What is the purpose of the document “Buyer’s Order. Examples of placing customer orders Instructions for 1c customer order

Placing a buyer's order and reserving inventory 1C: Managing a small company 8

Most often in the program we need to register the sale of goods or the provision of services. To sell services, we register a document in the database Certificate of completion, and for the sale of goods - Sales Invoice. In the document Sales Invoice We can also arrange the sale of services.

Working with clients in configuration involves the following steps:

client registration;
registration of an agreement with a client;
registration of a customer order;
fulfillment of an order.

In this article we will draw up a document Buyer's order.

Buyer's order

The Buyer's Order document is intended to register the buyer's intention to purchase goods, work or services from us.

The list of customer orders is in the section Sales → Customer orders.

The Orders log contains information about the completion and status of orders, as well as the amount and date of shipment.

The Buyer's Order document itself contains information about product items and their cost. The header indicates the Counterparty, the agreement and the type of transaction. (Fig.1).


You can also reflect in the document manual or automatic discounts for goods. In the % Discounts column, set the value for manual discounts, and by clicking % Auto. Automatic discounts will be calculated. (Fig.2).


Props State For the Buyer Order document, the user selects it from the list.

Possible document status(Fig.3):

Open- the order acts as an application, or preliminary calculation, the document does not move through the registers;
In progress- order in progress. The document is taken into account when calculating inventory requirements and is reflected in the payment calendar;
Completed- set when ordering.

If the order status is Open or In progress and needs to be cancelled, then you need to check the box Closed.


For orders in the In Progress or Completed status, you can schedule payment. To do this, check the box Schedule payment, and a bookmark will appear on the document form Payment schedule. Fill in the payment date, payment percentage, select a payment option and bank account. If payment is planned in several stages, then click List. The form of the document will change and will allow us to split the payment into several stages. (Fig.4).


Shipping date there may be one for the entire document and located in the header of the document, or it may be different for each position (indicated in the tabular section). This is determined in Document settings, which are accessible by button More. (Fig.5)


Inventory reservation

Ordered product with a view Stock can be reserved on a warehouse, placed in an open Order to a supplier or in a Production Order.

To do this, based on the Customer Order, you need to enter a document Inventory reservation. (Fig.6).


The Inventory Reservation document will be available only if the corresponding checkbox is selected in the program settings. (Fig.7).


In columns Starting place And New place indicates the structural unit in which the reserved goods should be placed before and after reservation, or the documents Order to supplier, Order to buyer, Order to production.

For example, if we need to reserve a product for a buyer’s order that is in the warehouse or ordered from a supplier, then we do not indicate anything in the Initial placement column, but in the New placement we indicate the warehouse or Order to the supplier. (Fig.8).

You can also reserve goods at the warehouse directly in the Customer Order, for this purpose on the tab Additionally select a warehouse, and in the column Reserve We reflect the quantity of the reserved product. (Fig.9).

This lesson shows how to work with customer orders when making a wholesale sale to a legal entity.

Document customer order in the system is intended to record the intention of the buyer (legal entity) to purchase any product, work or service from us. In the context of these documents, you can conduct mutual settlements with clients, as well as collect various additional costs.

First, let me remind you where the functionality of customer orders is enabled in the program:

In addition to enabling the use of the orders themselves, you need to select the type of use of orders (simply as an invoice, as an opportunity to reserve goods in a warehouse, or additionally as an opportunity to create orders for a supplier based on customer orders). Also included are shipment control when closing orders (i.e., it will not be possible to close an order if shipment has not been completed) and payment control (it will not be possible to close an order if it has not been paid in full):

Create a sales order

Now let’s create a customer order; to do this, open the list of orders:

We create a new order in the list of documents:

The form of the document is very similar to the form of the document for the sale of goods:

On the first tab we indicate the organization, the client, the counterparty, agreement and contract are added:

Selection of goods into a document

On the second tab we select products:

In the selection form, we see that we have prices for the items (the price type selected in the agreement is used), but there is no warehouse balance at all:

Because no warehouse has been selected:

I’m correcting myself, now there is a warehouse balance:

We select the desired item, when you double-click on the line of the list of products, the following window appears:

In it you need to select the quantity of goods for sale and the action for this product, there are several options to choose from. We are only interested in the option Ship(Only using this option you can register the sale of this product). These settings and how to meet the needs of the program will be discussed in detail later in a separate lesson.

