How Brother Rabbit Outwitted Brother Fox. Bedtime story about Vicky the rabbit and Eraser the chipmunk

One day the Rabbit was walking his way and met an Elephant. They were old friends and stopped to chat about the weather, about the prospects for the harvest, about how trade was going now. In the end, the Rabbit invited the Elephant into the business - he decided to visit the Uatusi shepherds with the goods.

They say you can make good money there,” he persuaded the Elephant. “They need fabrics, I sense a profitable deal awaits us.”

The elephant had nothing against it and accepted the invitation of his little friend. They stocked up on the best goods and packed them in two bales.

The friends set off on the journey in the best spirits, and the Rabbit, who had been everywhere and seen everything, amused the Elephant with funny stories. They walked and walked and came to the river. The Elephant was happy with the water and was about to ford the river, but the Rabbit was indignant.

What, Elephant, are you planning to cross the river without me? - he shouts. “Forgot who invited you to the business?”

“I didn’t forget,” answers the Elephant, “but there was no agreement between us that I should carry you and your bale.” Cross yourself, it’s shallow here, knee-deep.

Stupid head! Where you are knee-deep, I can drown, I don’t know how to swim. Besides, if my fur coat gets wet, I'll catch a cold. How will I move the bale?

This is not my concern. You yourself invited me to the shepherds. A smart guy like you wouldn't know how to get across the river! Well, okay, goodbye, I can’t stand here all day! - the Elephant muttered and crossed the river.

That's what you are! - whispered the Rabbit. - Wait, big friend, someday I will repay you in kind.

Not far from the river, Rabbit found a log, loaded a bale on it and safely crossed to the other bank. True, the bale, to his chagrin, got wet. The Rabbit squeezed out the water, dried the bale and continued on its way together with the Elephant, who all the time indifferently watched from the opposite bank as his friend was exhausted to cross the river.

Fortunately for the Rabbit, they made the rest of the journey without interruption and arrived at the Huatusi shepherds on time. In trading, the Elephant was far from the Rabbit. The elephant looked like a beech and did not know how to invite buyers. And the Rabbit immediately went to the women and charmed everyone with a laugh, a joke, or a joke. When he casually talked about the matter, the leader’s wife became pleased and gave him a large, well-groomed cow for a small bale of fabric.

And the Elephant approached the men and, without hesitation, blurted out that he wanted to exchange the fabric for a cow. The shepherds did not like his appearance and unkind behavior. They said that they were not going to sell the cattle, but since that was the only reason he came here, so be it, they would give him a yearling heifer for a bale of cloth. Of course, the Elephant had much more goods and he paid more for it than the Rabbit, but he himself was so gloomy and wild that he had to be content with a small heifer.

When the Rabbit and the Elephant left the shepherds and set off on their way back, the Elephant ordered:

Remember, Rabbit, if anyone meets us on the road and asks whose cattle these are, say that they are mine. Let them not think that I am a worthless trader compared to you. And most importantly, if passers-by find out that the cattle are mine, no one will touch them, but if they get wind that they are yours, everyone who is not too lazy will appropriate them. Will you be able to protect your property?

“Okay,” agreed the Rabbit, “you’re right.”

Some friends are chasing a cow and a heifer, and people from the market are meeting them. They saw the cattle, they were surprised and asked:

Nice cow! Which one of you is its owner?

“I,” squeaked the Rabbit, “and the owner of the little heifer is the Elephant.”

Beautiful cow, wonderful cow, people praised and moved on.

The angry Elephant attacked the Rabbit:

Why didn't you answer as I told you? Make sure next time everything is as I said.

Okay,” nodded the Rabbit, “I’ll do everything.”

“An excellent cow,” they say. “It’s a pleasure to look at.” Whose is it?

Stubborn fool! - the Elephant became furious. - I asked you to say that the cow is mine, are you deaf? Wrap yourself up or go home alone, you sneaky coward!

I won't let you down again! - the Rabbit said humbly.

Soon a whole crowd of people caught up with them. They stopped and couldn’t take their eyes off the cow.

“It’s a miracle, not a cow,” they admire. “Who’s the boss?”

“I,” the Rabbit could not stand it, “bought it from the shepherds of Uatusi.”

The elephant was beside himself with anger and went another way. He told everyone he met - Lion, Hyena, Buffalo and Leopard - that the vile coward Rabbit was chasing a large, well-fed cow nearby. He said this out of spite to the Rabbit in the hope that he would incite one of the predators to commit robbery.

But the Rabbit was cunning. He saw that there was anger in the Elephant’s eyes; he was probably planning something evil. Night was approaching, the house was still far away. The rabbit thought: “The robbers are just waiting to rob the poor traveler. What will save me from destruction? Only your own ingenuity." I thought, and indeed, a huge Lion jumped out onto the road and roared:

Hey you, Rabbit! Where are you going with the cow? Answer!

Oh, is that you, Leo? I take the cow to the god Mugasse. He is throwing a feast in honor of his friends and gave me a special order: if you see Leo, invite him to the feast.

