How to make money in a car service. Car service as a business

Every day the number of motorists is steadily growing both in large cities and in small settlements. Many of them are busy people who do not like to spend their free time repairing their own car, even if it is simply necessary. For this reason, many drivers are willing to pay any money for car service. So why not make money on it? How to open a car service from scratch? What business plan format should I use?

The idea of ​​opening a service station is very relevant and promising, if it is carried out correctly. To do this, it is best to use a car service business plan with calculations, which we will consider today.

Service sector

At the moment, the car park in Russia has tripled, which has led to an expansion of the structure of the car service market. At the moment it includes:

    Private repair services. There are now a huge number of such individual masters; their services are the cheapest, but not always the highest quality.

    Single car service. One of the most popular segments of the market, advertising itself due to the ideal combination of "price-quality".

    Specialized car services. They work with a certain brand of car, which greatly reduces the number of potential customers, but highlights a clear target audience.

Depending on your capabilities, personal goals and market conditions, you need to choose one of these segments for work.

If commercial transportation is very popular in your city, then it is reasonable to use a business plan for a cargo car service with calculations, an example of which will help determine the average investment.

Private and solo car services are more profitable in terms of initial costs, but their payback may suffer due to serious competition with larger companies. This problem is especially acute in large cities.

Network service stations are best opened in places where there is no popular brand in this area. Here, the main costs will go to advertising promotion of the brand.

The franchise car service is advertised by itself, but for this the owner of the network imposes certain requirements on the businessman, ranging from maintaining a certain appearance of the office, ending with the tactics of selecting each employee. In this case, the business plan (sample with calculations) of a car service may change, since investments in advertising are reduced here.

Analysis of the market situation

A new car service has a good chance of success if it correctly assesses the environment in which it will have to work. In order to choose the right direction of activity, possible specification and territorial location, it is necessary to analyze the market situation, without which the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service will not be relevant.

To begin with, it is worth objectively assessing the number of your competitors, the range of services they provide, their cost and target audience. If you feel that your service station will not be able to compete against the background of neighboring bus stations, you better choose another specialization, there are a number of jobs that you will perform at a higher level or at a lower price, or focus on a particular brand of car that you want to service.

Having learned all the weaknesses of competitors, you can safely use the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service for your own purposes. An approximate calculation of investments will help you navigate the possibility of organizing such a business.

Services provided

The business plan of a car service with calculations, an example of which we are considering, is designed to provide a wide range of services: overhaul of the main components of the car, diagnostics and repair of the electrical part, body and locksmith work, tire fitting, painting and much more. As additional services, it is worth considering the selection and installation of acoustics, alarms, gas equipment, airbrushing, vinyl application, interior upholstery, etc.

The most profitable from this list are repair work with the gearbox, engine, clutch, steering gear. It brings less income, however, it is simply impossible to refuse it.

It is best for workshops to choose a narrow specialization, which will reduce the cost of maintaining the business. However, this tactic can greatly reduce the number of potential customers.


After you have decided on the direction of commercial activity, you need to choose the premises in which you will carry it out. At the moment, rent or construction is available for a businessman.

The latter option is used extremely rarely, since it requires the execution of additional agreements with the local administration, waiting for the decision of the commissions and then buying out the rights to rent. Thus, it turns out that the construction itself requires an investment of 600-900 thousand rubles, and the lease of a land plot - about 200 thousand rubles a year for 7-9 acres.

It is cheaper to rent a room, but it is difficult to find a suitable option, since many of them either do not meet the requirements of a businessman or do not comply with fire regulations. If you're lucky, you can rent the required area for service stations for 200-300 thousand per month.

In all cases, the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service should take into account the future size of the workshops and the required area for the tire fitting and electronics departments.


In the resulting room, there will be nothing but bare walls, so the next step is the selection of equipment. The main expenses here are spent on diagnostics (90-150 thousand rubles), workbenches (from 20 thousand rubles), a lift (90-120 thousand rubles), large tools (from 140 thousand rubles). Also, do not forget that small tools are also required for work: hammers, vise, side cutters, etc., which can take up to 30 thousand rubles.

In fact, the car service business plan with calculations, the example of which is given here, includes the standard characteristics of the service station, which can be improved by investing more impressive amounts.


