Book exhibition for National Unity Day. Book exhibitions - November Azov Village Library

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the XI Church and public exhibition-forum “Orthodox Rus' - for the Day of National Unity” will be held from November 4 to November 8, 2012 in Moscow in the central exhibition hall “Manege”. The central theme of the exhibition: “Church, power and people. Lessons in overcoming turmoil and finding unity,” reports the Internet portal Tatyana’s Day.

The exhibition-forum is one of the central events of the celebration of National Unity Day in Russia. The exhibition is held in the Year of Russian History. Exhibitions prepared by the Patriarchal Council for Culture, Synodal institutions, dioceses, stauropegial monasteries, the Government of Moscow and St. Petersburg are dedicated to memorable events of national significance:

  • 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood;
  • 400th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Holy Patriarch Hermogenes;
  • 400th anniversary of the victory of the militia of Minin and Pozharsky and the overcoming of the Troubles;
  • 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812;
  • 100th anniversary of the repose of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nicholas of Japan.

One of the central events of the exhibition will be the presentation to the general public of the results of the All-Russian open competition for the best architectural and sculptural solution for the monument to His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes. The competition is held in connection with the 400th anniversary of the martyrdom and the 100th anniversary of the glorification of Patriarch Hermogenes as a saint. The exhibition will feature more than 80 works by the best sculptors of Russia. The monument to Patriarch Hermogenes will be installed on the site of the foundation stone in the Alexander Garden.

A special feature of this year’s exhibition-forum “Orthodox Rus'” will be the theatrical excursion “The History of Russia through the Eyes of Children.” The image of Russia during this action is compared with the image of the Phoenix bird - a symbol of eternal life and rebirth. This image will become the leitmotif of the route that the children’s guides will lead.

The main shrine of the current exhibition will be the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, will be delivered from the Kazan Cathedral of St. Petersburg to Moscow. On November 4, the feast of the Kazan Icon, the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, after which the icon will be brought to the exhibition-forum at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall.

Traditionally, within the framework of the exhibition-forum, the winners of the “Enlightenment through the Book” competition will be awarded, the “Radiant Angel” film festival will take place, and there will also be a presentation of the book of reflections by the chairman of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsk Clement “Word and Faith” and the book of the deputy chairman of the Youth Department at the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Archpriest Andrei Sommer “From West to East. Experience of youth ministry in the Russian Church Abroad."

The exhibition will be open to visitors:

  • November 4 - from 15.00 to 20.00;
  • November 5-7 - from 10.00 to 20.00;
  • November 8 - from 10.00 to 18.00.

The forum is designed to unite the efforts of the Russian Orthodox Church, secular authorities, and the public to preserve and develop the traditional spiritual values ​​of Russian culture, art and morality, the patriotic education of the younger generation, and the consolidation of Russian society.

The organizers of the exhibition-forum are the Moscow Patriarchate, the exhibition association “Restek” with the support of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and the Government of Moscow.

Azov village library

On the occasion of National Unity Day, the Azov village library hosted an hour of history “There is strength in unity.”

The librarian of the village library Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokotilo spoke about the historical events of 1612, in memory of which the Day of National Unity was established, and its significance in strengthening the Russian state. Those present learned about the spiritual significance of the Orthodox holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God from a message from the librarian of the reading room Svetlana Vasilievna Danilenko. Poems dedicated to the significant date were read by high school students Pavel Krasavin, Ramazan Saledinov and Alexey Gumin. All those present recalled proverbs about the Motherland.

A thematic shelf “Unity binds hearts forever” was prepared for the event, where literature on the topic was displayed.

Near City Library

On November 3, in the Nizhny Novgorod Rural Library for readers in grades 2-5, an educational hour “The Power of the Russian Eagle” was held dedicated to the holiday of National Unity Day. Makarova's librarian Elena Vladimirova told the children about the history of the holiday and the history of Russia, the Time of Troubles, the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders, and the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the unification of the country. The children listened to the librarian with interest and then took part in a quiz about Russian national holidays. The most active participants in the quiz were Dasha Yudicheva and Alena Zhigalova.

Krymkovskaya library

On the eve of the National Unity Day holiday on November 2, an oral journal “Prosperity in Unity” was held in the Krymkovo rural library for students in grades 4-6.

