Sales management relevance of the topic. Study of the theoretical foundations of organizing a sales management system for the development of measures to improve sales management at the enterprise under study

Concept, role, modern principles and models of sales management in retail trade. Analysis of the volume and dynamics of sales of goods at the enterprise. Improving sales by expanding the range, improving pricing policy, and stimulating consumers.

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We present to your attention a free sample report for a diploma on the topic “Improving Sales Management.”

Slide 1

Hello, dear members of the certification commission!

The topic of my final qualifying work is “Improving sales management in a retail chain (using the example of the Pyaterochka x5 retail group).”

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that sales management is a complex, multifaceted concept, to which, however, a generally accepted approach has not yet been formed and the importance of which increases in the context of a decrease in the purchasing power of the population. Some experts view it as a management issue, and primarily with people who are involved in sales (including personnel selection, motivation, training). Others believe that sales management is primarily sales management. Quite a lot of attention is paid to the need to automate the process of interaction with customers, which is also called sales management.

Slide 2

The purpose of the work is to analyze the sales management system in a retail chain and develop recommendations for its improvement (using the example of the Pyaterochka X5 RetailGroup retail chain).

To achieve the goal, a number of tasks were set and solved.

The object of the study is Pyaterochka LLC, a retail chain enterprise in Zelenograd.

The subject of the study is a set of relationships that arise in the process of sales management in the retail trade enterprise Pyaterochka.

Slide 3

During the work, the theoretical aspects of sales management in retail trade were considered.

To achieve the goal, the second chapter of the work analyzes the sales management system in the Pyaterochka retail trade and develops recommendations for its improvement.

The Pyaterochka retail chain was founded in 1998. Currently, it is managed by X5 Retail Group and is one of the largest Russian grocery market chains.

The composition and structure of labor resources are presented on the slide.

Slide 4

During the analyzed period, the number of personnel increased by 14 people or 13.5%. This was due to the growth of the sales force, while the number of employees and managers remained unchanged.

Let us present the main technical and economic indicators of the activity of the store under study for 2014-2016.

These tables indicate an improvement in the enterprise’s activities in 2016 compared to 2014. Sales volume increased by 48.14%. The number decreased by 2%. Labor productivity increased by 62.4%, while the average wage level increased by 25.9%. The most important part of an enterprise are the assets that characterize its production capacity. These include fixed assets. Capital productivity increased by 16.36%. Since the rate of cost reduction is higher than the rate of decline in sales volume, gross profit tends to increase by 28.1%. Net profit increased due to operating expenses exceeding income. One of the indicators characterizing efficiency is profitability. And, as we see from the table data, the growth rate of this indicator has decreased.

Slide 5

During the work, an analysis of sales management in the Pyaterochka chain was carried out (using the example of a retail chain store in the city of Zelenograd).

Firstly, the network logo was transformed and a new slogan was created. Now it is represented by the phrase “There is something to surprise!”. Its appearance is presented on the slide.

Secondly, the number of chain stores was increased. During the third quarter, 265 Pyaterochka stores were renovated, which led to an increase in sales in the chain. The data is presented on the slide.

Slide 6

The perception of a store begins with the design of its entrance area. Taking into account the analysis of the store design and the entrance area, we can highlight the following pros and cons presented on the slide.

As can be seen from the table, the number of minuses exceeds the number of positive aspects in the design of the entrance area, which can negatively affect the attendance of this retail establishment.

Slide 7

The main element of analysis in a sales management system is the product range. In recent years, X5 has carried out significant work to expand its product range, which has allowed the company to increase its competitiveness and attract customers not only with a low price, but also with a wide range. The dynamics of assortment development are presented on the slide.

The table shows that in 2014 - 2015. the increase reaches 500 product items, which is 15%. Also, according to the chain’s annual report for 2015, there are 5,300 new products in large format stores.


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Slide 8

Also in this work, an analysis of the assortment management of the store under study, located in the city of Zelenograd, was carried out.

During the study of the current state of affairs in sales management, it was revealed that the largest share in the assortment structure is occupied by food products (57%) with 171 product groups. The basic indicators are 144 product groups and a share of 53%.