Not only the quality of work and the number of customers, but also the image of the company itself depends on who will work at the service station. Therefore, the choice of personnel should be considered carefully. For a small car service, 2-3 masters, a manager and a customer service specialist are enough. Thus, for a staff of 5 people, the average salary is from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. This amount should also be included in the initial expenses, since at the beginning the business may not bring the desired income.

If the service station will carry a different focus, then the staff should be expanded. So, a business plan for a cargo car service requires at least 10-15 people.


The law requires a clear implementation of the prescription regarding the service station. Thus, the functioning of a car service should be coordinated with the fire service, traffic police and sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The room in which the work is carried out must be connected to the central sewerage system and located no closer than 50 meters from residential buildings.

Particular attention must be paid to labor protection. The service station is a place of increased danger, therefore, compliance with the labor code, namely the chapters on ensuring the safety of personnel, is required very strictly. It is in the interests of the businessman himself to comply with fire safety rules, not to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises in order to save money, introduce rules for the storage of combustible substances, and provide employees with uniforms and protective equipment.


If the service station does not operate under the wing of a franchise, then it is worth highlighting a separate chapter on advertising in the expense item. Promotion methods include advertisements in newspapers and magazines, distribution of informational flyers, outdoor advertising on banners and in transport, advertising on TV and radio, website design and promotion. Such a complex set can cost 400 thousand rubles. However, in a small service station, you can meet 50-100 thousand rubles a month. Then the costs will gradually decrease, as their own will appear and the so-called "word of mouth" will be launched.

Final count

For those who are thinking about how to open a car service, it is better to use a business plan as a recommendation. Constant changes in the exchange rate, economic events, increased competition can affect the amount of investment required to open a business. At the moment, this is the reality.

The business plan (example with calculations) of a car service includes the following expense items:

1. Initial expenses:

    purchase and installation of specialized equipment - 1.5 million rubles;

    coordination with other authorities - 50 thousand rubles.

rent of premises - 200 thousand rubles;

salary for employees - 15 thousand rubles.

consumables - 100 thousand rubles.

So, investments in the first month of work will be about two million rubles. If done correctly, the monthly revenue of a service station can exceed 600 thousand rubles, of which about 200 thousand rubles is net profit.

Thus, I was able to answer the question of how to open a car service, even of an exemplary nature.

The number of cars is growing every day, although, at the same time, the build quality of cars does not show such a trend. New machines break down very often due to poor quality parts and assembly, old ones break down due to a long service life. Some car owners are able to repair a small breakdown, inflate tires. The percentage of such craftsmen is less than 10 percent of the total number of drivers, all the rest are our potential customers who, during a crisis, want to fix problems with their car as cheaply as possible. We will consider a car service business plan for a novice businessman who does not have large funds to open a business. Probably, you have already seen business plans for a similar business with a budget of 500 thousand dollars and wondered how a newcomer to entrepreneurship has so much money. We will reduce this budget to a minimum, so that anyone can try themselves in this business.

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We will not create a car repair shop in which the client will receive absolutely the entire range of services. To do this, you need to have a huge room, twenty staff and a huge amount of equipment. We will limit ourselves to simpler services that are used most often - tire replacement, restoration of minor damage, repair of the engine and the rest of the car's filling. By choosing these services, we will automatically have many bonuses for opening a car service - we do not need expensive equipment, we do not need to rent a large room and hire a large staff of craftsmen, and the price for our services will be noticeably lower than that of large car repair shops.

Where to open a car service: secrets for beginner businessmen

When creating a business plan for a car service, you need to think not only about the size of the room, but also about the ease of access to this room. You need to look for the possibility of renting a room near the highway, near the entrance to the city. In addition to the fact that it will be easier for customers to find you, you will also save on rent, because the farther the premises from the center, the cheaper it is, and you will receive free advertising - all motorists, driving through the highway, will see your service and, when necessary, will call for services.

We need to rent a small room or garage. The main feature of the car service room is a viewing hole, without which the mechanic will not be able to properly inspect the client's car. Most garages have a pit, we just need to find the most spacious and affordable garage to rent. Near the highway, a garage will cost you 12 thousand rubles per 30 square meters per month. The garage will most likely be empty, without shelves and tables, we will need to buy this separately. You can arrange with the owner to rent a garage for a few months in advance if you have extra money.

