How to make your first million without starting capital. How to make your first million


Hello! Today we will talk about how to make a million. Rubles or dollars, it doesn’t matter, it all depends on your fantasies. Of course, each of us has thought about this at least once in our lives.

How realistic is it to make a million?

Despite popular belief, it is quite possible to earn millions in Russia. It's easiest if you already have some useful resources. For example - well-functioning and income-generating, good connections or a high position. Often these resources include a big name, outstanding talent and reputation.

However, even if you don’t have any of the above, earning a million dollars is quite possible. True, this will require much more time and effort, but in the end it will all pay off many times over.

It is worth remembering that the first thing the path to the cherished million begins with is your own desire. If it is strong and you are not afraid of difficulties, our advice and recipes for success are at your service.

Not all people can boast of being part of the Rockefeller, Rothschild, or slightly less wealthy families. But if you can independently, and not just successfully, realize the funds received by inheritance, then you will be much more proud of such an achievement. It is possible that you will be able to join the people who have earned a million in the shortest possible time.

There are many recipes for success. However, experts provide a number of tips that are common to all paths:

  1. Do not be afraid. Many remain broke in old age because they are simply afraid of change, afraid to try something new. As a result, this turns into complete static and inertia - in this case there will be no way to earn a million. Some fear that in their pursuit of the desired amount they will simply lose their main job. In fact, losing your job is not scary. It’s much worse to lose the desire to make money;
  2. If you want to earn 1,000,000 from scratch- learn. This applies not only and not so much to large, but absolutely all financial receipts. This will not only free up funds for the next one, but will also create a useful habit. Experts recommend starting with 10%, gradually increasing the percentage. Such a move will also allow you to create a useful safety net - even if the skills of earning a million on the Internet in a month will not lead to anything - you will not be left with nothing in the end. The volume of such a pillow, according to experts, should be an amount that would allow you to live without working for up to 6 months;
  3. Stick to a clear schedule. Those who want to earn 1 million in a short time cannot afford to lie on the couch and enjoy TV series or movies. You should plan your day carefully and then stick to the schedule. This is the only way to accustom yourself to fruitful everyday work. Under no circumstances should a half-hour task be extended over the whole day;
  4. Avoid impulsive actions and be frugal. It is enough to look at the things you bought over the year to understand that some of them are simply not needed, and their purchase did not bring much joy, in return making you poorer;
  5. Improve your own financial education. Despite the fact that in Russia there is a higher percentage of people with higher or secondary education than anywhere else, not many people can boast of financial literacy - such subjects are simply not taught here. You should start reading books in the style of “How you can earn your first million in a month without investments” only after you learn how to handle finances. Otherwise, all science will not be useful;
  6. Don't limit yourself to a single source of income. Many people are content just to receive wages from their main job, but what happens if an employee is suddenly fired?
  7. Start creating assets that generate . Take care to create a fund generation system that provides stable passive income;
  8. Work on your environment. An often underestimated, but very important nuance. It's no secret that working in a team of like-minded people is much easier than working alone. Responsible friends who share your goals can become a support on the way to your cherished goal, as well as even a kind of think tank for generating ideas. If for some reason those around you are trying to dissuade you from your idea, it is better to immediately interrupt communication with these people. They will slow you down;
  9. Don't waste your time. One of a person's most valuable assets is time. Those who know how to manage their time can say with confidence that it was much easier for them to earn a million without investments, and they did it much earlier than others;
  10. Even if you don't have money, try to take actions that will allow you to become more independent. It is enough to periodically work on your wealth instead of wasting money in order to feel the result very soon.

Finally, it remains to remember the statement of the famous millionaire Robert Kiyosaki: make money work for you, strive for it to make money itself.

Several ways to earn millions

Today there are a number of ways... However, those studying the issue of making money in Russia most often come to one of five main methods.


Consulting or counseling is one of the fastest growing areas of activity. It consists of providing paid consulting services in commercial, financial, technological or other areas of activity.

The main task of consulting is to help achieve a particular goal, as well as help in resolving the issue that has arisen. Most often, consulting services are resorted to in financial areas, which is understandable, because almost every one of us dreams of financial well-being.

What type of financial advice is in demand today? Absolutely any. Some people are interested in how to get rid of debts once and for all, others want to learn how to manage a family budget, and still others want to create passive income. The list of topics on which you can give consultations is very, very wide. Often people will come to you with completely different problems.

To learn consulting, it is desirable, although not required, to have appropriate education. However, today you can find a lot of literature that reveals this issue from all sides. Almost anyone can improve their financial literacy enough to start sharing this science with others. It is possible that in a couple of years you yourself will begin to tell someone how to make money quickly.

As for prices for consulting services, they vary quite widely. Depending on your professionalism and work experience, you can successfully earn up to 30,000 rubles or even more in one hour. Consultations are most often carried out in person, but can also be done through video conferencing or correspondence.

This method of earning money will help you quickly earn the desired million, but it imposes certain obligations on the consultant. The main thing is to be an expert yourself in the areas with which he will work. Teaching someone without achieving anything yourself is not a very ethical activity.

Another way to earn 1 million is to work with assets. This word refers to any property that is capable of generating income. Today, this term also often refers to resources on the Internet that are capable of generating profits of 30,000 rubles and more.

