Ice cream making machine: types, models, characteristics. Freezers for soft ice cream

What business will be the most successful in the summer season? There is only one answer - the now popular trade in soft ice cream! With proper organization of work, the business will be as profitable as possible, because soft ice cream (ice cream from a freezer) is loved by many people, and you will always have enough customers! And, if you organize the work correctly, you can sell such a dessert all year round, without worrying about a decline in demand.

Who loves frozen ice cream?

In fact, almost everyone loves him! Such products are prepared from a special composition that is never completely frozen, and as a result the product remains tasty and soft, even if stored at the lowest temperatures. Consequently, the seller will always have a target audience: soft ice cream is popular among all categories of citizens, from small children to the elderly. Moreover, it is actively bought by people belonging to various social groups, so a point of sale with a freezer would be appropriate everywhere. The first step that a future soft serve ice cream business owner needs to take is to purchase for him:

  1. Equipment. You will need a freezing machine itself (tabletop or floor-mounted), which whips the ice cream and feeds it into a waffle cup. You can also store unsold dessert in the freezer. It is advisable to immediately purchase freezers that make several types of ice cream - this will expand the target audience and select the most optimal product option for it.
  2. Powders or liquid mixtures from which ice cream is made
  3. Fillings for the future dessert (chocolate, jam, etc.)
  4. Lots of waffle cups
  5. Lots of auxiliary accessories - spoons, napkins, gloves for the seller

The second step is selecting a place to install the freezer, and the best option would be a large store or cafe, hotel, shopping or entertainment center. You can also agree to rent a place in a large business center where you can sell desserts to office workers. The main thing is to immediately choose a place where the traffic of potential buyers is highest. It should be remembered that, according to Russian legislation, it is prohibited to sell frozen ice cream on the street: only packaged products should be sold there.

How to open a soft ice cream business?

Before you start trading, you should create an individual entrepreneur and register the business with the Federal Tax Service. After this, you will need to enter into a lease agreement for trading space (usually this is very inexpensive, since only a few square meters are required for a freezer), and then obtain permission to sell food from the SES. You can do without this permit if you have agreed to open a retail outlet in a restaurant or cafe: these establishments will already have the necessary documents on hand. The next step is to install the equipment and find an employee - as a rule, only one salesperson is required for one outlet (if you intend to work around the clock, you can hire two for shift work). When everything is ready, you can start selling dessert.

Is selling soft ice cream profitable?

The main benefit of such a business is that the freezer operates in a closed cycle, so the dessert contained in it will not spoil and can be sold for a long time. This means that you will not have to spend money on constantly updating products and disposing of unclaimed ice cream. As for the total capital costs required to equip a retail outlet, they are as follows:

  1. The freezing machine itself will cost an average of 150 thousand rubles
  2. Ice cream mixture along with cups can cost about 10 thousand rubles
  3. The purchase of additional accessories and products (dessert fillings, napkins, gloves, etc.) will cost 5-7 thousand rubles
  4. Renting a premises plus the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur will cost about 20 thousand rubles.

In general, you will need to have at least 180-190 thousand rubles on hand, not counting the money that you will need to pay the seller as a salary (if you need to save money, at first you can be the seller yourself). A soft-serve ice cream business can begin to pay off after just 3-4 months of operation. If the retail outlet is located successfully, monthly revenue can be about 120 thousand rubles (you can sell 200-250 kg of products per month!). Approximately half of these funds will need to be spent on purchasing a new batch of mixtures for the production of subsequent batches of dessert and wages to the seller. However, 30-50 thousand profits will always remain in your hands, and you will be able to quickly develop your business and return the initial investment. Moreover, if you purchase a freezer that additionally produces cocktails, you can significantly increase your earnings at minimal cost (you can choose the same mixtures for cocktails as for ice cream). It should be borne in mind that frozen desserts will never go out of fashion, because different types of ice cream with different fillings regularly appear on sale. All you have to do is follow the latest trends, and if you pay maximum attention to your work, selling soft ice cream will delight both you and your customers, who will always have their favorite treat at hand!

The business of creating and selling soft serve ice cream is spread all over the world.

For many years, sweets have been an integral part of people's entertainment, and almost the only saving grace for children and adults from the summer heat and heat.