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Car service business plan: buy equipment

Equipment will take the most money from our budget, but we will try to find the best quality and cheapest tools to reduce costs. The first thing we need is a crane for hanging the engine. There are expensive cranes installed on the floor with a retractable hook, we will choose a simpler option - we will put an iron beam with a crane. The price of a crane with a beam is 4 thousand rubles, installation will cost 2 thousand. We also need to buy a set for straightening dents - it costs 4.5 thousand rubles. With this set, you can straighten dents even in hard-to-reach places.

You will also need a set of tools with socket heads - unscrew the parts, screw them back. There are different sets, the simplest and most effective will cost 2 thousand rubles. Later, with the first receipts, you need to buy new sets with the missing tools. You can work with this tool only on special metal tables, we need one table at the price of 6 thousand rubles. It has drawers for inventory, is sturdy and will last for many years.

You need to buy some small equipment - for example, a jack. A small jack will allow you to quickly change a tire, wheel or something else in the car. The price of the jack is 1.5 thousand rubles. This also includes consumables such as compressor oil, hydraulic oil. The cost of materials - 6 thousand rubles. Having fully staffed your car service, you can proceed to the next point in the car service business plan - the search for personnel.

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How to open a car service: search for professional personnel

A good car service needs an equally professional locksmith. Of course, it will be difficult to find such a person, but the task is doable. Look for suitable candidates on labor exchanges, hang job search ads, write a couple of statements on the Internet.

Finding a professional for this job is real, you will be surprised how many good locksmiths are sitting at home without work or working outside their specialty. We will play on the fact that a person does not have a job in their specialty and will offer a salary slightly lower than the established minimum - 15 thousand rubles a month. For starters, we need one locksmith who will perform tire changes and other minor work. When customers increase, it will be necessary to hire another person - he will help to do the work, because some tasks cannot be performed by one person. Locksmiths will also evaluate the work performed in accordance with the price list and receive payment for the work done.

Finding clients is an important part of this business

First of all, our service will attract customers with a lower price for its services. In large car repair shops, straightening a small dent on the hood costs from 2 thousand rubles, changing the oil 1.5 thousand, changing tires from winter to summer from 2 thousand rubles. We need to lower the price a bit compared to the big services, and we will get an advantage. When compiling a price list for services, subtract 200 rubles from the average price on the market - this will be the best option.

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Go around your friends and hand out pre-printed flyers with the address of your car service and the price of the most common services. Your friends who have a car will be happy to receive cheaper services from a familiar person. The client base will be replenished a little with regular customers, and you will receive free advertising - friends will tell someone else.

Never forget about advertising on the Internet, it promotes small businesses very well. Communities of motorists, groups of cities in social networks, a site with tips for newbies in driving - all these resources are a platform for promotions. Moreover, in most cases you do not even need to pay for this ad. Why not get a couple of dozen clients for free?

Income and expenses of a car service

First, we will calculate the one-time cost of a car service for the purchase of equipment for our car service. We definitely need to buy a crane to lift the engine and install it. It will cost us 6 thousand rubles. Next comes the cost of buying smaller equipment - a set for arching dents for 4.5 thousand, a set of wrenches for 2 thousand and a table for 6 thousand. The expenses do not end there - we will buy a jack for 1.5 thousand and consumables for 6 thousand rubles. Now the one-time expenses are over, let's move on to the costs of the operation of the enterprise.

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We need to constantly pay for the rent of the premises - this is 12 thousand rubles a month. In addition to the rent, we also need to pay for the work of a locksmith, this is 15 thousand rubles for expenses. Let's add here 6 thousand for advertising. As a result, we need 33,000 rubles a month for the operation of the enterprise, and 20,000 for the opening.

Now let's move on to the more pleasant part of the car service business plan - calculate the income of the car service. If your client just wants to fix a dent, he will pay 2 thousand, change tires - about the same. In order to recoup the costs of operation, you need to serve one client per day - for one day of work you spend 1,100 rubles, and you will receive 2,000 from a tire change.

Cars are your passion. You think that you could realize yourself and make good money by opening a car service. How much today and how much income you can expect.