After selecting the necessary products, transfer them to the document:

The tabular part of the goods in the order is completely filled out:

At the bottom of the form we see the date of shipment of the goods (this date will be considered the date of shipment when creating a payment schedule under the contract). If necessary (if different goods ordered will be shipped on different dates), we can uncheck this box and then you will need to fill in the shipment date in all rows of the tabular section Goods.

On the bookmark Additionally the order currency, taxation option, number and date of incoming data (according to the client) are indicated. It is necessary to fill out the Division (by default it is pulled from the division to which the user who placed the order belongs), otherwise the implementation document will not be processed later:

In order to be able to formalize the implementation, you need to set the status To be completed. After that we carry out the document. The order payment schedule has been completed:

By default, the schedule is taken from the agreement. If it is not filled out in the agreement, then the schedule is set as one hundred percent postpayment on the day of shipment:

Based on the order, you can enter the following documents:

In order to place an order for sale, we will arrange the sale of goods and services:

The document has been filled out automatically, all that remains is to complete it.

The following printed forms can be created upon request:

And various reports:

Let's look, for example, at the execution status report:

In it we see that the order has been shipped in full, but not paid for.

A document line appears in the list of orders; its current state is “Ready to close”:

It is recommended to close those orders for which shipment has taken place and payment has been accepted from the buyer. Despite the fact that we did not receive payment and set up payment control when closing orders in the system settings, we will still try to close the order:

The following window appears:

We see that the order was successfully closed:

There is no need to think that this is a system error. The simple fact is that control of shipments and payments when closing orders only works if mutual settlements with the buyer are carried out in the context of orders (and in our case, according to contracts). For exactly the same reason, the order list did not display the percentage of shipment for the order and the percentage of debt.

We will talk about mutual settlements in detail in a separate lesson.

  • Enter the “Buyer’s Order” document:
    • Enter the ordered product in the tabular part of the document.
    • If some of the goods are in stock, select this warehouse in the “Placement” column. The product will be reserved for this order.
    • Post the document.

The buyer paid for the order

  • The “Buyer’s Order” field must be filled in the payment document.
  • To do this, the PKO or receipt to the current account is entered based on the order or the required order is selected in the “Buyer Order” field.

Ordering goods from a supplier

  • The purchasing manager periodically generates the “Analysis of Customer Orders” report.
  • Draws attention to positions with a non-empty “Remaining to Provide” column.
  • These are goods ordered by the buyer, but out of stock and not ordered to suppliers.
  • Based on them, you need to form an order to the supplier.
  • By clicking the “Order to supplier...” button, all unsecured positions will be transferred from the report to the “Order to supplier” document.
  • If the “Primary Supplier” field is filled in for a product, then several orders can be created at once in accordance with the suppliers.

Receipt of goods from the supplier

  • At the time the document is processed, the goods received according to the buyer’s order are reserved in the warehouse.
  • To do this, the receipt document must contain the documents of the supplier order and the buyer order.
  • There are two options for linking an order to a supplier in a receipt document.
    • Option #1. The order to the supplier is indicated in the header of the document.
    • Option #2. The order to the supplier can be indicated in the tabular part of the document. It is regulated through “Service / Setting up accounting parameters / Indicating orders in the tabular part of documents.”
  • The purchasing order is always indicated in the tabular part of the receipt.
  • It is convenient to enter a receipt document based on an order to the supplier. In this case, the “Order to supplier” field will be filled in automatically.

Automatic filling of orders (without entering receipts based on the supplier order)

  • If entering on the basis is inconvenient, you can use our modification:
    • The item is entered into the receipt document as usual.
    • After clicking on the “Fill orders” button, the goods will be automatically distributed among the orders of buyers and suppliers.