The World Wide Web is fraught with many opportunities. Today you can find many stories where, literally in a few years, people started from scratch, only to later sell their brainchild for that same million rubles or even more. As the main option, you can, which will be highly appreciated by advertisers, and then sell it. In order to implement this plan, you will need skills in website development and resource monetization.

Accordingly, not everyone will be able to implement such a plan - such skills are not so easy to obtain. However, trying and learning the basics, and then developing them to the proper level, is a much simpler task. Just try and... It will be followed by a second, a third, and so on, until you notice that they bring the desired income.

There are many examples of such businesses today. Among the most popular, one can highlight at least Alex Tew, a modest American student who created. It contains a table the size of a million pixels. Each willing advertiser could receive one pixel for their use for $1. It is easy to calculate that as a result, the author of the idea was able to earn a million dollars.

There are examples in our country. A Russian guy made a million on the dating site Chat Roulette. The idea is based on a portal that is designed to introduce users to each other using web cameras. After the user registers on the portal, a random interlocutor from another city or country will join his chat. This idea quickly caught the fancy of the RuNet audience, which made it possible to raise the cost of the site to unprecedented heights. Moreover, the author himself was only 18 years old at that time.

Both examples illustrate the following idea: in order to earn a million on the Internet, you do not need to create any fundamentally new solutions, you just need to wisely choose the topic of the resource, create it and fill it, and then monetize it.

Another popular way to earn your first million is. This term refers to trading information for money. The modern Internet has reached the level where it is possible to sell and buy absolutely everything, including information and knowledge. Considering that in this context we are primarily interested in earnings, the story will be about sales.

You can earn money in a short time by selling your knowledge to interested people. Of course, we are talking only about those areas that are in demand today and can bring real benefits.

An example is the following analogy: a book on growing zucchini in the Far North and a course of video lectures on quickly getting rich for a substantial amount. It’s easy to guess that the second product will cost much more and will remain more in demand. As a result, you should choose proven knowledge that people need and share it - this will ensure stable popularity and, as a result, income.

The main thing here (besides qualifications in the chosen topic) is to determine whether your product will ultimately be in demand. Otherwise, you may simply be left without buyers. Thus, before starting to work in this direction, you should study the market situation and demand.

Regarding prices for lessons. The spread, again, is very large. For example, audio courses and e-books today can be offered for 500 rubles, but trainings and video courses can be sold for 5-25 thousand rubles per lesson. The biggest influence on the price is the field you choose and the value of your skills in it. Those who have already solved the question of how to earn their million in a month in Russia, today can boast of amounts of 100-300 thousand rubles per month or even more. There are many examples of such success today. With a well-chosen strategy, you can earn the desired amount already in the first month.

Earn a million on the Internet

The World Wide Web can provide interested people with a huge variety of ways to earn money. Today you can find many stories about how this or that person made a fortune without leaving home.

You can do it in, on, online games, create a website and make money on it. Many people believe that the latter method requires special skills, but in reality this is not entirely true. You can earn 1 million by developing portals without knowing the technology of their creation at all - it is enough to perform only the functions of a manager, delegating all the work to specialists. As a result, a company can achieve a lot in a relatively short period of time.

Any other business idea

In fact, you can make money from any business idea. The main thing is to choose your direction in business and work hard.

Examples and stories of earning a million

Throughout the article, we have repeatedly talked about many examples of success of one method or another. Now we will specifically tell you where successful people earn millions.

Internet millionaires

  • Caric Cook. At the age of 15, the girl and her brother Dave launched a social network for classmates. In 2005, she was able to create a real sensation and bring the authors several million dollars. What’s typical is that the teenagers only had the idea - most of the funds were invested by third-party investors who quickly realized where to make a million;
  • Michael Furdyk. Together with his partners in 1996, he successfully caught the wave by creating a portal dedicated to computers. The content of the site was carried out by the creators themselves, and materials were taken from all corners of the Internet. 4 years after the sale of the portal, the developers each became rich by several million;
  • Adam Hilbert. Almost a canonical example. He began his journey by launching a social network for teenagers. In essence, nothing particularly interesting, but the chosen monetization model turned out to be almost a unique example. Adam approached advertisers and suggested using the network's audience as focus groups for research. This approach brought him 4 million, which he received before he turned 20;
  • Jason Bryan. This person was able to earn a million on the Internet by following a slightly different path. Instead of inventing something fundamentally new, he decided to implement the existing information. He created a portal to help potential buyers choose a car. He sold the information collected in this way to car dealers. They readily responded to the idea and provided funding in the amount of 250 thousand dollars, and in just two years the revenue increased to 6 million.

