Typology of social partnership in education. Social partnership in education

Concept of Social Partnership: this is a jointly distributed activity of social elements - representatives of various social groups, the result of which is positive effects accepted by all participants in this activity; is the way to build a civil society.

Participants in social partnership A social group is a relatively stable collection of people who have common interests, values ​​and norms of behavior that develop within the framework of a historically defined society. Large groups: social classes, social strata, professional groups, ethnic communities (nation, nationality, tribe), age groups (youth, pensioners). Small groups, the specific feature of which is the direct contacts of its members: family, school class, production team, neighborhood communities, friendly companies.

Partnership for education is a partnership within the education system between social groups of a given professional community; a partnership into which education system workers enter into contact with representatives of other spheres of social reproduction; a partnership that is initiated by the education system as a special sphere of social life that contributes to the formation of civil society.

Social partnership in education is necessary so that teachers, students and parents manage the school together, so that teachers and educators can unite to fight the state and authorities for their rights, so that the territory develops socio-economically, so that they can effectively attract funds for the development of the school, so that they can offer the school’s resources to those interested the parties do not need social partnership at all educational institutions All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council 2008

1. State The state is a special kind of partner. acts as a catalyst for change in socio-economic life, financially and institutionally supports public initiatives on which the partnership is based. creates legislative and regulatory conditions for the implementation of innovations, the development of local government, the non-profit sector, and charitable activities; forms targeted programs for the development of the social sphere and combines various resources for their implementation; attracts local government, non-profit organizations and business to implement targeted programs, using various organizational and financial mechanisms, including social procurement.

2. Local self-government Local self-government is a phenomenon of public life, not of state power. represents the interests of the local community; within the framework of its powers, provides the opportunity to most effectively solve social problems through the implementation of specific projects; acts together with public associations and business representatives interested in the development of the local community.

3. Enterprises and universities have simplified access to information about the labor market and educational services; the requirements of employers for the content of specialist training are taken into account; the procedure for adjusting old and developing new educational programs that meet the requirements of universities and employers is simplified; wider opportunities open up for professional testing and self-determination of the graduate; employment opportunities for graduates are expanding.

4. Non-profit sector Non-profit organizations, professional associations, independent think tanks: offer new ideas and solutions, social technologies; provide civilian control over government actions; involve volunteers; express the interests of certain groups of the population (youth, people with disabilities, etc.); put forward new value guidelines (environmental movement, movement for restorative justice, human rights movement, etc.).

Roles of partnership participants Commercial organizations - financing opportunities, Government structures - use of power levers, Public associations - form and organize social initiatives of citizens. Even if the problem has been identified and is recognized by everyone, this does not mean that the emergence of social partnership is possible.

Rules of partnership 1. This is truly a partnership, not charity, mercy towards those in need. 2. It is a social action based on a sense of human solidarity and shared responsibility for a problem. Social partnership occurs when representatives of the three sectors (or any pair of them) begin to work together, realizing that this is beneficial to each of them and society as a whole.

The basis of social partnership is the interest of each of the interacting parties in finding ways to solve social problems; combining the efforts and capabilities of each partner for their implementation; constructive cooperation between the parties in resolving controversial issues; the desire to find realistic solutions to social problems, and not to imitate such a search; decentralization of decisions, absence of state paternalism; mutually acceptable control and consideration of the interests of each partner; legal validity of “cooperation”, which provides conditions for interaction that are beneficial to each party and society as a whole.

Reason for partnership A social problem arises when there is a non-antagonistic conflict of interests of different groups of the population regarding a certain common resource. The situation becomes more complicated if these are groups with unequal opportunities. The problem can also be a conflict of interests between the population and the authorities, when the “demand” of some groups of the population to satisfy their needs, which do not contradict public interests, is not met by the “supply” from the authorities for some reason, and serious social tension arises .

Partnership in education Transformation of three means of the management system in the aspect of state and public management of education: personnel (a means whose change is aimed at initiating the activity of professional and pedagogical associations); finance (a means whose changes are aimed at ensuring openness and rationality of financial flows); information (a means that is aimed at transmitting positive, constructive and promising ideas about education to the public).

Current issues What is the source of the educational (social) initiative? What different interests of which social groups are being realized? Is it possible to make the process of realizing interests open? How effectively will the implementation of the initiative affect the well-being of its participants and the wider social environment?

Functions of subjects local level shared financing of educational programs; formation of an order for the quality of education; quotas for places for professional testing; advanced training of teachers; implementation of social support functions for students; employment of graduates; protection and support of the rights and interests of the educational institution, advertising of its activities; establishment of incentive scholarships and bonuses for the educational and pedagogical achievements of student teachers; promoting the establishment and development of intraregional, interregional and international business and cultural cooperation.


Laboratory work No. 8

Topic: Social partnership

Exercise 1 . Task 1. Study the proposed texts and compose a thesaurus on the topic “social partnership”.

Task 2 . Develop a “Map of the area” in which you live in order to identify potential social partners of the school (work in groups).

Task 3 . Group discussion on the topic “Which institutions in our city need to develop partnerships with Omsk State Pedagogical University?”

Task 4 . Develop a scenario for searching and attracting social partners of a particular educational institution to cooperation.

Forms and technologies for conducting classes: individual and group work. Technology of discussion. Information Technology.

Laboratory results:

    Topic thesaurus

    Area map

    Scenario (algorithm) for searching and attracting partners of an educational institution.

Information material

Exercise 1.

Social partnership and professional cooperation

At the beginning of the 21st century, the need of man and society for fundamentally different informational-emotional, mental and behavioral strategies, informational and ethical behavior, both at the level of a person’s inner world and at the level of social relations, was quite clearly identified. Modern trends in the development of education are determined by the processes of change in the basic paradigms of perception of the world: instead of relative stability - permanent changes, geographical remoteness is not an obstacle to communication; local practices absorb global ones and give birth to new multicultural traditions.

