Tender outsourcing: who will benefit? Tender outsourcing Tender outsourcing and its features.

The overwhelming number of private organizations take an active part in tenders - special competitions for the supply of goods or services. Some businessmen have no idea what such a procedure is; they prefer to use tender outsourcing - special support of a consulting and legal nature, in which specialists take on the search for tenders, preparation of documentation and submission of applications.

Who benefits from outsourcing and when?

The outsourcing service is an ideal option for those organizations that have recently opened. Such structures do not yet have experienced employees who are capable of making commercial purchases. Most organizations participating in tenders suffer huge economic losses because they cannot independently prepare for the auction participation procedure.

Most often, companies have to deal with a shortage of professional employees, unnecessary expenses for maintaining office space and paying workers with low qualifications. Another problem is the lack of guarantees that participation in the tender will actually be successful.

Tender outsourcing and its features

The support of tender competitions usually means professional assistance from specialists, under whose supervision organizations are able to overcome various troubles and submit a correct application to participate in the auction.

The register of activities to support organizations participating in the tender includes the following services:

  • preparation of documentation and funds necessary to participate in the tender;
  • provision of documents to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, resolution of controversial issues when the customer commits illegal actions;
  • full management of the tender procedure on behalf of the client, carried out in accordance with the concluded agreement;
  • searching for competitions using automated algorithms and human resources;
  • conducting auctions in electronic format using remote access techniques;
  • resolution of difficulties arising during the tender process at all stages of the competition.

Who needs tender support? First of all, it is needed by enterprises intending to expand their field of activity through participation in tenders. This service is also relevant for companies that plan to optimize and expand their existing tender department. In this case, tender outsourcing has many advantages:

  • inexperienced enterprise managers place the responsibility associated with enormous risk on professionals who are able to complete tasks as correctly as possible;
  • professional outsourcers are able to minimize the possible negative consequences of participation in a tender;
  • a company using these services will be able to gradually enter the market and clarify all the specific details of participating in tenders for government and commercial procurement;
  • if difficult situations arise and tender rules are violated, specialists will be able to resolve them as soon as possible;
  • transfer of authority to specialists will allow the company to achieve guaranteed successful participation in the tender.

Outsourcing of tenders

By ordering services for competitions and their further support, the client receives certain guarantees and benefits:

  • all purchases are carried out as correctly as possible, while the outsourcing company tries to fulfill all the tasks assigned to it;
  • the customer will pay for the service only after accepting the applications proposed by the outsourcing organization;
  • All work is carried out according to strict regulations, approved in advance by both parties to the contract.

With the help of auction outsourcing used in electronic trading, you can avoid wasting time. To correctly participate in competitions, the client must thoroughly know Russian legislation, regulations for this procedure and other details. Entrepreneurs simply do not have time to study this information, which is why it is worth using outsourcing. With the help of external services, you can prevent negative consequences that may arise due to a lack of experience and skills in the market.

The concept of tender outsourcing means the transfer to an organization or individual entrepreneur, after drawing up a contract, of some part or the entire scope of the enterprise’s work related to participation in commercial and government tenders (purchases) for a specified period (usually for a long time - more than 1 year).

Tender outsourcing is a type of tender support when a person or group of people provides services to participate in procurement on behalf of the client organization.

Tender outsourcing can be full or partial

Full outsourcing of the tender department is a complete renewal of the company’s tender staff with people from the association providing outsourcing services. This thing is useful for those businessmen who do not have the time, capabilities or experts for a long and focused comprehension of all the intricacies of the processes that are needed in order to participate in auctions or tenders to attract government contracts.

By ordering the services of such an organization, an entrepreneur multiplies his business without headaches, winning auctions and competitions. The manager does not need to spend his time maintaining the tender department and solving various problems associated with it. In addition, the department works in intensive mode only four times a year - before the start of the quarter - the rest of the time the work is quiet, it happens that in one day two or three auctions or quotes are allocated, where the company only participates at a loss.

How does a relief organization work in a tender outsourcing environment?

Functions of tender outsourcing

Depending on the chosen type of level of assistance, employees will organize the client’s organization’s participation in auctions and competitions, and will do all the necessary operations for the preparation and preparation of documentation. And also, they will be accredited on electronic trading platforms on which participation in auctions is planned, they will search for tenders of interest according to the criteria established by the client, they will control the flow of funds in the ETP interface, and as the validity period of the electronic digital signature expires, they will issue its reissue (extension) .