To a feast at Mugasse's? Well, I'm glad to meet you, Rabbit. Now I am not busy with anything and undertake to accompany you. Serving Mugasse is a great honor for everyone.

They went together. Suddenly, out of nowhere - Buffalo.

Hey Rabbit! - he roared menacingly. “Where are you driving the cow?”

Don't you know - I'm taking her to Mugasse. Would I, little one, have had the courage to go so far from home if I had not been in the service of Mugassa? I was told to give you an invitation to the feast. Mugassa will be delighted to have such a guest.

Thank you. This is good news. What luck that I met you! Hello Leo! And I'll go with you.

The three of them walk and see: a giant elephant standing in the middle of the road.

Where are you taking the cow? - he asks sternly.

Get out of my way! - shouted the Rabbit. - We are taking the cow to Mugasse. Don't delay us, Elephant, or Mugassa will be angry with you. Have you heard that Mugassa is throwing a feast? By the way, you are also among the invitees. You should help me and take me to the place, otherwise I’m falling off my feet from fatigue.

This is great! - the forest giant rejoiced. - I'll be happy to feast with Mugassa. Get on my back and I'll take you there.

Lifting the sly man onto his back, the Elephant whispered:

Rabbit, put in a good word for me with Mugassa.

On the way they came across a Leopard and a Hyena. But such powerful animals were already following the cow that the Leopard and Hyena immediately put their tails between their legs. The Rabbit also invited them to a feast at Mugasse's.

When the whole company arrived at the village where the Rabbit lived, it was already dark. At the gate they were greeted with joyful barking by two dogs, Rabbit's friends. Hearing his voice, they calmed down, came closer, and said hello. The rabbit jumped to the ground and whispered to the dogs about his idea. The dogs wagged their tails approvingly and burst into cheerful barking: they were delighted with their friend’s cunning invention. The dogs did not have to explain for long what was required of them. One dog immediately ran to the village and soon returned - as if he had brought a message from the great Mugassa.

“My friends, listen to what Mugassa ordered,” said the Rabbit in an imperious tone. “Lay out mats for the dogs at the gate.” Kill the cow, divide the meat and lay it out on mats. When preparations for the feast are completed, Mugassa will appear and personally treat everyone. He says to all of you - welcome! I was ordered to appear before him. But before I go, I'll teach you how to speed up your preparations. Everyone, of course, wants the feast to start earlier.

So, Hyena, your job is to slaughter the cow and cut up the meat, and the dogs will lay it out on the mats. But remember: if anyone touches the meat before Mugassa gives the signal, we are all dead!

You, Elephant, take Mugassa’s copper hatchet and chop wood for the hearth. You, Buffalo, go into the forest, pick off some smooth bark so that it burns better, and bring it to the Elephant for kindling. You, Leopard, go to the banana plantation, collect banana leaves so that you have something to spread the meat on. You, Leo, my friend, kindly go to the source and fill this pot with water. Mugassa will wash his hands with it.

The Rabbit gave instructions and walked importantly into the village. But halfway there, out of sight, he jumped to the side, sneaked to the side gate, and then to the anthill. There he covered himself with grass and from his shelter watched the gate and those who approached it.

Meanwhile, the Buffalo found a log with smooth bark in the forest, but the dogs shouted that one log was not enough to fry and stew the meat, and the Buffalo again went into the forest. The elephant hit the log with his hatchet, and it broke with the first blow. There was nothing to chop wood with. The leopard searched and searched for banana leaves, but never found it. There was a hole in the pot that the Rabbit gave to the Lion, and he could not get a full pot of water, no matter how hard he tried.

And the Hyena slaughtered the cow, skillfully cut up the meat and turned to the dogs:

The meat is ready. Now what to do?

Help us spread it to the mats. Mugassa wants to inspect the meat before we partake of the treat.

Oh, I'm so hungry, so hungry, I salivated looking at the meat. Maybe we won’t wait for the division and have some food? What juicy, fatty meat! - Hyena whined.

We don't dare touch him. We left the forests a long time ago, abandoned our old habits, and got used to people. If we let you eat at least a piece, you will run into the forest, and they will ask us. Better help us lay out the meat on the mats. It won't be long to wait.

The hyena had to obey, but she contrived and hid the tripe in the grass. The rabbit noticed this and winked at himself.

But finally the preparations are over.

“Everything is all right now,” said the dogs. “Wait outside the gate until the others come.”

The hyena went outside the gate, found the hidden tripe and lay down to the side to enjoy the delicacy. As soon as she began to eat the tripe, the Rabbit screamed:

You are a thief, Hyena, a thief, I see you, a thief! Put down the stolen goods, Mugassa is coming!

The Hyena got scared, dropped the entrails and ran as fast as she could, followed by other animals - Buffalo, Elephant, Lion, Leopard. Exhausted with anticipation, they were also alarmed by the Rabbit's cries.

