Top affiliate programs. Profitable affiliate programs

Today, the network of various affiliate programs is growing rapidly on the Internet, with the help of which making money on the Internet becomes more profitable.

What is an affiliate program?

An affiliate program or affiliate program is a form of business cooperation between a seller and partners when selling a product or providing services. Allows the seller to reduce the cost of attracting the final buyer.

If you make a list of existing affiliate programs, then this list may not even end. Of course, you can open the Internet and see which affiliate programs are the most popular, but that’s not the point. The most popular is not always the most profitable. Now, during the crisis, there are a lot of scammers who are actively multiplying on the Internet and trying to make money on our trust. Yes, this is true, even making money on the Internet does not give us confidence that we will receive honestly earned money.

Now I want to tell you what profitable ones exist so that you can earn money and not fall for the bait.

Profitable affiliate programs

Affiliates on This service cooperates with a large number of advertisers on a variety of topics. There is no limit on withdrawals of funds on this service, and new users can work without commission for the first month.

Affiliate programs on

Most likely this is the best partner network on the RuNet. Here you will find many advertisers and webmasters. The service also has a lot of useful things, tools and high-quality advertising material - in general, everything that is necessary for high-quality, comfortable and successful work. Register on

Affiliate programs on Mixmarket

Despite the rather interesting name “Mixmarket”, this service is not inferior to the above. There are various product affiliate programs and affiliate programs of other Internet services. The main advantage of Mixmarket is that this service is included in the list of Yandex.Direct partners.

Affiliates on

The list of affiliate services is quite impressive. There are affiliate programs for online games, various banks and online stores. Based on what you do, you can choose a suitable affiliate program for yourself.

Affiliates on

Profitable SEO affiliates

Affiliate programs on Miralinks

Affiliate programs from GoGetLinks

GoGetLinks is by far the best link exchange. Attract advertisers and increase your income.

Affiliates from SeoPult

SeoPult is the largest service with which many people promote their websites. As for the affiliate program, SeoPult has the most profitable affiliate program for webmasters. That's why I recommend her one hundred percent!

Etxt– this is the most popular affiliate article exchange; the efficiency of referrals here is very high.

On Advego affiliate programs you can attract high-quality referrals, from which you will receive quite a decent income, and most importantly, a stable one.

Which affiliate program to choose and which affiliate programs are the most profitable? I often hear and read questions like this in personal messages - for many beginning arbitrage traders this is one of the main difficult tasks to solve.

In this short article I will tell you what to pay attention to and how to understand what will give you more profit and which affiliate programs are better to earn money on.

Which offer is profitable?

First, you need to decide on the criteria for the profitability of the offer.

A partner’s earnings are calculated using the formula:
(commission * number of confirmed applications) - the cost of attracting traffic.

Let's go through the components:

  • Expenses.
    With increasing competition, the cost of a click on popular advertising platforms increases, and accordingly, the cost of one buyer increases. Each source has its own tricks for reducing the cost of a click and reducing the cost of advertising - read the articles in the sections, apply and optimize costs..
  • Leads.
    How many sales will be made largely depends on your actions - on the choice of traffic source, accuracy of reaching the target audience, quality of ads, landing page conversion, setting campaign parameters and other factors. But, no matter your efforts, you will not earn anything by driving at least tons of traffic to your landing page if the offer is not in demand and is not interesting to people. Check demand in Yandex Wordstat or Google Trends, look at the conversion data (CR) in the offer card.
  • Affiliate commissions.
    This is a fixed amount or percentage of the sale by the advertiser, and practically does not depend on your desire. And the size of the royalties directly affects the profitability of advertising - if an affiliate pays little money for one lead, not every campaign will be able to turn into a plus, much less earn good amounts from it - the profits will not cover the costs of attracting traffic.

We conclude: the criteria for assessing the profitability of an affiliate program are how well it converts traffic into sales and what is the amount of the affiliate remuneration.

The most profitable affiliate programs.

  • commodity;
  • information products - courses, trainings, coaching;
  • services;
  • games;
  • banks and credit organizations;
  • adult and so on.

Let's consider what fits the conditions of benefit in them.

Product affiliates.

Affiliate fees for most offers of CPA networks average 500-700 rubles. What is the maximum cost per click that we can afford without losing money?

