling structures will “torture” you with inspections and issue fines, so the manager must know its rules well.

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