Millionaires in trading

  • Olga Nazarova. In addition to simply selling goods (which were played by navigators), she introduced a different system - selling a set of services along with each purchase. It includes a variety of motion control programs. This idea quickly caught the fancy of forwarding companies, enriching the author of the idea by several million. As a result, Olga was able to earn not even a single million;
  • Jamie Wells. He solved the question of how to earn millions using the most ordinary glasses. The idea was brilliant in its simplicity - he . All people had to do was send him a prescription, enter additional data and receive glasses by mail. Cheap and cheerful is a good recipe for a company with a multimillion-dollar turnover;
  • Raymond Lee. This entrepreneur found his million where others would not even think to look. He bought T-shirts in China and then sold them in the United States on his own website. As a result, the young man completely abandoned his studies at the age of 20 in order to become a millionaire in just one year;
  • Cameron Johnson. His story of earning a million began at the age of nine. Little Cameron made money by selling invitation cards of his own design. Afterwards, he retrained to trade in bear cubs and various plush monsters, which were on a wave of success at that time. The next stage was the implementation of a number of projects, which ultimately made it possible to receive several million at the age of 19. True, Cameron himself claims that he earned a million in a year at the age of 15.

Manufacturing millionaires

  • Dmitry Yurchenko. It is a rare case when capital is based on a social project. His main achievement was the development of a “life button” with which pensioners can raise the alarm. As soon as the signal arrives at the call center, a team of doctors is immediately dispatched to the site. I would like many people to solve the question of how to make money in this socially useful way;
  • Jason Wall. Also a very unusual success story. Jason began producing the simplest thing - caps for car antennas. But in just a couple of years, the company he created was able to cross the million dollar mark in income. And this is not the most interesting example of a success story;
  • Nick Bays. This entrepreneur made a fortune from glass lids. Nick's invention changed color depending on the temperature of the liquid inside. To earn even more, the entrepreneur decided to sell advertising space on such lids, which brought him additional income.

These are just some examples, but in fact there are a lot of millionaires in Russia.

The main thing here is your desire and aspiration. Moving forward and not giving in to difficulties is the key to success.

    • Method number 1. Create passive income
    • Method number 2. Sale of an existing asset
    • Method No. 3. Completion of an intermediary transaction
  • 3. Recommendations for earning your first million
  • 4. Conclusion

There is no such person who would not like to earn a million dollars in the shortest possible time. Today there are more than 10 million dollar millionaires in the world. Looking at this impressive number, everyone involuntarily wonders why he still doesn’t have a million. In this article we will look at how you can earn that kind of money. How to earn 1,000,000 from scratch in a day, week, month or year?

You can earn your first big money if you already have your own business, a prestigious position in a rich company, or good connections. Some make money from their big name. These are singers, athletes, actors and even politicians. If you are reading this article, then none of the above applies to you.

1. How to make a million in a year from scratch

There are many books and video tutorials available on the Internet about how to make a million in a year or month. They are sold by so-called “millionaires”. Many people believe this and buy the material, but few succeed in this area. If such a scheme worked, then half of the population of our country would not work, but would simply download another video lesson.

Ways to earn your first million

But there are world-famous personalities who, having made huge capital for themselves, write books about this. Most often these are autobiographies of their personal success. Among such people, Bodo Schaeffer and Sergei Zmeev are traditionally distinguished. No one questions the authority of these personal figures.

The best option to earn a million in 1 year

Perhaps the most realistic way to quickly get rich and become a millionaire today is to launch a so-called apartment building. This is a large house with an area of ​​over 100 square meters. meters, which is divided into 5-7 apartments, each of which is rented. To create an apartment building, you will undoubtedly need initial capital to purchase or rent a building and arrange several full-fledged apartments in it.

However, there are still ways that allow you to open an apartment building even without a down payment and, with a positive combination of circumstances, become a millionaire in one year. You can take out a loan, rent a house and rent out apartments in it separately. This scheme allows you to completely cover the loan installments and achieve net profit in 2-3 months. Watch a video from a successful investor who became a millionaire thanks to an apartment building:

2. How to earn a million in a month

Method number 1. Create passive income

When a person receives income, but does nothing for it, then this is passive income. It is thanks to him that you can get your first million. To do this, we reach a level of passive income of approximately 30 thousand rubles per month. Then it needs to be legalized. You can do this by registering as an individual entrepreneur. After about a year, you can take out a loan from a bank. With that kind of income, you can borrow a million for several years.

But to get such a solid income, you need to work hard. Experts offer the following ways to generate passive income:

  • rental of real estate. This is the easiest way, unless, of course, you have unoccupied property, the rental of which will bring good money; (Read about passive income, as well as where to invest money so that it works and generates income)
  • creation of an Internet resource. It's no secret that the owners of popular websites have a consistently large income from advertising. But without the appropriate knowledge this is difficult to achieve;
  • network marketing. No matter how much bad things are said about network marketing, sociable and purposeful people sometimes earn much more here than top managers of well-known companies.

Method number 2. Sale of an existing asset

If you have an asset that brings you good money, you can sell it for a profit. This could be your own website, an earning account, or anything that generates profit. The formula for calculating the value of such an asset looks something like this: multiply the average monthly income by 24 months. The result is the amount that could be received in 2 years. In many cases this will be 1,000,000 - 1 million rubles.

Method No. 3. Completion of an intermediary transaction

Thanks to this method, you can earn money not in a year, but in a couple of months, or even days. But it is suitable for enterprising and sociable people who constantly looking for new opportunities to earn money. You can become an intermediary in a multimillion-dollar transaction, for which you will receive a reward in the form of a fixed amount or a percentage.

People interested in this method are advised to look for a large investor for a promising project, or a buyer for real estate or business. If you know about any project that can bring good profits, but needs investment, then you can find a large investor for it. Many wealthy buyers are looking for luxury real estate around the world. And having found a suitable one, you can demand from him a certain percentage for the transaction.