Following the trends of global development, educational institutions of the Central region and the Central Federal State Educational Center are aware of the need for significant changes in education that contribute to the formation of the readiness of teaching staff for informed political and social choices, allowing the formation of systemic synergetic thinking in teachers, the need for a constant increase in the educational level and the growth of professional mobility. The effectiveness and the very possibility of innovative activity are determined by direct and reverse systemic connections between the educational institution, the Central Federal State Center for Regional Development and social partners. The specificity of the educational paradigm is that it is a whole area with special relationships, special educational motivation, and special goals.

Methodologists and teachers themselves determine what information they need to solve methodological, educational problems, professional projects, and they themselves determine social partners. Forming the motivation of teachers for creative work, creating an effective mechanism for mutually beneficial relationships turns professional education of adults into one of the powerful factors of social partnership. Social partnership in a broad sense is a jointly distributed activity of social elements - representatives of various social groups, the result of which is positive effects received by all participants in this activity. We understand social partnership in education as the joint participation of various parties in the development and implementation of programs and intellectual products for the education and upbringing of children.

Social partnership, built on the principles of mutual interest of the parties and the voluntariness of their acceptance of obligations, responsibility for the results of activities, is becoming an economically significant area of ​​education.

Social partnership in education has not yet been fully developed; on the other hand, different types have always been in practice. Among the different types of social interaction, there are such as charity, cooperation, investment, and partnership itself. All these concepts came into education from the socio-economic sphere and are increasingly occupying a place here. The areas of work with society are: charity, sponsorship, cooperation (collaboration), investment.

Charity– voluntary, free and selfless investments of labor or material and financial resources.

Sponsorship differs from charity in the degree of participation of the parties. The sponsor transfers exactly those funds (labor, financial, material) that the educational institution requests for specific activities known to both parties. Unlike charity, which is usually one-time in nature, this interaction can be periodic and even systematic.

Cooperation, that is, joint activity in the same or different, but interconnected labor processes, translated from Latin means cooperation. The parties enter into cooperation by mutual consent. The possibility and extent of participation are determined by each party independently, determined by the extent of its interest and, as a rule, secured by oral agreement. Interaction is one-time or periodic in nature, however, becoming regular, it serves as the basis for further partnerships.

Investment– this is the contribution of individuals or legal entities at their own discretion in accordance with their own vision and based on personal interests. An agreement or contract is a mandatory component. Today, quite often parents become investors in an educational institution and create a fund, directing the collected funds to the development of educational institutions. For example, they decide to create a modern specialized room in the institution, speech therapy and others.

Social partnership in education is the path to its democratization and renewal. In modern conditions, all types of social interaction are implemented in education, but it is obvious that it is partnership that gives the greatest effect, since it presupposes a more complete, interested and long-term involvement in solving socio-educational problems. The partnership, which is initiated by the education system as a special sphere of social life, allows you to change, design, and establish new socially significant functions. Other types of work with society are also very useful in a specific situation, but more locally.

Social partnership with scientific and cultural organizations of the city is manifested in joint mutually beneficial project activities. Each project is based on many years of scientific practical and theoretical research, information and methodological collections, as well as rare book and magazine materials permitted for copying. The Russian market offers many educational electronic aids and supplements to existing textbooks, so our branch has chosen the direction of developing electronic libraries of additional materials for educational and extracurricular activities. Each of the electronic libraries contains thousands of high-quality illustrations, voluminous text materials, audio and video fragments. Circulations of electronic libraries on CDs are transferred to the media libraries of all educational institutions in the region.

It is obvious that social contacts must “grow” into partnership. To conduct an examination of social partnership in education, it is possible to assess the level of development of social partnership through determining interaction parameters, performance criteria, and indicators. To do this you need:

To analyze the motives and “benefits” of the parties, to answer the question: why do we need potential partners? It is important to understand why they need us.

Find common interests, motives, goals that could become the basis for practical joint actions of the parties.

Agree on positions, determine the roles and place of each participant in the interaction, and the expected results of common activities.

Identify the needs for new organizational forms and coordinating bodies.

Document the relationship, plan activities, determine the responsibilities of each party.

Thus, based on the presented levels of work with society as a position, an educational institution that chooses the path of forming partnerships can analyze and build a plan for further actions aimed at correcting them and developing the transition to a new level, forming a unified information and semantic space, as from the administration of the institution and social partners.

Objective reasons for the development of social partnership in the modern Russian education system.

The term “social partnership in education”, as well as the activity itself, received full recognition in modern Russia several years ago. Few doubt that education is one of the most significant values ​​in society. However, everyone also knows that society is heterogeneous, and, therefore, partnerships are not always possible between education and various sectors of society. The idea of ​​social partnership in education is that solving problems in this socially significant area requires the efforts of the whole society, and not just one of its components - the state.

Effective social partnership in education requires

a) the presence of a social need to be involved in the implementation of the values ​​of education;

b) the school’s readiness for such cooperation;

c) the need of the school;

d) school initiative;

e) initiative of the non-state sector.

The main areas of joint activities of social partners within the corporate system:

Marketing of educational services;

Building a cooperation strategy;

Carrying out joint design developments;

Organization of a unified information and educational environment that ensures openness, continuity, and accessibility of education;

Development of the content of integrated programs that ensure continuity and continuity of specialized and further professional training of students;

Implementation of an integrated approach to education as an integral component of the educational process, organization of competitions, olympiads, shows and joint participation in them of all interested parties of cooperation.

Social partnership – is it a reality or a necessity? Who are our partners? Is it easy to be a school partner? Are we ready to be partners and how can our partnership manifest itself?

When choosing social partners for a school, you need to be guided by:

firstly, to create conditions for the implementation of educational projects and social initiatives;

secondly, to improve the qualifications of teaching staff;

thirdly, for material and financial support of the school.

We carry out joint activities on the basis of social partnership agreements.

