Mobile control center. Development of a backup communication channel scheme for organizing IP telephony

There are a lot of interesting things in the “bins” of our Motherland, among the many interesting places and objects hidden from prying eyes with which I try to acquaint my readers as much as possible, there is also a certain one - the Mobile Control Center of the Tver Region on the basis of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. My photo report is about this special convoy in case of emergencies and emergencies in the Tver region..
And it was like this... The Tver region took part in the All-Russian civil defense training. It took place in two stages: notifying the authorities and gathering the management team, as well as working out practical issues.
On October 4, according to the tactical plan of the exercise, Tver rescuers eliminated the consequences of a simulated fire with the subsequent release of three tons of ammonia. Specialists deployed and made available points for issuing personal protective equipment, receiving evacuated population and field food points, as well as radiation and chemical control posts, and created fire extinguishing headquarters. All actions were coordinated by the operational group of the Government of the Tver Region from a deployed mobile control point at the Ministry of Emergency Situations base. A video conference was also organized, during which the head of the Russian Government, Dmitry Medvedev, monitored the progress of the exercises. Governor of the Tver Region Andrey Shevelev took part in the video conference. The main purpose of such training was to check the organization of implementation of priority activities in Civil Defense by both federal executive authorities and local executive authorities.

On October 4, Tver rescuers celebrated the 80th anniversary of the civil defense system; in honor of this significant date, access to the mobile control point (hereinafter referred to as PPU) of the Tver region on the basis of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was opened for everyone. Also, in honor of this event, as part of the All-Russian anniversary events in the Tver region, a demonstration training in Civil Defense was held.
At 10.00 on the territory of fire station No. 2 at the address: Tver, st. M. Koneva, 69, a mobile control point was deployed from which operational control and planning of forces and assets were carried out during the exercises.

The basis of the country's current civil defense system was the local air defense (LAD), formed in the thirties of the last century, the main tasks of which were protecting the rear from air strikes and carrying out the necessary mass defense work among the population.

The history of local air defense contains many heroic pages. The most striking of them was the contribution of MPVO soldiers to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Their worthy successors were the military personnel of the civil defense forces, and now the military personnel of rescue military units.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the MPVO solved the problem of eliminating the consequences of fascist aggression and helped locally restore the national economy.

The creation of nuclear weapons and means of delivering them to any point behind the rear of warring countries forced the issues of protecting the population to be raised to a higher level. In this regard, the country's civil defense was created in 1961.

The original purpose of civil defense was to protect civilians in hostilities, but today the range of tasks it solves has been significantly expanded.

In modern conditions, it solves a wide range of tasks aimed at carrying out measures to prepare and protect the population, as well as material and cultural values ​​from the dangers of peace and war. Civil defense forces and means are constantly involved in eliminating natural and man-made emergencies.

General view of the PPU on the ground (Photo)

On October 4, 2012, anniversary events were held throughout the country. On this day, in Tver, on the territory of fire station No. 2, a fully equipped mobile control center was deployed and an extensive excursion was held.

About the mobile control point of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia -

The mobile control point of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Tver Region (hereinafter referred to as the Main Directorate) is specially equipped and equipped with technical means of communication, warning and automation, vehicles and places for placing and ensuring the functioning of the operational group of the Main Directorate in the event of emergencies and socially significant incidents (hereinafter referred to as emergencies) on the TO territory.

The mobile control point (hereinafter referred to as the PPU) of the Main Directorate is made ready for use for its intended purpose due to the staffing level of the Main Directorate and () when No. 1 is brought into READY in full force, by decision of the head of the Main Directorate.

In order to ensure the work of the operational group of the Main Directorate in the emergency area, the PPU is equipped on the basis of off-road vehicles with the appropriate technical means, life support systems, and software that allows information exchange in real time, providing all possible types of communication.

The composition of equipment, a set of documents, equipment with property, means of communication and objective control of the PPU is determined by order of the Main Directorate in accordance with the requirements of Order TsRTs dated May 31, 2010 No. 222 “On the procedure for bringing the Central Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia ready for use for its intended purpose in peacetime” .

The work of the PPU is organized in accordance with the operational calculation in shifts with the aim of managing, interacting and coordinating the actions involved in the liquidation of emergency forces and means, organizing the continuous collection, generalization and analysis of situation data, developing proposals for the decision of the head of the Main Directorate, performing operational calculations, bringing the set tasks and monitoring their implementation.