These are the ways to help you earn your first million. They may seem complicated to some and simple to others, but they work. They can only serve as a basis for further earnings.

If you don't have connections and your parents aren't financial tycoons, it's hard to make millions. But in the United States, children, upon becoming adults, leave their parents’ home and learn to live and earn money on their own. This becomes an emotional impetus for them, which is why many millionaires are born in the USA.

American experts and financial analysts give the following recommendations for those who want, but do not know, how to earn a million rubles or even dollars:

  • save money constantly. If you receive any income, no matter how small, save no less 10 % From him. This money will not only be “for a rainy day,” as we say, but it can be invested in a promising project;
  • be frugal. You need to try to be economical and not make thoughtless purchases. Sometimes many people think about how many unnecessary things they have that can no longer be sold to anyone. And, at one time, money was spent on them; (We wrote about how to save and save money in)
  • improve financial education. Many young people today have higher economic education, but not all of them can be called financially literate. To improve literacy, you need to read world bestsellers by people like Robert Kiyosaki, Bodo Schaeffer and others;
  • make your passive income. This has already been mentioned above, but it would not be amiss to recall that such income will be a good financial aid for your budget;
  • create a successful environment. By communicating with people who have the same worldview and goals in life as you, it is much easier to get the desired result. You can discuss and create various ideas with them, calculate different development options, and so on; (We also recommend reading the article: “

Hello, dear reader! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

The schemes for making a million, which will be discussed below, have been tested by ordinary people with average abilities, they all work 100%. The article is compiled in the form of an overview of ways to earn money with which you can get such an impressive amount.

Each of us wants to earn a million, preferably without investments and as quickly as possible.

From the article you will learn how today you can earn your first million rubles from scratch in 3-5 months using several working methods.


  1. Is it possible to earn a million dollars in a day/week/month/year?
  2. 7 proven ways to earn your first million rubles
  3. What to do if you don’t have rich parents and a good inheritance - 7 recommendations from financial experts for earning a million dollars
  4. Conclusion

1. Is it possible to earn a million dollars in a day/week/month/year?

This is quite possible if you already have the necessary resources, for example, an operating business, real estate, a high position or good connections.

Also, your name (reputation) or outstanding talent can be a resource for quickly earning a million.

For example, if you are a famous football player, actor or singer.

But what if you don't have any of the above benefits?

In this case, earning your first million will require more time and effort from you, but it will pay off many times over.

If you are not afraid of these difficulties, then go ahead!

Let's count together. For example, earning 200,000 rubles a month, you will earn 1,000,000 rubles in 5 months.

Big money can be made much faster, but I don't think you're going to rob a bank or commit fraud. Therefore, this article will only talk about legal and reliable ways to become a millionaire, even if not in one month.

2. 7 proven ways to earn your first million rubles

The models for making a million described below are used by leading Russian and foreign experts in personal finance management, businessmen and investors. Among them:

  1. Robert Kiyosaki is a legendary American investor, businessman, expert in the field of personal finance management, author of the world famous financial game “Cash Flow”.
  2. Bodo Schaeffer is a foreign speaker, a successful businessman, and the author of books on financial literacy and achieving success in life.
  3. Sergey Zmeev is a Russian millionaire, business psychologist, and expert in the field of personal finance.

Also, in the review of ways to earn big money, I will use the methods of successful entrepreneurs of the Russian-language Internet.

So, let's move on to the methods themselves.

Method 1. Earn 1,000,000 rubles using the Internet

As you know, now only a lazy or completely dormant person has not heard about Internet millionaires and the great opportunities for making money on the Internet.

Today on the Internet you can actually earn your first million in a few months, and there are several ways to do this:

  • social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram);
  • selling information and knowledge;
  • making money on online games;
  • building a business on the Internet;
  • earnings from promoting affiliate programs;
  • creating your own website and making money on it.

Already interested? Then just read my article on ways to make money online. There I talked about how you can make money on games, on social networks, on selling information from 50,000 rubles a month and gave examples of real people who are already doing this. I personally earn some of them now.

Take and implement these methods to create your own wealth.

Method 2. Create passive income and take out a loan against it

If you are interested in the topic of money and finance, and want to become a millionaire, then you are probably familiar with the concept of “passive income”.

It is this tool that we can use to get our cherished million.

For the average person, you can earn a million rubles in this way in about 1 year.

Here's the gist:

You create a small passive income (20,000 - 30,000 rubles), legalize it, for example, by registering as an individual entrepreneur and take out a bank loan against it.

For such passive income, they will give you 1,000,000 rubles in installments over several years.

What does this look like in practice and in what ways can you create passive income?

Passive income can be created in several ways, but we will look at 3 of the most realistic ones:

  1. Rent out existing property. The simplest and surest way if you have this very property.
  2. Create an information site on the Internet. This method is suitable for people who have good computer skills and want to develop in the field of Internet technologies. Having created a website, you will need to bring it to good traffic and place advertising on it, which can bring in from 10 to 50 thousand rubles of passive income every month. How to make money on your website was described in our article “How to make money on your website.”
  3. Become a distributor of a good network marketing company. This method is suitable for energetic and sociable people. Some people underestimate the amount of income that can be earned here. In some cases, they amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.