Algorithm of work of the outsourcing tender department

Employees of the outsourcing tender department will appreciate the competitive environment for taking part in tenders in a specific niche. Next, the systematic and correct production that interests the entrepreneur will begin. And the results will be considered, and a decision will be made on participation in the competition or auction, together with the manager.

If the entrepreneur decides to participate, then an auction offer will be prepared that meets the requirements of this type of paperwork and will be sent exactly within the required time frame. Next, employees will track all time periods for submitting applications and whether there are funds available to prepare applications, as well as the start date of the auction.

Benefits of outsourcing tenders

Employees of tender outsourcing organizations are proven people. They have gained enormous experience and knowledge gained over a long period of work, and the entrepreneur can count on them to provide qualified and prompt tender assistance. After all, if you need to conduct lively activities in auctions and tenders, knowledge of current legislation and the characteristics of a given product is mandatory. Correctness and speed of execution are the two main qualities needed to win at an auction, and these workers possess them.

Remote tender support is an effective tool for strengthening and developing a business, the purpose of which is to fully or partially transfer the functions of the tender department to an external service. The Financial House "Innovation and Technology" offers small and medium-sized businesses and private entrepreneurs professional, qualified consulting assistance and support at all stages of participation in tenders (in government and commercial procurement) conducted in accordance with Federal Laws No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ.

Comprehensive tender outsourcing in Moscow

The predominant share of state and municipal procurement in the Russian Federation is carried out on specialized electronic platforms. The main difficulties that companies face are finding an electronic auction, accreditation on the ETP, filling out documentation, obtaining an electronic digital signature or EDS, choosing suitable financing, etc.

We offer a range of services for remote tender support:

  1. Tender monitoring. Daily competent analysis of the situation in the field of state, municipal and commercial orders using modern software allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. We will select electronic trading options to suit the client’s profile, analyze the customer’s technical specifications, and evaluate the feasibility of participating in the competition. By contacting us, you will receive up-to-date and complete information about current and announced tenders that are beneficial for your business.
  2. Preparation and submission of an application for participation in the competition. Our company’s specialists will prepare a package of documentation in accordance with the requirements of 44-FZ and 223-FZ, ensuring that the client is included in the register of applicants.
  3. Support of the tender at all stages. Participation in a tender or auction requires specific knowledge of legislation and e-procurement procedures.

    We provide the following services:
    - consulting on participation in competitive procurement;
    - accreditation on the electronic trading platform (ETP);
    - formation and examination of a package of tender documentation;
    - representing the client’s interests during bidding;
    - signing a contract on behalf of the client using digital signature;
    - appealing the results of a tender/auction when violations of tender procedures are identified to the FAS, etc.

  4. Organization of tender financing. We provide assistance in obtaining financial security (bank guarantee) as quickly as possible, collaborating with several partner banks in Moscow (more details here). In addition, we will submit an application and prepare documentation for obtaining a tender loan. This tool will allow you not to divert your own working capital to ensure participation in the auction.

After concluding the contract, we will provide up-to-date recommendations on participation in public procurement. FD "Innovation and Technology" will help you make the most of your potential when conducting competitive procedures to obtain a profitable government contract.

Advantages of an outsourced tender department

Contacting our company has many advantages, these are:

  • Minimizing the risk of financial losses. Competent legal support for participation in a tender, knowledge of the intricacies of tender procedures, the practice of applying laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ, experience in various ATPs guarantee the absence of negative consequences from participation in electronic tenders.
  • Increase in the number of won tenders and concluded government contracts. At the same time, you save time on monitoring, paperwork, tracking deadlines for sending applications for participation, as well as the results of participation.
  • Professionalism of employees. Our staff includes lawyers with extensive experience in the field of electronic procurement, as well as qualified expert consultants in the field of state and municipal procurement.
  • High responsibility. A tender specialist remotely bears higher responsibility for contract execution than a full-time employee.

Who are our services addressed to?

Outsourcing tenders is indispensable in the following cases:

  • lack of practical experience in the field of government and commercial procurement;
  • the organizational structure does not provide for full-time employees supervising issues in the field of tenders and auctions, or there is no opportunity to train or support them;
  • There is a limited period for participation in the tender and a quick result is needed.

Tender support from FD "Innovation and Technology" will allow you to avoid complex, financially costly procedures for participating in tenders and focus on other aspects of business development while we ensure your victory in the next competition! Call or fill out the application form below.

Outsourcing. Recently, this service has become more in demand than ever. Organizations that do not want to hire extra employees turn to specialized agencies and transfer to them part of their powers or work.

E-commerce, trading and procurement of goods and services do not remain aloof from outsourcing. It's time to look in more detail at what tender outsourcing is and who needs it.

