A short message about the profession of hairdresser. Conversation on the topic: “Profession hairdresser

Hasanova Gulbeniz Ahmed kyzy

GAPOU MOK im. V. Talalikhina



Abstract of the educational activity "Profession - hairdresser" (with presentation)

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Teach children to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, use hairdresser tools during the game and name them. Develop dialogical speech, enrich vocabulary. Cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards each other.

Educational objectives: To instill in children respect for the work of adults and a friendly attitude towards them.

Educational objectives: Expand children's ideas about professions. To consolidate knowledge about the profession - “Hairdresser”, the tools used in work and the significance of this profession in people’s lives.

Developmental objectives: Develop visual perception, attention, memory, curiosity and fine motor skills. Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, work.

Integration of educational areas:

Speech development:. activate children's vocabulary: using words denoting professions: doctor, teacher, fireman, educator, names of tools: scissors, comb, hair dryer; "Mannequin": hairdresser, hair salon, image studio, beauty salon, haircut, cape.

Cognitive development: develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation. Give children knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, about his work.

Socio-Communicative Development: promote the development of free communication between children and adults about professions. Develop Socialization: Continue to develop interest in the joint activities of children in the classroom.

Physical development: form correct posture in all types of activities; formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere.

Preliminary work: examination of the painting “At the Hairdresser”, illustrations about this profession; looking at illustrations depicting the tools needed for work. Reading poems and riddles about the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the professions of adults. A profession is a job that a person does. There are a lot of professions and they are all very necessary and respected. It is very good when a profession brings joy to a person and he works with pleasure.

Now guess my riddle, what profession it is about (showing a slide).

“Who will do the hair,

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

The curls will curl lushly,

He will fluff up his bangs with a brush,

Everything in his hands is burning,

Who will change the appearance? (Hairdresser).

Conversation about the profession of hairdresser:

Imagine that there will be a holiday or birthday in your family soon. Mom, dad and you have beautiful clothes that you will wear for the holiday, but your hair is shaggy and ugly. Don’t worry, there is a person whose profession will help us put our hair in order and give everyone beautiful hairstyles - this is a Hairdresser, which means: “To make a wig.”

Guessing riddles about the tools of a hairdresser.

Two ends, two rings

In the middle of the carnations (scissors)

In this small thing

Warm wind settled in (hairdryer)

I walk - I wander not through forests, but through mustaches and hair

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears (comb)

I often look at it

I'm spinning and spinning at the front.

I braid my hair

Well done guys, you guessed everything correctly!

What do you think should be done with dirty hair to make it look beautiful? ... (You need to wash your hair)

How do you wash your hair and hair? (Shampoo or soap)

What else should you do with your hair? ... (Hair needs to be combed)

How do you comb your hair? (Comb)

What is the name of the device that dries wet hair? …(Fen)

How does a hair dryer dry hair? (Hairdryer blows warm air)

: When the hair is short, this hairstyle is called Short Haircut. What hairstyles do girls with long hair wear? (Ponytail, braids)

A hairdresser can make hair curly, style it into curls using a hairdryer and a brush (demonstration of actions), he can do different beautiful hairstyles for everyone, both adults and children.

When a person gets his hair cut, they put a cape on him and sit him in front of a mirror so that he can see himself.

Why do you think they put a cape on the person who is getting their hair cut?

Why does a hairdresser wear a work coat?

So that cut hair does not stain clothes.

Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios. Visitors come to the hairdresser to get beautiful haircuts, hairstyles, curl their hair, and change their hair color. They are met very politely, greeted and invited to go and sit in a comfortable chair (I show an illustration of a chair); cover the shoulders with a special cape. They wash their hair with shampoo and then make a beautiful haircut using a comb and scissors.

Now let's check if you listened carefully. Guys, do hairdressers work in the store?

Children: work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios.

What do hairdressers do, do they treat?

Children: They cut their hair. I do my hair. They wash their hair. They dye their hair.

Educator: Correct. Here the skillful hands of a master work their magic on our hair.

How do hairdressers greet their visitors?

Children: politely, greet and offer to go and sit in a comfortable chair; cover the shoulders with a special cape

Educator: Guys, do you know that every hairdresser has a certain specialty.

What is the name of a barber who cuts hair for men, women, and children?

If he cuts women's hair, then he is a women's hairdresser.

If he cuts children's hair, then he is a children's hairdresser.

Well done.

Have you visited a hairdresser? What did the master do?