Traffic of different quality comes from different advertising platforms, and the landing page conversion fluctuates due to this. Let’s take, for example, not the highest indicators: a partner’s commission of 600 rubles and a landing page CTR of 1%, and look at the picture

Every hundred clicks on an advertisement will bring one sale and 600 rubles into our pocket. If the cost of a visitor is 6 rubles, we will break even - costs will be equal to income. And for profit, we need an average click less than 6 rubles, or a better landing page conversion.

All this is possible if the competition for the offer is not off the charts, but it requires certain conditions: an inexpensive source of traffic, very precise targeting of the target audience or rush demand for the offer.

There is a big question about cheap sources - competitors are not asleep and where it is good today, tomorrow it will be like everywhere else. Catching an interesting product when demand is on the rise is a great success, but wow offers do not last long, and there is no question about stability.

Another option is to sell expensive products, such as iPhones, genuine leather bags, watch brands, and the like. For these offers, the commission is 3-5 thousand rubles, and in theory they should more than recoup the advertising costs. But in such affiliate programs, the sales conversion is low: you need to know what platforms the target audience lives on and try to convince them of the benefits of your offer.

So, are there no profitable offers among product affiliate programs? Yes, and with stable demand, and with themeasier to work with. I described how and which affiliate program to choose among the products.

Gaming and gambling affiliate programs.

Gambling is a love of gambling that turns into pathology, that is, addiction. One of the most profitable affiliate programs with gambling and a very decent reward for attracting new participants is. Payments are in American rubles, and here is an example of the earnings of some webmasters

Agree, not bad.

It's worth checking out.

In a separate paragraph, I decided to highlight high commissions - 1000-2000 rubles.

The main feature of the program is that they pay for a targeted call. That is, an interested person attracted by you called to clarify the details - you were counted as a lead and awarded a reward. Naturally, it is necessary to attract the most targeted traffic - but this is the whole job of an affiliate marketer.

The topics of the offers are very different, from financial to medical, but the main and most profitable ones are real estate and cars. The topic is very worthwhile, you can make good money here. The only thing is that when registering, they ask you to provide screenshots of your work in other affiliate programs. Although this is all drawn at a time, if there is nothing to show.

Information products.

There are a great variety of topics on educational materials to suit every taste: from growing cucumbers to treating stuttering. And each product has its own audience who want to learn secrets from experts, that is, the sales conversion is quite high.

You can find profitable affiliate programs for information products in aggregators like,. On my own behalf, I can offer several good proven affiliate programs, where the materials are highly converting, with a good commission:

Promoting information products requires a slightly different approach. For a long time I myself worked exclusively with merchandise, and was not particularly interested in this category. But one day I came across an offer to learn the tips and tricks of making money on affiliate programs of educational products, and I took part in a training from an expert in this field.

Let me sum it up.

I did not consider other categories - the principle of determining the criteria for the profitability of an offer is the same. From my experience, the most profitable affiliate programs are in information products - you just need to get involved once, get results, and everything will go from strength to strength.

Currently, most online earning methods involve either selling various goods and services, or advertising the same goods and services. Affiliate programs fall under the advertising category. They are very popular among online money makers, as they allow you to earn very decent money with no or insignificant investment.

    • What is an affiliate program?
    • How to choose the most profitable affiliate program?
    • Characteristics of profitable affiliate programs

What is an affiliate program?

What is an affiliate program? It is traditionally believed that this is a certain form of cooperation between the owners of well-promoted online sales services and webmasters, who, by promoting advertising of a particular company or its products, attract customers and thereby increase the volume of goods sold. At the same time, the webmaster receives a certain monetary reward for successfully completed work.

How to attract clients from teaser networks

At the same time, you can earn money by participating in one program or another without your own website. To earn money, you need to place the referral link of the affiliate program of the partner site on various online message boards, social networks and thematic forums.

Surely, future money makers who decide to take part in affiliate programs as a network business want to find the most profitable ones. So, which affiliate programs are the most profitable?

How to choose the most profitable affiliate program?

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Some webmasters believe that the greatest profit can come from advertising casinos, bookmakers, and Forex dealing centers. Others believe that the most expensive affiliate programs should advertise consumer goods that are in high demand. Still others are confident that only their referrals - copywriters and rewriters who sell their articles on popular text exchanges - are able to generate high income. Partly, the first, second, and third are right. We will not find out which of them is closer to the truth, but rather we will tell you what general properties the most profitable affiliate programs should have.

