Responsibilities of the company development manager. Job description of a personnel development manager, job responsibilities of a personnel development manager, sample job description of a personnel development manager

A business development manager at a bank is responsible for promoting banking services and attracting new clients. His functional list is very voluminous: you need to have an analytical mind, public speaking skills, communication skills, mobility, be able to manage people and establish contacts. All his efforts should be aimed at increasing the profitability of the business, therefore establishing high-quality and long-term relationships with partners is the key to long and successful work.

A business development manager at a bank must always be aware of all events taking place in the banking industry in order to offer clients their services in a timely manner and beat competitors. He finds clients in all areas of banking business: corporate and payroll segment, VIP clients, consumer lending and retail business.

Attracting new clients will take up to 80% of your working time. For work, you will need a personal car to be on time for all scheduled meetings and to carry all the necessary items for presentations.

Working as a business development manager in a bank will allow you to apply professional experience in practice and learn effective sales and presentations. For stable performance and results, remuneration will be high and decent.

Salary of a business development manager in a bank.

The level of income depends on length of service, experience and completion of assigned tasks. The average salary in megacities can range from 40,000 – 80,000 rubles. In other regions – from 25,000 rubles. It consists of:

  • Salary – the amount specified in the employment contract. This is the minimum remuneration for the work.
  • Bonuses are amounts calculated based on the volume of completed plans and tasks. Its size may vary, and the stability of payments depends only on successful work. Management decides to reward an employee for good performance of indicators, initiative, and high-quality performance of duties.
  • Compensations – payments for health insurance, mobile communications, health insurance, etc.

Requirements for a business development manager in a bank:

  • Higher or incomplete higher education, preferably in an economic, financial or legal specialty.
  • Knowledge of computer programs and editors. The manager will have to frequently make presentations that need to be properly structured and formatted, as well as prepare reports for management. Knowledge of office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, etc.) and various editors will help you quickly and competently prepare documents.
  • Experience in sales and in attracting trade organizations to cooperation. Since no university teaches sales technologies, you have to gain knowledge in practice through trial and error. A business development manager at a bank will need this practical skill of attracting trade organizations for partnerships in order to successfully develop a banking business. Having your own customer base with whom you have established connections is also welcome.
  • Negotiation skills with top company officials and successful presentations. The manager goes directly to the heads of trade organizations to conclude partnership agreements with them. The important thing here is to let them know that the meeting is truly important and useful, and not a waste of time. As usual, there will be no second chance, so you need to make every effort to win over clients.
  • Having a personal car. The development manager does not have a separate territory where he works. If possible, it should cover as many companies as possible located throughout the city. In this case, a personal car will serve as an excellent help for increasing mobility and academic performance, as well as for transporting the necessary device for presentations (posters, promotional material, laptop, stands, projector, etc.)

Responsibilities of a business development manager in a bank:

  • Develop the bank's partner network. To develop, it is necessary to constantly attract new customers - the more of them, the higher the sales. Don’t forget about working with existing partners. You need to constantly remind yourself, bring promotional material, talk about new promotions or products. If trade organizations feel useless, competitors may lure them away.
  • Attract new trade organizations. Trade is now developing at a rapid pace, and this contributes to the emergence of new trading companies that want to sell their products with the help of bank loans. Often they begin to cooperate with many banks, but give preference to one, so the development manager must voice all the advantages of their products in order to receive as many clients as possible from these companies.
  • Place the bank's advertising products at points of sale. In retail stores selling goods or services on credit, there should always be advertising material, which includes leaflets, booklets, flags, etc. The trade flow of customers is higher here, so such reminders will attract customers to the bank.
  • Control and implementation of the sales plan in the controlled territory. The manager monitors the work of specialists at each outlet. If suddenly there is a decline in sales, then he finds out what the reason is and solves it. At the same time, work is underway with the management of the trading organization to maintain good relations and loyalty to the bank.
  • Participation in training of employees of partner companies. It is not possible everywhere and not always to place a bank employee at a retail outlet, so employees of the trading organization are involved in drawing up contracts and selling bank services. The manager teaches the principles of selling credit products and filling out applications. Employees draw up contracts, which are then submitted to the bank. The volume of sales depends on the quality of training.
  • Preparation of reports for senior management. All work done and indicators achieved must be documented in the form of reports so that management can draw a conclusion about the success of the business development manager. Reports are sent electronically or in paper form.