Well done guys, here we learned who hairdressers are, where they work and what they do.

I think you and I will rest a little and continue our training.

Physical exercise. Imitation of movements.

Brought to catch the child

How grown up the boy has become.

Before you sit down in the chair,

You need to wash your hair (demonstration of movements).

And after this, and after that,

Dry with a towel (show the movements).

Let's take scissors, a comb -

We will cut the child’s bangs (we imitate the movements with our fingers).

The boy is unrecognizable (surprise)

You can send him to kindergarten.

After physical education, they come to the table. On the table there is an envelope with riddles: Hairdryer, scissors, hairdresser, ...

Even though instead of a heart there is a motor in it,

But he is not heartless.

Yes, a grumpy conversation with him,

But he is an impeccable friend:

To make your face more beautiful,

He will do the styling

It will dry your hair in no time...

Who is my riddle about?

Experienced tool -

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He cuts and shears.

This sorceress has

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

And a comb and scissors.

She has

Mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become beautiful. (hairdresser).

I often look at it

I'm spinning and spinning at the front.

I braid my hair

And I adjust my suit. (mirror).

Well done, you guessed all the riddles. You are learning more and more about this profession. Various objects fit on the table on it. (hair dryer, comb, scissors, mirror, hairpins, capes). And construction tools.

Game “What tools are needed to work as a hairdresser?”

On the table are toy tools necessary for the work of a hairdresser and other tools. Children come up to the table one by one and select only those that the hairdresser needs for his work and explain what they are doing.

Well done, you have chosen only those tools that a hairdresser needs in his work


Children are invited to play the role-playing game “Hairdresser” on their own in a equipped corner.

Hairdresser-stylist- a master who does hairstyles or haircuts, and also selects a style that is most suitable for a particular client. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

Just a few years ago, a hairdresser was only required to be able to do haircuts or styling. But times have changed, so today there is a new profession - a hairdresser-stylist. Such a master knows how to do hairstyles, but he also helps the client choose an individual style, talks about the rules of hair care and performs medical procedures.

A representative of the profession must know the basics of chemistry, as well as be able to work with equipment (hair dryers, curling irons, etc.) and cosmetics (paints, masks, etc.). This specialist must know well not only his duties, but also understand psychology. The master must be able to find an approach to each of his customers, accurately determining his mood and desires.

Features of the profession

The master must not only be able to cut or style hair, no! He must know everything about the fashion trends of a particular season, because his responsibilities include:

  • assistance in choosing the optimal hair length and hairstyle;
  • assisting the client in choosing hair shade and dyeing technique;
  • choosing a hairstyle that suits the occasion (holiday, anniversary, corporate event, etc.);
  • ability to create stage hairstyles;
  • choosing the type of styling to suit your hair characteristics;
  • performing haircuts, all types of hair curling (curlers, chemical and electric), coloring, straightening curls;
  • increasing the volume and quality of hair with the help of wigs and extensions;
  • knowledge of modern technologies for hair straightening and treatment;
  • providing consultations to clients;
  • hair care treatments;
  • attending conferences and participating in various competitions;
  • keeping the workplace clean.

Also, the specialist must be able to develop hairstyle options, adapting them to the customer’s makeup and outfit. Note that if a person suffers from dermatological diseases, joint diseases or allergic reactions, then he will not be able to work as a hairdresser-stylist.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • A specialist may not receive a higher education, because to work in this field it is enough to complete a training course.
  • You can become a hair stylist at any age.
  • High wages and tips left by grateful clients.
  • You can officially get a job or work for yourself by opening a salon or acquiring a solid client base.
  • You can combine the profession of a hairdresser-stylist with the work of a makeup artist, cosmetologist or other professions that are close to the beauty industry.
  • Higher salary compared to a regular hairdresser, makeup artist or stylist.
  • The prospect of working with famous people (movie stars, pop performers and others).


  1. Demanding clients.
  2. You need to work for a long time to get better and gain experience.
  3. You need to constantly learn and keep abreast of the latest fashion trends by studying both domestic and foreign magazines, blogs and video tutorials.
  4. Most often, income depends on the number of clients with whom the master worked during the day or month.
  5. Capricious clients can irritate even the calmest person, and this specialist deals with them every day.
  6. Not all clients wash their hair and observe personal hygiene rules.
  7. Competition is very high, so problems with employment may arise.