Report "Analysis of customer orders"

  • Selections
    • If the date is not selected, information for the current moment is displayed.
    • If you only need open orders:
      • The shipment status of the order is delivered.
      • Not shipped - deliver.
      • Partially shipped - deliver.
      • Fully shipped - remove.
  • Columns
    • Planned - order amount. Always full.
    • What remains to be paid is the balance owed on the order to the buyer. The debt arises during the execution of the order to the buyer, and not during the sale.
    • Prepayment - the amount of prepayment that remains to be made.
      • The required prepayment percentage is entered in the contract in the appropriate field.
      • If the prepayment is not made in full, a positive amount will be withdrawn.
      • If completely - empty.
      • The “Remaining to Pay” amount does not depend on the prepayment amount and shows the total amount of debt.
    • Remaining to be shipped - goods ordered by the buyer, but not yet shipped.
      • If the column is empty, it means the buyer’s order has been fully completed and all goods have been shipped.
    • From warehouse - goods ordered by the buyer are reserved in the warehouse.
    • Ordered - goods ordered by the buyer are ordered from the supplier.
    • Remaining to be provided = “Remaining to ship” - “From warehouse” - “Ordered”. The goods ordered by the buyer have not been ordered from the supplier and are not in the warehouse.
      • If the value is negative, it means there are more goods in the warehouse than are needed for this order.

Report on the “Analysis” button in the purchasing order

  • By nomenclature
    • Order
      • Planned - the quantity of goods ordered.
      • Shipped - quantity of goods for which “Sales” documents have been entered.
      • What remains to be shipped is the difference between the ordered and shipped goods.
    • Equipment
      • Reserve - the product is in the warehouse, reserved for a given buyer order.
      • Ordered - an order has been placed with the supplier for this product.
      • Free balance - the product is in the warehouse not reserved for anyone.
      • It remains to ensure that the goods are ordered by the buyer, but not ordered to the supplier and not reserved in the warehouse.
  • For the money
    • Planned
      • Total - the total amount of the order.
      • Advance payment - the amount that the buyer had to leave as an advance payment.
      • Paid - the amount paid by the buyer.
    • Pay
      • Total - total debt for the order.
      • Prepayment - the amount of prepayment that must be made.

How to see the status of a customer's order

  • Option #1
    • Open the counterparty's card.
    • Select “reports / Customer orders”.
    • The “Analysis of customer orders” report for this counterparty will open.
  • Option No. 2
    • Find a customer order document by number or customer.
    • Click the “Analysis” button in the top command bar.
  • Option #3
    • Open the report through the main menu item “Reports / Sales / Order analysis / Customer order analysis”.
    • Generate a report and find the client in it.

Many trade organizations work “to order”. That is, the organization first receives several orders from customers. Then he finds suppliers and purchases the necessary goods from them. As soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse from the supplier, they are immediately shipped to customers.

In such a situation, purchasing managers must have convenient mechanisms for generating orders to suppliers and tracking delivery times.

In the program “1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" a purchasing manager can do the following:

  • View the full list of products that need to be provided to customers.
  • Automatically create an order to the supplier for all goods needed by customers. In this case, the order to the supplier will clearly indicate for which customer orders the order was placed to the supplier. And the moment the goods arrive at the warehouse, they are automatically reserved for the client.
  • Indicate the deadline for receipt of goods for all orders to suppliers.
  • Monitor the timing of goods receipt, and if the deadlines are not met, cancel the order to the supplier.

Let's take a closer look at each of these possibilities.

To analyze the goods that need to be purchased for customers, you can use the “Customer Order Analysis” report.

Menu: Reports – Sales – Order analysis – Customer order analysis

The report can be generated for orders that have not yet been shipped. To do this, set the “Order shipment status” flag and mark the values ​​“Not shipped” and “Partially shipped.” Thus, we will receive a report on orders that have not yet been fully shipped:

The report shows all unshipped orders. For each order we see the required goods; the required quantity is indicated in the “Remaining to be provided” column. If this column is not empty, then the product is out of stock and has not been reserved - it must be ordered from the supplier.

Creating an order for a supplier

From the “Analysis of Customer Orders” report, we found out that our customers need to place an order with a supplier. But we don’t have to remember who is missing what goods. Directly from the report, you can create an order to the supplier for all missing goods!

Click on the button “Order to supplier – Create one order to supplier”:

A new document “Order to supplier” is created, which automatically includes all the goods necessary for the order:

For each product, the “Order” column indicates the buyer’s order for which the product is ordered from the supplier. Thanks to this information, the moment the goods arrive at the warehouse, they will be reserved for the buyer automatically.

