How to open your own gas station. Business idea: how to open a gas station

Any type of fuel is, first of all, a type of product that is in great demand, even though it becomes more and more expensive every year. Due to the popularity of any type of fuel, opening your own gas station will be just an excellent means of income for you.

But, as in every type of business, the fuel business has its own pitfalls and subtleties that must be studied. In order to study these features of opening your own gas station, you need to draw up a business plan that will help you avoid trouble. Also, a business plan will also help you organize your enterprise step by step.

Typically the solution open a gas station may arise both for an ordinary person and for a businessman - but the first thing that needs to be done before opening such a business is to conduct a market analysis and select an area of ​​your locality that is not yet occupied by this business.

1. Overview section

In this section, you need to describe what kind of gas station you want to open (the standard version is a gas station for 8 cars).

Also, you need to indicate the organizational and legal form of doing business (as a rule, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to work with corporate customers, then you should register as an “LLC”). If you register as an individual entrepreneur, this will give you several advantages, including low taxation, but the disadvantage of this type of activity is that the provision of services is possible only to private individuals. If you also want to serve legal entities, then, as stated above, you need to register as a legal entity (the same as “LLC”).

The degree of success of such a business is assessed as high, since today the demand for gas stations among consumers is very high, even despite their huge number in a relatively small area and high fuel prices.

2. Description of the enterprise

This section of the business plan should describe the business you want to open. For example, you can give the following description: it is assumed opening of a gas station, which is designed for 8 parking spaces and which offers the consumer several of the most basic types of fuel.

3. Description of services

At this stage of designing your enterprise, you need to describe the services that your gas station will provide to consumers. As a rule, any gas station provides services for refueling cars with various types of fuel, the most common of which are:

1. Gasoline grade AI-98;

2. Gasoline grade AI-95;

3. Gasoline grade AI-92;

4. Gasoline grade AI-76;

5. Diesel fuel;

6. Gas (a new, but already common type of fuel).

Also, it is worth considering that your gas station will also provide free refueling services. In addition, on the territory of a gas station, you can install a store where you can sell consumer goods or open an auto goods store (you can sell both small goods for a car and full-fledged spare parts for an engine). It would also be advisable to open a car wash at the gas station, we have one.

4. Market analysis

At this stage of the business plan, you need to monitor the gas station market in your locality, and establish your enterprise in an area where the concentration of gas stations is small.

In order to open your own gas station you will need a set of documentation:

1. License of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy for the storage of oil and gas, as well as their processed products;

2. Permission from local authorities to use the land for a gas station;

3. Land lease agreement issued by local authorities.

It is worth noting that the site on which your gas station will be located must be 30 meters away from the residential area.

5. Production plan

Once you have received all the permits required for opening your own gas station, the stage of drawing up a production plan begins. First of all, you need to find a contractor company that will take on the responsibility for building your gas station. Today, finding such a company is not a problem, since there are a lot of companies involved in construction. During the construction of a gas station, you should pay attention to such components as:

1. Capacity for draining and storing various types of fuel;

2. Production premises;

3. Sales store;

4. Canopy over fuel pumps.

As a rule, it only takes about a month or a month and a half to build a gas station.

After constructing the gas station building itself, you can start purchasing equipment:

1. Gas station control system;

2. Fuel pumps;

3. Equipment for the store: display cases, sales shelves, cash registers; if there is supposed to be a bar, then you need to buy both a bar counter and kitchen equipment;

4. Fire safety stand (without this equipment you simply will not be allowed to open your own gas station).

After building a gas station and installing the appropriate equipment on it, you can proceed directly to putting such a station into operation. First of all, you must sign all the necessary agreements with fuel suppliers. This is necessary in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply of fuel to your gas station. As a rule, in large cities you will also have a choice of fuel supplier, since in such settlements there are several fairly large fuel supply companies.

By the way, if you want to make your gas station more famous, then a way of doing business such as franchising is suitable for you. This type of business will allow you to use the brand of a well-known fuel company for only 25-30 thousand rubles per year. As practice has already shown, opening a franchise is quite a profitable solution, since a well-known brand attracts consumers much more, which means that fuel sales increase significantly. But if you decide to open a franchise, then you should be prepared for the fact that the representative company will require you to comply with its corporate identity and attributes.