Why create a job description for a development manager?

When hiring, the employer signs an employment contract with the new manager, which reflects the key points of interaction between the parties. The job description supplements the contract and details a number of issues related to the employee’s performance of his job functions.

With regard to the position of development manager, this approach turns out to be especially relevant, since in private companies there is no uniform approach to setting tasks for an employee occupying the position described. In some companies, employees are expected to develop the business as a whole, while in others they are tasked with developing a specific area. It is the job description that allows you to determine the specific responsibilities and rights of the development manager.

There is another important function of the job description - it sets out the qualification requirements of the candidate for the position. The position of development manager is not in the qualification directory of positions. This means that there are no recommended qualification requirements, i.e. each employer has the right to decide what requirements its employees must meet. To avoid future disputes over the validity of refusal to hire, it makes sense to fix such requirements on paper.

Sample job description structure for a development manager

An employee tasked with developing a job description for a development manager can, when performing this task, use the generally accepted structure of such documents, which presupposes the presence of 4 main sections.

  1. General provisions

    This section serves to provide the following information about the position:

    Don't know your rights?

    • job title (development manager);
    • chain of command (indicating who is responsible for hiring and firing);
    • qualification requirements (requirements for level of education, work experience, you can also list the skills and knowledge that the manager would like to see in a candidate for the position);
    • presence of subordinates;
    • substitution order.
  2. Rights

    In each company, the manager decides for himself what rights to give to the development manager. However, in any case, one circumstance must be taken into account: in order to effectively fulfill the tasks assigned to him, a manager must have a certain freedom in making decisions within his competence. Thus, he can be granted, for example, the following rights:

    • request information and documents necessary to solve assigned tasks from all divisions of the company;
    • get acquainted with the decisions of the manager;
    • submit your proposals for improving the work process to the manager;
    • require the manager to provide assistance in the performance of official duties;
    • issue orders to your immediate subordinates and monitor the progress of their execution;
    • participate in negotiations with clients;
    • attract partners to cooperate with the company;
    • sign (endorse) contracts within the scope of their competence.
  3. Job responsibilities

    After hiring a development manager, the head of the company expects him to perform specific tasks - and it is in this section of the job description that the responsibilities that the employee must perform are prescribed. For example:

    • develop a general concept for the company’s development;
    • develop a company development strategy and, within its framework, create a general development plan;
    • develop company development (restructuring) programs and monitor their implementation;
    • submit proposals to management for the development of new areas of the company’s activities;
    • look for new markets and ways to develop them;
    • organize interaction between the company’s structural divisions to implement the approved development program;
    • analyze the results of the development program;
    • prepare reports on the effectiveness of the approved development program.
  4. Responsibility

    A development manager can be held accountable both for the actions he takes and for the consequences of the decisions he makes. It could be:

    • on disciplinary liability - if an employee is found to have failed or improperly performed his job duties;
    • on administrative or criminal liability - for the commission of relevant offenses by an employee;
    • on financial liability - if an employee causes damage to company property.

Some nuances of drawing up a job description for a development manager

In some companies, the position of development manager has a narrower specialization, which is reflected in its name. For example, it is not uncommon to find positions such as business development manager or territory development manager. At the same time, the job description of an employee holding such a position must certainly reflect the features characteristic of this particular area of ​​activity.

The above sample job description structure is most suitable for a business development manager, since it is designed in such a way that the job responsibilities include items related to the development of the company as a whole. If the manager’s focus is limited to the development of the territory, then this section of the instructions should be adjusted.

For example, the job responsibilities of a territory development manager could include the following:

  • analyze and develop sales channels in the specified territory;
  • develop and implement programs for opening new branches or representative offices;
  • select candidates for leadership positions in new divisions.

In any of the listed cases, the development manager is tasked with developing and implementing measures aimed at developing the company. The scope of his powers and the list of main job responsibilities are fixed in the job description. The manager himself decides what responsibilities he assigns to the development manager, what rights he gives him and what qualification requirements he sets for the applicant for this position. The main thing to remember is that in the future it will not be possible to demand more from an employee than is stated in his job description.