Now everyone knows ice cream, and therefore the interest in it from budding entrepreneurs is understandable.

The sweet product has a high level of profitability, income, and is also characterized by minor hassle along with minimal initial investment.


To produce soft serve ice cream, you should use a fat mixture. In some cases, six to eight percent fat is more than sufficient. It is worth noting that if the supplier of the formula offers to dilute them with milk, this indicates a low-quality and bland product, which is undesirable to use.

Making soft serve ice cream from a mixture

Dry mixtures should be diluted one kilogram per 2.9 liters of water. In this case, the ice cream is not only denser, but also much tastier. If this level is exceeded, the ice cream may become more “watery” and not as rich. Ice crystals may appear, causing an unpleasant crunch on the teeth.

A good ice cream mixture is diluted exclusively with water.

Required equipment for ice cream production

After a detailed business plan has been drawn up and approved, it is necessary to select the most suitable equipment for the production of soft ice cream. Below are three of the most common and well-proven freezers.

Softybar 121

The freezer is characterized by a high level of technology and an excellent modern design solution. Made in Italy.

Technical indicators:

  • Dimensions: 870 x 580 x 290 mm.
  • Productivity is twelve liters per hour.
  • Weight: 88 kilograms.
  • Cost: 265 thousand rubles.

The equipment has a full range of electronic control of operations, a built-in electromechanical pump, and indication of the remaining mixture for soft ice cream. It also allows you to adjust the whipping level of the finished product.


The equipment can produce both soft ice cream and frozen juice. Can be used as a place to store food. The B-Cream-3 freezer has three removable transparent baths with three dispensing angles (each six liters).

B-Cream-3 – freezer for soft ice cream

Technical indicators:

  • Weight no more than 61 kilograms.
  • Dimensions: 600 x 495 x 595 mm.
  • Maximum productivity is up to eighteen liters per hour.
  • Cost: 146,120 rubles.

The freezer has a spacious tray for accidentally spilled liquid.


A floor-mounted freezer that can create up to five different types of soft ice cream.


  • Maximum performance level: twenty-five liters per hour.
  • Dimensions: 1480 x 740 x 518 mm.
  • Weight: 175 kilograms.
  • Cost: 148,000 rubles.

The equipment has an overnight storage mode for already prepared products.

comparison table

Having made a small comparison, you can see that the best choice for starting the production of soft ice cream would be the BQL-F58 freezer, because for a fairly reasonable price it is capable of creating the maximum number of flavors and has high productivity.

Preparing a business plan for selling soft ice cream

Any entrepreneurial activity requires careful preparation and responsibility.

First, you need to draw up a detailed plan for the creation and subsequent development of a business.

It is important to determine the level of initial investment that can be used. Calculate how many kilograms of ice cream will be produced per day and what is the real indicator of its sales.

Based on the obtained values, you should derive the appropriate volume of products required to create soft ice cream.

It is important to provide for as many force majeure circumstances as possible, such as the breakdown of the freezer (the cost of repairing it) and bad weather, during which it is unlikely that there will be good trade.

Before starting work, you should also look at the reviews of those who have already been able to open an ice cream outlet and are familiar with all the difficulties of the initial stage. Especially often, novice entrepreneurs are interested in SES inspections, as well as the possible consequences if violations are detected.

Seasonal business can be very profitable and, as a rule, it does not require large investments. , equipment and manufacturing technology.

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SES requirements

One of the main problems that should be solved before selling ice cream is the requirements of the SES. If the retail outlet is located in an open area with high foot traffic, the following will be required:

  • documentation allowing the use of sewerage;
  • uniform covering everyday clothes;
  • health book;
  • availability of a full range of certificates for the equipment used;
  • an agreement for the use of nearby garbage containers, as well as your own trash bin near the place where the products are sold;
  • in case of using imported water - an appropriate certificate;
  • autonomous washbasin;
  • a rag or sponge for wiping the counter, as well as gloves and napkins.

In addition to all of the above, certificates will be required for additional means of storing mixtures if they are used.

SES inspections are carried out by specialists from Rospotrebnadzor three years after opening a business. True, there may be exceptions in the event of an incident or a personal complaint from one of the clients.

Responsibility for violations of the rules of the SES is established in Article 6, 6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia.