Once all stages have been completed, you can begin recruiting personnel. As a rule, for a gas station the following list of workers will be enough for you:

1. Salesperson-cashier (3 people will be enough to work in shifts);

2. Security guard (3 people, work in shifts, in the same shift as cashiers);

It is worth considering the fact that all employees of your gas station must have appropriate certificates obtained from the inspectorate for supervision in the field of circulation of petroleum products.

6. Financial plan

In this section of the business plan, you need to consider all the expenses and future income from such a business.


In the expense item, you need to indicate the costs of renting a site (approximately 100,000-1,500,000 rubles per year), construction of a gas station (2,000,000 rubles), equipment for a gas station (1,000,000 rubles), staff salaries (1,920,000 rubles), as well as all kinds of taxes, fees, approvals (300,000 rubles). In total, to open your own gas station you will need about 6 million rubles.


In the income item, you can indicate such income as the sale of fuel (20,000-30,000 rubles per day), the sale of various goods (6,000 rubles per day). In total, your own gas station will bring you about 800 thousand rubles per month.

After opening a gas station, you will get your invested money back in about 8 months.

Retail sale of automobile fuel is a highly profitable business. For this reason, many novice entrepreneurs are wondering: how to open a gas station from scratch and how much does it cost?

In this article we will look at how to open a gas station and present a detailed example of a business plan with calculations. We will also find out what permits are needed for this, and calculate the size of the required financial investments in order to understand how much it costs to open a gas station.

Business specifics

Opening your own gas station is not an easy task and requires a lot of entrepreneurial experience. This type of business requires investing a lot of money, so it is worth making an adequate assessment of your financial capabilities. Not every newcomer will be able to compete with Rosneft gas stations.

Experts do not recommend this type of entrepreneurship if you are opening your first business. It will be easier for market newcomers to open a gas station as a franchise and work under the wing of a well-known brand. In this case, they will be provided with stable fuel supplies and a wide base of potential customers.

Running a business independently involves searching for loyal suppliers with flexible terms of cooperation and stable, regular supplies of fuel. As a rule, such suppliers are small oil refineries.

Drivers often give preference to gas stations with a well-known name, which must also be taken into account. To win regular visitors, we can recommend introducing your own system of cumulative bonuses for regular customers, so that it is profitable for them to refuel with you. It is constantly necessary to generate new ideas for promoting your brand.

Every year the number of motorists increases, and hence the demand for automobile fuel. The very high barrier to entry into this niche is compensated by a fairly quick payback, and for this you need to draw up the necessary business plan.

First steps

First of all, you need to study the gas station market and assess the level of supply in your region. Determine your competitive advantages. At this stage, it is worth understanding whether you will run a completely independent business, or resort to franchising.

There are two more ways to become the owner of your own gas station: buy a ready-made business or become a tenant.

Services for the sale of fuel and lubricants are subject to licensing. You will have to take care in advance of obtaining a license for the right to store and sell fuel. This right is confirmed by the presence of documents stamped in the established format.

Two different formats

As already noted, before opening your own gas station, you need to decide on the fundamental principle of your future business. This can be a completely independent activity or a franchise. Going free in this area and opening a gas station from scratch, without having the relevant experience, is too risky an undertaking due to many complex nuances.

According to experts, the best option for a novice entrepreneur is to work under a franchise from leading market leaders. A recognizable logo of a large company such as Gazprom or Lukoil always attracts car enthusiasts.

Franchising has a number of advantages, including:

  1. Assistance from experienced specialists at the stage of opening a business.
  2. Consulting during the organization of gas station operation.
  3. Ensuring fuel supplies from reliable suppliers.
  4. Working on behalf of a well-known brand means a steady flow of clients.

Buying a franchise also has its disadvantages:

  • strict adherence to corporate standards;
  • lack of freedom in matters of pricing policy;
  • mandatory and regular franchise payments.

Having decided on the format of the business, you should consider the issue of registering it with municipal and tax authorities. Large companies like Gazprom operate on a common taxation system, therefore, they are VAT payers.