Librarian Boychuk Larisa Valentinovna told students about the heroic pages of our history; the story was accompanied by an electronic presentation “We are United.” The children peered with great interest at the expressive slides; pictures of the history of ancient Rus', portraits of great heroes - Minin and Pozharsky, Alexander Nevsky and other national heroes of Russia - flashed on the screen. 5th grade students and event presenters Kenzhieva Medine, Nezdelskaya Katya and Temnaya Arina read poems: Natalia Maidanik dedicated to National Unity Day.

A book and illustrated exhibition “Unity Forever” was prepared for the event.

Lugansk library

As part of the celebration of National Unity Day, on November 4, a patriotic evening “Unity of Diverse” was held in the village of Lugansk. Before the start of the concert, the Chairman of the Village Council, Asie Ametovna Ametova, spoke with congratulations and presented the young artists with a large and delicious cake for their bright talents.

The head of the Lugansk library, Svetlana Stepanovna Pavitskaya, told the audience about the history of the holiday, and the guys from the “Istoki” theater studio Nastya Nevoit read the poem “The Motherland is One,” and Daniil Beletsky read the poem “Unity.” Throughout the concert, modern songs about the Motherland, friendship and love were performed; Mishchuk Kostya “I Love You”, the vocal group “Vesnushki” “Rosinochka - Russia”, Avdoyan Diana “Palms”, Ablaeva Mavila “Sister Nastenka”, and the Crimean Tatar dance “Haitarma” performed by Usmanova Lili and Ablaeva Linara, the audience greeted with a storm applause. The concert ended with the patriotic song “My Russia” performed by Regina Abdulgafarova.

May Library

The May Rural Library, together with the House of Culture, held a festive concert entitled “We are United!”, dedicated to the Day of National Unity.

The host of the festive concert was the rural librarian Yu.N. Mikolaichuk, she spoke about the history of this holiday. Vocal and dance groups from the village of Mayskoye took part in the event. During the festive concert, many wonderful songs about Russia were performed. Members of the circus group "Rainbow" presented the guests with their wonderful numbers, and the dance group "Radost" presented the dance "Friendship", which symbolized the unity of the peoples of Russia.

Novokrymskaya library

On the eve of National Unity Day, the head of the Novokrymsk rural library, Elena Grigorievna Nimchuk, held an oral journal “There will never be troubles in Russia” at a day-care rehabilitation center for the disabled and elderly. Those present took an excursion into the historical past of Rus', became acquainted with the events of 400 years ago, which gave rise to the birth of the holiday of national unity. Elena Grigorievna said that it was on November 4, 1612 that two Russian heroes - Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky expelled the Polish invaders from the Moscow Kremlin, thereby putting an end to the thirty-year period that historians call the Time of Troubles.

Pobednenskaya Library

An hour of patriotic education, “Only those who honor their history are worthy of respect,” for primary school students, dedicated to National Unity Day, was held in the Pobednenskaya library. The head of the Pobednenskaya library, Tatyana Borisovna Kareeva, prepared an interesting story for the children about the history of the holiday. The guys learned that this is a very young holiday. But this is not a newly invented, but a restored holiday. It has a very ancient history.

Our country is multinational, more than 180 nationalities live in Russia and each has its own customs, fairy tales and songs. But we all have one big, united Motherland, Russia! The guys reflected this in their drawings, which they submitted to the competition “I live here and this region is dear to me.” The winners were Arsen Apashukov, Vera Danilchenko, Karina Tsalko, Nastya Romashina, Masha Molodetskaya. All winners received albums, pencils and books as gifts. For the event, a book exhibition “Concord today - peace forever” was decorated in the library.

Chaykin Library

“There’s a reason for it, mighty Rus',

To love you, to call you mother,

Stand up for your honor against your enemy,

I have to lay down my head for you in need!”

I. Nikitin

Since 2005, on November 4, we have been celebrating our youngest national holiday - National Unity Day. The holiday is intended to remind us that we, Russians, belonging to different social groups, nationalities and religions, are one people with a common historical destiny and a common future.

