Anti-crisis plan of the company in the field of sales. Anti-crisis measures to overcome the crisis situation at the enterprise



Penza, Branch of the Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship

Increasingly, the goal of business planning is business process reengineering (restructuring business processes to achieve a significant improvement in the company’s activities), the need for which arises in the following cases:

The company is in a state of crisis (in different phases: unprofitability, unprofitability, insolvency);

The company's affairs are in satisfactory condition, but the forecasts for its activities are not favorable enough;

The company's goal is to quickly increase competitive advantages and rapid business growth.

Anti-crisis business planning is a stage of anti-crisis management and is most often carried out in conditions of lack of time, resources, including financial ones, an unfavorable climate in the enterprise, deterioration of relations with creditors, and constant changes in business conditions. The goal is the financial recovery of the enterprise, i.e., solving problems of a financial nature, underutilization of available resources, poor management, and lagging behind in technology.

Basic principles of anti-crisis planning:

Critical assessment of the business and management team in order to identify problems of the enterprise;

Development of a company strategy, main guidelines;

Inclusion in the planning process of new plans, such as: “Debt restructuring”, “Settlement with creditors”, “Financial rehabilitation plan of the enterprise”;

Clarity and specificity of the content of all plans;

Monitoring the implementation of a set of planned activities;

Constantly monitoring changes in the situation and making adjustments to plans;

The principle of priority of goals and objectives;

Development of alternatives, assessment of the economic efficiency of all options.

During a crisis, the head of a company is forced to take measures, usually protective, based on operational data. At the same time, you should take care of strategic anti-crisis measures, bring them together, determine the timing and sequence.

Main indicators of the crisis state of enterprises:

Low competitiveness of enterprise products, which is expressed in low consumer characteristics of goods and high prices;

Late receipt of revenue from the sale of liquid products;

Low share of the monetary component in revenue from product sales due to the barter nature of commodity relations between enterprises;

- receivables from the state for products ordered but unpaid. It becomes not only capital withdrawn from circulation, but also property imposed on the enterprise, which turns into an object for storage, security and makes up a significant share of the property tax;

Expenses for the maintenance of departmental housing stock remaining at the enterprise, which are a large burden on the financial body of the enterprise;

Debt of enterprises to monopoly organizations selling electricity, gas, heat and water;

Unused production, administrative and household premises, which were vacated due to production cuts and also became a financial burden.

To get an enterprise out of this state, it is recommended to draw up an anti-crisis business plan for the company.

Anti-crisis measures must be carried out competently, consistently and decisively. If the initial strategy and practice were unsuccessful and the company could not avoid the crisis, it is necessary to develop a new development strategy and a new action plan.

It is the business plan that is intended to develop a strategy and action plan that can cover all aspects of the company’s activities. This includes a marketing strategy (what, where and how much to sell), a financial strategy (how to make the company profitable and have enough money for all planned activities), and an organizational plan (who to appoint where so that the company works well). An anti-crisis business plan will help reconsider the company's work and find the right direction to move forward.

An anti-crisis business plan in its structure is practically no different from a business plan for creating a new company or a business plan related to investment in new production facilities. It is needed to:

Comprehensively work out the ways of development of the enterprise (how it plans to overcome the crisis);

Understand by what qualitative and quantitative indicators the progress of an enterprise’s development can be assessed, and what these indicators should be;

Raise capital (both equity and debt).

An anti-crisis business plan is drawn up in a certain sequence. Various services and divisions of the company should take part in its development. The person responsible for drawing up the anti-crisis business plan is the general director. It is in his hands that all the information is located, and he can speed up the process of preparing a business plan.

Thus, by drawing up an anti-crisis business plan, you will have the opportunity to:

Identify reserves for increasing liquidity and reducing financial needs;

Identify key financial risks;

Assess the possibility of increasing the profitability, sustainability and liquidity of the business;

Reduce costs of core activities;

Optimize taxation;

Reduce debt;

Reduce personnel costs;

Optimize your financing strategy.

In other words, anti-crisis business planning will help the company to be ready for changes in the event of unstable situations, to realistically assess its capabilities, and will also indicate all the weaknesses that need to be worked on. As a result, managers will be able to quickly respond to emerging problems.


1., Rukosoev management: macro and micro level - M.: Dashkov i K, 2007

2. Materials from the official website of Elitarium: Center for Distance Education (St. Petersburg)

http://www. *****/

3. Alekseev’s activities of the company: Textbook - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008

In 2009, the company faced many problems, which included:

  • conflicts within the organization;
  • a sharp drop in demand for cars;
  • unjustified increase in fuel prices;
  • global economic crisis, etc.

To stabilize the entire situation, Ford management resorted to using three measures: reducing bonuses and incentives, solving trade union problems and reducing the maximum retirement age. Reducing financial costs was also necessary. The company concentrated on four models. Thus, savings were achieved not at the expense of personnel and all products, but only thanks to the competent distribution of funds during the release of four car models.

Anti-crisis enterprise management

The list of the main goals and objectives facing the management of the organization in crisis conditions is as follows: 1. Diagnosis of problematic factors and analysis of financial stability.

Fulfilling this anti-crisis task implies constant monitoring of the financial condition and other factors that directly affect the stability of the organization.2. Eliminate the inability to pay bills. This task, in the conditions of anti-crisis management of the company, is performed out of turn.3.


Recovery of financial assets. This task involves reviewing all aspects of the organization's financial activities.4. Preventing bankruptcy - using exclusively your own finances.5.

Restoring stable operation. This task implies supporting the positive results of anti-crisis management of the enterprise and completely bringing the organization out of the crisis.

Anti-crisis action plan. program for overcoming the economic crisis in the Russian Federation

Managing various organizations in conditions of unstable work and imbalance of all processes requires a special approach from managers. The term “anti-crisis enterprise management” includes a set of measures and procedures used in various management systems.

The specific features of the described method of managing an organization are the timely implementation of economic analyses, the creation of projects and anti-crisis programs, etc. At the same time, all processes are a priori carried out with a limited budget, so organizing a rational management process becomes even more difficult.

In this case, the manager is required to have special knowledge, confidence, etc. Fundamentals of anti-crisis enterprise management The set of measures for anti-crisis enterprise management includes both general patterns of doing business and specific features.

Anti-crisis program of the Russian government 2018

Return to Enterprise Management 2018Managing various organizations in conditions of unstable work and imbalance of all processes requires a special approach from managers. The term “anti-crisis enterprise management” includes a set of measures and procedures used in various management systems.


The specific features of the described method of managing an organization are the timely implementation of economic analyses, the creation of projects and anti-crisis programs, etc. At the same time, all processes are a priori carried out with a limited budget, so organizing a rational management process becomes even more difficult.

In this case, the manager is required to have special knowledge, confidence, etc. The set of measures for anti-crisis management of an enterprise includes both general patterns of doing business and specific features.
The cyclical nature of the process As the practice of economic development of various foreign countries and the peculiarities of the formation of industrial relations shows, crises act as an integral element of any system. The inevitability and inevitability of periods of boom and bust take place under any, even very favorable, government regime.
At the same time, cyclical development is characteristic not only of the economic system, but also of other industries. In this regard, there should always be a plan for anti-crisis measures.
Characteristics of practical activities An anti-crisis action plan is a system in which mechanisms for monitoring and anticipating a decline, analyzing the nature of its occurrence, signs, and likelihood are developed.

Improved layout

Not long ago it became known that the anti-crisis plan, developed and adopted in 2016, will be extended until the end of 2018. True, before that it will have to be slightly modified, supplementing the existing list of tasks with more important points.

Basic information According to the stated resolution, most industries should not count on significant financial support in 2018, except for goods for the disabled, automobile and locomotive manufacturing, as well as medium and small businesses, in addition to innovative developments. The resolution certified by officials contains a separate clause on privatization, however, it does not contain specific revenue indicators or an exact list of objects.

Anti-crisis program development plan

Timely response allows you to minimize losses and reduce unexpected expenses.

  • Development and proper use of a system of preventive measures. The main goal of this process is to minimize the impact of the crisis both on the entire company as a whole and on its individual divisions.
  • Identification of parameters of the financial crisis.
  • Research into the causes of critical situations - compliance with this factor allows us to identify the cause of a particular problem.
    This eliminates the chance of its reoccurrence.
  • Proper use of financial stabilization measures.
  • Thus, anti-crisis management of an enterprise in “competent hands” is the strongest weapon against the crisis.