With such an income, you automatically become a ruble millionaire, and even a dollar millionaire is just around the corner. With persistence, you can reach $1,000 in passive income in the network marketing industry in about 1 year.

If you still have an official salary, then in combination with such passive income you will easily be given a loan of 1,000,000 rubles from the bank, and your passive income will gradually pay off this amount.

So it turns out that you earned a million rubles this year.

Method 3. Make money by selling your knowledge

If you know how to do something well, then why not make good money from it. You can sell your knowledge in different ways. This method generally applies to the sale of information on the Internet. After all, you will pass on your knowledge and skills as valuable information to interested people.

You can teach via Skype, conduct live training, or package your knowledge and sell it as your own training course.

I already wrote how to make money by selling knowledge in one of the sections of the article about ways to make money on the Internet. Be sure to read this article, because it can change your whole life and help you earn the coveted million.

In each of the methods described in this article, I provide real examples, brief descriptions of the methods and real people who have already improved their financial situation with the help of an Internet business.

Method 4. Create an asset and sell it for a million

This method is a logical continuation of method No. 2. If you already have an asset in the form of your account in a network marketing company (your personal number that the company assigns you upon registration) or your own website that generates profit, then you can sell the account or website as a ready-made business.

In this case, the estimated sale amount of such an asset is calculated using the formula:

Your monthly passive income * 24 (two-year payback period).

For example, if you receive passive income from your website (business) or as a distributor of a network marketing company in the amount of 40,000 rubles (about $1,000), then multiplying this amount by 24 we get 960,000 rubles.

So you and I have become millionaires once again.

Method 5. Make a large intermediary transaction

You can earn big money either in several parts or at a time.

Sometimes this requires a confluence of favorable circumstances, but as they say, those who are lucky are lucky.

The fifth method is suitable for people with clear entrepreneurial abilities who understand the principles of business functioning and know how to negotiate.

The easiest way to earn 1,000,000 rubles is by making an intermediary transaction worth several million, and your treasured amount will be the percentage you receive for the work done.

  1. Look for a major investor for any developing project;
  2. Look for a buyer for an expensive business or real estate.

In the first case, you find a project that requires large investments and agree with its leader that he will give you a percentage in the form of a million rubles if, for example, you attract investments worth ten million.

In the second case, you find the owner of a fairly large business or real estate and also agree with him on a percentage if a buyer is found for their investment property.

By the way, almost all people earn more than one million rubles in their lives, for some the total amount of all their salaries is more than a million dollars, but oddly enough, the vast majority need money all the time and often sit in mortgage and credit bondage.

The above ideas can serve as a good basis for you to increase your income and savings. Here everything depends on the specific person.

For some, all these methods may seem too complicated, but the fact is that most people work almost their entire lives for money and by the time they retire do not have even a couple of thousand dollars in savings.

So it’s up to you to decide whether to invest a year or two of your time to become a millionaire or continue to live the dull life of an ordinary person.

4. What to do if you don’t have rich parents and a good inheritance - 7 recommendations from financial experts for earning a million dollars

Not everyone grew up in a Rothschild or Rockefeller family. Maybe this is for the better. But when you become a millionaire from scratch, you will proudly tell everyone that you made yourself.

This principle is especially valued in America, where children, upon reaching adulthood, leave their parents' home. There it is not at all customary to “sit on the neck” of parents and it is believed that a person should achieve everything himself.

If you also want to learn how to become a millionaire from scratch, then read the recommendations of millionaires and financial experts on making a million dollars.

You should immediately understand that this path usually takes years, even with the right and systematic actions.

  1. Always save some money whenever you receive income. This will help you form good financial habits and free up funds for investing. Save at least 10%, then gradually increase this amount. This is also done to ensure that you have a minimum financial safety net. Typically, such a cushion assumes that you have money on which you can live without working for 6 months. After all, almost all attempts to earn money entail certain risks, including financial ones.
  2. Be frugal and don't make impulse purchases. If you look at all the things you bought over the past year, then don’t be surprised that, having become unnecessary, they made you several thousand rubles or dollars poorer.
  3. Improve your financial education. Many people now have secondary and higher education, but not a single educational institution teaches financial literacy. And this is not surprising, because teachers themselves often live by extorting money from students or simply survive on their small salaries. To understand how money works, we recommend that you read the Rich Dad Poor Dad series by Robert Kiyosaki and The Path to Financial Freedom by Bodo Schaeffer.
  4. Strive to have multiple sources of income. Most people get paid by working at a job, but what happens if they get fired?! Think every day about how to receive your total income from different sources.
  5. Create assets that generate passive income. Even if you spend most of your time earning money for operating expenses, regularly do activities that create a money-generating system for you that generates passive income.
  6. Create a successful environment. It is always easier to achieve success in a team of like-minded people than to go through this difficult path on your own. Your goal-oriented friends can become your support and think tank for generating ideas for making money. If your environment does not share your aspirations and declares that this is all nonsense, if possible, refuse to communicate with such pessimistic people.
  7. Don't waste your time. Time is our most valuable asset. If you manage your time correctly, you can earn your first million dollars from scratch much sooner than you think.
    There is one wise expression on this subject: “Rich people differ from poor people in what they do in their free time.”