The main disadvantage of the profession is that the risk of developing occupational diseases is high. The master is forced to work standing for 10 or more hours a day, which causes the development of spinal diseases, as well as varicose veins and constant swelling.

Important personal qualities

An impeccable appearance is one of the main requirements that is put forward to specialists who work in the field of beauty. A hairdresser-stylist should have a beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed hands.

  1. Kindness and endurance.
  2. Excellent health.
  3. Artistic taste and creativity.
  4. Communication skills.
  5. Responsibility and courtesy.
  6. Neatness.
  7. Accuracy.
  8. Pedantry.

Every day, a hairdresser-stylist faces capricious and not always polite clients, so he must be very calm, reasonable and careful.

Training to become a hairdresser-stylist

Graduates of grades 9-11 who do not have medical contraindications can enroll in training courses. The training course is divided into 2 parts:

  • 30% of the time - theory;
  • 70% of study time is practice.

Typically the course lasts from 4 months to 2.5 years, and after completing the program the student will receive a diploma or certificate. As a rule, the duration of training depends on the student’s age and professional knowledge.

Training center "Europe", Moscow

You need to study from 1 to 4 months, and the course will be of interest to professional hairdressers who want to improve their skills. The course program consists of more than 8 topics, as well as theoretical and numerous practical sessions.

Where can a hair stylist work?

Masters work in beauty salons or work with private clients, renting premises and equipping mini-salons in them. After completing their training, these specialists most often remain to work where they previously completed their internship.


The monthly salary consists of the amount that the master receives for working in the salon and fees, because these specialists, in addition to their main work, are engaged in private practice.

Salary as of 12/18/2019

Russia 30000—150000 ₽

Moscow 40000—170000 ₽


The career growth of a specialist depends on his experience and knowledge, because if a master regularly attends master classes and improves his skills, then his work will be valued very highly. In the future, a hair stylist can gain fame, work with famous people, become an expert in the beauty industry and open his own fashion salon.

Professional skills

  1. Ability to use hairdressing equipment and tools.
  2. Ability to apply cosmetics and coloring compounds.
  3. Knowledge of fashion trends in the beauty industry.

Famous representatives of the profession

  1. Sergey Zverev.
  2. Chris McMillan.
  3. Adir Abergel.

It is not that difficult to successfully master the profession of a hairdresser. But not everyone is usually able to achieve sufficient success in this area.


First of all, this requires special theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which can be acquired by enrolling in vocational training at a hairdressing school from scratch. Before enrolling in training, it is important to obtain the following necessary information:

  1. How long will it take to study at hairdressing school?
  2. What type of diploma is usually issued to graduates;
  3. School-assigned vocational class;
  4. Is it possible to issue an appropriate work license?


The profession of a hairdresser is perfect for creative people striving for new achievements. To quickly achieve success in your chosen professional field, you need to have a special character. Only hardworking, patient, resilient, and creative people can work successfully here.

It would also be nice to have a well-developed visual memory, the ability to quickly find a way out of a situation in the circumstances that arise, to have operational thinking, and to be friendly.

In the past, the craft of a hairdresser did not bring fabulous income. In the modern world, everything is completely different. A good craftsman is extremely in demand and receives a decent payment for his work.

It is noteworthy: hairdressing salon workers will never be left without work - at all times, people have strived to look neat, stylish, and well-groomed. Currently, the number of beauty salons and hairdressers is constantly growing.

Hairdressing schools will teach you the basics of your future profession. But only great experience will allow you to become a real virtuoso of your craft. When acquiring the profession of a hairdresser, you must be responsible for your work. After all, people go to the salon not only for a new hairstyle, they come in the hope of somehow changing their lives.

After successfully completing hairdressing school, it is important to get into a high-traffic salon. Active work in such a salon for two to three years will allow you to acquire vital experience.

Without regular practice, any acquired professional skills will disappear without a trace over time. Careful observation of the work of experienced hairdressers will help you quickly learn from experience and delve deeply into all the intricacies of hairdressing training.

One of the primary tasks of a novice hairdresser is to positively establish himself as a master. In this extremely important matter, the most important are:

  • Appearance, neatness. After all, people come to a hairdresser for beauty, so first of all they pay attention to the appearance of the hairdresser;
  • Knowledge of human psychology, ability to communicate correctly. An individual approach to each client, the ability to listen, hear and understand is required. In the process of human communication, the client creates a personal impression of the master. It must be good;
  • Creative approach to work;
  • Professional equipment and special tools must be of high quality.

