Automation of a bar, restaurant or cafe - selection of cash registers, online cash registers and programs for automating catering outlets. Programs for restaurants Programs for canteens

The automation of social and work processes is increasing every day. Catering establishments are not left out either, this is especially noticeable when looking at the work of actively growing private fast food chains and canteens of large enterprises.

The specifics of production and a sufficient amount of funds allocated to rationalize the work of personnel are decisive in the idea of ​​​​reducing the loss of staff time and achieving high standards of customer service.

Why is automation needed?

Automation of any of the establishments, be it a canteen or, will help solve several eternal problems of public catering:

  • facilitating the work of staff;
  • minimizing the number of errors when transferring orders;
  • suppression of most staff abuses;
  • accurate recording of all balances in the bar, kitchen and warehouses in real time without constant revisions;
  • obtaining complete recorded information for managing the establishment and adjusting its personnel and pricing policies;
  • coordinating the work of each team member.

But the most important condition for both canteens (school and factory) and fast food enterprises is the speed of customer service, because the throughput, and ultimately the company’s profit, depends on this value.

In the case of canteens, this is also a high-quality and error-free system for working with food stamps, calculating the necessary subsidies and special meals. Naturally, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the accounting department, and who, if not it, will benefit most from production automation.

Features of automation in the use of technology and software equipment

Full-fledged integrated automation cannot be imagined without a wide range of electronic trading equipment, such as:

  • service print printers - reliable mini-printers designed for instant printing of receipts and orders;
  • fiscal registrars designed for issuing checks with expanded information;
    programmable keyboards with high functionality, containing up to 70 characters;
    touch screens;
  • barcode and magnetic card readers;
  • customer displays;
  • mobile terminals based on Pocket PC.

Expanded terminal - a cashier's workplace in canteens and fast food establishments consists of up to five modules (cashier monitor, specialized keyboard with magnetic card reader, fiscal recorder and cash drawer), connected into a common system, the center of which is system unit.

Programs for automation of catering establishments

Effective service, loyal customers, motivated staff, cost optimization - this and much more you get by installing the Avers system.

Poster is an effective solution for cafes, restaurants, pubs and fast food establishments. This application is easy and pleasant to work with, and the training takes only 15 minutes!

Do you want to prepare tax and accounting reports for your restaurant in one program and simplify these processes as much as possible? Install a program that is designed just for this! Visit us and we'll tell you the name

Are you looking for a modern and affordable system to automate your restaurant, but have had no success? Don't despair, we can help!

Do you want to improve and automate as much as possible the work of your restaurant, but are you lost in the variety of programs and utilities? Visit our website, we will help you make the right choice

Automation of processes in catering establishments

Although many novice restaurateurs think that a sweet smile of a waitress and a notepad in her hands are enough for their restaurant to operate effectively, in fact this is a cruel misconception that costs many of them their failed business. Modern establishments are aimed at obtaining results - big profits and use a wide variety of methods for this: excellent cozy design, high-quality cuisine, delicious menus, extensive advertising, well-trained and sociable waiters and, of course, the most modern means to tie it all together . It is this function that is carried out by the complete automation of the process of communication with the client and employees of the establishment.

The technology used in waiter work allows you to:

  • create a complete grid of orders for all tables, taking into account each individual guest - this means that not a single dish will confuse its owner;
  • regroup guests - distribute tables with a smile, without running after other waiters with clarifications;
  • automatically transfer orders to the bar and kitchen - no more forgotten dishes or lost notes;
  • track order execution time - have an instant answer to any customer question, without wasting time going to the kitchen and back;
  • print preliminary and final invoices and, of course, fiscal receipts;
  • control several halls and the bar counter with fewer waiters, since reducing trips to the kitchen with orders or to the bar to get a check will save energy and time;
  • keep records of hourly services (sauna, bowling) in accordance with their tariffs.

Techniques in the work of an administrator are:

  • automatic accounting of balances and expenses according to routings in real time, which will help avoid the problem of suddenly running out of products;
  • simplification of work with suppliers on orders and payments;
  • accounting for revenue with immediate deduction of all necessary expenses;
  • calculating discount policies;
  • full display of the current situation in the restaurant with a table report, current revenue, order cancellations;
  • generating daily and weekly reports for accounting and translating them, if necessary, into 1C with subsequent printing.

Difficulties in implementing automation

Oddly enough, the difficulties in introducing new methods of work do not lie in technical issues, but in human inertia.