As part of the celebration of National Unity Day, on November 3, the historical hour “Great Date of Russia,” dedicated to National Unity Day, was held in the Chaikinsky rural library. Librarian Natalya Igorevna Chernyaeva spoke about the history of the holiday, its historical and political significance. A book exhibition was prepared for library readers: “The future of Russia lies in the unity of the people.”

Yarkovskaya library

“On Unity Day we will be close,

We'll be together forever

All nationalities of Russia

In distant villages and cities!”

This quatrain began an hour of historical events in the Yarkovsky library, which was prepared for students in grades 10-11 by the village librarian Tatyana Gennadievna Shcherbanyuk. On November 4, all of Russia celebrates National Unity Day. This day occupies a special place among the public holidays of modern Russia. It is connected with the events of 1612 - the feat of our ancestors, who rallied in the name of freedom and independence of the Motherland. Tatyana Gennadievna told the schoolchildren about Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, that under their leadership the Moscow Kremlin was finally liberated from the Polish invaders, that this day is the day of uniting the past, present and future, uniting all the people of our huge country in love. to a friend, to your land, to Russia.

The younger generation is obliged to remember events of this magnitude, and this memory should under no circumstances be lost by descendants. In this memory we draw strength to overcome difficulties, in this memory we are a united and invincible Russian people.

Yasnaya Polyana Library

In the Yasnaya Polyana rural library, an hour of history “In unity is our strength” was held for students in grades 7-8. Rural librarian Natalya Lyubomirovna Pulyaeva noted that the history of our country is rich in examples when it was the unity of the entire multinational people in the name of the good and prosperity of Russia that opened the way to strengthening the state. The children got acquainted with historical books and articles that reflected the era of troubled times. At the end of the event, students were asked to answer the questions: “What does the National Unity Day holiday call us to?”, “Why should we be united?” The most active ones received incentive prizes.

From November 4 to November 22, 2016, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the XV church and public exhibition-forum “Orthodox Rus' - for the Day of National Unity” will be held at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall in Moscow. Russia is my history. 1945-2016". The opening of the exhibition will be one of the central events as part of the celebration of National Unity Day in Russia. An ancient image of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be brought to the exhibition.

The 2016 exhibition is the fourth and final in the series of historical exhibitions “Russia - My History”, prepared by. The previous exhibitions in the cycle - “The Rurikovichs”, “The Romanovs”, “From Great Upheavals to the Great Victory” - were received with extraordinary interest by the audience. More than two million visitors visited these exhibitions, seventy percent of them were young people.

This year, the exhibition, covering an area of ​​more than four thousand square meters, will be dedicated to an unusually dramatic historical period. What was the USSR? What did the collapse of this great country mean for our country and for the whole world, and what are the reasons for this collapse? What today, several decades later, can we say about “perestroika”? What are the lessons of history, which, according to V.O. Klyuchevsky, “not a kind teacher, but a supervisor who punishes for unlearned lessons”?

Some of the materials presented at the exhibition will be made public for the first time.


Tomorrow we celebrate National Unity Day. This holiday symbolizes the civil feat of the people who rallied to overcome the unrest and anarchy in 1612. On this day, our people showed rare courage and expelled the invaders and invaders from Russia. On November 4, 1612, soldiers of the people's militia led by Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin stormed Kitay-Gorod and liberated Moscow.

On November 4, when we celebrate National Unity Day, we pay our debt to our great ancestors, to all our people who defended Russia in troubled and turbulent times.

On the eve of this memorable date in library branch No. 5 opening took place exhibition “Our strength is in unity”. Literature on the history of the Fatherland was presented to the attention of users, telling about the feat of the Russian people in those distant times and about the modern development of Russian statehood.

To celebrate National Unity Day library branch No. 2 prepared book exhibition “For the glory of the Fatherland, for the glory of Russia!”

Here are books about distant events of the early 17th century, to which we owe the origin of this holiday. Readers will be able to become more familiar with the history, culture and way of life of Rus' at that time, as well as learn about the great Russian prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the national hero Kuzma Minin.

What does the National Unity Day holiday mean to us? Does the holiday live up to its name and are we a united people, Russians? What unites us? On the eve of National Unity Day we talked about this with readers. Everyone was unanimous in the opinion that for modern Russia this holiday symbolizes a tribute to the centuries-old traditions of patriotism and the consent of the people.

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