“If you don’t understand cars, it’s better not to open a car service. To be a leader for employees and a guarantor of quality for customers, you need to know automotive equipment thoroughly,” says Vyacheslav Nam, owner of a workshop at SlavAvto in the South-East of Moscow. He received a specialized education at the Moscow Road Institute (MADI), worked in the automotive industry for many years and opened his own business a year ago, investing 1.8 million rubles in it.

“Passion and desire are needed in the first place,” Dmitry Sirotinin, deputy general director of L-auto, a large Moscow car service, is less categorical. “Knowledge of cars and the automotive market is also necessary, but it comes with experience.” If you are firm in your intentions, move on to the second step: identify the future service sector and customers.

Brand or no brand?

What kind of cars will be more convenient for you to work with - “Germans”, “Koreans”, “Americans”? The choice of a spare parts supplier, the selection of key specialists and even tools depends on the brand of the machine that you plan to service. The exotic wrenches that are needed to loosen a nut on some parts of American cars will not work for the same parts of German cars.

Trying to please everyone and opening a multi-brand service is not worth it, Vyacheslav Nam is sure. You need to specialize in one brand, maximum - in a family of cars. “Firstly, it is impossible to know all the brands well. Secondly, you need to have a certain amount of branded spare parts and consumables on hand. If you don’t have a branded filter or oil, the client will go where it is - to your competitor,” says our expert.

“We started a multi-brand not from a good life,” says Dmitry Sirotinin. - Our service specialized in Mersedes and Volkswagen, but over time, our regular customers moved from used German cars to new Japanese ones. I had to deal with them."

Friend or foe.

Equip your premises for a car service or rent it? Even if you are a happy owner of a technical room within the city, a package of permits from Rostekhnadzor, SES and the fire service will cost 200,000-500,000 rubles. If the premises are located in the sanitary protection zone, that is, at a distance closer than 300 m from residential buildings, then its legal registration may be even more expensive.

If you are looking to rent a space, please note the following:
- parking area. You can’t do without places for cars that are still awaiting repair or already waiting for the owner,
– configuration of the repair room. For example, if it is very elongated, then most of it will “eat” like a corridor for fitting cars,
- Reinforced, concreted floor. When the machine is hung on the service hoist, hundreds of kilograms of load are placed on the sections of the floor below it,
- 380 volt wiring. Lifts and most machine tools operate from a current of this voltage.

Indoors, you need to equip a separate waiting room with a TV, a sofa and a pack of magazines so that customers do not wander around the repair area, distracting mechanics with conversations and instructions on how to fix their car.

The range of rental prices in Moscow is 300-600 rubles per month per square meter and depends heavily on the location of the service. Try to find a place next to other workshops, recommends Vyacheslav Nam. This will give you a stream of random customers. People don't know your specific service yet, but they remember that you can get your car fixed in the area. In the new car service on the outskirts of "stray" customers are few.

Equipment: all at once.

At the time of the start, your workshop should have all the necessary equipment. “Don't expect to open with a small set of tools and then gradually buy the rest. If you do not have the required key, you will have to refuse service to the client,” Vyacheslav Nam warns. The tool is stolen, Dmitry Sirotinin shares his experience. Only control, reporting and increased attention to new employees after hiring helps to fight this.

A reliable tool is expensive. A good, but not the most expensive locksmith set - a cart of keys and screwdrivers for one service post - costs 40,000-45,000 rubles.

It is also necessary to equip staff workplaces: buy lockers for clothes and things, tables, workbenches, etc. From the heaviest and most expensive equipment, you will need lifts and a diagnostic stand. Turning and milling machines expand the possibilities of your service, because it is not always possible to get by with only factory parts. This is especially true for the repair of cars after accidents or already tuned.

Personnel: not stokers or carpenters.

Surveys of the labor market regularly show that a competent car repair specialist is one of the most scarce professions today.

“The staff is difficult. Searching for a person by an ad means getting a pig in a poke, and there are few candidates by acquaintance, ”says Vyacheslav Nam. From his point of view, the main feature of a good specialist is the ability to think systematically. “You need to tighten the screw wisely,” Vyacheslav believes. - A robot can also work mechanically. Let the first time a good master go in a difficult and roundabout way, he will still figure out how to repair a car or assembly unfamiliar to him. A completely inexperienced or unthinking person will not cope with such work.