Characteristics of profitable affiliate programs

Profitable programs have a number of common characteristics:

  • Profitable affiliate programs should encourage the user to take immediate action. In other words, every visitor to a thematic site should become interested in the advertised product or service and then make a purchase. The ad or banner should be made so that if there is no money at the moment, a potential buyer can remember the link address and return to it in the future. A memorable ad will force you to return to consider your offer even after a month or later.
  • Profitable affiliate programs offer the client to buy a product or use a service at a price that will be slightly lower than the market cost of similar products. The services or products offered must be in widespread demand. It is unlikely that you will be able to make a lot of money by advertising food for cockatoo parrots.
  • Profitable affiliate programs typically offer low-cost, high-profile consumer goods or services that customers can pay for right away, from the comfort of their computer.
  • Affiliate programs with high profits are advertising of gaming network resources, dating sites with payment for registration, sites of intimate and financial orientation.
  • Beneficial affiliate programs should have a long validity period, as a result of which a client who once purchased a product or used the offered service, if necessary, could return again using the specified link to make another purchase or could offer to use the link to his friends and acquaintances.
We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money through affiliate programs

In conclusion, it should be added that with the proper approach to organizing such money-making, affiliate programs will bring very good profits. To get even more profit, you need to create your own referral network. In this type of online earnings, such as affiliate programs, there are no restrictions on creativity and the implementation of a wide variety of entrepreneurial schemes. The only thing you should absolutely not do is increase traffic and post “broken” links, since such actions can result in a “ban” in the system.

In this article I want to show you how to properly organize earnings on the Internet through affiliate programs. And I’ll give you my “secret” list of 63 best affiliate programs. So that you can immediately apply your new knowledge and earn your first money today.

And to begin with, let me show you with my own example whether it is really possible to earn income on the Internet from affiliate programs.

How much can you actually earn from affiliate programs?

I’ll tell you straight as it is - affiliate programs are not the most profitable way to make money on the Internet. In order to receive some kind of sane income (say 30-50 thousand rubles per month), you need to try very hard.

On the other hand, this is one of the easiest ways to earn money. You don’t have to make your own products or provide any services. All you need to be able to do is drive traffic to your partners’ landing pages.

For example, I never set myself the goal of making money from affiliate programs. However, there are some affiliate links scattered throughout this site where you are now. I arranged them without any system and very sloppily. But nevertheless, they bring me some additional income.

I even recorded a video for you in which I log into my affiliate account and show how much money “drips” to me per month.

Video - my earnings on the Internet through affiliate programs

Approximate figures for earnings on affiliate programs look like this. 80% of people earn almost nothing at all (except for one-time random income of 50-100 rubles). Approximately 15% earn around 2-5 thousand rubles per month. And only 5% of all people employed in the affiliate business have monthly earnings of several tens of thousands of rubles.

And there are, of course, a few that make hundreds of thousands a month - for example, on CPA affiliate programs (I will give links to them below in the article).

In any case, you shouldn’t count on huge earnings from the very beginning. First, you need to try your hand and test several affiliate programs from the list that I give below. And then you will decide whether you should engage in this type of Internet business or whether it is better to choose.

And it’s best to test affiliate programs (and yourself) without making large investments. Otherwise, the money may run out much earlier than you get the result. And this is how I would do it if I decided today to start making money from affiliate programs from scratch.

A recipe for making money on affiliate programs without a website and almost without investments

I already wrote about this in an article (will open in a new tab). In my opinion, this is the best way to promote affiliate programs without a website and practically for free.

You see, the thing is, the product that you are advertising is the same product as everyone else. And it is sold according to exactly the same laws as all other products. And the main law of sales is this: buy from someone they trust.

That is, if you take a product and start offering it to your acquaintances and friends, they will buy it because they trust you (or they will not buy it because they don’t trust you). The entire network business is built on this.

But many budding Internet entrepreneurs think that they can take a product and simply offer it to everyone on the Internet. And then they wonder why they don’t have sales. Why should someone give their money just because you recommend it?

Accordingly, the largest incomes always come from those people who have a wide audience that trusts them. These are the owners of well-promoted websites or large subscription databases (and often these are the same people).

And here you have two options if you want to earn a lot from affiliate programs. The first option is to create a well-promoted resource yourself and through it gather around you a large number of people who trust you. But it's a long journey, and you won't achieve it overnight.

The second option is to use some of the influence and authority of those who already have it. And this is exactly what can be done literally in one evening.

How to use someone else's authority to advertise an affiliate program

Almost all owners of large and well-promoted sites make money from advertising. They display advertising blocks for Yandex Direct and Google Adsense. But the income from such advertising is always very low. Therefore, they also attract direct advertisers in every possible way.