And all the treats were left for the Rabbit and his dog friends. They brought the tripe into the village, closed the gate, bolted it, and then the Rabbit had fun - he rolled on the ground with laughter.

So, my friends, the little Rabbit outwitted his friend the Elephant, the Giant Elephant, the Lion, the Buffalo, the Leopard, and the Hyena. And even his dog friends admitted that he has no equal in intelligence among animals. That's the whole fairy tale about the smart Rabbit.

One morning Mother Rabbit said to her children:

- Come on, my dears, go for a walk in the field or run along the street along the hedge. But God forbid you go near Mr. McGregor's garden!

Well, run, my dears, and make sure you don’t get into trouble. In the meantime, I'll go about my business.

The rabbits Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton Tail ran to the hedge, as their mother advised, and with great pleasure began to eat the blackberries growing there.

But Peter loved to play pranks and didn’t really like to listen to his mother. He, contrary to all orders, galloped straight to Mr. McGregor's garden and crawled into it through the crack under the gate...

And where the frames of the cucumber greenhouses ended, he came across who do you think? Of course, on Mr. McGregor! Mr. McGregor was on all fours at this time, planting cabbages.

As soon as he saw Peter, he immediately jumped up and, waving a rake in the air, rushed after Peter:

- Stop the thief! - He shouted.

When he was left without shoes, he ran as fast as he could on all four legs, and, I must say, things went much faster. Perhaps Peter could have saved himself from his pursuer, but he unexpectedly ran into the net with which Mr. McGregor was covering the gooseberry bushes from forest birds. The big brass buttons of his new jacket were stuck in the mesh and Peter couldn't do anything.

Mr. McGregor saw Peter stuck in the net and managed to grab a sieve along the way, which he was going to cover our Peter with. But Peter turned out to be a clever fellow and managed to wriggle out of the sleeves of his jacket just at that time, and took off running as fast as he could, leaving his brand new jacket near a bush with a net.

Mr. McGregor had no doubt that Peter was hiding somewhere in his barn, for example, under this empty flower pot. He began to carefully turn over the empty clay pots, looking under each of them.

And then Peter sneezed:

Having escaped so safely from the formidable Mr. McGregor, Peter sat down to catch his breath a little. He was out of breath and still trembling all over with fear. In addition, he was wet to the bone while sitting in the watering can. And now, tired and scared, he didn’t know where to run.

And the old mouse scurried back and forth past the gate. She carried peas and beans for her little mice, who lived in the little wood next door. Peter asked her how to get to the unlocked gate, but the mouse held such a huge pea in her mouth that she could not say a word to him. And she just shook her head.

Peter headed back to the barn again, but suddenly heard the sound of a hoe - chick-chick-chuck. Peter quickly ducked into the bushes. I waited. I soon realized that nothing special seemed to be happening. Then he crawled out of the bushes, climbed onto the cart and looked around carefully. The first thing he saw was Mr. McGregor himself, who by this time was hilling the onion. How good it was that he stood with his back to Peter, and - look! - just behind Mr. McGregor there is that same unlocked gate.

Peter, meanwhile, ran without looking back, not stopping for a second, until he found himself at home, under their large fir tree. Poor thing, he was so tired that he immediately fell onto the soft sand that covered the floor of their rabbit hole and closed his eyes.

Mother Rabbit was already preparing dinner. She looked at her son and was very surprised: where did Peter put his shoes and the jacket he had just bought again? After all, this was the second time that this naughty little bunny lost his jacket and boots in the last two weeks! Mom didn't like this very much.

And Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton Tail, like good bunnies, received raisin buns, milk, and blackcurrant jam for dinner that evening.

Once upon a time in the same forest there lived four little rabbits named

Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton Tail and Peter.

They lived with their mother rabbit on a high sandy bank in a rabbit hole under the roots of a tall spruce.

Do you remember how such a tragedy happened to our dad there: he was caught and Mrs. McGregor baked a pie out of him. Our poor dad!

Having said this, Mother Rabbit took a basket with an umbrella and went straight through the forest to the bakery for delicious raisin buns, which her little rabbits loved so much, and a loaf of black bread.

Poor Peter was terribly scared. Out of fear, he ran all over the garden and could not remember where the gate was.

And while Peter was running, he lost his right shoe in the cabbage patches and his left shoe in the potatoes.

Poor Peter decided that he was lost, that they would catch him and make a pie out of him. And he cried bitterly. But then the familiar sparrows heard his sobs. They flew up to the little rabbit, very excited, and began to beg him not to lose heart.

He ran into a nearby barn and hid there in Mr. McGregor's watering can. Of course, the watering can was a good shelter, but for some reason there was an awful lot of water in it!

Mr. McGregor rushed to the watering can with Peter and wanted to step on him, but Peter managed to jump through the window, dropping three flower pots with geraniums. And, thank God, the window turned out to be too small for Mr. McGregor to crawl through. By this time he was pretty tired of chasing the rabbit and returned to his cabbage seedlings.