Typically, a car mechanic receives 30% of the cost of the volume of work performed. Today in "SlavAvto" this amount is 60,000-70,000 rubles per month.

An experienced electrician, minder or box specialist expects 100-120,000 rubles a month. In the firm of Dmitry Sirotinin, these are Russians. It was in Russia in the early 1990s that the main wave of imported cars hit, so we have the most qualified specialists, the L-auto practice shows. Workers from other Soviet republics have proven themselves well in the body shop, says Sirotinin.

Before the start: advertising.


A profitable car service should give 10,000 rubles of net profit from one lift per day, regardless of the number of lifts, Vyacheslav Nam is sure. To make life easier for yourself and your clients, it makes sense to introduce a fixed price list for different types of work and not be tied to the standard hours used on some services. The time required to repair a car depends on many factors: first of all, on the diligence of the master and the malfunction itself. Sometimes a breakdown is “on the surface”, and sometimes it is necessary to disassemble half a car in order to get to the bottom of it. At the beginning of a business, prices for basic procedures can be peeped from competitors.

When planning income, keep in mind the seasonality of demand for car repairs. June-July and December are the "off season", says our expert: at this time people spend money on vacations. After the holidays, demand levels off.

Finally: "Take care of honor from a young age."

Honesty in dealing with customers is a trump card that will help you after the start. “90% of services do not admit and do not correct their mistakes. But if you made a mistake, you should not avoid responsibility, but honestly admit and correct the “jamb”, advises Vyacheslav Nam. - And then the client will come to you next time. He will remember not your miscalculation, but your serious attitude to his problem. So build yourself a decent reputation from the very beginning. Good luck!

The Tursunovas claim that a well-organized car service can work with a 15% profitability. Their main know-how is an IT system that prevents employees from stealing and makes them work

Barno Tursunova, one of the founders of the Vilgud car service network

Natives of Uzbekistan, spouses Sherzod and Barno Tursunov began their business career in 2001 by selling wallpaper from a container at a construction fair in Mytishchi. Two years later, they already owned ten outlets on the market, but they noticed a change in trend in time - the construction of the first Russian Leroy Merlin began across the road. The Tursunovs switched to the wholesale trade in finishing materials, creating the Eurodesign company. By the end of the decade, entrepreneurs decided to change their field of activity. “We wanted to start a business that could, firstly, be scaled up, secondly, easily shared with a partner, and, thirdly, it had to grow in a crisis,” Barno Tursunova tells RBC. In 2011, the couple bought out a loss-making car service at Avtozavodskaya and decided to build a network of 100 points under the Wilgud brand throughout the country on its basis. “We initially expected that if there was a crisis, people would repair old cars,” Tursunova explains to the target audience.

All through checkout

18 million rubles were invested in the purchase of a working car service (with equipment, 25 employees, suppliers and customers). personal funds received from the sale of a share in Eurodesign. "Artmotors" with a monthly turnover of about 3 million rubles. sold as profitable. “But when we began to delve into the details, it turned out that the business was unprofitable,” the entrepreneur recalls. - The work was structured like this: some employees sit at the reception: can you accept the client? - Can. - Come the day after tomorrow. There was no further planning." Much of the work was written down on paper or handed down orally, all of which led to downtime, customer abandonment, and customer money going past the cash register.

It took the Tursunovs eight months to make their new business efficient. First of all, they hired programmers and began to implement the management of all processes in the car service through a special program: from the first call of the client to the final stage of issuing keys to him. “All calls went only through the company’s phone, and then the person had to transfer the client along the chain,” explains Tursunova. Employees could not work with the client outside the IT system. This immediately deprived the staff of the opportunity to provide services "privately", bypassing the cash register. According to Tursunova, thanks to this, already in the spring of 2012, the turnover of the car service increased to 7 million rubles. per month.

To increase efficiency, the business was divided into two legal entities: one provided body repair services, the other - metalwork. “We decided that we would scale locksmith services,” says Tursunova. After the first car service at Avtozavodskaya began to generate a steady income, in November 2012 the couple opened the second and third services - at Petrovsko-Razumovskaya and Domodedovskaya. As follows from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, new centers were opened on a parity basis with Alexei Krapivin, one of the largest shareholders of the Moscow Interprogressbank; he was already a partner of the Tursunovs in the Eurodesign company. RBC failed to contact Krapivin through the bank and through his acquaintances.