Anti-crisis plan for 2018

Competent anti-crisis management of the enterprise during the crisis allowed the brand to quickly restore stability to its production, get rid of financial problems and at the same time fully maintain trust in clients and customers. As can already be understood from the above information, anti-crisis management of an enterprise is a set of processes and measures, including competent planning, preparation and implementation of solutions that allow enterprises to be brought out of a critical situation in the shortest possible time.
In the process of implementing anti-crisis measures, it is necessary to comply with a number of parameters and know all their features. Thus, competent management of a company is impossible without the following factors: 1. Constant monitoring of the financial condition of the company - it allows you to detect problems at an early stage, therefore, gain time to find their solutions.

Enterprise anti-crisis plan: 4 effective solutions from practice

Timely response allows you to minimize losses and reduce unexpected expenses.2. Development and proper use of a system of preventive measures. The main goal of this process is to minimize the impact of the crisis both on the entire company as a whole and on its individual divisions.3. Identification of the parameters of the financial crisis.4. Research into the causes of critical situations - compliance with this factor allows us to identify the cause of a particular problem. This eliminates the chance of its reoccurrence.5. Proper use of financial stabilization measures. Thus, anti-crisis management of an enterprise in “competent hands” is the strongest weapon against the crisis.

One of the important assessments of an enterprise’s performance under crisis management conditions is the assessment of the latter’s effectiveness. It is formed based on several factors: professionalism of management; the art of managing on a limited budget; development of methods of action in critical situations; studying the situation and predicting the occurrence of various critical situations; leadership; responsiveness and management; quality and quantity of anti-crisis programs; creation of a semi-automatic system for monitoring and responding to critical situations in a crisis.

For an example of anti-crisis management of an organization, you can turn to the Ford automaker.

The concept of “anti-crisis measures” appeared relatively recently. Its emergence was due to the beginning of reform of the economic sphere of Russia.

Next, let's take a closer look at what the anti-crisis plan is. An example strategy will also be described in the article. General prerequisites At a certain stage of economic development, it became obvious that the country was gradually entering a state of crisis. This required certain actions from the authorities. A crisis management plan was needed. It had to be radically different from economic regulation in conditions of stability.

The way out of the economic crisis often involves radical actions. At the same time, the question arises about the need to maintain this regime after the critical situation subsides.

Of course, no matter how deep the crisis is, it will end one day.

Anti-crisis enterprise plan sample 2018

Through the introduction of a risk-based approach, the number of scheduled inspections will be reduced. This year it will decrease by 30 percent, and then will decrease by another 10 percent per year. True, according to general statistics, only 40 percent of inspections are planned, notes Roman Terekhin, a lawyer at Delovoye Fairvater. Small and medium-sized companies that are found to be in violation for the first time during inspections will only receive a warning with an order to eliminate all shortcomings.

Due to this, small players will avoid closing their enterprises after the first visit of auditors. The clause on expanding the grounds for applying non-custodial penalties for entrepreneurs who “stumbled” in their work for the first time has the same goal.

Early detection of a crisis gives enterprise management greater opportunities to localize a crisis situation and overcome it, and requires less material and time costs for the implementation of such measures.

The relevance of this study lies in determining the necessary management decisions to bring the enterprise out of the crisis in an unstable political and economic environment.

The problems of management decisions to bring an enterprise out of crisis were considered in their works by such scientists as A. Yu. Belikov, G. V. Davidova, G. P. Ivanova, G. Kiperman, L. A. Omeljanovic, J. St. Mil, M.I. Tugan – Baranovsky and others.

Therefore, the purpose of our research is to study management decisions to overcome the crisis and develop and justify anti-crisis measures.

The set of anti-crisis measures is always individual for the activities of each enterprise; there are no universal procedures and precise schemes that operate flawlessly in all enterprises without exception. Such schemes should be developed at the enterprise, taking into account its industry, life cycle stage, size, organizational form, stage of the crisis process, management and accounting features.

The algorithm for developing anti-crisis measures, detailed by stages of the crisis process, includes the following blocks: block for recognizing the stages of the crisis process; block for choosing an anti-crisis strategy in accordance with the stage of the crisis; block for developing appropriate anti-crisis measures; block for evaluating the implemented strategy.

At the first stage, information is collected and analyzed about the external and internal environment of the enterprise, as well as diagnostics of the stage of the crisis process, which begins after a general diagnosis of the financial and economic state of the enterprise. If during the analysis process deviations in the activities of the enterprise were identified, this indicates that a crisis is already taking place, then the stage of the crisis process is determined. If no deviations in the activities of the enterprise are identified, a latent crisis is diagnosed. The main task at this stage is to identify areas of activity or groups of indicators where a crisis is registered and the localization of this crisis.

At the second stage, the choice of methods and directions to combat the crisis occurs. In this case, for a potential crisis and a latent crisis, it is necessary to: eliminate the factors that influenced the emergence of unfavorable trends and develop measures to adjust the development strategy. In an acute crisis, it is necessary to fully use the internal reserves of financial, economic and production stabilization of the enterprise. This requires a thorough revision of the enterprise's strategy, its mission, goals and objectives, or the development of a new development strategy that requires revolutionary solutions. In the future, successful measures to overcome the crisis replenish the bank of anti-crisis measures of the enterprise, which can subsequently be used when developing measures to combat the crisis in similar situations.

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Anti-crisis measures are formulated in the form of specific tasks that are necessary and feasible at the moment. The main principles that must be observed when developing anti-crisis measures: realism, time limitation and rationality (the costs of solving the problem should not exceed the effect obtained as a result of their implementation).

Examples of stabilization measures when symptoms of a crisis are detected include the following measures:

· optimization of the enterprise's credit policy;

· streamlining the enterprise's settlement system with direct creditors, suppliers of materials, equipment, buyers, and personnel;

· optimization of capital structure;

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· improvement of the financial planning system;

· increasing the speed of circulation of working capital;

· improving the quality and competitiveness of products;

· increasing marketing efficiency;

· reducing the degree of commercial risk;

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· increasing the share of profit from product sales in the enterprise’s sales revenue;

· increasing the efficiency of using the enterprise’s labor resources and the level of their labor productivity.

· reducing the share of outdated production equipment;

· increasing investment activity by establishing or improving the efficiency of the enterprise's policy regarding investments aimed at modifying and improving property, as well as financial investments in other enterprises.

In acute or chronic crisis situations, more radical measures must be taken. Such activities include:

1. Innovative reform, which is one of the elements of proactive anti-crisis management. Innovative reform measures include measures to free up funds for product improvement.

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2. Modernization or shutdown of unprofitable or low-profit secondary industries, and, if necessary, repurposing of production activities in case of uncompetitiveness of manufactured products.

3. Sales of excess inventories of inventory items. This will allow the enterprise to free up part of its current assets, increase the liquidity of its assets and direct the released assets to the implementation of anti-crisis projects and programs.

4. The sale of non-production facilities can also be used by the enterprise to free up funds, reduce costs and increase the efficiency of use of fixed assets.

After preparing a plan of tactical measures to overcome the crisis, the task of implementing them arises. For this purpose, an appropriate unit is created that will implement, coordinate and control the process of stabilizing the enterprise’s activities, determine the measures and the resources necessary for their implementation in case of deviations and the implementation of the planned action plan.

After the developed anti-crisis action plan is implemented, the effectiveness of the plan is assessed. The effectiveness of the implemented measures can be judged by two main criteria: to what extent the goal of the anti-crisis program has been achieved; to what extent the result obtained corresponds to the resources spent on the implementation of anti-crisis measures.

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If measures to overcome the crisis turn out to be ineffective, and the crisis continues to develop or insufficient effect is obtained from the measures taken, the enterprise is forced to return to the starting point of searching for the causes and developing a new strategy for overcoming the crisis.