Having somehow caught his breath, Peter timidly trotted to the gate, which he saw nearby, but it was locked, and, besides, there was no way for the plump rabbit to crawl under it.

And then Peter began to cry again from resentment. Trying to find a way out, he walked diagonally through the garden, but only became even more confused. And suddenly, quite unexpectedly, he found himself near the pond from where Mr. McGregor took water for irrigation. A large white cat sat on the shore and watched the goldfish in the pond. She sat very quietly, only occasionally moving the tip of her tail. Peter decided to sneak past her unnoticed. He had heard some stories about cats from his cousin Benjamin Bunny.

Peter silently got off the cart and ran as fast as he could along the path behind the blackcurrant bushes.

Mr. McGregor saw him only at the turn. But Peter had already slipped under the gate, not paying any attention to him, and finally found himself safe - in the forest behind the garden.

And Mr. McGregor found Peter's jacket and little shoes and attached them to a stick, like a scarecrow, to scare away the blackbirds.

Unfortunately, Peter did not feel the best that evening and could not explain anything to his mother. Mom put him to bed before everyone else and prepared a chamomile infusion: “One tablespoon so that you fall asleep quickly.”


Now sit back and let's watch this fairy tale

Pampushata - a fairy tale about rabbits.

According to rumors, lettuce leaves act as a sleeping pill. However, green salad does not put me to sleep. Maybe because I'm not a rabbit.

But for little pampushats, green salad turned out to be a very strong sleeping pill.

When little Oliver Crollett grew up, he married Pampushka. Soon the family grew greatly. Everyone lived happily, not worrying about tomorrow.

The neighbors, confused about names, nicknamed Pampushka's six children pampushats.

Oliver and Pampushka were not thrifty, and they often ran out of food. Then Ollie borrowed cabbage from Pampushkin’s brother, Peter Push.

He had his own garden.

But it also happened that Peter did not have extra cabbage.

“Ah, buddy,” Peter Push threw up his hands. “I don’t feel sorry for anything for my dear cousin, but today we ourselves have nothing to dine with.” Better come back next week.

Then the little rabbits stomped to the ditch where Mr. McGregor was throwing out the garbage from the garden.

There were jam jars, paper bags, heaps of grass with the taste of machine oil - it had been mowed by a mechanical mower, as well as rotten zucchini and a holey shoe. But one day - what luck! - the little rabbits came across a whole mountain of overripe lettuce.

The pampushatas pounced on the salad, ate to their fill and, one after another, fell asleep. No wonder they say that salad makes you sleepy.

At the same time, their big-eared dad, Oliver Crollett, was killed. He covered himself from the flies with a paper bag and began to snore.

The sun was hot, and the rabbits were fast asleep. A mechanical mower whirred in Mr. McGregor's garden. Blue flies were buzzing around the garden fence, and in the middle of the rubbish, an old lady mouse was fiddling with jam jars. She had a very long tail.

She accidentally climbed onto a paper bag and woke up Oliver Crollett.

I’m sorry that I inadvertently disturbed your sleep, Mr. Crollett,” said the old lady. - By the way, I know your venerable cousin, Mr. Peter Push. Oh yes, I didn’t introduce myself, my name is Mrs. Mouseton, Mrs. Mouseina Mouseton...

I'm very flattered, Mrs. Mouseton. I've heard a lot about you...

While they were bowing under the garden fence, heavy footsteps were heard, and suddenly Mr. McGregor poured a whole bag of grass onto the sleeping rabbits.

Oliver Crollett was huddled under a paper bag, and Mouse Mouse was huddled in a jam jar. The little rabbits didn’t wake up - that’s how you sleep from salad! They dreamed that their mother was putting them into straw beds and covering them with a duvet.

And then Mr. McGregor noticed that the tips of his ears were sticking out of the grass.

"What could it be?" - he thought.

A fly landed on one tip and my ear trembled. Then Mr. McGregor realized that there were rabbits under the grass on the garbage heap.

One two three four five six!

As many as six bunnies! - he rejoiced, pulling them out of the grass and throwing soft lumps into the bag.

And the little rabbits dreamed that their mother was moving them from one crib to another. They moved their paws, but did not wake up.

Mr. McGregor tied the bag tightly and placed it on the brick fence. And he himself went to put the mower away. They moved their paws, but did not wake up.

Meanwhile, Pampushka left the house.

“Where did the eared ears go?” - Mrs. Crollett wondered, walking along the lawn. But then she noticed some strange bag on the brick fence and became alarmed.

Then Oliver Crollet crawled out from under the paper bag, and Mouse Mouseton crawled out of the glass jar. They told Pampushka a sad story.

Oliver and Pampushka tried to untie the bag, but the knot was too tight.

Let me,” Mouseina Mouseton suddenly said. “I’ve seen a lot of bags in my time.”

And she quickly gnawed a hole.

The baby rabbits were pulled out one at a time and pinched so that they would wake up. Then Ollie and Dumpling stuffed three rotten zucchini, an old shoe brush and two moldy turnips into the bag. They put the bag back in its original place and hid under a bush.