For this reason, suppliers such as Rosneft cannot include transactions with individual entrepreneurs in their expenses and income. Hence the main recommendation: a gas station requires registration as a legal entity - a Limited Liability Company (LLC). After acquiring this status, your company will have its own corporate seal.

Having registered your business, you can proceed to the next, no less important steps - choosing the location of your future gas station and preparing design estimates.

Selecting a location

Location is an extremely important issue, both from the point of view of potential profitability and from the point of view of security requirements. You will need to study a lot of information about the state of the market. You should carefully analyze the traffic flow in your city and the availability of vacant land.

Gas stations are usually located on busy highways and junctions. Refueling must be provided with convenient access. The size of the required area is determined by the following criteria:

  1. A variety of types of fuel sold (gasoline, diesel fuel, methane, propane).
  2. Number of dispensers.
  3. Presence/absence of operating cafes, mini-stores, etc. within the gas station.

The average plot area is usually 100 m2.

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Project preparation

Every new enterprise, especially a large one, requires high-quality design preparation. Here specialized design organizations are at your service. They begin their work with a well-written technical specification.

Design documents of the planned structure must take into account many requirements for high-risk facilities. The current building regulations provide for the implementation of the following standards:

  • fire protection;
  • sanitary;
  • environmental protection

According to established standards, gas stations cannot be located at a distance of less than 30 m from residential buildings, schools, kindergartens and other public institutions. The placement of gas stations must not violate the current city general plan.

You should be mentally prepared to work with many licensing authorities. Approval procedures take a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to take into account the considerable time required for project approval. Many entrepreneurs managed to resolve this issue within six months.

After approval of the gas station project, construction work on the construction of basic infrastructure can begin. A parallel process will be the search and purchase of technological equipment.

Equipment selection

Today's market is replete with offers from both foreign and domestic manufacturers. You should not chase cheapness in this matter, because the quality of the equipment largely depends on its service life. Of course, it is worth carefully studying the existing offers and finding among them the optimal one in terms of price and quality.

Its minimum composition may look like this:

  1. Fuel storage tank, V=15 m3 – 4 pcs.
  2. Emergency fuel storage tank, V=15 m3 – 1 pc.
  3. Capacity for storm drainage system, V=10 m3 – 1 pc.
  4. Fuel dispenser (fuel dispenser) with two sleeves – 2 pcs.

If it is technically possible, it is better to connect the storm drainage system to city communications. In addition to purchasing the basic equipment, you will need various shutoff valves, cables, and remote controls. A separate stage will be setting up the software for maximum automation of the gas station. The software's tasks also include printing out information balances.

A mandatory part of the work will be the installation of security alarms and CCTV cameras. The high cost of material and technical assets and the increased danger of the facility require proper organizational security measures.

Integral elements are the laying of high-quality asphalt pavement and the installation of rain shelters. The road surface requires the application of the required markings using wear-resistant paints and varnishes.

Gas stations selling gaseous automobile fuel require specialized equipment.

Gas stations

Market experts highly appreciate the prospects for the development of gas stations that sell gaseous fuel. No wonder Gazprom is actively developing this area.

The organization of methane gas stations requires the technological possibility of inserting into the communications of the city gas pipeline. If your gas station sells propane, then start searching for the appropriate equipment and supplier of this type of fuel in advance. The operation of a gas filling station requires the purchase of additional compressor equipment.

The quality of construction work depends, first of all, on the qualifications of the performers. Let's look at the issue of required personnel in more detail below.


Considering that the gas station operates around the clock, work should be organized in several shifts. The following staff are required to perform each work shift:

  • cashier – 1 person;
  • fuel dispenser operator – 2 people;
  • security guard – 1 person.

To ensure a stable supply of fuel, a car gas station requires a supply department. The staff should also include repairmen and electricians in case of equipment failure. Financial statements should be entrusted to an experienced accountant with a personal seal.

The staff must be neat, polite and attentive to customers. Service at Gazprom-level gas stations is at a solid level. You should look up to him. For recognition, you need to order the production of original uniforms for the employees of your gas station.