The mobile control point must provide:

Sustainable management of subordinate forces and means during emergency response;

reliable communication with higher authorities, subordinates and interacting forces involved in emergency response. Communication should be organized both at the emergency site and during the movement of the vehicle convoy to the emergency area (to the point of permanent deployment);

autonomous operation of the operational group of the regional center for up to 3 days;

round-the-clock operation of equipment of technical, technological and telecommunication systems.

The PPU is considered deployed and prepared for work if all personnel of the operational group have taken their jobs and are ready for work, communication has been organized with higher authorities, communications have been organized between the elements of the PPU (vehicles, kungs, modules and tents), life support systems (power supply, heating) are included.

A video conference was also organized, during which the head of the Russian Government, Dmitry Medvedev, monitored the progress of the exercises. Governor of the Tver Region Andrey Shevelev took part in the video conference.

The special communications vehicles of the Russian government are subordinate to another department, they were guarded by machine gunners from the special department, I was not able to photograph them from the inside because access to them is allowed only to persons with the highest level of government clearance. secret.

This is what they look like on the inside...

Mobile control center

a component element of the command post and an independent air control unit, designed to increase the control capabilities of mobile formations and groupings of troops operating in the land sectors of the GG. It is deployed for a short period of time and includes: operational personnel, a group of command and staff vehicles with technical communications equipment, and a support group. The main difference between the PDPU and the mobile VPU is that the former is deployed when it is necessary to solve sudden problems that do not require significant strengthening of management bodies and the creation of an intermediate management authority. A mobile VPU is created as an additional management link when a senior official travels for direct management of formations, groupings in certain directions, as well as when he moves from one control point to another.

Border Dictionary. - M.: Academy of the Federal PS of the Russian Federation. 2002 .

See what a “Mobile control point” is in other dictionaries:

    See Mobile control center RSChS. EdwART. Dictionary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ...

    RSChS mobile control center- control point of the relevant management body or direct control of the RSChS, located on vehicles by water, air and land... Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

    Mobile (mobile) control point- see Mobile control center. EdwART. Dictionary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    Mobile control center- specially prepared and equipped places with communication means, located in which control bodies carry out their functions in the emergency zone; are equipped on special machines, helicopters and airplanes, and on trains. Typical composition... ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    Mobile obstacle detachment (POZ)- a temporary military formation created in the ground forces to construct explosive barriers and cause destruction during an operation (battle); element of the operational formation (order of battle) of troops. The basis of POS is... ... Glossary of military terms

    MOBILE- MOBILE, oh, oh; wife, wife 1. Associated with operational movement, with rapid redeployment. Mobile group of troops. Mobile defense. P. control center. 2. Lively, light, fast in movements. P. child. Outdoor games games related... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Restoring Wartime Control- a set of measures carried out after the impact on the control system of enemy weapons, including: transfer of control to a backup control point; restoration of destroyed control points, nodes and communication lines; transmission... ... Dictionary of emergency situations

Mobile control center

specially prepared and equipped with communications facilities, located in which control bodies carry out their functions in the emergency zone; are equipped on special machines, helicopters and airplanes, and on trains. The typical composition of PUP at the regional (territorial) level includes the following vehicles: emergency response; integrated intelligence; operational management; manager; communications; special communication; provision of food; electricity supply; water supply; container ship. Composition of the PUP (MPU) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia: the Minister's salon; salon of the senior operational group (OG); task force work room; conference hall; operational service module; residential block. To operate the PUP in an emergency zone, it is provided with: mobile means of supporting the vital functions of the exhaust gas; mobile information and control center AIUS RSChS; mobile communication center. Main types of PUP (MPU) equipment: a set of communications equipment; a set of automation tools; complex of reconnaissance means; a set of means of protection, security and defense; complex of supporting systems..

EdwART. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

See what “Mobile control center” is in other dictionaries:

    See Mobile control center. EdwART. Dictionary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ...

    See Mobile control center RSChS. EdwART. Dictionary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    RSChS mobile control center- control point of the relevant management body or direct control of the RSChS, located on vehicles by water, air and land... Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

    Mobile control center- (PDPU) is a component element of the command post and an independent control center, designed to increase the capabilities of controlling mobile formations and groupings of troops operating in the land sectors of the GG. It is deployed for a short period of time and... ... Border Dictionary

    MOBILE, oh, oh; wife, wife 1. Associated with operational movement, with rapid redeployment. Mobile group of troops. Mobile defense. P. control center. 2. Lively, light, fast in movements. P. child. Outdoor games games related... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Mobile obstacle detachment (POZ)- a temporary military formation created in the ground forces to construct explosive barriers and cause destruction during an operation (battle); element of the operational formation (order of battle) of troops. The basis of POS is... ... Glossary of military terms

Home Encyclopedia Dictionaries More details

Command centre

A specially equipped place equipped with technical means, where the commander (commander) and staff officers exercise control over troops during the preparation and conduct of combat operations or during combat duty. Work P.u. provide communications and service units.