Social partnership as a means of improving the quality of education

In the context of the transition to a market economy, education is increasingly focused on meeting the needs of the labor market, the specific requests of employers, and becomes a tool for solving, first of all, the economic problems of society. At the same time, the nature of the effect of economic and social factors on the state of education is changing.

In these conditions, a new system of relations between educational institutions, employers' unions, workers' associations, employment services - everyone who becomes not only consumers of the "products" of an educational institution, but also a source of its financial well-being - becomes relevant.

We will try to analyze the possibility of influence of social partners on educational institutions in order to more fully take into account the requirements of employers for personnel. To do this, let us consider, using the example of the tourism industry, the essence, content and stages of development of social partnership, the main types of social partners of the education system and the difficulties when working with various categories of social partners.

Social partnership in education is a special type of interaction between educational institutions and subjects and institutions of the labor market, state and local authorities, public organizations, aimed at maximizing coordination and taking into account the interests of all participants in this process. Social partnership in the tourism system is an important element in the formation of a modern approach to the tourism industry, an indicator of the real interest of society and the state in its further development in order to increase profitability and competitiveness as a whole.

The concept of “social partnership” is considered as the participation of various state and public organizations, the tourism industry, as well as individuals in joint activities aimed at solving specific problems facing the industry. Based on foreign experience accumulated in this area, we will conduct a comparative analysis of ways to resolve issues of social partnership.

The macro-partner in the system of social relationships is the state itself. As a rule, the relations of a tourism organization with other social partners depend on government policy in the field of tourism. This position can be very easily verified by the nature of the relationships that educational institutions develop with such an important and significant partner for them as industry.

Tourism industry enterprises are headed by managers with very different views on the vocational education system. Whether or not to cooperate with professional schools depends on the degree of their personal interest. Educational institutions, naturally, can motivate managers of tourism industry facilities to cooperate with the high quality of training of specialists by the possibility of providing free and sufficiently qualified labor for a certain period, etc. But, unfortunately, the capabilities of educational institutions are quite limited and, even more unfortunately, the state is doing nothing to turn industry representatives towards the vocational education system. Although, in most foreign countries such experience exists, as a rule, this is:

Significant tax cuts for those who support educational institutions in one form or another;

A variety of government-sponsored collaboration programs between educational institutions and industry that benefit both parties.

Russian educational institutions are deprived of such support from their main social partner - the state, and therefore are forced to independently look for social partners and establish relationships with them.

Based on the accepted definition of social partnership, we will describe the main types of social partners of the education system. First of all, we note the fact that the category of social partnership can be considered in relation to both the education system as a whole and to a separate educational institution. In the first case, the party participating in the social partnership is, relatively speaking, the entire set of educational institutions together with educational authorities. Forming a single whole, they act as a partner in the system of relationships that develop in the labor market. And here we can distinguish three main categories of social partners of education: employers (industry); associations of workers (trade unions, public organizations); government bodies, including the employment service. The main partner is the state itself, which determines tourism policy. It entrusted the development of laws and regulations promoting the development of tourism to government authorities, both at the federal and regional levels. These same bodies finance, in particular, the training of specialists through the vocational education system, develop state educational standards, and involve educational institutions in cooperation with the tourism industry through participation in conferences, meetings, and exhibitions.

The role of the state in the educational services market at present should be reduced to the development and implementation of the concept of education reform that meets the interests of all participants in this process. In general, state policy, based on the inclusion of vocational education in the system of basic priorities of socio-economic development, should be focused on solving the following key tasks:

1. Creating conditions for the development of the real sector of the economy, as the main institutional subject of the labor market, forming the professional and qualification structure of demand for labor. Sustainably operating production itself will turn into a powerful regulator of the system of professional training, acting at the same time as both a customer and a quality controller of the educational product.

2. Formation of a regulatory framework for a new type of interaction between educational institutions and industry, contributing to the satisfaction of the basic interests of both parties on a mutually beneficial basis.

3. Strengthening the “transparency” of information flows about the situation in the labor market and educational services, widely informing the population about the professional and qualification structure of demand, forecasting the main macroeconomic indicators of the labor market, problems of employment of graduates, ratings of educational institutions, etc.

4. Optimization of state tax policy, targeting enterprises to conduct active programs for retraining and improving the skills of their personnel. Adoption of provisions on the exclusion from the tax base of all types of costs associated with personnel training.

5. Strengthening the regulatory and control functions of government bodies in the sphere of regulating the market of educational and qualification services. Creation of uniform education standards for the entire country, bringing them into line with international standards.

6. Creating conditions for the formation of a real competitive environment for all educational institutions without exception, regardless of their form of ownership and administrative subordination. Transparency in the distribution and use of budget funds, optimization of interbudgetary relations.

Municipal educational and economic authorities could help with the issue of staffing educational institutions by organizing this work in the following stages:

Creation of a list of professions required in the local labor market;

Adjusting the content of educational programs through joint review of them with the participation of employers;

Formation of a municipal system of training and advanced training of teachers for better training of specialists.

Another important fact of working in the field of social partnership is the holding of thematic, specialized seminars, conferences, exhibitions, at which there would be an opportunity to establish direct contacts with partners, purchase or order teaching aids for training specialists in various fields, as well as actively participate in them, mastering the necessary customer service skills.

Poorly established interactions between social partners lead to the fact that educational institutions suffer from a basic lack of information about what the needs of the labor market are, what areas are the most promising, what new trends are emerging. The lack of such information deteriorates the quality of specialist training.

Local governments involve various categories of social partners in cooperation (mass media, publishing houses, career guidance centers, employment services, etc.), and also finance the training and retraining of their specialists.

Tourism industry enterprises participate in the implementation of educational programs through the organization of practical training for students at their base, their employment, financing the training of their employees and managing training centers through the foundation.