Even if you don't have much money yet, do money activities that help you become richer. Work on your security, don't have fun and don't waste your money.

Strive to make your money make money again, make money work for you - that's what millionaire Robert Kiyosaki says.

5. Conclusion

If you apply at least some of what is described above, you will undoubtedly become a millionaire several times faster than if you went to your cherished goal by trial and error.

Now on the Internet there are a lot of instructions and courses on how to make a million in different ways. Some argue that the main thing here is the idea.

But this is far from true, because each of us produces a huge number of ideas every day, and when it comes to their implementation, many find thousands of excuses.

We wish you to earn big money as quickly as possible, because as you know, the hardest thing is to earn your first million, and then everything will go as usual.

And remember that all millionaires accept the law of 100% responsibility, which states:

“Everything that we have and will have, the whole life of which we live or will live depends on ourselves. We do not blame anyone for our failures and difficulties and are responsible for achieving the success of our lives.”

Good luck to you, believe in yourself and you will definitely succeed!

The main essence that will give you an understanding of how to become a millionaire

Nowadays you won’t read about how to choose the right niche for yourself and create a profitable business. There will be no word about multiple sources of income and investments in various assets. And you won’t see any examples of young millionaires at all. At first, you don't need this at all. This will only distract from the main point. And you should really understand it. Answer this question for yourself: “What is money for me?” First of all, it is necessary to understand the very essence of the existence of money in our world.

Money is energy. And any energy is a resource. Therefore, money is a resource. What are the resources for? To create something. To create anything you need a goal. And the first mistake that many make is that they set the goal of precisely the desire to earn 1 million rubles. Money cannot come for the sake of money. Money comes when a person has a goal. Having a certain amount of money is just a fact of being able to achieve a certain goal. Everyone wants money, but they don’t know how to set and achieve life goals.

Now let's think about why we need to set goals? And in order to develop. The basis of the universe is a universal mechanism of development. It already follows from this that we need money for our self-realization. Self-realization is the 100% disclosure of your creative potential through serving the world and fulfilling your predetermined mission. If your development is low, then your income is low. An increase in cash flow is an increase in the level of your development; it is one of the indicators of your spiritual and personal growth.

Earn a million. Step 1: Know

When a person wants to earn one million rubles, then first of all he thinks about himself. And that's okay. With money, we first try to satisfy our 3 most important needs: security, pleasure and power. Having shelter, food, and the ability to stay healthy gives us a sense of security. A car, an image, sex gives a feeling of pleasure. And the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities is strength. And imagine that these needs are covered for you, you have enough money for this. I will say this, on average, this requires from 100 to 300 thousand per month.

What happens next? Then you have a need to serve people and express yourself individually. Here lies the answer to the question of how you can earn 1 million rubles a month and even more. Only when we begin to be creators of something new and the basis of this creativity is love for people, then the Universe opens the doors to us into the world of well-being and prosperity. We find ourselves in such a cash flow that we ourselves cannot believe it. And it always exists, but for some reason we have been swimming in the wrong place all our lives. Yes, because we are not taught this from an early age.

How to get into the flow now? The answer is simple. Know yourself! Discover your strengths, your creative potential. Understand your mission, path, niche. Call it what you want. Realize what your self-realization as an individual consists of. This is the most important and at the same time difficult step on the path to big money. There are a large number of methods and techniques for self-knowledge. I'll tell you a secret. The right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for self-knowledge. This is intuition, this is a vision of the path. There you will look for answers to the question “Who am I?” Understanding yourself is already 80% of success on the path to a million.

Earn a million. Step 2. Decide

It will be necessary to solve an equation with 3 variables.

P(number of sales)*Q(average bill)=P(revenue)

This is also called decomposition or thinking from the end. Thanks to this formula, we will answer the question: “At what number of sales and average check will our revenue be 1 million rubles?” This is the basic formula for an entrepreneur. The most important thing here is to determine whether it is possible to achieve these goals thanks to your activities.

For example, let’s take the option that we repair computer equipment. The average bill for services is 1000 rubles. What we will get: 1,000 service sales * 1,000 rubles = 1,000,000 rubles. Is it possible for one person to serve 1,000 people in a month? No. We will have to either increase the average bill or open additional repair centers, i.e. increase sales by increasing the number of employees. Working with this formula involves searching for optimal indicators so that our activities bring pleasure and money at the same time, and are not hard labor. Therefore, the issue of your niche must be approached very carefully. It’s better to think in advance than to change it halfway.

We will solve such an equation using our intellect. And it is the left hemisphere that responds to it. It turns out that our brain will decide the first two steps! To the right – we know, we dream, we imagine. Left - we select, decide, plan. If these two steps take place simultaneously, then making a million will be very easy. Yes, it’s easy to make a million! When you earned it) Everything else is just the result of effective actions over a certain period of time.