In the Strategic Missile Forces, command, reserve command and auxiliary command posts are created to control troops. An element of the command post is the air control post (ACCP). P.u. can be stationary and mobile. Stationary P.u. are equipped in advance in designated areas in special fortifications with the appropriate protection class (protected), as well as in ground-based structures (unprotected). Their survivability is ensured by fortification equipment, constant and timely maintenance of life support and communication systems, organization of reliable security, defense and comprehensive (active and passive) protection against weapons. In peacetime, combat duty is organized on them in duty shifts. During a period of threat and in wartime, combat control groups (operational groups) are deployed at these points. From stationary P.u. troop control is carried out when transferring them from peacetime to wartime, repelling an enemy attack and conducting combat operations.

Movable P.u. are equipped on combat control vehicles, command and staff vehicles (field), airplanes and helicopters (air) and on trains (rail). As a rule, they are deployed when the Strategic Missile Forces are transferred from peacetime to wartime or with the outbreak of hostilities and are located in areas provided with command and control facilities and prepared in engineering terms. To ensure survivability, movable P.u. must be dispersed, hidden from all types of enemy reconnaissance and protected from penetration by sabotage and reconnaissance groups and unauthorized persons. They establish a special procedure for the movement of transport and personnel. In the area where P.u. It is prohibited to make unmasking signs and inscriptions.

Command posts are the main ones in command and control of troops, preparation and conduct of combat operations; From them, communications with higher commanders and headquarters and interacting troops are organized and maintained, and the main forces and control means are concentrated on them. From reserve command posts, control is carried out when the main command posts fail; they perform, as a rule, the same tasks as the main ones. Auxiliary P.u. are created to achieve private management goals. For example, technical P.u. is created to manage units of the technical missile base and assigned forces and means when they perform tasks of maintaining the combat readiness of missile and special weapons, as well as work carried out on missile weapons.

To ensure stable and continuous command and control of troops, permanent personnel, regular combat control and communications vehicles, sets of command and staff vehicles, automation equipment complexes, security and support units are assigned to the command and reserve command posts for combat crews. The main staff constantly works together with the commander (commander) at the command center where he is currently located. To the air P.u. From among the main personnel, operational groups are allocated, the composition of which depends on the situation and the tasks being solved for command and control of troops. The permanent staff assigned to the P.U. must be fully prepared and provided with pre-developed sets of combat documents, maps, reference and other necessary material.

Time and place of deployment of P.u. determined by a higher commander (commander, headquarters). The area planned for the location of the P.U. is preliminarily reconnaissance and prepared in engineering terms. In order to prevent a surprise attack by ground and air enemies and penetration into the area where the P.U. The headquarters of enemy reconnaissance and sabotage groups organizes its security and defense. Measures for the protection and defense of P.u. are reflected in the point security and defense plan, which is developed by headquarters on a map or diagram with an explanatory note. Moving movable P.U. during the preparation and conduct of combat operations, it is planned in advance and carried out as necessary. About the beginning of the movement of the P.u. and their arrival in a new area is reported to higher headquarters and the headquarters of subordinates, cooperating troops and neighbors are informed.

The invention relates to the field of mechanical engineering, namely to emergency rescue vehicles used during emergency rescue operations as a mobile control point. The mobile control point is made on the basis of a truck carrying a van body, including a metal frame and having compartments. The metal frame of the van body serves as the basis for five-layer sandwich panels 65-75 mm thick with double-sided plastic coating and polystyrene foam filling. The interior space of the van body is divided into three equal-sized compartments, successively located in the direction of travel: the operational compartment, the manager’s compartment and the auxiliary compartment. The common entrance door is installed on the operational compartment. The partitions between the compartments are equipped with sliding doors. The invention makes it possible to ensure operational efficiency when eliminating the consequences of emergency situations. 1 salary f-ly, 4 ill., 1 table.