Relationships with employers are difficult to build. It must be emphasized that the destruction of ties between vocational education and enterprises has led to the fact that many of them have ceased to pay due attention to the issues of retraining and advanced training of their personnel. However, as experience shows, if desired, an educational institution is able to reverse this attitude towards itself on the part of business, prove its worth and take upon itself the issue of providing production with qualified personnel.

The interest in the system of social partnership among workers' associations and trade unions is understandable. The better the professional training, the fewer social problems, conflicts with employers, and social tension. The employment service has no less and somewhat similar interest in partnership with a vocational school. Inconsistency with the requirements of the labor market and low qualifications lead graduates to the labor exchange. Reducing the flow of such unemployed people, reducing the costs of their retraining - this is the practical interest in establishing a system of social partnership in vocational education.

The formation of a system of social partnership in modern socio-economic conditions is a rather long and complex process, depending on a number of subjective and objective reasons (the state of the economy, the social situation, the willingness of authorities and will to get involved in it, the desires and capabilities of heads of educational institutions). The effectiveness and efficiency of an educational institution’s work with social partners is determined by the degree to which it realizes its interests, which consist, first of all, in the training of highly qualified specialists and is assessed by the degree to which it fulfills its main social function.

Education as a social institution plays an important role in the process of human socialization. It is responsible for the timely and adequate preparation of the individual for full functioning in society. Understanding the essence and specifics of the education system is not easy. The state regulates a unified educational space, but in addition to this, there are many practices that complement the process. One of these phenomena is social partnership in education. Let’s try to understand what it is, what its methods are and what its system is with the help of examples.

Partnership as an element of social interaction

“You - to me, I - to you” - this is how one can characterize the meaning of the word “partnership”. Initially, this concept was used only in social and economic sciences. They characterized the process of coordination of actions by the participants. In a broader sense, “social partnership” should be considered as a system of solvation (interactions), as a result of which subjects satisfy their needs.

Over the past few years, social partnership has begun to be interpreted as a multi-layered process, where the functioning of elements is clearly regulated and aimed at achieving positive changes. That is, it can be understood as a unique type of relationship between subjects that are united by common interests and jointly solve problems that arise. The main task of the partnership is to overcome possible differences in the actions of the participants, coordinate work and level out conflicts.

Educational process

Based on the foregoing, social partnership in the field of education can be defined as the common actions of subjects related to the educational process. It is typical for such actions to have the same goals and bear mutual responsibility for the results obtained.

The system of social partnership in education is considered at three levels:

  1. Relationships between social groups of professionals within the system.
  2. Partnership of education system workers with representatives of other organizations and social institutions.
  3. The relationship between the educational institution itself and the public.

The development of social partnership in education dates back to the 80-90s of the last century. At this time, educational institutions become autonomous, and the demand for highly qualified personnel increases in the labor market. The Institute of Education begins to play a key role in the development of the state. An important element in social partnership in the educational sphere is the relationship between educational institutions, trade unions, employers and government agencies. Their main goal is to: identify the needs of the labor market to increase human resources potential; to form an educated personality with an active life position; increase the economic and spiritual potential of society as a whole.

Translated into human language, this means that dynamic changes are taking place in the country. Partnership schemes similar to the USA are beginning to be introduced, and against the backdrop of this evolutionary chaos, the need for “other people” arises. That is, society needs personnel who are already trained in new standards. And here the institute of education comes to the fore, because who, if not him, is responsible for teaching the younger generation new methods. This, in fact, is the main essence of the concept of “social partnership in the field of education”.

But over time, leading figures in the country begin to understand that in general it is not very logical to consider the interaction of educational institutions, economics and politics. Many important points that are at lower levels of the institutional gradation are overlooked. Therefore, social partnership in education begins to “grow with new shoots,” each of which is responsible for its own area.


Now partnership can be considered in the development environment of various educational institutions. The first place to start is the municipality. It refers to the general educational process, which is carried out in a certain territory and solves problems unique to it. To make it a little clearer, we can give a small example. Let's say there is a small educational process in institutions carried out in accordance with current legislation, but in addition to this, special elements are included that are unique to this area. As part of education, thematic fairs can be held, days of remembrance of famous personalities who previously lived in this territory, or craft circles can be created, which are popular in a particular region.

Municipalities are divided into 5 types:

  • Rural settlements. This includes villages (towns, hamlets, etc.) that are located in a certain territory.
  • Urban settlements. Can be classified as cities or urban-type settlements.
  • Municipal areas. These include several cities or villages where local government resolves general issues.
  • Urban districts. That is, cities that are not included in the municipal districts directive.
  • Autonomous urban areas. Parts of the city with their own organizational structure. For example, the Indian quarter in Singapore: on the one hand, part of the city, on the other, a separate element of it.

Social partnership in a municipality is carried out between the bodies that manage educational processes locally and the authorities of the country. The main specificity of such interactions is financing. For example, the state has long established that the municipal education system is responsible for providing benefits. Educational subsidies are also provided, which the local government system divides among all educational institutions depending on their needs and status. The state can also provide information about the need in the labor market for specialists who are trained at an institution located in the territory of the municipal district. The authorities take this into account and can increase funding for the institution, the number of budget places, etc.

Teacher Education

For those who do not know what teacher education is: it is the process of preparing highly qualified specialists to work in educational institutions. That is, the training of educators, teachers and professors.

Social partnership in teacher education directly depends on public expectations. Recently, the requirements for the quality of school education have increased significantly, because of this there has been a need to change the methods and technologies of teacher training. The development of teacher education depends on the following factors:

  • Policy innovations in education.
  • Availability of a concept that allows the involvement of state and municipal authorities to support research.
  • Creation of a public control service that, focusing on state requests, could direct the teacher education system in the right direction.

If the “municipal partnership” was focused mainly on the financial side of the issue, then teacher education is based on public demands to improve the quality of education in accordance with modern standards.

For example, several years ago there was a need for the emergence of out-of-school educational institutions. Initially, this was wanted by the parents, who decided that the child should develop more fully. Demand for such institutions is gradually beginning to arise, and the state is already getting involved, requesting teachers who would be specially trained to provide this type of service.