The profession of hairdresser is quite ancient and in demand. Experienced teachers at hairdressing schools will be able to provide the necessary knowledge. The most accessible specialty is a general hairdresser. Such a master can work in a men's or women's room.

He is also well acquainted with the composition of chemical dyes and the characteristics of their effect on the human body. He knows how to dye, cut hair, do perm, work with a hair dryer and machine quite well. But evening, complex hairstyles are not included in this list of services.

A highly qualified specialist who creates model, evening, wedding hairstyles, youth haircuts, special coloring, and all types of curls is a hairdresser-stylist or master technologist.


Today, many people are thinking about becoming a hairdresser. After all, hair cutting, styling and coloring specialists are always in demand, and their work is well paid. However, this profession, like any other, has its own nuances. Before making a choice in favor of training in hairdressing, a person needs to become familiar with the features, advantages and disadvantages of this work.

Main areas of specialty

What is the profession of a hairdresser? Its description is quite extensive. A modern hairdresser is not just a person who knows how to cut and dye hair. He must be a magician who creates unique images for his clients. There are several main areas in hairdressing:

  • male master;
  • female master;
  • colorist;
  • braiding specialist;
  • station wagon;
  • hairdresser-stylist.

Characteristics of directions

What is the difference between the work of each of the mentioned masters is clear from the name.

  • The male master is engaged in creating hairstyles for the stronger sex, and the female master is in charge of the ladies' curls.
  • The profession of “hairdresser for children” involves working with small clients, whose haircut can sometimes be very difficult.
  • Colorists are trained in the art of dyeing, highlighting and coloring hair.
  • A braiding specialist can easily create evening, youth and avant-garde hairstyles on the client’s head using different types of braids.
  • But a generalist hairdresser is valued most of all, because he alone can replace all of the above specialists. Such a master knows the technology of cutting hair for men, women and children, knows how to curl, style and dye, knows how to choose the right hair care products, and understands the intricacies of the effects of various masks, shampoos and conditioners on hair. It is these general specialists who are gladly hired to work in hairdressing and beauty salons.

Who is a hair stylist?

If a client needs an evening or model hairstyle, then he needs to go not to a generalist, but to a hairdresser-stylist. A specialist of this level is considered the most competent, because he understands the latest fashion trends, creates haircuts and styling of any degree of complexity, knows how to work with hot scissors, knows different methods of curling and coloring hair, etc. The profession of “hairdresser-stylist” is in demand in expensive beauty salons, on television, in show business.

What else does a good hairdresser need?

Skill is not all that is required from a person who likes the profession of hairdresser. The description of this activity also includes the need to have communication skills, for which you need to be a good psychologist and be able to hold conversations on various topics. But you shouldn’t stop here either. A hairdresser should never forget that his main duty is to make people beautiful. His work requires an individual approach to each client. In order to become a true professional, a hairdresser needs to love his work and treat it as a creative process.

Briefly about the history of hairdressing

Barbers have always been needed, but previously their work was not as highly paid as it is now, and such work could not be called prestigious. The history of the hairdressing profession goes back several thousand years. Fashion for hairstyles existed back in Ancient Egypt. The task of barbers was to create and care for the wigs of noble nobles. In the Middle Ages, the bowl haircut was popular among the male population, and women hid their hair from prying eyes under fabric capes. The barber's profession reached its greatest skill in the 17th century: at that time, huge wigs reaching a height of up to 50 cm came into fashion. In order to construct and maintain such hair structures in good condition, the craftsmen needed to have special skills and talent. Not just anyone could become a barber, because the secrets of working with scissors and combs were passed down from the older generation to the younger.

Advantages of the profession

Before becoming a hairdresser, a person needs to carefully familiarize himself with all its pros and cons.

The most important advantage of the specialty is its high demand in the labor market, since both women and men want to be beautiful. Even a master without experience can find a job today, because a large number of hairdressing and beauty salons are open in every locality.

If for some reason a specialist does not want to work in a salon, he can provide his services at his or a client’s home. There are not so few home-based hairdressers today. In order to receive a stable and decent income while working for himself, a master needs to have a large number of regular clients.

A good specialist will always be able to feed himself and his family, because hairdressing services are not cheap. Even if he is temporarily left without work, he will be able to cut and color his friends and neighbors, receiving a decent material reward for this.

Working as a hairdresser involves communicating with a large number of people, including influential people. After working in a salon for several years, a specialist will acquire a solid circle of useful contacts that will be useful to him in the future.

