Presentation for the speech "game as a means of socialization." Socialization

as a means of socialization

preschool students

Preschool teacher

Fedeneva S.V.

“Play is of great importance in a child’s life; it has the same importance as an adult’s activity, work, service. What a child is like in play, so in many ways he will be in work. Therefore, the upbringing of a future leader occurs, first of all, in play... "

A.S. Makarenko

« A game “This is the most effective form of socialization of a child, in which the foundations of a future personality are laid.”

N. Smirnova

  • educational;
  • entertaining;
  • communicative;
  • educational;
  • developing;
  • relaxation;
  • psychological.

Structural components:

The body of social knowledge; ability to transmit social information.


Interest in learning about social norms, one’s rights and responsibilities in society; self-esteem.


Intensity of participation in gaming activities; socially adequate normative behavior; creative actualization of one's own experience



variety of subject content of games, representing a wide range of knowledge about the world around us;

emotional appeal, providing motivation for positive interaction with society;

a practical focus on creativity, which provides the opportunity for self-realization, the experience of individual living in unique social roles, and the skills of socially adequate behavior.

  • In the game, the child learns to fully communicate with peers.
  • Learn to subordinate your impulsive desires to the rules of the game. A subordination of motives appears - “I want” begins to be subordinated to “impossible” or “must”.
  • In the game, all mental processes intensively develop, the first moral feelings are formed (what is bad and what is good).
  • New motives and needs are formed (competitive, gaming motives, the need for independence).
  • The game gives birth to new types of productive activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué).

Preschool goals for the socialization of six-year-olds

Create conditions for the full social development of children;

Consider the types and forms of pedagogical activity, including play activities that build self-confidence, self-esteem, a positive attitude towards the world, understanding the emotional state of people around, the need for empathy, etc.

Determine the level of development of each child based on special indicators (interest in oneself, interest in peers, in the class, etc.).


F.I. student

1st Thursday

Antonova Alexandra

2 Thursdays

Alsufieva Victoria

Bukina Elizaveta

3 quarters

Interaction with adults and peers

4 Thursdays

Vilip Sergey

1st Thursday

Davydov Ivan

2 Thursdays

Kairatova Adele

Kononov Ilya

3 quarters

4 Thursdays

Komova Eva

Kuznetsov Radomir

1st Thursday

Kurmambaeva Karina

2 Thursdays

Latyshev Andrey

3 quarters

Larina Tatyana

4 Thursdays

Mamonov Alexander

Neverovsky Roman

Prigolovkina Polina

Popov Ivan

Semyonov Matvey

Sukhorukova Arina

Sysoeva Vlada

Sautkin Roman

Ustinov Ustin

Shakhmatov Danil








Conclusion: continue to work on instilling a culture of behavior through all types of gaming activities

  • Interaction with adults and peers








Conclusion: continue to work on developing the interaction of six-year-olds with adults and peers through play activities and everyday life








Conclusion: continue to work on developing moral standards through play activities and everyday life

All of the above allows us to conclude that one of the main means of socialization of preschool children is play activity.

No wonder S.T. Shatsky said:

“A game is a vital laboratory of childhood, giving that aroma, that atmosphere of young life, without which this period would be useless for humanity. In play, this special processing of life material, there is the healthiest core of the rational school of childhood.”

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A competency-based approach to the socialization of schoolchildren Olga Stepanovna Tsaregorodtseva

Socialization 1. What is positive student socialization? 3. Problems of positive socialization of students in the educational policy of Russia 4. Formation of the educational system of the school as a condition for successful socialization of students 5. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the process of positive socialization of students 6. Experience of positive socialization of students in schools of the Southern District of Moscow “Acceptance by an individual in the process of social interaction certain norms and values, views and modes of action”; “the process of assimilation by an individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full-fledged member of society”; “the process and result of the individual’s assimilation and active reproduction of social experience, carried out in communication and activity,” etc.

What is positive socialization? Positive socialization of students is an important goal of education. Socialization is both adaptation to the environment and integration into a certain environment. The result for the individual is success and social competitiveness. Education modernization strategy: competitiveness; competence; mobility; ability to bear responsibility.

Select from the list of key competencies those that relate to the results of socialization. Indicators of the formation of supra-subject concepts: the level of formation of moral culture; level of development of civic consciousness and civic responsibility; level of development of patriotic feelings; level of tolerance formation.