In general, the essence is clear: since every person attends educational institutions, the task of teachers is to form a personality that is in demand in society. And if any changes occur, then the training of teachers also changes, because only they can painlessly introduce innovative programs into society.

Professional education

Now society demands that specialized educational institutions graduate specialists who are ready to immediately begin work. Also, the economic institute requests a certain number of specialists in a particular field. Social partnership in vocational education consists of providing the labor market with in-demand personnel in the required quantity.

Everything here is extremely simple: the market is a cyclical system in which something is constantly changing. One year there are not enough economists, another year it is impossible to find a lawyer. And, having heard that there are not enough representatives of certain professions on the labor market, applicants en masse begin to apply for this particular specialty. As a result, supply begins to exceed demand and the unemployment rate rises. To prevent this from happening, there is social partnership in education, which allows for the most efficient use of human resources.

Preschool education

Modern things cannot fully develop without interaction with society, so partnership is especially relevant here. Social partnership in preschool education consists of creating connections between a preschool institution and cultural, educational and other development centers. This practice causes a higher level of perception in the child, he develops faster and learns to build his partnerships, according to the “you - to me, I - to you” type.

Working in a social partnership helps expand the child’s cultural and educational environment, and accordingly, it will be easier for him to adapt in the future. In this segment of interaction, the focus comes to the fore. He is shown what is interesting and educational, and taught what is necessary. They also work with families who are also participants in the social partnership.

Additional education

Social partnership in education plays a significant role even in an environment that provides additional knowledge. These could be language schools, courses, seminars or master classes. That is, the type of educational activity that implies the comprehensive development of a person is additional education. Social partnership in this environment is about providing all kinds of knowledge and opportunities. To describe it in theses, the partnership does the following:

  • Retains the basic ideas of organizing work in the field of additional education.
  • Maintains relationships with government agencies, the business environment, society and parents.
  • Takes an active part in its development. Responsible for the socially oriented segment of additional education, which includes talent search programs, supporting children from disadvantaged families, or providing additional education services to children with disabilities.
  • Distribution of budget funds in accordance with the requests of organizations.

Additional education can be divided into three main groups: cultural, humanitarian and technical. Each of these groups provides general knowledge bases as well as current innovative ideas. Since knowledge is now the most valuable currency, in the environment of additional education they are trying to provide the necessary basis on which comprehensive individual development will subsequently be formed.

How is the partnership organized?

The organization of social partnership in education is based on the following:

  1. Legislative acts. Laws created by the state are the main source of formation and development of social partnership. They regulate the field of action and the limits of the participants’ capabilities.
  2. Local management. Each municipal district has its own rules and laws, some of which relate to social cooperation. If we take, for example, the municipal education system. Let's say this organization received a certain amount for the development of the educational system in its area. She could divide everyone equally, but that doesn’t happen.
  3. Society and economics. The education system is closely linked to public demands and economic changes. And if something new comes into people’s lives that is not related to education either directly or indirectly, then the curriculum still changes so that in the future pupils and students meet market expectations.

Is social partnership necessary in education?

Today, unfortunately, it is impossible to compare the concepts of “social partnership” / “quality of education”. Although they have made some progress, there are still many unresolved issues.

Initially, social partnership was introduced along the lines of America and Europe, but the peculiarities of our state, its culture and mentality were not taken into account. In this regard, many important points were missed. However, despite all this, the partnership is bringing positive changes to the development of education even today.

Social partnership in education (priorities and opportunities):

  • The main priority goal of interaction is to satisfy the common interests of all participants in the commonwealth. Not only social institutions and the processes that occur within them are taken into account, but also the subjects of interaction (teachers, students, parents).
  • The social partnership program helps make learning more effective. Participants in the educational process become in demand in the social environment.
  • The correct approach and regulation of partnerships give impetus to the full development of society, eliminating unemployment and filling it with in-demand specialists.

Bottom line

There are many examples of social partnership in education. This includes a system of rewarding students for good grades (scholarship), and an agreement between an educational institution and an employer who is ready to hire a former student, and even a dialogue between a parent and a teacher. But the main component of this process is high-quality knowledge, the bearer of which is so in demand and expected by society.