Earn a million. Step 3: Take Action

Bodo Schaeffer in his book “The Path to Financial Freedom” writes that there are several opportunities to earn your first million:

1. You save a certain percentage of your income.

2. You invest the money you save.

3. You increase your income.

4. You save a certain percentage of each income increase achieved.

The third step is learning how to handle money. Money loves people who know how to use it correctly to improve the lives of other people. Follow Bodo Schaeffer's advice, it works. Read some more books on financial literacy. Maintain a financial budget, save at least 10% of your income, invest in what you know and understand. Repeat the cycle until you earn your million in a month. It's a matter of daily training. You can't come to the gym and push a barbell 100 kg from your chest. It is necessary to train. Practice! In this case - with money.

Of course, in order to earn large sums of money, you still need to know, be able to and do a lot of things. For example, correctly delegate important tasks or constantly improve your product, no matter how perfect it may seem. But this is all secondary. I hope you now understand what is most important on the way to your million. Right! Understand your mission and follow your path! Good luck!

You can spend two years and $100,000 getting an MBA from Harvard. Or a few minutes of conversation with smart, rich old people who share their experiences. Our correspondent did just that, taking advantage of the relaxation of such guys during a round-the-world cruise. Listen to their advice. Don't you need a million dollars?

Of the 25 richest people in the world, only one has an MBA degree. 13 created companies themselves that made them billionaires. So the greatest chance of getting rich is for guys with cool ideas, regardless of their education

We are solemnly sailing along the coast of Brazil on the Crystal Serenity cruise ship, one of the most luxurious in the world. It's time for slush on the streets and seasonal affective disorder north of these parts. But here, on the pool deck, passengers soak up the sun while sipping caipirinhas. The cost of a cabin on our three-month cruise around the world ranges from $40,000 for a closet on the third deck to half a million for a luxurious penthouse. Well, it is clear that most of the men on board are pensioners, and, of course, rich and successful. They're like gorillas compared to us monkeys.

At the time of their youth, it was already possible to obtain an MBA degree (Master of business administration, an educational course for middle and senior managers in business - MH), Harvard was the first to introduce such training in 1908. But few local millionaires have such a degree. In fact, some of them didn't even finish school. But with their work and biography, they earned a much more honorable degree, which we at MH call MBR, or “Master of Real Business.”

“The main problem with business schools is that most of the truly successful people never went to them.”, says Philip Delves-Broughton, author of the memoir Ahead of Schedule: Two Years at Harvard Business School. - This situation is impossible in medicine, for example, or in law. Any successful lawyer has a legal education. But not every successful businessman has an MBA degree.”. So let's put aside the dry textbooks full of tables and formulas in order to listen to those who have actually made a lot of money.


After serving in the army during World War II, Illsley founded a company that developed and produced anti-reflective coatings for various types of optical lenses. Today, Optical Coating Laboratory technologies are used in the production of satellites, computer monitors and flat-screen TVs.

1. Make a list: not what you want to do, but what you want to be.

How to do it “In 1960, when I was 38 years old, I was offered $1 million for my company., Illsley recalls. - At that time it was a lot of money, so I thought hard. I decided to make a list of what was really important to me: 1) when I'm 80, I want to feel like I didn't live my life in vain; 2) I want to be sane, not lose self-respect and dignity, not be lonely; 3) be in good health; 4) feel pleasant excitement about what I do; 5) have freedom and peace of mind; 6) not to think that someone (or fate itself) is unfair to me; 7) have enough money for all of the above; 8) be free from disappointment; 9) be confident, but not proud; 10) do not buy too much real estate that needs to be serviced; 11) make your own decisions and plan your time. So money was not an end in itself. I refused the offer, and today, when I am 91 years old, I can proudly say that I have achieved everything that was on that list.".

Why does it work “What does good work actually consist of? It gives you a feeling of time well spent, value and self-respect., comments Warren Bennis, professor of management at the University of Southern California. - Making a list like this is a great idea, but in today's fast-paced world, you may have to change it a couple of times a year.".


He does not have a higher education, but he reached the post of president and chief operating officer of the Tenet Healthcare medical corporation.

During his 20 years at the helm, Tenet grew from 35 to 114 hospitals in 16 states. Today, Focht is the life of the party on cruise ships.

2. Let the right people work for you.

How to do it “In one of my hospitals, the head of the administrative service was a guy whom I nicknamed Dandelion - he was always shaggy. He also whined constantly, and it drove me crazy. So one day I fired him. This turned out to be a mistake. If I had carefully studied his work, I would have realized that this is exactly what he does flawlessly. I agree that in MBA schools the future top manager is given a good theoretical basis, but they do not teach how to work with people at all. And for me, this is precisely the key to success: understand the task, find the employee who can handle it best, and then just patiently watch how things go, separating his personal qualities from his professional ones.”.

Why does it work “The higher you climb the management ladder, the greater the role other people begin to play in your success, since you can no longer do everything yourself, explains Delves-Broughton. - Harvard Business School has a ton of sophisticated courses. But when graduates were asked five years after graduation what they would like to know if they could return to Harvard, one of them said: “I would like to be taught how to talk to truck drivers.”.


After leaving the government tax office in 1982, he founded a tax consulting firm that overnight became the largest in Ontario. He owns two mansions in Canada and one in Malta, and spends six months of the year on vacation.