In the order you need to select a supplier, a contract, and fill in the purchase prices. We agreed with the counterparty "Mobil" on the delivery of this product on December 28, 2011. We indicate the expected date of receipt of the goods in the “Receipt” field:

Click the “OK” button to process and close the order to the supplier.

After placing an order with the supplier, we will again generate the “Analysis of Customer Orders” report. Now the “Remaining to be provided” column is empty, because we have ordered all the necessary goods from the supplier. Information that a product has been ordered to a supplier is displayed in the “Placed in orders” column:

Delivery time control

To control delivery times, we will use the “Analysis of orders to suppliers” report.

Menu: Reports – Purchasing – Order analysis – Analysis of orders to suppliers

We'll make a setup to see orders for which the delivery date has been missed. Click the “Settings” button.

In the settings form that opens, add a new selection “Order. Receipt date less than or equal to the current date” in the table below. To do this, click the “Add” button, in the field selection window that opens, find the “Order” field, expand it by plus and select the “Date of receipt” field inside:

In the main report form, we will also set the “Receipt Status” flag and mark the values ​​“Not Received” and “Partially Received”.

Click “Create” and as a result we will see all orders that should have been fully received before the current date, but this did not happen:

The “Remaining to purchase” column will indicate the quantity of goods that did not arrive on time.

Based on the results of the analysis, the manager may decide to cancel the order to the supplier. To do this, a document “Closing an order to a supplier” is drawn up. You can create a document based on an order to a supplier or manually.

Menu: Documents – Purchasing – Closing orders to suppliers

We will close the order based on. To do this, you can find the required order for the supplier in the list of orders:

Menu: Documents – Purchasing – Orders to suppliers

Or open an order to a supplier directly from the report.

To open an order to a supplier from a report, you need to double-click on it and select “Open order to supplier” in the list of actions that opens:

In the order to the supplier, use the enter button on the base and select the item “Closing orders to suppliers”:

In the document that opens, “Closing orders to suppliers,” the order to be closed, the counterparty, and the order amount will already be indicated:

You can also specify the reason for closing an order and then analyze the reasons for closing orders in the report:

Menu: Reports – Purchasing – Order analysis – Analysis of reasons for closing orders

Click the “OK” button and close the document.

After closing an order to a supplier, the program will no longer expect any receipts or payments for it. The order to the supplier will no longer be shown in reports:

In addition, if we generate the “Analysis of customer orders” report again, we will see that the product again appears in the “Remaining to be provided” column:

Now the purchasing manager should create a new order to the supplier for the missing goods and expect delivery of this product on time.

Customer orders in the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 are used to plan the process of selling goods to our customers.

The orders themselves are located in the section "Sales". By command "Customer orders" we go to the log of relevant orders. At the top of this log are quick selection commands. For example, this is the current status of the order, the order completion date, and the responsible manager. You can create an order directly from this journal.

The mechanism for using orders in the section is being configured “Regulatory and reference information and administration”. In setting up partitions "Sales", in Group "Wholesale" there are flags that are responsible for the corresponding options. For example, the main flag is "Customer orders". Setting this flag allows you to activate the use of 11 customer orders in the 1C Trade Management program.

  • You also need to choose how these orders will be used. There are three options: First - "order as invoice". When this flag is set, the order will be used exclusively for printing invoices for our clients, and based on such an order, the goods will not be reserved, and the execution of customer orders will not be monitored.
  • An order can also be used to reserve goods in stock. To do this, set the option "order only from warehouse". Based on such customer orders, it is already possible to control their execution. Payment can be scheduled and these orders can be used to reserve goods in warehouses.
  • The third option is “order from warehouse and to order”. It differs from the previous one in that you can reserve a product that is currently out of stock, and thus create a need for this product. And, in the future, based on this need, it will be possible to generate orders to the supplier. When a product arrives, it will automatically go into reserve for that order.

Also, several more options are used to manage orders, namely - “do not close partially shipped orders and requests”, “do not close partially paid orders and applications”. If these flags are set, the manager will not be able to close the corresponding orders until the specified condition is met.

Flag "reasons for canceling customer orders" allows you to activate the directory in the 1C Trade Management program "Reasons for canceling customer orders". And when setting the appropriate flag in customer orders, it will be necessary to indicate the reason why this order is being canceled.