Soon Mr. McGregor came, took the bag and carried it to the house.

The bag pulled back his hand, as if there was something heavy in it. And the little rabbits with their mother and father ran unnoticed behind them.

They saw Mr McGregor enter the house. The rabbits crept to the window and listened. Mr. McGregor threw the bag onto the stone floor. If the rabbits were in a sack, they would still be in pain!

The rabbits heard Mr. McGregor dragging a chair and giggling as he said:

Six, six of them, six cute little bunnies!

What? Why are you muttering? Have they eaten something from us again? - asked Mrs. McGregor.

Six, six of them, six fat little rabbits! - repeated Mr. McGregor.

Enough to fool your head! What do you want, old fool?

Open the bag and see! - exclaimed Mr. McGregor. - Six, six of them, tender little rabbits!

Meanwhile, the smallest little thing climbed onto the windowsill. Mrs. McGregor picked up the bag and felt it.

It looks like it really is six,” she said. - Only rabbits, apparently, are very old. Firstly, they are solid, and secondly, they are different. Cooking is not suitable, the meat will be tough, but the skins will probably be used for the collar of my old coat.

On the collar? - Mr. McGregor exclaimed indignantly. - No matter how it is! I’d rather sell them and buy myself some tobacco!

And don’t you dare think! I'll slaughter them and skin them!

Mrs. McGregor untied the bag and put her hand into it.

Instead of rabbits, she took out rotten zucchini, turnips and a shoe brush.

You came up with all this on purpose! - she screamed in rage. - You ruined my whole life! Why did I just marry you?!

Mr. McGregor also became very angry because his wife began throwing rotten zucchini and turnips at him. At the same time, one zucchini flew out of the window and painfully bruised the smallest donkey.

Then Ollie and Pampushka decided: enough adventure, it’s time to go home.

That's how it happened that Mr. McGregor was left without tobacco, and Mrs. McGregor was left without a new collar.

But Mrs. Mouseton Mouseton received so much rabbit fluff for Christmas that she had enough for a cape, a muff, and even mittens.

Vicky the rabbit and Eraser the chipmunk are faced with a mystery. They need to find out at all costs where the magic dragonfly came from...

Listen to a fairy tale (4min28sec)

Bedtime story about Vicky the rabbit and Eraser the chipmunk

Once upon a time there lived a wild rabbit, Vicky, and a chipmunk, Eraser. They were friends from an early age, and everything was fine with them.

But then one day...

It all started when Vicky the rabbit came to visit the chipmunk.

“Hey, chipmunk,” Vicky said.

- I am Chipmunk the First, come in, rabbit, my subject, I graciously allow.

- Hey, chipmunk, have you lost your mind? Why did you think you were a king? You are my childhood friend.

But the chipmunk did not stop.

“I, Chipmunk I, with my royal will forgive all your sins, poor rabbit, and allow you to express your thoughts.”

- What are my thoughts, chipmunk? Just yesterday you were a completely normal friend, but today you don’t know what came into your head and you began to have delusions of grandeur.

“I am a person of royal blood,” the chipmunk continued in his repertoire, “and say thank you for the fact that I politely communicate with you.”

“Thank you,” the rabbit remarked sarcastically, “your majesty for your great mercy.” I'd better go home so as not to incur your Lordship's wrath.

And Vicky the rabbit started to leave.

But at that moment the chipmunk closed his eyes and sneezed heavily. When he opened his eyes, he saw a rabbit running away.

“Hey, rabbit,” the chipmunk shouted, “why are you leaving so early?”

“Yeah,” said the rabbit to Vicky, “the delusions of grandeur have disappeared, and you decided to become your old friend again?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but something happened to me today.” When I was ventilating the room, some strange dragonfly flew into it and flew in circles. Has she bewitched me? And until I sneezed loudly, I was somehow not myself.

And then Vicky remembered that yesterday, when they were walking with the chipmunk, some strange dragonfly with large wings was flying not far from them. Vicky even wanted to consult with his mother about the unusual dragonfly, but forgot.

“Come on, Eraser, let’s go, we need to find out the secret of the magic dragonfly.”

-Who does magic in our forest? - asked Eraser.

“You can talk to the forest gnome,” said Vicky.

“The magic dragonfly is a first-grade student at a magic school,” said the forest gnome. “Soon she has exams in magic for the first grade, so she is training, honing her skills. She managed to make her first magical transformation - turn an ordinary chipmunk into a chipmunk of royal blood. But as soon as you, chipmunk, sneezed, the magic turned sour. So the dragonfly has something to work on.

Until the evening, Vicky the rabbit and Eraser the chipmunk talked about magic. At some point, a magical dragonfly flew over them and winked at them.

Soon the friends went home. It was already late.

Before going to bed, they thought about whether the dragonfly would be able to pass the magic exams...

Until then, good night!