Payback and profitability of a business idea

The initial investment will include the purchase of a BQL-F58 freezer (one hundred and forty-eight thousand rubles), delivery of the freezer (five thousand rubles), and the purchase of cups and mixtures for creating ice cream (ten thousand rubles).

You will also need about twenty thousand rubles for registration with the INFS, along with a monthly rental of a retail space and five thousand rubles for various additional costs (toppings, napkins).

The total amount of initial investment is 188 thousand rubles.

Cost price:

Name Consumption Price Price
ICEDREAM mixture, bag 1.666 kilograms plus water = output - 6.666 kilograms of liquid milk mixture for the freezer One kilogram 222 rubles 369 rubles (one package)
Cups (waffle) 13 pieces/kg = 83 pieces per 6.666 kilograms 1.2 rubles 99.6 rubles
Water Five liters per 6.666 kilograms
Electricity consumption 1,1 3.5 rubles 15 kopecks
Napkins (one piece each) 83 pieces 11 rubles / 50 pieces 18.26 rubles
Total (83 servings): 487 rubles
Cost of one serving of soft ice cream (80 grams) 5.87 rubles
Cost of one kilogram 73.06 rubles
Cost of ice cream for one month (three hundred kilograms) 21,917.64 rubles

Additional administrative expenses (rent of space, salary to the seller) = 60,000 rubles. Therefore, fixed monthly expenses are 81,917.64 rubles.

This business best registered as to work freely with large suppliers and buyers. Code OKVED - 10.52- “Ice cream production.” Next comes the choice of taxation system and registration with the Pension Fund.

You need to obtain permits from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you need to organize work in accordance with GOST 31457-2012(“Ice cream milk, cream and ice cream”), arrange the premises in accordance with the requirements SanPiN, provide contracts with sanitary and utility services (disinfection, garbage removal, etc.) A fire safety system must be installed at the plant.

Registration and permits require an investment of $1,000-$1,100.

Corporate identity development

You should start with Rospatent and the development of a corporate identity. This is the product name and packaging design by which your product will be recognized. The designer's work and trademark registration cost at least $900.


The factory occupies an area of ​​about 200 square meters, including all premises (production, utility and household premises, warehouse). Mandatory requirements:

  • Ceiling height 3.5 meters;
  • Electrical network 380V;
  • Water supply and sewerage;
  • Availability of access for transport.

You need to pay approximately 1500-1600 dollars per month for rent. Repairs will cost another $1,000.

Ice cream production technology

There are several manufacturing methods, but the future product in any case goes through a number of mandatory operations.

How it's done?

The technological process includes the following stages:

  1. The raw material mass is mixed and filtered;
  2. The mixture then undergoes pasteurization and homogenization;
  3. After this, it is cooled and sent for storage and “ripening”;
  4. The most important process is freezing. The mixture takes on a creamy appearance, cools, becomes saturated with air and increases in volume;
  5. After freezing, the ice cream is infused with flavoring additives (chocolate, nuts, jams, etc.);
  6. Packing. The almost finished product is dosed (for example, into cups, waffle cones);
  7. Hardening. This is short-term freezing in a hardening chamber with a low temperature: -25...-37 degrees. Advanced lines can simultaneously carry out packaging and hardening by combining the work of a conveyor, eskimo generator and extrusion equipment in one stage.
  8. Packing in corrugated boxes or cardboard boxes. After packaging, the goods are stored in refrigerators, ensuring a temperature of -20 degrees.

Common technologies

Most often, the ice cream production line uses batch or continuous method. Portion-based is suitable for small volumes of products, but is inferior in efficiency and rational use of equipment, as well as in the quality of the finished product.

Continuous allows you to produce from 1250 kg of mixture per hour, requires qualified personnel, and is economical in energy consumption. Automated lines are used to eliminate errors and make the product of higher quality.