The second way to create customer orders is to perform the corresponding step when using customer transactions. When using customer transaction management. For example, now on my home page in the list of my tasks the task is installed - Create an order for a transaction.

Opening the appropriate command I have the command "create order". Using this command, the 1C Trade Management 11 program, based on the information already entered at the previous stages for our transaction, creates a customer order.

We have already filled in all the basic information. Let's get a look. The fields “client”, “counterparty” and “agreement” are required. Configuration 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 will not allow you to save and post a document without specifying this information. We also have already filled in: type of operation “sale”; the organization on whose behalf the sale of goods will take place; warehouse from which the sale is planned.

Via hyperlink "Payment" We are opening payment rules. Right now they are not filled. You can use the command “Fill in by agreement”, and based on the agreement with the client, the relevant information will be filled in. In our case, these are “advance payment (before security)” and “prepayment (before shipment)”. We will transfer this information to our customer order.

Let's go to the main tab "Goods" and let's see what information we have reflected here. Based on the commercial proposal drawn up at the previous stage of our transaction, approved and agreed upon, we filled out a tabular section in which we see a list of our products, quantities, prices, automatic discounts (manual discounts were not applied here) and the amount (VAT rate).

The very last right column is where the “canceled” flags are set, and you will need to indicate “for reason”. If we set such a flag, it will be necessary to indicate from the list of pre-entered reasons the reason why the corresponding position is canceled. This line is highlighted in gray, which indicates the cancellation of this position.

Also in the buyer’s order there are two important fields that affect the behavior of the 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 program, namely - "order status". We currently have 3 statuses available:

  • Status "to be agreed upon"- in this status the order does not make any movements. Items are not reserved until the order has been agreed upon.
  • Status "to be carried out", which is installed now, indicates that the order is now in the execution stage, that is, payment, shipment and reservation of goods are planned for it.
  • Status "closed" indicates that the order is closed and no further work is being carried out with it.

It is also possible to set priorities, which is additional analytics when working with customer orders. And the main field that you should pay attention to is - "actions". In this case, we have action filled in for all positions "to ensure". You can use the corresponding assistant in which we set the flags. For example, available actions:

  • "Do not provide" order, then the requirements for this order are not calculated, the goods are not planned for purchase.
  • "Towards provision"(what we have installed now) - indicates that work on this order begins, and the need for this product will be determined in orders to the supplier.
  • “Reserve as soon as available”- indicates that the order must reserve the goods as they arrive at the warehouse in case of their absence.
  • “Reserve in warehouse”. This product will be reserved from the free balance in the warehouse.
  • And action "Ship" indicates that the goods can already be shipped directly.

We have one more assistant - "Order supply status". By going to it, we can see what item items we have in the document, what is reserved, what is in security, what actions can be performed (for example, we have a product in the warehouse, it can be reserved, and also what warehouse is used in in this case).

On the tab "additionally" indicates the transaction under which our order is placed; responsible manager; the department in which the responsible manager works; currency; the flag “price includes VAT” and taxation - that the sale is subject to VAT.

On the tab "Goods" You must fill in the estimated shipment date. In this case we have the flag set “ship on one date”. If we remove it, the estimated shipping date will appear on each line of our item. Let's set today's date, and such an order is able "to be carried out" can be swiped and closed.

Program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 says that the order could not be processed. Let's look at the reasons for the refusal. In this case, the 1C Trade Management program controlled the customer’s orders, namely, the program did not like the fact that we were trying to deliver the goods “for collateral,” although for this order we have the first payment item “advance (before collateral”). That is, until the corresponding advance payment is received for this order, the commodity items “our goods” are not sent to work, and we cannot reserve them and cannot place them “for provision” with our supplier. Therefore, on all lines I set the action "not to provide", and I’m already trying to place such an order again.

Configuration 1C Trade Management version 11.2 processed this order and marked the corresponding task - “create an order for a transaction” - as completed.

The 1C Trade Management 11 program takes us to the next stage of our transaction, namely - “confirm the obligations under the transaction”.

Thus, in the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2, work is carried out with customer orders both within the framework of transaction management and outside the framework of transaction management.

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