Opening cost

We will calculate the estimated cost of opening a gas station on your own and the possible amount of income from its operation. The figures below may vary depending on each specific region. The cost of purchasing and renting a plot of land can vary, even within the same city.

So, the average items of expenses and income look like this:

1 Purchase of land 15÷25 million rub.
Preparation of design and estimate documentation and registration of permits

2 million rubles

3 Construction works 6÷10 million rub.
4 Purchase of capital equipment 3 million rubles
5 Payment of utility services 0.120 million rubles/year
6 Staff salaries 5.5 million rubles/year
7 Purchasing fuel 10 million rubles/year
8 Payment of duties, taxes and fees 1.5 million rubles/year
9 Depreciation deductions 2 million rubles/year
10 Sales of fuel to the public 24 million rubles/year
11 Other income (mini store, cafe, etc.) 1 million rubles/year

In total, the minimum investment will be 26 million rubles. The indicated level of annual costs is indicative.

Payback periods largely depend on the success of the business. When selling 50 thousand liters of fuel per month, full payback is achieved in 4 years. This figure can be significantly reduced if you open a gas station as a franchise. Replacing the purchase of a land plot with its rental will also help reduce the payback period.

Profitability can increase if, in addition to the gas station, a related business on its territory brings profit. This can be achieved through the activities of a store or cafeteria.

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Perhaps one of the main features of us Russians is the ability to take an ironic approach to the circumstances offered by life. As soon as a crisis was declared in the country, we ran to car dealerships to buy tons of cars (an item, if not a luxury, then not an essential necessity).
All this can only mean one thing: even in economically difficult times, opening a profitable business is quite possible. Gas stations are an interesting and, most importantly, promising investment option.

Before we begin

The famous formula “demand creates supply” is more relevant here than ever. Despite the seemingly tough competition, you can find your niche in this business and take a profitable place in the sun. Our country is riddled with large and small transport arteries. Endless streams of cars require timely maintenance. No one will stand in a long line at a gas station, knowing that in a couple of tens of kilometers there will be another gas station. What are we talking about? No matter how many such points there are on the roads, most likely they will be in demand.

Where to begin

First of all, you are faced with the question: open your own business from scratch or purchase a franchise.
Keep in mind: this business is very specific. Organizing a gas station requires the involvement of many specialists, compliance with various standards and safety rules. A competent approach is needed to this universally hated bureaucracy. Will you risk dealing with this on your own? Perhaps, for this reason alone, the option of choosing a franchise will be the most optimal. The franchisor will help with organizing the work process, preparing the necessary package of documents, and also advise on emerging issues. If you want to open a gas station as a franchise, then pay attention to the Lukoil company

Don’t forget about the important advantage of a franchise – the reputation of a well-known brand. In some regions, this will be the only way to withstand competition.

Main risks in this business are due to the fact that there is quite tough competition in this area. In addition, opening a gas station is a very expensive business. Approximately, you will have to invest 12-15 million rubles in it. To withstand the competition, recoup expenses and stay in the black, you will have to keep your finger on the pulse all the time.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open your own gas station”


The ideal location of a gas station that brings real profit would be on a popular highway with busy traffic. The return on costs on a large highway will be much higher and faster than on rural roads, where the site will cost less, but there will be many times fewer customers. An additional privilege will be provided by the proximity of a road junction and/or populated areas.

The choice of location for a station should be considered not only from the point of view of demand, but also taking into account the necessary technical characteristics. The refueling area must be level. This is necessary for the correct and safe location of equipment, as well as for optimal organization of entry and exit of vehicles.


The construction of a gas station complex begins with the construction of a building for staff and cash registers. Fuel tanks (main and reserve), depending on the type of station, are located underground or on the surface. The canisters are equipped with a fuel supply system to the dispensers, an opening for contact with the fuel tanker and devices to protect the fuel from weathering.

A priori, the station must be equipped with a full-fledged fire shield, since the gas station is an object of increased fire hazard.