The term “social partnership in education”, as well as the activity itself, received full recognition in modern Russia several years ago. Few doubt that education is one of the most significant values ​​in society. However, everyone also knows that society is heterogeneous, and, therefore, partnerships are not always possible between education and various sectors of society. I would like to introduce you to the experience of the work of the children's creativity center of the city of Serdobsk in solving the problems of social partnership, and this today, perhaps, is one of the few ways to preserve the system of additional education, and directly each taken UPOD, in their social and historical mission, occupied a niche in market of educational services, social significance in the entire structure of existing interactions.
An assessment of the experience of interaction showed that social partnership helps to direct resources to the development of joint activities of any educational institutions, their social self-organization and self-government, regardless of their type and type. It attracts society's resources for the development of the educational sphere. It helps to accumulate and transfer life experience of both the educational community and its partners to form among community members the ability for long-term survival in the educational services market. Social partnership allows you to act effectively and successfully, keeping in mind a priority perspective common to all partners, effectively coordinating joint activities with a clear understanding of your responsibilities. These activities provide the most effective and cost-effective assistance to community members in need who participate in the partnership, while remaining different and recognizing the differences of individuals and organizations.
Opportunities for the development of education in Russia through partnerships are built on the following mechanisms: openness and cooperation, emphasis on development, communication and exchange of ideas; developed educational philosophy and approach to community development; an opportunity for local residents, socially active educational institutions of all types and types, local organizations to become active partners in solving problems in education and the community; presenting parents with the opportunity to become a “good travel companion” on their child’s educational route; collaboration with volunteers to increase the number of services provided in the community.
MOUDOD CDT is an open social and pedagogical system that closely interacts with all types of educational institutions of the city, region, public institutions, and families of students. The market for additional educational services in Serdobsk is quite saturated and competition between institutions is high. In the city, cultural institutions (children's art and music schools, the City House of Arts, houses of culture), sports (3 children's sports schools), and education (a center for additional education for children, a station for young naturalists) operate successfully in this area. All of them, to one degree or another, provide variable multi-level education.
Currently, the teaching staff of the children's creativity center cooperates with more than 40 different organizations in our city.
Involving the public in managing the development of education is a task outlined by the presidential program “Our New School”, one of the goals of which is the creation of a qualitatively new level of relations, interaction in solving problems of educational development among a range of stakeholders capable of reaching a constructive agreement and developing a unified educational policy.
Changes in socio-economic life that have occurred in recent decades have led to significant changes in the education system and the institution of the family. The scope of additional education has expanded. All this provided the family with real opportunities to choose the type of educational institution and the range of educational services it provides.
The parent community today proposes to build relations between family and educational institution at the level of social partnership. These are educational services that comply with the social order for the education of children. We conduct monitoring among parents throughout the year. We analyze the composition and structure of families of studying children. It turns out that the overwhelming majority are interested in children receiving high-quality additional education, upbringing and development, and further continuing their education in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.
In this regard, new associations were opened at the children's creativity center: “School of Young Entrepreneurs,” where teenagers receive knowledge in law, accounting, and economics; "Lawyer", "Young Programmer"; associations of journalists “Trying the Pen” and “Light Pen”.
Cooperation with general education institutions based on the integration of general and additional education makes it possible to create a unified educational environment at school and bring additional education services as close as possible to the student. It allows you to optimize the use of the material base of partner institutions, develop it in a targeted manner, implement the programmatic and methodological and organizational and methodological potential of institutions as efficiently as possible, coordinate the educational process at all levels of interaction, making it more mobile and student-oriented. The importance of such cooperation in the context of the implementation of a new educational concept with modern tasks of specialized, developmental training and socialization during the transition to a competency-based approach in organizing the educational process cannot be overestimated! In schools in the district, this cooperation allows not only to meaningfully organize leisure and employment in the countryside at a higher level, but also allows for the organization of pre-vocational training and the implementation of professionally oriented programs. Of the 1,600 students at MOUDOD CDT, only 700 students are currently studying in 9 schools in Serdobsk and Serdobsky district.
In order to provide effective assistance to the family in raising a harmoniously developed personality, capable of adapting to the changing conditions of society, establishing relationships of trust and cooperation between the family and the educational institution, the “Family World” program was created, which is aimed at creating conditions for cooperation between children and adults.
The teaching staff today is looking for any opportunities and means to help the family, provide psychological and pedagogical assistance, and teach how to raise a child. To educate without the appropriate knowledge, guided only by blind instinct, means risking the future of a growing person. Therefore, teachers learn themselves and share their knowledge with parents. After all, no matter what parents do, no matter what their specialty is, they are always educators of their children.
It is important for us to achieve an active life position of parents, to make them want to get to know their child, to evaluate their relationship with him. And we use many forms and ways that have been tested by practice and time. These are parent meetings, but they take place in the form of gatherings and conversations “Let's think together”, “CDT, family, society”; parent-teacher councils; trainings, discussions, round tables. Parents discuss during the “Commonwealth” lecture classes, participate with their children in socially significant activities such as improving the building, collecting research material, etc.
Parents hope that the center will teach their child not only to dance, sing and design. They want their children to develop stable, creative interests, which will help them in choosing a profession in the future.
Joint recreation and family holidays are enthusiastically accepted by children and their parents. The partnership nature of relationships brings adults and children closer together, making them allies in creative work.
The main result of the interaction of this chain “Child-family-teacher” is the final result. Parents finance and go with their children on trips to regional and All-Russian competitions, exhibitions, and competitions. They purchase dance costumes, video equipment, and provide financial assistance in renovating practice rooms.
The role of the institution of additional education is great in organizing the information that bombards the child from the media: radio, television, the Internet. By organizing work to shape the aspirations and interests of children, interacting with local press organs, local television, we effectively solve the problems of educating the general culture of young citizens, their attitude to the world, to themselves, and the results of their creative activity.
Our teachers and students actively use thematic pages of the newspapers “Serdobskie Novosti”, “Alliance”, “Lyubimoya Gazeta”. But the most tireless correspondents are activists of journalist associations (based on Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 10 and Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 2). Their materials about the life of children's associations are constantly published on the pages of school publications “Ten” and “Lytseist”. In addition to collecting and disseminating information, publishing materials about events at the Moscow Educational Inspectorate for Children and Children, young correspondents participate in socially significant projects. For example, the “Firebird” project to create a regional children’s and youth newspaper was presented at the regional stage of the All-Russian action “I am a Citizen of Russia”. As a positive trend, it can be noted that teachers themselves began to actively promote their experience of working with children and look for new forms of cooperation with the media. Thus, the city is forming an effective system of informing citizens about problems in children and youth. This allows not only to solve the problems of education and socialization of students, but also to actively promote their “product” in the market of educational services and solve the image problems of UPSC.
Cooperation with educational and public institutions develops most actively and productively during the period of preparation for mass events: “Let's join hands, family!”, “Successful family”; socially significant causes: actions in support of children with disabilities “Kind Heart” and “Lend a Hand to a Friend” (this action took place during October, where the teaching staff involved social services, the administration of the Serdobsky district, and individual entrepreneurs); scientific and practical conferences “Economic education of adolescents”, held jointly with teachers of the Serdobsk multidisciplinary and agricultural technical schools.
The Center for Children's Creativity has been collaborating with the Kirsanov College of Civil Aviation for many years. We understand this educational partnership as cooperation between absolutely equal partner institutions and as a constructive unification of teachers around one big cause - creating conditions for a young person to acquire a profession, making an informed choice with a sense of conscious responsibility, realistically assessing their potential and prospects for social and professional integration in modern society. All aspects of interaction are stipulated in agreements on joint activities. This gives our graduates an advantage when entering major specialties at this educational institution.
For many years, our teachers have been working with children with disabilities. They develop and implement new programs for the social adaptation of children through their creative activities. Now 6 teachers of the Center work with such children at home, collaborating with a psychologist, social service - the Center for Social Protection, and parents.
The result of this great painstaking work is the performance and victory of children with disabilities at regional competitions, the “Under the Sail of Hope” festivals, and the All-Russian children's creativity competition “Open Heart”. And most importantly, children develop a desire for life, self-confidence, self-realization, and the fact that they are not alone. High results of socialization of such children can be achieved when they, studying in the same group with healthy children (in some cases, indicating leadership positions), achieve success in festivals and competitions without a “discount” on the level of health.
Of course, the introduction of new state educational standards (FSES) in secondary schools will make significant adjustments to the entire system of interactions in the Russian market of educational services. And in this regard, we hope that the existing experience of social partnership will allow institutions of additional education not only to survive, but also to develop in the modern market of educational services in accordance with the expectations of society and the state.