Can you study well?! A useful book for careless students Alexey Karpov



In one swampy area there lived rabbits. They lived there not in burrows, but in houses on high posts or on hillocks. They lived peacefully and amicably, did not quarrel with wolves and foxes, did not chase birds and mice.

Wizards rarely walked in that area. But one day it happened that an old and cunning magician wandered into visiting the rabbits. He was known for his grumpiness and strategic thinking. His name was Handrid. Jokers claimed that it came from the word “hundred” (which means “hundred” in English) - because the magician always had many, many ideas, thoughts and plans.

Two rabbits, whose names were Super and Tail, met Handrid at a large stone and bombarded him with questions: how does the world work? who will be king in the neighboring kingdom? why do snails have eyes on sticks? where do parallel lines intersect? How much is one hundred eighty million divided by three hundred sixty-four?..

Handrid listened to them silently and narrowed his penetrating eyes. Then he hit the ground with his staff and shouted the magic words:

Kariki-mariki! Redneck! Bochak-supak-rupak-khrastrizhban! Yes!

The rabbits became scared. After all, they did not know what kind of magic the old magician had started. And Handrid was already dancing on the spot, became three times taller and was breathing fire and smoke.

And suddenly Tail and Super felt a passionate thirst for knowledge. They were simply stunned by this unexpected desire. Super began to jump high, and Tail wiggled his ears thoughtfully and looked into the distance. Meanwhile, the wizard calmed down, became of normal height and stopped spewing smoke and fire. He fell silent and looked slyly at his two friends.

The road to knowledge is long and difficult. But I think this path is for you. That's why I'm sending you, stupid (for now!) little rabbits! If fate is favorable to you, if you show ingenuity and enthusiasm, then you may be able to reach the Ocean of Knowledge. Forward! Go ahead I said! Went! - Losing patience and starting to smoke again, the magician raised his voice.

But we don't know where to go! - Tail squeaked to gain time.

Doesn't matter! Go somewhere! - answered Handrid and hit his staff on the ground.

And who will lead us?! - Super asked in an energetic voice.

I!!! - the magician shouted, and his eyes sparkled like two hot coals.

So the two rabbits set off on a long journey leading to the Ocean of Knowledge.

At first, Super and Tail's path ran through familiar terrain. Then the soil became more rocky, and hills and hills covered with dense forest began to appear. Fir trees and pines stood hung with pine cones. The sun was shining, the rain was drizzling, the breeze was blowing - everything went well and smoothly.

No knowledge was found.

The old magician either walked after the rabbits, rhythmically tapping his staff on the ground, then disappeared, then flew nearby in the form of some kind of bird... He did not explain anything, but only hissed, cursed and threatened if the rabbits began to think about returning and expressed doubts about that the Ocean of Knowledge is a truly achievable place.

And then they met Baba Yaga.

Are you looking for knowledge, my dears? Fine. I will help you. I'll teach you a little. Beginning course in arithmetic, reading and writing. But mind you: if you learn slowly, I’ll eat you, my dears! Rabbit with potatoes... Eh! So I won’t try very hard to explain. And in general, I’m angry and hungry. But I respect Handrid, he is a fair and professional magician. So, out of respect for him, I will teach you. He asked. Three hundred years ago, he and I were drinking coffee on the battlefield... uh... I forgot something... Well, okay. Let's study.

For three days, Tail and Super, trembling and concentrating, studied with Baba Yaga. She explained simply and quickly. And either the situation was so magical, or the rabbits really didn’t want to be eaten with potatoes, or their thirst for knowledge was strong, but Tail and Super learned everything very quickly and clearly.

Baba Yaga taught them to read for half a day. I drew letters with charcoal on the whitewashed wall of the stove, then syllables, then simple words... When the stove was filled with inscriptions, we went out into the yard and continued with a stick on the ground. By lunchtime the rabbits had learned to read short phrases.

Well! “I have potatoes and mushrooms for lunch,” Baba Yaga nodded to them in recognition of their academic success. - While you pinch the grass.

After lunch we started working on numbers and counting. Having outlined the principles of the decimal number system, Baba Yaga clearly explained to Tail and Super what addition and subtraction are and how to do it. She illustrated her stories with pebbles, cones, flowers and plates. The rabbits understood everything and were even able to count how many candies the hedgehog would have left after he gave the mouse eighty-three of his supply, which was originally three hundred and eighteen candies.

In the morning, Baba Yaga woke them up by lifting them by the ears, then dipped them into a spring, shook them, gave them ten minutes to eat a carrot, and began to multiply, divide and simple fractions. Within a couple of hours, Tail and Super confidently divided one hundred carrots into five hares, and three hundred nuts into ten squirrels. They only wondered why it was necessary to divide equally.

After a lunch of porridge, Baba Yaga made the rabbits learn the multiplication table, including how to divide. The old witch was swinging on a swing suspended between two birch trees, and Tail and Super were bouncing in front of her on the grass and repeating the multiplication table in chorus along and across.