Slide 9

In 2016, large chains grew even more; retail market leaders entered new markets, absorbing smaller retailers. In the structure of retail trade formats in 2016, the share of traditional trade accounted for 28%, the share of TOP 7 retailers - 22.5%, other chain retail - 26%, non-chain modern retail accounted for 16.5%, and markets accounted for only 7%.

The main competitors of Pyaterochka stores are: the chain of stores “Magnit”, “Auchan”, “Metro”, “Dixie”, etc.

Slide 10

During the work, we conducted a SWOT analysis for the Pyaterochka chain “X5 Retail Group”

Based on the SWOT analysis, three strategic alternatives were selected for the X5 company, which will be implemented by the chain stores (including the one being studied in the work).

  1. Strategy to strengthen market position;
  2. Market development strategy (entering new regions);
  3. Product development

Thus, of the indicated strategic alternatives for the development of X5, for the Pyaterochka store, the strategy of strengthening its position in the market is of greatest importance and relevance. As noted above, improving the sales system in a store using methods such as merchandising and category management will allow, at minimal cost, to increase turnover to 15-30% (based on research data repeatedly conducted by the consulting company Nielsen on the effectiveness of measures to rationalize placement and optimize display goods on the sales floor).

Slide 11

Based on the analysis carried out, a significant number of shortcomings were identified in the sales management system of the Pyaterochka store, the elimination of which will help increase turnover and customer satisfaction.

In order to ensure the convenience of the buyer, it is necessary to hang up a layout of the departments at the entrance and display on it the location of the main product categories.

It is necessary to study the trajectories of customer movement for the correct spatial arrangement of product categories on the sales floor.

Having analyzed the distribution of retail space between product categories and the layout of the Pyaterochka store, we can highlight the following pros and cons presented on the slide.

Slide 12

To provide quality customer service, the store lacks qualified personnel, and accordingly it is necessary to invest in hiring and training employees. What is it economically unprofitable for management to do, since there is a high staff turnover in trade (more than 25% per year).

It is also worth paying attention to compliance with expiration dates, because... Recently, the amount of expired goods in the hall has increased, which indicates that sellers are not fulfilling their responsibilities. To avoid such problems in the future, it is necessary to clearly monitor the work of the staff by the administrator on duty.

The dynamics of the average bill and the number of purchases monthly for the 2nd quarter of 2016, % are presented on the slide.

As can be seen from the tables presented, the dynamics of the average check leaves much to be desired; the number of purchases per check is not growing, which means that the chain does not fully use the principles of merchandising.

Slide 13

The use of category management has a significant impact on the dynamics of trade turnover. It is recommended to implement this practice in chain stores. As part of the pilot project, the author analyzed the layout of the “Baby Food” category and optimized it in accordance with the rules of category management. It is recommended that this practice be extended to other product categories.

Cost calculations for implementing a category management project are presented on the slide.

Slide 14

Based on the identified problems, we propose to carry out measures to stimulate the sale of perishable fresh products. For example, we recommend periodically, as necessary, holding a “Product of the Day” promotion. To implement the first recommendation, the cost of the necessary materials will be 2160 rubles. Considering that the average cost of one product from the “fresh” category, which is subject to downtime, is 55 rubles, and taking into account the fact that on average 15 types of products are “subject to downtime” in a store, the revenue from the sale of such goods will increase by on average 825 rubles (55 rubles * 15).

At the retail trade LLC Pyaterochka No. 121 in Zelenograd we also offer the following measures to improve merchandising, presented on the slide.

The implementation of the recommendations will help increase the company's competitiveness in the market in changing conditions, and the proposed measures will enhance their effect. All this will help maintain the company’s leadership position in its field of activity.

Slide 15

Since a modern company, in the course of its existence, needs to monitor the process of changes, clarify whether the changes are going according to plan and achieving their goals, then for this the organization constantly studies the effectiveness of managing these changes.

It should be especially emphasized that Pyaterochka as a whole has revised its strategy. Since 2015, it has been based on the consumer and his needs. Since, when a buyer comes to a store, he strives to find fresh products, the chain began to introduce products in the “fresh” category.