The state is responsible for ensuring a unified educational space in the country (goals, objectives, standards) and providing the education system with the necessary resources, but it is unlikely to cover and take into account the complexity of the tasks and conditions of specific communities. This particularly applies to local sectoral proportions in the structure of jobs, the dynamics of youth groups, unemployment, environmental and historical circumstances, differences in the family living conditions of children, etc. These differences have led in many countries to a wide variety of “political relations” in the education system and the involvement of various civil society institutions in the life of educational institutions.

Social partnership means the practice of joint decision-making and balanced, shared responsibilities. Ordinary people often have the opinion that the composition of participants in management is not so important - as long as the manager himself is strong-willed, and as for responsibility, how many would be willing to share it in a “poor” and not very prestigious education system? And yet they are there and acting.

It should be noted that the need for broad social partnership in education is also provided for by modern theoretical views on education. It is considered as one of the leading social institutions, closely connected with the main spheres of society - the economy, social structure, culture and politics. In Russian sociology, a concept of the functions of education is being developed, which in a certain sense is ahead of similar ideas in foreign science. The formulations of functions in our concept are systemic in nature, operational and amenable to empirical interpretation, and therefore not only outline the areas of responsibility of the education system, but also more clearly identify dysfunctional areas in it and clarify the priorities of sectoral and macro-social management.

Is it possible from a scientific perspective to promote the establishment of social partnership in education, and what are the main guidelines for analysis?

In modern developed industrial countries, the organization of general and vocational education systems and the development of educational policies are increasingly based on dynamic and surprisingly flexible social partnership. The vital need for social partnership in the field of education has not been disputed by anyone here for a long time.

In our literature there are attempts to analyze the structures of social partnership in education in EU countries (see, for example,). In particular, types and models of social partnership are highlighted, but their description does not at all imply the possibility of direct applicability of certain examples of foreign experience. This kind of information is clearly not enough. First of all, foreign experience is by no means universal, and a deeper social and historical-comparative analysis is required. Discussions of this problem also rarely take into account the dependence of existing forms of partnership on the level of social integration achieved in foreign countries.

Thus, we have to better master the theoretical developments of foreign colleagues on the problem of social partnership in education. In turn, the wide variety of local conditions in modern Russia will require linking any scientific and practical development to the typical situations of regional and local communities. The steps taken by Russian scientists in this area are still insufficient and undoubtedly deserve special support.

More recently, from the position of an ultra-reformist approach, it was assumed that in the field of education it would be possible to quickly build a new system of partnership to replace the old practice of patronage relations. Since the second half of the 1990s. Advisory and coordination councils were created in the regions of the country, but they did not change the situation for the better. Among educational management, commercial interests and the desire for corporate survival or expansion turned out to be stronger than the motives of social responsibility. Meanwhile, distortions in the vocational education system as a whole continued - a shortage in the training of workers, hypertrophied volumes of higher education contingents against the backdrop of a decline in the number of contingents in secondary and primary vocational education programs, low employment rates in the acquired specialty.

At the same time, with the support of international centers in the north-west of Russia, already in the 1990s. An experiment began to “cultivate” partnerships “from below” - at the local industry level. Today we can talk about some signs of the sustainability of such a partnership, but they were found only in profitable (most often not systemically important) sectors of the economy. It is unlikely that any region of the country or city can boast of having a well-functioning system of social partnership in the field of education. So there is no need to talk about achieving the social effect of partnership in Russia yet. It is likely that the establishment of partnership systems will take more than a decade, but society and the state are interested in stimulating and adjusting this process, especially since it is among the priority national projects.

In Western European countries, the organizational structures of social partnership were formed mainly in the post-war period and are now represented in a whole complex of institutions, interdepartmental organizations, a series of documents and regulations. The key responsibility in such structures is played by the so-called social state, although, strictly speaking, social partnership is based on much more complex, often informal (but therefore no less influential!) socio-ideological structures. It is accompanied by processes of strengthening civil society, the roots of which are in earlier periods of socio-historical development of the EU countries. Social partnership in education is developing as social integration increases, primarily at the national level.

The economic prerequisite for strengthening social integration of many European societies is the specific function of the state. We are talking about a large-scale redistribution of the social product through the taxation system into gigantic social programs in terms of funding for maintaining employment, social protection, pensions, as well as programs in the field of education. Democratic redistribution of financial resources does not mean that in Western European economies there are no ultra-high incomes of top managers or owners, but the decile coefficient of inequality in developed countries is 5. In Russia it is officially 14, and according to expert estimates - 25. At the same time, studies indicate a deep economic stratification of the Russian population, in which the majority feels like the “lower classes” of society. A circumstance that partly mitigates economic stratification and social schism is the relatively high level of qualifications (including educational qualifications) among the adult population. It allows us to hope for effective interaction of potential external social partners with the education system in the future.