No gas station would be complete without information boards. Boards indicating the fuel brand will be located above the columns, and the price board will be oriented towards the route.
Additionally, you will need to equip sections of road surface that provide comfortable entry and exit for cars. Appropriate markings are applied to the entrances, agreed upon with the traffic police and road services.

The “brain” of your station is special software that automates all work: from controlling the fuel supply to providing reports.


Any gas station must have a manager who controls the entire work process. In the first few days, it would be most logical for you to take on this responsibility.

Minimum staff:

  1. Cash register operators fluent in software
  2. Maintenance engineer responsible for the operation of station equipment
  3. Refueling operators (not necessary, self-service option is possible)

Documents and license

Be prepared for the fact that the approval of all necessary documentation will take, on average, about six months.

Start by registering a trademark to establish your status as a gas station owner. Individual Entrepreneurs in this business will face many problems and obstacles, so it is preferable to open a gas station as a Limited Liability Company. Fuel suppliers will primarily cooperate with LLCs, since such relationships guarantee a deeper level of responsibility.

As for taxation, gas station owners most often choose a system that involves paying VAT.

In total, you will need to prepare a package of documents for the registration of the land plot, the design and construction of the station, the structures and equipment of the gas station. You will also have to obtain permits to operate from the sanitary, hygienic and environmental authorities.


How to attract clients?

It is important to constantly take care of your reputation. There are no small details in creating a positive image. Everything, from the politeness of the service staff to the cleanliness of the bathroom, works for you.

At the point, you can organize the sale of essential goods that the driver may need on the road. First of all, these are drinks and food, as well as auto parts and tools.


When opening your own gas station, you need to have the courage and patience to invest a round sum of money in an enterprise that will become self-sustaining in 3-5 years. However, we can say with confidence that this market will be in demand until the fuel resources of our planet are depleted. Let's hope that there will be enough of them for our humble age.

Undoubtedly, automobile fuel is the most popular product today. Therefore, many would like to open a gas station. And even despite the high level of competition among sellers involved in the sale of fuel, this business is considered promising and profitable. Gas stations, not only today, but also in the future, will be able to bring good income to their owners, since the number of cars in cities is steadily growing from year to year.

According to experts, depending on the location of the gas station and the locality, engaging in such a business can earn up to a million rubles in profit per month. But we must keep in mind that when looking for an answer to the question: how much does it cost to open a gas station, it turns out that it is impossible to organize this business. According to rough estimates, an amount of 10 million rubles will be required, which is slightly less.

Opening a gas station is quite a troublesome business, so when deciding to start this type of business, you need to know some of its nuances and features in advance. Perhaps, having understood everything, you will be able to more accurately calculate the cost of opening a gas station. Today, there are two ways to build this type of business, such as opening a gas station. One of them is opening a small gas station under your own brand, the operation of which does not require cooperation with large companies. The second way is called building a franchise business. Many sources claim that franchising is the most cost-effective way to start a business. This can be explained by a number of reasons.

To take or not to take a franchise

Let's start with the fact that the process of creating this type of business contains many nuances, so it will be much easier to bring this idea to life by following the advice of experienced specialists. And there should be no doubt that large companies engaged in the oil business employ experienced employees. Therefore, they can always clearly advise you on what is needed to open a gas station, in particular, what equipment to purchase and what scale to choose so that it is optimal for your situation, and how to prepare the documents correctly. In addition, with their help it will be easier for you to find a reliable company specializing in the construction of gas stations.

Another reason for choosing franchising to open a gas station is the opportunity to work with branded companies. It's no secret that today at small gas stations you can often fill your car with low-quality fuel, after which problems with the car begin to arise. This is why many motorists prefer to buy fuel at gas stations that work with large oil companies such as Rosneft. In other words, the promoted brand of large companies helps to increase sales volumes. Of course, for this partnership, which brings benefits, you will have to share the profits with your “mentor,” but there is no doubt that it is worth it.

You also need to know about the disadvantages

True, this approach to creating your own business also has disadvantages. When they explain how to open a gas station under a franchise agreement, they try not to talk about them. For example, some of the companies offering franchises stipulate that the entire work process will have to take place under the guidance of a specially hired manager. It doesn’t matter to them that this is your own business. Such a manager, as a rule, manages the affairs of several gas stations at once and over time begins to behave like an owner. And if you eventually have a desire to open a gas station on your own territory, for example, then most likely you will have to coordinate your plan with a hired manager.