Drawings for RF patent 2313463

The proposed invention relates to emergency rescue vehicles (ARVs) used during emergency rescue operations (ASR), to vehicles for delivering equipment and personnel to the emergency response zone, and can be used for the operational work of the emergency commission in field conditions in the event of accidents and disasters, to ensure the implementation of emergency rescue and other urgent work, measures to provide medical care to victims, communications and notification during the liquidation of the consequences of emergencies, increasing efforts to eliminate emergency situations (in the second echelon of forces and means), as well as for the work of the commission in difficult natural and climatic conditions.

Known machines for transporting equipment and equipment to emergency zones with additional fixing elements and fastening elements for transported equipment and devices (patents 2006392 C1, B60R 7/00, 1994; A.S.625955, B60R 7/12, 1978 and etc.). However, the bodies of these vehicles and the nature of the distribution of equipment inside the body do not ensure their use as a mobile control point.

Buses and equipment are known as a mobile control point for emergency response. However, they also do not provide the requirements for such objects.

The closest prototype of the proposed invention “Mobile control path” is the utility model “Emergency rescue vehicle” according to the Russian Federation patent dated December 4, 2003 No. 36316, 003 B60R 27/00, which has a metal van body divided into cargo and habitable compartments. According to this patent, the ASM is used for transporting emergency rescue equipment (ER) and personnel to an emergency zone, but cannot be used as a mobile control point (MCP) due to the insufficient size of the compartments, non-optimal ratio of their volumes, due to the lack of reliable thermal insulation of the van and for a number of other reasons.

The purpose of the proposed invention “Mobile control point” is to ensure the effective work of the emergency commission, complicated by various factors (impassability, distance from deployment sites, weather and climatic conditions, etc.).

This goal is achieved due to the fact that the metal frame of the body serves as the basis for five-layer sandwich panels 65-75 mm thick with double-sided plastic coating and polystyrene foam filler, and the interior space of the van is divided into three compartments of equal volume, sequentially located in the direction of travel (operational , manager and auxiliary compartment), while the common entrance door is installed on the operational compartment, the partitions between the compartments are equipped with sliding doors, and also due to the fact that the compartments are equipped and equipped in accordance with their purpose for the operational work of the emergency commission with communication devices, food, rest, warning, lighting, organization of emergency rescue operations.

Figure 1 shows the layout of the mobile control station, Figure 2 shows a general view of the control panel from the starboard side, Figure 3 is a top view, Figure 4 is a rear view.

PPU mounting base - chassis 1 KAMA3-43118 with cabin 2, which has one berth.

A specialized van body (hereinafter referred to as van) is equipped with the necessary equipment for the operational work of the emergency commission: communications, organization of emergency rescue operations, food and rest. Van 3 is divided into three compartments: operational - 4, manager's compartment - 5 and auxiliary compartment - 6. The equipment is located inside and on the outside of the van, in metal boxes under the van, as well as inside the driver's cabin.

The base of the van consists of a metal ladder-type frame and a load-bearing floor. The van's floor is a sandwich panel made of plywood panels glued together, a plywood frame and extruded polystyrene foam insulation. The outer surface of the floor is laminated. The inside of the van is covered with linoleum.

The van is made of five-layer sandwich panels with a total thickness of 65-75 mm with double-sided plastic coating and polystyrene foam filling. The color of the van and cabin is white.

This design of the van ensures its reliable thermal insulation. The elastic filler creates a “soft” cushion that absorbs and neutralizes temperature deformations, which in turn prevents warping of the body walls.

It has been experimentally established that five layers of sandwich panels are necessary and sufficient to achieve the specified characteristics of the van, while the wall thickness of the van should be 65÷75 mm. As a result, favorable conditions are created for the work of the emergency commission at ambient temperatures from -40° to +40°C and relative humidity up to 96% at a temperature of +25°C.

Operational compartment 4 is intended for shift work of the operational group and rest for two people, placement of communications and warning equipment, office equipment and other equipment.

The entrance to the compartment and the van is through door 7 on the right wall of the van. The door has a window 8. The front door is equipped with an open door alarm sensor. The door is locked with a key and locked in the open position. Under the door there is a folding ladder 9 for entering the compartment. There is a handrail to the left of the entrance.

Along the left wall there is a soft two-tier lounger (sofa) 10. The upper lounger 11 leans down and serves as a backrest for the lower lounger. The dimensions of the sunbeds are 1980×600 mm. There is a storage compartment under the sofa. A curtain is attached to the ceiling to isolate the resting shift from the compartment.