In the meantime, the immaturity of the Russian elites, their unpreparedness for a sustainable social partnership is manifested in the fact that they, in essence, do not share responsibility for the development of society, but are focused only on their own reproduction in the economic and political life of the country, even at the expense of the low standard of living of the main strata population.

Another component of social partnership is developing just as slowly - the social organization of civil, professional and settlement groups. In the case of the education system, we are talking about the weak participation of citizen communities in local self-government, the lack of sufficient economic and legal resources at their disposal, the underdevelopment and poverty of most trade unions, the absence or instability of industry associations and associations of student parents. The Russian state has recently been allocating grant funds on a competitive basis to generally stimulate the activities of public organizations, but the sphere of social partnership in education loses out to other sectors in this competition and, as a result, does not receive much-needed targeted support.

Turning to foreign experience is useful for identifying existing subjects of partnership in the field of education.

At its grassroots level, the actors most often are specific educational institutions, local enterprises, special groups of the local population (ethnic, religious, age), as well as specialists from various government services (social protection, security, health care, labor and employment) and public activists. organizations. Two-way interaction is typical here. Partnership is manifested in the joint setting of development goals, in the preparation and implementation of specific activities (most often extracurricular), in the distribution of responsibilities and coordination of efforts in equipping or repairing educational premises, and providing assistance to real families of students. It is difficult to find an educational institution that does not have a board of trustees, uniting specialists, activists, representatives of local authorities, and business leaders. Research shows that regional and federal authorities, as a rule, have strong tools at their disposal to influence the education system. They can be grouped into two main directions of influence:

1. Using civil society institutions to regulate the education system (optimizing its standards and structure) in order to achieve social goals and meet the specific needs of local communities.
2. Ensuring the optimal functioning of civil society institutions as independent and socially useful participants in the partnership system.

Government influence on the education system includes “direct” and “indirect” regulation. “Direct” implies the imposition of organizational and legal restrictions, the establishment of industry standards and evaluation parameters, the implementation of more or less systematic control (inspections), the setting of certain financing conditions, etc.

“Indirect” regulation provides for the widespread use of civil society institutions, or more precisely, reliance on their interested attitude towards the education system.

A number of countries, following the positive experience of social partnership in the Dutch education system, have created special independent agencies structured by large industry sectors - National Organizations for Vocational Education. They have the right (with responsibility) to examine the vocational school's curricula, programs and standards in terms of their relevance to the requirements of jobs in these sectors. Such organizations, uniting on a permanent basis representatives of business, science, management, and trade unions, take on the function previously traditionally performed by the Ministry of Education.

Another example of indirect state, or more precisely, public regulation of education is the mechanisms of accreditation and public assessment. The programs under which an educational institution operates may be subject to external examination, and the institution as a whole (its personnel, equipment, security systems, etc.) may be subject to accreditation. Accreditation commissions, as a rule, include representatives of reputable non-governmental organizations, and not just departmental inspectors at various levels.

It is significant that in a number of EU countries, the conditions of remuneration for staff of state (municipal) educational institutions are no longer established by the national government. They are determined through negotiations between teachers' unions and school principals' associations (or boards of trustees). Following this path, teachers' unions acquire a more significant role in indirect regulation of education (staff payment conditions, workers' rights, etc.). But at the same time, they assume a number of obligations that are valuable for ensuring the overall quality of the education system (mutual social control in work teams, social and moral mutual support and cohesion of work colleagues, etc.).

A funding mechanism is another regulatory tool that can encourage educational institutions to adapt to community needs. This mechanism often includes civil society institutions. If vocational schools, for example, receive funding based on the number of students, then it is in their interest to increase the number of students. That is why they try to look attractive and pay attention to marketing.

If a professional school is funded based on graduation rates (for example, when the volume of funds depends primarily on the “success” of graduates), then it will try to increase success in those parameters that are significant for participants in the partnership system. If “success” is interpreted as a graduate finding a job, then universities will strive to pay more attention to the selection of applicants and everything that helps prevent dropouts and obtain decent jobs. That is, the financing mechanism can encourage an educational institution to involve civil organizations and local employer associations in the educational process. The analysis shows that their involvement in cooperation (and not just improving teaching methods) helps reduce attrition in universities and optimize the content of curricula and programs.

Another tool that the government can use is to encourage certain civil society groups by providing them with financial support to cooperate with the school. Thus, in the process of implementing the Russian-Dutch cooperation project in the field of general and primary vocational education in the Novgorod region, stable partnership networks were formed at the level of municipal districts. They brought together schools, vocational lyceums, local employment departments, product associations (or industry organizations) to jointly discuss the problems and needs of certain training profiles and the relevance of their curricula/programs. In some cases, this led to a revision of the previous profiles of schools and lyceums, to the modernization of their curricula and programs.

In higher education the situation is different. The known autonomy of a university objectively limits the circle of potential partners capable of qualified dialogue on issues of university curricula or, say, the content of research training for university students. However, this only reinforces the need to encourage existing partners (primarily employers) to join the dialogue.

These are the main aspects of the process of formation and functioning of social partnership in the field of education. It is important not only to keep the above-mentioned aspects of partnership in the field of view of the management personnel of institutions and educational authorities, but also to create a sufficiently sensitive information system that helps regularly analyze the state of real and potential partners, identify contradictions that arise in the interaction between them, and select ways and means strengthening the position of educational institutions in a particular community.


1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” / Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011.

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9. Oleinikova O., Muravyova A. Social partnership in the field of vocational education in the countries of the European Union // Higher education in Russia. -2006.-

10. See: Pruel N.A. Education as a public good. - St. Petersburg, 2001; Pugach V.F. Russian students: statistical and sociological analysis. - M., 2001;

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15. Oleinikova O., Muravyova A. Social partnership in the field of vocational education in the countries of the European Union // Higher education in Russia. -2006.-No.6.

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