Disadvantages of being a hairdresser

Having become familiar with the main advantages of the profession, it is necessary to move on to considering its disadvantages.

Hairdressers have their own occupational diseases. Due to the fact that the master spends a long time on his feet during the working day, he develops diseases of the spine, varicose veins, arthrosis, and arthritis. The use of aerosols and inhalation of the odors of nail polishes and hair dyes lead to the development of allergies and bronchial asthma among beauty salon workers.

The dream of becoming a hairdresser can turn into disappointment when a young specialist starts working with clients, because among them there are many conflicting and always dissatisfied people. This craft requires enormous endurance and resistance to stress; it will be psychologically difficult for an impressionable person to engage in it.

There is a lot of competition among hair cutting and styling specialists today. In order to find a job in a prestigious salon, a hairdresser needs to be a professional in his field, and for this he needs to constantly improve his skills.

Craftsmen have to buy all the professional tools for their work at their own expense, and they are not cheap. For example, just simple scissors will cost a hairdresser several thousand rubles, and in addition to them, he will also need a variety of combs, brushes, clips, a hair dryer, curling irons, curlers, razors, sprayers, and a hair clipper.

Specialty training

To become a hairdresser, you don't need to spend a lot of time and money on training. You can learn how to use scissors and a hairdryer in short-term courses lasting only a few months. The skills and abilities acquired there are quite enough to get a job in an ordinary hairdresser. If a person strives to become a true professional in his field, he will have to additionally attend advanced training courses, take part in various competitions, and take mastery lessons from recognized geniuses in his field. Also today, many universities offer those who want to master all the nuances of working with hair, becoming a qualified specialist with higher education.

Hard work, accuracy, creativity, endurance, sociability, tact, goodwill, the ability to find an individual approach to each client - these are not all the personal qualities that the profession of a hairdresser requires. This specialty has its pros and cons, like any other. After reading them, you can determine for yourself whether you should choose hairdressing as your life’s work or whether it makes sense to look for your calling in another occupation.

A hairdresser is a person who cares for clients’ hair and who can easily do any haircut or hairstyle.

The hairdresser is able to do absolutely any haircut, in addition, he will be able to do hair coloring, perm or styling. Also, a real specialist must be able to treat hair, correct eyebrows, give them the desired shape and correct the mustache and beard. But many hairdressers also make wigs and false eyebrows. Hairdressing courses teach all this.

A true professional is simply obliged to satisfy the wishes of his client: to hide the disadvantages and highlight the advantages of the face. A well-chosen haircut or hairstyle can change the shape of your face before your eyes, making it more attractive and beautiful. And if you take a responsible approach to the choice of hair dye color and dyeing method, you can perfectly highlight the beauty of your facial skin and eye color.

A hairdresser may specialize exclusively in hairstyles for women, or vice versa - only for men or children. But generalist hairdressers are also no exception.

Qualities that a real hairdresser should have

Real professional hairdressers can become:
sociable personalities;
and hardy.

This is a profession for creative individuals. The hairdresser will not only have to cut or do different hairstyles, but also find a common language with clients and visitors. A true specialist must be able to make a hairdresser's chair not just a workplace, but a place of inspiration. In addition, he must be able to resolve any conflicts.
For such a profession you need a special, exotic, unusual taste, a sense of style and, of course, accuracy.

Education for a hairdresser

In order to achieve the desired result, the hairdresser will have to become familiar with many types of haircuts and hairstyles. In addition, he must understand face types and clearly understand which haircut will suit whom best. The hairdresser must also know the answers to all the visitors’ questions and be ready to advise and suggest something. He must clearly and clearly know which preparations, dyes, and hair masks are best suited for the client. Know which hairdressing substances can interact with the skin.
Washing and massaging your head is also important. These two processes not only prepare the hair and head for subsequent procedures, but also help to establish better contact with the client.
Of course, safety must come first, as well as sanitation. It is very important to have a good understanding of all hairdressing tools and equipment. And also the master must be able to care for it so as not to cause any infection during subsequent use.

A hairdresser is not just a person who can cut your hair, he is a master who can make your hair very beautiful and attractive. He must be able to do even the most complex hairstyles and haircuts.

Hairdresser career

As for employment, work can be found both in ordinary hairdressing salons and in beauty salons. But today, most often, hairdressers prefer to work at home or on the road. As practice shows, this is much more profitable.

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