In the evening, the rabbits fell asleep on the warm stove, licking themselves with honey and crunching on cabbage. Baba Yaga sang a song to them.

In the morning they started counting to a thousand and all sorts of complex examples and problems. Baba Yaga casually told the rabbits about the measures of length, time, area and volume and told a lot of other mathematical information. To relax, they read and wrote in block letters.

Thank you! - Tail and Super answered in unison and moved further to the Ocean of Knowledge, thinking how lucky they were that the feisty forest witch did not eat them with potatoes. They glanced warily at Handrid, running nearby in the form of a lean gray wolf, and felt a little stunned.

“I’ll take you to the Labyrinth and leave you there,” the old magician delighted the rabbits a week later. - There is no food in the Labyrinth. There is no water either. But there are snakes and scolopendras. Both of them are biting and terribly poisonous. There are all sorts of old textbooks scattered everywhere. Read them and study them. Learn to write and compose. There are automatic stones there. If you tell them something from textbooks or do some tasks that they are given, then a gap opens in the stone, and from there food falls out. And you can get water that way. A little.

Are they talking? - asked Tail.

Who? Food and water? - the magician chuckled.

Automatic stones.

Speakers. And singing. And they have a scoreboard so you can read it. Super stones! Ancient products of Novgorod antediluvian masters.

Will we then find a way out of the Labyrinth? - asked Super.

Hardly. But maybe I’ll take you from there if there’s a desire,” Handrid answered.

Tail and Super lived in the Labyrinth for more than two months. There was nowhere to rush. Everything turned out to be not so scary. The snakes lived there quite peaceful and unobtrusive. Scolopendras turned out to be cute creatures in general. The rabbits confidently obtained food and water for themselves. The weather was warm (since the Labyrinth consisted only of very intricate passages between tall, smooth stone walls, this was essential).

Handrid finally arrived. He descended from the sky in the form of an eagle with a human head, grabbed the rabbits with his huge paws and lifted them into the air. The magician circled over the Labyrinth, gaining height, and soon Tail and Super could clearly see the entire structure of the stone passages open above, in which they wandered, getting confused and finding it difficult to navigate even at short distances. Now the picture has become clear and simple. Tail and Super were so happy that they almost fell out of the eagle magician's claws - they were screaming with happiness, gesticulating, waving their ears and jumping.

After flying over the Labyrinth, Handrid carried the rabbits to the bank of a large river, where they immediately saw a small raft.

Swim, guys! - the magician admonished them, lowering them onto the logs of the raft and pushing the simple craft away from the shore. The fast current caught the raft and carried it, carried it, carried it...

We have arrived, sir! - Super said sarcastically. Tail sat in complete prostration, watching as their raft gradually brought towards the shore. In the shallow water, schools of small fish could be seen swimming back and forth in the clear water above the sandy bottom. The shore is overgrown with soft, short grass. Peace and grace!

Hungry after a five-day swim, the rabbits jumped out onto the grass. And, falling to the ground, they began to eat. They got their fill, but did not forget to look around and listen to the sounds of the river, grass and nearby trees. The magician was nowhere to be seen. Everything was calm and quiet.

The gray wolf appeared from behind the tree silently. He yawned deliciously, revealing his huge fangs, and jumped forward. The rabbits had only a split second to rush in different directions. And then, while the wolf was wondering which of them he should chase, Tail and Super rushed together into the river and swam away from the shore.

Rabbits couldn't swim. Therefore, they gradually began to sink. And soon only the tips of their ears were visible above the water. And then they disappeared too. Tail and Super went down.

The rabbits woke up at the same time. There were some iron walls around, painted green. The ceiling and floor were also iron and green. Tail and Super were lying on the bunks under nice woolen blankets.

Where are we?! - the rabbits exclaimed in unison.

On the Green Submarine, came the answer. The door opened and a beaver sailor entered their small cabin. He smiled and explained: “You were caught while you were diving.” They pulled me through the airlock. And they pumped it out. How long will it take to save two little rabbits?! Now our captain Zubomir decides whether to change course. So get up and go to the control room.

Super and Tail followed the sailor into the control room of the submarine. Zubomir, a powerful brown beaver, hummed a song from the Beatles repertoire and looked gloomily into the periscope. Hearing footsteps, he turned around and asked:

Why did you get into the water?

The rabbits told. They started at the beginning and briefly reported the main events of their journey.

After listening to them, the captain nodded:

I know Handrid, of course. He taught me a little trigonometry and integration. I will help you. We will lie at the bottom in a quiet pool, and you can indulge in studying the basics of science. We have plenty of provisions... I want to say: we loaded them into the boat... enough. We will sometimes float up for oxygen. At night. My sailors are quiet. All of them are mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, geographers, historians, writers... And a library in the former torpedo compartment. Why do we need torpedoes?! We are the peaceful Green Submarine. In short, you will have all the conditions for classes.

OK! - Super and Tail answered in unison. And we started studying.