The presented data makes it possible to conclude that the unique multi-format business model developed by the managers achieved its goals.

Consequently, network change management is carried out at a high level and can be considered effective.

Thus, the implementation of organizational changes helps to increase the company’s competitiveness in the market in changing conditions, and the proposed recommendations will enhance their effect. All this will help maintain leadership positions in their field of activity.

Thus, the goal of the work—improving human resource management processes—has been achieved.

Thank you for your attention! The report is finished.

Introduction 3

1. Theoretical foundations of sales management 5

1.1. The concept and essence of sales management 5

1.2. Factors influencing sales management 16

1.3. Organizational support for sales management 20

2. Sales management using the example of Tekhnologiya LLC 31

2.1. General characteristics of the organization 31

2.2. Organization of sales management in the organization 36

2.3. Analysis of sales management in an organization 40

3. Improving sales management of Tekhnologiya LLC 49

3.2. Development of a motivation system for sales department employees 54

3.3. Improving the discount system 57

Conclusion 61

References 66

Applications 69


The relevance of the study is due to the fact that effective sales management can lead a business to prosperity, and its absence can lead to decline. Sales management is a complex, multifaceted concept, to which, however, a generally accepted approach has not yet been formed. Some experts view it as a management issue, and primarily with people who are involved in sales (including personnel selection, motivation, training, etc.). Others believe that sales management is primarily about managing distribution channels. Quite a lot of attention is paid to the need to automate the process of interaction with customers, which is also called sales management. From our point of view, sales management is an area of ​​practice that is formed at the intersection of management, marketing and the art of sales itself.

Improving sales force effectiveness is a challenging task. Its solution requires intensive efforts from the company's top management, sales managers and ordinary client managers. However, for many organizations, the end result is worth the effort many times over. In addition, the implementation of such programs is already turning from a mere possibility into a necessity: high efficiency of sales services in the near future will become one of the key factors of competition. It is very important to recognize the fact that in order to be effective, sales activities must be carried out in the context of an overall strategic marketing plan. In this regard, sales strategies and tactics can only be selected, implemented and evaluated within the framework of the company's overall objectives and its strategic planning processes.

The purpose of the thesis is to analyze and improve the sales management system at the enterprise.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    reveal the concept and essence of sales management;

    explore factors influencing sales management;

    describe organizational support for sales management;

    analyze the sales management system at the enterprise;

    suggest areas for improving sales management at the enterprise.

The object of research for the thesis is Tekhnologiya LLC.

The subject of the study is sales management in an enterprise.

The information base for the work was the works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of marketing, commercial activities, sales management, as well as information from the Tekhnologiya LLC enterprise.

The results of the thesis research can be used in the current management activities of the enterprise in order to improve sales management.


Summing up the results of the thesis, we can draw the following conclusions:

Sales management includes both people management and sales process management.

The following positive trends in the field of sales management can be identified: in general, attention and interest in this area is growing; more and more companies are starting to use such management tools as sales planning; more and more attention is being paid to improving the professional level of sales specialists; Increased focus on customer focus and maintaining relationships with loyal customers.

At the same time, many aspects of sales management have not yet been sufficiently developed in Russian organizations: quite often the company does not have the very concept of “target client”; The distribution system of many companies is not efficient enough; undoubtedly, more and more companies are using sales planning, but so far planning is carried out in a general form; the distribution of functions in the sales department is also very often far from optimal; motivation schemes for sales staff based on performance indicators are still rarely used; still, despite the fact that sales training has become traditional, only a few sellers are able to competently talk about the product, answer questions, be active, but not be intrusive; Until now, few companies can boast of a well-functioning system for recording sales information.

There are the following types of sales department structure:

1. Linear. Is the simplest. It usually assumes that the sales department, consisting of a certain number of employees, reports to the head of the sales department, and he, for his part, directly reports to the director, who is the only leader. Here power is directed from top to bottom, directly from the most supreme leader to the last subordinate.

2. Linear functional. This type takes a linear organization as a basis and adds to it functional units and divisions that are specialized in various areas.

3. Functional. In its presence, each specialist in a certain type of activity - say, advertising or sales promotion - has direct power over sellers in performing this function.