What is tender outsourcing?

Tender outsourcing assumes that an organization that wishes to delegates its authority in matters of preparing documents, submitting applications, and participating in auctions to a third-party company with the proper experience and personnel. The work is performed on the basis of a contract and is usually in the nature of one-time transactions. This is the main difference from tender support.

It is important to emphasize that tender outsourcing is popular among Russian entrepreneurs. Many people want to participate in tenders, but not everyone can afford to hire the right employee on a permanent basis.

Tender outsourcing and its types

Depending on what services are provided to the customer, outsourcing can be full or partial:

  • Full assumes that a third-party organization undertakes all functions related to the preparation of documentation, submission of requests, complaints, receipt of tender protocols and their processing.
  • Partial outsourcing implies that the organization and execution of a certain stage of work is transferred to a third party: preparation of applications or complaints to the FAS, participation in courts or FAS meetings, etc.

How does tender outsourcing work?

What the contractor will do, what functions to assign to him, is determined only by the customer, based on his needs, experience in participating in tenders, and the tasks to be solved. Transfer of powers on a turnkey basis is possible. In this case, the contractor does everything: from selecting a tender and issuing an electronic digital signature to participating in legal proceedings, if it comes to that. If you order a full range of services, in the future you can only wait for the result.

Organizations specializing in tender outsourcing usually accept orders for work under both Federal Law-44 and Federal Law-223.

If we talk about a specific algorithm for the work of an outsourcing company, it looks like this:

  • Analysis of profitability and competitiveness of the customer.
  • Selection of optimal tenders taking into account the customer’s capabilities.
  • Coordination with management or other responsible person of further plans. Depending on this, an application and other necessary documents are prepared.

In order for the outsourcing company to represent the interests of its customer at the auction, an outsourcing offer agreement is concluded with it, and powers of attorney are signed.

Advantages of tender outsourcing

For many, participation in tenders is an opportunity to expand sales markets and reach a new level of sales. At the same time, to fully work with tenders, specialists with relevant experience and knowledge are required.

Tender outsourcing is:

  • The opportunity to use the services of professionals without employing them. It is not the salary that is paid, but the specific work performed.
  • Reducing the likelihood of an application being rejected due to incorrect documentation.
  • Selection of the best tenders that match the capabilities of the contractor.
  • Competent preparation of documents, including requests and complaints to the Federal Antimonopoly Service or the court.

Don’t forget about the disadvantages of tender outsourcing:

  • Even competent preparation of documents does not guarantee that victory will go to you.
  • Regardless of the outcome of the auction, you have to pay for the services of the outsourcer.

How to choose a company for tender outsourcing?

It is important to understand that an outsourcer is not a magician or wizard. He can't wave a magic wand and make the best trades go to you. It comes from your capabilities and abilities. If you work using outdated technologies, produce a product that is not in demand, even the most experienced specialist will not force anyone to buy it from you.

But you can still give some tips on choosing an outsourcing company:

  1. Before you sign the contract, try to impartially assess your business, its prospects, and the demand for goods or services on the market. Over the past year or two, check how often a product similar to yours has been purchased at auction or auction. If you see what you purchased, check at what price, whether it is profitable for you. Evaluate how much the outsourcing company charges for its services, and whether you will get anything from the auction other than the glory of the winner.
  2. Request quotes from several organizations in the field. Check how often they have won bids for their guarantors. If possible, speak personally with their former or current clients.
  3. Don’t trust too much in promises to do everything efficiently, quickly and very cheaply. In addition, if a company simultaneously works with hundreds of clients, there is a high probability that your application will remain without due attention.
  4. Do not trust those who say that winning the auction will be 100% yours. Victory can only be guaranteed in one case - if corruption schemes are used. If such a mechanism is revealed, instead of profit, you can get a real prison sentence.

If you are planning to participate in bidding, but understand that your own knowledge is not enough for this, contact the services of the outsourcing company Startender LLC. We told you what to look for when choosing an intermediary.

We hope our information will be useful to you.

Hello, dear colleague! In one of my previous articles, we already discussed with you such a concept as, as well as its pros and cons. This article will also discuss tender outsourcing, since this area is currently becoming increasingly popular among procurement participants. ( Note: This article was updated on May 14, 2018).

1. What is tender outsourcing?

In one of the articles, we examined in detail the concept of “outsourcing,” which means delegation of certain types of work or projects.

In turn, this is the transfer to a third-party company on the basis of a concluded agreement of the full scope or part of the work on preparation and participation in commercial and/or government tenders.