Anti-crisis measures

An integral part of a market economy is competition. It generates powerful motivational incentives. In general, R. as a regulator acts most constructively and automatically in a relatively homogeneous society, with limited differences in economic potential, in a mode of continuous adjustment. The greater the gaps in development levels, the sharper and larger the changes occurring, the more pronounced the negative aspects of the market. In such cases, it is most often necessary to resort to active, massive and, preferably, competent government intervention (protectionism, anti-crisis measures, structural and regional policies). GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS MARKET - government agencies and local government organizations that purchase or rent goods they need to perform government functions. MONEY MARKET - a set of homogeneous national credit and deposit markets where the central bank, commercial banks and financial institutions transact in short-term securities. BORROWED FUNDS MARKET - operations on medium-term and long-term financing are carried out on it - in contrast to the money market, where operations on short-term financing are carried out mainly.  

If we consider them in aggregate form, then there are two types of reactions to the crisis or pre-crisis state of the enterprise with corresponding special sets of anti-crisis measures for various tactics. Thus, we can distinguish between defensive and offensive tactics.  

In order to implement anti-crisis measures to restore the solvency of the enterprise, the founders of the company decided to transfer the enterprise into trust management to a team of anti-crisis managers, whose tasks included a set of measures to change the current business structure and process management.  

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The most popular anti-crisis measures.

If a decision on bankruptcy is made, the following procedures may be applied to a bankrupt enterprise:

Reorganization in order to bring the enterprise out of crisis

Liquidation, division of enterprise property between creditors and repayment of their claims.

Reorganization involves deciding on the following activities:

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1. Observation - activities are carried out aimed at identifying the economic condition of the debtor and ways to resolve his future fate. At the same time, the management of the enterprise is not removed from its responsibilities, although some measures can only be implemented with the consent of the temporary manager. The temporary manager studies the number of debtors, the state of their assets, the presence and nature of the enterprise's debt, the creditors' demands, and draws a conclusion about the prospects of the enterprise's activities.

2. financial recovery – applied to the debtor in order to restore solvency and repay the debt in accordance with the schedule.

3. external management - an external manager is appointed, and management is removed from business. Introduces a moratorium on satisfying creditors' claims on debt obligations and obliging the company to make payments.

The main goal of the external manager is to develop a management plan to bring the enterprise out of a crisis state and, if possible, implement this plan without bringing the enterprise into bankruptcy proceedings.

4. Bankruptcy proceedings – a bankruptcy trustee is appointed, who takes charge of the debtor’s property, conducts an inventory, an assessment, analyzes the financial condition of the enterprise, makes demands on third parties to collect debts, and searches, identifies and returns the enterprise’s property. All property of the enterprise is sold at open auction, and the proceeds are used to satisfy the claims of creditors in accordance with the priority established by law.

Bankruptcy proceedings, as well as liquidation, are associated with the termination of the enterprise's activities.

Monitoring, external management and financial recovery are associated with bringing an enterprise out of a crisis using anti-crisis measures.

The main anti-crisis measures include:

1. establishing strict cost control,

2. changing the organizational structure of the enterprise, reducing the management aspect, changing management,

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3. marketing methods to increase demand for the company’s products,

4. changing the production culture, including retraining and psychological reorientation of personnel,

5. creation of subsidiaries,

6. financial restructuring of the enterprise using its own resources,

7. repurposing of production, reduction of the traditional range of products and services, launch of new products,

8. innovation and modernization of production,

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9. closure of unprofitable industries,

10. sale of property.

1. Most enterprises use this method, finding reserves for reducing costs:

Renting out unused entities

Preservation of temporarily unused equipment

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Equipment rental

A regime of austerity is possible with the introduction of personal responsibility for each employee for the use of material resources and the reorganization of security structures. Very often, enterprises get rid of social services. sphere, which burdens the already scarce working capital. Dormitories, sports complexes, children's and medical institutions are transferred to municipal ownership.

2. Among the enterprises that implemented these activities, two groups can be distinguished:

a) enterprises that have followed the traditional path of reducing the number of managers, eliminating unnecessary departments and transforming the “old” departments of the “market” service.

b) enterprises that have introduced the principle of new approaches and management systems at their enterprises. The main goal of such non-traditional methods is to eliminate duplication of functions, to delineate powers, and to achieve optimal decentralization. Basically, these enterprises use foreign experience.

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3. Many enterprises that were in crisis paid special attention to marketing research and the development of relevant services. These services were required to monitor the market for manufactured goods not only in Russia, but also abroad, analyzing consumers and determining which suppliers are interesting for the enterprise and which are not.

4. Improving labor productivity and increasing employee interest in their work is also one of the ways of crisis management. It includes improving staff qualifications, employee training, and flexible labor incentives.

5. There is no clear opinion among domestic enterprises regarding the creation of subsidiaries as one of the methods of crisis management. On the one hand, the acquisition of independence by some divisions of the enterprise, the ability to export their products outside the enterprise and an interest in increasing profits leads to an increase in labor productivity of subsidiaries. On the other hand, excessive independence of subsidiaries leads to a tightening of relationships between the parent enterprises and the subsidiary, or between the subsidiaries of the parent company, which leads to negative aspects in the activities of the parent company.

6. The traditional approach to financing the activities of an enterprise is that financing with its own funds is ineffective. However, domestic practice shows that when bringing an enterprise out of a state of crisis calculations, it is necessary only to use its own resources, because It is unrealistic to expect investment at this moment, and it is also impossible to get a loan.

There are exceptions: sometimes government bodies are interested in the existence of an enterprise, and this enterprise is financed by providing preferential loans.

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7. This method is non-standard, because in a state of crisis, the enterprise does not have the resources to repurpose production and launch new products. However, the experience of domestic enterprises shows that this method has its place.

8. This method is used by only a few enterprises, because associated with additional investments.

/ Development of a system of anti-crisis measures

Development of a system of anti-crisis measures

Measures to overcome the crisis situation and restore solvency must take into account the individual characteristics of enterprises. However, just as the financial and economic problems of Russian enterprises are typical, the “methods of their treatment” are also typical.

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Typical problems would include:

low competitiveness of products and low level of demand for them;

underutilization of production capacity and a drop in revenue below the break-even point;

excess resources (property, number of employees);

high fixed costs associated primarily with the maintenance of excess resources;

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unreasonably high variable costs due to poor organization of production (high losses, theft), uneconomical technologies, inflated prices for resources supplied to enterprises that are unreliable payers;

low level of management (indifference to marketing, “registering” sales system, lack of financial and economic analysis and financial planning, inability to manage working capital, etc.);

the presence of high non-production costs, primarily of social facilities.

Measures to bring Russian enterprises out of the crisis (according to recommendations from McKinsey)

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Reducing financial costs (overheads) according to the reduction in sales volumes

Reduction of additional expenses (improvement, non-essential expenses)

Reducing material purchases to the minimum level required to fulfill current orders

Cessation of production “to warehouse”

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Taking advantage of all opportunities to receive discounts on materials, energy, transport

Job cuts in line with reduced sales volumes

Reduction of positions at the corporate level and in divisions

Reduction of operating costs due to reduction in the number of divisions

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Sale and redistribution of assets

Increased productivity

Improving customer service

Product quality assurance

Implementation of automated information systems

Ensuring on-time deliveries

Increasing the manufacturability of products

Developing long-term relationships with suppliers to ensure quality supplies and reduce costs

Quick response to changing market conditions

In our opinion, a set of anti-crisis measures should cover the following areas:

Activities in the field of marketing and increasing sales volumes:

search for market segments for the enterprise’s core products or technologically similar types of products in which (segments) there is unsatisfied effective demand;

formation of a sales and dealer network (agency agreements, agreements with wholesale buyers, creation of branded outlets, etc.);

development of new competitive types of products;

improving the quality and reliability of products as a result of organizational and technical measures (strengthening labor discipline, introducing a strict control system, introducing personal responsibility for defects, organizing incoming quality control of material resources, etc.);

financial and economic assessment of the results of implementing the government order and the feasibility of its implementation in the future;

formation of a system of after-sales service for products;

development of a system of contracts with flexible terms of delivery and payment (discounts for prepayment, discounts for timely and accurate fulfillment of contract terms, installment payments on commercial credit terms, etc.).

Activities in the field of production:

audit of existing production facilities of the enterprise and closure of ineffective, non-core, technically backward production facilities;

reduction in the number of production units (productions, workshops, sections);

determining the “strategic core” of the enterprise (the most important, specialized, technically equipped or promising production facilities or complexes from a market position) and concentrating efforts on improving their activities;

strengthening labor discipline, introducing personal responsibility for defects, violation of technological conditions, etc.