And you, too, can easily advertise your affiliate product on such a site. Moreover, such advertising costs surprisingly little. The normal rate is 50-100 rubles. per day of display of your ad (and this is also on sites with high traffic of 10 - 20 thousand unique visitors per day).

That is, your action plan is something like this:

  1. Choose a partner program to your liking from the list below;
  2. Find a well-promoted website on the topic of your affiliate product;
  3. You hang your banner on this site for 50 rubles.

Another tip is to try to “hang yourself” on the day when the blog author publishes a new article. It will attract the maximum number of our most valuable audience—regular readers of this site. They are the ones who trust the site author (and his “recommendations”) the most. And they will be the first to notice changes on their favorite website - your new banner.

In addition, authors often send out a newsletter to their database notifying them that a new article has appeared on the site. And this attracts a huge amount of “fiery” traffic - the author’s subscribers. Accordingly, for your 50 rubles you will receive maximum attention.

Why don't site owners do this themselves?

Recently, one reader asked me a very correct question - why don’t the owners of such sites themselves advertise profitable affiliate programs? Why do they need our measly 50 rubles, although they can earn thousands?

The answer here is very simple. Most owners of promoted sites do not understand affiliate programs at all. Yes, they are too lazy to understand them - who sells how, who pays how much, whether commissions are paid in good faith, and so on and so forth.

It’s much easier for them to immediately take money from you for advertising, and then at least the grass won’t grow. This is what we use.

And now, in fact, my “secret” list of the 63 best affiliate programs for making money on the Internet, which I once compiled for myself. In fact, there are even more affiliate programs here. Because in some points there are several links.

63 best affiliate programs for making money on the Internet

Affiliates for information businessmen

In the article, I already told you where it is better to look for affiliate programs and how not to run into scammers. And here is the actual list that I could recommend (with your permission, I will not put active links so as not to clutter the article):

  1. Project of ready-made solutions by Vitaly Timofeev, //, Commission: 450 rub. from sale
  2. Alexey Vinograd, //, Commission: 8970 rub. from sale
  3. Affiliate program of Ilya Tsibalist, //, Commission: 500 rub. from sale
  4. Project Business Reality by Igor Zuevich, //, Commission: 500 rub. from sale
  5. Information products by Dmitry Zverev, //, Commission: 315 rub. from sale
  6. Partner program Dyrza Alexandra, //, Commission: 270 rub. from sale
  7. Invest Consulting, //, Commission: 7975 rub. from sale
  8. Affiliate program of Konstantin Artemyev, //, Commission: 400 rub. from sale
  9. Affiliate of Andrey Ber, //, Commission: 428 rub. from sale
  10. Alexandra Khoroshilova’s store, //, Commission: 783 rub. from sale
  11. Affiliate of Alexander Aristarov, //, Commission: 3000 rub. from sale
  12. Anton Protsenko, //, Commission: 186 rub. from sale
  13. School of Online Training “Netology” // Commission 20-38%. Many different online courses on learning to work remotely. In this online school, many people can get great knowledge in order to find some kind of work for themselves in various companies... You can learn to be a designer, layout designer, sales manager, VKontakte, Facebook promotion manager, etc.
  14. Affiliate program of Natalia Odegova // The commissions are not small. Very good reviews. Many training courses for obtaining a profession: copywriting, social network manager VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, traffic specialist, etc.
  15. Affiliate program of the Yulia Volkodav copywriting school: // Good training, reviews.
  16. Affiliate program Training Center DreamWork Professional // There is a good training for Internet project manager. A profession in demand today. Commissions from 30 to 100%.
  17. Zeus online business school - // many different courses on doing business with China, courses on creating beautiful landing pages (one-page sites), courses on time management, monetization of the YouTube channel, etc.
  18. Affiliate program of the legendary Eshko school - // - many different training courses on learning foreign languages ​​and more.
  19. Affiliate program of the mega-promoted school LinguaLeo //
  20. Affiliate program of Alexey Zakharenko’s web design school //, // very good courses and general web design training.
  21. Affiliate program of Zinaida Lukyanova //, cool training courses on Photoshop and more.
  22. Affiliate program of Igor Lokhman and Alexander Borisov - High-quality video for a blog in an hour - // Mega powerful course on creating high-quality videos not only for a blog, but in general for yourself.
  23. Affiliate program of the YouTube Master course //
  24. Affiliate program of Alex Yanovsky //
  25. Affiliate program of Alexander Kurteev - //
  26. Affiliate program of Andrey Bernatsky //
  27. Affiliate program of the publishing house Info-DVD // I would only recommend courses on trading and forex from these guys (if I ever got the idea to recommend something on this topic =)
  28. Affiliate program of Sergei Solyansky and Alexander Borisov “How to make money by creating banners” //

Affiliates of Internet services

If you don’t want to associate with information businessmen, you can try advertising online services. A big advantage of such programs is recurring payments. That is, the service pays you a commission every time the user pays a subscription fee (usually every month).