Wilgud in numbers

28 car services operate under the Wilgud brand: 6 own and 22 franchised

More than 8,000 clients were served by Vielgud in March 2016

90% of Wilgud's clients are individuals

8 thousand rubles — average check in car services "Vilgud"

4 million rubles — the average monthly turnover of the Wilgud car service in Moscow

400 million rubles — network turnover at the end of 2015

Source: company data

The opening of each new center cost entrepreneurs about 5 million rubles, but it took a year and a half instead of the planned 12 months to reach self-sufficiency. During this time, an additional 4 million rubles had to be invested in each enterprise. “We spent this money on testing the IT system and buying additional equipment,” explains Tursunova. “In addition, part of the money went to attract customers.”

Barno Tursunova (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

To solve the problem, the Tursunovs began to improve the created IT system. To begin with, they tried to make sure that customers do not come from the street, but sign up in advance - so the master consultant would have time to prepare for their arrival (for example, order spare parts). It also made it possible to deal with downtime and queues. In addition, this approach made it possible to protect the owners from losing their business. “Very often in car services, the master consultant becomes the owner of all relations with clients, and if he suddenly wants to open his own business, he will simply take the clients to him,” says Tursunova. “We wanted people to go to Wilgud, not to a specific artist.” Pre-registration attaches the client to the company, not to the address, and in case of loss of the premises, the car service will not lose customers. According to Tursunova, this approach has borne fruit: now more than 90% of Wilgud's customers come by appointment, and when the first car service moved from Avtozavodskaya to Kantemirovskaya in 2014, this did not lead to a drop in client flow.

To attract and retain customers, a system of club cards was developed, the purchase of which allowed the customer to receive a certain list of services (for example, oil change or wheel alignment) during the year for free.

How the IT system works in Wilgud

To work with customers in Wilgood car services, an IT platform of its own design, Wilgood IS, is used. With its help, all operations and stages of work with clients are controlled. The customer service process is divided into stages, each of which is noted in the system: an incoming call and agreement on the timing of the visit, preparation for the customer’s visit, acceptance of the car and drawing up an order, repair and provision of services, quality control and preparation of the car for delivery, car return and calculation.

For the implementation of each stage, specific employees are responsible, who receive points for the performance of their duties. For example, a call center employee receives several points for calling potential customers, and if he manages to collect primary information about the client (make of a car, indicate car problems) and enter a card for him in the system, then the number of points increases four times. “We tell every employee that he gets paid not for the position, but for the results of his work,” explains Tursunova. “Each employee has 15-20 KPIs that he must fulfill.” The mechanic receives points for each standard hour of work, but if he does not complete the work at the set time, points are deducted (in case of delay, the client receives compensation of 500 rubles for each hour). “If the client returns after three months, the mechanic gets bonus points,” says Tursunova. “If, based on the results of a customer survey, it turns out that he is dissatisfied with something (for example, he was not returned the replaced parts), then points are deducted.” By At the end of the month, points earned by employees are converted into bonuses or monetary losses. “The conversion rate depends on the results of the car service as a whole, so it differs from month to month,” explains Tursunova.

At the end of each stage of work with the client, the employee is obliged to transfer the client along the chain: for example, the master consultant selects the most suitable mechanic using the system, depending on his rating, workload and type of cars with which he works. If the employee does not mark any action in the system, further customer service becomes impossible. “The system is quite tough - when it is introduced into a new car service, up to 70% of employees leave, but those who stay stay for a long time,” says Barno Tursunova.

The economy of a car service

Barno Tursunova claims that the investment in opening a car service for six lifts on an area of ​​500 sq. m will not exceed 5.5 million rubles. “It is this area that is optimal for business,” she notes. - Several Vilgud car services have been opened in the premises of former dealerships with an area of ​​1000 sq. m, but because of this, business efficiency is reduced, because you have to pay for air. Almost half of the costs are the purchase of equipment. The first month of rent, together with a security deposit, will cost an average of about 400 thousand rubles. Vilgud prefers to save on rent by placing most of its services in very hard-to-reach places. About 150 thousand rubles, according to her, will go to the sign. Tursunova recommends having free funds in the amount of 1 million rubles to finance the business at the start until it reaches a payback.