We'll tell you what a development manager does and what responsibilities he bears. Let's consider the points of the job description, methods of training and motivation. Bonus - sample documents.

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Does the company need a development manager?

The position of “development manager” is available in almost every medium-sized organization. Such an employee, as a rule, studies the market and the prospects for its development. Job title " Development Manager"maybe in the HR service. But not every organization has a job description for a development manager.

Why not all companies have a position:

  1. Instead of the position of development manager, there is the position of training and development manager, training manager. This specialist is engaged in similar functions - training and developing the personal effectiveness of employees.
  2. Some HR services employ universal specialists who deal with all HR issues.

For these reasons, not everywhere there is a development manager. In addition, there is a similar-sounding position - corporate development manager. However, the functionality differs significantly. This specialist works in a department that deals with business development and transaction support.

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Responsibilities of a HR Development Manager

The development manager performs the duties assigned to him by the manager. As a rule, they are prescribed in the job description or employment contract. The list of functions directly depends on the scope of the organization’s activities, the stage of its development, and goals.

What does a development manager do: responsibilities

Planning and regulation of all aspects of the “Training and development of personnel” area

  • identifying training needs;
  • development or modification of educational programs;
  • preparation of a package of training materials (handouts, teaching aids for trainers, tests and practical assignments, audio and video materials, etc.);
  • editing existing textbooks, educational programs;
  • development of training technology and transmission of technology to mentors and managers.

Monitoring the implementation of educational programs in the organization

  • development curriculum, training topics;
  • identifying the effectiveness of trainers and the training they conduct;
  • consulting mentors and managers on employee training issues;
  • development of a budget for personnel training;
  • professional testing of applicants and newcomers;
  • analysis of training costs.

In some companies, the responsibilities of the development manager also include conducting training for the purpose of staff development. In this case, he takes an active part in personnel training, draws up programs, conducts lectures, trainings, seminars, and master classes.

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What points does the job description of a development manager contain?

In addition to the responsibilities listed above, the job description of a personnel development manager also contains some other sections. For example, sections “General Provisions”, “Rights”, “Responsibility”. Let's reveal their contents.


General provisions

The section explains the following points:

  • what category of employees does the position “personnel development manager” (specialist) belong to?
  • who appoints and dismisses (HR Director);
  • to whom does he report (HR director);
  • who replaces during absence (a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure);
  • what kind of education and work experience should you have (higher psychological or pedagogical, experience of at least one year);
  • what you must know (labor legislation, legislation in the field of training and company profile, etc.);
  • what guides his activities.

The section contains information about what rights the manager has and to what extent he can exercise them:

  • the right to have access to and become familiar with draft management decisions in their area of ​​activity;
  • the right to request information within your competence from managers and specialists of other departments (personally or on the instructions of the HR director);
  • the right to submit proposals for improving their work for discussion with the HR director;
  • the right to report shortcomings identified during work to your immediate supervisor and make proposals for their elimination.


The section deciphers the limits of responsibility of a specialist within the framework of Russian legislation and on the basis of the existing standards in the company, fixed in local regulations:

  • for failure to perform or poor performance of their official duties;
  • for legal violations;
  • for causing damage to the organization's property.

The manager of the development department can perform additional job functions, for example, work part-time. In this case, he must be guided by the information that is reflected in both job descriptions and have the necessary knowledge. Finding such a specialist takes more time.

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Development manager training

The professional development of a personnel development manager is largely the work of the specialist himself. As part of the educational programs implemented by the company, this employee can plan his own professional development. Personnel development manager training takes place:

  • on advanced training courses in the direction of “Corporate training systems”;
  • at proprietary seminars and trainings on corporate training technologies
  • in the process of self-education ( literature study, periodicals of the corresponding profile);
  • by passing qualifying exams for HR managers and trainers.

The HR director or other HR employee is responsible for identifying the training needs of development managers. You should not send them to courses too often, as this leads to unreasonable material costs. In addition, review the training program - make it interesting and attractive.