From the manager's side:

  • unpreparedness for new changes or the desire to introduce the system halfway, avoiding large expenses;
  • inability to interest the main departments in the form of accounting or IT department in automation;
  • excessive faith in the inflated promises of equipment sellers who are ready to offer mountains of gold and stunning success in response to the coveted signature on the start of work;
  • turnover among management in the middle of the restructuring process.


  • lack of a clear work plan;
  • understating the size of the project or, on the contrary, artificially inflating it;
  • overexpenditure of time and money of the enterprise.


  • lack of motivation of employees and deliberate sabotage due to the loss of left sources of income;
  • lack of staff training or smooth implementation of the system, which leads to unexpected disruptions;
  • incompetence in modern technology and unwillingness of employees to learn.

Pros and cons of turnkey automation

The advantages of turnkey solutions for enterprises with a large staff, a complex payment system and high customer traffic are obvious:

  • Development of software that takes into account personal income and expenses in relation to all employees of the enterprise who eat in the canteen, with the calculation of complex identification systems linking mutual settlements to a personal account, with sending data to the general accounting system of the enterprise, which makes the final payment to the employee, subtracting food costs from wages. The system becomes more complicated if the enterprise has subsidies or internal credit, as well as the need to take into account the possibility of payment using cash or credit cards. It is not surprising that when creating such programs by, say, the factory IT department, there may be constant problems that require lengthy polishing.
  • Official license to use the software.
  • Professional assembly and configuration of equipment by company specialists.
  • High-quality training of all company employees in new technologies.

The disadvantages of production automation include the high cost of equipment, programs and installation work.

BarMaster is a program for the bar counter. It allows you to accept an order from a client, print it in the kitchen, issue an invoice to the client, and accept payment. Data on orders accepted for a shift can be uploaded to 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, if the Cafe-8 block is installed in it, and automatically posted to costing cards.

Cafe plan
- Discount cards with a cumulative system of discounts
- Several printers in the kitchen
- Working with the fiscal registrar
- Print simultaneously to multiple devices
- Working with a scanner connected to the keyboard gap
- Interface adapted to touch screen

And much more

Bar Master is successfully used in the chain of pizzerias "Japanika" and "Milano"

  • Automates the work of the bartender and waiter at the bar counter
  • Allows you to work with multiple menus
  • Allows you to take orders from tables
  • Allows you to work with two printers: in the kitchen, for printing an order, and on the bar counter, for printing an invoice and a receipt to the client
  • Allows you to place additional orders in one receipt several times, at different times
  • Organizes personal accounting for waiters
  • Adapted for operation on a touch screen
  • Allows you to add photos of dishes
  • Supports xml data exchange
  • Works as a standalone program
  • Allows you to analyze the work of waiters
  • Allows you to analyze profit and cleanliness of food orders
  • Supports data exchange with Cafe-8, where accepted orders are automatically posted to costing cards, with ingredients written off...

The program was developed directly with the participation and sponsorship of the Moscow restaurant "Kremlin", where it is successfully used. You can see BarMaster at work by visiting this wonderful restaurant.

Club-restaurant KREMLIN is a good place for good people. The atmosphere here is made up of the emotions of our guests. Nice music, art, creativity. No show off. No glamour. Excellent cuisine, friendly staff and the atmosphere of an old Moscow apartment building will make your stay unforgettable and relaxing.

Printer in the kitchen.

The program allows you to work with two independent printers: on the bar counter and in the kitchen. If a printer is selected in the kitchen, then when an order is accepted, the order will be printed on this printer. The printer should be in the kitchen. This option makes sense where dishes are prepared based on accepted orders.

Print a receipt to the customer upon delivery of the order.

When this option is enabled, the customer will receive a proforma invoice upon delivery of the order. The bill is printed on the bar counter.

Use pictures in menus

It's no secret that the sight of deliciously prepared dishes can encourage customers to place more orders. The program supports operation in electronic menu mode. In this mode, the client can not only skim the menu lines, but his appetite will be whetted by bright photographs. Photos will be displayed on the order form, when working with a client, when viewing the menu.

With one touch of the screen, photos can be enlarged.

Work with touch screen

The program is designed so that you can use the touch screen when working with it. Give your cafe a modern look. Clients will always appreciate this.

Reorders are easy

What to do if the client doesn’t want to leave? The program supports reorder mode by table. The ordered dishes will be collected in one bill, even if the client sits with you for a long time and makes new orders after some time. As a result, he will receive one, and not several bills.