"OUR NEW SCHOOL" Directions Updating the content of education. New generation of educational standards Finding and supporting talented children The key role of the teacher Child-friendly environment at school Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

Socialization of the individual as an educational result of the implementation of the requirements of the new generation standards

The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual - a citizen of Russia - is the methodological basis for the development and implementation of the federal state educational standard of general education

The concept defines: the nature of the modern national educational ideal; goals and objectives of the spiritual and moral development and education of children and youth; system of basic national values; basic social and pedagogical conditions and principles of spiritual and moral development and education of students.

Basic national values ​​Patriotism Social solidarity Citizenship Family Work and creativity Science Traditional Russian religions Art and literature Nature Humanity

Basic principles of organizing spiritual and moral development and education: moral example of a teacher; socio-pedagogical partnership; individual personal development; integrativeness of spiritual and moral education programs; social demand for education.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of positive socialization of students: competency-based approach Competence (from the Latin “c ompeteo” - I achieve, correspond, approach) is knowledge, experience, ability in a range of issues in which someone is knowledgeable) Competence is the ability to solve life problems and professional tasks in a particular area. Thus, competence is manifested in activities

Methods “Assessing the level of formation of students’ civic consciousness”; “Introspection (analysis) of personality”; "Conscientiousness Scale"; “Methodology for studying the socialization of a student’s personality” “Diagnostics of the state of spiritual and moral qualities of a student’s personality” by N. S. Malyakova “Studying the level of empathy” by I. M. Yusupova

Assessment of key competencies of students “How do I evaluate my health”; “Reflecting on life experience” (junior schoolchildren); “Assessing the level of conflict”; Test “Assessment of communication skills”; Methods for studying personality type in communication; “Assessing the level of sociability”; “Turnip” (formation of competence with/improvement, with/regulation, with/development, personal and subject reflection); Motives for schoolchildren’s participation in activities; “Student’s position”, “Attitude to learning” (learning motivation).

Assessment of social experience “Assessment of the level of creative potential”; “Personality orientation”; "School anxiety"; "Self-Esteem Research"; “Behavior style in conflict”

The modern concept of modernization of a comprehensive school presupposes the orientation of education not only on the students’ mastery of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on
development of his personality, his cognitive and creative
Modernization strategy
ability to carry

The result for the individual is success, social competitiveness.

Socialization is the process and result of a child’s appropriation of social experience as his psychological, intellectual and

Social experience is always the result of the child’s actions, active
interactions with the outside world. Mastering the social world means
not just to assimilate the sum of information, knowledge, skills, samples, but to possess,
own the way of activity and communication, the result of which he

A child's social experience is the result of his socialization and upbringing. Mastery of social experience occurs in three ways:

in interconnected ways.
Secondly, mastery
social experience
implemented as
process: education,
education, training.
First of all, it's coming
Thirdly, social
child's experience
folds up and

Working with primary school children, we, together with teachers, set ourselves the following tasks in socializing the child’s personality:

to kid
vat and
give your own
th experience;
important but
phenomena and give
children about them
children from
asocial influences,
build skills
survival and spiritual
manifestations of social and
material stratification in children's
environment, to educate children about the basics
humanistic personal position in
conditions of property inequality;
to kid
contact your
life experience on
reflective level,
make it an object

Working on the development of social activity will help the child:

acquire a clear understanding of the norms and
rules existing in society;
learn to feel and understand others
of people;
join the common humanity
values: goodness, beauty, health,
see the value of everyone and everything living
and growing on the earth;
gain self-confidence;
learn to make decisions and achieve
results according to
the set goal.

First, the idea of
yourself, your place in school
team. Games contribute to this
trainings, group work, reading and
discussion of books, role-playing games,
drawing, working with pictograms.
Games: “I am a student”, “Find a pair”,
"Getting acquainted", "Greeting"
"Talking on the phone".
Drawing on the topics: “My family”, “Who
dear to me", "The Beautiful and the Ugly",
drawing yourself


Development of civic skills in children
The formation in a child of such
personality traits as
entrepreneurship, activity,
Formation of environmental
consciousness and responsibility for
life of future generations.
Increasing the value of health,
formation of healthy
Formation of positive
systems of moral and
spiritual values.
Involving children in joint
work activity.

Formation of self-esteem, awareness of one’s “I”.