Activities in the field of cost management:

search for cheaper resources, incl. substitutes or resources supplied on more favorable terms (possibly: search for better resources that improve the quality of the final product, which allows you to increase the price while properly informing the buyer about the changes made);

improving the resource accounting system and reducing unreasonable losses, introducing personal responsibility for the expenditure of material resources;

saving production costs, primarily on items that have the largest share in the cost structure (reducing excess numbers and changing the wage system taking into account the results of the enterprise’s activities, rationing and control of raw material consumption with the introduction of an appropriate incentive system, introduction of energy consumption control and energy saving and etc.);

conservation, sale or write-off of unused property, with the aim of reducing the costs of its maintenance;

reduction of non-production costs, primarily for the maintenance of social facilities, etc.

Working capital management activities:

audit of existing working capital (by element): identification of illiquid assets, bad debts;

“clearing” the balance (sale, write-off);

development and implementation of modern working capital management methods into the practice of enterprise services;

control over the current state of the most important components of current assets in the process of production and commercial activities of the enterprise.

calculation of the minimum required level of inventories (taking into account the risk of disruption to the normal course of production) and maintaining inventories at this level;

savings on storage costs, primarily for items that have the greatest share;

focusing on inventories with the highest value (ABC analysis);

development of measures to ensure the safety of stocks and avoid their spoilage and damage.

For accounts receivable management:

assessing the solvency of buyers and determining the policy for providing commercial credit for various groups of buyers and types of products;

analysis and ranking of buyers depending on purchase volumes, history of credit relations and proposed payment terms;

systematic control of settlements with customers for deferred and overdue debts;

reducing accounts receivable by the amount of bad debts;

using a system of discounts that encourage timely payment (prepayment, payment on delivery);

identifying methods for accelerating debt collection and reducing bad debts;

control over the ratio of receivables and payables;

assessment of the possibility of factoring - sale (assignment) of receivables.

On accounts payable management:

searching for suppliers with the most favorable terms of delivery and payment;

monitoring of creditors' reactions to delayed payments (indifference up to a certain limit, cessation of supplies, changes in supply conditions - prices, lot sizes, cancellation of discounts, etc.);

individual approach to various creditors (delay of payments to suppliers who are indifferent to non-payments, timely payment to those who apply sanctions, etc.);

drawing up operational budgets and ranking payments within them;

control over budget execution.

Measures to improve management:

setting up a management accounting system (at least in a truncated form). Accounting for costs by their types (variables, constants) and centers of their occurrence (divisions of the enterprise);

formation of the financial structure of the enterprise (business centers: cost centers, revenue, profit);

implementation of a system of operational and current financial and economic analysis based on management accounting data;

introduction of a system of financial and economic planning, development of operational and current budgets of the enterprise and its business centers;

monitoring the execution of plans and budgets; their ongoing adjustment;

development of a rational system of connections between departments, taking into account the functions of management accounting, financial planning and management.

1.4. Tools for financial and economic analysis

To organize the work of systematically diagnosing the financial and economic condition of enterprises, it is advisable to use computer programs.

An example of such a program is “Analysis of the financial condition of enterprises (AFSP)”, developed by INEC. The AFSP program was created on the basis of the methodology outlined in this Manual.

The initial forms for analysis are the enterprise balance sheet (Form 1) and the profit and loss account (Form 2). The Program provides a customization function for computer accounting programs, which allows you to avoid manual entry of source information. In addition, provision is made for the analyst to enter additional information manually (in particular, to calculate market valuation indicators for the company’s shares).

For the purposes of financial and economic analysis of enterprises, you can use the “Analyst” software package from the same developer. In addition to the AFSP, this computer program allows you to develop options for a program to overcome their crisis (business plan), prepare a feasibility study for a loan, and evaluate the effectiveness of investments.

Among the programs of other developers it should be noted:

“Audit Expert” from the company “Proinvestconsulting”;

"Alt-Finance" of the company "Alt";

"Olympus" of the company "Rosekspertiza".

Blocks for analyzing the financial condition of enterprises are contained in many accounting systems, however, great claims are made against them in terms of methodological approaches.

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Development of anti-crisis measures at the enterprise


Department of Marketing and Economics

Course work

on the topic “Development of anti-crisis measures at the enterprise”

1 Anti-crisis program and main anti-crisis measures of the enterprise. 5

1.1 Goals and stages of development of the enterprise’s anti-crisis program. 5

External causes of the enterprise crisis. 6

Internal causes of the enterprise crisis. 6

1.2 Examples of anti-crisis measures at the enterprise. 7

Thus, to overcome crisis impacts in a company, one should use the full range of financial and innovative measures. 10

  1. Anti-crisis management and enterprise policy. eleven

2.1. The concept of crisis management. eleven

2.2. Economic mechanisms of anti-crisis regulation at the OOO Gazprom Transgaz Kazan enterprise. 13

The analyzed data shows that the organization has the necessary leverage to influence the crisis situation. 16

1. The financial policy of the organization has an investment orientation: the presence of unfinished construction and small financial investments in non-current assets. 16

2.presence of retained earnings. 16

3. absence of receivables lasting more than 12 months, availability of available funds. 16

Thus, in order to overcome crisis influences in a company, the entire range of financial and innovative measures should be used to overcome them. 16

2.3. Formation of an anti-crisis strategy: American and Japanese models. 16

In this work, the following issues were analyzed and the following conclusions were made: 18

1. the need for preliminary development of an anti-crisis program that allows the enterprise to respond to environmental challenges in a timely manner. 18

2. The spectrum of the anti-crisis program includes a huge amount of economic leverage of anti-crisis measures, which mainly relate to improving the financial stability of the enterprise, organizational structure and product policy. 18

3. Each enterprise must adhere to a specific anti-crisis strategy, which reflects the long-term plans of its economic activities. 18

It should be taken into account that crisis management mechanisms are difficult to systematize and, for the most part, depend on the specific policies of a particular enterprise. They are often innovative and adaptive in nature, but in order to overcome crisis situations in the long term, it is possible to study the experience and recommendations reflected in the first and second parts of this work. 18

Bibliography. 18

Appendix 1. 20

Analysis of the composition, structure and dynamics of the organization's assets. 20

At the beginning of the reporting year. 20

Change during the reporting period, ±. 20


The cause of crisis states of enterprises is the whole range of macro- and microeconomic problems that are either associated with the irrational activities of the enterprise itself, or arise directly in the external environment. To overcome these economic barriers, an enterprise must be able to align its business activities with stringent requirements and fluctuations in market factors. This can be done through the preliminary development of an anti-crisis program in the event of negative trends, and subsequently carrying out special anti-crisis measures.

Thus, the relevance of this study lies in the frequency and depth of emerging crises of all enterprises that operate in a modern dynamically developing environment.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the anti-crisis program and the main anti-crisis measures at the enterprise.

In connection with this goal, the following tasks are highlighted:

  1. description of the enterprise's anti-crisis program, principles of its preparation
  2. classification of the main anti-crisis measures that can be used by the enterprise
  3. analysis of crisis management and main anti-crisis strategies
  4. drawing up recommendations for their implementation at the enterprise, taking into account the specifics of the national environment.

The subject of this work is anti-crisis measures and strategies to overcome negative trends of the enterprise.

The study consists of two parts: a theoretical review of the basic concepts and mechanisms of the anti-crisis program and activities based on modern sources of specialized literature; analysis of crisis management and enterprise policy, review of the main anti-crisis strategies that are used in American and Japanese companies, and their applicability in Russian enterprises.

1 Anti-crisis program and main anti-crisis measures of the enterprise

1.1 Goals and stages of development of the enterprise’s anti-crisis program

An enterprise crisis is a situation in which it is temporarily unable to meet environmental requirements. Tables 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 show the main factors leading the company to a crisis state. They can be divided into external and internal factors.

Table 1.1.1

External causes of the enterprise crisis

General economic situation in the country, purchasing power of the population, tightening competitive environment

General political situation in the country, the state’s attitude towards business activities, legal and tax systems

The desire to expand the market share and introduce new products, improve production technology, require large financial investments

Influence of market factors (demand, supply, resources, prices, costs)

The main internal factors are presented in Table 1.1.2.