Ice cream production equipment

Focusing on small volumes (300-400 kg of product per shift), the plant needs to be equipped with:

  • Component mixer (about 5 thousand dollars);
  • Filter ($350-400);
  • Oil melter ($3000);
  • Homogenizer and pasteurizer (total cost approximately $7600-7800);
  • A container where the final product is infused and matured ($6000-6200);
  • Shut-off valves (three thousand dollars);
  • Pumps (about $3,000 for three pieces);
  • Freezer ($13-15 thousand);
  • Packing machine (8-9 thousand);
  • Refrigerated chamber for storing products ($1600-1800)

The best brands of equipment

Most inexpensive devices “produce” only one type of product. Buying a new line will cost 45-50 thousand dollars. A good selection of machines and ready-made lines is offered by:

  1. "Progress";
  3. "Ice Bureau";
  4. Altezoro;
  5. "Master Milk"

The machines from the domestic company Progress have proven themselves to be excellent. Freezers can be purchased as part of the line, or you can find them separately, because this is the most important part of making a cold delicacy. The most popular manufacturers are American, Chinese and European:

  • Altezoro;
  • Nemox;
  • Innova;
  • Huangshi Dongbei Refrigeration CO, LTD;
  • Ocean Power;
  • Spaceman.

The best and recognized brands are Carpigiani, Taylor, GelMatic, Electro Freeze, Frigomat.

Refrigerators should be chosen from reliable foreign companies, like Polair and Liebherr, or domestic “Profkholod”, “Marikholodmash”, “Sever”.

Raw materials for ice cream production

Making ice cream based on natural milk is almost a thing of the past; now it is quite an expensive pleasure. High-quality products are made from animal fats. There should be as few additives in it as possible. Its cost is rather high, so it is unlikely to cope with the competition.

A standard set of components for a product in the mid-price category:

  1. Milk (skimmed, whole, whole milk powder, condensed);
  2. Dairy products (whey, cream, butter);
  3. Sugar and sweeteners (xylitol, sorbitol), vanillin;
  4. Vegetable fats;
  5. Emulsifiers and stabilizing additives (give the cold delicacy fluffiness and airiness). These are gelatin, pectin, xanthan gum, agar, etc.;
  6. Glaze and other flavorings (berries, nuts, seeds);
  7. Flavors;
  8. Citric (E 330) and malic (E 296) acid;
  9. Food colors (carotene, juices);

The ice cream production process means that to make a ton of product you will need approximately 9 thousand kilograms of raw materials. Dry mixes, toppings, glazes and other ingredients can be purchased from specialized companies: Ice Dream, Nord, Dolse Rosa, Spoom, SZRK.


To organize work in two shifts, you will need to hire at least 10-11 people. This is the manager, the head of the workshop, the sales manager, the technologist, four workers, two loaders, and a cleaner. We outsource accounting. The salary fund per month will be $4,000.

The food business requires all workers to have health certificates and go to work in uniform.

Costs and profits

Capital costs for opening an enterprise (documents, premises, equipment) will be 50 thousand dollars. Monthly costs (rent, wages, raw materials) will be 8-9 thousand. In two shifts, you can produce about 500 kg of goods at a wholesale price of 2-3 $ per kg. This is approximately $25,000 profit per month, net income – 17 thousand.

First you need to study the ice cream in detail and find potential buyers. This will allow you to quickly recoup your business and avoid idle equipment. The business is very promising and leaves room for expanding the range and increasing sales volumes.

Without ice cream, life is boring and tasteless; even people who are relatively indifferent to ice cream are not averse to treating themselves to a glass or two of beautiful and tasty ice cream in hot weather.

According to statistics, every resident of our country consumes 2-3 kg of this cooling mixture per year.

Judging by the numerous varieties, types and brands of ice cream that have appeared again, the business of producing it is still profitable.

Raw materials for ice cream production

The composition of this food product includes components, the list of which cannot be called short:

  • milk or dairy products;
  • vegetable fats;
  • sugar or its analogues;
  • fruits, berries;
  • water;
  • coloring additives;
  • chemicals to enhance aroma and taste;
  • emulsifying and stabilizing additives;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts and other ingredients.

The manufacturer of a quality product is in a difficult situation: using high-quality components, difficult to stay within acceptable price limits.

Energy production will always be a business priority. Find out more about it and pay attention to its features.

New materials appear on the product market quite often. For example, rubber tiles have already become the standard for covering playgrounds. You can learn how a press for producing rubber tiles works.

Ice cream is a multi-component and technologically complex mixture, the different ingredients of which have different temperatures when mixed: fats are subject to melting, liquid components are subject to heating to approximately +40 ° C, which requires numerous containers and units.