3. Become one of the 3% of people who know something useful.

How to do it “I once heard some advice from motivational guru Jim Rohn, and I really liked it., says Bill Hotram. - He said, “Everything a person needs to know to succeed has already been written, but only 3% of Americans have a library card.” I thought it was a very easy way to get some new ideas. In the years since then, I've probably read 1,500 business advice books.". Bill marked the tips he liked with stars: 1 = “good”, 2 = “pretty good”, 3 = “very good”, 4 = “wow, worth a try!” He entered “four-star” judgments and ideas into a database. Today, the database contains about 50,000 quotes selected by Hotram, divided into categories for quick search (hiring, firing, negotiations, etc.). When a problem arises, he simply turns to this store of knowledge and chooses a solution - it usually works, which proves Hotram's success in business.

Why does it work “Some students, upon completion of the MBA program, believe that they now know everything, says Professor Warren Bennis (who, by the way, has written 30 books on business and leadership). - I wouldn't hire either of them for a job. I’m looking for a person who goes through life with raised eyebrows in surprise, who has not lost his thirst for new things, passion, ambition, who wants to become better and is constantly learning.”.


Born in Beijing, he worked in a broom factory before receiving a scholarship to study electrical engineering at Columbia University. During his 35 years in Silicon Valley, he founded three companies; his last startup, ICS, set him up for the rest of his life.

4. You're too busy to sit.

How to do it “At most corporate meetings, people fight sleep by drinking coffee and eating nuts., says Lin Wu. - It's incredible how much time is wasted. When our companies had big projects going on, I held meetings with key employees every day. But with one trick: I scheduled them for 5 pm, when everyone was already tired and wanted to go home. And I didn't let anyone sit down. This way everyone could focus and work efficiently. Our meetings never lasted longer than an hour; in most cases we completed them in 20–30 minutes.”.

Why does it work “Management guru Tom Peters said that the most important requirement for a successful business is “the willingness to act now.”, Delves-Broughton quotes. - MBAs love to hold meetings and discuss every detail because they were taught this in business school. But while you keep talking and talking, honing the details, you put off action. Something as small as the lack of chairs in a meeting has a huge motivating value because it says, “We need to move forward, not sit here.” This is how military meetings are held.”. In a famous study conducted by the University of Missouri, two groups of subjects held meetings: one in “sedentary” meetings, the other in “standing” meetings. And based on the results, they still came to the same decisions. So what's the difference? “Sedentary” flights lasted 34% longer. You can't waste time like that.


Born in the UK, he left school at 15 to start selling men's shirts. The founder of a company that owns the rights to use Star Wars and Disney characters, Barbie, Spiderman, etc. in the design of home textiles (for example, bed linen).

5. Find your chutzpah.

How to do it “Any business is show business, says Tommy Schweiger. - You are constantly on stage, and your industry is looking at you appraisingly... You must be an artist and be able to construct a message about your product so that potential buyers and suppliers fall into your arms. The first to give permission to use their logos in my products was the famous football club Manchester United. The Man United guy I negotiated with had the power, but I had the chutzpah. This word in Yiddish means both a manner of behavior and a life position in general - this is self-esteem, any lack of timidity and shyness, composure and self-confidence. This cannot be learned from books. Chutzpah needs to be trained - in conversations with people, shaking hands, patting on the back... My chutzpah then allowed me to immediately close a deal, although I had a lot of problems in business. But I was confident that I could do it... Successful people know where sincerity turns into talkativeness, confidence into arrogance, and conviction into asinine stubbornness. They know and do not cross this border, although they are constantly close to it.”.

Why does it work “MBA students believe that business is done with spreadsheets, presentations and email, Delves-Broughton says ironically. - But this is only part of the process and does not guarantee success. I have met many smart people from the business world who did not know how to convince and ignite. They had great ideas, but they weren't successful in business. A lot of leadership depends on chutzpah.”.


He was a customer service telephone attendant at the fledgling telecommunications company MCI in the early 1980s. And he rose to senior vice president of the company. In 1998, WorldCom absorbed MCI, allowing Keith to retire at age 47.

6. Losing your job is normal. The main thing is not to lose passion for it.

How to do it “Most guys study for an MBA, build a career with one goal - to achieve increased income, says Keith Steiner. - This is the wrong approach. It's stupid to choose a career based solely on where you'll get paid the most. You need to look for a position and a company that would arouse, dare I say it, passion. One of the reasons for my success is that I loved what I did. MCI was a small company when I joined. We made history by creating America's first telecommunications network to compete with AT&T. It was an exciting task, so I enjoyed working late into the night and never complained about stress, despite the heavy work rhythm.”.

Why does it work “Most MBA students are trying to buy a ticket to a world that has already been created, says business coach Philip Delves-Broughton (his latest book is called The Art of Selling). - They want to fit into the existing corporate structure. But the most successful businessmen force the world to adapt to them. Simply put, you would rather make a profitable and promising project that excites you (even if it seemed like complete nonsense to others at first) than repeat someone else’s success in proven areas. When you find your passion - that fusion of what you want to do and what you're good at - the rewards will follow. Corporate strategists call this passion “sustainable long-term advantage.” It allows you to not only work harder and be better than your competitors today, but also to maintain that advantage throughout your career.”.

What is the basis of a successful career?

50% - interpersonal skills

48% - motivation and energy

47% - planning and strategy development

42% - leadership style

37% - trainings and education

35% - communications

33% - reputation and integrity

28% - ability to compromise and negotiate

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