Internal causes of the enterprise crisis

Late receipt of payment for products sold

Excess inventories, supply interruptions, depreciation of fixed assets

Lack of an effective management system, irrational organizational structure

Insufficient professional development of employees, low interest (motivation) in performance results, deterioration of the psychological atmosphere in the team

Organizational financial management

Lack of a clear financial strategy for the organization, ignoring the results of financial analysis, lack of control over cash flows

Low competitiveness of products, ineffective advertising, poor market research

The process of bringing a company out of a crisis is an organizational system with clear goals and objectives that the enterprise sets for itself in order to resume its effective functioning in the market. To do this, each enterprise develops a set of basic documents that will reflect the main directions and methods for overcoming economically undesirable consequences. Thus, the main document developed by the enterprise in order to combat crisis phenomena is the anti-crisis program. It is an internal document of the company, which reflects the system of main activities carried out within all divisions of the enterprise to achieve the fundamental goal - bringing the enterprise out of a crisis.

The anti-crisis program is developed for the entire enterprise as a whole; Moreover, in the case of particularly protracted and insoluble problems, such a program is created for each department and division separately.

As a rule, the basis for developing an anti-crisis program is a complete diagnosis of the financial condition of the company and possible threats of its bankruptcy.

The anti-crisis action plan is a concrete embodiment of the ideas contained in the program itself. That is, it involves determining the timing of the implementation of programs in the enterprise, the amount of resources and funds required to ensure them, the responsible persons and the potential final result.

A number of requirements are established for the anti-crisis program:

  1. Comprehensive analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise,
  2. Reflection of the strategic goals of the enterprise management,
  3. Ensuring the attraction of the necessary funds (investors) necessary for the implementation of activities
  4. Quantitative measurement of goals, control and elimination of existing problems and threats.

In the process of its formation, the anti-crisis program goes through a number of stages, which are reflected in Figure 1.1.1.

Rice. 1.1.1. Stages of forming an anti-crisis program

During the period of development and implementation of anti-crisis measures, an urgent issue becomes the analysis of the structure of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, which is reflected in the corresponding business plan for financial recovery. This document is developed by the company separately to justify the costs of anti-crisis measures. The financial recovery plan includes an analysis of the financial condition, a production, financial, and marketing plan. It is an external document that covers issues of anti-crisis measures and is also used to search for investors.

The next document reflecting the implementation of anti-crisis measures at the enterprise is a rehabilitation plan, which contains measures to restore the solvency of the enterprise. Its structure includes an analysis of the economic situation of the enterprise, the goals of reorganization, the schedule for reorganization and its control. This document is being developed by an enterprise that, due to obvious factors, is in a severe phase of crisis.

The anti-crisis program also reflects a plan to restructure the enterprise for its more efficient functioning. It may reflect the process of improving the company’s management system, changing its economic policy, and optimizing the use of resources.

1.2 Examples of anti-crisis measures at an enterprise

Very often, enterprises ignore drawing up the entire list of documents on anti-crisis regulation. And when a crisis situation occurs, management cannot always respond competently to its threats.

Anti-crisis measures can reflect “defensive” or “offensive” tactics of the organization. The main protective measures include the following:

  1. Reducing prices for the company's products, their quick sale
  2. Reduction in the number of full-time employees
  3. Decrease in production volumes
  4. Temporary cessation of production or closure of one of the divisions
  5. Sale of some equipment.

“Offensive” tactics presuppose the presence of active strategic actions, which include:

  1. Equipment modernization
  2. Introduction of innovative technologies into the management system, production, sales, etc.
  3. Improving product quality
  4. Expanding sales markets and using other company opportunities
  5. Reorganization of the management system.

Anti-crisis measures can also be carried out in order to restore current and debt solvency.

Restoring debt solvency involves finding your own funds through the immobilization of current assets (the company's withdrawal of working capital from circulation for costs that were not included in the estimate). The source of funds can also be the sale of part of fixed assets that are not directly used in production.

Measures aimed at restoring current solvency include increasing the authorized capital at the expense of the owners, placing additional shares, increasing turnover, saving costs for the company's activities, which are innovative and therefore highly costly, debt reorganization (lending, guarantees).

The formation of an anti-crisis program requires a lot of attention, since the future fate of the entire enterprise depends on the choice of the most justified anti-crisis measures. The optimal list of anti-crisis measures is compiled depending on the depth of the crisis and includes operational measures and long-term financial measures. Methods for overcoming the crisis are not empirically substantiated; their choice and sequence of implementation depends on each enterprise individually, but they include a number of fundamental principles:

  1. The principle of focusing on existing problems
  2. The principle of compliance with time restrictions
  3. The principle of validity of anti-crisis measures
  4. The principle of multivariate solutions
  5. The principle of an expert professional approach
  6. The principle of optimizing the effectiveness and risk of a measure

The development of anti-crisis measures in accordance with the program begins with an analysis of the company’s internal reserves and its financial condition, which implies the creation of an analytical balance (Figure 1.2.1).

Rice. 1.2.1. Methodology for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise

Based on these data, a number of analytical coefficients are constructed, which subsequently serve as the basis for determining anti-crisis measures, since they actually reveal to management the weak links in the functioning of their enterprise.

  1. Liquidity ratios (the ability of an enterprise to meet its short-term financial obligations)
  1. Profitability ratios (efficiency of investment in an enterprise)

Revenues from sales

  1. Financial stability ratios (enterprise dependence on borrowed funds)
  1. Business activity ratios (efficiency of use of own funds, asset turnover)

Revenues from sales

Average annual cost of fixed assets

Anti-crisis financial management as an integral part of the anti-crisis program is aimed at identifying factors that reduce the efficiency of an enterprise, developing measures for its rehabilitation, and identifying sources of financial recovery.

Anti-crisis financial measures include:

  1. Closing unprofitable departments
  2. Cost reduction (cost)
  3. Assortment restructuring
  4. Implementation of a budgeting system
  5. Labor rationing.

Thus, to overcome crisis impacts in a company, one should use the full range of financial and innovative measures.

2. Crisis management and enterprise policy

2.1. Concept of crisis management

Crisis situations can arise at all stages of the functioning of an enterprise (birth, growth, saturation, decline). Consequently, any management of a company must be anti-crisis, based on the choice of a specific anti-crisis strategy.

Anti-crisis management is associated with the regulation of cash flows, that is, ensuring the adequacy of funds, saving current costs, and regulating credit relations.

The anti-crisis regulation scheme can be presented in the form of several blocks, shown in Figure 2.1.1.

Rice. 2.1.1. Organization of anti-crisis regulation

Thus, crisis management is aimed at identifying opportunities for creating a crisis situation in an enterprise and creating measures to mitigate its consequences.

There are two types of crisis management:

Prevention, smoothing out cyclical fluctuations

Development and implementation of an anti-crisis strategy.

Financial stabilization of the enterprise is carried out in three main areas:

  • Elimination of current insolvency
  • Restoring financial stability
  • Ensuring long-term economic development

Elimination of current insolvency is carried out even at the cost of future losses in order to restore normal functioning today. An enterprise falls into a “crisis” hole when its expenses exceed its income, and it begins to experience difficult relations with creditors. At this stage, the enterprise resorts to the help of basic anti-crisis measures: stimulating income growth and optimizing costs. An increase in funds can occur through the issuance of additional securities, the sale of excess inventories, the suspension of current investment projects, and the sale of unprofitable production.

Restoring financial stability involves timely reduction of ineffective expenses. For example, measures may be taken to remove costly objects from the enterprise structure, optimize the number of employees, and debt restructuring.

Ensuring future financial balance sets the goal of creating a company's competitive advantage. Their creation can be examined using the example of Porter’s model of competitive advantages (Fig. 2.1.2).

Rice. 2.1.2. Porter's model of competitive advantage

In accordance with this model, the enterprise chooses one of the types of strategies for its further development:

  1. Cost savings (economies of scale)
  2. Product differentiation
  3. Focusing

The most effective anti-crisis measures at the enterprise are the following:

  1. Increasing the efficiency of use of fixed assets
  2. Rationalization of production and costs
  3. Debt restructuring
  4. Sales growth
  5. Improving Marketing Strategies
  6. Improvement of the top management system
  7. Improved financial reporting

In accordance with these measures, the company predicts what stage of its existence in the market it seeks to achieve by choosing certain activities.