The mixture must be filtered to get rid of sticky lumps.

The finished mass, fluffy and smooth in its uniformity, according to ice cream production technology, must be cooled and then stored for 24 to 48 hours at temperatures not exceeding the standard for this process (4-6 °C or 0-4 °C).

After the storage process comes the turn of freezing - filling with air and some freezing to -3.5 ° C (except for popsicles, for which there are special generators). The volume of air filling is about 50%. This is followed by hardening, which is carried out with an air flow at a temperature of -25°C - -37°C, and additional hardening in special chambers for 1-1.5 days.

The final stage is packaging into prepared forms, and at this stage you cannot do without a dispenser. The finished product is sent to harden, and before packaging it can be glazed or decorated with powder.

The production of soft ice cream differs in temperature conditions and shelf life, as well as consistency. Soft varieties are consumed immediately after production.

Ice cream making machines

The list of units and devices in this production includes more than a dozen items, the main of which are:

  • mixer;
  • fat melter;
  • filter unit;
  • pasteurizer;
  • homogenizer;
  • freezer;
  • storage (ripening) containers;
  • piping system;
  • pumps;
  • dispensers;
  • assorted refrigeration equipment, etc.

Equipment for the production of ice cream includes a number of other necessary devices, for example, a packaging unit. Depending on the container and type of packaging, there are different machines: some fill plastic forms such as containers or buckets, others form cylindrical tubes with ice cream.

An ice cream machine with its power determines the volume of refrigeration chambers, dispensers and other components.

To diversify the range, you will have to purchase another station for supplying viscous components - condensed milk, curd mass or jam, as well as a glazing machine.

The most highly productive equipment is an ice cream production line, capable of producing up to 1 ton of finished product per shift.

Such equipment requires a minimum of maintenance personnel, but the components and assemblies do not include a packaging machine, which must be purchased separately.

About leading equipment manufacturers

An excellently organized line is offered by the Progress plant (Russia), specializing in the production of technological equipment for the food industry. The line capacity is 1000 kg per shift. The line does not include refrigeration and packaging units.

The Italian Ugolini Minigel machine for making soft ice cream is designed for a small product yield, from 6 to 18 liters per 1 cycle of operation. Can be an excellent option for an ice cream parlor type outlet. The device is compact, reliable and can even work outdoors.

A good choice would be the Chinese device Altezoro HP/168/YJ, dispensing up to 16 liters of ice cream per hour. Only 1 type of product can be produced at a time; in the next cycle, another type can be obtained. Designed for several types of products.

The Master Milk company (Ukraine) presents about 30 types of different machines for performing individual stages and functions, from the preparation of raw materials to quality control. High-performance and reliable equipment will allow you to produce ice cream of any shape and type - in cups, briquettes, tubes, buckets.

Watch a short video about the production of foam blocks. The demand for building materials gives us the right to count on a successful and long-term business in this area.

Culinary products and the production of semi-finished food products will always be in demand by consumers. The page presents a machine for the production of dumplings.


A promising line of business, the production of ice cream is technologically complex, expensive and responsible, as it is the food industry.

It will require preparation of the premises in accordance with sanitary standards, execution of a package of documents and approval by the relevant authorities. According to economists' calculations, the purchase of a mini-plant will pay for itself within 18-24 months.

If there are not enough funds for high-capacity equipment or there are doubts about the successful sale of a large volume of goods, an excellent option would be to purchase an ice cream machine and install it in a bar, cafe or other point; not very large volumes will be sold quickly, without creating deposits.

When organizing an enterprise with serious volumes, you should carefully choose a brand, come up with an original packaging design, and apply marketing techniques. Ice cream production cannot be unpromising if you correctly assess your strengths.

Research what types of ice cream your closest competitors offer. You can gain your customers by selling new or better products. The right choice of location for a retail outlet is of great importance in the ice cream trade. Consider all possible options.

Before drawing up a business plan, study the offers of equipment manufacturers. High performance of the device is not always advisable.

Main risks

Seasonal dependence is not the biggest problem for indoor trading. Ice cream lovers buy it in any, even the most unfavorable weather. The ability to organize trade outdoors in the summer and move indoors with the onset of cold weather reduces this risk.