Conversation on the topic “Who are you? Which
Game "Magic"
What do I believe?
What do I know? What can I do?
mercy courage nobility What actions do I perform?
Who I want to be?
love joy determination
How can I help my loved ones?
luck honesty tenderness success
Who or what is helping you
become better?
What would you like
What action have you never
will you do it?
What are your shortcomings?
What can you teach
or wanted trouble
Games “Hot Chair”, “Day”
would “exchange” for what
is it in the “store”?

What beautiful and ugly things did you see on your way to school today?

How to do it better?

Why is this necessary? The main motto of our joint affairs:
Who if not us,
For whom?
When, if not now,
Who will be
Our life is in our hands.
Together with whom?
Who will help us?
To which
results we

While working on problems that interested them, the guys learned:

set a goal and go
to achieve it
work in a team,
attract to one's own
adult affairs,
defend your
point of view.

Landscaping and improvement of the school grounds,
holding clean-up days.
Action "Clean Rivers".

Caring for the Elderly
Organization of comradely mutual assistance

Conducting discussions, competitions,

Release of thematic booklets, collections
for students, publications in newspapers

Working on projects
"Plant a Christmas tree"
"Costume room for school"

Indicators of the formation of supra-subject concepts

level of formation
moral culture;
level of development of civil
identity and civic
level of development of patriotic
level of formation


"Level assessment
formation of civil
students' self-awareness";
“Introspection (analysis) of personality”;
"Conscientiousness Scale";
"Methodology for studying
socialization of the individual

Assessment of key student competencies

“How do I rate my health”;
"Reflecting on Life Experience"
(junior schoolchildren);
“Assessing the level of conflict”;
Test "Assessment of communicative
Methodology for studying personality type in
“Assessing the level of sociability”;

“Turnip” (formation
competencies with/improvement,
s/regulation, s/development,
personal and subject reflection);
Motives for schoolchildren’s participation in
“Student’s position”, “Attitude towards
learning" (learning motivation).

Assessing Social Experience

"Assessing the level of creativity
“Personality orientation”;
"School anxiety";
"Self-Esteem Research";
“Behavior style in conflict”

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Slide captions:

Socialization. The importance of GAMES in the socialization of preschool children Prepared by: teacher-psychologist, MDOU “Firefly” p. Rybushka S.A.Rud

Socialization (from Latin Socialis - social) is the development and self-realization of a person throughout his life, in the process of assimilation and reproduction of the culture of society. Concept of SOCIALIZATION

The first stage is the preschool period, in which play activities predominate; The second stage is a period of active learning by the child of the surrounding life, its laws and requirements; The third stage - the stage of completing its formation - is the process of self-education, extracurricular and university education. The process of personality socialization according to S. I. Gessen:

Socialization of preschool children is the foundation for their successful entry into later life. Lack of socialization entails a wide variety of negative consequences for the individual, which are all the more difficult to overcome, the more that was missed in the early stages of development. THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN

Early age Children under 1.5 years old learn basic information about the world around them, about the possibility of relationships; In the interval from a year and a half to about three years, the need to communicate with peers arises, and the first skills of living in a team are laid. The main stages of the process of socialization of preschool children

The child interacts more fully and actively with others, and learns concepts about social and gender roles. Middle and senior preschool age

Family life, relationships within it; attitude of adults towards children; attitude towards strangers demonstrated by elders - this is what forms the child’s concept of norms of behavior and correct relationships. The role of the family in the socialization of a preschooler

Parents should not try to completely isolate the child from spontaneous socialization, but it is necessary to keep this under control and correct the influence of such factors in order to avoid negative consequences.

The task of preschool institutions is to compensate for the insufficient intensity of socialization of children and make it more harmonious. The solution is to unobtrusively and convincingly help the child choose exactly how he will impress others: a tendency to conflict, daring antics or constructive actions, help, friendliness, initiative, etc. The role of kindergarten in the process of child socialization.

The solution to this problem is to unobtrusively and convincingly help the child choose exactly how he will impress others: a tendency to conflict, daring antics or constructive actions, help, friendliness, initiative, etc.