Personal accounting for waiters

The program allows you to keep personal records of waiters. By assigning individual passwords to waiters, you will get a complete picture at the end of the month of who works in your cafe and how.

Management reports

In the program you can obtain data on the work of waiters for the period. This will reward those waiters who took more orders. The program also allows you to obtain statistics on dishes that bring more profit or are ordered more often.

Data exchange with accounting program

BarMaster supports collaboration with 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, if the Cafe-8 block from O-Planet is integrated into it.

Using the Cafe-8 program, you get fully automated accounting in public catering: accepted orders will be automatically posted on costing cards, the accounting department will receive an expense report, and the manager and manager will receive management data.

The program is equipped with detailed and understandable instructions

A demo version has been released for 1C:Enterprise 8.2, version no lower than 2.14.519

We wish you success in your business!

"Cafe-8"- multifunctional software for maintaining accounting and production records in restaurants, bars, cafes and other catering establishments. A special feature of the entire line of “Cafe” programs is their compatibility with 1C program, because they are built on the basis of its configurations. This is an undeniable advantage, because... Most accountants are familiar and understand the 1C software environment. Your employees who have already worked with 1C will not have to retrain, and therefore there will be no failures or downtime in their work.

The program interface is designed according to the principle “Everything is at hand”, the program is easy to use, and mastering it takes the user no more than 5-10 minutes.

The Cafe8 program provides the following possibilities:

  • automatic filling of calculation cards of dishes;
  • production of products based on specified calculations;
  • automatic write-off of materials for manufactured products;
  • automatic filling of documents for the sale of finished products;
  • automatic accounting of components boiling;

The program implements printing of registers of production, material consumption, printing of menus and intake sheets.

Concerning accounting support, then the program allows:

  • maintain separate production and accounting records of material consumption;
  • carry out group processing of calculations;
  • the program is guaranteed to be updated to new 1C releases;
  • compatible with quarterly reporting issued by 1C;

All menus, documents and reports of the standard configuration are saved without changes, the program provides the entire necessary list of production reports.

The program allows you to fully automate accounting in your restaurant, cafe or bar. If now you only know roughly what your expenses and income are, then “ Cafe-8" allows you to make accounting 100% accurate. An unscrupulous cook will not have a single chance of not adding food to the dish; all his actions can be controlled using calculation cards.

The Cafe-8 program is ideal for any catering establishment, and for the most advanced and modern cafes it is provided possibility of using an electronic menu. To do this, you need to install a touch panel with a menu in the hall so that orders are sent directly to the program, and then from the computer to the kitchen or bar counter.

The electronic menu module in the program will definitely decorate your room and give a modern look to the interior of the room.

You don't even know how many times electronic menu will help you increase sales. You will not only save on the speed of collecting orders, but also attract customers with images of appetizing and beautiful dishes; the better the photographs of beautifully decorated dishes, the more often customers will order them.

Convince yourself of the postulate that good automation always pays off quickly.


Contact email: [email protected].

The process of automating public catering outlets or the restaurant business is labor-intensive and difficult. It includes several software and hardware systems. The main goal of automation is the efficiency of the establishment.

We will tell you what automation is in practice, what problems it can solve, and also indicate the best equipment and programs for the flawless operation of a bar, restaurant or cafe.

Automation tasks for catering outlets - what processes does automation include?

Automation allows you to solve the main tasks and problems encountered by entrepreneurs operating in the catering or restaurant business.

Let's list what will become possible with automation:

  1. The company will be able to reduce costs and increase its income.
  2. It will be possible to control the activities of the point - down to each employee.
  3. The productivity of specialists will increase.
  4. Improve the quality of customer service.
  5. The establishment's profitability and customer flow will increase.
  6. The speed of serving visitors will increase.
  7. It is possible to prevent theft and theft from working personnel.
  8. It will be possible to introduce new marketing tactics and carry out marketing activities. For example, introducing a system of discounts for regular customers.
  9. Management will be able to analyze the activities of the enterprise and, based on reporting data, plan and decide how to further, in what direction, to develop the company.
  10. The work of staff will be simplified through the use of cash register equipment and programs.

We have listed the main tasks of automation. There may be more.

Please note that they all intersect, and solving them brings real business benefits. Experienced restaurateurs and experts believe that it is automation that helps develop business in the right way, taking into account reporting indicators and analysis of financial results that can be obtained using online cash register systems and modern software.

Automation includes several processes. Let's talk about them and indicate what they are.