An autonomous diesel heater 12 is installed under the sofa. The air supply from the heater to the compartments is through an air duct located along the left wall of the van. The heater control panel is located on the side wall of the glove compartment.

The partition between the compartments contains 13 sliding doors (845×735 mm), into which mirrors are inserted.

On the left wall of the van there is a window with an opening sash (consists of plastic frames and a double-glazed window made of “tempered” glass). The window sash opens along the vertical and horizontal axes.

To the left of the front door there is a wardrobe 14 for clothes. The cabinet has three sections. The upper section is for hats, the middle section is for outerwear, the lower section is for shoes.

On the front wall there are two racks 15 and 16 for placing communication equipment, documentation and office equipment with individual lighting.

There is a safe for documents in the right counter below. Access to the safe is through a door at the end of the counter. The door is locked with a key.

On the front wall, in the opening between the racks, there are monoblock antennas, a cabin-van intercom, a 12 V fan and a stand for drawing up a documentation board.

In the middle of the compartment there is a desktop for 17 operators, which on one side is adjacent to a large rack for placing communications equipment. The table cover consists of a fixed part and an additional folding part. The table size is 900x500, and in the unfolded position 900x1000 mm. A swivel operator's chair 18 is installed on the floor between the racks. On the counter to the right of the entrance there is an electrical cabinet and a clothes hanger, and a fire extinguisher is fixed to the floor.

Manager's compartment 5 is intended for holding meetings of the emergency commission and rest for 1 person, for placing special household equipment and documentation.

The compartment is located in the middle of the van and is separated from other compartments by partitions with sliding doors, mortise locks and reversible handles.

On the left and right walls there are windows with opening sashes (consisting of plastic frames and double-glazed windows made of “tempered” glass). Window sashes open along the vertical and horizontal axis of the hinges.

On the left side, along the partitions, there are soft seats 19 facing each other with a backrest and headrests, and lockers for equipment are equipped under them.

Between the seats there is a table 20 with a metal safe for documents. The table cover consists of a fixed part and an additional folding part 21. The size of the table is 1000×700, and in the unfolded position it is 1600×700 mm. The safe is accessed through a door on the right side of the desk. The door is locked with a key.

Along the right wall there is a soft sofa with a backrest of 22. The size of the sofa seat is 1915x650 mm. In the locker under the sofa there is a water tank 23, made of stainless steel, with a capacity of 210 l, with shut-off valves.

Above the sofa above the window there is a mezzanine with four compartments for documents, dishes and bed linen. In the corner, on a special stand, a TV 24 is installed permanently. The plug of the television antenna installed on the roof of the van is also brought out there.

On the partitions above the headrests there are stands for displaying documentation boards.

An air conditioner is mounted on the ceiling of the compartment, and a fan is mounted on the left wall.

Auxiliary compartment 6 is designed to accommodate special equipment, as well as kitchen, technical and plumbing modules.

In the right wall there is a window 25 (also an emergency exit) with an opening sash (consists of plastic frames and a double-glazed window made of “tempered” glass). The window sash opens along the vertical and horizontal axes.

A ventilation hatch 26 (also known as an emergency exit) is mounted on the ceiling of the compartment.

Along the right wall there is a wardrobe 27 for clothes and a kitchen module, which is a combined table, and above it a wall cabinet for dishes and food.

The dimensions of the kitchen table are 1550x620 mm, it consists of three compartments - on the left there is a sink, under it there is a 20 liter canister for drinking water and a waste bin, in the center there is a refrigerator, on the right there is a cabinet with two drawers for dishes and a lower compartment, in which two thermoses (3 l) are fixed.

Microwave oven 28 is mounted on the kitchen table. An exhaust hood is installed above the oven.

A flow-through water heater is installed above the sink. The sink is equipped with a pump for water supply (24 V). There is a pump switch on the sink door. Draining water from the sink through the floor onto the ground.

Along the left wall there is a sanitary module and a closet for linen, clothing and personal protective equipment.

The plumbing module is separated from the compartment by partitions. It contains: shower tray 29; faucet, composting toilet 30, instantaneous water heater, washbasin, shelf for toiletries, toilet paper holder, mirror, hooks for clothes and towels, 12 V exhaust fan with remote control, 24 V water pump switch, 220 V socket.

At the rear wall, adjacent to the plumbing module is a technical module, which is a metal cabinet with compartments for placing equipment and inventory. The cabinet door is hinged and locked.

Between the kitchen and technical modules on the back wall there are hooks for work clothes and kitchen towels. A folding seat is attached to the wall of the technical module.