Tender outsourcing can be considered as one of the varieties of such a service as tender support, only in contrast to it, outsourcing will be a short-term contract.

A huge number of Russian companies have already appreciated the positive side of participation in government procurement. This has helped many start-up businesses expand, get on their feet, and establish themselves in the market.

2. Types of tender outsourcing

Tender outsourcing can be either full or partial, depending on the range of services provided.

2.1 Full tender outsourcing

Full outsourcing of the tender department is a temporary department created from the staff of the contractor company and performing the entire cycle of services: from searching for tenders to subsequent actions for preparing applications, as well as appeals in case of any conflict situations. As a rule, this cooperation is short-term in nature.

2.2 Partial tender outsourcing

Partial tender outsourcing is the assistance of a contractor company at a certain stage of participation in a competition. This may include preparing an application, filing an application, preparing an appeal and representing the company’s interests at FAS meetings and so on.

Payment for this type of work is made upon fulfillment of obligations.

3. Functions and algorithm of tender outsourcing

The functions of the contracting company completely depend on which set of tender outsourcing services you choose. The contractor's employees can fully, i.e. “turnkey”, organize participation in an auction or competition, namely: they will be accredited on electronic platforms, completely relieve you from searching for the right tender according to the criteria you specified, exercise full control over the flow of funds on the electronic trading platform, and also, if If your digital signature expires, it will be reissued in advance.

Thus, they will completely relieve you and your company from the entire range of matters related to the organization and direct participation in competitions or auctions.

It is worth noting that these services are provided both under 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

As for the operating algorithm, it is quite simple. Employees of the outsourcing tender department conduct full monitoring of the company’s competitiveness to participate in a particular competition, and after selecting the necessary lots, coordinate further actions with the head of the organization or the person responsible for this area. And then, they will carry out all the necessary actions described above in the order that was agreed upon.

To prepare and participate in government procurement or commercial procurement on behalf of the company, an auction offer agreement is concluded with the outsourcer, and powers of attorney and other necessary documents are drawn up.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing tenders

Of course, first of all, organizations that want to increase sales of their products or the volume of services provided need tender support. Also, participation in government procurement is a very good start for novice entrepreneurs who have not yet found their feet and have no experience in participating in tenders.

Tender outsourcing, in my opinion, has a sufficient number of advantages. Let's look at some of them:

  • The experience of the outsourcing company’s employees allows them to perform assigned tasks professionally and correctly, and, therefore, achieve maximum efficiency;
  • professional contractors can reduce the negative impacts of bidding;
  • these companies adequately and clearly take into account all possible risks and subtleties of participation in commercial or government procurement;
  • The contractor’s specialists are able to resolve complex situations in a short time when the tender rules are violated, and also submit appeals and complaints to the appropriate authorities if disputes arise.

One of the key disadvantages of not only attracting tender outsourcing, but also participating in government or commercial procurement is that no one will give you a 100% guarantee that your company will win a specific competition.

The downside in this situation is that even if you don’t win, the outsourcer will still have to pay. Therefore, you need to understand exactly whether you are ready to take these risks and whether the end goal justifies the money spent.

In this matter, it is very important to understand that an outsourcing company is not a magic wand. This is just a tool that will help you not get lost in such a broad issue as participation in government or commercial procurement. Below I will present you with 4 practical tips on how not to make a mistake in your choice.

Before you run to conclude a contract, analyze the market for your goods or services to understand whether there is a demand for them among commercial or government companies. Ask the company providing tender outsourcing services for a report or market monitoring for the previous year or quarter in your industry (purchase volume, average bill, frequency of tenders, etc.), and also calculate possible profits and losses and evaluate the profitability of not only participation in procurement, but also hiring a third-party company.

Before entering into a contract, carefully analyze several companies providing these services. Monitor the number of contracts won over the previous year, reviews from real clients (here I advise you to personally communicate with the clients of the outsourcing company).

In this matter, cheaper does not mean better. Quality is always highly valued. If a company has a huge flow of clients, this means that you will not receive the attention you deserve, which will result in a loss of money.

If you are guaranteed a 100% result, run from there. We have already talked to you above about the fact that when it comes to participating in government or commercial procurement, no one can know that you will win one hundred percent, and if they can, then we are talking about a corruption component. And this is punishable by criminal liability. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you avoid companies that offer a 100% guarantee of results.

Thus, if your goal is to participate and win an outsourcing tender, I advise you to take your choice of company very seriously. Finding outsourced tenders can take quite a long time.

This concludes my article about tender outsourcing. If you still have questions, ask them below in the comments to this article.

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