Skills: - enter the children's society; - act together with others; - follow and yield to social norms; - control their desires and other social and personal qualities of preschoolers: - the child’s interest in himself; - interest in peers; - the child’s attitude towards the kindergarten group, etc. Indicators of successful social development of a preschooler in kindergarten:

. “Game is the first school of social education of a child, the arithmetic of social relations.” L. S. Vygotsky

GAME is a means of personality development; GAME is a means of communication; GAME is a form of organizing a children's society; GAME is a way of learning and self-learning; GAME is a means of correcting a child’s development; GAME is a diagnostic tool; GAME is a psychotherapeutic tool. The importance of play in the socialization of preschool children

General characteristics of a preschooler’s game: GAME is an intrinsically valuable activity for a preschooler; activities that are not obligatory and not related to the achievement of goals beneficial to the child; an activity that brings pleasure.

GAME is the central activity of a child, taking place at all times and among all peoples; GAME – serves as a means of realizing children’s aspirations to participate in the lives of adults; GAME is a reflection of a specific era and a specific period in the development of society; GAME is part of universal human culture (enriches experience, develops, teaches, educates, socializes); GAME is a specific factor in everything that surrounds people in the world. CHILDHOOD – THE PERIOD OF PLAY

L. S. Vygotsky began studying the psychological foundations of gaming activity in our country in the 1920s. His followers: A. N. Leontiev and D. B. Elkonin. K. D. Ushinsky and A. S. Makarenko paid much attention to the problems of studying the game. Currently, many scientists are studying the game - A. V. Zaporozhets, L. A. Abramyan, T. V. Antonova, S. L. Novoselova, M. A. Vasilyeva, A. A. Lyublinskaya and many others. BASIC GAME CONCEPTS



Junior group: High – 30% Average – 50% Low – 20% Middle group: High – 37% Average – 58% Low – 5% Senior, preparatory: High – 33% Average – 61% Low – 6% Level of development of gaming skills pupils of MDOU "Firefly"

“Playing with your child in the life of your family” Do you play with your child? (yes, no) 2. Please write down the games you play with your children? 3. What are your child's favorite games and toys? Do you want to play with other children? ___ Does he share his toys? ___ What are you guided by when buying toys for your child? 7. Does the child have a special corner for storing toys? (yes, no) Do you make homemade toys? Thank you for your cooperation! Questioning of parents of MDOU "Firefly"

Let your childhood happen! Let your childhood play!



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Dear Colleagues,Today, as part of the topic of our teachers' council, I suggest you take a closer look at the problem of Socialization of preschoolers and the importance of play in socialization.

We all work according to the New Federal State Standard, which came into force on September 1, 2013, and it states the basic principles, one of which is “the creation of a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics.” Solving the problems of child development should be aimed at gaining experience in the followingtypes of activities : motor, communicative, visual, musical, gaming. And it is precisely the important role of play in the socialization of our students that we will consider in more detail.

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What is socialization?
Socialization (from the Latin Socialis - social) is the development and self-realization of a person throughout his life in the process of assimilation and reproduction of the culture of society.

Socialization occurs in conditions of spontaneous interaction between a person and the environment, as well as in the process of education (family, religious, social). Its essence lies in the fact that it forms a person as a member of the society to which he belongs.

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Let's consider the process of socialization of the individual according to the theory of Sergei Iosifovich Gessen, a domestic teacher:

As you can see, he saw it as three steps.

Let's consider what's happeningat the first stage:

Since the leading activity in preschool age is play, the child’s socialization occurs in play activities. It is in the game that he develops and self-realizes, assimilating and reproducing the culture of society, social norms and values ​​of the society to which he belongs.

In the second period According to psychologists, it is in play that a child builds his first models of the world around him, learns the rules of communication between people, and develops his abilities and character. While playing together, children begin to build their ownrelationships , learn to communicate.

At the third stagethe formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, and a sense of belonging to the world community occurs. The most effective form of socialization of a child, where the foundations of a future personality are laid

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What is the process of socialization of preschool children?- This is one of the main components of a child’s success in later life. It is at this age that the most valuable communication skills and the foundations for understanding one’s place in life and society are laid. Children learn norms and motives of behavior, concepts of values ​​that correspond to the society in which they grow up. A connection is established between the main spheres of children’s existence and their psyche, which also affects the development of the psyche.

Lack of socialization affects not only the lack of awareness of children about the correctness of behavior, but also threatens the wrong orientation of personality development and problems in the emotional sphere.

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The beginning of the socialization of the individual occurs in the first year of life, when the child learns to be part of the family, receives the first skills of living in a team, communication skills with loved ones, learns to interact with other children and with adults, and not to be just an object of care for elders.. This is a very important age for the development of communication skills and the ability to interact in groups..