The doors of all cabinets, drawers, folding; The table tops, as well as the beds in the compartments are secured with latches in the transport position. All windows have fabric sliding curtains.

There are sealed metal equipment boxes located under the van at the rear of the vehicle. The drawer doors have eyelets for padlocking. A diesel generator is installed in the box on the right. The box on the left contains two grounding pins with a cable, a 40 m long power cable, a 20 liter fuel canister, stands for rod poles, a reel with a telephone cable, a tow rope and some spare parts for the base car. There are two wheel chocks attached to the box.

A working platform with a non-slip coating and a 150 mm high fence is mounted on the roof of the van. In the front part there are two horn loudspeakers, KB radio station antennas, and a radio modem antenna; in the middle of the starboard side there is a television antenna; in the rear there are two flashing beacons.

On the front wall of the van there is a ladder for accessing the roof and the fuel tank for the heater. The van is equipped with side lights.

The PPU is equipped with a towing rope 6 meters long and a rigid tug. The tug is mounted on brackets to the drawers of the van, and the cable is placed in the tool box.

The van is attached to the chassis frame using elastic supports in the front part and rigid supports in the middle and rear parts of the van.

To organize work to eliminate the consequences of emergencies and alert the population, transmit special light and sound signals, voice commands and messages, the PPU is equipped with communication and warning equipment.

The MOTOROLA GM160 radio station is installed in the cab, and it is possible to transfer the remote panel to the van. The ICOM-706 radio station is installed in the van, in a large equipment rack.

The van is equipped with a set of cordless telephones of the DECT GOODWIN LUND standard, a telephone with a PANASONIC handset, a telefax and portable radio stations R-080.

An alarm and loud-speaking installation SGU-120/3 is installed on the roof of the car cabin. The SGU control panel is located in the cab on the front panel.

The loudspeakers installed on the roof of the van are connected to a power amplifier type SYS-2240 with tuner, radio, CD. Flashing lights FP-1 are installed on the roof of the van in the rear

The loudspeaker alarm and flashing beacons are connected to the fuse box in the driver's cab. The flashing light switch is located on the instrument panel in the driver's compartment. The van is equipped with an EM-12 electric megaphone, which is mounted in the vehicle cabin.

The PPU layout solution is based on the principle of dividing the van into compartments according to functionality and their sequential location from the front door. This takes into account the frequency of demand (attendance) of the compartments and the degree of importance of the tasks being solved.

Thus, all information is received in operational compartment 4, responsible command decisions and instructions are also formed there; it is the most visited. Therefore, it is located first in the direction of travel and is equipped with a common entrance door.

The next compartment 5 is the compartment of the head of the emergency commission, it is intended for holding meetings, for rest, and can also be used to deliver personnel to the scene of action.

The third compartment 6 is auxiliary, it provides solutions to sanitary issues and catering. The compartment is characterized by regularly recurring demand and plays a supporting role.

Thus, the adopted sequential arrangement of compartments follows from their functional purpose; it is logical and justified.

The volumes of all three compartments should be approximately equal to each other, this achieves the following positive qualities and advantages:

1) the most rational use of space, since reducing the area of ​​any compartment leads to a sharp decrease in its capabilities;

for example, reducing the area by 20÷30% reduces the possibility of a compartment by 40÷50%, it becomes generally impossible to place a sleeping place, tables, etc. in it;

2) the most favorable moral and psychological perception of the situation;

3) with the sliding doors located between the compartments open, one gets the impression of a single large space, a single complex, with the help of which very complex tasks can be and are being solved to ensure effective management of emergency response work.

An example of a PPU design according to the present invention can be a version of a control point, the main characteristics of which are given in the table.

The considered version of the polyurethane foam was manufactured and tested, as a result of which it fully confirmed all the declared characteristics and advantages.


1. A mobile control station based on a truck carrying a van body, made of a metal frame and having compartments, characterized in that the metal frame of the van body serves as the basis for five-layer sandwich panels 65-75 mm thick with a double-sided plastic coating and polystyrene foam filler, and the interior space of the van body is divided into three equal-volume compartments, successively located in the direction of travel - operational, manager's and auxiliary compartments, while the common entrance door is installed on the operational compartment, the partitions between the compartments are equipped with sliding doors.

2. The mobile control point according to claim 1, characterized in that the compartments are equipped in accordance with their purpose for the operational work of the emergency commission with communication devices, power supply, rest, warning, lighting, and organization of emergency rescue operations.

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