How to motivate a personnel development manager

Let us list the most common methods of motivation that are applicable for this category of specialists in almost any more or less large company:

  • rotation or movement from one area of ​​HR work to another (for example, from the position of development manager to the position of recruitment manager);
  • deepening specialization (for example, studying all aspects of working with personnel in any one department);
  • increasing professional level, grade (if the company has them);
  • rotation to another unit, if there is appropriate education;
  • the right to give lectures on behalf of the company on the intranet and social networks;
  • individual scheme of material motivation (extended social package, bonuses, bonuses, etc.).

Draw up an individual scheme of material motivation. Encourage the personnel development manager to work actively with the help of an expanded benefits package, bonuses, bonuses, and more. Set your salary so that it is not less than that of your competitors.

The job description of a development manager is a document that clearly outlines the powers and responsibilities of an employee. It also indicates the requirements that are put forward to the applicant. There is no single form of the document, but there are a number of points that must be included in the instructions.

Sample job description for development manager

Name of the position of the head of the enterprise
Signature of the responsible person with mandatory decoding
Document approval date

Job Description for Development Manager

1. General Provisions

1.1. The document defines the functions of the employee, his duties, powers and liability for negligence at work.
1.2. This position is for management.
1.3. An employee holds a post and is removed from office by order of the administration.
1.4. The specialist is subordinate to the enterprise administration.
1.5. If the employee is not on site, his powers are transferred to another specialist, according to the order of the company administration, while the employee receives the rights he is entitled to and is responsible for negligence in his work.
1.6. An applicant who meets the following company requirements may apply for the position:

  • availability of a higher education diploma in the relevant field;
  • Work experience in a similar position is at least 24 months.

1.7. The employee must know:

  • any regulatory acts of the administration;
  • relevant accounting reports and be able to draw up and properly execute the relevant documentation;
  • rules for processing and storing reports;
  • programs for full-fledged work on a computer, and also be able to use them in practice;
  • rules for correspondence with other employees, partners, etc.;
  • methods of collecting, storing and processing information;
  • methods of conducting tenders and auctions that may be useful for the sale of goods or services of an enterprise;
  • basics of sociology and psychology;
  • list and rules for generating documentation for participation in tenders and auctions;
  • characteristics of the company's goods or services;
  • characteristics of competitors' products and services;
  • basics of office work;
  • the main advantages and disadvantages of the corresponding products of domestic and foreign production;
  • corporate ethics and culture of business communication;
  • rules for conducting negotiations with clients and partners;
  • office equipment - its purpose and rules of use;
  • rules for selling the company's products;
  • basics of management.

Attention! At the discretion of the administration, any areas in which a professional should understand are included in the instructions.

1.8. The specialist must be able to:

  • work in accounting-related programs;
  • use office equipment;
  • work in computer programs;
  • prepare accounting reports;
  • generate documents about customer needs for the company’s services or products;
  • arrange and conduct business meetings;
  • conduct business negotiations with a favorable outcome for the company;
  • determine customer needs for the company’s services and products;
  • draw up documentation for trades and auctions;
  • establish relationships with partners and clients in the long term;
  • organize and conduct presentations;
  • correctly use the information received, process and store it;
  • work with the customer database.

1.9. To carry out work activities, the employee must be guided by:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • any acts approved by the administration of the company;
  • this document.

2. Functions

The employee performs the following functions:

2.1. Monitoring the completeness of products during their sales.
2.2. Establishing long-term cooperation with partners and clients.
2.3. Drawing up plans aimed at developing the company.
2.4. Drawing up plans for participation in auctions and trades.
2.5. Preparation of tender and other relevant documentation.
2.6. Search for people interested in purchasing the company's products or services.

3. Responsibilities of the employee

The specialist's responsibilities include:

3.1. Check the completeness of sold products.
3.2. Check the compliance of the sold product with the declared characteristics.
3.3. Prepare documentation for products sold.
3.4. Control the delivery of sold products.
3.5. Make a forecast of future sales of the enterprise.
3.6. Conduct customer base analysis.
3.7. Bring to the attention of customers information about ongoing promotions, new products and special conditions for purchasing products.
3.8. Conduct events for customers who use the company’s services or are just planning to do so.
3.9. Make proposals for partners.
3.10. Draw up agreements for the sale of goods.
3.11. Select equipment according to technical requirements.
3.12. Coordinate agreements for the shipment of products.
3.13. Prepare financial documentation.
3.14. Select suitable tenders for the company’s possible participation.
3.15. Analyze auction and bidding documents.
3.16. Maintain a client base.
3.17. Prepare accounting papers.
3.18. Carry out correspondence with clients and partners.
3.19. Collect information about the buyer.
3.20. Make plans for the development of the company.