For example, if a company has only recently appeared on the market, and due to the financial and economic crisis in the country is experiencing great difficulties, since its client and creditor connections have not yet been set up, then the choice of measures to diversify its production or possibly improve its quality by reducing costs in other departments can subsequently lead the company to the growth stage. Offering a new and good product during a time of economic turmoil can bring unexpected success.

Rice. 2.1.3. Enterprise life cycle

In the process of developing anti-crisis measures, an enterprise, as a rule, must analyze both the internal factors of its activities and the conditions in which it needs to function during the crisis and after it. For these purposes, one of the activities is the development of SWOT - an analysis that allows you to assess your risks, threats, opportunities and advantages that would help overcome the crisis.

Rice. 2.1.4. SWOT - analysis of the company

2.2. Economic mechanisms of anti-crisis regulation at the OOO Gazprom Transgaz Kazan enterprise

As was shown in the previous paragraphs of this study, economic methods of anti-crisis regulation are selected by the enterprise based on the following analytical results:

  1. Analysis of the financial position of the enterprise and the reasons that contributed to the decline in the main financial indicators of the enterprise’s economic activity
  2. Selecting methods for financial recovery and increasing the solvency of an organization
  3. Monitoring the implementation of anti-crisis measures and accordingly planning for the possibility of future crises.

As a rule, the following factors can lead to a decrease in the solvency of an enterprise during a crisis:

  • Reduced competitiveness of an enterprise due to inflated prices or low-quality products
  • Decrease in customer base
  • Late receipt of revenue from product sales
  • Expenses for the construction of new production facilities
  • Growing accounts receivable, withdrawal of a significant part of capital from circulation
  • Economically unused objects owned by the company.

The anti-crisis regulation system includes a certain set of economic methods, which include:

  1. Assessment and analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise,
  2. Assessment of the company's business conduct,
  3. Marketing,
  4. Personnel Management,
  5. Financial management,
  6. Anti-crisis investment policy,
  7. Business planning.

In accordance with Art. 109 Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” provides for the following economic levers to restore the financial condition of the company:

Rice. 2.2.1. Economic anti-crisis mechanisms

LLC Gazprom Transgaz Kazan was created in 1955. The company is a subsidiary of the gas company Gazprom. It operates main gas pipelines and low-pressure gas networks, designs gas supply systems, overhaul and restoration of existing gas pipelines and gas facilities, as well as transports and supplies hydrocarbons to consumers of the Russian Federation.

The company operates in a competitive environment on a par with other Russian and international gas companies and provides a range of services: geological and technological surveys of wells, geophysical surveys during the drilling process, monitoring the technical condition of wells.

The main source of information for analyzing financial condition is financial statements. In this work, Form No. 1 was used, Balance Sheet of Gazprom Transgaz Kazan LLC (see Appendix 1).

Based on familiarization with the indicators reflected in the financial statements, as well as on the basis of the results of calculations and comparisons, some preliminary conclusions can be drawn about the level of financial stability of the enterprise:

  • The property condition of the organization is assessed as good: the presence of fixed assets and current assets (see Appendix 2).
  • The financial policy of the organization has an investment orientation: the presence of unfinished construction and small financial investments in non-current assets (see Appendix 2).
  • Sound financial condition: the presence of retained earnings (see Appendix 3).
  • Positive solvency of the enterprise: absence of receivables lasting more than 12 months, availability of free funds (see Appendix 1).

After a more in-depth analysis of the composition, dynamics of the organization’s assets and liabilities, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Production potential of the enterprise: the share of fixed assets and inventories is 46% (see Appendices 2.3).
  2. There is an increase in non-current assets at the enterprise by 4% (see Appendix 1), the total share is 41%, which indicates a decrease in the potential solvency of the organization due to the difficulty of selling non-current assets and crisis phenomena, but in the future this can be a reliable basis for maintaining liquidity.
  3. The share in the currency of the balance sheet of current assets is 58% (see Appendix 2): there is an increase in accounts receivable by 11% and inventories by 21%, which acts as a factor in reducing solvency.
  4. An increase in retained earnings by 1.24% (see Appendix 3) is a factor in the growth of financial independence.

The coefficient of overall financial independence turned out to be equal to 0.22 (see Appendix 5), which indicates that the enterprise is financially dependent (to<0,5).

It should be noted that the result of calculating equity capital in circulation has a “-” sign (see Appendix 4), therefore this value should be taken in the module in order to give an economic and financial assessment of the enterprise. This means that there is no equity capital in circulation, and the entire set of current assets is formed from borrowed funds.

The coefficient of financial independence in terms of current assets is equal to 0.33 (see Appendix 6), which characterizes a satisfactory share of the participation of the organization’s own capital in the formation of its current assets (k>0.1).

The financial independence ratio for reserves is 1.54 (see Appendix 6), which indicates that reserves are fully covered by its own sources. Consequently, the current activities of the organization occur in conditions of its financial dependence on borrowed sources (k>0.8).

Solvency is the ability to pay your payment obligations in a timely and complete manner.

Signs of solvency are:

  • Availability of funds (see Appendix 2).
  • Absence of long-term and short-term loans and borrowings outstanding on time (see Appendix 1).

Based on the grouping of assets and liabilities, liquidity ratios are calculated.

The absolute liquidity ratio is 0.003 (see Appendix 7), which indicates unsatisfactory cash solvency (to<0,1). Соответственно, очень малая часть краткосрочных обязательств может быть погашена в самое ближайшее время.

The quick liquidity ratio is 0.91 (see Appendix 7), which indicates a theoretically reliable level of solvency (close to 1). Consequently, the predicted solvency of the organization, subject to timely repayment of receivables, is almost satisfactory.

The current liquidity ratio is 1.16 (see Appendix 7), which indicates that the organization has sufficient current assets that can be used to pay off its short-term liabilities (1<к<2 по Минэкономики РФ).

Net asset value is a measure used to assess the degree of liquidity of an organization.

It follows from the calculation that the value of net assets both at the beginning and at the end of the reporting year exceeds the authorized capital of Gazprom Transgaz Kazan LLC. To achieve this ratio, the organization's activities must break even.

Thus, the results obtained indicate the following problems that the company has and, accordingly, reflect the level and depth of the crisis:

  1. the total share of non-current assets is 41%, which indicates a decrease in the potential solvency of the organization due to their difficulty in selling during the crisis.
  2. there is an increase in accounts receivable by 11% and inventories by 21%, which acts as a factor in reducing solvency.
  1. the coefficient of overall financial independence turned out to be equal to 0.22, which indicates that the enterprise is financially dependent (to<0,5).
  2. There is no equity capital in circulation, and the entire set of current assets is formed from borrowed funds.
  3. The financial independence ratio for reserves is 1.54, which indicates that reserves are fully covered by its own sources. Consequently, the current activities of the organization occur in conditions of its financial dependence on borrowed sources (k>0.8).
    1. The absolute liquidity ratio is 0.003, which indicates unsatisfactory cash solvency (to<0,1).

The above analysis of the company Gazprom Transgaz Kazan LLC at the end of 2013 suggests that the organization is not absolutely liquid. To clarify liquidity, coefficients were calculated, which showed that the company depends on outside funds.

The following anti-crisis measures can be proposed that would help maintain the financial stability of the organization:

Rice. 2.2.2. Anti-crisis measures of OOO Gazprom Transgaz Kazan

2.3. Formation of an anti-crisis strategy: American and Japanese models

Since the end of the 20th century. the role of long-term strategic planning has increased. Strategic event management offers ways to counter aggressive external conditions. The following main anti-crisis strategies are distinguished:

  1. Growth strategy (increasing sales, expanding segments)
  2. Stability strategy (stopping sales and investment increases)
  3. Exit strategy (cost reduction, loans, asset sales).

For crisis enterprises, this strategy is developed for a short-term period (up to 3 years), which is largely aimed at overcoming the crisis.

There are two main strategic approaches to crisis management, which are represented by the American and Japanese models that are opposite to each other. American firms, as a rule, in the fight against the crisis prefer product differentiation and the development of a new type of product, the choice of a specific sales segment, and low cost of products. Japanese companies are based on long-term operation and increasing the knowledge intensity of their production.

Comparative characteristics of these two models are presented in Table 2.3.1.