Process name

Problems to be solved


Visitor service:

Accepting orders.

Sending orders to the kitchen.

Formation of invoice/bill.

Calculation of visitors.

Issuance of check receipts.

Formation of a fiscal receipt.

This also includes various mechanisms for servicing regular customers, marketing promotions (discounts, bonuses, etc.). If a bar is automated, then the beverage production process is also included in the service operations.

Warehouse and logistics, accounting

Warehouse operations: receipt and consumption of products, semi-finished products.

Carrying out inventory.

Financial Accounting.

Employee payroll calculation.

Preventing over-grading.

Multi-company and party accounting.
- Accounting in purchase and retail prices.
- Calculation of expenses and cost of meals.
- Receiving product reports for the kitchen and retail.
- Receiving all necessary reporting on the work of the establishment.

Programs for accounting and costing in catering establishments based on 1C programs.

Management and control of enterprise activities

Personnel Management.

Working time tracking.

Personnel motivation system, etc.

Automation systems for bars, restaurants or cafes are highly specialized and the most common, because the restaurant business or catering industry is the most widespread.

The systems differ in their functioning - unlike retail outlets, they also have a process of preparing the product, which will be implemented immediately before its consumption.

Automation diagram for a bar, restaurant or cafe

A well-built operating system for a catering outlet or restaurant or bar is the main result of automation.

The automation operation scheme is simple and involves several hardware and software systems.


This hardware and software complex is necessary to serve visitors and contains:

  1. Cash register area. Read more:.
  2. Workplace of a waiter, bartender.
  3. Cook's workplace.

The scheme of work of specialists is as follows:

  • The waiter, using installed POS terminals, enters the order into the system, taking into account the system of discounts and promotions that are valid for a specific visitor.
  • The generated order is automatically sent to the bar counter and to the kitchen.
  • The order is recorded in a receipt printed on the printer. The check remains with the bartender and cook for execution.
  • Waiter, bartender serving a client.
  • At the end of the meal, the cashier-operator sums it up - knocks out the guest bill using the online cash register and printer, which contains the entire contents of the order. Then the bill is given to the client and payment is made.
  • The order is closed by the waiter or cashier-operator. He must deposit the amount of money into the cash register or use the payment terminal necessary for non-cash payments.

Thanks to this customer service scheme, management will be able to control the balance of products in the warehouse at any time.

The best online smart terminals:

They are distinguished by their versatility, modern “filling” and ease of management.

Autonomous, portable online cash registers:

Stationary cash registers:

Fiscal registrars:

Fiscal storage

Is a device for storing data. Must be installed in the online cash register. Federal Law No. 54 states this.

The fiscal drive can be ordered at the Meta Center.

Mid-budget scanner models:

Cheaper but reliable scanners include:

Models of wireless fixed devices:

Barcode and Label Printers

There are several types of printers suitable for CCT.

First of all, these are those that print only bills and checks.

The second are printing sticky labels that are glued to tags.

The third is combining the capabilities of the first and second devices.

Of course, the latest devices are best, since you can use them and perform different tasks.

A printer is needed for the work of a cashier, waiter, warehouse staff, and merchandiser.

Printer for printing receipts only:

Printers that print labels:

The best printers with combined capabilities:

Money box

Necessary in a restaurant, bar, cafe for the safety of money and documents. There are models of boxes with special built-in compartments in which you can hide important papers, large banknotes, and also with an electromagnetic lock for several positions.

The best cash drawers are made of metal or iron:

We wrote about cash drawer designs and types.


Needed for data entry. It can be built into the cash register or connected via a port to a cash register or PC.

Must be installed at the workplace of a cashier, cook, or merchandiser.

It is better to choose a keyboard according to your own discretion and the parameters of your cash register equipment.

Data collection terminal

Thanks to autonomous operation, the terminal can collect information and data anywhere. The terminal is needed to collect and store information about the product. You can't do without it in a warehouse.

Latest and improved data collection terminal model:

A computer is required to control and account for the entire system. Must be with the head of the establishment, accountant, administrator.

Choose models according to your discretion and budget.

Banknote detector

Without such a device, the cash register will operate, but the authenticity of the bills received from customers will always be in question. To avoid counterfeit money entering the cash register, you should purchase a detector.

High-end models with the ability to recognize super protection:

Portable infrared devices, some also check securities:

Fully automatic devices:

Banknote Counter

Necessary for counting banknotes. Must be installed by the cashier-operator, administrator.

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