4. Rights

The employee has the right:

4.1. Request information and documentation related to the implementation of its functions.
4.2. Attend advanced training or retraining courses.
4.3. Collaborate with other departments of the enterprise to solve problems assigned to the employee by the administration or to resolve issues related to the performance of his functions.
4.4. Participate in discussions of issues related to its functions.
4.5. Make proposals for improving the functions of his department or the activities of the entire enterprise.
4.6. Contact the court if controversial issues arise during the performance of its functions.
4.7. Use all the necessary documents for more productive work.

5. Responsibility

The employee is responsible for:

5.1. Negligent attitude towards work.
5.2. Ignoring instructions from the administration.
5.3. Inaccurate information transmitted to the administration about the fulfillment of their duties and instructions from management.
5.4. Ignoring the rules of labor discipline and other rules established at the enterprise.
5.5. Causing material damage in the course of performing one’s official duties.
5.6. Disclosure of confidential work-related information.
The punishment is determined in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.


Why is a job description drawn up?

The document is of great importance for the administration of the company and the employee hired for the position. Thanks to the instructions, the head of the company knows exactly how to properly coordinate the activities of employees and what they should be responsible for.

The document gives the development manager a clear idea of ​​the functions, powers, as well as the responsibility that he will bear for negligence in work.

If, during the implementation of employee activities, controversial issues arise that are resolved in court, it is the job description that helps to figure out who exactly is to blame for the current situation.

The more complete the document is, the better for all parties.

Basic rules for the job description of a development manager

There is no generally accepted form of the document. This allows employers to include any items in the instructions, but only in accordance with the laws of Russia.

Situations often arise when employees occupying the same position, but in different companies, perform different duties. However, the functions of workers, as a rule, do not differ.

Main sections of the instructions:

  • general provisions;
  • responsibilities;
  • rights;
  • responsibility.

Important information! Since there is no single standard, the enterprise administration has the right to change the document at its discretion, but in compliance with the laws of Russia.

According to the regulations, the enterprise must have one copy of the instructions, which is stored in the employee’s personal file. However, if the company has several divisions, the number of documents must correspond to the number of employees. Each instruction is signed by the employee and stored in his personal file. In addition, each copy is endorsed by the head of the company or a responsible employee with the relevant functions.

Drawing up a job description for a development manager

On the first sheet of the document in the upper right corner there should be written the word “APPROVE” and the name of the position of the head of the company, his signature with a transcript and the date of drawing up the instructions. After this, write the name of the paper in the center.

Main part of the instructions

The first section of the document is general information about the position. Here they indicate which category the employee belongs to, prescribe the rules for hiring and dismissing the employee and indicate what their direct subordination is.

The instructions must contain information about what requirements the applicant must satisfy. This will allow you to “weed out” unsuitable candidates at the selection stage.

The next point is information about what knowledge the applicant should have. In addition, they indicate the regulations that the employee must follow to carry out work activities.

Second section

These are the job responsibilities of a development manager. Here they indicate everything that the employee must do. The more fully and accurately this section is written, the better the employee will understand what exactly he should be doing.

Attention! The second section may indicate the employee’s functions, then the job responsibilities move to the third section, and then the entire structure of the document changes.

Third section

These are employee rights. Here all the powers of the manager that he requires to carry out his work are spelled out.

Fourth section

This is the employee's responsibility. All possible violations of the development manager are indicated here, for which he will be held accountable. They also indicate exactly what measures will be applied to him in the event of certain violations. This may include penalties and other sanctions. In some cases, criminal liability is also provided. This section includes the phrase that the measures of influence do not contradict the laws of Russia.

The instructions are completed by agreement with a specialist who is responsible for compliance with all points of the document. The following information must be provided:

  • name of the employee's position;
  • name of the enterprise;
  • Full name of the employee.

In the appropriate column, the specialist signs with a transcript.

In addition, at the end of the document they also indicate information directly about the development manager:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • Business name;
  • passport details.

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