Comparative characteristics of models

The determining role of senior managers in decision making

Develop a plan that is supported by all employees

Sequence of activities to implement the plan

Ensuring the practical feasibility of the plan, parallel implementation of activities

Fast decision making

Long decision-making time

Long duration of implementation

Short plan implementation cycle

As a rule, Russian enterprises are more adapted to the application of the Japanese crisis management strategy, which is due to the following factors:

  1. Chronic shortage of resources, which does not allow the company to quickly get out of crisis
  2. Difficulties in centralizing management; diversification of solutions brings great benefits in times of crisis
  3. The limited time frame encourages firms to implement anti-crisis measures in parallel.

In order to reduce costs, Russian companies usually resort to several short-term anti-crisis measures: reducing production costs, mobilizing and optimizing the use of their resources.

Thus, crisis management strategies depend both on the country of residence of the company, the special national prerequisites for activity, and on the management style of top management, approaches to solving problems, mission and goals of the enterprise.


Any enterprise operating on the market may encounter problems that will have a strong impact on its economic activities and will require a number of anti-crisis measures to achieve an initially financially positive state.


  1. Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” dated October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ
  2. Arutyunov Yu.A. Crisis management. – M: Unity – Dana, 2013. – 416 p.
  3. Baldin K.V. Anti-crisis management: macro and micro level. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2013. – 268 p.
  4. Blinov A.O. Anti-crisis management: theory and practice. – M.: Unity – Dana, 2013. – 319 p.
  5. Zaikov V.P. Financial management: theory, strategy, organization. – M.: University, Book, 2012. – 340 p.
  6. Marcheva I.A. Anti-crisis management: Educational and methodological manual. – Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University, 2012. – 134 p.
  7. Burtsev V.V. Organization of internal audit // Financial management, No. 6, 2004.
  8. Korotkov E.M. Crisis management. M.: Yurayt, 2014. - 406 p. Electronic library
  9. M. A. Fedotova. Quantitative methods for analyzing the dependence of financial stability on the value of the company // Effective crisis management, No. 2, 2014. - Electronic version
  10. Zub, A. T. Anti-crisis management: a textbook for bachelors /

2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - 343 p.


Annex 1

Analysis of the composition, structure and dynamics of the organization’s assets

Sections, groups of balance sheet items

At the beginning of the reporting year

At the end of the reporting period

Change during the reporting period, ±

in % of the total balance

in % of the total balance

as a percentage of the corresponding item at the beginning of the year

in % of the balance sheet at the beginning of the year

Long-term financial investments

Short-term accounts receivable

Total assets (Balance sheet total)

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The purpose of a crisis management plan is to provide stakeholders with a clear picture

the goals of crisis management and the methods by which these goals will be achieved.

The anti-crisis action plan should be informative, objective, realistic and concise. The anti-crisis action plan is “advertising” material, and in general it should be positive, although negative factors, risks and weaknesses should also be presented, as well as ways to overcome them (Fig. 5.13).

Strategic Alternatives Business Plan

Rice. 5.13. Scenario method for optimizing a company's strategy Source: Practical guide for an arbitration manager. Europe Aid Project

"The effectiveness of bankruptcy procedures." M., 2004.

The basis of the crisis response plan is strategic relationships that must be consistent with the mission and goals of the company. In addition, her financial needs must be clearly stated. All data should be based on profitability, growth and return on investment. The optimal strategy is determined by developing scenarios and determining financial results for these scenarios.

Rice. 5.14.

An important component of the anti-crisis action plan is repurposing strategy.

The purpose of the repurposing strategy is to increase the efficiency of the company in recovery mode. When assessing strategic alternatives during the recovery procedure, there are a number of strategic indicators, the consideration of which may be recommended:

  • level of costs;
  • added value and strategies for differentiating it by product groups;
  • vertical/horizontal integration;
  • investment policy;
  • acquisitions, mergers and alliances;
  • diversification of production;
  • “branding”, or private label;
  • sale of business / liquidation of the enterprise.

The seven-variable model allows you to take an advantageous position when implementing repurposing activities.

In some countries, it is possible to exchange debt for shares of a company by issuing new shares. This is an acceptable method, but requires specialist advice.

Financial debt can be a bank loan, a supplier loan, individuals, directors, shareholder(s). Working capital can sometimes be increased by financing through an additional issue of shares.

Sometimes it is possible to approach the existing shareholders of an enterprise with a request for additional investment in the business or to attract new shareholders. There are many activities where cost savings can be achieved using new technologies, but it is worth keeping in mind the costs associated with introducing new technology, staff training costs, etc. The first step should be to consider how to rationalize existing production lines or operations by using available technology. It may be necessary to organize the production of individual product components at the enterprises of subcontractors who have

the necessary technologies and skills, followed by assembly at this enterprise. However, in an enterprise where stabilization measures have recently been carried out, it is not recommended to use a complicated management structure.

Unfortunately, poor leadership is the root cause of the problems that crisis managers work to solve. Management must be prepared for modern business requirements. Having an appropriate team of qualified top managers is the most important requirement for the further successful development of the enterprise.

If the efficiency of the enterprise cannot be increased to the required level, the most profitable way to bring the enterprise out of the crisis should be selected and implemented, namely:

  • sale of the entire business or parts thereof;
  • shutdown of the entire enterprise or parts thereof, shutdown of all sales activities or only in certain markets;
  • insolvency/bankruptcy - formal/legal procedures that open up additional opportunities for preserving a business (for example, restoring solvency within the framework of bankruptcy legislation).
  • Cm.: Gilson S.C. Creating Value Through Corporate Restructuring. Hoboken, NJ, U.S.A. : John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

Task 1. Calculation and assessment of the effectiveness of anti-crisis measures using a specific example

Based on your own practice, the activities of the company in which you work, or on the example of other organizations, using printed and Internet sources, consider a specific case of anti-crisis measures and analyze their effectiveness.

Let's consider the anti-crisis measures taken by CIT Telecom Soft LLC and analyze their effectiveness.

CIT Telecom Soft LLC was founded in 1992 and is a structural regional division of the Consultant Plus company. The all-Russian network for distributing legal information “Consultant Plus” is the largest service network operating in the domestic market of information and legal services. It consists of 300 regional information centers. The serial number 206 is assigned to CIT Telecom Soft LLC.

RIC 206, in addition to maintaining the legal reference system, also distributes a number of software products. The company structure has a clear distribution of functions between departments. The Regional Legislation Department supplements the system with new regional legal documents, processing them. The department employs 5 people. The Application Programs Department sells and installs anti-virus and a number of other systems. The department consists of 4 people. The training department is responsible for the certification of ATP users. This department consists of 4 people. The legal department is headed by the head of the training department. The company also hired an additional lawyer. The sales department is engaged in the direct sale of products and services. Consists of 18 employees. The technical department ensures the operation of office equipment and servers. (3 people). The support department is the main department that provides support for the Consultant Plus SPS. 25 specialists. In total, the company employs 60 people. In its organizational form, Telecom Soft is a limited liability company. It is under a simplified taxation regime.

Since November 2008, the organization has faced a number of problems. Including: a decrease in the number of clients, a decrease in profits, a drop in demand for related programs. As a result, a number of internal problems arose: late payment of wages, increasing social tension.

Thus, we can talk about a crisis in the enterprise. A crisis is not necessarily bad news, it is simply a statement of fact. The word "crisis" comes from the Greek word "crisis", which means "a verdict, a decision on any issue, or in a doubtful situation." In the 19th century, the importance shifted to economics. The “classical” economic concept of crisis, formed at that time, means an undesirable and dramatic phase in the capitalist economic system, characterized by fluctuations and negative phenomena, interference. However, let us turn to more modern definitions of crisis. Webster's Dictionary defines a crisis as “a turning point for better or worse,” “a moment requiring decision,” or “a critical period.” Webster's Dictionary also defines a crisis as “a situation that has reached a decisive phase.” A crisis is a period of instability or a state of business when serious changes are looming. Moreover, the result of these changes can be either extremely unfavorable or positive. Typically, the initial odds of success are 50x50, but this ratio can be corrected through skillful management.