On average, from 20 to 30% of the total revenue is spent on the remuneration of employees (including taxes) in Vilgud car services (the lower the revenue, the larger the share). According to Tursunova, the mechanic at Wilgud gets 22% of the cost of the work he does, and the master consultant gets 10%. Another major expense item is the purchase of spare parts. Their company orders from wholesalers and sells at a markup of up to 65%. The sale of spare parts on customer orders brings half of the revenue to the car service (but the client has the right to bring his own spare parts for repairs). Spare parts are also sold "on the street" in a store at a car service, which brings another 2-20% of revenue.

The fixed expenditure part of the service includes rent (in Moscow and the region - from 280 thousand to 460 thousand rubles per month), utility bills (40-80 thousand rubles). “The rent for the premises, for example, in Dolgoprudny, is 400 thousand rubles. per month, but we subleased part of it to a car wash for 120 thousand rubles. per month,” explains Tursunova. “Now the security deposit is usually an advance payment for one month of rent.” About 10% of the revenue from all car services (own and franchised) is deducted to the management company for marketing, call center and quality control services, as well as royalties (3.5% of revenue). For a car service in Moscow, the break-even point is a revenue of 2 million rubles. per month, says Tursunova. On average, one Wilgud car service now reaches this level in two to three months, the entrepreneur says. The average network turnover is 4 million rubles. per month.

Vilgud claims that with such revenue, a car service is able to earn up to 600 thousand rubles. profit per month, that is, work with a 15% profitability. True, in 2014, for four of the Tursunovs' own points, the reporting on which RBC was able to find in the Kontur.Focus system, the net profit margin was about 3.5%: with a total revenue of 107 million rubles. total net profit amounted to only 3.6 million rubles. Tursunova explains this by the fact that the indicators fluctuate month by month for each point. “In addition, we suffered for a long time with the first centers, working out management technologies on them, with the new ones everything happens faster,” the entrepreneur says.

Ride across Russia

At the start, the Tursunovs planned to open 100 car services on their own, but realized that this would require large investments and a lot of time. Therefore, in 2014, entrepreneurs launched a franchise, the basis of which is the use of the developed IT system. Despite the high cost (the lump-sum contribution was 1 million rubles), several people at once expressed a desire to purchase it.

The first franchisee of "Vilgud" was the entrepreneur Andrey Varnavsky from Troitsk. “I had a goal to achieve stable profit indicators, and I thought that I would quickly recoup the costs of 1 million rubles. to buy a franchise, if I can smooth out the seasonality factor by retaining customers,” he told RBC. — Thanks to the IT system, I managed to get employees to leave their comfort zone and start working with clients. Now I see all the key indicators of the work of each master, and the employees have a passion for their work.” According to the entrepreneur, the revenue of his car service doubled in three months of franchise work. According to the results of 2014, according to the data of the Kontur.Focus system, Varnavsky's car service worked with a net profit of 6.9 million rubles. with revenue of 29 million rubles. In March 2016, Varnavsky opened a fourth point under the brand "Vilgud".

Since the launch of the franchise under the brand "Vilgud", 22 car service centers have been opened: from St. Petersburg to Khabarovsk. The network is coordinated by a specially created company that deals with marketing, is responsible for call-center services and quality control. “A separate car service cannot afford a full-fledged development department, and we decided to make it centralized,” explains Tursunova. All these services for car services of the "Vilgud" network are paid: at the end of each month, the management company issues an invoice to them for attracted customers, upon closing the work order. In addition, the management company negotiates with suppliers of spare parts about discounts and the creation of stocks on their side in order to minimize illiquid stock in its own warehouse. “We have an agreement with suppliers that we can return spare parts to them,” says the entrepreneur.

According to Tursunova, now the demand for the Wilgud franchise is not decreasing, despite the high entry threshold. According to her, in the last year the number of clients not only did not fall in the company, but due to the rise in the price of spare parts, the average check did not even decrease, despite the fact that the total number of works included in it decreased. Now it is still about 10 thousand rubles. in Moscow and 8 thousand rubles. on average in Russia. “Owners of car services who do not have customers turn to us, the check is reduced,” explains Tursunova. “We help bring it up.”

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