  1. Affiliate program of Andrey Serebryakov and Alexander Borisov - a script for monetizing sites using BannerBro banners - //
  2. Affiliate program for payment acceptance script on the website Order Master 2 // and //
  3. Affiliate program of the service for accepting payments and organizing an affiliate program //
  4. Affiliate program of the Getresponse mailing list service //
  5. Mchost hosting affiliate program //
  6. Fast VPS hosting affiliate program //
  7. Affiliate program of services for freelancers //, //, //
  8. Affiliate program of services: //, //, //, //
  9. Affiliate program for link purchasing services: //, //, //
  10. Affiliate link of the service //
  11. Affiliate program for webinar services: //, //
  12. Service for checking site availability: //
  13. Services for checking website positions in search engines: //, //
  14. Affiliate program of the checktrust service: //
  15. Affiliate program of the service //
  16. Affiliate program of Maxim Pastukhov //
  17. Affiliate program of payment systems //, //
  18. Affiliate program of webmoney exchange and withdrawal service //
  19. Affiliate program of teaser networks: //, //, //
  20. Affiliate program // for purchasing proxy servers for the KeyCollector program
  21. Affiliate program of CPA networks //, //, // // and other CPA networks. There are a lot of them.
  22. Affiliate program of the service //
  23. Online consultant affiliate program for the site //, //, //, //
  24. Online accounting affiliate program My Business //
  25. Affiliate program //
  26. Megaplan affiliate program //
  27. Affiliate program Member Luxe - //
  28. Affiliate program for counting the number of characters in the text of competitors //
  29. Affiliate program of the script “Magint for subscribers” //
  30. Affiliate program of the course “Backup using the Evgeny Popov method” //
  31. Link management system script Redirector: //
  32. Service for closing pirated distributions of courses and trainings - //
  33. Affiliate program of the Rotaban service – //
  34. Affiliate program of the service for advertising in social networks //


Yes, affiliate programs are not the most profitable option for an online business. However, in my opinion, it is great for beginners. Because here you can fully focus on developing the main skills of an Internet entrepreneur - the ability to attract traffic and turn this traffic into clients.

Everything else will follow. I hope you find this list helpful. Add it to your bookmarks so you don’t lose it, and share it with your friends (they will thank you).

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

# Company Active companies Commission Dedicated managers Year
1 AGIMA Partners" Club 200 25% 6,5 2015
2 MST Hub 45 20% 2,5 2018
3 Spike community 50 0 1,5 2018
4 affiliate program
Artemy Lebedev Studios
10 20% NDA 2009
5 Notamedia 7 25% 2 2014
6 CreativePeople 20 10% 1,5 2016
7 Red Collar 8 90,000 R 2 2017
8 Oleg Chulakov Studio NDA Yes NDA 2016
9 Globus 20 15% 1 2017
10 AIC 5 NDA NDA 2015
11 Redmadrobot NDA NDA NDA NDA
12 Article 25 10–15% No 2010
14 Aero 10 NDA 3 2016
15 Asterisk* by RTA 106 20% 2 2012
16 Live Typing 30 10% 1 2018

About the rating

The rating of affiliate programs is carried out by Tagline for the first time. This is the leading project search tool for young teams and the opportunity to learn from more experienced colleagues. As well as the selection of experienced contractors for customers.


You are not in the Ranking. If you think that your affiliate program should certainly have been among the winners of the Rating, please read ours and try to fulfill all the conditions listed in it by next year. We are also always happy to learn about new (or insufficiently known old) companies - in addition to our website, you can learn about your affiliate program - positioning, main competitors, portfolio, product range, customer character, as well as a number of indicators: turnover, number and level of customers , quantity (scale, quality, focus) of projects, number and profile of employees, etc.
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Rating of affiliate programs 2018 Tagline. Find out everything about affiliate programs, how young companies work under the brand of the affiliate program operator and other formats of work and earnings within affiliate programs.

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