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The child interacts more fully and actively with others, using previously acquired communication and speech skills. Receives more serious communication skills with strangers, unfamiliar adults, masters behavior scenarios in various situations: care, obedience, friendship and love, conflicts and their resolution, joint activities, creativity, etc.

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The importance of the role of the family in this process is very difficult to overestimate. The intensity of interaction between older family members and the baby affects the development of the adaptive abilities of his psyche. The more he is involved in communication and activities in the family, the more skills and concepts are put aside, the more complete and multifaceted they are. Of course, the personal characteristics of the child’s intellect and psyche play a significant role in the development of his adaptability, however, with the same initial capabilities, the child may turn out to be unsure of himself, uncommunicative, unable to solve a simple behavioral problem, or sociable, well oriented, understanding the basic rules behavior and at least the most obvious motives.

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Without regular moderate stress on adaptive capabilities, the healthiest and most well-groomed child will lag behind peers in the ability to perceive new things, join a team, interact with other children, and master the opportunities provided by school and society.

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The task of preschool institutions is to compensate for the insufficient intensity of socialization of children and make it more harmonious.The task turns out to be not an easy one - every child comes to kindergarten from a family with already formed concepts of how to behave and what kind of relationships are acceptable. But each of the children is endowed with a normal desire for self-affirmation among peers and in the eyes of adults, which leads to many unexpected actions, and sometimes conflict situations. And the teacher needs to solve them without interfering with the educational process.

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The child increasingly strives to be someone significant in the eyes of others, and it is important to correctly direct this desire in the right direction.

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What parameters indicate successful adaptation? This includes the formation of acceptable norms of behavior and communication with peers and elders, close and unfamiliar people, and the development of self-awareness, the identification and formation of the child’s own personality among other people. Development of social skills in dealing with the objective world. Particularly significant is the formation of self-awareness and the ability to perceive oneself as a person who experiences the world and interacts with it, gains experience, and benefits.

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According to Anton Semenovich Makarenko:“Game is the first school of social education of a child, the arithmetic of social relations.”

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Game is one of those types of children's activities that are used by adults to educate preschoolers, teach them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities, and his relationships with people will subsequently depend.

Already at early and junior age levels, it is in play that children have the greatest opportunity to be independent, to communicate with peers at will, to realize and deepen their knowledge and skills.

N.K. Krupskaya wrote: “For preschool children, games are of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education. Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about their surroundings.”

A.N. wrote very accurately about the game as a means of correction. Leontiev “We ​​call leading an activity in connection with which the most important changes occur in the child’s psyche and within which mental processes develop that prepare the child’s transition to a new, higher stage of his development.”During the game, the child’s mental activity develops. After all, the game requires solving new, ever more complex problems. The child, following the rules of the game, must quickly figure out what action the participants in the game expect from him. Moreover, he understands that his actions must satisfy the other participants in the game.

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The game has powerful developmental characteristics. It affects the development of all cognitive processes: thinking, attention, memory and, of course, imagination. From an emotional point of view, the technology of the game is phenomenal and unlike other educational technologies. It offers children pleasure, a variety of entertainment, and at the same time forms models of moral behavior necessary for life in society.

Slides 15 – 16 from the presentation.

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1.At the initial stage - actions with certain objects aimed at a playing partner.

There are actually roles, but they are not named and are determined by the nature of the actions, and not vice versa. With role-based division of functions in the game, children perform game roles autonomously, without trying to create a single game plot.

The actions are monotonous and consist of a number of repeated operations. The logic of actions is easily violated without causing protest from children. There are no rules.

2. Subsequent stage - In actions with objects, the correspondence of the game action with the real one comes to the fore.

Roles are named and division of functions is outlined. Fulfilling a role comes down to implementing the actions associated with it.

The logic of actions is determined by the life sequence of real life events. Their repertoire expands, going beyond any one type of action

Violation of actions is not actually accepted, but is not protested; rejection is not motivated by anything. The rule has not yet been isolated, but in case of conflict it can already defeat immediate desire.

3. Playing skills at the final stage of preschool development - Performing a role and the actions arising from it, among which actions begin to stand out that convey the nature of the relationship to other participants in the game.

Roles are clearly defined and highlighted, and are named before the game begins. A “role-playing speech” appears, addressed to the playing partner. Sometimes relationships become ordinary, not playful. The role functions of children are interconnected.