Consulting with experienced sailors, studying serious books and thinking a lot on their own, the rabbits quickly advanced, mastering the basic knowledge of the principles of science. Zubomir supervised their studies.

“All you study are models,” he liked to repeat, lounging in a chair and gleaming his huge teeth. - Let's say, in a parallel world, all theories and formulas may have a different form. But we use these. So study. But don't be dogmatic.

The rabbits nodded respectfully and asked the captain smart questions. As time went. The boat lay on a deep muddy bottom. The periscope was usually not raised - so as not to be distracted from classes. The food was good. And you could exercise in a small gym.

For six months, Tail and Super lived and studied like this. Finally they were put ashore. But this was not the shore from which they were running away from the gray wolf, but the opposite one.

Spring was in full swing on the low hills and large fields. The rabbits merrily galloped away from the river, enjoying the fresh grass and butterflies. Mountain ranges rose in the distance. Behind them rose the Elite Mountain.

Shall we go to the Mountain? - Tail asked his friend after a flying sparrow explained that she was an Elite.

Let's go to. They’re waiting for us there, of course,” Super answered.

And they went.

Dwarves lived in Elite Mountain. They were about the size of rabbits if they stood on their hind legs. The dwarves greeted Super and Tail cordially.

“We will teach you,” the polite and at the same time very important gnome told them, sedately stroking his long gray beard. - At the top we have an observatory, in the submountain halls there are laboratories, in deep basements there are book depositories and museums. At the last scientific conference, the scientist gnome Hey Shane proposed a new version of recording the Great Matrices of Time and Space. We really don’t even know... He composed it cockily! But it’s not very clear... And in Laboratory Zero, for three hundred years now they have been developing the topic of the complete absence of any presence... It’s also interesting, although the results of their work are still zero... Well, don’t be embarrassed, rabbits, get comfortable... I’m just warning you: we have those who are not scientists suitable, they are given as guinea pigs to the Extreme Department. There... No! This is not for public revelations! This is secret research... And we know Hanryd. He visits us often and conducts seminars...

And the years of study flowed by. Tail and Super turned out to be capable and diligent students, so they were not sent to the Extreme Department. They studied with learned gnomes. And the further, the more with greater interest and enthusiasm.

Listen, Tail! We were going to get to the Ocean of Knowledge! And we are stuck in this Elite Mountain! No matter! It's time for us to move on! - said suddenly on a super cheerful May morning many years after the rabbits began studying and working with the learned gnomes.

That same day, two friends said goodbye to their teachers and went south - to where the wind sometimes carried the salty smell of sea waves and the echoes of the cries of seagulls.

They stood on the shore of the Ocean. A fresh wind was blowing and driving waves with small white crests. Seagulls flew between the water and rare gray clouds, filling the space with their cries.

Space and Freedom! This is the Ocean of Knowledge, guys! - the rabbits heard the voice of the old magician. This time he was slightly solemn and not at all aggressive.

So what now? - asked Tail and Super.

Now live here nearby, walk along the shore, look at the Sea... Think about what Eternity is, what Peace is, what Movement is, what Light is... And then you will see for yourself what you should do and where to go. “I’m no longer your advisor or assistant,” Hendrid answered and disappeared, melting into the air.

Cunning old wizard! What he has brought us to! - said Tail.

To the point,” agreed Super. - To the desired point. Infinite space and a point are essentially the same thing... You can see this through mathematics, history, or psychology.

You talk, Super, a lot! - Tail stopped him. - And you just See! Just! A?

Yes,” Super calmly agreed with his friend. The tail just silently pointed at the Ocean.

And they began to look there.

Some time has passed.

The rabbits, having lived on the shore of the Ocean, decided to return home to their swampy area. And we set off on the way back.

How long or how short did it take for Tail and Super to return to their family and friends? And they saw that it was full of different things to do. Which the rabbits, who had learned a lot, happily took on with passion and skill.

Since then, Tail and Super have lived in their own area and traveled a lot. Sometimes they visit Baba Yaga, and the gnomes in the Elite Mountain, and the beaver sailors on the Green Submarine, and the centipede snakes in the ancient Labyrinth, and the shore of the Ocean... They also read a lot. And their favorite author is Tolkien. How do you think why?

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Audio format

Books Once Upon a Time There Were Rabbits

Books Once Upon a Time There Were Rabbits French writer Geneviève Hurieux are very popular among preschool children. The series itself has more than twenty books, each telling one story from the life of a rabbit family.

In the family of rabbits, whose stories Yurie describes in his books, there are five little rabbits: four brothers and one sister. And as you understand, with such a number of children, there may be enough stories for more books.

All fairy tales are very funny. There are stories in which the main characters are all the rabbits or their relatives, and there are fairy tales that are dedicated exclusively to one character. But we have no doubt that all the stories will be loved by children, especially those who like listen or read about rabbits.

The editors of our site are constantly processing new books from the series Once upon a time there were rabbits(creating an audio version of a fairy tale). Therefore, new stories about a rabbit family regularly replenish the collection of audio tales collected on our website.

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