Selling ice cream is a very popular business. The competition is extremely high. The purchase of a modern device, a good location and the sale of related products will help minimize this risk.

Soft serve ice cream has a very short shelf life. When choosing the performance of the device, this factor should be taken into account. Selling a product past its sell-by date is fraught with serious fines.


The main criterion for choosing a location is liveliness and the absence of competitors nearby. If you successfully choose a place to sell ice cream, the initial costs will pay off within 1-2 months.

Renting a small space in a shopping center or any other premises with a large number of visitors is more expensive, but it eliminates the problem of obtaining a large number of permits, connecting to electricity and water supply, and storing equipment.

Selling soft ice cream on the street is more profitable in the summer. Look for areas with busy city traffic, near parks, educational and entertainment venues. Consider options taking into account the possibility of connecting to electricity and water supply. Also, consider where the equipment will be stored.


Equipment for making soft ice cream is offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Important criteria for choosing a particular model are:

- Dimensions.
- Electricity consumption.
- Warranty service life.

The difference in the cost of domestic and foreign devices is also significant. Let's conduct a comparative analysis of the two most popular and recommended samples by experts.

SaniServ (USA). Productivity – up to 15 kg/h. Weight – 70 kg. Reliable, allows you to make soft ice cream. Cost – about 150,000 rubles.

RICON-30 (Russia). Productivity – up to 30 kg/h. Weight – 160 kg. The ice cream is slightly worse in consistency. Cost - about 75,000 rubles.

To sell ice cream, you need to buy a standard glass refrigerator chest and counter.

Also, it is worth considering which special mixtures the device works best with. The most popular because of their excellent taste and ease of preparation are American Frosty Freeze mixtures. The price of a package weighing 1.25 kg is 480 rubles. These mixtures are diluted with water in a ratio of 1/5. At the end you get about 6 kg of ice cream. At the same time, you can offer frozen yogurt to customers. YoSoGood dry mix (USA) is the most profitable and popular option. The price of a package weighing 1.25 kg is 600 rubles.

The wholesale cost of a waffle cone is 1.5 rubles; plastic cups and spoons – 1 ruble.


On average, one package of dry mixture produces 55-60 servings (100 g) of soft ice cream. Under favorable weather conditions, 350-400 portions can be sold throughout the day. The average cost of ice cream in a vanilla cone is 20 rubles, with a plastic cup – 17-18 rubles. The daily revenue of one point is about 7,500 rubles, the monthly revenue is about 200,000 rubles. Not every day the weather will be favorable for selling ice cream, but on weekends and hot days sales increase sharply.

Current expenses:

Raw materials and consumables - about 80,000 rubles.
Salary – 50,000 rubles.
Rent, taxes, electricity payments and unforeseen expenses - 10,000-12,000 rubles.
Thus, the net monthly profit is about 58,000 rubles.


To operate one point, two salespeople should be hired in shifts. Offer employees a salary and bonus equal to a certain percentage of sales. Sellers must have health certificates with permission to work in the food trade.

If there are 2-3 points selling ice cream, the owner can deal with work with suppliers of raw materials and other organizational issues. When expanding your network, you should hire an administrator to manage it.

You can hire a part-time accountant to handle financial and tax reporting.

Documents and licenses

You can register an individual entrepreneur at the tax office. The optimal type of taxation is UTII. For trading on the premises, a lease agreement is concluded with the owner. For street trading - with city authorities.

To obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, you must provide an agreement for waste removal, water and electricity supply, and certificates from the manufacturer of equipment and raw materials. Also, this organization very strictly controls the availability of medical records with employees undergoing a medical examination within the time prescribed by law.


The profitability of soft ice cream trading is extremely high. To reduce risks from poor location or weather conditions, expand the range and network of retail outlets at the slightest opportunity.

Offer refreshing mineral water, drinks made from natural ingredients, cotton candy, other types of ice cream, frozen yogurt, and sweets.

Place several tables under umbrellas near the machine. Create comfort. Flowering plants, pleasant music - all this will make customers stay near your point longer and buy an additional portion.


Despite high competition and seasonality, selling soft ice cream can become a successful and highly profitable business. The correct choice of location, expansion of the assortment and network of sales points will allow you to quickly achieve payback and generate net profit.

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