Choosing a place for a gas station

If you have already decided for yourself which way of building a business suits you best, now you will need to choose a site for your gas station. When choosing a plot of land for a gas station, you need to take into account that it must certainly meet a number of requirements, in particular, the nearest residential building must be located at a distance of at least 30 meters from it. All requirements for the site and refueling are listed in the relevant documents; you can familiarize yourself with them at the authorities of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and Rospotrebnadzor. Once a land plot for the construction of a gas station has been selected, you need to take care of drawing up complete project documentation and its approval by Rospotrebnadzor. Thus, you will have the opportunity to start construction and if you try, it will not turn into a long-term construction.

Partners have their own requirements

If you have chosen franchising to build your business, then you will need to choose a site for a gas station taking into account the requirements of the company that owns the franchise. For example, many large fuel companies have strict requirements for the width of the passage to the gas station, the number of square meters of the gas station, and even the lawn in front of the gas station. If the plot that you have selected does not meet the requirements, then you will have to make a choice, either look for a new partner, or look for a new plot of land. It is quite difficult to name even an approximate amount of costs that will be required for a plot of land suitable for a gas station, since it depends on many factors, in particular, on the location, on the type of settlement and much more. So, in large cities of Russia you can rent such a plot for an average of one hundred thousand rubles per month.

It is better to entrust the construction of gas stations to professionals

Once a site that meets all the requirements has been selected, you can start looking for a construction company that has experience in the construction of gas stations. Companies with this specialization usually offer their clients a turnkey construction service for gas stations. In addition, they can select the optimal set of equipment specifically for the gas station they have built. Today, two refueling installations with a head computer can cost you about a million rubles.

The main criterion for choosing a construction company should be its reliability. The longer a company operates in the construction market, the more gas stations it has built, which means there is no doubt about its reliability. But we must definitely remember that it is better to give preference to professionals. If you decide to start creating your own business “under the wing” of a large brand company, then all you have to do is follow the advice that its specialists will give you. By the way, they say that some giants of this type of business have subsidiaries that specialize in the construction of this kind of facilities.

Fuel supplies to gas stations

At the next stage of building a business, it is necessary to arrange fuel supplies to gas stations. To put it bluntly, resolving this important issue will not be easy. In today's fight against competitors, high-quality fuel is often a decisive factor. Therefore, you need to try to find a conscientious partner. The standard supply scheme can be represented as follows: an oil refinery produces fuel, which is supplied to bases and storage facilities, and only then distributed to gas stations. It must be admitted that today the quality of produced fuel leaves much to be desired.

To prevent “well-wishers” from reducing the quality of gasoline during transportation, you need to try to arrange supplies so that the fuel is under constant control along the entire route from the oil refinery to the gas station. This will allow you to receive fuel of the same quality as it was when it left the factory. For various reasons, this is not easy to do.

A little about gas station safety

Gas station security deserves special attention. To solve this issue, it is enough to take some measures, in particular, organize security at the station and install an alarm button, equip a place for the cashier, protecting it with armored doors and glass. It should be taken into account that the cashier’s workplace should not be visible from the street.

List: what you need to open a gas station

During the entire time you are building your business, you will have to deal with the preparation of the following documents:

  • Draw up complete design documentation for the gas station and land plot. It must be agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • You must have permission from the SES and environmental service to trade in fuel. In the future, periodic checks will be carried out to ensure that the organization of your work complies with established standards;
  • You will need to obtain a license to sell and store fuel. It is issued by local authorities of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy;
  • You must have a fire department permit to sell fuel. It will be given to you after they check that your gas station complies with all fire safety standards;
  • It will be necessary to conclude agreements for the servicing of gas stations by housing and communal services for garbage removal and deratization;
  • All fuel supplied to your gas station must have certificates.

You will learn about other documents as you work.