The logic and nature of actions are determined by the role. The actions are very diverse and clearly and consistently recreate a real life situation. Actions aimed at other participants in the game are clearly highlighted.

Violation of the logic of actions and rules is rejected not just by reference to the real situation, but also by pointing to the rationality of the rules. The rules are clearly stated. In the struggle between the rule and the immediate desire that arises, the former wins.

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100% PARENTS play.

Games of parents with children - Blind man's buff, hide and seek, horses, dolls, soft toys - 76% of respondents.

Didactic games, intellectual games - only 24%.

Children's favorite games are active – 63%

Didactic, intellectual – 37%

Guidelines for buying games, toys - just like that, encouragement, desire of the child 83%

For child development – ​​only 17%.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The social nature of the content of games and play activities is due to the fact that the child lives in society. Already from the first months of life, he strives to communicate with others, gradually mastering language - a powerful means of communication and assimilation of social experience. The child wants to be an active participant in the lives of adults, but this need does not yet correspond to his capabilities. In the game, imitating the actions of his elders, empathizing with their joys and sorrows that are accessible to him, he becomes familiar with the life around him in such a unique way.

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The study of the psychological foundations of gaming activity in our country began back in the 20s by L.S. Vygotsky. Subsequently, Vygotsky’s ideas were developed by such famous Russian psychologists as A.N. Leontyev and D.B. Elkonin. K.D. paid much attention to the problems of studying the game. Ushinsky and A.S. Makarenko. In modern Russian science, many scientists are studying the game as a special type of activity - A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Abrahamyan, T.V. Antonova, S.L. Novoselova, M.A. Vasilyeva, A.A. Lyublinskaya and many others.

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A preschooler’s communication with peers unfolds mainly in the process of playing together. While playing together, children begin to take into account the desires and actions of the other child, defend their point of view, build and implement joint plans. Therefore, play has a huge impact on the development of children’s communication during this period.

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Games of experimentation, plot-based, amateur Educational: didactic, active; leisure Ritual, training, leisure Classification of games

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Role-playing game is an activity in which children take on the labor or social functions of adults and, in playful, imaginary conditions specially created by them, reproduce (or model) the lives of adults and the relationships between them.

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Conditions for ensuring social activity in the game Teacher: Preparing the game, introduces children to the available activities of adults as an example of moral relations (the doctor treats, he is polite, kind, knows a lot about diseases, etc.) Selects toys, play environment, encourages attributes children play collectively, display moral relationships in game roles. By addressing the role executors, it activates moral motives in behavior. Based on the rules of collective play, it teaches to take turns when distributing roles - it regulates children’s organizational relationships. Encourages children to unite in groups in which children with a high level of development of play and communication have a positive influence

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Levels of development of a role-playing game First stage The main content of the game is actions with an object. These actions unfold more fully and consistently in accordance with the role that is already denoted by the word. The sequence of actions becomes the rule. The first interaction between participants occurs based on the use of a common toy (or direction of action). Associations are short-lived. The main subjects are everyday ones. The same game can be repeated many times.

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Levels of development of a role-playing game Second stage The main content of the game is actions with objects. They are carried out in a certain sequence, although this sequence is often disrupted. The chain of actions is plot-based. The main subjects are everyday ones. Children's actions are monotonous and often repeated. Roles are not defined. In form it is a side-by-side game or a single player game. Children willingly play with adults. Independent play is short-lived. As a rule, the stimulus for the emergence of a game is a toy or a substitute object that was previously used in the game.

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Levels of development of a role-playing game Third stage The main content of the game is also actions with objects. However, they are complemented by actions aimed at establishing various contacts with playing partners. Roles are clearly defined and assigned before the game begins. Toys and objects are selected (most often during the game) in accordance with the role. Logics; the nature of actions and their direction are determined by the role. This becomes the basic rule. The game often proceeds as a joint game, although interaction is interspersed with parallel actions of partners who are not related to each other and are not correlated with the role.

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Levels of development of a role-playing game Fourth stage The main content of the game is a reflection of the relationships and interactions of adults with each other. The themes of games can be varied: it is determined not only by the direct, but also by the indirect experience of children. Games are joint and collective in nature. Associations are stable. They are built either on children’s interest in the same games, or on the basis of personal sympathies and affections. Games of the same content are not only repeated for a long time, but also develop, become enriched, and exist for a long time.

Technical conditions. Sulfur deposits and production