4. Horizontal. This is the most progressive type of structure. The main feature here is that the division of management into levels and the drawing of boundaries between departments is denied. All divisions of the company are divided into autonomous small groups that report directly to the commands of their leader. Communications between departments occur at the consultation level - marketing group, advertising group, etc.

The practical part of the study was carried out using the example of the manufacturing company Tekhnologiya LLC.

Tekhnologiya LLC is a well-known manufacturer of stained glass, windows and doors made of aluminum profiles, facade cassettes made of aluminum and composite, bent elements made of thin sheet steel with nine years of experience.

Sales management at Tekhnologiya LLC is carried out by:

    head of the sales department and his subordinates (client acquisition manager, client management manager);

    head of the marketing department and his subordinates (marketers).

To increase product sales, Tekhnologiya LLC actively uses sales promotion methods. The main goals of these events are: increasing the number of buyers (including regular ones); acceleration of goods turnover; eliminating excess inventory, increasing revenue from product sales.

The main tasks and methods of sales promotion, depending on the type of target audience at Tekhnologiya LLC, include:

1) Sales promotion activities aimed at the consumer - the goal is to introduce the consumer to a new product; “push” him to buy; increase the number of product units purchased by one consumer; encourage brand loyalists and regular customers; reduce temporary fluctuations in sales, etc. The main means of stimulating sales in this area are: price discounts; promotions and advertising; provision of credit and installment plans.

2) Sales promotion activities aimed at resellers pursue the following goals: to stimulate orders for the maximum volume of consignments of goods for sale; encourage the exchange of experience in the sale of a specific product; reduce temporary fluctuations in the receipt of orders from intermediaries, etc. Among the most common techniques used are the following: discounts on prices for a specified volume of goods; payment deferment; “pusher” bonuses paid to dealers when selling goods in excess of the agreed quantity over a certain period of time; participation in a joint advertising campaign with an intermediary with appropriate compensation for advertising costs to intermediaries; technical support for dealers; "sales offset".

3) Sales promotion in relation to one’s own personnel aims to increase sales volume, encourage the most efficient workers, and further motivate their work. The main means of stimulating sales in this area are: providing the best managers with additional vacation days; When an individual sales plan is fulfilled, the sales manager receives a bonus of 20% of the salary.

The study revealed the following shortcomings in sales management at Tekhnologiya LLC:

    the sales promotion system is not supported at the proper level by advertising, which practically devalues ​​all the efforts of marketers;

    poor motivation of sales department employees to sell products;

    the discount system can be improved to target new customer segments.

Based on the results of the analysis, the following areas for improving sales management at Tekhnologiya LLC were identified:

1. Improving the advertising activities of the enterprise. Effective advertising implies a combination of effective creative and optimal placement, ensuring coverage of the largest part of the target audience. As recommendations for improving advertising activities at the Tekhnologiya LLC enterprise, we can offer:

    As for the advertising content of Tekhnologiya LLC, we can recommend that the main emphasis in promotion be placed not only on quality, but also on a wide range, quick installation and assembly times, and discounts. For the New Year holidays, advertising messages should focus on New Year's gifts (discounts), the onset of cold weather (warmth, comfort, free winter ventilation) and dreams of a warm summer (raffles for trips to warm resorts);

2. Improving the motivation of sales department employees. The remuneration of the sales department employees of Tekhnologiya LLC is proposed to be divided into two parts:

Constant part: salary. It must be within the average wages available on the labor market for similar positions;

Variable part: quarterly bonus system.

This assessment and accrual methodology allows:

Show the employee what his strengths are and what he still needs to work on;

Reward for completing tasks or, conversely, punish for mistakes;

Distribute bonuses depending on what is the highest priority for the company at a certain stage of development;

Create individual bonuses for each employee depending on the area of ​​work and his personal qualifications.

3. Improving the discount system. It was proposed to supplement the existing system of discounts with special conditions for preferential categories of citizens - young families, elderly people, defenders of the fatherland and order. The main goal of the event is to make the products of Tekhnologiya LLC more accessible to socially vulnerable people and those most in need of support.


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