Gas refueling today is a fairly cost-effective and popular option for your own business. At the same time, it requires serious starting capital and is unlikely to be suitable for a beginner. So, we will find out below how to open a gas station, what is required for this, and how long it will take to recoup your investment.

How much does it cost to open a gas station?

Opening a gas station is practically no different from a regular one. The main difference lies in the purchased equipment, which must be checked by specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To open a gas station, first of all, you will need to create a business plan. It should take into account all expenses, and add a small reserve for unexpected costs to the resulting amount. The following is an approximate calculation:

  1. . Decide for yourself whether you want to buy or rent a plot of land for your business. Each option has its pros and cons. For example, paying monthly rent can be a burden, especially at first. In addition, the owner of the site can demand his property from you at any time, if the rental period has not been agreed upon in advance. One way or another, the cost of renting is much cheaper than buying, and is about 3 million rubles.
  2. Construction . The cost of construction depends on your project and the desired size of the gas station. In addition, the price will be affected by the availability of additional services for customers, for example, a minimarket, tire service (see), etc. The average construction cost ranges from 6-8 million rubles.
  3. Documentation . One of the most important points, since opening a gas station without proper permits and confirmations is simply impossible. Collecting documents is not only lengthy, but also an expensive process, which, depending on the region, may require from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.
  4. Equipment and raw materials . The internal arrangement of your organization is carried out almost before the opening. It requires another 3 million rubles.

14 million rubles is the average cost to open a gas station. To this figure you can add about another 1 million rubles as an amount for additional unforeseen expenses, for example, if the profit received at first is not enough to purchase raw materials or pay rent, etc. In addition, it is important to take into account the staff salary, which averages 25,000 rubles per person. Thus, if the staff consists of 5 people, this is already 100,000 rubles monthly.

We collect the necessary documents

Proper documents are the most important thing you need to open your gas station. Collecting documents is a procedure that requires visiting a number of different organizations, collecting additional papers and, of course, a lot of time. You can do this yourself or entrust the entire process to document collection specialists who, for a small amount, will do everything for you in a short time.

If you still decide to collect it yourself, then here are the documents you need to open your own gas station:

  • First, you need to register as an entrepreneur. The ideal option is to register an individual entrepreneur: it ensures minimal taxation, is processed quickly and on favorable terms. In addition, there is the option of registering a legal entity, i.e. companies. The procedure takes place at the tax office. Here you will also need ones that correspond to the type of your activity.
  • One of the important documents is a lease agreement for a gas station or a document confirming ownership. It will need to be presented in almost all organizations in the future.
    Pay special attention to the fact that the selected site must comply with fire safety standards, which can be obtained from the relevant authority. Without this, your gas station will be built illegally.
  • Then you need to prepare a project for the gas station itself. First, you work out the details together with the designer, after which you submit the finished work to Rospotrebnadzor. Specialists must give written permission to construct the facility. Without this, it is prohibited to proceed with further actions.
  • Also, before opening a gas station, you will need to obtain a number of permits. To do this, we contact the following authorities: sanitary and epidemiological station, fire and environmental services. Additional permissions will need to be obtained if you provide additional services to clients. For example, if a food outlet or minimarket is opened on the territory of a gas station, a permit to sell products will be required.
  • A special license will be required to store fuel and sell it. This document is prepared by the Ministry of Energy.
  • Then, to open a gas station, you will need to find a suitable fuel supplier. A fixed-term or open-ended contract is concluded with him, which should always be at your fingertips.

Before the opening of gas stations represented in your organization, check for their compliance with existing standards.

Should we give preference to franchising?

Franchising is a fairly modern and profitable option for starting a business, which allows a novice businessman to work under a brand that has already made a name for itself. A number of other advantages are also noted:

  1. Help in discovery from knowledgeable specialists. You will be able to receive advice from experienced people on all issues related to starting a business.
  2. There will be no need to create your own business model - they will provide you with a ready-made one.
  3. Obtaining fuel from a trusted supplier.
  4. The average cost of start-up capital is reduced, if only because you will no longer need to additionally advertise, find a suitable fuel supplier, etc.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you will have to give part of the proceeds (see also) to the company that provided the franchise. Despite this, franchising is considered more profitable than independent work.

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