The concept of “crisis in an enterprise” describes in modern economic literature various phenomena in the life of an enterprise, from simple interference in the functioning through various conflicts up to the destruction of the enterprise. Further, an enterprise crisis can be understood as an unplanned and unwanted, time-limited process that can significantly interfere with or even make it impossible for the enterprise to function. Thus, from a practical, business-oriented point of view, a crisis is any non-standard situation in which risk arises.

During a crisis, the problem of management is important.

The company in question experienced an insolvency crisis.

The company is unable to pay off its debts. The reason for such a crisis is most often the untimely receipt of funds into the budget from other levels of the budget system, one-time unplanned budget expenses, and the need to form reserve funds. Indeed, the delay in the receipt of funds into the organization’s account due to late payments from clients was the main cause of the crisis. What made it worse was that immediately before the problem period, a loan was taken out to renovate office premises and a representative office was opened in another region. In addition, there was a need to form a reserve fund.

In terms of duration, the crisis that has arisen is classified as short-term; however, a sufficient program is required to bring the enterprise out of the current situation.

Based on the stage, we define the crisis as reversible. The administration of the enterprise is capable of independently making changes in the economic, financial, and social spheres, as a result of which solvency will be restored.

According to the sphere of occurrence, it is an exogenous crisis. Arose for reasons beyond the control of the organization. The main reason is the instability of interbudgetary relations.

By its nature, the crisis that has arisen is a fiscal crisis. They arise due to late or incomplete receipt of mandatory payments and a high level of borrowing and low payment discipline.

The management of CIT Telecom Soft LLC took the following anti-crisis measures.

1. First of all, the pricing policy was tightened. Clients were required to pay bills on time as specified in the contract. Previously, clients were provided with installments, and in fact, services were paid only when signing a certificate of completion at the end of the month. For this purpose, amendments were made to the job descriptions of the support department employees. Managers were required to monitor the timely payment of bills. A new payroll scheme was proposed: its size should depend on the actual receipt of money. In addition, department heads are personally responsible for working with the category of “hard-core” defaulters, whose amount of debt exceeds the amount of the subscription for three months of service. The accounting department continues to work on debtors as usual.

2. The accounting department began to prepare a set of invoices and acts closer to the middle of the month, and not towards the end. This will allow those clients who are able to pay only if they have an invoice to pay for the service earlier.

3. An additional lawyer was hired, specializing in drawing up claims and conducting cases in arbitration court. This measure should increase the efficiency of working with debtors.

4. Management was forced to delay payment of wages to employees. In addition, a “deposit” system has been introduced. It provides for a system for accumulating part of wages exceeding the limit of 10 thousand rubles. This was done in order to increase the accumulative fund of the enterprise. In the future, the measure should make it possible to close the debt to the ATP supplier organization earlier than planned. This will protect the company from losing distribution rights.

5. Management returned to the “gray” salary scheme. This measure is risky, but it allows you to save on mandatory contributions up to 40% in absolute terms.

The set of anti-crisis measures covers several areas at once: marketing, production, cost management, inventory management, accounts receivable management, accounts payable management. Let's consider the whole complex of measures in detail.

Activities in the field of marketing and increasing sales volumes:

· improving the quality and reliability of products as a result of organizational and technical measures (strengthening labor discipline)

· development of a system of contracts with flexible terms of delivery and payment (discounts for prepayment, discounts for timely and accurate execution of contract terms)

Activities in the field of production:

· strengthening labor discipline, introducing personal responsibility for defects, violation of technological conditions, etc. (changes in job descriptions)

Activities in the field of cost management:

· savings in production costs, primarily on items that have the largest share in the cost structure (changes in the wage system taking into account the results of the enterprise’s activities, rationing and control of raw material consumption)

Working capital management activities:

· audit of existing working capital (by element): identification of illiquid assets, bad debts;

On inventory management:

· calculation of the minimum required level of inventories (taking into account the risk of disruption to the normal course of production) and maintaining inventories at this level; (maintaining a savings fund)

For accounts receivable management:

· assessing the solvency of buyers and determining the policy for providing commercial credit for various groups of buyers and types of products;

· systematic control of settlements with customers for deferred and overdue debts;

· use of a system of discounts that encourage timely payment (prepayment, payment on delivery);

· identifying methods for accelerating debt collection and reducing bad debts;

· control over the ratio of receivables and payables;

On accounts payable management:

· search for suppliers with the most favorable terms of delivery and payment; (for application department)

· drawing up operational budgets and ranking payments within them;

· control of budget execution.

Measures to improve management:

· monitoring the execution of plans and budgets; their ongoing adjustment;

· development of a rational system of connections between departments, taking into account the functions of management accounting, financial planning and management.

The listed anti-crisis measures were introduced immediately at the moment the first signs of a crisis appeared. Over the past period (November 2008 – May 2009), accounts receivable indicators were significantly improved, and we managed to retain a significant part of clients. In general, the efforts made contributed to stabilizing the situation. It was possible to prevent bankruptcy and significantly mitigate the adverse effect.

To assess a crisis in management, you can apply the Argenta methodology. According to this methodology, consequences in an organization begin with the following assumptions:

1. there is a process leading to bankruptcy

2. it takes several years to complete

3. can be divided into 3 stages: deficiencies, errors, symptoms.

Disadvantages: the company has been sliding towards bankruptcy for years, demonstrating a number of shortcomings but they are not paid attention to. Due to the overlap of these shortcomings, a company may make mistakes leading to bankruptcy. Companies that struggle with shortcomings do not make a mistake and gradually emerge from the process leading to bankruptcy. Mistakes made lead to symptoms, and a number of important indicators worsen. Usually it takes about 2-3 years from manifestation, and sometimes this process stretches for 5-10 years.


1. Incompetent management – ​​8

2. The chairman of the board of directors is also a director – 4

3. Passivity of the board of directors – 2

4. Internal contradictions in the board of directors (due to differences in knowledge and skills) – 9

5. Incompetent director – 2

6. Lack of professional middle and lower level managers (outside the board of directors) 1

7. No budget control 1

8. Incorrect cash flow forecast – 3

9. There is no management accounting system – 3

10. Sluggish response to changes (the emergence of new products, technologies, markets, methods of labor organization, etc.) 18

The maximum possible amount is 43

Passing score – 10

CIT Telecom Soft LLC scores 4 points. (6 and 8 points). Therefore, no mistakes will be made. Nevertheless, let's consider the methodology to the end.

If the sum of points is more than 10, serious errors may be made in management

Too high share of borrowed capital – 15

Lack of working capital – 15

The need and failure of a large investment project – 15

Maximum possible – 45

Passage – 15

If the total score at this stage is more than 25 (both for shortcomings and errors), the company is exposed to a certain risk. The maximum possible score for other errors is 12, the total passing score for three indicators is 100

Passage – 25

Companies experiencing serious difficulties 35-70 points.

If the sum of points is more than 25, the company may go bankrupt in the next 5 years.

This technique predicts possible bankruptcy with sufficient accuracy. For the organization under study there is no such risk, therefore we can draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the anti-crisis measures taken.

Task 2. Development of management decisions

Guided by the diagram given in the first situational task, consider cases of management approaches in crisis conditions

Management development should always be accompanied by an increase in its efficiency. In turn, an increase in management efficiency is determined by an increase in its potential, i.e. the possibility of positive changes, the availability of necessary resources and conditions for their use. Trends in changes in management capacity and efficiency also conceal the dangers of a crisis.

Crisis management, like any other, can be less or more effective. The effectiveness of crisis management is characterized by the degree to which the goals of mitigating, localizing or positively using the crisis are achieved in comparison with the resources spent on it. It is difficult to evaluate such efficiency in exact calculated indicators, but it should be assumed and seen in the analysis and general assessment of management, its success or failures.

It is possible to identify the main factors that determine the effectiveness of crisis management - their understanding and differentiation help to analyze it and successfully implement it.

1. Professionalism of crisis management and special training. In this case, we mean not only the general professionalism of management, which is certainly necessary, but also those professional knowledge and skills that reflect the features of crisis management.

2. The art of management, given by nature and acquired through special training processes, should be especially highlighted in the list of factors for the effectiveness of crisis management. In many crisis situations, individual management skills are the decisive factor in overcoming or mitigating the crisis. Therefore, for crisis management, it is especially important to conduct psychological testing of managers, to select from among them those who are able to react sensitively to the approach of a crisis and manage the organization in extreme situations.

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